if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'haskell') == -1 " indentation for haskell " " author: raichoo (raichoo@googlemail.com) " " Modify g:haskell_indent_if and g:haskell_indent_case to " change indentation for `if'(default 3) and `case'(default 5). " Example (in .vimrc): " > let g:haskell_indent_if = 2 if exists('b:did_indent') finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 if !exists('g:haskell_indent_if') " if x " >>>then ... " >>>else ... let g:haskell_indent_if = 3 endif if !exists('g:haskell_indent_case') " case xs of " >>[] -> ... " >>(y:ys) -> ... let g:haskell_indent_case = 2 endif if !exists('g:haskell_indent_let') " let x = 0 in " >>>>x let g:haskell_indent_let = 4 endif if !exists('g:haskell_indent_where') " where f :: Int -> Int " >>>>>>f x = x let g:haskell_indent_where = 6 endif if !exists('g:haskell_indent_do') " do x <- a " >>>y <- b let g:haskell_indent_do = 3 endif if !exists('g:haskell_indent_in') " let x = 1 " >in x let g:haskell_indent_in = 1 endif if !exists('g:haskell_indent_guard') " f x y " >>| let g:haskell_indent_guard = 2 endif setlocal indentexpr=GetHaskellIndent() setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0(,0),0[,0],!^F,o,O,0\=,0=where,0=let,0=deriving, function! s:isInBlock(hlstack) return index(a:hlstack, 'haskellParens') > -1 || index(a:hlstack, 'haskellBrackets') > -1 || index(a:hlstack, 'haskellBlock') > -1 || index(a:hlstack, 'haskellBlockComment') > -1 || index(a:hlstack, 'haskellPragma') > -1 endfunction function! s:stripTrailingComment(line) if a:line =~ '^\s*--\(-\+\|\s\+\)' || a:line =~ '^\s*{-' return a:line else let l:stripped = split(a:line, '-- ') if len(l:stripped) > 1 return substitute(l:stripped[0], '\s*$', '', '') else return a:line endif endif endfunction function! s:isSYN(grp, line, col) return index(s:getHLStack(a:line, a:col), a:grp) != -1 endfunction function! s:getNesting(hlstack) return filter(a:hlstack, 'v:val == "haskellBlock" || v:val == "haskellBrackets" || v:val == "haskellParens" || v:val == "haskellBlockComment" || v:val == "haskellPragma" ') endfunction function! s:getHLStack(line, col) return map(synstack(a:line, a:col), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') endfunction " indent matching character function! s:indentMatching(char) normal! 0 call search(a:char, 'cW') normal! % return col('.') - 1 endfunction " backtrack to find guard clause function! s:indentGuard(pos, prevline) let l:l = a:prevline let l:c = 1 while v:lnum != l:c " empty line, stop looking if l:l =~ '^$' return a:pos " guard found elseif l:l =~ '^\s*|\s\+' return match(l:l, '|') " found less deeper indentation (not starting with `,` or `=`) " stop looking else let l:m = match(l:l, '\S') if l:l !~ '^\s*[=,]' && l:m <= a:pos return l:m + g:haskell_indent_guard endif endif let l:c += 1 let l:l = getline(v:lnum - l:c) endwhile return -1 endfunction function! GetHaskellIndent() let l:hlstack = s:getHLStack(line('.'), col('.')) " do not indent in strings and quasiquotes if index(l:hlstack, 'haskellQuasiQuote') > -1 || index(l:hlstack, 'haskellBlockComment') > -1 return -1 endif let l:prevline = s:stripTrailingComment(getline(v:lnum - 1)) let l:line = getline(v:lnum) " indent multiline strings if index(l:hlstack, 'haskellString') > -1 if l:line =~ '^\s*\\' return match(l:prevline, '["\\]') else return - 1 endif endif " reset if l:prevline =~ '^\s*$' && l:line !~ '^\s*\S' return 0 endif " comment indentation if l:line =~ '^\s*--' return match(l:prevline, '-- ') endif if l:prevline =~ '^\s*--' return match(l:prevline, '\S') endif " { foo :: Int " >>, " " | " ... " >>, if l:line =~ '^\s*,' if s:isInBlock(l:hlstack) normal! 0 call search(',', 'cW') let l:n = s:getNesting(s:getHLStack(line('.'), col('.'))) call search('[([{]', 'bW') let l:cl = line('.') let l:cc = col('.') while l:n != s:getNesting(s:getHLStack(l:cl, l:cc)) || s:isSYN('haskellString', l:cl, l:cc) || s:isSYN('haskellChar', l:cl, l:cc) call search('[([{]', 'bW') let l:cl = line('.') let l:cc = col('.') endwhile return l:cc - 1 else let l:s = s:indentGuard(match(l:line, ','), l:prevline) if l:s > -1 return l:s end endif endif " operator at end of previous line if l:prevline =~ '[!#$%&*+./<>?@\\^|~-]\s*$' return match(l:prevline, '\S') + &shiftwidth endif " let foo = " >>>>>>bar if l:prevline =~ '\C\\s\+[^=]\+=\s*$' return match(l:prevline, '\C\') + g:haskell_indent_let + &shiftwidth endif " let x = 1 in " >>>>x if l:prevline =~ '\C\\s\+.\+\\?$' && l:line !