if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'julia') != -1 finish endif function! julia#set_syntax_version(jvers) if &filetype != "julia" echo "Not a Julia file" return endif syntax clear let b:julia_syntax_version = a:jvers set filetype=julia endfunction function! julia#toggle_deprecated_syntax() if &filetype != "julia" echo "Not a Julia file" return endif syntax clear let hd = get(b:, "julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated", \ get(g:, "julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated", 0)) let b:julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated = hd ? 0 : 1 set filetype=julia if b:julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated echo "Highlighting of deprecated syntax enabled" else echo "Highlighting of deprecated syntax disabled" endif endfunction if exists("loaded_matchit") function! julia#toggle_function_blockassign() let sav_pos = getcurpos() let l = getline('.') let c = match(l, '\C\m\') == 0 normal! dw endif if match(getline('.')[(col('.')-1):], '\C\m\s*$') == 0 normal! F=C= nothing endif normal! jddk^ return endfunction function! julia#function_assign2block() let sav_pos = getcurpos() let l = getline('.') let c = match(l, '\C\m)\%(::\S\+\)\?\%(\s\+where\s\+.*\)\?\s*=\s*') if c == -1 echohl WarningMsg | echo "Not on a function assignment-definition line" | echohl None return endif normal ^ while match(l[(col('.')-1):], '\%(\S\+\.\)*@') == 0 normal! W endwhile normal! ifunction  let l = getline('.') let c = match(l, '\C\m)\%(::\S\+\)\?\%(\s\+where\s\+.*\)\?\s*\zs=\s*') let eqpos = copy(sav_pos) let eqpos[2] = c+1 call setpos('.', eqpos) normal! cw oend normal % s/\s*$// | noh return endfunction let s:nonid_chars = "\U01-\U07" . "\U0E-\U1F" . \ "\"#$'(,.:;=?@`\\U5B{" . \ "\U80-\UA1" . "\UA7\UA8\UAB\UAD\UAF\UB4" . "\UB6-\UB8" . "\UBB\UBF" let s:nonidS_chars = "[:space:])\\U5D}" . s:nonid_chars " the following excludes '!' since it can be used as an identifier, " and '$' since it can be used in interpolations " note that \U2D is '-' let s:uniop_chars = "+\\U2D~¬√∛∜" let s:binop_chars = "=+\\U2D*/\\%÷^&|⊻<>≤≥≡≠≢∈∉⋅×∪∩⊆⊈⊂⊄⊊←→∋∌⊕⊖⊞⊟∘∧⊗⊘↑↓∨⊠±" " the following is a list of all remainig valid operator chars, " but it's more efficient when expressed with ranges (see below) " let s:binop_chars_extra = "↔↚↛↠↣↦↮⇎⇏⇒⇔⇴⇶⇷⇸⇹⇺⇻⇼⇽⇾⇿⟵⟶⟷⟷⟹⟺⟻⟼⟽⟾⟿⤀⤁⤂⤃⤄⤅⤆⤇⤌⤍⤎⤏⤐⤑⤔⤕⤖⤗⤘⤝⤞⤟⤠⥄⥅⥆⥇⥈⥊⥋⥎⥐⥒⥓⥖⥗⥚⥛⥞⥟⥢⥤⥦⥧⥨⥩⥪⥫⥬⥭⥰⧴⬱⬰⬲⬳⬴⬵⬶⬷⬸⬹⬺⬻⬼⬽⬾⬿⭀⭁⭂⭃⭄⭇⭈⭉⭊⭋⭌←→" . " \ "∝∊∍∥∦∷∺∻∽∾≁≃≄≅≆≇≈≉≊≋≌≍≎≐≑≒≓≔≕≖≗≘≙≚≛≜≝≞≟≣≦≧≨≩≪≫≬≭≮≯≰≱≲≳≴≵≶≷≸≹≺≻≼≽≾≿⊀⊁⊃⊅⊇⊉⊋⊏⊐⊑⊒⊜⊩⊬⊮⊰⊱⊲⊳⊴⊵⊶⊷⋍⋐⋑⋕⋖⋗⋘⋙⋚⋛⋜⋝⋞⋟⋠⋡⋢⋣⋤⋥⋦⋧⋨⋩⋪⋫⋬⋭⋲⋳⋴⋵⋶⋷⋸⋹⋺⋻⋼⋽⋾⋿⟈⟉⟒⦷⧀⧁⧡⧣⧤⧥⩦⩧⩪⩫⩬⩭⩮⩯⩰⩱⩲⩳⩴⩵⩶⩷⩸⩹⩺⩻⩼⩽⩾⩿⪀⪁⪂⪃⪄⪅⪆⪇⪈⪉⪊⪋⪌⪍⪎⪏⪐⪑⪒⪓⪔⪕⪖⪗⪘⪙⪚⪛⪜⪝⪞⪟⪠⪡⪢⪣⪤⪥⪦⪧⪨⪩⪪⪫⪬⪭⪮⪯⪰⪱⪲⪳⪴⪵⪶⪷⪸⪹⪺⪻⪼⪽⪾⪿⫀⫁⫂⫃⫄⫅⫆⫇⫈⫉⫊⫋⫌⫍⫎⫏⫐⫑⫒⫓⫔⫕⫖⫗⫘⫙⫷⫸⫹⫺⊢⊣" . " \ "⊔∓∔∸≂≏⊎⊽⋎⋓⧺⧻⨈⨢⨣⨤⨥⨦⨧⨨⨩⨪⨫⨬⨭⨮⨹⨺⩁⩂⩅⩊⩌⩏⩐⩒⩔⩖⩗⩛⩝⩡⩢⩣" . " \ "⊙⊚⊛⊡⊓∗∙∤⅋≀⊼⋄⋆⋇⋉⋊⋋⋌⋏⋒⟑⦸⦼⦾⦿⧶⧷⨇⨰⨱⨲⨳⨴⨵⨶⨷⨸⨻⨼⨽⩀⩃⩄⩋⩍⩎⩑⩓⩕⩘⩚⩜⩞⩟⩠⫛⊍▷⨝⟕⟖⟗" . " \ "⇵⟰⟱⤈⤉⤊⤋⤒⤓⥉⥌⥍⥏⥑⥔⥕⥘⥙⥜⥝⥠⥡⥣⥥⥮⥯↑↓" " same as above, but with character ranges, for performance let s:binop_chars_extra = "\\U214B\\U2190-\\U2194\\U219A\\U219B\\U21A0\\U21A3\\U21A6\\U21AE\\U21CE\\U21CF\\U21D2\\U21D4\\U21F4-\\U21FF\\U2208-\\U220D\\U2213\\U2214\\U2217-\\U2219\\U221D\\U2224-\\U222A\\U2237\\U2238\\U223A\\U223B\\U223D\\U223E\\U2240-\\U228B\\U228D-\\U229C\\U229E-\\U22A3\\U22A9\\U22AC\\U22AE\\U22B0-\\U22B7\\U22BB-\\U22BD\\U22C4-\\U22C7\\U22C9-\\U22D3\\U22D5-\\U22ED\\U22F2-\\U22FF\\U25B7\\U27C8\\U27C9\\U27D1\\U27D2\\U27D5-\\U27D7\\U27F0\\U27F1\\U27F5-\\U27F7\\U27F7\\U27F9-\\U27FF\\U2900-\\U2918\\U291D-\\U2920\\U2944-\\U2970\\U29B7\\U29B8\\U29BC\\U29BE-\\U29C1\\U29E1\\U29E3-\\U29E5\\U29F4\\U29F6\\U29F7\\U29FA\\U29FB\\U2A07\\U2A08\\U2A1D\\U2A22-\\U2A2E\\U2A30-\\U2A3D\\U2A40-\\U2A45\\U2A4A-\\U2A58\\U2A5A-\\U2A63\\U2A66\\U2A67\\U2A6A-\\U2AD9\\U2ADB\\U2AF7-\\U2AFA\\U2B30-\\U2B44\\U2B47-\\U2B4C\\UFFE9-\\UFFEC" " a Julia identifier, sort of let s:idregex = '[^' . s:nonidS_chars . '0-9!' . s:uniop_chars . s:binop_chars . '][^' . s:nonidS_chars . s:uniop_chars . s:binop_chars . s:binop_chars_extra . ']*' let s:operators = '\%(' . '\.\%([-+*/^÷%|&!]\|//\|\\\|<<\|>>>\?\)\?=' . \ '\|' . '[:$<>]=\|||\|&&\||>\|<|\|<:\|:>\|::\|<<\|>>>\?\|//\|[-=]>\|\.\{3\}' . \ '\|' . '[' . s:uniop_chars . '!$]' . \ '\|' . '\.\?[' . s:binop_chars . s:binop_chars_extra . ']' . \ '\)' function! julia#idundercursor() " TODO... let w = expand('') " let [l,c] = [line('.'),col('.')] " let ll = getline(l) return w endfunction function! julia#gotodefinition() let w = julia#idundercursor() if empty(w) return '' endif let [l,c] = [line('.'),col('.')] let st = map(synstack(l,c), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') let n = len(st) if n > 0 && st[-1] =~# '^julia\%(\%(Range\|Ternary\|CTrans\)\?Operator\|\%(Possible\)\?SymbolS\?\|\%(Bl\|Rep\)\?Keyword\|Conditional\|ParDelim\|Char\|Colon\|Typedef\|Number\|Float\|Const\%(Generic\|Bool\)\|ComplexUnit\|\%(Special\|\%(Octal\|Hex\)Escape\)Char\|UniChar\%(Small\|Large\)\|Comment[LM]\|Todo\|Semicolon\)$' return '' endif let comprehension = 0 let indollar = 0 for i in range(n-1, 0, -1) if st[i] =~# '^juliaDollar\%(Var\|Par\|SqBra\)$' let indollar = 1 endif if !indollar && st[i] =~# '^julia\%(\a*String\|QuotedParBlockS\?\)$' return '' endif if st[i] =~# '^julia\%(ParBlock\%(InRange\)\?\|SqBraBlock\|\%(Dollar\|StringVars\)\%(Par\|SqBra\)\)$' let comprehension = 1 endif endfor let s1 = search('\C\<' . w . '\s*=[^=]', 'bcWzs') return endfunction endif