" Language: ember-script " Maintainer: heartsentwined " URL: http://github.com/heartsentwined/vim-ember-script " Version: 1.0.1 " Last Change: 2013 Apr 17 " License: GPL-3.0 if exists('b:current_syntax') && b:current_syntax == 'ember-script' finish endif runtime! syntax/coffee.vim unlet b:current_syntax " mixin and with syn match emKeyword /\vmixin|with/ display hi def link emKeyword Keyword " annotations syn match emAnnotation /\v\+(computed|observer|volatile)/ display hi def link emAnnotation Define " ~> and *. operators syn match emOperator /\v\~\>|\*\./ display hi def link emOperator Operator " @each is special syn match emEach /\v\@each/ display hi def link emEach Special let b:current_syntax = 'ember-script'