if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'crystal') != -1 finish endif let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim let s:V = vital#crystal#new() let s:P = s:V.import('Process') let s:C = s:V.import('ColorEcho') if exists('*json_decode') function! s:decode_json(text) abort return json_decode(a:text) endfunction else let s:J = s:V.import('Web.JSON') function! s:decode_json(text) abort return s:J.decode(a:text) endfunction endif function! s:echo_error(msg, ...) abort echohl ErrorMsg if a:0 == 0 echomsg a:msg else echomsg call('printf', [a:msg] + a:000) endif echohl None endfunction function! s:run_cmd(cmd) abort if !executable(g:crystal_compiler_command) throw "vim-crystal: Error: '" . g:crystal_compiler_command . "' command is not found." endif return s:P.system(a:cmd) endfunction function! s:find_root_by_spec(d) abort let dir = finddir('spec', a:d . ';') if dir ==# '' return '' endif " Note: ':h:h' for {root}/spec/ -> {root}/spec -> {root} return fnamemodify(dir, ':p:h:h') endfunction function! crystal_lang#entrypoint_for(file_path) abort let parent_dir = fnamemodify(a:file_path, ':p:h') let root_dir = s:find_root_by_spec(parent_dir) if root_dir ==# '' " No spec diretory found. No need to make temporary file return a:file_path endif let temp_name = root_dir . '/__vim-crystal-temporary-entrypoint-' . fnamemodify(a:file_path, ':t') let contents = [ \ 'require "spec"', \ 'require "./spec/**"', \ printf('require "./%s"', fnamemodify(a:file_path, ':p')[strlen(root_dir)+1 : ]) \ ] let result = writefile(contents, temp_name) if result == -1 " Note: When writefile() failed return a:file_path endif return temp_name endfunction function! crystal_lang#tool(name, file, pos, option_str) abort let entrypoint = crystal_lang#entrypoint_for(a:file) let cmd = printf( \ '%s tool %s --no-color %s --cursor %s:%d:%d %s', \ g:crystal_compiler_command, \ a:name, \ a:option_str, \ a:file, \ a:pos[1], \ a:pos[2], \ entrypoint \ ) try let output = s:run_cmd(cmd) return {'failed': s:P.get_last_status(), 'output': output} finally " Note: " If the entry point is temporary file, delete it finally. if a:file !=# entrypoint call delete(entrypoint) endif endtry endfunction " `pos` is assumed a returned value from getpos() function! crystal_lang#impl(file, pos, option_str) abort return crystal_lang#tool('implementations', a:file, a:pos, a:option_str) endfunction function! s:jump_to_impl(impl) abort execute 'edit' a:impl.filename call cursor(a:impl.line, a:impl.column) endfunction function! crystal_lang#jump_to_definition(file, pos) abort echo 'analyzing definitions under cursor...' let cmd_result = crystal_lang#impl(a:file, a:pos, '--format json') if cmd_result.failed return s:echo_error(cmd_result.output) endif let impl = s:decode_json(cmd_result.output) if impl.status !=# 'ok' return s:echo_error(impl.message) endif if len(impl.implementations) == 1 call s:jump_to_impl(impl.implementations[0]) return endif let message = "Multiple definitions detected. Choose a number\n\n" for idx in range(len(impl.implementations)) let i = impl.implementations[idx] let message .= printf("[%d] %s:%d:%d\n", idx, i.filename, i.line, i.column) endfor let message .= "\n" let idx = str2nr(input(message, "\n> ")) call s:jump_to_impl(impl.implementations[idx]) endfunction function! crystal_lang#context(file, pos, option_str) abort return crystal_lang#tool('context', a:file, a:pos, a:option_str) endfunction function! crystal_lang#type_hierarchy(file, option_str) abort let cmd = printf( \ '%s tool hierarchy --no-color %s %s', \ g:crystal_compiler_command, \ a:option_str, \ a:file \ ) return s:run_cmd(cmd) endfunction function! s:find_completion_start() abort let c = col('.') if c <= 1 return -1 endif let line = getline('.')