if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'julia') == -1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Support for LaTex-to-Unicode conversion as in the Julia REPL " """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" function! s:L2U_Setup() call s:L2U_SetupGlobal() " Keep track of whether LaTeX-to-Unicode is activated " (used when filetype changes) if !has_key(b:, "l2u_enabled") let b:l2u_enabled = 0 endif " Did we install the L2U tab mappings? if !has_key(b:, "l2u_tab_set") let b:l2u_tab_set = 0 endif if !has_key(b:, "l2u_cmdtab_set") let b:l2u_cmdtab_set = 0 endif " Did we activate the L2U as-you-type substitutions? if !has_key(b:, "l2u_autosub_set") let b:l2u_autosub_set = 0 endif " Following are some flags used to pass information between the function which " attempts the LaTeX-to-Unicode completion and the fallback function " Was a (possibly partial) completion found? let b:l2u_found_completion = 0 " Is the cursor just after a single backslash let b:l2u_singlebslash = 0 " Backup value of the completeopt settings " (since we temporarily add the 'longest' setting while " attempting LaTeX-to-Unicode) let b:l2u_backup_commpleteopt = &completeopt " Are we in the middle of a L2U tab completion? let b:l2u_tab_completing = 0 " Are we calling the tab fallback? let b:l2u_in_fallback = 0 endfunction function! s:L2U_SetupGlobal() " Initialization of global and script-local variables " is only performed once if get(g:, "l2u_did_global_setup", 0) return endif let g:l2u_did_global_setup = 1 let g:l2u_symbols_dict = julia_latex_symbols#get_dict() call s:L2U_deprecated_options() if v:version < 704 let g:latex_to_unicode_tab = 0 let g:latex_to_unicode_auto = 0 endif " YouCompleteMe and neocomplcache/neocomplete/deoplete plug-ins do not work well " with LaTeX symbols suggestions if exists("g:loaded_youcompleteme") || \ exists("g:loaded_neocomplcache") || \ exists("g:loaded_neocomplete") || \ exists("g:loaded_deoplete") let g:latex_to_unicode_suggestions = 0 endif " A hack to forcibly get out of completion mode: feed " this string with feedkeys() if has("win32") || has("win64") if has("gui_running") let s:l2u_esc_sequence = "\u0006" else let s:l2u_esc_sequence = "\u0006\b" endif else let s:l2u_esc_sequence = "\u0091\b" end " Trigger for the previous mapping of let s:l2u_fallback_trigger = "\u0091L2UFallbackTab" endfunction " Each time the filetype changes, we may need to enable or " disable the LaTeX-to-Unicode functionality function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Refresh() call s:L2U_Setup() " by default, LaTeX-to-Unicode is only active on julia files let file_types = s:L2U_file_type_regex(get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_file_types", "julia")) let file_types_blacklist = s:L2U_file_type_regex(get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_file_types_blacklist", "$^")) if match(&filetype, file_types) < 0 || match(&filetype, file_types_blacklist) >= 0 if b:l2u_enabled call LaTeXtoUnicode#Disable() else return endif elseif !b:l2u_enabled call LaTeXtoUnicode#Enable() endif endfunction function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Enable() if b:l2u_enabled return end call s:L2U_ResetLastCompletionInfo() let b:l2u_enabled = 1 " If we're editing the first file upon opening vim, this will only init the " command line mode mapping, and the full initialization will be performed by " the autocmd triggered by InsertEnter, defined in /ftdetect.vim. " Otherwise, if we're opening a file from within a running vim session, this " will actually initialize all the LaTeX-to-Unicode substitutions. call LaTeXtoUnicode#Init() return endfunction function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Disable() if !b:l2u_enabled return endif let b:l2u_enabled = 0 call LaTeXtoUnicode#Init() return endfunction " Translate old options to their new equivalents function! s:L2U_deprecated_options() for [new, old] in [["latex_to_unicode_tab", "julia_latex_to_unicode"], \ ["latex_to_unicode_auto", "julia_auto_latex_to_unicode"], \ ["latex_to_unicode_suggestions", "julia_latex_suggestions_enabled"], \ ["latex_to_unicode_eager", "julia_latex_to_unicode_eager"]] if !has_key(g:, new) && has_key(g:, old) exec "let g:" . new . " = g:" . old endif endfor endfunction function! s:L2U_file_type_regex(ft) if type(a:ft) == 3 let