" LaTeX Box latexmk functions " Options and variables {{{ if !exists('g:LatexBox_latexmk_options') let g:LatexBox_latexmk_options = '' endif if !exists('g:LatexBox_latexmk_env') let g:LatexBox_latexmk_env = '' endif if !exists('g:LatexBox_latexmk_async') let g:LatexBox_latexmk_async = 0 endif if !exists('g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously') let g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously = 0 endif if !exists('g:LatexBox_output_type') let g:LatexBox_output_type = 'pdf' endif if !exists('g:LatexBox_autojump') let g:LatexBox_autojump = 0 endif if ! exists('g:LatexBox_quickfix') let g:LatexBox_quickfix = 1 endif " }}} " Process ID management (used for asynchronous and continuous mode) {{{ " A dictionary of latexmk PID's (basename: pid) if !exists('g:latexmk_running_pids') let g:latexmk_running_pids = {} endif " Set PID {{{ function! s:LatexmkSetPID(basename, pid) let g:latexmk_running_pids[a:basename] = a:pid endfunction " }}} " kill_latexmk_process {{{ function! s:kill_latexmk_process(pid) if has('win32') silent execute '!taskkill /PID ' . a:pid . ' /T /F' else if g:LatexBox_latexmk_async " vim-server mode let pids = [] let tmpfile = tempname() silent execute '!ps x -o pgid,pid > ' . tmpfile for line in readfile(tmpfile) let new_pid = matchstr(line, '^\s*' . a:pid . '\s\+\zs\d\+\ze') if !empty(new_pid) call add(pids, new_pid) endif endfor call delete(tmpfile) if !empty(pids) silent execute '!kill ' . join(pids) endif else " single background process silent execute '!kill ' . a:pid endif endif if !has('gui_running') redraw! endif endfunction " }}} " kill_all_latexmk_processes {{{ function! s:kill_all_latexmk_processes() for pid in values(g:latexmk_running_pids) call s:kill_latexmk_process(pid) endfor endfunction " }}} " }}} " Setup for vim-server {{{ function! s:SIDWrap(func) if !exists('s:SID') let s:SID = matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+_\ze.*$') endif return s:SID . a:func endfunction function! s:LatexmkCallback(basename, status) " Only remove the pid if not in continuous mode if !g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously call remove(g:latexmk_running_pids, a:basename) endif call LatexBox_LatexErrors(a:status, a:basename) endfunction function! s:setup_vim_server() if !exists('g:vim_program') " attempt autodetection of vim executable let g:vim_program = '' if has('win32') " Just drop through to the default for windows else if match(&shell, '\(bash\|zsh\)$') >= 0 let ppid = '$PPID' else let ppid = '$$' endif let tmpfile = tempname() silent execute '!ps -o command= -p ' . ppid . ' > ' . tmpfile for line in readfile(tmpfile) let line = matchstr(line, '^\S\+\>') if !empty(line) && executable(line) let g:vim_program = line . ' -g' break endif endfor call delete(tmpfile) endif if empty(g:vim_program) if has('gui_macvim') let g:vim_program \ = '/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim -g' else let g:vim_program = v:progname endif endif endif endfunction " }}} " Latexmk {{{ function! LatexBox_Latexmk(force) " Define often used names let basepath = LatexBox_GetTexBasename(1) let basename = fnamemodify(basepath, ':t') let texroot = shellescape(LatexBox_GetTexRoot()) let mainfile = fnameescape(fnamemodify(LatexBox_GetMainTexFile(), ':t')) " Check if latexmk is installed if !executable('latexmk') echomsg "Error: LaTeX-Box relies on latexmk for compilation, but it" . \ " is not installed!" return endif " Check if already running if has_key(g:latexmk_running_pids, basepath) echomsg "latexmk is already running for `" . basename . "'" return endif " Set wrap width in log file let max_print_line = 2000 if has('win32') let env = 'set max_print_line=' . max_print_line . ' & ' elseif match(&shell, '/tcsh$') >= 0 let env = 'setenv max_print_line ' . max_print_line . '; ' else let env = 'max_print_line=' . max_print_line endif " Set environment options let env .= ' ' . g:LatexBox_latexmk_env . ' ' " Set latexmk command with options if has('win32') " Make sure to switch drive as well as directory let cmd = 'cd /D ' . texroot . ' && ' else let cmd = 'cd ' . texroot . ' && ' endif let cmd .= env . ' latexmk' let cmd .= ' -' . g:LatexBox_output_type let cmd .= ' -quiet ' let cmd .= g:LatexBox_latexmk_options if a:force let cmd .= ' -g' endif if g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously let cmd .= ' -pvc' endif let cmd .= ' -e ' . shellescape('$pdflatex =~ s/ / -file-line-error /') let cmd .