if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'i3') == -1 " Vim syntax file " Language: i3 config file " Maintainer: Mohamed Boughaba " Version: 0.3 " Last Change: 2017-10-27 23:59 " References: " http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#configuring " http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/syntax.html " " " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syn clear elsei exists("b:current_syntax") fini en scriptencoding utf-8 " Error syn match Error /.*/ " Todo syn keyword Todo TODO FIXME XXX contained " Comment " Comments are started with a # and can only be used at the beginning of a line syn match Comment /^\s*#.*$/ contains=Todo " Font " A FreeType font description is composed by: " a font family, a style, a weight, a variant, a stretch and a size. syn match FontSeparator /,/ contained syn match FontSeparator /:/ contained syn keyword FontKeyword font contained syn match FontNamespace /\w\+:/ contained contains=FontSeparator syn match FontContent /-\?\w\+\(-\+\|\s\+\|,\)/ contained contains=FontNamespace,FontSeparator,FontKeyword syn match FontSize /\s\=\d\+\(px\)\?\s\?$/ contained syn match Font /^\s*font\s\+.*$/ contains=FontContent,FontSeparator,FontSize,FontNamespace "syn match Font /^\s*font\s\+.*\(\\\_.*\)\?$/ contains=FontContent,FontSeparator,FontSize,FontNamespace "syn match Font /^\s*font\s\+.*\(\\\_.*\)\?[^\\]\+$/ contains=FontContent,FontSeparator,FontSize,FontNamespace "syn match Font /^\s*font\s\+\(\(.*\\\_.*\)\|\(.*[^\\]\+$\)\)/ contains=FontContent,FontSeparator,FontSize,FontNamespace " variables syn match String /\(['"]\)\(.\{-}\)\1/ contained syn match Color /#\w\{6}/ contained syn match VariableModifier /+/ contained syn match VariableAndModifier /+\w\+/ contained contains=VariableModifier syn match Variable /\$\w\+\(\(-\w\+\)\+\)\?\(\s\|+\)\?/ contains=VariableModifier,VariableAndModifier syn keyword InitializeKeyword set contained syn match Initialize /^\s*set\s\+.*$/ contains=Variable,InitializeKeyword,Color,String " Gaps syn keyword GapStyleKeyword inner outer horizontal vertical top right bottom left current all set plus minus toggle contained syn match GapStyle /^\s*\(gaps\)\s\+\(inner\|outer\|horizontal\|vertical\|left\|top\|right\|bottom\)\(\s\+\(current\|all\)\)\?\(\s\+\(set\|plus\|minus\|toggle\)\)\?\(\s\+\(\d\+\|\$.*\)\)$/ contains=GapStyleKeyword,number,Variable syn keyword SmartGapKeyword on inverse_outer contained syn match SmartGap /^\s*smart_gaps\s\+\(on\|inverse_outer\)\s\?$/ contains=SmartGapKeyword syn keyword SmartBorderKeyword on no_gaps contained syn match SmartBorder /^\s*smart_borders\s\+\(on\|no_gaps\)\s\?$/ contains=SmartBorderKeyword " Keyboard bindings syn keyword Action toggle fullscreen restart key import kill shrink grow contained syn keyword Action focus move split layout resize restore reload mute unmute exit contained syn match Modifier /\w\++\w\+\(\(+\w\+\)\+\)\?/ contained contains=VariableModifier syn match Number /\s\d\+/ contained syn keyword BindKeyword bindsym bindcode exec gaps contained syn match BindArgument /--\w\+\(\(-\w\+\)\+\)\?\s/ contained syn match Bind /^\s*\(bindsym\|bindcode\)\s\+.*$/ contains=Variable,BindKeyword,VariableAndModifier,BindArgument,Number,Modifier,Action,String,GapStyleKeyword " Floating syn keyword SizeSpecial x contained syn match NegativeSize /-/ contained syn match Size /-\?\d\+\s\?x\s\?-\?\d\+/ contained contains=SizeSpecial,Number,NegativeSize syn match Floating /^\s*floating_modifier\s\+\$\w\+\d\?/ contains=Variable syn match Floating /^\s*floating_\(maximum\|minimum\)_size\s\+-\?\d\+\s\?x\s\?-\?\d\+/ contains=Size " Orientation syn keyword OrientationKeyword vertical horizontal auto contained syn match Orientation /^\s*default_orientation\s\+\(vertical\|horizontal\|auto\)\s\?$/ contains=OrientationKeyword " Layout syn keyword LayoutKeyword default stacking tabbed contained syn match Layout /^\s*workspace_layout\s\+\(default\|stacking\|tabbed\)\s\?