if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'elm') == -1 let s:errors = [] function! s:elmOracle(...) abort let l:project = finddir('elm-stuff/..', '.;') if len(l:project) == 0 echoerr '`elm-stuff` not found! run `elm-package install` for autocomplete.' return [] endif let l:filename = expand('%:p') if a:0 == 0 let l:oldiskeyword = &iskeyword " Some non obvious values used in 'iskeyword': " @ = all alpha " 48-57 = numbers 0 to 9 " @-@ = character @ " 124 = | setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,@-@,_,-,~,!,#,$,%,&,*,+,=,<,>,/,?,.,\\,124,^ let l:word = expand('') let &iskeyword = l:oldiskeyword else let l:word = a:1 endif let l:infos = elm#Oracle(l:filename, l:word) if v:shell_error != 0 call elm#util#EchoError("elm-oracle failed:\n\n", l:infos) return [] endif let l:d = split(l:infos, '\n') if len(l:d) > 0 return elm#util#DecodeJSON(l:d[0]) endif return [] endf " Vim command to format Elm files with elm-format function! elm#Format() abort " check for elm-format if elm#util#CheckBin('elm-format', 'https://github.com/avh4/elm-format') ==# '' return endif " save cursor position, folds and many other things let l:curw = {} try mkview! catch let l:curw = winsaveview() endtry " save our undo file to be restored after we are done. let l:tmpundofile = tempname() exe 'wundo! ' . l:tmpundofile " write current unsaved buffer to a temporary file let l:tmpname = tempname() . '.elm' call writefile(getline(1, '$'), l:tmpname) " call elm-format on the temporary file let l:out = system('elm-format ' . l:tmpname . ' --output ' . l:tmpname) " if there is no error if v:shell_error == 0 try | silent undojoin | catch | endtry " replace current file with temp file, then reload buffer let l:old_fileformat = &fileformat call rename(l:tmpname, expand('%')) silent edit! let &fileformat = l:old_fileformat let &syntax = &syntax elseif g:elm_format_fail_silently == 0 call elm#util#EchoLater('EchoError', 'elm-format:', l:out) endif " save our undo history silent! exe 'rundo ' . l:tmpundofile call delete(l:tmpundofile) " restore our cursor/windows positions, folds, etc.. if empty(l:curw) silent! loadview else call winrestview(l:curw) endif endf " Query elm-oracle and echo the type and docs for the word under the cursor. function! elm#ShowDocs() abort " check for the elm-oracle binary if elm#util#CheckBin('elm-oracle', 'https://github.com/elmcast/elm-oracle') ==# '' return endif let l:response = s:elmOracle() if len(l:response) > 0 let l:info = l:response[0] redraws! | echohl Identifier | echon l:info.fullName | echohl None | echon ' : ' | echohl Function | echon l:info.signature | echohl None | echon "\n\n" . l:info.comment else call elm#util#Echo('elm-oracle:', '...no match found') endif endf " Query elm-oracle and open the docs for the word under the cursor. function! elm#BrowseDocs() abort " check for the elm-oracle binary if elm#util#CheckBin('elm-oracle', 'https://github.com/elmcast/elm-oracle') ==# '' return endif let l:response = s:elmOracle() if len(l:response) > 0 let l:info = l:response[0] call elm#util#OpenBrowser(l:info.href) else call elm#util#Echo('elm-oracle:', '...no match found') endif endf function! elm#Syntastic(input) abort let l:fixes = [] let l:bin = 'elm-make' let l:format = '--report=json' let l:input = shellescape(a:input) let l:output = '--output=' . shellescape(syntastic#util#DevNull()) let l:command = l:bin . ' ' . l:format . ' ' . l:input . ' ' . l:output let l:reports = s:ExecuteInRoot(l:command) for l:report in split(l:reports, '\n') if l:report[0] ==# '[' for l:error in elm#util#DecodeJSON(l:report) if g:elm_syntastic_show_warnings == 0 && l:error.type ==? 'warning' else if a:input == l:error.file call add(s:errors, l:error) call add(l:fixes, {'filename': l:error.file, \'valid': 1, \'bufnr': bufnr('%'), \'type': (l:error.type ==? 'error') ? 'E' : 'W', \'lnum': l:error.region.start.line, \'col': l:error.region.start.column, \'text': l:error.overview}) endif endif endfor endif endfor return l:fixes endf function! elm#Build(input, output, show_warnings) abort let s:errors = [] let l:fixes = [] let l:rawlines = [] let l:bin = 'elm-make' let l:format = '--report=json' let l:input = shellescape(a:input) let l:output = '--output=' . shellescape(a:output) let l:command = l:bin . ' ' . l:format . ' ' . l:input . ' ' . l:output let l:reports = s:ExecuteInRoot(l:command) for l:report in split(l:reports, '\n') if l:report[0] ==# '[' for l:error in elm#util#DecodeJSON(l:report) if a:show_warnings == 0 && l:error.type ==? 'warning' else call add(s:errors, l:error) call add(l:fixes, {'filename': l:error.file, \'valid': 1, \'type': (l:error.type ==? 'error') ? 