if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'handlebars') == -1 if exists('b:loaded_mustache_handlebars') finish endif let b:loaded_mustache_handlebars = 1 let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Matchit support for Mustache & Handlebars " extending HTML matchit groups if exists("loaded_matchit") && exists("b:match_words") let b:match_words = b:match_words \ . ',{:},[:],(:),' \ . '\%({{\)\@<=#\s*\%(if\|unless\)\s*.\{-}}}' \ . ':' \ . '\%({{\)\@<=\s*else\s*}}' \ . ':' \ . '\%({{\)\@<=/\s*\%(if\|unless\)\s*}},' \ . '\%({{\)\@<=[#^]\s*\([-0-9a-zA-Z_?!/.]\+\).\{-}}}' \ . ':' \ . '\%({{\)\@<=/\s*\1\s*}}' endif if exists("g:mustache_abbreviations") inoremap {{{ {{{}}} inoremap {{ {{}} inoremap {{! {{!}} inoremap {{< {{<}} inoremap {{> {{>}} inoremap {{# {{#}}{{/}} inoremap {{if {{#if }}{{/if}} inoremap {{ife {{#if }}{{else}}{{/if}} endif " Section movement " Adapted from vim-ruby - many thanks to the maintainers of that plugin function! s:sectionmovement(pattern,flags,mode,count) norm! m' if a:mode ==# 'v' norm! gv endif let i = 0 while i < a:count let i = i + 1 " saving current position let line = line('.') let col = col('.') let pos = search(a:pattern,'W'.a:flags) " if there's no more matches, return to last position if pos == 0 call cursor(line,col) return endif endwhile endfunction nnoremap [[ :call sectionmovement('{{','b','n',v:count1) nnoremap ]] :call sectionmovement('{{','' ,'n',v:count1) xnoremap [[ :call sectionmovement('{{','b','v',v:count1) xnoremap ]] :call sectionmovement('{{','' ,'v',v:count1) " Operator pending mappings " Operators are available by default. Set `let g:mustache_operators = 0` in " your .vimrc to disable them. if ! exists("g:mustache_operators") let g:mustache_operators = 1 endif if exists("g:mustache_operators") && g:mustache_operators onoremap ie :call wrap_inside() onoremap ae :call wrap_around() xnoremap ie :call wrap_inside() xnoremap ae :call wrap_around() endif function! s:wrap_around() " If the cursor is at the end of the tag element, move back " so that the end tag can be detected. while getline('.')[col('.')-1] ==# '}' execute 'norm h' endwhile " Moves to the end of the closing tag let pos = search('}}','We') if pos != 0 if getline('.')[col('.')] ==# '}' " Ending tag contains 3 closing brackets '}}}', " move to the last bracket. execute 'norm l' endif " select the whole tag execute 'norm v%' endif endfunction function! s:wrap_inside() " If the cursor is at the end of the tag element, move back " so that the end tag can be detected. while getline('.')[col('.')-1] ==# '}' execute 'norm h' endwhile " Moves to the end of the closing tag let pos = search('}}','W') if pos != 0 " select only inside the tag execute 'norm v%loho' endif endfunction let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: nofoldenable endif