if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'elm') != -1 finish endif " IsWin returns 1 if current OS is Windows or 0 otherwise fun! elm#util#IsWin() abort let l:win = ['win16', 'win32', 'win32unix', 'win64', 'win95'] for l:w in l:win if (has(l:w)) return 1 endif endfor return 0 endf fun! elm#util#CheckBin(bin, url) abort let l:binpath = substitute(a:bin, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') if executable(l:binpath) return l:binpath endif call elm#util#EchoWarning('elm-vim:', 'could not find ' . l:binpath . ' [' . a:url . ']') return '' endf " Determines the browser command to use fun! s:get_browser_command() abort let l:elm_browser_command = get(g:, 'elm_browser_command', '') if l:elm_browser_command ==? '' if elm#util#IsWin() let l:elm_browser_command = '!start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler %URL%' elseif has('mac') || has('macunix') || has('gui_macvim') || system('uname') =~? '^darwin' let l:elm_browser_command = 'open %URL%' elseif executable('xdg-open') let l:elm_browser_command = 'xdg-open %URL%' elseif executable('firefox') let l:elm_browser_command = 'firefox %URL% &' else let l:elm_browser_command = '' endif endif return l:elm_browser_command endf " OpenBrowser opens a url in the default browser fun! elm#util#OpenBrowser(url) abort let l:cmd = s:get_browser_command() if len(l:cmd) == 0 redraw echohl WarningMsg echo "It seems that you don't have general web browser. Open URL below." echohl None echo a:url return endif if l:cmd =~? '^!' let l:cmd = substitute(l:cmd, '%URL%', '\=shellescape(a:url)', 'g') silent! exec l:cmd elseif l:cmd =~# '^:[A-Z]' let l:cmd = substitute(l:cmd, '%URL%', '\=a:url', 'g') exec l:cmd else let l:cmd = substitute(l:cmd, '%URL%', '\=shellescape(a:url)', 'g') call system(l:cmd) endif endf " DecodeJSON decodes a string of json into a viml object fun! elm#util#DecodeJSON(s) abort let l:true = 1 let l:false = 0 let l:null = 0 return eval(a:s) endf " Remove ANSI escape characters used for highlighting purposes fun! s:strip_color(msg) abort return substitute(a:msg, '\e\[[0-9;]\+[mK]', '', 'g') endf " Print functions fun! elm#util#Echo(title, msg) abort redraws! | echon a:title . ' ' | echohl Identifier | echon s:strip_color(a:msg) | echohl None endf fun! elm#util#EchoSuccess(title, msg) abort redraws! | echon a:title . ' ' | echohl Function | echon s:strip_color(a:msg) | echohl None endf fun! elm#util#EchoWarning(title, msg) abort redraws! | echon a:title . ' ' | echohl WarningMsg | echon s:strip_color(a:msg) | echohl None endf fun! elm#util#EchoError(title, msg) abort redraws! | echon a:title . ' ' | echohl ErrorMsg | echon s:strip_color(a:msg) | echohl None endf fun! elm#util#EchoLater(func_name, title, msg) abort let s:echo_func_name = a:func_name let s:echo_title = a:title let s:echo_msg = a:msg endf fun! elm#util#EchoStored() abort if exists('s:echo_func_name') && exists('s:echo_title') && exists('s:echo_msg') call elm#util#{s:echo_func_name}(s:echo_title, s:echo_msg) unlet s:echo_func_name unlet s:echo_title unlet s:echo_msg endif endf function! elm#util#GoToModule(name) if empty(a:name) | return | endif if empty(matchstr(a:name, '^Native\.')) let l:extension = '.elm' else let l:extension = '.js' endif let l:rel_path = substitute(a:name, '\.', '/', 'g') . l:extension let l:root = elm#FindRootDirectory() let l:module_file = s:findLocalModule(l:rel_path, l:root) if !filereadable(l:module_file) let l:module_file = s:findDependencyModule(l:rel_path, l:root) endif if filereadable(l:module_file) exec 'edit ' . fnameescape(l:module_file) else return s:error("Can't find module \"" . a:name . "\"") endif endfunction function! s:findLocalModule(rel_path, root) let l:old_match = findfile('elm-package.json', a:root . ';') let l:new_match = findfile('elm.json', a:root . ';') if !empty(l:new_match) let l:package_json = l:new_match elseif !empty(l:old_match) let l:package_json = l:old_match endif if exists('*json_decode') let l:package = json_decode(readfile(l:package_json)) let l:source_roots = l:package['source-directories'] else " This is a fallback for vim's which do not support json_decode. " It simply only looks in the 'src' subdirectory and fails otherwise. let l:source_roots = ['src'] end for l:source_root in l:source_roots let l:file_path = a:root . '/' . l:source_root . '/' . a:rel_path if !filereadable(l:file_path) continue endif return l:file_path endfor endfunction function! s:findDependencyModule(rel_path, root) " If we are a dependency ourselves, we need to check our siblings. " This is because elm package doesn't install dependencies recursively. let l:root = substitute(a:root, '\/elm-stuff/packages.\+$', '', '') " We naively craws the dependencies dir for any fitting module name. " If it exists, we'll find it. If multiple filenames match, " there's a chance we return the wrong one. let l:module_paths = glob(l:root . '/elm-stuff/packages/**/' . a:rel_path, 0, 1) if len(l:module_paths) > 0 return l:module_paths[0] endif endfunction " Using the built-in :echoerr prints a stacktrace, which isn't that nice. " From: https://github.com/moll/vim-node/blob/master/autoload/node.vim function! s:error(msg) echohl ErrorMsg echomsg a:msg echohl NONE let v:errmsg = a:msg endfunction