if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'rust') != -1 finish endif function! cargo#Load() " Utility call to get this script loaded, for debugging endfunction function! cargo#cmd(args) execute "! cargo" a:args endfunction function! s:nearest_cargo(...) abort " If the second argument is not specified, the first argument determines " whether we will start from the current directory or the directory of the " current buffer, otherwise, we start with the provided path on the " second argument. let l:is_getcwd = get(a:, 1, 0) if l:is_getcwd let l:starting_path = get(a:, 2, getcwd()) else let l:starting_path = get(a:, 2, expand('%:p:h')) endif return findfile('Cargo.toml', l:starting_path . ';') endfunction function! cargo#nearestCargo(is_getcwd) abort return s:nearest_cargo(a:is_getcwd) endfunction function! cargo#nearestWorkspaceCargo(is_getcwd) abort let l:nearest = s:nearest_cargo(a:is_getcwd) while l:nearest !=# '' for l:line in readfile(l:nearest, '', 0x100) if l:line =~# '\V[workspace]' return l:nearest endif endfor let l:next = fnamemodify(l:nearest, ':p:h:h') let l:nearest = s:nearest_cargo(0, l:next) endwhile return '' endfunction function! cargo#nearestRootCargo(is_getcwd) abort " Try to find a workspace Cargo.toml, and if not found, take the nearest " regular Cargo.toml let l:workspace_cargo = cargo#nearestWorkspaceCargo(a:is_getcwd) if l:workspace_cargo !=# '' return l:workspace_cargo endif return s:nearest_cargo(a:is_getcwd) endfunction function! cargo#build(args) call cargo#cmd("build " . a:args) endfunction function! cargo#clean(args) call cargo#cmd("clean " . a:args) endfunction function! cargo#doc(args) call cargo#cmd("doc " . a:args) endfunction function! cargo#new(args) call cargo#cmd("new " . a:args) cd `=a:args` endfunction function! cargo#init(args) call cargo#cmd("init " . a:args) endfunction function! cargo#run(args) call cargo#cmd("run " . a:args) endfunction function! cargo#test(args) call cargo#cmd("test " . a:args) endfunction function! cargo#bench(args) call cargo#cmd("bench " . a:args) endfunction function! cargo#runtarget(args) let l:filename = expand('%:p') let l:read_manifest = system('cargo read-manifest') let l:metadata = json_decode(l:read_manifest) let l:targets = get(l:metadata, 'targets', []) let l:did_run = 0 for l:target in l:targets let l:src_path = get(l:target, 'src_path', '') let l:kinds = get(l:target, 'kind', []) let l:name = get(l:target, 'name', '') if l:src_path == l:filename if index(l:kinds, 'example') != -1 let l:did_run = 1 call cargo#run("--example " . shellescape(l:name) . " " . a:args) return elseif index(l:kinds, 'bin') != -1 let l:did_run = 1 call cargo#run("--bin " . shellescape(l:name) . " " . a:args) return endif endif endfor if l:did_run != 1 call cargo#run(a:args) return endif endfunction " vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=8: