if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'vim') == -1 " Language: TT2 embedded with HTML " Maintainer: vim-perl " Author: Moriki, Atsushi <4woods+vim@gmail.com> " Homepage: http://github.com/vim-perl/vim-perl " Bugs/requests: http://github.com/vim-perl/vim-perl/issues " Last Change: 2013-07-21 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif runtime! syntax/html.vim unlet b:current_syntax runtime! syntax/tt2.vim unlet b:current_syntax syn cluster htmlPreProc add=@tt2_top_cluster let b:current_syntax = "tt2html" endif if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'perl') == -1 " Language: TT2 embedded with HTML " Maintainer: vim-perl " Author: Moriki, Atsushi <4woods+vim@gmail.com> " Homepage: http://github.com/vim-perl/vim-perl " Bugs/requests: http://github.com/vim-perl/vim-perl/issues " Last Change: {{LAST_CHANGE}} if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif runtime! syntax/html.vim unlet b:current_syntax runtime! syntax/tt2.vim unlet b:current_syntax syn cluster htmlPreProc add=@tt2_top_cluster let b:current_syntax = "tt2html" endif