if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'elixir') == -1 if (exists("b:did_ftplugin")) finish endif let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " Matchit support if exists("loaded_matchit") && !exists("b:match_words") let b:match_ignorecase = 0 let b:match_words = '\:\@' . \ ':' . \ '\<\%(else\|elsif\|catch\|after\|rescue\)\:\@!\>' . \ ':' . \ '\:\@' . \ ',{:},\[:\],(:)' endif setlocal comments=:# setlocal commentstring=#\ %s function! GetElixirFilename(word) let word = a:word " get first thing that starts uppercase, until the first space or end of line let word = substitute(word,'^\s*\(\u[^ ]\+\).*$','\1','g') " remove any trailing characters that don't look like a nested module let word = substitute(word,'\.\U.*$','','g') " replace module dots with slash let word = substitute(word,'\.','/','g') " remove any special chars let word = substitute(word,'[^A-z0-9-_/]','','g') " convert to snake_case let word = substitute(word,'\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)','\1_\2','g') let word = substitute(word,'\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)','\1_\2','g') let word = substitute(word,'\(\l\|\d\)\(\u\)','\1_\2','g') let word = substitute(word,'-','_','g') let word = tolower(word) return word endfunction let &l:path = \ join([ \ getcwd().'/lib', \ getcwd().'/src', \ getcwd().'/deps/**/lib', \ getcwd().'/deps/**/src', \ &g:path \ ], ',') setlocal includeexpr=GetElixirFilename(v:fname) setlocal suffixesadd=.ex,.exs,.eex,.erl,.yrl,.hrl setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croqlj endif