if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'elixir') == -1 if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo-=C let s:undo_ftplugin = "" let s:browsefilter = "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n" let s:match_words = "" if !exists("g:eelixir_default_subtype") let g:eelixir_default_subtype = "html" endif if !exists("b:eelixir_subtype") let s:lines = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n".getline(4)."\n".getline(5)."\n".getline("$") let b:eelixir_subtype = matchstr(s:lines,'eelixir_subtype=\zs\w\+') if b:eelixir_subtype == '' let b:eelixir_subtype = matchstr(&filetype,'^eex\.\zs\w\+') endif if b:eelixir_subtype == '' let b:eelixir_subtype = matchstr(substitute(expand("%:t"),'\c\%(\.eex\|\.eelixir\)\+$','',''),'\.\zs\w\+$') endif if b:eelixir_subtype == 'ex' let b:eelixir_subtype = 'elixir' elseif b:eelixir_subtype == 'exs' let b:eelixir_subtype = 'elixir' elseif b:eelixir_subtype == 'yml' let b:eelixir_subtype = 'yaml' elseif b:eelixir_subtype == 'js' let b:eelixir_subtype = 'javascript' elseif b:eelixir_subtype == 'txt' " Conventional; not a real file type let b:eelixir_subtype = 'text' elseif b:eelixir_subtype == '' let b:eelixir_subtype = g:eelixir_default_subtype endif endif if exists("b:eelixir_subtype") && b:eelixir_subtype != '' exe "runtime! ftplugin/".b:eelixir_subtype.".vim ftplugin/".b:eelixir_subtype."_*.vim ftplugin/".b:eelixir_subtype."/*.vim" else runtime! ftplugin/html.vim ftplugin/html_*.vim ftplugin/html/*.vim endif unlet! b:did_ftplugin " Override our defaults if these were set by an included ftplugin. if exists("b:undo_ftplugin") let s:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin unlet b:undo_ftplugin endif if exists("b:browsefilter") let s:browsefilter = b:browsefilter unlet b:browsefilter endif if exists("b:match_words") let s:match_words = b:match_words unlet b:match_words endif runtime! ftplugin/elixir.vim ftplugin/elixir_*.vim ftplugin/elixir/*.vim let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " Combine the new set of values with those previously included. if exists("b:undo_ftplugin") let s:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . " | " . s:undo_ftplugin endif if exists ("b:browsefilter") let s:browsefilter = substitute(b:browsefilter,'\cAll Files (\*\.\*)\t\*\.\*\n','','') . s:browsefilter endif if exists("b:match_words") let s:match_words = b:match_words . ',' . s:match_words endif " Load the combined list of match_words for matchit.vim if exists("loaded_matchit") let b:match_words = s:match_words endif if !exists('b:surround_45') " When using surround `-` (ASCII 45) would provide `<% selection %>` let b:surround_45 = "<% \r %>" endif if !exists('b:surround_61') " When using surround `=` (ASCII 61) would provide `<%= selection %>` let b:surround_61 = "<%= \r %>" endif if !exists('b:surround_35') " When using surround `#` (ASCII 35) would provide `<%# selection %>` let b:surround_35 = "<%# \r %>" endif if !exists('b:surround_5') " When using surround `` (ASCII 5 `ENQ`) would provide `<% selection %>\n<% end %>` let b:surround_5 = "<% \r %>\n<% end %>" endif setlocal comments=:<%# setlocal commentstring=<%#\ %s\ %> let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl cms< " \ " | unlet! b:browsefilter b:match_words | " . s:undo_ftplugin let &cpo = s:save_cpo endif