if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'rust') == -1 function! cargo#quickfix#CmdPre() abort if &filetype ==# 'rust' && get(b:, 'current_compiler', '') ==# 'cargo' " Preserve the current directory, and 'lcd' to the nearest Cargo file. let b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_has_lcd = haslocaldir() let b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_prev_cd = getcwd() let b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_prev_cd_saved = 1 let l:nearest = fnamemodify(cargo#nearestRootCargo(0), ':h') execute 'lchdir! '.l:nearest else let b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_prev_cd_saved = 0 endif endfunction function! cargo#quickfix#CmdPost() abort if exists("b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_prev_cd_saved") && b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_prev_cd_saved " Restore the current directory. if b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_has_lcd execute 'lchdir! '.b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_prev_cd else execute 'chdir! '.b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_prev_cd endif let b:rust_compiler_cargo_qf_prev_cd_saved = 0 endif endfunction " vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=8: endif