'E' : 'W', \'lnum': l:error.region.start.line, \'col': l:error.region.start.column, \'text': l:error.overview}) endif endfor else call add(l:rawlines, l:report) endif endfor let l:details = join(l:rawlines, "\n") let l:lines = split(l:details, "\n") if !empty(l:lines) let l:overview = l:lines[0] else let l:overview = '' endif if l:details ==# '' || l:details =~? '^Successfully.*' else call add(s:errors, {'overview': l:details, 'details': l:details}) call add(l:fixes, {'filename': expand('%', 1), \'valid': 1, \'type': 'E', \'lnum': 0, \'col': 0, \'text': l:overview}) endif return l:fixes endf " Make the given file, or the current file if none is given. function! elm#Make(...) abort if elm#util#CheckBin('elm-make', 'http://elm-lang.org/install') ==# '' return endif call elm#util#Echo('elm-make:', 'building...') let l:input = (a:0 == 0) ? expand('%:p') : a:1 let l:fixes = elm#Build(l:input, g:elm_make_output_file, g:elm_make_show_warnings) if len(l:fixes) > 0 call elm#util#EchoWarning('', 'found ' . len(l:fixes) . ' errors') call setqflist(l:fixes, 'r') cwindow if get(g:, 'elm_jump_to_error', 1) ll 1 endif else call elm#util#EchoSuccess('', 'Sucessfully compiled') call setqflist([]) cwindow endif endf " Show the detail of the current error in the quickfix window. function! elm#ErrorDetail() abort if !empty(filter(tabpagebuflist(), 'getbufvar(v:val, "&buftype") ==? "quickfix"')) exec ':copen' let l:linenr = line('.') exec ':wincmd p' if len(s:errors) > 0 let l:detail = s:errors[l:linenr-1].details if l:detail ==# '' let l:detail = s:errors[l:linenr-1].overview endif echo l:detail endif endif endf " Open the elm repl in a subprocess. function! elm#Repl() abort " check for the elm-repl binary if elm#util#CheckBin('elm-repl', 'http://elm-lang.org/install') ==# '' return endif if has('nvim') term('elm-repl') else !elm-repl endif endf function! elm#Oracle(filepath, word) abort let l:bin = 'elm-oracle' let l:filepath = shellescape(a:filepath) let l:word = shellescape(a:word) let l:command = l:bin . ' ' . l:filepath . ' ' . l:word return s:ExecuteInRoot(l:command) endfunction let s:fullComplete = '' " Complete the current token using elm-oracle function! elm#Complete(findstart, base) abort " a:base is unused, but the callback function for completion expects 2 arguments if a:findstart let l:line = getline('.') let l:idx = col('.') - 1 let l:start = 0 while l:idx > 0 && l:line[l:idx - 1] =~# '[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]' if l:line[l:idx - 1] ==# '.' && l:start == 0 let l:start = l:idx endif let l:idx -= 1 endwhile if l:start == 0 let l:start = l:idx endif let s:fullComplete = l:line[l:idx : col('.')-2] return l:start else " check for the elm-oracle binary if elm#util#CheckBin('elm-oracle', 'https://github.com/elmcast/elm-oracle') ==# '' return [] endif let l:res = [] let l:response = s:elmOracle(s:fullComplete) let l:detailed = get(g:, 'elm_detailed_complete', 0) for l:r in l:response let l:menu = '' if l:detailed let l:menu = ': ' . l:r.signature endif call add(l:res, {'word': l:r.name, 'menu': l:menu}) endfor return l:res endif endf " If the current buffer contains a consoleRunner, run elm-test with it. " Otherwise run elm-test in the root of your project which deafults to " running 'elm-test tests/TestRunner'. function! elm#Test() abort if elm#util#CheckBin('elm-test', 'https://github.com/rtfeldman/node-elm-test') ==# '' return endif if match(getline(1, '$'), 'consoleRunner') < 0 let l:out = s:ExecuteInRoot('elm-test') call elm#util#EchoSuccess('elm-test', l:out) else let l:filepath = shellescape(expand('%:p')) let l:out = s:ExecuteInRoot('elm-test ' . l:filepath) call elm#util#EchoSuccess('elm-test', l:out) endif endf " Returns the closest parent with an elm-package.json file. function! elm#FindRootDirectory() abort let l:elm_root = getbufvar('%', 'elmRoot') if empty(l:elm_root) let l:current_file = expand('%:p') let l:dir_current_file = fnameescape(fnamemodify(l:current_file, ':h')) let l:old_match = findfile('elm-package.json', l:dir_current_file . ';') let l:new_match = findfile('elm.json', l:dir_current_file . ';') if !empty(l:new_match) let l:elm_root = fnamemodify(l:new_match, ':p:h') elseif !empty(l:old_match) let l:elm_root = fnamemodify(l:old_match, ':p:h') else let l:elm_root = '' endif if !empty(l:elm_root) call setbufvar('%', 'elmRoot', l:elm_root) endif endif return l:elm_root endfunction " Executes a command in the project directory. function! s:ExecuteInRoot(cmd) abort let l:cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd ' let l:current_dir = getcwd() let l:root_dir = elm#FindRootDirectory() try execute l:cd . fnameescape(l:root_dir) let l:out = system(a:cmd) finally execute l:cd . fnameescape(l:current_dir) endtry return l:out endfunction endif