~ '\C^\s*\' return match(l:prevline, '\C\') + g:haskell_indent_let endif " let x = 1 " let y = 2 " " let x = 1 " >in x " " let x = 1 " >>>>y = 2 if l:prevline =~ '\C\\s\+.\+$' if l:line =~ '\C^\s*\' let l:s = match(l:prevline, '\C\') if s:isSYN('haskellLet', v:lnum - 1, l:s + 1) return l:s endif elseif l:line =~ '\C^\s*\' let l:s = match(l:prevline, '\C\') if s:isSYN('haskellLet', v:lnum - 1, l:s + 1) return l:s + g:haskell_indent_in endif else let l:s = match(l:prevline, '\C\') if s:isSYN('haskellLet', v:lnum - 1, l:s + 1) return l:s + g:haskell_indent_let endif endif endif " if handling if l:prevline !~ '\C\' let l:s = match(l:prevline, '\C\.*\&.*\zs\') if l:s > 0 return l:s endif let l:s = match(l:prevline, '\C\') if l:s > 0 return l:s + g:haskell_indent_if endif endif " where " >>foo " " do " >>foo " " foo = " >>bar if l:prevline =~ '\C\(\\|\\|=\)\s*$' return match(l:prevline, '\S') + &shiftwidth endif " do foo " >>>bar if l:prevline =~ '\C\\s\+\S\+.*$' let l:s = match(l:prevline, '\C\') if s:isSYN('haskellKeyword', v:lnum - 1, l:s + 1) return l:s + g:haskell_indent_do endif endif " case foo of " >>bar -> quux if l:prevline =~ '\C\.\+\\s*$' return match(l:prevline, '\C\') + g:haskell_indent_case endif "" where foo "" >>>>>>bar if l:prevline =~ '\C\\s\+\S\+.*$' if l:line =~ '^\s*[=-]>\s' && l:prevline =~ ' :: ' return match(l:prevline, ':: ') else let l:s = match(l:prevline, '\C\') if s:isSYN('haskellWhere', v:lnum - 1, l:s + 1) return l:s + g:haskell_indent_where endif endif endif " newtype Foo = Foo " >>deriving if l:prevline =~ '\C\s*\<\(newtype\|data\)\>[^{]\+' && l:line =~ '\C^\s*\' return match(l:prevline, '\S') + &shiftwidth endif " foo :: Int " >>>>-> Int " " foo " :: Int " foo if l:prevline =~ '\s::\s' if l:line =~ '^\s*[-=]>' return match(l:prevline, '::\s') elseif match(l:prevline, '^\s\+::') > -1 return match(l:prevline, '::\s') - &shiftwidth endif endif " foo :: Int " -> Int " foo x " " foo " :: Int " -> Int " foo x if l:prevline =~ '^\s*[-=]>' && l:line !~ '^\s*[-=]>' if s:isInBlock(l:hlstack) return match(l:prevline, '[^\s-=>]') else let l:m = matchstr(l:line, '^\s*\zs\<\S\+\>\ze') let l:l = l:prevline let l:c = 1 while v:lnum != l:c " fun decl let l:s = match(l:l, l:m) if l:s >= 0 if match(l:l, '\C^\s*\') > -1 return l:s - 8 else return l:s endif " empty line, stop looking elseif l:l =~ '^$' return 0 endif let l:c += 1 let l:l = getline(v:lnum - l:c) endwhile return 0 endif endif " | otherwise = ... " foo " " | foo " >>, bar " " | foo " >>= bar " " | Foo " >>deriving if l:prevline =~ '^\s\+|' && !s:isInBlock(l:hlstack) if l:line =~ '\s*[,=]' return match(l:prevline, '|') elseif l:line =~ '\C^\s*\' return match(l:prevline, '|') elseif l:line !~ '^\s*|' return match(l:prevline, '|') - g:haskell_indent_guard endif endif " foo :: ( Monad m " , Functor f " ) ">>>>>=> Int if l:prevline =~ '^\s*)' && l:line =~ '^\s*=>' let l:s = match(l:prevline, ')') return l:s - (&shiftwidth + 1) endif " module Foo " >>( bar if l:prevline =~ '\C^\' return &shiftwidth endif " foo " >>{ if l:line =~ '^\s*{' && l:prevline !~ '^{' let l:s = match(l:prevline, '\S') if l:s >= 0 return l:s + &shiftwidth endif endif " in foo " where bar if l:line =~ '\C^\s*\' if match(l:prevline, '\C^\s\+in\s\+') == 0 return match(l:prevline, 'in') - g:haskell_indent_in endif return match(l:prevline, '\S') + &shiftwidth endif " let x = 1 " y = 2 " >in x + 1 if l:line =~ '\C^\s*\' return match(l:prevline, '\S') - (4 - g:haskell_indent_in) endif " data Foo " >>= Bar " " | " ... " >>= " " foo " >>= if l:line =~ '^\s*=' if l:prevline =~ '\C^\\s\+[^=]\+\s*$' return match(l:prevline, '\C\') + &shiftwidth else let l:s = s:indentGuard(match(l:line, '='), l:prevline) if l:s > 0 return l:s else return &shiftwidth endif endif endif " | " ... " >>| " " data Foo = Bar " >>>>>>>>>| if l:line =~ '^\s*|\s' if l:prevline =~ '\C^\s*\.\+=.\+$' return match(l:prevline, '=') else let l:s = s:indentGuard(match(l:line, '|'), l:prevline) if l:s > -1 return l:s endif endif endif " foo " >>:: Int if l:line =~ '^\s*::\s' return match(l:prevline, '\S') + &shiftwidth endif " indent closing brace, paren or bracket if l:line =~ '^\s*}' return s:indentMatching('}') endif if l:line =~ '^\s*)' return s:indentMatching(')') endif if l:line =~ '^\s*]' return s:indentMatching(']') endif " " indent import if l:line =~ '\C^\s*import' return 0 endif " do not reindent indented lines if match(l:prevline, '\S') < match(l:line, '\S') return -1 endif if l:line !~ '^\s*[=-]>\s' && l:line =~ '^\s*[!#$%&*+./<>?@\\^|~-]\+' return -1 endif return match(l:prevline, '\S') endfunction endif