$/ contains=LayoutKeyword " Border style syn keyword BorderStyleKeyword none normal pixel contained syn match BorderStyle /^\s*\(new_window\|new_float\|default_border\|default_floating_border\)\s\+\(none\|\(normal\|pixel\)\(\s\+\d\+\)\?\)\s\?$/ contains=BorderStyleKeyword,number " Hide borders and edges syn keyword EdgeKeyword none vertical horizontal both smart smart_no_gaps contained syn match Edge /^\s*hide_edge_borders\s\+\(none\|vertical\|horizontal\|both\|smart\|smart_no_gaps\)\s\?$/ contains=EdgeKeyword " Arbitrary commands for specific windows (for_window) syn keyword CommandKeyword for_window contained syn region WindowStringSpecial start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contained contains=String syn region WindowCommandSpecial start="\[" end="\]" contained contains=WindowStringSpacial,String syn match ArbitraryCommand /^\s*for_window\s\+.*$/ contains=WindowCommandSpecial,CommandKeyword,BorderStyleKeyword,LayoutKeyword,OrientationKeyword,Size,Number " Disable focus open opening syn keyword NoFocusKeyword no_focus contained syn match DisableFocus /^\s*no_focus\s\+.*$/ contains=WindowCommandSpecial,NoFocusKeyword " Move client to specific workspace automatically syn keyword AssignKeyword assign contained syn match AssignSpecial /→/ contained syn match Assign /^\s*assign\s\+.*$/ contains=AssignKeyword,WindowCommandSpecial,AssignSpecial " X resources syn keyword ResourceKeyword set_from_resource contained syn match Resource /^\s*set_from_resource\s\+.*$/ contains=ResourceKeyword,WindowCommandSpecial,Color,Variable " Auto start applications syn keyword ExecKeyword exec exec_always contained syn match NoStartupId /--no-startup-id/ contained " We are not using BindArgument as only no-startup-id is supported here syn match Exec /^\s*exec\(_always\)\?\s\+.*$/ contains=ExecKeyword,NoStartupId,String " Automatically putting workspaces on specific screens syn keyword WorkspaceKeyword workspace contained syn keyword Output output contained syn match Workspace /^\s*workspace\s\+.*$/ contains=WorkspaceKeyword,Number,String,Output " Changing colors syn keyword ClientColorKeyword client focused focused_inactive unfocused urgent placeholder background contained syn match ClientColor /^\s*client.\w\+\s\+.*$/ contains=ClientColorKeyword,Color,Variable " Interprocess communication syn match InterprocessKeyword /ipc-socket/ contained syn match Interprocess /^\s*ipc-socket\s\+.*$/ contains=InterprocessKeyword " Mouse warping syn keyword MouseWarpingKeyword mouse_warping contained syn keyword MouseWarpingType output none contained syn match MouseWarping /^\s*mouse_warping\s\+\(output\|none\)\s\?$/ contains=MouseWarpingKeyword,MouseWarpingType " Focus follows mouse syn keyword FocusFollowsMouseKeyword focus_follows_mouse contained syn keyword FocusFollowsMouseType yes no contained syn match FocusFollowsMouse /^\s*focus_follows_mouse\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=FocusFollowsMouseKeyword,FocusFollowsMouseType " Popups during fullscreen mode syn keyword PopupOnFullscreenKeyword popup_during_fullscreen contained syn keyword PopuponFullscreenType smart ignore leave_fullscreen contained syn match PopupOnFullscreen /^\s*popup_during_fullscreen\s\+\w\+\s\?$/ contains=PopupOnFullscreenKeyword,PopupOnFullscreenType " Focus wrapping syn keyword FocusWrappingKeyword force_focus_wrapping focus_wrapping contained syn keyword FocusWrappingType yes no contained syn match FocusWrapping /^\s*\(force_\)\?focus_wrapping\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=FocusWrappingType,FocusWrappingKeyword " Forcing Xinerama syn keyword ForceXineramaKeyword force_xinerama contained syn match ForceXinerama /^\s*force_xinerama\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=FocusWrappingType,ForceXineramaKeyword " Automatic back-and-forth when switching to the current workspace syn keyword AutomaticSwitchKeyword workspace_auto_back_and_forth contained syn match AutomaticSwitch /^\s*workspace_auto_back_and_forth\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=FocusWrappingType,AutomaticSwitchKeyword " Delay urgency hint syn keyword TimeUnit ms contained syn keyword DelayUrgencyKeyword force_display_urgency_hint contained syn match DelayUrgency /^\s*force_display_urgency_hint\s\+\d\+\s\+ms\s\?