if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'swift') == -1 " File: swift.vim " Author: Keith Smiley " Description: Runtime files for Swift " Last Modified: June 15, 2014 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Comments " Shebang syntax match swiftShebang "\v#!.*$" " Comment contained keywords syntax keyword swiftTodos contained TODO XXX FIXME NOTE syntax keyword swiftMarker contained MARK " In comment identifiers function! s:CommentKeywordMatch(keyword) execute "syntax match swiftDocString \"\\v^\\s*-\\s*". a:keyword . "\\W\"hs=s+1,he=e-1 contained" endfunction syntax case ignore call s:CommentKeywordMatch("attention") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("author") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("authors") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("bug") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("complexity") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("copyright") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("date") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("experiment") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("important") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("invariant") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("note") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("parameter") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("postcondition") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("precondition") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("remark") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("remarks") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("requires") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("returns") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("see") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("since") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("throws") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("todo") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("version") call s:CommentKeywordMatch("warning") syntax case match delfunction s:CommentKeywordMatch " Literals " Strings syntax region swiftString start=/"/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/ contains=swiftInterpolatedWrapper oneline syntax region swiftInterpolatedWrapper start="\v[^\\]\zs\\\(\s*" end="\v\s*\)" contained containedin=swiftString contains=swiftInterpolatedString,swiftString oneline syntax match swiftInterpolatedString "\v\w+(\(\))?" contained containedin=swiftInterpolatedWrapper oneline " Numbers syntax match swiftNumber "\v<\d+>" syntax match swiftNumber "\v<(\d+_+)+\d+(\.\d+(_+\d+)*)?>" syntax match swiftNumber "\v<\d+\.\d+>" syntax match swiftNumber "\v<\d*\.?\d+([Ee]-?)?\d+>" syntax match swiftNumber "\v<0x[[:xdigit:]_]+([Pp]-?)?\x+>" syntax match swiftNumber "\v<0b[01_]+>" syntax match swiftNumber "\v<0o[0-7_]+>" " BOOLs syntax keyword swiftBoolean \ true \ false " Operators syntax match swiftOperator "\v\~" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\s+!" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\%" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\^" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\&" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\*" syntax match swiftOperator "\v-" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\+" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\=" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\|" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\/" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\." syntax match swiftOperator "\v\<" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\>" syntax match swiftOperator "\v\?\?" " Methods/Functions/Properties syntax match swiftMethod "\(\.\)\@<=\w\+\((\)\@=" syntax match swiftProperty "\(\.\)\@<=\<\w\+\>(\@!" " Swift closure arguments syntax match swiftClosureArgument "\$\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?" syntax match swiftAvailability "\v((\*(\s*,\s*[a-zA-Z="0-9.]+)*)|(\w+\s+\d+(\.\d+(.\d+)?)?