if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'c++11') == -1 " Vim syntax file " Language: C++ Additions " Maintainer: Jon Haggblad " URL: http://www.haeggblad.com " Last Change: 21 Sep 2014 " Version: 0.5 " Changelog: " 0.1 - initial version. " 0.2 - C++14 " 0.3 - Incorporate lastest changes from Mizuchi/STL-Syntax " 0.4 - Add template function highlight " 0.5 - Redo template function highlight to be more robust. Add options. " " Additional Vim syntax highlighting for C++ (including C++11/14) " " This file contains additional syntax highlighting that I use for C++11/14 " development in Vim. Compared to the standard syntax highlighting for C++ it " adds highlighting of (user defined) functions and the containers and types " in the standard library / boost. " " Based on: " http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736701/class-function-names-highlighting-in-vim " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4293 " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2224 " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1640 " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3064 " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Highlight Class and Function names. " " Based on the discussion in: " http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736701/class-function-names-highlighting-in-vim " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Functions syn match cCustomParen "(" contains=cParen contains=cCppParen syn match cCustomFunc "\w\+\s*(\@=" hi def link cCustomFunc Function " Class and namespace scope if exists('g:cpp_class_scope_highlight') && g:cpp_class_scope_highlight syn match cCustomScope "::" syn match cCustomClass "\w\+\s*::" \contains=cCustomScope " hi def link cCustomClass Function " disabled for now syn match cCustomClass "\<\u\w*\s*\>" endif " Template functions if exists('g:cpp_experimental_template_highlight') && g:cpp_experimental_template_highlight syn match cCustomAngleBracketStart "<\_[^;()]\{-}>" contained \contains=cCustomAngleBracketStart, cCustomAngleBracketEnd hi def link cCustomAngleBracketStart cCustomAngleBracketContent syn match cCustomAngleBracketEnd ">\_[^<>;()]\{-}>" contained \contains=cCustomAngleBracketEnd hi def link cCustomAngleBracketEnd cCustomAngleBracketContent syn match cCustomTemplateFunc "\<\l\w*\s*<\_[^;()]\{-}>(\@="hs=s,he=e-1 \contains=cCustomAngleBracketStart hi def link cCustomTemplateFunc cCustomFunc syn match cCustomTemplateClass "\<\w\+\s*<\_[^;()]\{-}>" \contains=cCustomAngleBracketStart,cCustomTemplateFunc hi def link cCustomTemplateClass cCustomClass " Remove 'template' from cppStructure and use a custom match syn clear cppStructure syn keyword cppStructure class typename namespace syn match cCustomTemplate "\" hi def link cCustomTemplate cppStructure syn match cTemplateDeclare "\" \contains=cppStructure,cCustomTemplate,cCustomAngleBracketStart " Remove 'operator' from cppStructure and use a custom match syn clear cppOperator syn keyword cppOperator typeid syn keyword cppOperator and bitor or xor compl bitand and_eq or_eq xor_eq not not_eq syn match cCustomOperator "\" hi def link cCustomOperator cppStructure syn match cTemplateOperatorDeclare "\[<>]=\?" \contains=cppOperator,cCustomOperator,cCustomAngleBracketStart endif " Alternative syntax that is used in: " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3064 "syn match cUserFunction "\<\h\w*\>\(\s\|\n\)*("me=e-1 contains=cType,cDelimiter,cDefine "hi def link cCustomFunc Function " Cluster for all the stdlib functions defined below syn cluster cppSTLgroup contains=cppSTLfunction,cppSTLfunctional,cppSTLconstant,cppSTLnamespace,cppSTLtype,cppSTLexception,cppSTLiterator,cppSTLiterator_tagcppSTLenumcppSTLioscppSTLcast " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Standard library types and functions. " " Mainly based on the excellent STL Syntax vim script by " Mizuchi " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4293 " which in turn is based on the scripts " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2224 " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1640 " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- syntax keyword cppSTLconstant badbit syntax keyword cppSTLconstant cerr syntax keyword cppSTLconstant cin syntax keyword cppSTLconstant clog syntax keyword cppSTLconstant cout syntax keyword cppSTLconstant digits syntax keyword cppSTLconstant digits10 syntax keyword cppSTLconstant eofbit syntax keyword cppSTLconstant failbit syntax keyword cppSTLconstant goodbit syntax keyword cppSTLconstant has_denorm syntax keyword cppSTLconstant has_denorm_loss syntax keyword cppSTLconstant has_infinity syntax keyword cppSTLconstant has_quiet_NaN syntax keyword cppSTLconstant has_signaling_NaN syntax keyword cppSTLconstant is_bounded syntax keyword cppSTLconstant is_exact syntax keyword cppSTLconstant is_iec559 syntax keyword cppSTLconstant is_integer syntax keyword cppSTLconstant is_modulo syntax keyword cppSTLconstant is_signed syntax keyword cppSTLconstant is_specialized syntax keyword cppSTLconstant max_digits10 syntax keyword cppSTLconstant max_exponent syntax keyword cppSTLconstant max_exponent10 syntax keyword cppSTLconstant min_exponent syntax keyword cppSTLconstant min_exponent10 syntax keyword cppSTLconstant nothrow syntax keyword cppSTLconstant npos syntax keyword cppSTLconstant radix syntax keyword cppSTLconstant round_style syntax keyword cppSTLconstant tinyness_before syntax keyword cppSTLconstant traps syntax keyword cppSTLconstant wcerr syntax keyword cppSTLconstant wcin syntax keyword cppSTLconstant wclog syntax keyword cppSTLconstant wcout syntax keyword cppSTLexception bad_alloc syntax keyword cppSTLexception bad_array_new_length syntax keyword cppSTLexception bad_exception syntax keyword cppSTLexception bad_typeid bad_cast syntax keyword cppSTLexception domain_error syntax keyword cppSTLexception exception syntax keyword cppSTLexception invalid_argument syntax keyword cppSTLexception length_error syntax keyword cppSTLexception logic_error syntax keyword cppSTLexception out_of_range syntax keyword cppSTLexception overflow_error syntax keyword cppSTLexception range_error syntax keyword cppSTLexception runtime_error syntax keyword cppSTLexception underflow_error syntax keyword cppSTLfunction abort syntax keyword cppSTLfunction abs syntax keyword cppSTLfunction accumulate syntax keyword cppSTLfunction acos syntax keyword cppSTLfunction adjacent_difference syntax keyword cppSTLfunction adjacent_find syntax keyword cppSTLfunction adjacent_find_if syntax keyword cppSTLfunction advance syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional binary_function syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional binary_negate syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional bit_and syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional bit_not syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional bit_or syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional divides syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional equal_to syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional greater syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional greater_equal syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional less syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional less_equal syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional logical_and syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional logical_not syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional logical_or syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional minus syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional modulus syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional multiplies syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional negate syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional not_equal_to syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional plus syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional