if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'elixir') != -1 finish endif if !exists("g:elixir_indent_max_lookbehind") let g:elixir_indent_max_lookbehind = 30 endif " Return the effective value of 'shiftwidth' function! s:sw() return &shiftwidth == 0 ? &tabstop : &shiftwidth endfunction function! elixir#indent#indent(lnum) let lnum = a:lnum let text = getline(lnum) let prev_nb_lnum = prevnonblank(lnum-1) let prev_nb_text = getline(prev_nb_lnum) call s:debug("==> Indenting line " . lnum) call s:debug("text = '" . text . "'") let [_, curs_lnum, curs_col, _] = getpos('.') call cursor(lnum, 0) let handlers = [ \'top_of_file', \'following_trailing_binary_operator', \'starts_with_pipe', \'starts_with_binary_operator', \'inside_block', \'starts_with_end', \'inside_generic_block', \'follow_prev_nb' \] for handler in handlers call s:debug('testing handler elixir#indent#handle_'.handler) let context = {'lnum': lnum, 'text': text, 'prev_nb_lnum': prev_nb_lnum, 'prev_nb_text': prev_nb_text} let indent = function('elixir#indent#handle_'.handler)(context) if indent != -1 call s:debug('line '.lnum.': elixir#indent#handle_'.handler.' returned '.indent) call cursor(curs_lnum, curs_col) return indent endif endfor call s:debug("defaulting") call cursor(curs_lnum, curs_col) return 0 endfunction function! s:debug(str) if exists("g:elixir_indent_debug") && g:elixir_indent_debug echom a:str endif endfunction function! s:starts_with(context, expr) return s:_starts_with(a:context.text, a:expr, a:context.lnum) endfunction function! s:prev_starts_with(context, expr) return s:_starts_with(a:context.prev_nb_text, a:expr, a:context.prev_nb_lnum) endfunction " Returns 0 or 1 based on whether or not the text starts with the given " expression and is not a string or comment function! s:_starts_with(text, expr, lnum) let pos = match(a:text, '^\s*'.a:expr) if pos == -1 return 0 else " NOTE: @jbodah 2017-02-24: pos is the index of the match which is " zero-indexed. Add one to make it the column number if s:is_string_or_comment(a:lnum, pos + 1) return 0 else return 1 end end endfunction function! s:prev_ends_with(context, expr) return s:_ends_with(a:context.prev_nb_text, a:expr, a:context.prev_nb_lnum) endfunction " Returns 0 or 1 based on whether or not the text ends with the given " expression and is not a string or comment function! s:_ends_with(text, expr, lnum) let pos = match(a:text, a:expr.'\s*$') if pos == -1 return 0 else if s:is_string_or_comment(a:lnum, pos) return 0 else return 1 end end endfunction " Returns 0 or 1 based on whether or not the given line number and column " number pair is a string or comment function! s:is_string_or_comment(line, col) return synIDattr(synID(a:line, a:col, 1), "name") =~ '\%(String\|Comment\)' endfunction " Skip expression for searchpair. Returns 0 or 1 based on whether the value " under the cursor is a string or comment function! elixir#indent#searchpair_back_skip() " NOTE: @jbodah 2017-02-27: for some reason this function gets called with " and index that doesn't exist in the line sometimes. Detect and account for " that situation let curr_col = col('.') if getline('.')[curr_col-1] == '' let curr_col = curr_col-1 endif return s:is_string_or_comment(line('.'), curr_col) endfunction " DRY up regex for keywords that 1) makes sure we only look at complete words " and 2) ignores atoms function! s:keyword(expr) return ':\@:\@!' endfunction " Start at the end of text and search backwards looking for a match. Also peek " ahead if we get a match to make sure we get a complete match. This means " that the result should be the position of the start of the right-most match function! s:find_last_pos(lnum, text, match) let last = len(a:text) - 1 let c = last while c >= 0 let substr = strpart(a:text, c, last) let peek = strpart(a:text, c - 1, last) let ss_match = match(substr, a:match) if ss_match != -1 let peek_match = match(peek, a:match) if peek_match == ss_match + 1 let syng = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, c + ss_match, 1), 'name') if syng !