file_types = "\\%(" . join(a:ft, "\\|") . "\\)" elseif type(a:ft) == 1 let file_types = a:ft else echoerr "invalid file_type specification" endif return "^" . file_types . "$" endfunction " Some data used to keep track of the previous completion attempt. " Used to detect " 1) if we just attempted the same completion, or " 2) if backspace was just pressed while completing " This function initializes and resets the required info function! s:L2U_ResetLastCompletionInfo() let b:l2u_completed_once = 0 let b:l2u_bs_while_completing = 0 let b:l2u_last_compl = { \ 'line': '', \ 'col0': -1, \ 'col1': -1, \ } endfunction " This function only detects whether an exact match is found for a LaTeX " symbol in front of the cursor function! s:L2U_ismatch() let col1 = col('.') let l = getline('.') let col0 = match(l[0:col1-2], '\\[^[:space:]\\]\+$') if col0 == -1 return 0 endif let base = l[col0 : col1-1] return has_key(g:l2u_symbols_dict, base) endfunction " Helper function to sort suggestion entries function! s:L2U_partmatches_sort(p1, p2) return a:p1.word > a:p2.word ? 1 : a:p1.word < a:p2.word ? -1 : 0 endfunction " Helper function to fix display of Unicode compose characters " in the suggestions menu (they are displayed on top of '◌') function! s:L2U_fix_compose_chars(uni) let u = matchstr(a:uni, '^.') let isc = ("\u0300" <= u && u <= "\u036F") || \ ("\u1DC0" <= u && u <= "\u1DFF") || \ ("\u20D0" <= u && u <= "\u20FF") || \ ("\uFE20" <= u && u <= "\uFE2F") return isc ? "\u25CC" . a:uni : a:uni endfunction " Helper function to find the longest common prefix among " partial completion matches (used when suggestions are disabled " and in command line mode) function! s:L2U_longest_common_prefix(partmatches) let common = a:partmatches[0] for i in range(1, len(a:partmatches)-1) let p = a:partmatches[i] if len(p) < len(common) let common = common[0 : len(p)-1] endif for j in range(1, len(common)-1) if p[j] != common[j] let common = common[0 : j-1] break endif endfor endfor return common endfunction " Omnicompletion function. Besides the usual two-stage omnifunc behaviour, " it has the following peculiar features: " *) keeps track of the previous completion attempt " *) sets some info to be used by the fallback function " *) either returns a list of completions if a partial match is found, or a " Unicode char if an exact match is found " *) forces its way out of completion mode through a hack in some cases function! LaTeXtoUnicode#omnifunc(findstart, base) if a:findstart " first stage " avoid infinite loop if the fallback happens to call omnicompletion if b:l2u_in_fallback let b:l2u_in_fallback = 0 return -3 endif let b:l2u_in_fallback = 0 " set info for the callback let b:l2u_tab_completing = 1 let b:l2u_found_completion = 1 " analyse current line let col1 = col('.') let l = getline('.') let col0 = match(l[0:col1-2], '\\[^[:space:]\\]\+$') " compare with previous completion attempt let b:l2u_bs_while_completing = 0 let b:l2u_completed_once = 0 if col0 == b:l2u_last_compl['col0'] let prevl = b:l2u_last_compl['line'] if col1 == b:l2u_last_compl['col1'] && l ==# prevl let b:l2u_completed_once = 1 elseif col1 == b:l2u_last_compl['col1'] - 1 && l ==# prevl[0 : col1-2] . prevl[col1 : -1] let b:l2u_bs_while_completing = 1 endif endif " store completion info for next attempt let b:l2u_last_compl['col0'] = col0 let b:l2u_last_compl['col1'] = col1 let b:l2u_last_compl['line'] = l " is the cursor right after a backslash? let b:l2u_singlebslash = (match(l[0:col1-2], '\\$') >= 0) " completion not found if col0 == -1 let b:l2u_found_completion = 0 call feedkeys(s:l2u_esc_sequence, 'n') let col0 = -2 endif return col0 else " read settings (eager mode is implicit when suggestions are disabled) let suggestions = get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_suggestions", 1) let eager = get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_eager", 1) || !suggestions " search for matches let partmatches = [] let exact_match = 0 for k in keys(g:l2u_symbols_dict) if k ==# a:base let exact_match = 1 endif if len(k) >= len(a:base) && k[0 : len(a:base)-1] ==# a:base let menu = s:L2U_fix_compose_chars(g:l2u_symbols_dict[k]) if suggestions call add(partmatches, {'word': k, 'menu': menu}) else call add(partmatches, k) endif endif endfor " exact matches are replaced with Unicode " exceptions: " *) we reached an