\s*,\s*)+\*)" contains=swiftString syntax keyword swiftPlatforms OSX iOS watchOS OSXApplicationExtension iOSApplicationExtension contained containedin=swiftAvailability syntax keyword swiftAvailabilityArg renamed unavailable introduced deprecated obsoleted message contained containedin=swiftAvailability " Keywords {{{ syntax keyword swiftKeywords \ associatedtype \ associativity \ atexit \ break \ case \ catch \ class \ continue \ convenience \ default \ defer \ deinit \ didSet \ do \ dynamic \ else \ extension \ fallthrough \ fileprivate \ final \ for \ func \ get \ guard \ if \ import \ in \ infix \ init \ inout \ internal \ lazy \ let \ mutating \ nil \ nonmutating \ operator \ optional \ override \ postfix \ precedence \ precedencegroup \ prefix \ private \ protocol \ public \ repeat \ required \ return \ self \ set \ static \ subscript \ super \ switch \ throw \ try \ typealias \ unowned \ var \ weak \ where \ while \ willSet syntax keyword swiftDefinitionModifier \ rethrows \ throws syntax match swiftMultiwordKeywords "indirect case" syntax match swiftMultiwordKeywords "indirect enum" " }}} " Names surrounded by backticks. This aren't limited to keywords because 1) " Swift doesn't limit them to keywords and 2) I couldn't make the keywords not " highlight at the same time syntax region swiftEscapedReservedWord start="`" end="`" oneline syntax keyword swiftAttributes \ @assignment \ @autoclosure \ @available \ @convention \ @discardableResult \ @exported \ @IBAction \ @IBDesignable \ @IBInspectable \ @IBOutlet \ @noescape \ @nonobjc \ @noreturn \ @NSApplicationMain \ @NSCopying \ @NSManaged \ @objc \ @testable \ @UIApplicationMain \ @warn_unused_result syntax keyword swiftConditionStatement #available syntax keyword swiftStructure \ struct \ enum syntax keyword swiftDebugIdentifier \ #column \ #file \ #function \ #line \ __COLUMN__ \ __FILE__ \ __FUNCTION__ \ __LINE__ syntax keyword swiftLineDirective #setline syntax region swiftTypeWrapper start="\v:\s*" skip="\s*,\s*$*\s*" end="$\|/"me=e-1 contains=ALLBUT,swiftInterpolatedWrapper transparent syntax region swiftTypeCastWrapper start="\(as\|is\)\(!\|?\)\=\s\+" end="\v(\s|$|\{)" contains=swiftType,swiftCastKeyword keepend transparent oneline syntax region swiftGenericsWrapper start="\v\<" end="\v\>" contains=swiftType transparent oneline syntax region swiftLiteralWrapper start="\v\=\s*" skip="\v[^\[\]]\(\)" end="\v(\[\]|\(\))" contains=ALL transparent oneline syntax region swiftReturnWrapper start="\v-\>\s*" end="\v(\{|$)" contains=swiftType transparent oneline syntax match swiftType "\v<\u\w*" contained containedin=swiftTypeWrapper,swiftLiteralWrapper,swiftGenericsWrapper,swiftTypeCastWrapper syntax match swiftTypeDeclaration /->/ skipwhite nextgroup=swiftType syntax keyword swiftImports import syntax keyword swiftCastKeyword is as contained " 'preprocesor' stuff syntax keyword swiftPreprocessor \ #if \ #elseif \ #else \ #endif \ #selector " Comment patterns syntax match swiftComment "\v\/\/.*$" \ contains=swiftTodos,swiftDocString,swiftMarker,@Spell oneline syntax region swiftComment start="/\*" end="\*/" \ contains=swiftTodos,swiftDocString,swiftMarker,@Spell fold " Set highlights highlight default link swiftTodos Todo highlight default link swiftDocString String highlight default link swiftShebang Comment highlight default link swiftComment Comment highlight default link swiftMarker Comment highlight default link swiftString String highlight default link swiftInterpolatedWrapper Delimiter highlight default link swiftTypeDeclaration Delimiter highlight default link swiftNumber Number highlight default link swiftBoolean Boolean highlight default link swiftOperator Operator highlight default link swiftCastKeyword Keyword highlight default link swiftKeywords Keyword highlight default link swiftMultiwordKeywords Keyword highlight default link swiftEscapedReservedWord Normal highlight default link swiftClosureArgument Operator highlight default link swiftAttributes PreProc highlight default link swiftConditionStatement PreProc highlight default link swiftStructure Structure highlight default link swiftType Type highlight default link swiftImports Include highlight default link swiftPreprocessor PreProc highlight default link swiftMethod Function highlight default link swiftProperty Identifier highlight default link swiftDefinitionModifier Define highlight default link swiftConditionStatement PreProc highlight default link swiftAvailability Normal highlight default link swiftAvailabilityArg Normal highlight default link swiftPlatforms Keyword highlight default link swiftDebugIdentifier PreProc highlight default link swiftLineDirective PreProc " Force vim to sync at least x lines. This solves the multiline comment not " being highlighted issue syn sync minlines=100 let b:current_syntax = "swift" endif