~ '\%(String\|Comment\)' return c + ss_match end end end let c -= 1 endwhile return -1 endfunction function! elixir#indent#handle_top_of_file(context) if a:context.prev_nb_lnum == 0 return 0 else return -1 end endfunction function! elixir#indent#handle_follow_prev_nb(context) return s:get_base_indent(a:context.prev_nb_lnum, a:context.prev_nb_text) endfunction " Given the line at `lnum`, returns the indent of the line that acts as the 'base indent' " for this line. In particular it traverses backwards up things like pipelines " to find the beginning of the expression function! s:get_base_indent(lnum, text) let prev_nb_lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1) let prev_nb_text = getline(prev_nb_lnum) let binary_operator = '\%(=\|<>\|>>>\|<=\|||\|+\|\~\~\~\|-\|&&\|<<<\|/\|\^\^\^\|\*\)' let data_structure_close = '\%(\]\|}\|)\)' let pipe = '|>' if s:_starts_with(a:text, binary_operator, a:lnum) return s:get_base_indent(prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text) elseif s:_starts_with(a:text, pipe, a:lnum) return s:get_base_indent(prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text) elseif s:_ends_with(prev_nb_text, binary_operator, prev_nb_lnum) return s:get_base_indent(prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text) elseif s:_ends_with(a:text, data_structure_close, a:lnum) let data_structure_open = '\%(\[\|{\|(\)' let close_match_idx = match(a:text, data_structure_close . '\s*$') call cursor(a:lnum, close_match_idx + 1) let [open_match_lnum, open_match_col] = searchpairpos(data_structure_open, '', data_structure_close, 'bnW') let open_match_text = getline(open_match_lnum) return s:get_base_indent(open_match_lnum, open_match_text) else return indent(a:lnum) endif endfunction function! elixir#indent#handle_following_trailing_binary_operator(context) let binary_operator = '\%(=\|<>\|>>>\|<=\|||\|+\|\~\~\~\|-\|&&\|<<<\|/\|\^\^\^\|\*\)' if s:prev_ends_with(a:context, binary_operator) return indent(a:context.prev_nb_lnum) + s:sw() else return -1 endif endfunction function! elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_pipe(context) if s:starts_with(a:context, '|>') let match_operator = '\%(!\|=\|<\|>\)\@\|\~\)\@!' let pos = s:find_last_pos(a:context.prev_nb_lnum, a:context.prev_nb_text, match_operator) if pos == -1 return indent(a:context.prev_nb_lnum) else let next_word_pos = match(strpart(a:context.prev_nb_text, pos+1, len(a:context.prev_nb_text)-1), '\S') if next_word_pos == -1 return indent(a:context.prev_nb_lnum) + s:sw() else return pos + 1 + next_word_pos end end else return -1 endif endfunction function! elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_end(context) if s:starts_with(a:context, s:keyword('end')) let pair_lnum = searchpair(s:keyword('do\|fn'), '', s:keyword('end').'\zs', 'bnW', "line('.') == " . line('.') . " || elixir#indent#searchpair_back_skip()") return indent(pair_lnum) else return -1 endif endfunction function! elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_binary_operator(context) let binary_operator = '\%(=\|<>\|>>>\|<=\|||\|+\|\~\~\~\|-\|&&\|<<<\|/\|\^\^\^\|\*\)' if s:starts_with(a:context, binary_operator) let match_operator = '\%(!\|=\|<\|>\)\@\|\~\)\@!' let pos = s:find_last_pos(a:context.prev_nb_lnum, a:context.prev_nb_text, match_operator) if pos == -1 return indent(a:context.prev_nb_lnum) else let next_word_pos = match(strpart(a:context.prev_nb_text, pos+1, len(a:context.prev_nb_text)-1), '\S') if next_word_pos == -1 return indent(a:context.prev_nb_lnum) + s:sw() else return pos + 1 + next_word_pos end end else return -1 endif endfunction " To handle nested structures properly we need to find the innermost " nested structure. For example, we might be in a function in a map in a " function, etc... so we need to first figure out what the innermost structure " is then forward execution to the proper handler function! elixir#indent#handle_inside_block(context) let start_pattern = '\C\%(\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|{\|\[\|(\)' let end_pattern = '\C\%(\\|\]\|}\|)\)' " hack - handle do: better let block_info = searchpairpos(start_pattern, '', end_pattern, 'bnW', "line('.') == " . line('.') . " || elixir#indent#searchpair_back_skip() || getline(line('.')) =~ 'do:'", max([0, a:context.lnum - g:elixir_indent_max_lookbehind])) let block_start_lnum = block_info[0] let block_start_col = block_info[1] if block_start_lnum != 0 || block_start_col != 0 let block_text = getline(block_start_lnum) let block_start_char = block_text[block_start_col - 1] let never_match = '\(a\)\@=b' let config = { \'f': {'aligned_clauses': s:keyword('end'), 'pattern_match_clauses': never_match}, \'c': {'aligned_clauses': s:keyword('end'), 'pattern_match_clauses': never_match}, \'t': {'aligned_clauses': s:keyword('end\|catch\|rescue\|after\|else'), 'pattern_match_clauses': s:keyword('catch\|rescue\|else')}, \'r': {'aligned_clauses': s:keyword('end\|after'), 'pattern_match_clauses': s:keyword('after')}, \'i': {'aligned_clauses': s:keyword('end\|else'), 'pattern_match_clauses': never_match}, \'[': {'aligned_clauses': ']', 'pattern_match_clauses': never_match}, \'{': {'aligned_clauses': '}', 'pattern_match_clauses': never_match}, \'(': {'aligned_clauses': ')', 'pattern_match_clauses': never_match} \} if block_start_char == 'w' call s:debug("testing s:handle_with") return s:handle_with(block_start_lnum, block_start_col, a:context) else let block_config = config[block_start_char] if s:starts_with(a:context, block_config.aligned_clauses) call s:debug("clause") return indent(block_start_lnum) else let clause_lnum = searchpair(block_config.pattern_match_clauses, '', '*', 'bnW', "line('.') == " . line('.') . " || elixir#indent#searchpair_back_skip()", block_start_lnum) let relative_lnum = max([clause_lnum, block_start_lnum]) call s:debug("pattern matching relative to lnum " . relative_lnum) return s:do_handle_pattern_match_block(relative_lnum, a:context) endif end else return -1 end endfunction function! s:handle_with(start_lnum, start_col, context) let block_info = searchpairpos('\C\%(\\|\\|\\)', '', s:keyword('end'), 'bnW', "line('.') == " . line('.') . " || elixir#indent#searchpair_back_skip()") let block_start_lnum = block_info[0] let block_start_col = block_info[1] let block_start_text = getline(block_start_lnum) let block_start_char = block_start_text[block_start_col - 1] if s:starts_with(a:context, s:keyword('do\|else\|end')) return indent(a:start_lnum) elseif block_start_char == 'w' || s:starts_with(a:context, '\C\(do\|else\):') return indent(a:start_lnum) + 5 elseif s:_starts_with(block_start_text, '\C\(do\|else\):', a:start_lnum) return indent(block_start_lnum) + s:sw() else return s:do_handle_pattern_match_block(a:start_lnum, a:context) end endfunction function! s:do_handle_pattern_match_block(relative_line, context) let relative_indent = indent(a:relative_line) " hack! if a:context.text =~ '\(fn.*\)\@' call s:debug("current line contains ->; assuming match definition") return relative_indent + s:sw() elseif search('\(fn.*\)\@', 'bnW', a:relative_line) != 0 call s:debug("a previous line contains ->; assuming match handler") return relative_indent + 2 * s:sw() else call s:debug("couldn't find any previous ->; assuming body text") return relative_indent + s:sw() end endfunction function! elixir#indent#handle_inside_generic_block(context) let pair_lnum = searchpair(s:keyword('do\|fn'), '', s:keyword('end'), 'bW', "line('.') == ".a:context.lnum." || s:is_string_or_comment(line('.'), col('.'))", max([0, a:context.lnum - g:elixir_indent_max_lookbehind])) if pair_lnum " TODO: @jbodah 2017-03-29: this should probably be the case in *all* " blocks if s:prev_ends_with(a:context, ',') return indent(pair_lnum) + 2 * s:sw() else return indent(pair_lnum) + s:sw() endif else return -1 endif endfunction