= ' -e ' . shellescape('$latex =~ s/ / -file-line-error /') if g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously let cmd .= ' -e ' . shellescape('$success_cmd = $ENV{SUCCESSCMD}') let cmd .= ' -e ' . shellescape('$failure_cmd = $ENV{FAILURECMD}') endif let cmd .= ' ' . mainfile " Redirect output to null if has('win32') let cmd .= ' >nul' else let cmd .= ' &>/dev/null' endif if g:LatexBox_latexmk_async " Check if VIM server exists if empty(v:servername) echoerr "cannot run latexmk in background without a VIM server" echoerr "set g:LatexBox_latexmk_async to 0 to change compiling mode" return endif " Start vim server if necessary call s:setup_vim_server() let setpidfunc = s:SIDWrap('LatexmkSetPID') let callbackfunc = s:SIDWrap('LatexmkCallback') if has('win32') let vim_program = substitute(g:vim_program, \ 'gvim\.exe$', 'vim.exe', '') " Define callback to set the pid let callsetpid = setpidfunc . '(''' . basepath . ''', %CMDPID%)' let vimsetpid = vim_program . ' --servername ' . v:servername \ . ' --remote-expr ' . shellescape(callsetpid) " Define callback after latexmk is finished let callback = callbackfunc . '(''' . basepath . ''', %LATEXERR%)' let vimcmd = vim_program . ' --servername ' . v:servername \ . ' --remote-expr ' . shellescape(callback) let scallback = callbackfunc . '(''' . basepath . ''', 0)' let svimcmd = vim_program . ' --servername ' . v:servername \ . ' --remote-expr ' . shellescape(scallback) let fcallback = callbackfunc . '(''' . basepath . ''', 1)' let fvimcmd = vim_program . ' --servername ' . v:servername \ . ' --remote-expr ' . shellescape(fcallback) let asyncbat = tempname() . '.bat' if g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously call writefile(['setlocal', \ 'set T=%TEMP%\sthUnique.tmp', \ 'wmic process where (Name="WMIC.exe" AND CommandLine LIKE "%%%TIME%%%") ' \ . 'get ParentProcessId /value | find "ParentProcessId" >%T%', \ 'set /P A=<%T%', \ 'set CMDPID=%A:~16% & del %T%', \ vimsetpid, \ 'set SUCCESSCMD='.svimcmd, \ 'set FAILURECMD='.fvimcmd, \ cmd, \ 'endlocal'], asyncbat) else call writefile(['setlocal', \ 'set T=%TEMP%\sthUnique.tmp', \ 'wmic process where (Name="WMIC.exe" AND CommandLine LIKE "%%%TIME%%%") ' \ . 'get ParentProcessId /value | find "ParentProcessId" >%T%', \ 'set /P A=<%T%', \ 'set CMDPID=%A:~16% & del %T%', \ vimsetpid, \ cmd, \ 'set LATEXERR=%ERRORLEVEL%', \ vimcmd, \ 'endlocal'], asyncbat) endif " Define command let cmd = '!start /b ' . asyncbat . ' & del ' . asyncbat else " Define callback to set the pid let callsetpid = shellescape(setpidfunc).'"(\"'.basepath.'\",$$)"' let vimsetpid = g:vim_program . ' --servername ' . v:servername \ . ' --remote-expr ' . callsetpid " Define callback after latexmk is finished let callback = shellescape(callbackfunc).'"(\"'.basepath.'\",$?)"' let vimcmd = g:vim_program . ' --servername ' . v:servername \ . ' --remote-expr ' . callback let scallback = shellescape(callbackfunc).'"(\"'.basepath.'\",0)"' let svimcmd = g:vim_program . ' --servername ' . v:servername \ . ' --remote-expr ' . scallback let fcallback = shellescape(callbackfunc).'"(\"'.basepath.'\",1)"' let fvimcmd = g:vim_program . ' --servername ' . v:servername \ . ' --remote-expr ' . fcallback " Define command " Note: Here we escape '%' because it may be given as a user option " through g:LatexBox_latexmk_options, for instance with " g:Latex..._options = "-pdflatex='pdflatex -synctex=1 \%O \%S'" if g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously let cmd = vimsetpid . ' ; ' \ . 'export SUCCESSCMD=' . shellescape(svimcmd) . ' ' \ . ' FAILURECMD=' . shellescape(fvimcmd) . ' ; ' \ . escape(cmd, '%') else let cmd = vimsetpid . ' ; ' . escape(cmd, '%') . ' ; ' . vimcmd endif let cmd = '! (' . cmd . ') >/dev/null &' endif if g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously echo 'Compiling to ' . g:LatexBox_output_type \ . ' with continuous preview.' else echo 'Compiling to ' . g:LatexBox_output_type . ' ...' endif silent execute cmd else if g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously if has('win32') let cmd = '!start /b cmd /s /c "' . cmd . '"' else let cmd = '!' . cmd . ' &' endif echo 'Compiling to ' . g:LatexBox_output_type . ' ...' silent execute cmd " Save PID in order to be able to kill the process when wanted. if has('win32') let tmpfile = tempname() let pidcmd = 'cmd /c "wmic process where ' \ . '(CommandLine LIKE "latexmk\%'.mainfile.'\%") ' \ . 'get ProcessId /value | find "ProcessId" ' \ . '>'.tmpfile.' "' silent execute '! ' . pidcmd let pids = readfile(tmpfile) let pid = strpart(pids[0], 10) let g:latexmk_running_pids[basepath] = pid else let pid = substitute(system('pgrep -f "perl.