unary_function syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional unary_negate "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction any syntax keyword cppSTLfunction append syntax keyword cppSTLfunction arg syntax keyword cppSTLfunction asctime syntax keyword cppSTLfunction asin syntax keyword cppSTLfunction assert syntax keyword cppSTLfunction assign syntax keyword cppSTLfunction at syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atan syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atan2 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atexit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atof syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atoi syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atol syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atoll syntax keyword cppSTLfunction back syntax keyword cppSTLfunction back_inserter syntax keyword cppSTLfunction bad syntax keyword cppSTLfunction beg "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction begin syntax keyword cppSTLfunction binary_compose syntax keyword cppSTLfunction binary_negate syntax keyword cppSTLfunction binary_search syntax keyword cppSTLfunction bind1st syntax keyword cppSTLfunction bind2nd syntax keyword cppSTLfunction binder1st syntax keyword cppSTLfunction binder2nd syntax keyword cppSTLfunction bsearch syntax keyword cppSTLfunction calloc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction capacity syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ceil syntax keyword cppSTLfunction clear syntax keyword cppSTLfunction clearerr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction clock syntax keyword cppSTLfunction close syntax keyword cppSTLfunction compare syntax keyword cppSTLfunction conj syntax keyword cppSTLfunction construct syntax keyword cppSTLfunction copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction copy_backward syntax keyword cppSTLfunction cos syntax keyword cppSTLfunction cosh syntax keyword cppSTLfunction count syntax keyword cppSTLfunction count_if syntax keyword cppSTLfunction c_str syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ctime "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction data syntax keyword cppSTLfunction denorm_min syntax keyword cppSTLfunction destroy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction difftime syntax keyword cppSTLfunction distance syntax keyword cppSTLfunction div syntax keyword cppSTLfunction empty "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction end syntax keyword cppSTLfunction eof syntax keyword cppSTLfunction epsilon syntax keyword cppSTLfunction equal syntax keyword cppSTLfunction equal_range syntax keyword cppSTLfunction erase syntax keyword cppSTLfunction exit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction exp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fabs syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fail syntax keyword cppSTLfunction failure syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fclose syntax keyword cppSTLfunction feof syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ferror syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fflush syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fgetc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fgetpos syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fgets syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fill syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fill_n syntax keyword cppSTLfunction find syntax keyword cppSTLfunction find_end syntax keyword cppSTLfunction find_first_not_of syntax keyword cppSTLfunction find_first_of syntax keyword cppSTLfunction find_if syntax keyword cppSTLfunction find_last_not_of syntax keyword cppSTLfunction find_last_of syntax keyword cppSTLfunction first syntax keyword cppSTLfunction flags syntax keyword cppSTLfunction flip syntax keyword cppSTLfunction floor syntax keyword cppSTLfunction flush syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fmod syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fopen syntax keyword cppSTLfunction for_each syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fputc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fputs syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fread syntax keyword cppSTLfunction free syntax keyword cppSTLfunction freopen syntax keyword cppSTLfunction frexp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction front syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fscanf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fseek syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fsetpos syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ftell syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fwide syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fwprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fwrite syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fwscanf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction gcount syntax keyword cppSTLfunction generate syntax keyword cppSTLfunction generate_n syntax keyword cppSTLfunction get syntax keyword cppSTLfunction get_allocator syntax keyword cppSTLfunction getc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction getchar syntax keyword cppSTLfunction getenv syntax keyword cppSTLfunction getline syntax keyword cppSTLfunction gets syntax keyword cppSTLfunction get_temporary_buffer syntax keyword cppSTLfunction gmtime syntax keyword cppSTLfunction good syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ignore syntax keyword cppSTLfunction imag syntax keyword cppSTLfunction in syntax keyword cppSTLfunction includes syntax keyword cppSTLfunction infinity syntax keyword cppSTLfunction inner_product syntax keyword cppSTLfunction inplace_merge syntax keyword cppSTLfunction insert syntax keyword cppSTLfunction inserter syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ios syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ios_base syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iostate syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iota syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isalnum syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isalpha syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iscntrl syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isdigit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isgraph syntax keyword cppSTLfunction is_heap syntax keyword cppSTLfunction islower syntax keyword cppSTLfunction is_open syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isprint syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ispunct syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isspace syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isupper syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isxdigit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iterator_category syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iter_swap syntax keyword cppSTLfunction jmp_buf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction key_comp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction labs syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ldexp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ldiv syntax keyword cppSTLfunction length syntax keyword cppSTLfunction lexicographical_compare syntax keyword cppSTLfunction lexicographical_compare_3way syntax keyword cppSTLfunction llabs syntax keyword cppSTLfunction lldiv syntax keyword cppSTLfunction localtime syntax keyword cppSTLfunction log syntax keyword cppSTLfunction log10 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction longjmp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction lower_bound syntax keyword cppSTLfunction make_heap syntax keyword cppSTLfunction make_pair syntax keyword cppSTLfunction malloc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction max syntax keyword cppSTLfunction max_element syntax keyword cppSTLfunction max_size syntax keyword cppSTLfunction