if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'swift') == -1 " File: swift.vim " Author: Keith Smiley " Description: The indent file for Swift " Last Modified: December 05, 2014 if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim setlocal nosmartindent setlocal indentkeys-=e setlocal indentkeys+=0] setlocal indentexpr=SwiftIndent() function! s:NumberOfMatches(char, string, index) let instances = 0 let i = 0 while i < strlen(a:string) if a:string[i] == a:char && !s:IsExcludedFromIndentAtPosition(a:index, i + 1) let instances += 1 endif let i += 1 endwhile return instances endfunction function! s:SyntaxNameAtPosition(line, column) return synIDattr(synID(a:line, a:column, 0), "name") endfunction function! s:SyntaxName() return s:SyntaxNameAtPosition(line("."), col(".")) endfunction function! s:IsExcludedFromIndentAtPosition(line, column) let name = s:SyntaxNameAtPosition(a:line, a:column) return s:IsSyntaxNameExcludedFromIndent(name) endfunction function! s:IsExcludedFromIndent() return s:IsSyntaxNameExcludedFromIndent(s:SyntaxName()) endfunction function! s:IsSyntaxNameExcludedFromIndent(name) return a:name ==# "swiftComment" || a:name ==# "swiftString" || a:name ==# "swiftInterpolatedWrapper" || a:name ==# "swiftMultilineInterpolatedWrapper" || a:name ==# "swiftMultilineString" endfunction function! s:IsCommentLine(lnum) return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, \ match(getline(a:lnum), "\\S") + 1, 0), "name") \ ==# "swiftComment" endfunction function! SwiftIndent(...) let clnum = a:0 ? a:1 : v:lnum let line = getline(clnum) let previousNum = prevnonblank(clnum - 1) while s:IsCommentLine(previousNum) != 0 let previousNum = prevnonblank(previousNum - 1) endwhile let previous = getline(previousNum) let cindent = cindent(clnum) let previousIndent = indent(previousNum) let numOpenParens = s:NumberOfMatches("(", previous, previousNum) let numCloseParens = s:NumberOfMatches(")", previous, previousNum) let numOpenBrackets = s:NumberOfMatches("{", previous, previousNum) let numCloseBrackets = s:NumberOfMatches("}", previous, previousNum) let currentOpenBrackets = s:NumberOfMatches("{", line, clnum) let currentCloseBrackets = s:NumberOfMatches("}", line, clnum) let numOpenSquare = s:NumberOfMatches("[", previous, previousNum) let numCloseSquare = s:NumberOfMatches("]", previous, previousNum) let currentCloseSquare = s:NumberOfMatches("]", line, clnum) if numOpenSquare > numCloseSquare && currentCloseSquare < 1 return previousIndent + shiftwidth() endif if currentCloseSquare > 0 && line !~ '\v\[.*\]' let column = col(".") call cursor(line("."), 1) let openingSquare = searchpair("\\[", "", "\\]", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") call cursor(line("."), column) if openingSquare == 0 return -1 endif " - Line starts with closing square, indent as opening square if line =~ '\v^\s*]' return indent(openingSquare) endif " - Line contains closing square and more, indent a level above opening return indent(openingSquare) + shiftwidth() endif if line =~ ":$" && (line =~ '^\s*case\W' || line =~ '^\s*default\W') let switch = search("switch", "bWn") return indent(switch) elseif previous =~ ":$" && (previous =~ '^\s*case\W' || previous =~ '^\s*default\W') return previousIndent + shiftwidth() endif if numOpenParens == numCloseParens if numOpenBrackets > numCloseBrackets if currentCloseBrackets > currentOpenBrackets || line =~ "\\v^\\s*}" let column = col(".") call cursor(line("."), 1) let openingBracket = searchpair("{", "", "}", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") call cursor(line("."), column) if openingBracket == 0 return -1 else return indent(openingBracket) endif endif return previousIndent + shiftwidth() elseif previous =~ "}.*{" if line =~ "\\v^\\s*}" return previousIndent endif return previousIndent + shiftwidth() elseif line =~ "}.