if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'elixir') == -1 let s:SKIP_SYNTAX = '\%(Comment\|String\)$' function! elixir#util#is_indentable_at(line, col) if a:col == -1 " skip synID lookup for not found match return 1 end " TODO: Remove these 2 lines " I don't know why, but for the test on spec/indent/lists_spec.rb:24. " Vim is making some mess on parsing the syntax of 'end', it is being " recognized as 'elixirString' when should be recognized as 'elixirBlock'. call synID(a:line, a:col, 1) " This forces vim to sync the syntax. Using fromstart is very slow on files " over 1k lines syntax sync minlines=20 maxlines=150 return synIDattr(synID(a:line, a:col, 1), "name") \ !~ s:SKIP_SYNTAX endfunction function! elixir#util#count_indentable_symbol_diff(line, open, close) return \ s:match_count(a:line, a:open) \ - s:match_count(a:line, a:close) endfunction function! s:match_count(line, pattern) let size = strlen(a:line.text) let index = 0 let counter = 0 while index < size let index = match(a:line.text, a:pattern, index) if index >= 0 let index += 1 if elixir#util#is_indentable_at(a:line.num, index) let counter +=1 end else break end endwhile return counter endfunction function elixir#util#is_blank(string) return a:string =~ '^\s*$' endfunction endif