memchr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction memcpy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mem_fun syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mem_fun_ref syntax keyword cppSTLfunction memmove syntax keyword cppSTLfunction memset syntax keyword cppSTLfunction merge syntax keyword cppSTLfunction min syntax keyword cppSTLfunction min_element syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mismatch syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mktime syntax keyword cppSTLfunction modf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction next_permutation syntax keyword cppSTLfunction none syntax keyword cppSTLfunction norm syntax keyword cppSTLfunction not1 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction not2 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction nth_element syntax keyword cppSTLtype numeric_limits syntax keyword cppSTLfunction open syntax keyword cppSTLfunction partial_sort syntax keyword cppSTLfunction partial_sort_copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction partial_sum syntax keyword cppSTLfunction partition syntax keyword cppSTLfunction peek syntax keyword cppSTLfunction perror syntax keyword cppSTLfunction polar syntax keyword cppSTLfunction pop syntax keyword cppSTLfunction pop_back syntax keyword cppSTLfunction pop_front syntax keyword cppSTLfunction pop_heap syntax keyword cppSTLfunction pow syntax keyword cppSTLfunction power syntax keyword cppSTLfunction precision syntax keyword cppSTLfunction prev_permutation syntax keyword cppSTLfunction printf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ptr_fun syntax keyword cppSTLfunction push syntax keyword cppSTLfunction push_back syntax keyword cppSTLfunction push_front syntax keyword cppSTLfunction push_heap syntax keyword cppSTLfunction put syntax keyword cppSTLfunction putback syntax keyword cppSTLfunction putc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction putchar syntax keyword cppSTLfunction puts syntax keyword cppSTLfunction qsort syntax keyword cppSTLfunction quiet_NaN syntax keyword cppSTLfunction raise syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rand syntax keyword cppSTLfunction random_sample syntax keyword cppSTLfunction random_sample_n syntax keyword cppSTLfunction random_shuffle syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rbegin syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rdbuf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rdstate syntax keyword cppSTLfunction read syntax keyword cppSTLfunction real syntax keyword cppSTLfunction realloc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction remove syntax keyword cppSTLfunction remove_copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction remove_copy_if syntax keyword cppSTLfunction remove_if syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rename syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rend syntax keyword cppSTLfunction replace syntax keyword cppSTLfunction replace_copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction replace_copy_if syntax keyword cppSTLfunction replace_if syntax keyword cppSTLfunction reserve syntax keyword cppSTLfunction reset syntax keyword cppSTLfunction resize syntax keyword cppSTLfunction return_temporary_buffer syntax keyword cppSTLfunction reverse syntax keyword cppSTLfunction reverse_copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rewind syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rfind syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rotate syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rotate_copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction round_error syntax keyword cppSTLfunction scanf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction search syntax keyword cppSTLfunction search_n syntax keyword cppSTLfunction second syntax keyword cppSTLfunction seekg syntax keyword cppSTLfunction seekp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction setbuf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction set_difference syntax keyword cppSTLfunction setf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction set_intersection syntax keyword cppSTLfunction setjmp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction setlocale syntax keyword cppSTLfunction set_new_handler syntax keyword cppSTLfunction set_symmetric_difference syntax keyword cppSTLfunction set_union syntax keyword cppSTLfunction setvbuf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction signal syntax keyword cppSTLfunction signaling_NaN syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sin syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sinh "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction size syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sort syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sort_heap syntax keyword cppSTLfunction splice syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sqrt syntax keyword cppSTLfunction srand syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sscanf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stable_partition syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stable_sort syntax keyword cppSTLfunction str syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strcat syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strchr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strcmp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strcoll syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strcpy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strcspn syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strerror syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strftime syntax keyword cppSTLfunction string syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strlen syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strncat syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strncmp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strncpy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strpbrk syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strrchr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strspn syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strstr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strtod syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strtof syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strtok syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strtol syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strtold syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strtoll syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strtoul syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strxfrm syntax keyword cppSTLfunction substr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction swap syntax keyword cppSTLfunction swap_ranges syntax keyword cppSTLfunction swprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction swscanf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sync_with_stdio "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction system syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tan syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tanh syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tellg syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tellp "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction test "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction time syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tmpfile syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tmpnam syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tolower syntax keyword cppSTLfunction top syntax keyword cppSTLfunction to_string syntax keyword cppSTLfunction to_ulong syntax keyword cppSTLfunction toupper syntax keyword cppSTLfunction to_wstring syntax keyword cppSTLfunction transform syntax keyword cppSTLfunction unary_compose syntax keyword cppSTLfunction unget syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ungetc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction uninitialized_copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction uninitialized_copy_n syntax keyword cppSTLfunction uninitialized_fill syntax keyword cppSTLfunction uninitialized_fill_n syntax keyword cppSTLfunction unique syntax keyword cppSTLfunction unique_copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction unsetf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction upper_bound syntax keyword cppSTLfunction va_arg syntax keyword cppSTLfunction va_copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction va_end syntax keyword cppSTLfunction value_comp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction va_start syntax keyword cppSTLfunction vfprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction vfwprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction vprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction vsprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction vswprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction vwprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction width syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction write syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wscanf syntax keyword cppSTLios boolalpha syntax keyword cppSTLios dec syntax keyword cppSTLios defaultfloat syntax keyword cppSTLios endl syntax keyword cppSTLios ends syntax keyword cppSTLios fixed syntax keyword cppSTLios flush syntax keyword cppSTLios get_money syntax keyword cppSTLios get_time syntax keyword cppSTLios hex syntax keyword cppSTLios hexfloat syntax keyword cppSTLios internal syntax keyword cppSTLios noboolalpha syntax keyword cppSTLios noshowbase syntax keyword cppSTLios noshowpoint syntax keyword cppSTLios noshowpos syntax keyword cppSTLios noskipws syntax keyword cppSTLios nounitbuf syntax keyword cppSTLios nouppercase syntax keyword cppSTLios oct syntax keyword cppSTLios put_money syntax keyword cppSTLios put_time syntax keyword cppSTLios resetiosflags syntax keyword cppSTLios scientific syntax keyword cppSTLios setbase syntax keyword cppSTLios setfill syntax keyword cppSTLios setiosflags syntax keyword cppSTLios setprecision syntax keyword cppSTLios setw syntax keyword cppSTLios showbase syntax keyword cppSTLios showpoint syntax keyword cppSTLios showpos syntax keyword cppSTLios skipws syntax keyword cppSTLios unitbuf syntax keyword cppSTLios uppercase "syntax keyword cppSTLios ws syntax keyword cppSTLiterator back_insert_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator bidirectional_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator const_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator const_reverse_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator forward_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator front_insert_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator input_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator insert_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator istreambuf_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator istream_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator ostream_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator output_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator random_access_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator raw_storage_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator reverse_bidirectional_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator reverse_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator_tag bidirectional_iterator_tag syntax keyword cppSTLiterator_tag forward_iterator_tag syntax keyword cppSTLiterator_tag input_iterator_tag syntax keyword cppSTLiterator_tag output_iterator_tag syntax keyword cppSTLiterator_tag random_access_iterator_tag syntax keyword cppSTLnamespace rel_ops syntax keyword cppSTLnamespace std syntax keyword cppSTLtype allocator syntax keyword cppSTLtype auto_ptr syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_filebuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_fstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_ifstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_iostream syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_istream syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_istringstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_ofstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_ostream syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_ostringstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_streambuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_string syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_stringbuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_stringstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype binary_compose syntax keyword cppSTLtype binder1st syntax keyword cppSTLtype binder2nd syntax keyword cppSTLtype bitset syntax keyword cppSTLtype char_traits syntax keyword cppSTLtype char_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype const_mem_fun1_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype const_mem_fun_ref1_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype const_mem_fun_ref_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype const_mem_fun_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype const_pointer syntax keyword cppSTLtype const_reference syntax keyword cppSTLtype deque syntax keyword cppSTLtype difference_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype div_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype double_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype filebuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype first_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype float_denorm_style syntax keyword cppSTLtype float_round_style syntax keyword cppSTLtype float_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype fstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype gslice_array syntax keyword cppSTLtype ifstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype imaxdiv_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype indirect_array syntax keyword cppSTLtype int_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype ios_base syntax keyword cppSTLtype iostream syntax keyword cppSTLtype istream syntax keyword cppSTLtype istringstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype istrstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype iterator_traits syntax keyword cppSTLtype key_compare syntax keyword cppSTLtype key_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype ldiv_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype list syntax keyword cppSTLtype lldiv_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype map syntax keyword cppSTLtype mapped_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype mask_array syntax keyword cppSTLtype mem_fun1_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype mem_fun_ref1_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype mem_fun_ref_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype mem_fun_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype multimap syntax keyword cppSTLtype multiset syntax keyword cppSTLtype nothrow_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype off_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype ofstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype ostream syntax keyword cppSTLtype ostringstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype ostrstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype pair syntax keyword cppSTLtype pointer syntax keyword cppSTLtype pointer_to_binary_function syntax keyword cppSTLtype pointer_to_unary_function syntax keyword cppSTLtype pos_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype priority_queue syntax keyword cppSTLtype queue syntax keyword cppSTLtype reference syntax keyword cppSTLtype second_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype sequence_buffer syntax keyword cppSTLtype set syntax keyword cppSTLtype sig_atomic_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype size_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype slice_array syntax keyword cppSTLtype stack syntax keyword cppSTLtype stream syntax keyword cppSTLtype streambuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype string syntax keyword cppSTLtype stringbuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype stringstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype strstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype strstreambuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype temporary_buffer syntax keyword cppSTLtype test_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype time_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype tm syntax keyword cppSTLtype traits_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype type_info syntax keyword cppSTLtype u16string syntax keyword cppSTLtype u32string syntax keyword cppSTLtype unary_compose syntax keyword cppSTLtype unary_negate syntax keyword cppSTLtype valarray syntax keyword cppSTLtype value_compare syntax keyword cppSTLtype value_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype vector syntax keyword cppSTLtype wfilebuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype wfstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype wifstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype wiostream syntax keyword cppSTLtype wistream syntax keyword cppSTLtype wistringstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype wofstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype wostream syntax keyword cppSTLtype wostringstream syntax keyword cppSTLtype wstreambuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype wstring syntax keyword cppSTLtype wstringbuf syntax keyword cppSTLtype wstringstream syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mblen syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mbtowc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wctomb syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mbstowcs syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstombs syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mbsinit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction btowc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wctob syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mbrlen syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mbrtowc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcrtomb syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mbsrtowcs syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcsrtombs syntax keyword cppSTLtype mbstate_t syntax keyword cppSTLconstant MB_LEN_MAX syntax keyword cppSTLconstant MB_CUR_MAX syntax keyword cppSTLconstant __STDC_UTF_16__ syntax keyword cppSTLconstant __STDC_UTF_32__ syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswalnum syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswalpha syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswlower syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswupper syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswdigit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswxdigit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswcntrl syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswgraph syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswspace syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswprint syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswpunct syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswctype syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wctype syntax keyword cppSTLfunction towlower syntax keyword cppSTLfunction towupper syntax keyword cppSTLfunction towctrans syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wctrans syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstol syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstoll syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstoul syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstoull syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstof syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstod syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstold syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcscpy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcsncpy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcscat syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcsncat syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcsxfrm syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcslen syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcscmp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcsncmp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcscoll syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcschr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcsrchr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcsspn syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcscspn syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcspbrk syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcsstr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstok syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wmemcpy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wmemmove syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wmemcmp syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wmemchr syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wmemset syntax keyword cppSTLtype wctrans_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype wctype_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype wint_t syntax keyword cppSTLconstant WEOF syntax keyword cppSTLconstant WCHAR_MIN syntax keyword cppSTLconstant WCHAR_MAX if !exists("cpp_no_cpp11") syntax keyword cppSTLtype nullptr_t max_align_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype type_index syntax keyword cppSTLconstant nullptr " type_traits syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_void syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_integral syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_floating_point syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_array syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_enum syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_union syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_class syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_function syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_pointer syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_lvalue_reference syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_rvalue_reference syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_member_object_pointer syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_member_function_pointer syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_fundamental syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_arithmetic syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_scalar syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_object syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_compound syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_reference syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_member_pointer syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_const syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_volatile syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivial syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivially_copyable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_standard_layout syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_pod syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_literal_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_empty syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_polymorphic syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_abstract syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_signed syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_unsigned syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivially_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_nothrow_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_default_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivially_default_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_nothrow_default_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_copy_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivially_copy_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_nothrow_copy_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_move_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivially_move_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_nothrow_move_constructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_assignable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivially_assignable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_nothrow_assignable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_copy_assignable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivially_copy_assignable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_nothrow_copy_assignable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_move_assignable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivially_move_assignable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_nothrow_move_assignable syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_destructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_trivially_destructible syntax keyword cppSTLtype alignment_of syntax keyword cppSTLtype rank syntax keyword cppSTLtype extent syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_same syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_base_of syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_convertible syntax keyword cppSTLtype remove_cv syntax keyword cppSTLtype remove_const syntax keyword cppSTLtype remove_volatile syntax keyword cppSTLtype add_cv syntax keyword cppSTLtype add_const syntax keyword cppSTLtype add_volatile syntax keyword cppSTLtype remove_reference syntax keyword cppSTLtype add_lvalue_reference syntax keyword cppSTLtype add_rvalue_reference syntax keyword cppSTLtype remove_pointer syntax keyword cppSTLtype add_pointer syntax keyword cppSTLtype make_signed syntax keyword cppSTLtype make_unsigned syntax keyword cppSTLtype remove_extent syntax keyword cppSTLtype remove_all_extents syntax keyword cppSTLtype aligned_storage syntax keyword cppSTLtype aligned_union syntax keyword cppSTLtype decay syntax keyword cppSTLtype enable_if syntax keyword cppSTLtype conditional syntax keyword cppSTLtype common_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype underlying_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype result_of syntax keyword cppSTLtype integral_constant syntax keyword cppSTLtype true_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype false_type syntax keyword cppSTLfunction declval syntax keyword cppSTLconstant piecewise_construct syntax keyword cppSTLtype piecewise_construct_t " memory syntax keyword cppSTLtype unique_ptr syntax keyword cppSTLtype shared_ptr syntax keyword cppSTLtype weak_ptr syntax keyword cppSTLtype owner_less syntax keyword cppSTLtype enable_shared_from_this syntax keyword cppSTLexception bad_weak_ptr syntax keyword cppSTLtype default_delete syntax keyword cppSTLtype allocator_traits syntax keyword cppSTLtype allocator_type syntax keyword cppSTLtype allocator_arg_t syntax keyword cppSTLconstant allocator_arg syntax keyword cppSTLtype uses_allocator syntax keyword cppSTLtype scoped_allocator_adaptor syntax keyword cppSTLfunction declare_reachable syntax keyword cppSTLfunction undeclare_reachable syntax keyword cppSTLfunction declare_no_pointers syntax keyword cppSTLfunction undeclare_no_pointers syntax keyword cppSTLfunction get_pointer_safety syntax keyword cppSTLtype pointer_safety syntax keyword cppSTLtype pointer_traits syntax keyword cppSTLfunction addressof syntax keyword cppSTLfunction align syntax keyword cppSTLfunction make_shared syntax keyword cppSTLfunction allocate_shared syntax keyword cppSTLcast static_pointer_cast syntax keyword cppSTLcast dynamic_pointer_cast syntax keyword cppSTLcast const_pointer_cast syntax keyword cppSTLfunction get_deleter " function object syntax keyword cppSTLfunction bind syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_bind_expression syntax keyword cppSTLtype is_placeholder syntax keyword cppSTLconstant _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mem_fn syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional function syntax keyword cppSTLexception bad_function_call syntax keyword cppSTLtype reference_wrapper syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ref cref " bitset syntax keyword cppSTLfunction all syntax keyword cppSTLfunction to_ullong " iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator move_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLfunction make_move_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLfunction next prev " program support utilities syntax keyword cppSTLfunction quick_exit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction _Exit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction at_quick_exit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction forward " date and time syntax keyword cppSTLnamespace chrono syntax keyword cppSTLtype duration syntax keyword cppSTLtype system_clock syntax keyword cppSTLtype steady_clock syntax keyword cppSTLtype high_resolution_clock syntax keyword cppSTLtype time_point syntax keyword cppSTLcast duration_cast syntax keyword cppSTLcast time_point_cast " tuple syntax keyword cppSTLtype tuple syntax keyword cppSTLfunction make_tuple syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tie syntax keyword cppSTLfunction forward_as_tuple syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tuple_cat syntax keyword cppSTLtype tuple_size tuple_element " Container syntax keyword cppSTLtype array syntax keyword cppSTLtype forward_list syntax keyword cppSTLtype unordered_map syntax keyword cppSTLtype unordered_set syntax keyword cppSTLtype unordered_multimap syntax keyword cppSTLtype unordered_multiset syntax keyword cppSTLtype tuple syntax keyword cppSTLfunction cbegin syntax keyword cppSTLfunction cend syntax keyword cppSTLfunction crbegin syntax keyword cppSTLfunction crend syntax keyword cppSTLfunction shrink_to_fit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction emplace syntax keyword cppSTLfunction emplace_back syntax keyword cppSTLfunction emplace_front syntax keyword cppSTLfunction emplace_hint "forward_list syntax keyword cppSTLfunction before_begin syntax keyword cppSTLfunction cbefore_begin syntax keyword cppSTLfunction insert_after syntax keyword cppSTLfunction emplace_after syntax keyword cppSTLfunction erase_after syntax keyword cppSTLfunction splice_after " unordered syntax keyword cppSTLtype hash syntax keyword cppSTLtype hasher syntax keyword cppSTLtype key_equal syntax keyword cppSTLiterator local_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator const_local_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLfunction bucket_count syntax keyword cppSTLfunction max_bucket_count syntax keyword cppSTLfunction bucket_size syntax keyword cppSTLfunction bucket syntax keyword cppSTLfunction load_factor syntax keyword cppSTLfunction max_load_factor syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rehash syntax keyword cppSTLfunction reserve syntax keyword cppSTLfunction hash_function syntax keyword cppSTLfunction key_eq " algorithm syntax keyword cppSTLfunction all_of any_of none_of syntax keyword cppSTLfunction find_if_not syntax keyword cppSTLfunction copy_if syntax keyword cppSTLfunction copy_n syntax keyword cppSTLfunction move syntax keyword cppSTLfunction move_if_noexcept syntax keyword cppSTLfunction move_backward syntax keyword cppSTLfunction shuffle syntax keyword cppSTLfunction is_partitioned