if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'jasmine') == -1 " Syntax highlighting for jasmine specs (used by http://github.com/thomd/vim-jasmine). " if b:current_syntax is defined, some other syntax files, earlier in 'runtimepath' was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " match the case of syntax elements syntax case match " keywords syntax keyword jasmineSuite describe it beforeEach afterEach syntax keyword jasmineDisabled xdescribe xit syntax keyword jasmineExpectation expect syntax region jasmineNot start=/not/ end=/\.to/me=s-1 syntax match jasmineMatcher /\.to\h\+/ syntax keyword jasmineSpy spyOn syntax match jasmineSpyMatcher /and\h\+/ " jasmine is a subset of the javascript language, thus we need to activate " javascript syntax highlighting and add new jasmin group names to the " JavaScriptAll cluster which is defined there runtime! syntax/javascript.vim syntax cluster JavaScriptAll add=jasmineSuite,jasmineDisabled,jasmineExpectation,jasmineNot,jasmineMatcher,jasmineSpy,jasmineSpyMatcher let b:current_syntax = "jasmine" hi def link jasmineSuite Statement hi def link jasmineDisabled Error hi def link jasmineExpectation Statement hi def link jasmineNot Special hi def link jasmineMatcher Statement hi def link jasmineSpy Special hi def link jasmineSpyMatcher Statement endif