*' \ . mainfile . '" | head -n 1'),'\D','','') let g:latexmk_running_pids[basepath] = pid endif else " Execute command and check for errors echo 'Compiling to ' . g:LatexBox_output_type . ' ... (async off!)' call system(cmd) call LatexBox_LatexErrors(v:shell_error) endif endif " Redraw screen if necessary if !has("gui_running") redraw! endif endfunction " }}} " LatexmkClean {{{ function! LatexBox_LatexmkClean(cleanall) " Check if latexmk is installed if !executable('latexmk') echomsg "Error: LaTeX-Box relies on latexmk for compilation, but it" . \ " is not installed!" return endif let basename = LatexBox_GetTexBasename(1) if has_key(g:latexmk_running_pids, basename) echomsg "don't clean when latexmk is running" return endif if has('win32') let cmd = 'cd /D ' . shellescape(LatexBox_GetTexRoot()) . ' & ' else let cmd = 'cd ' . shellescape(LatexBox_GetTexRoot()) . ';' endif if a:cleanall let cmd .= 'latexmk -C ' else let cmd .= 'latexmk -c ' endif let cmd .= shellescape(LatexBox_GetMainTexFile()) if has('win32') let cmd .= ' >nul' else let cmd .= ' >&/dev/null' endif call system(cmd) if !has('gui_running') redraw! endif echomsg "latexmk clean finished" endfunction " }}} " LatexErrors {{{ function! LatexBox_LatexErrors(status, ...) if a:0 >= 1 let log = a:1 . '.log' else let log = LatexBox_GetLogFile() endif cclose " set cwd to expand error file correctly let l:cwd = fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':p') execute 'lcd ' . fnameescape(LatexBox_GetTexRoot()) try if g:LatexBox_autojump execute 'cfile ' . fnameescape(log) else execute 'cgetfile ' . fnameescape(log) endif finally " restore cwd execute 'lcd ' . fnameescape(l:cwd) endtry " Always open window if started by LatexErrors command if a:status < 0 botright copen else " Only open window when an error/warning is detected if g:LatexBox_quickfix >= 3 \ ? s:log_contains_error(log) \ : g:LatexBox_quickfix > 0 belowright cw if g:LatexBox_quickfix == 2 || g:LatexBox_quickfix == 4 wincmd p endif endif redraw " Write status message to screen if a:status > 0 || len(getqflist())>1 if s:log_contains_error(log) let l:status_msg = ' ... failed!' else let l:status_msg = ' ... there were warnings!' endif else let l:status_msg = ' ... success!' endif echomsg 'Compiling to ' . g:LatexBox_output_type . l:status_msg endif endfunction function! s:log_contains_error(file) let lines = readfile(a:file) let lines = filter(lines, 'v:val =~ ''^.*:\d\+: ''') let lines = uniq(map(lines, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^.*\ze:\d\+:'')')) let lines = filter(lines, 'filereadable(fnameescape(v:val))') return len(lines) > 0 endfunction " }}} " LatexmkStatus {{{ function! LatexBox_LatexmkStatus(detailed) if a:detailed if empty(g:latexmk_running_pids) echo "latexmk is not running" else let plist = "" for [basename, pid] in items(g:latexmk_running_pids) if !empty(plist) let plist .= '; ' endif let plist .= fnamemodify(basename, ':t') . ':' . pid endfor echo "latexmk is running (" . plist . ")" endif else let basename = LatexBox_GetTexBasename(1) if has_key(g:latexmk_running_pids, basename) echo "latexmk is running" else echo "latexmk is not running" endif endif endfunction " }}} " LatexmkStop {{{ function! LatexBox_LatexmkStop(silent) if empty(g:latexmk_running_pids) if !a:silent let basepath = LatexBox_GetTexBasename(1) let basename = fnamemodify(basepath, ':t') echoerr "latexmk is not running for `" . basename . "'" endif else let basepath = LatexBox_GetTexBasename(1) let basename = fnamemodify(basepath, ':t') if has_key(g:latexmk_running_pids, basepath) call s:kill_latexmk_process(g:latexmk_running_pids[basepath]) call remove(g:latexmk_running_pids, basepath) if !a:silent echomsg "latexmk stopped for `" . basename . "'" endif elseif !a:silent echoerr "latexmk is not running for `" . basename . "'" endif endif endfunction " }}} " Commands {{{ command! -bang Latexmk call LatexBox_Latexmk( == "!") command! -bang LatexmkClean call LatexBox_LatexmkClean( == "!") command! -bang LatexmkStatus call LatexBox_LatexmkStatus( == "!") command! LatexmkStop call LatexBox_LatexmkStop(0) command! LatexErrors call LatexBox_LatexErrors(-1) if g:LatexBox_latexmk_async || g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously autocmd BufUnload call LatexBox_LatexmkStop(1) autocmd VimLeave * call kill_all_latexmk_processes() endif " }}} " vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4