[:c-2] return match(line, '\w\+$') endfunction function! crystal_lang#complete(findstart, base) abort if a:findstart return s:find_completion_start() endif let cmd_result = crystal_lang#context(expand('%'), getpos('.'), '--format json') if cmd_result.failed return endif let contexts = s:decode_json(cmd_result.output) if contexts.status !=# 'ok' return endif let candidates = [] for c in contexts.contexts for [name, desc] in items(c) let candidates += [{ \ 'word': name, \ 'menu': ': ' . desc . ' [var]', \ }] endfor endfor return candidates endfunction function! crystal_lang#get_spec_switched_path(absolute_path) abort let base = fnamemodify(a:absolute_path, ':t:r') " TODO: Make cleverer if base =~# '_spec$' let parent = fnamemodify(substitute(a:absolute_path, '/spec/', '/src/', ''), ':h') return parent . '/' . matchstr(base, '.\+\ze_spec$') . '.cr' else let parent = fnamemodify(substitute(a:absolute_path, '/src/', '/spec/', ''), ':h') return parent . '/' . base . '_spec.cr' endif endfunction function! crystal_lang#switch_spec_file(...) abort let path = a:0 == 0 ? expand('%:p') : fnamemodify(a:1, ':p') if path !~# '.cr$' return s:echo_error('Not crystal source file: ' . path) endif execute 'edit!' crystal_lang#get_spec_switched_path(path) endfunction function! s:run_spec(root, path, ...) abort " Note: " `crystal spec` can't understand absolute path. let cmd = printf( \ '%s spec %s%s', \ g:crystal_compiler_command, \ a:path, \ a:0 == 0 ? '' : (':' . a:1) \ ) let saved_cwd = getcwd() let cd = haslocaldir() ? 'lcd' : 'cd' try execute cd a:root call s:C.echo(s:run_cmd(cmd)) finally execute cd saved_cwd endtry endfunction function! crystal_lang#run_all_spec(...) abort let path = a:0 == 0 ? expand('%:p:h') : a:1 let root_path = s:find_root_by_spec(path) if root_path ==# '' return s:echo_error("'spec' directory is not found") endif call s:run_spec(root_path, 'spec') endfunction function! crystal_lang#run_current_spec(...) abort " /foo/bar/src/poyo.cr let path = a:0 == 0 ? expand('%:p') : fnamemodify(a:1, ':p') if path !~# '.cr$' return s:echo_error('Not crystal source file: ' . path) endif " /foo/bar/src let source_dir = fnamemodify(path, ':h') " /foo/bar let root_dir = s:find_root_by_spec(source_dir) if root_dir ==# '' return s:echo_error("'spec' directory is not found") endif " src let rel_path = source_dir[strlen(root_dir)+1 : ] if path =~# '_spec.cr$' call s:run_spec(root_dir, path[strlen(root_dir)+1 : ], line('.')) else let spec_path = substitute(rel_path, '^src', 'spec', '') . '/' . fnamemodify(path, ':t:r') . '_spec.cr' if !filereadable(root_dir . '/' . spec_path) return s:echo_error('Error: Could not find a spec source corresponding to ' . path) endif call s:run_spec(root_dir, spec_path) endif endfunction function! crystal_lang#format_string(code, ...) abort let cmd = printf( \ '%s tool format --no-color %s -', \ g:crystal_compiler_command, \ get(a:, 1, '') \ ) let output = s:P.system(cmd, a:code) if s:P.get_last_status() throw 'vim-crystal: Error on formatting: ' . output endif return output endfunction " crystal_lang#format(option_str [, on_save]) function! crystal_lang#format(option_str, ...) abort if !executable(g:crystal_compiler_command) " Finish command silently return endif let on_save = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 let before = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n") let formatted = crystal_lang#format_string(before, a:option_str) if !on_save let after = substitute(formatted, '\n$', '', '') if before ==# after return endif endif let view_save = winsaveview() let pos_save = getpos('.') let lines = split(formatted, '\n') silent! undojoin if line('$') > len(lines) execute len(lines) . ',$delete' '_' endif call setline(1, lines) call winrestview(view_save) call setpos('.', pos_save) endfunction function! crystal_lang#expand(file, pos, ...) abort return crystal_lang#tool('expand', a:file, a:pos, get(a:, 1, '')) endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo