if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'javascript') == -1 " Vim indent file " Language: Javascript " Maintainer: vim-javascript community " URL: https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript " Acknowledgement: Based off of vim-ruby maintained by Nikolai Weibull http://vim-ruby.rubyforge.org " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 " Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it. setlocal indentexpr=GetJavascriptIndent() setlocal nolisp setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],:,!^F,o,O,e setlocal cinoptions+=j1,J1 let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal indentexpr< indentkeys< cinoptions<' " Only define the function once. if exists("*GetJavascriptIndent") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Get shiftwidth value if exists('*shiftwidth') func s:sw() return shiftwidth() endfunc else func s:sw() return &sw endfunc endif let s:line_pre = '^\s*\%(\/\*.*\*\/\s*\)*' let s:expr_case = s:line_pre . '\%(\%(case\>.*\)\|default\)\s*:\C' " Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit string or are comments. let s:syng_strcom = '\%(string\|regex\|special\|doc\|comment\|template\)\c' " Regex of syntax group names that are strings or documentation. let s:syng_comment = '\%(comment\|doc\)\c' " Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair(). let s:skip_expr = "line('.') < (prevnonblank(v:lnum) - 2000) ? dummy : s:IsSyn(line('.'),col('.'),'')" func s:lookForParens(start,end,flags,time) try return searchpair(a:start,'',a:end,a:flags,s:skip_expr,0,a:time) catch /E118/ return searchpair(a:start,'',a:end,a:flags,0,0) endtry endfunc let s:line_term = '\s*\%(\%(:\@\@!\||\|&\|in\%(stanceof\)\=\>\)\C' endif let g:javascript_opfirst = s:line_pre . g:javascript_opfirst if !exists('g:javascript_continuation') let g:javascript_continuation = '\%([*,.?:^%]\|+\@' . (a:add ? '\|\ -1 && \ s:lookForParens('(', ')', 'cbW', 100) > 0 && \ search((a:add ? '\%(function\*\|[A-Za-z_$][0-9A-Za-z_$]*\)\C' : \ '\<\%(for\%(\s+each\)\=\|if\|let\|switch\|while\|with\)\C') . '\_s*\%#','bW')) && \ (a:add || (expand("") == 'while' ? !s:lookForParens('\\C', '\\C','bW',100) : 1)) endfunction " Auxiliary Functions {{{2 " Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string, comment, or is ascii. function s:IsSyn(lnum, col, reg) return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~? (a:reg != '' ? a:reg : s:syng_strcom) endfunction " Find line above 'lnum' that isn't empty, in a comment, or in a string. function s:PrevCodeLine(lnum) let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum) while lnum > 0 if !s:IsSyn(lnum, matchend(getline(lnum), '^\s*[^''"]'),'') break endif let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1) endwhile return lnum endfunction " Check if line 'lnum' has more opening brackets than closing ones. function s:LineHasOpeningBrackets(lnum) let open_0 = 0 let open_2 = 0 let open_4 = 0 let line = getline(a:lnum) let pos = match(line, '[][(){}]', 0) let last = 0 while pos != -1 if !s:IsSyn(a:lnum, pos + 1, '') let idx = stridx('(){}[]', line[pos]) if idx % 2 == 0 let open_{idx} = open_{idx} + 1 let last = pos else let open_{idx - 1} = open_{idx - 1} - 1 endif endif let pos = match(line, '[][(){}]', pos + 1) endwhile return [(open_0 > 0 ? 1 : (open_0 == 0 ? 0 : 2)) . (open_2 > 0 ? 1 : (open_2 == 0 ? 0 : 2)) . \ (open_4 > 0 ? 1 : (open_4 == 0 ? 0 : 2)), last] endfunction " }}} function GetJavascriptIndent() if !exists('b:js_cache') let b:js_cache = [0,0,0] end " Get the current line. let line = getline(v:lnum) " previous nonblank line number let prevline = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) " previous line of code let lnum = s:PrevCodeLine(v:lnum - 1) if lnum == 0 return 0 endif " start with strings,comments,etc.{{{2 if (line !~ '^[''"`]' && s:IsSyn(v:lnum,1,'string\|template')) || \ (line !~ '^\s*[/*]' && s:IsSyn(v:lnum,1,s:syng_comment)) return -1 endif if line !~ '^\%(\/\*\|\s*\/\/\)' && s:IsSyn(v:lnum,1,s:syng_comment) return cindent(v:lnum) endif if (line =~ s:expr_case) let cpo_switch = &cpo set cpo+=% let ind = cindent(v:lnum) let &cpo = cpo_switch return ind endif "}}} " the containing paren, bracket, curly let pcounts = [0] if b:js_cache[0] >= lnum && b:js_cache[0] <= v:lnum && b:js_cache[0] && \ (b:js_cache[0] > lnum || map(pcounts,'s:LineHasOpeningBrackets(lnum)')[0][0] !~ '2') let num = pcounts[0][0] =~ '1' ? lnum : b:js_cache[1] if pcounts[0][0] =~'1' call cursor(lnum,pcounts[0][1]) end else call cursor(v:lnum,1) let syns = synIDattr(synID(v:lnum, 1, 1), 'name') if line[0] =~ '\s' && syns != '' let pattern = syns =~? 'funcblock' ? ['{','}'] : syns =~? 'jsparen' ? ['(',')'] : syns =~? 'jsbracket'? ['\[','\]'] : \ ['(\|{\|\[',')\|}\|\]'] let num = s:lookForParens(pattern[0],pattern[1],'bW',2000) else let num = s:lookForParens('(\|{\|\[',')\|}\|\]','bW',2000) end end let b:js_cache = [v:lnum,num,line('.') == v:lnum ? b:js_cache[2] : col('.')] " most significant part if line =~ s:line_pre . '[])}]' return indent(num) end let inb = num == 0 ? 1 : s:Onescope(num, strpart(getline(num),0,b:js_cache[2] - 1),1) let switch_offset = (!inb || num == 0) || expand("") != 'switch' ? 0 : &cino !~ ':' || !has('float') ? s:sw() : \ float2nr(str2float(matchstr(&cino,'.*:\zs[-0-9.]*')) * (match(&cino,'.*:\zs[^,]*s') ? s:sw() : 1)) if ((line =~ g:javascript_opfirst || \ (getline(lnum) =~ g:javascript_continuation && getline(lnum) !~ s:expr_case)) && \ inb) || (s:Onescope(lnum,getline(lnum),0) && line !~ s:line_pre . '{') return (num > 0 ? indent(num) : -s:sw()) + (s:sw() * 2) + switch_offset elseif num > 0 return indent(num) + s:sw() + switch_offset end endfunction let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save endif