if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'rust') == -1 " Author: Kevin Ballard " Description: Helper functions for Rust commands/mappings " Last Modified: May 27, 2014 " Jump {{{1 function! rust#Jump(mode, function) range let cnt = v:count1 normal! m' if a:mode ==# 'v' norm! gv endif let foldenable = &foldenable set nofoldenable while cnt > 0 execute "call Jump_" . a:function . "()" let cnt = cnt - 1 endwhile let &foldenable = foldenable endfunction function! s:Jump_Back() call search('{', 'b') keepjumps normal! w99[{ endfunction function! s:Jump_Forward() normal! j0 call search('{', 'b') keepjumps normal! w99[{% call search('{') endfunction " Run {{{1 function! rust#Run(bang, args) if a:bang let idx = index(a:args, '--') if idx != -1 let rustc_args = idx == 0 ? [] : a:args[:idx-1] let args = a:args[idx+1:] else let rustc_args = a:args let args = [] endif else let rustc_args = [] let args = a:args endif let b:rust_last_rustc_args = rustc_args let b:rust_last_args = args call s:WithPath(function("s:Run"), rustc_args, args) endfunction function! s:Run(path, rustc_args, args) try let exepath = tempname() if has('win32') let exepath .= '.exe' endif let rustc_args = [a:path, '-o', exepath] + a:rustc_args let rustc = exists("g:rustc_path") ? g:rustc_path : "rustc" let output = system(shellescape(rustc) . " " . join(map(rustc_args, 'shellescape(v:val)'))) if output != '' echohl WarningMsg echo output echohl None endif if !v:shell_error exe '!' . shellescape(exepath) . " " . join(map(a:args, 'shellescape(v:val)')) endif finally if exists("exepath") silent! call delete(exepath) endif endtry endfunction " Expand {{{1 function! rust#Expand(bang, args) if a:bang && !empty(a:args) let pretty = a:args[0] let args = a:args[1:] else let pretty = "expanded" let args = a:args endif call s:WithPath(function("s:Expand"), pretty, args) endfunction function! s:Expand(path, pretty, args) try let rustc = exists("g:rustc_path") ? g:rustc_path : "rustc" let args = [a:path, '--pretty', a:pretty] + a:args let output = system(shellescape(rustc) . " " . join(map(args, "shellescape(v:val)"))) if v:shell_error echohl WarningMsg echo output echohl None else new silent put =output 1 d setl filetype=rust setl buftype=nofile setl bufhidden=hide setl noswapfile endif endtry endfunction function! rust#CompleteExpand(lead, line, pos) if a:line[: a:pos-1] =~ '^RustExpand!\s*\S*$' " first argument and it has a ! let list = ["normal", "expanded", "typed", "expanded,identified", "flowgraph="] if !empty(a:lead) call filter(list, "v:val[:len(a:lead)-1] == a:lead") endif return list endif return glob(escape(a:lead, "*?[") . '*', 0, 1) endfunction " Emit {{{1 function! rust#Emit(type, args) call s:WithPath(function("s:Emit"), a:type, a:args) endfunction function! s:Emit(path, type, args) try let rustc = exists("g:rustc_path") ? g:rustc_path : "rustc" let args = [a:path, '--emit', a:type, '-o', '-'] + a:args let output = system(shellescape(rustc) . " " . join(map(args, "shellescape(v:val)"))) if v:shell_error echohl WarningMsg echo output echohl None else new silent put =output 1 d if a:type == "ir" setl filetype=llvm elseif a:type == "asm" setl filetype=asm endif setl buftype=nofile setl bufhidden=hide setl noswapfile endif endtry endfunction " Utility functions {{{1 function! s:WithPath(func, ...) try let save_write = &write set write let path = expand('%') let pathisempty = empty(path) if pathisempty || !save_write " use a temporary file named 'unnamed.rs' inside a temporary " directory. This produces better error messages let tmpdir = tempname() call mkdir(tmpdir) let save_cwd = getcwd() silent exe 'lcd' fnameescape(tmpdir) let path = 'unnamed.rs' let save_mod = &mod set nomod silent exe 'keepalt write! ' . fnameescape(path) if pathisempty silent keepalt 0file endif else update endif call call(a:func, [path] + a:000) finally if exists("save_mod") | let &mod = save_mod | endif if exists("save_write") | let &write = save_write | endif if exists("save_cwd") | silent exe 'lcd' fnameescape(save_cwd) | endif if exists("tmpdir") | silent call s:RmDir(tmpdir) | endif endtry endfunction function! rust#AppendCmdLine(text) call setcmdpos(getcmdpos()) let cmd = getcmdline() . a:text return cmd endfunction function! s:RmDir(path) " sanity check; make sure it's not empty, /, or $HOME if empty(a:path) echoerr 'Attempted to delete empty path' return 0 elseif a:path == '/' || a:path == $HOME echoerr 'Attempted to delete protected path: ' . a:path return 0 endif silent exe "!rm -rf " . shellescape(a:path) endfunction " }}}1 " vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4: endif