if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'styled-components') != -1 finish endif " Vim syntax file " Language: styled-components (js/ts) " Maintainer: Karl Fleischmann " URL: https://github.com/styled-components/vim-styled-components " initialize variable to check, if the indentation expression is run " multiple times in a row, which indicates an infinite recursion let s:is_recursion = 0 " store current indentexpr for later let b:js_ts_indent=&indentexpr " set indentexpr for this filetype (styled-components) setlocal indentexpr=GetStyledIndent() " add the following keys to trigger reindenting, when in insert mode " - *; - Indent and insert on press of ';' key. " - *<:> - Indent and insert on press of ':' key. set indentkeys+=*;,*<:>,* fu! s:GetSyntaxNames(lnum, cnum) return map(synstack(a:lnum, a:cnum), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') endfu " re-implement SynSOL of vim-jsx " TODO: add dependency to the readme and remove duplicate implementation fu! s:SynSOL(lnum) return s:GetSyntaxNames(a:lnum, 1) endfu " re-implement SynEOL of vim-jsx " TODO: add dependency to the readme and remove duplicate implementation fu! s:SynEOL(lnum, offset) let l:lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum) let l:col = strlen(getline(l:lnum)) return s:GetSyntaxNames(l:lnum, l:col + a:offset) endfu "" Return whether the current line is a jsTemplateString fu! s:IsStyledDefinition(lnum) " iterate through all syntax items in the given line for item in s:SynSOL(a:lnum) " if syntax-item is a jsTemplateString return 1 - true " `==#` is a match case comparison of the item if item ==# 'styledDefinition' return 1 endif endfor " fallback to 0 - false return 0 endfu "" Count occurences of `str` at the beginning of the given `lnum` line fu! s:CountOccurencesInSOL(lnum, str) let l:occurence = 0 " iterate through all items in the given line for item in s:SynSOL(a:lnum) " if the syntax-item equals the given str increment the counter " `==?` is a case isensitive equal operation if item ==? a:str let l:occurence += 1 endif endfor " return the accumulated count of occurences return l:occurence endfu "" Count occurences of `str` at the end of the given `lnum` line fu! s:CountOccurencesInEOL(lnum, str, offset) let l:occurence = 0 " iterate through all items in the given line for item in s:SynEOL(a:lnum, a:offset) " if the syntax-item equals the given str increment the counter " `==?` is a case insensitive equal operation if item == a:str let l:occurence += 1 endif endfor " return the accumulated count of occurences return l:occurence endfu "" Get the indentation of the current line fu! GetStyledIndent() if s:IsStyledDefinition(v:lnum) let l:baseIndent = 0 " find last non-styled line let l:cnum = v:lnum while s:IsStyledDefinition(l:cnum) let l:cnum -= 1 endwhile " get indentation of the last non-styled line as base indentation let l:baseIndent = indent(l:cnum) " incrementally build indentation based on current indentation " - one shiftwidth for the styled definition region " - one shiftwidth per open nested definition region let l:styledIndent = &sw let l:styledIndent += min([ \ s:CountOccurencesInSOL(v:lnum, 'styledNestedRegion'), \ s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum, 'styledNestedRegion', 0) \ ]) * &sw " decrease indentation by one shiftwidth, if the styled definition " region ends on the current line " - either directly via styled definition region, or " - if the very last if s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum, 'styledDefinition', 1) == 0 let l:styledIndent -= &sw endif " return the base indentation " (for nested styles inside classes/objects/etc.) plus the actual " indentation inside the styled definition region return l:baseIndent + l:styledIndent elseif len(b:js_ts_indent) let l:result = 0 let l:offset = 0 " increase indentation by one shiftwidth, if the last line ended on a " styledXmlRegion and this line does not continue with it " this is a fix for an incorrectly indented xml prop after a " glamor-styled styledXmlRegion if s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum-1, 'styledXmlRegion', 0) == 1 && \ s:CountOccurencesInSOL(v:lnum, 'styledXmlRegion') == 0 let l:offset = &sw endif " make sure `GetStyledIndent` and `GetJsxIndent` don't infinitely " recurse by incrementing a counter variable, before evaluating the " stored indent expression if s:is_recursion == 0 let s:is_recursion = 1 let l:result = eval(b:js_ts_indent) endif " `is_recursion` being 0 at this point indicates, that " `eval(b:js_ts_indent)` did itself evaluate it's stored indentexpr " and thus it can be assumed, that the current line should be " indented as JS if s:is_recursion == 0 " use one of `GetJavascriptIndent` or `GetJsIndent` if existing " fallback to cindent, if not if exists('*GetJavascriptIndent') let l:result = GetJavascriptIndent() elseif exists('*GetJsIndent') let l:result = GetJsIndent() else let l:result = cindent(v:lnum) endif endif " reset `is_recursion` counter and return the indentation value let s:is_recursion = 0 return l:result + l:offset endif " if all else fails indent according to C-syntax return cindent(v:lnum) endfu