exact match by pressing backspace while completing " *) the exact match is one among many, and the eager setting is " disabled, and it's the first time this completion is attempted if exact_match && !b:l2u_bs_while_completing && (len(partmatches) == 1 || eager || b:l2u_completed_once) " the completion is successful: reset the last completion info... call s:L2U_ResetLastCompletionInfo() " ...force our way out of completion mode... call feedkeys(s:l2u_esc_sequence, 'n') " ...return the Unicode symbol return [g:l2u_symbols_dict[a:base]] endif if !empty(partmatches) " here, only partial matches were found; either keep just the longest " common prefix, or pass them on if !suggestions let partmatches = [s:L2U_longest_common_prefix(partmatches)] else call sort(partmatches, "s:L2U_partmatches_sort") endif endif if empty(partmatches) call feedkeys(s:l2u_esc_sequence, 'n') let b:l2u_found_completion = 0 endif return partmatches endif endfunction function! LaTeXtoUnicode#PutLiteral(k) call feedkeys(a:k, 'ni') return '' endfunction " Function which saves the current insert-mode mapping of a key sequence `s` " and associates it with another key sequence `k` (e.g. stores the current " mapping into the Fallback trigger) function! s:L2U_SetFallbackMapping(s, k) let mmdict = maparg(a:s, 'i', 0, 1) if empty(mmdict) exe 'inoremap ' . a:k . ' ' . a:s return endif let rhs = mmdict["rhs"] if rhs =~# '^L2U' return endif let pre = '' if mmdict["silent"] let pre = pre . '' endif if mmdict["expr"] let pre = pre . '' endif if mmdict["noremap"] let cmd = 'inoremap ' else let cmd = 'imap ' " This is a nasty hack used to prevent infinite recursion. It's not a " general solution. if mmdict["expr"] let rhs = substitute(rhs, '\c' . a:s, "\=LaTeXtoUnicode#PutLiteral('" . a:s . "')\", 'g') endif endif exe cmd . pre . ' ' . a:k . ' ' . rhs endfunction " This is the function which is mapped to function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Tab() " the is passed through to the fallback mapping if the completion " menu is present, and it hasn't been raised by the L2U tab, and there " isn't an exact match before the cursor when suggestions are disabled if pumvisible() && !b:l2u_tab_completing && (get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_suggestions", 1) || !s:L2U_ismatch()) call feedkeys(s:l2u_fallback_trigger) return '' endif " reset the in_fallback info let b:l2u_in_fallback = 0 " temporary change to completeopt to use the `longest` setting, which is " probably the only one which makes sense given that the goal of the " completion is to substitute the final string let b:l2u_backup_commpleteopt = &completeopt set completeopt+=longest set completeopt-=noinsert " invoke omnicompletion; failure to perform LaTeX-to-Unicode completion is " handled by the CompleteDone autocommand. return "\\" endfunction " This function is called at every CompleteDone event, and is meant to handle " the failures of LaTeX-to-Unicode completion by calling a fallback function! LaTeXtoUnicode#FallbackCallback() if !b:l2u_tab_completing " completion was not initiated by L2U, nothing to do return else " completion was initiated by L2U, restore completeopt let &completeopt = b:l2u_backup_commpleteopt endif " at this point L2U tab completion is over let b:l2u_tab_completing = 0 " if the completion was successful do nothing if b:l2u_found_completion == 1 || b:l2u_singlebslash == 1 return endif " fallback let b:l2u_in_fallback = 1 call feedkeys(s:l2u_fallback_trigger) return endfunction " This is the function which is mapped to in command-line mode function! LaTeXtoUnicode#CmdTab() " first stage " analyse command line let col1 = getcmdpos() - 1 let l = getcmdline() let col0 = match(l[0:col1-1], '\\[^[:space:]\\]\+$') let b:l2u_singlebslash = (match(l[0:col1-1], '\\$') >= 0) " completion not found if col0 == -1 return l endif let base = l[col0 : col1-1] " search for matches let partmatches = [] let exact_match = 0 for k in keys(g:l2u_symbols_dict) if k ==# base let exact_match = 1 endif if len(k) >= len(base) && k[0 : len(base)-1] ==# base call add(partmatches, k) endif endfor if len(partmatches) == 0 return l endif " exact matches are replaced with Unicode if exact_match let unicode = g:l2u_symbols_dict[base] if col0 > 0 let pre = l[0 : col0 - 1] else let pre = '' endif let posdiff = col1-col0 - len(unicode) call