*{" let openingBracket = searchpair("{", "", "}", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") let bracketLine = getline(openingBracket) let numOpenParensBracketLine = s:NumberOfMatches("(", bracketLine, openingBracket) let numCloseParensBracketLine = s:NumberOfMatches(")", bracketLine, openingBracket) if numOpenParensBracketLine > numCloseParensBracketLine let line = line(".") let column = col(".") call cursor(openingParen, column) let openingParenCol = searchpairpos("(", "", ")", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()")[1] call cursor(line, column) return openingParenCol endif return indent(openingBracket) elseif currentCloseBrackets > currentOpenBrackets let column = col(".") let line = line(".") call cursor(line, 1) let openingBracket = searchpair("{", "", "}", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") call cursor(line, column) let bracketLine = getline(openingBracket) let numOpenParensBracketLine = s:NumberOfMatches("(", bracketLine, openingBracket) let numCloseParensBracketLine = s:NumberOfMatches(")", bracketLine, openingBracket) if numCloseParensBracketLine > numOpenParensBracketLine let line = line(".") let column = col(".") call cursor(openingParen, column) let openingParen = searchpair("(", "", ")", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") call cursor(line, column) return indent(openingParen) elseif numOpenParensBracketLine > numCloseParensBracketLine let line = line(".") let column = col(".") call cursor(openingParen, column) let openingParenCol = searchpairpos("(", "", ")", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()")[1] call cursor(line, column) return openingParenCol endif return indent(openingBracket) elseif line =~ '^\s*)$' let line = line(".") let column = col(".") call cursor(line, 1) let openingParen = searchpair("(", "", ")", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") call cursor(line, column) return indent(openingParen) else " - Current line is blank, and the user presses 'o' return previousIndent endif endif if numCloseParens > 0 if currentOpenBrackets > 0 || currentCloseBrackets > 0 if currentOpenBrackets > 0 if numOpenBrackets > numCloseBrackets return previousIndent + shiftwidth() endif if line =~ "}.*{" let openingBracket = searchpair("{", "", "}", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") return indent(openingBracket) endif if numCloseParens > numOpenParens let line = line(".") let column = col(".") call cursor(line - 1, column) let openingParen = searchpair("(", "", ")", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") call cursor(line, column) return indent(openingParen) endif return previousIndent endif if currentCloseBrackets > 0 let openingBracket = searchpair("{", "", "}", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") return indent(openingBracket) endif return cindent endif if numCloseParens < numOpenParens if numOpenBrackets > numCloseBrackets return previousIndent + shiftwidth() endif let previousParen = match(previous, '\v\($') if previousParen != -1 return previousIndent + shiftwidth() endif let line = line(".") let column = col(".") call cursor(previousNum, col([previousNum, "$"])) let previousParen = searchpairpos("(", "", ")", "cbWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") call cursor(line, column) " Match the last non escaped paren on the previous line return previousParen[1] endif if numOpenBrackets > numCloseBrackets let line = line(".") let column = col(".") call cursor(previousNum, column) let openingParen = searchpair("(", "", ")", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") call cursor(line, column) return openingParen + 1 endif " - Previous line has close then open braces, indent previous + 1 'sw' if previous =~ "}.*{" return previousIndent + shiftwidth() endif let line = line(".") let column = col(".") call cursor(previousNum, column) let openingParen = searchpair("(", "", ")", "bWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()") call cursor(line, column) return indent(openingParen) endif " - Line above has (unmatched) open paren, next line needs indent if numOpenParens > 0 let savePosition = getcurpos() let lastColumnOfPreviousLine = col([previousNum, "$"]) - 1 " Must be at EOL because open paren has to be above (left of) the cursor call cursor(previousNum, lastColumnOfPreviousLine) let previousParen = searchpairpos("(", "", ")", "cbWn", "s:IsExcludedFromIndent()")[1] " If the paren on the last line is the last character, indent the contents " at shiftwidth + previous indent if previousParen == lastColumnOfPreviousLine return previousIndent + shiftwidth() endif " The previous line opens a closure and doesn't close it if numOpenBrackets > numCloseBrackets return previousParen + shiftwidth() endif call setpos(".", savePosition) return previousParen endif return cindent endfunction let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save endif