$/ contains=FocusWrappingType,DelayUrgencyKeyword,Number,TimeUnit " Focus on window activation syn keyword FocusOnActivationKeyword focus_on_window_activation contained syn keyword FocusOnActivationType smart urgent focus none contained syn match FocusOnActivation /^\s*focus_on_window_activation\s\+\(smart\|urgent\|focus\|none\)\s\?$/ contains=FocusOnActivationKeyword,FocusOnActivationType " Automatic back-and-forth when switching to the current workspace syn keyword DrawingMarksKeyword show_marks contained syn match DrawingMarks /^\s*show_marks\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=FocusWrappingType,DrawingMarksKeyword " Group mode/bar syn keyword BlockKeyword mode bar colors i3bar_command status_command position exec mode hidden_state modifier id position output background statusline tray_output tray_padding separator separator_symbol workspace_buttons strip_workspace_numbers binding_mode_indicator focused_workspace active_workspace inactive_workspace urgent_workspace binding_mode contained syn region Block start=+.*s\?{$+ end=+^}$+ contains=BlockKeyword,String,Bind,Comment,Font,FocusWrappingType,Color,Variable transparent keepend extend " Line continuation syn region LineCont start=/^.*\\$/ end=/^.*$/ contains=BlockKeyword,String,Bind,Comment,Font,FocusWrappingType,Color,Variable transparent keepend extend " Define the highlighting. hi! def link Error Error hi! def link Todo Todo hi! def link Comment Comment hi! def link FontContent Type hi! def link FocusOnActivationType Type hi! def link PopupOnFullscreenType Type hi! def link OrientationKeyword Type hi! def link MouseWarpingType Type hi! def link FocusFollowsMouseType Type hi! def link GapStyleKeyword Type hi! def link SmartGapKeyword Type hi! def link SmartBorderKeyword Type hi! def link LayoutKeyword Type hi! def link BorderStyleKeyword Type hi! def link EdgeKeyword Type hi! def link Action Type hi! def link Command Type hi! def link Output Type hi! def link WindowCommandSpecial Type hi! def link FocusWrappingType Type hi! def link FontSize Constant hi! def link Color Constant hi! def link Number Constant hi! def link VariableAndModifier Constant hi! def link TimeUnit Constant hi! def link Modifier Constant hi! def link String Constant hi! def link NegativeSize Constant hi! def link FontSeparator Special hi! def link VariableModifier Special hi! def link SizeSpecial Special hi! def link WindowSpecial Special hi! def link AssignSpecial Special hi! def link FontNamespace PreProc hi! def link BindArgument PreProc hi! def link NoStartupId PreProc hi! def link FontKeyword Identifier hi! def link BindKeyword Identifier hi! def link Orientation Identifier hi! def link GapStyle Identifier hi! def link SmartGap Identifier hi! def link SmartBorder Identifier hi! def link Layout Identifier hi! def link BorderStyle Identifier hi! def link Edge Identifier hi! def link Floating Identifier hi! def link CommandKeyword Identifier hi! def link NoFocusKeyword Identifier hi! def link InitializeKeyword Identifier hi! def link AssignKeyword Identifier hi! def link ResourceKeyword Identifier hi! def link ExecKeyword Identifier hi! def link WorkspaceKeyword Identifier hi! def link ClientColorKeyword Identifier hi! def link InterprocessKeyword Identifier hi! def link MouseWarpingKeyword Identifier hi! def link FocusFollowsMouseKeyword Identifier hi! def link PopupOnFullscreenKeyword Identifier hi! def link FocusWrappingKeyword Identifier hi! def link ForceXineramaKeyword Identifier hi! def link AutomaticSwitchKeyword Identifier hi! def link DelayUrgencyKeyword Identifier hi! def link FocusOnActivationKeyword Identifier hi! def link DrawingMarksKeyword Identifier hi! def link BlockKeyword Identifier hi! def link Variable Statement hi! def link ArbitraryCommand Type let b:current_syntax = "i3config" endif