if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'tmux') == -1 " Vim syntax file " Language: tmux(1) configuration file " Maintainer: Tiago Cunha " License: This file is placed in the public domain. " " To install this file: " " - Drop the file in the syntax directory into runtimepath (such as " ~/.vim/syntax/tmux.vim). " - Make the filetype recognisable by adding the following to filetype.vim " (~/.vim/filetype.vim): " " augroup filetypedetect " au BufNewFile,BufRead .tmux.conf*,tmux.conf* setf tmux " augroup END " " - Switch on syntax highlighting by adding "syntax enable" to .vimrc. " if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif setlocal iskeyword+=- syntax case match syn keyword tmuxAction any current default none syn keyword tmuxBoolean off on syn keyword tmuxCmds \ attach \ attach-session \ bind \ bind-key \ break-pane \ breakp \ capture-pane \ capturep \ choose-buffer \ choose-client \ choose-session \ choose-tree \ choose-window \ clear-history \ clearhist \ clock-mode \ command-prompt \ confirm \ confirm-before \ copy-mode \ delete-buffer \ deleteb \ detach \ detach-client \ display \ display-message \ display-panes \ displayp \ find-window \ findw \ has \ has-session \ if \ if-shell \ info \ join-pane \ joinp \ kill-pane \ kill-server \ kill-session \ kill-window \ killp \ killw \ last \ last-pane \ last-window \ lastp \ link-window \ linkw \ list-buffers \ list-clients \ list-commands \ list-keys \ list-panes \ list-sessions \ list-windows \ load-buffer \ loadb \ lock \ lock-client \ lock-server \ lock-session \ lockc \ locks \ ls \ lsb \ lsc \ lscm \ lsk \ lsp \ lsw \ move-pane \ move-window \ movep \ movew \ new \ new-session \ new-window \ neww \ next \ next-layout \ next-window \ nextl \ paste-buffer \ pasteb \ path \ pipe-pane \ pipep \ prev \ previous-layout \ previous-window \ prevl \ refresh \ refresh-client \ rename \ rename-session \ rename-window \ renamew \ resize-pane \ resizep \ respawn-pane \ respawn-window \ respawnp \ respawnw \ rotate-window \ rotatew \ run \ run-shell \ save-buffer \ saveb \ select-layout \ select-pane \ select-window \ selectl \ selectp \ selectw \ send \ send-keys \ send-prefix \ server-info \ set \ set-buffer \ set-environment \ set-hook \ set-option \ set-window-option \ setb \ setenv \ setw \ show \ show-buffer \ show-environment \ show-hooks \ show-messages \ show-options \ show-window-options \ showb \ showenv \ showmsgs \ showw \ source \ source-file \ split-window \ splitw \ start \ start-server \ suspend-client \ suspendc \ swap-pane \ swap-window \ swapp \ swapw \ switch-client \ switchc \ unbind \ unbind-key \ unlink-window \ unlinkw \ wait \ wait-for syn keyword tmuxOptsSet \ assume-paste-time \ base-index \ bell-action \ bell-on-alert \ buffer-limit \ default-command \ default-shell \ default-terminal \ destroy-unattached \ detach-on-destroy \ display-panes-active-colour \ display-panes-colour \ display-panes-time \ display-time \ escape-time \ exit-unattached \ focus-events \ history-file \ history-limit \ lock-after-time \ lock-command \ message-command-style \ message-limit \ message-style \ mouse \ prefix \ prefix2 \ quiet \ renumber-windows \ repeat-time \ set-clipboard \ set-remain-on-exit \ set-titles \ set-titles-string \ status \ status-bg \ status-fg \ status-interval \ status-justify \ status-keys \ status-left \ status-left-length \ status-left-style \ status-position \ status-right \ status-right-length \ status-right-style \ status-style \ terminal-overrides \ update-environment \ visual-activity \ visual-bell \ visual-silence \ word-separators syn keyword tmuxOptsSetw \ aggressive-resize \ allow-rename \ alternate-screen \ automatic-rename \ automatic-rename-format \ clock-mode-colour \ clock-mode-style \ force-height \ force-width \ main-pane-height \ main-pane-width \ message-attr \ message-bg \ message-fg \ mode-keys \ mode-style \ monitor-activity \ monitor-silence \ other-pane-height \ other-pane-width \ pane-active-border-bg \ pane-active-border-fg \ pane-active-border-style \ pane-base-index \ pane-border-fg \ pane-border-style \ remain-on-exit \ synchronize-panes \ window-active-style \ window-status-activity-attr \ window-status-activity-bg \ window-status-activity-fg \ window-status-activity-style \ window-status-bell-style \ window-status-bg \ window-status-current-attr \ window-status-current-bg \ window-status-current-fg \ window-status-current-format \ window-status-current-style \ window-status-fg \ window-status-format \ window-status-last-style \ window-status-separator \ window-status-style \ window-style \ wrap-search \ xterm-keys syn keyword tmuxTodo FIXME NOTE TODO XXX contained syn match tmuxKey /\(C-\|M-\|\^\)\+\S\+/ display syn match tmuxNumber /\<\d\+\>/ display syn match tmuxOptions /\s-\a\+/ display syn match tmuxVariable /\w\+=/ display syn match tmuxVariableExpansion /\${\=\w\+}\=/ display " Comments can span multiple lines, when the newline is escaped " (with a single) backslash at the end. syn region tmuxComment start=/#/ skip=/\\\@