syntax keyword cppSTLfunction partition_copy syntax keyword cppSTLfunction partition_point syntax keyword cppSTLfunction is_sorted syntax keyword cppSTLfunction is_sorted_until syntax keyword cppSTLfunction is_heap_until syntax keyword cppSTLfunction minmax syntax keyword cppSTLfunction minmax_element syntax keyword cppSTLfunction is_permutation syntax keyword cppSTLfunction itoa " numerics syntax keyword cppSTLfunction imaxabs syntax keyword cppSTLfunction imaxdiv syntax keyword cppSTLfunction remainder syntax keyword cppSTLfunction remquo syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fma syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fmax syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fmin syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fdim syntax keyword cppSTLfunction nan syntax keyword cppSTLfunction nanf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction nanl syntax keyword cppSTLfunction exp2 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction expm1 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction log1p syntax keyword cppSTLfunction log2 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction cbrt syntax keyword cppSTLfunction hypot syntax keyword cppSTLfunction asinh syntax keyword cppSTLfunction acosh syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atanh syntax keyword cppSTLfunction erf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction erfc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction lgamma syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tgamma syntax keyword cppSTLfunction trunc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction round syntax keyword cppSTLfunction lround syntax keyword cppSTLfunction llround syntax keyword cppSTLfunction nearbyint syntax keyword cppSTLfunction rint syntax keyword cppSTLfunction lrint syntax keyword cppSTLfunction llrint syntax keyword cppSTLfunction scalbn syntax keyword cppSTLfunction scalbln syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ilogb syntax keyword cppSTLfunction logb syntax keyword cppSTLfunction nextafter syntax keyword cppSTLfunction nexttoward syntax keyword cppSTLfunction copysign syntax keyword cppSTLfunction fpclassify syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isfinite syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isinf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isnan syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isnormal syntax keyword cppSTLfunction signbit syntax keyword cppSTLconstant HUGE_VALF syntax keyword cppSTLconstant HUGE_VALL syntax keyword cppSTLconstant INFINITY syntax keyword cppSTLconstant NAN syntax keyword cppSTLconstant math_errhandling syntax keyword cppSTLconstant MATH_ERRNO syntax keyword cppSTLconstant MATH_ERREXCEPT syntax keyword cppSTLconstant FP_NORMAL syntax keyword cppSTLconstant FP_SUBNORMAL syntax keyword cppSTLconstant FP_ZERO syntax keyword cppSTLconstant FP_INFINITY syntax keyword cppSTLconstant FP_NAN syntax keyword cppSTLconstant FLT_EVAL_METHOD " complex "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction proj " random syntax keyword cppSTLtype linear_congruential_engine syntax keyword cppSTLtype mersenne_twister_engine syntax keyword cppSTLtype subtract_with_carry_engine syntax keyword cppSTLtype discard_block_engine syntax keyword cppSTLtype independent_bits_engine syntax keyword cppSTLtype shuffle_order_engine syntax keyword cppSTLtype random_device syntax keyword cppSTLtype default_random_engine syntax keyword cppSTLtype minstd_rand0 syntax keyword cppSTLtype minstd_rand syntax keyword cppSTLtype mt19937 syntax keyword cppSTLtype mt19937_64 syntax keyword cppSTLtype ranlux24_base syntax keyword cppSTLtype ranlux48_base syntax keyword cppSTLtype ranlux24 syntax keyword cppSTLtype ranlux48 syntax keyword cppSTLtype knuth_b syntax keyword cppSTLfunction generate_canonical syntax keyword cppSTLtype uniform_int_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype uniform_real_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype bernoulli_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype binomial_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype negative_binomial_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype geometric_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype poisson_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype exponential_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype gamma_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype weibull_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype extreme_value_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype normal_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype lognormal_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype chi_squared_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype cauchy_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype fisher_f_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype student_t_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype discrete_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype piecewise_constant_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype piecewise_linear_distribution syntax keyword cppSTLtype seed_seq " io syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iostream_category syntax keyword cppSTLenum io_errc syntax keyword cppSTLfunction vscanf vfscanf vsscanf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction snprintf vsnprintf syntax keyword cppSTLfunction vwscanf vfwscanf vswscanf " locale syntax keyword cppSTLfunction isblank syntax keyword cppSTLfunction iswblank syntax keyword cppSTLtype wstring_convert syntax keyword cppSTLtype wbuffer_convert syntax keyword cppSTLtype codecvt_utf8 syntax keyword cppSTLtype codecvt_utf16 syntax keyword cppSTLtype codecvt_utf8_utf16 syntax keyword cppSTLtype codecvt_mode " regex syntax keyword cppSTLtype basic_regex syntax keyword cppSTLtype sub_match syntax keyword cppSTLtype match_results syntax keyword cppSTLtype regex_traits syntax keyword cppSTLtype regex_match regex_search regex_replace syntax keyword cppSTLiterator regex_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLiterator regex_token_iterator syntax keyword cppSTLexception regex_error syntax keyword cppSTLtype syntax_option_type match_flag_type error_type " atomic syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_is_lock_free syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_store syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_store_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_load syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_load_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_exchange syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_exchange_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_compare_exchange_weak syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_compare_exchange_strong syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_add syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_add_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_sub syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_sub_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_and syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_and_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_or syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_or_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_xor syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_fetch_xor_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_flag syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_flag_test_and_set syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_flag_clear syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_flag_clear_explicit syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_bool syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_char syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_schar syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uchar syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_short syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_ushort syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_int syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uint syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_long syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_ulong syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_llong syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_ullong syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_char16_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_char32_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_wchar_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_int_least8_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uint_least8_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_int_least16_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uint_least16_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_int_least32_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uint_least32_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_int_least64_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uint_least64_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_int_fast8_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uint_fast8_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_int_fast16_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uint_fast16_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_int_fast32_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uint_fast32_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_int_fast64_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uint_fast64_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_intptr_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uintptr_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_size_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_ptrdiff_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_intmax_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uintmax_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype memory_order syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_init syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ATOMIC_VAR_INIT syntax keyword cppSTLconstant ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT syntax keyword cppSTLfunction kill_dependency syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_thread_fence syntax keyword cppSTLfunction atomic_signal_fence " thread syntax keyword cppSTLtype thread syntax keyword cppSTLnamespace this_thread syntax keyword cppSTLfunction yield syntax keyword cppSTLfunction get_id syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sleep_for syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sleep_until syntax keyword cppSTLfunction joinable syntax keyword cppSTLfunction get_id syntax keyword cppSTLfunction native_handle syntax keyword cppSTLfunction hardware_concurrency syntax keyword cppSTLfunction join syntax keyword cppSTLfunction detach syntax keyword cppSTLtype mutex syntax keyword cppSTLtype timed_mutex syntax keyword cppSTLtype recursive_mutex syntax keyword cppSTLtype recursive_timed_mutex syntax keyword cppSTLtype lock_guard syntax keyword cppSTLtype unique_lock syntax keyword cppSTLtype defer_lock_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype try_to_lock_t syntax keyword cppSTLtype adopt_lock_t syntax keyword cppSTLconstant defer_lock try_to_lock adopt_lock syntax keyword cppSTLfunction try_lock lock syntax keyword cppSTLfunction call_once syntax keyword cppSTLtype once_flag syntax keyword cppSTLtype condition_variable syntax keyword cppSTLtype condition_variable_any syntax keyword cppSTLfunction notify_all_at_thread_exit syntax keyword cppSTLenum cv_status syntax keyword cppSTLtype promise syntax keyword cppSTLtype packaged_task syntax keyword cppSTLtype future syntax keyword cppSTLtype shared_future syntax keyword cppSTLfunction async syntax keyword cppSTLenum launch syntax keyword cppSTLenum future_status syntax keyword cppSTLenum future_errc syntax keyword cppSTLtype future_error syntax keyword cppSTLfunction future_category " string syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stoi syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stol syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stoll syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stoul syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stoull syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stof syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stod syntax keyword cppSTLfunction stold " ratio syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio syntax keyword cppSTLtype yocto syntax keyword cppSTLtype zepto syntax keyword cppSTLtype atto syntax keyword cppSTLtype femto syntax keyword cppSTLtype pico syntax keyword cppSTLtype nano syntax keyword cppSTLtype micro syntax keyword cppSTLtype milli syntax keyword cppSTLtype centi syntax keyword cppSTLtype deci syntax keyword cppSTLtype deca syntax keyword cppSTLtype hecto syntax keyword cppSTLtype kilo syntax keyword cppSTLtype mega syntax keyword cppSTLtype giga syntax keyword cppSTLtype tera syntax keyword cppSTLtype peta syntax keyword cppSTLtype exa syntax keyword cppSTLtype zetta syntax keyword cppSTLtype yotta syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_add syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_subtract syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_multiply syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_divide syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_equal syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_not_equal syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_less syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_less_equal syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_greater syntax keyword cppSTLtype ratio_greater_equal "limits syntax keyword cppSTLfunction lowest "cuchar syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mbrtoc16 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction c16rtomb syntax keyword cppSTLfunction mbrtoc32 syntax keyword cppSTLfunction c32rtomb "cinttypes syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strtoimax syntax keyword cppSTLfunction strtoumax syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstoimax syntax keyword cppSTLfunction wcstoumax syntax keyword cppSTLtype nanoseconds syntax keyword cppSTLtype microseconds syntax keyword cppSTLtype milliseconds syntax keyword cppSTLtype seconds syntax keyword cppSTLtype minutes syntax keyword cppSTLtype hours "raw string literals syntax region cppRawString matchgroup=cppRawDelimiter start=@\%(u8\|[uLU]\)\=R"\z([[:alnum:]_{}[\]#<>%:;.?*\+\-/\^&|~!=,"']\{,16}\)(@ end=/)\z1"/ contains=@Spell syn match cNumber "0b[01]\+" endif " C++11 if !exists("cpp_no_cpp14") "dynarray syntax keyword cppSTLtype dynarray "thread syntax keyword cppSTLtype shared_mutex syntax keyword cppSTLtype shared_lock "memory syntax keyword cppSTLfunction make_unique endif " C++14 if !exists("cpp_no_boost") "optional is not a part of C++14 anymore syntax keyword cppSTLtype optional "syntax keyword cppSTLfunction value syntax keyword cppSTLfunction value_or syntax keyword cppSTLfunction make_optional syntax keyword cppSTLnamespace boost syntax keyword cppSTLcast lexical_cast endif " Boost " Default highlighting if version >= 508 || !exists("did_cpp_syntax_inits") if version < 508 let did_cpp_syntax_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link endif HiLink cppSTLfunction Function HiLink cppSTLfunctional Typedef HiLink cppSTLconstant Constant HiLink cppSTLnamespace Constant HiLink cppSTLtype Typedef HiLink cppSTLexception Exception HiLink cppSTLiterator Typedef HiLink cppSTLiterator_tag Typedef HiLink cppSTLenum Typedef HiLink cppSTLios Function HiLink cppSTLcast Statement " be consistent with official syntax HiLink cppRawString String HiLink cppRawDelimiter Delimiter delcommand HiLink endif endif