setcmdpos(col1 - posdiff + 1) return pre . unicode . l[col1 : -1] endif " no exact match: complete with the longest common prefix let common = s:L2U_longest_common_prefix(partmatches) if col0 > 0 let pre = l[0 : col0 - 1] else let pre = '' endif let posdiff = col1-col0 - len(common) call setcmdpos(col1 - posdiff + 1) return pre . common . l[col1 : -1] endfunction " Setup the L2U tab mapping function! s:L2U_SetTab(wait_insert_enter) if !b:l2u_cmdtab_set && get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_tab", 1) && b:l2u_enabled cmap L2UCmdTab cnoremap L2UCmdTab eLaTeXtoUnicode#CmdTab() let b:l2u_cmdtab_set = 1 endif if b:l2u_tab_set return endif " g:did_insert_enter is set from an autocommand in ftdetect if a:wait_insert_enter && !get(g:, "did_insert_enter", 0) return endif if !get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_tab", 1) || !b:l2u_enabled return endif " Backup the previous omnifunc (the check is probably not really needed) if get(b:, "prev_omnifunc", "") != "LaTeXtoUnicode#omnifunc" let b:prev_omnifunc = &omnifunc endif setlocal omnifunc=LaTeXtoUnicode#omnifunc call s:L2U_SetFallbackMapping('', s:l2u_fallback_trigger) imap L2UTab inoremap L2UTab LaTeXtoUnicode#Tab() augroup L2UTab autocmd! * " Every time a completion finishes, the fallback may be invoked autocmd CompleteDone call LaTeXtoUnicode#FallbackCallback() augroup END let b:l2u_tab_set = 1 endfunction " Revert the LaTeX-to-Unicode tab mapping settings function! s:L2U_UnsetTab() if b:l2u_cmdtab_set cunmap let b:l2u_cmdtab_set = 0 endif if !b:l2u_tab_set return endif exec "setlocal omnifunc=" . get(b:, "prev_omnifunc", "") iunmap if empty(maparg("", "i")) call s:L2U_SetFallbackMapping(s:l2u_fallback_trigger, '') endif iunmap L2UTab exe 'iunmap ' . s:l2u_fallback_trigger augroup L2UTab autocmd! * augroup END let b:l2u_tab_set = 0 endfunction " Function which looks for viable LaTeX-to-Unicode supstitutions as you type function! LaTeXtoUnicode#AutoSub(...) let vc = a:0 == 0 ? v:char : a:1 let col1 = col('.') let lnum = line('.') if col1 == 1 if a:0 > 1 call feedkeys(a:2, 'n') endif return '' endif let bs = (vc != "\n") let l = getline(lnum)[0 : col1-1-bs] . v:char let col0 = match(l, '\\\%([_^]\?[A-Za-z]\+\%' . col1 . 'c\%([^A-Za-z]\|$\)\|[_^]\%([0-9()=+-]\)\%' . col1 .'c\%(.\|$\)\)') if col0 == -1 if a:0 > 1 call feedkeys(a:2, 'n') endif return '' endif let base = l[col0 : -1-bs] let unicode = get(g:l2u_symbols_dict, base, '') if empty(unicode) if a:0 > 1 call feedkeys(a:2, 'n') endif return '' endif call feedkeys("\u", 'n') call feedkeys(repeat("\b", len(base) + bs) . unicode . vc . s:l2u_esc_sequence, 'nt') call feedkeys("\u", 'n') return '' endfunction " Setup the auto as-you-type LaTeX-to-Unicode substitution function! s:L2U_SetAutoSub(wait_insert_enter) if b:l2u_autosub_set return endif " g:did_insert_enter is set from an autocommand in ftdetect if a:wait_insert_enter && !get(g:, "did_insert_enter", 0) return endif if !get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_auto", 0) || !b:l2u_enabled return endif " Viable substitutions are searched at every character insertion via the " autocmd InsertCharPre. The key does not seem to be catched in " this way though, so we use a mapping for that case. imap L2UAutoSub inoremap L2UAutoSub LaTeXtoUnicode#AutoSub("\n", "\") augroup L2UAutoSub autocmd! * autocmd InsertCharPre call LaTeXtoUnicode#AutoSub() augroup END let b:l2u_autosub_set = 1 endfunction " Revert the auto LaTeX-to-Unicode settings function! s:L2U_UnsetAutoSub() if !b:l2u_autosub_set return endif iunmap iunmap L2UAutoSub augroup L2UAutoSub autocmd! * augroup END let b:l2u_autosub_set = 0 endfunction " Initialization. Can be used to re-init when global settings have changed. function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Init(...) let wait_insert_enter = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 1 if !wait_insert_enter augroup L2UInit autocmd! augroup END endif call s:L2U_UnsetTab() call s:L2U_UnsetAutoSub() call s:L2U_SetTab(wait_insert_enter) call s:L2U_SetAutoSub(wait_insert_enter) endfunction function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Toggle() call s:L2U_Setup() if b:l2u_enabled call LaTeXtoUnicode#Disable() echo "LaTeX-to-Unicode disabled" else call LaTeXtoUnicode#Enable() echo "LaTeX-to-Unicode enabled" endif return endfunction endif