if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'org') != -1 finish endif " TODO do we really need a separate syntax file for the agenda? " - Most of the stuff here is also in syntax.org " - DRY! syn match org_todo_key /\[\zs[^]]*\ze\]/ hi def link org_todo_key Identifier let s:todo_headings = '' let s:i = 1 while s:i <= g:org_heading_highlight_levels if s:todo_headings == '' let s:todo_headings = 'containedin=org_heading' . s:i else let s:todo_headings = s:todo_headings . ',org_heading' . s:i endif let s:i += 1 endwhile unlet! s:i if !exists('g:loaded_orgagenda_syntax') let g:loaded_orgagenda_syntax = 1 function! s:ReadTodoKeywords(keywords, todo_headings) let l:default_group = 'Todo' for l:i in a:keywords if type(l:i) == 3 call s:ReadTodoKeywords(l:i, a:todo_headings) continue endif if l:i == '|' let l:default_group = 'Question' continue endif " strip access key let l:_i = substitute(l:i, "\(.*$", "", "") let l:group = l:default_group for l:j in g:org_todo_keyword_faces if l:j[0] == l:_i let l:group = 'orgtodo_todo_keyword_face_' . l:_i call OrgExtendHighlightingGroup(l:default_group, l:group, OrgInterpretFaces(l:j[1])) break endif endfor silent! exec 'syntax match orgtodo_todo_keyword_' . l:_i . ' /' . l:_i .'/ ' . a:todo_headings silent! exec 'hi def link orgtodo_todo_keyword_' . l:_i . ' ' . l:group endfor endfunction endif call s:ReadTodoKeywords(g:org_todo_keywords, s:todo_headings) unlet! s:todo_headings " Timestamps "<2003-09-16 Tue> syn match org_timestamp /\(<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \k\k\k>\)/ "<2003-09-16 Tue 12:00> syn match org_timestamp /\(<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \k\k\k \d\d:\d\d>\)/ "<2003-09-16 Tue 12:00-12:30> syn match org_timestamp /\(<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \k\k\k \d\d:\d\d-\d\d:\d\d>\)/ "<2003-09-16 Tue>--<2003-09-16 Tue> syn match org_timestamp /\(<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \k\k\k>--<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \k\k\k>\)/ "<2003-09-16 Tue 12:00>--<2003-09-16 Tue 12:00> syn match org_timestamp /\(<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \k\k\k \d\d:\d\d>--<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \k\k\k \d\d:\d\d>\)/ syn match org_timestamp /\(<%%(diary-float.\+>\)/ hi def link org_timestamp PreProc " special words syn match today /TODAY$/ hi def link today PreProc syn match week_agenda /^Week Agenda:$/ hi def link week_agenda PreProc " Hyperlinks syntax match hyperlink "\[\{2}[^][]*\(\]\[[^][]*\)\?\]\{2}" contains=hyperlinkBracketsLeft,hyperlinkURL,hyperlinkBracketsRight containedin=ALL syntax match hyperlinkBracketsLeft contained "\[\{2}" conceal syntax match hyperlinkURL contained "[^][]*\]\[" conceal syntax match hyperlinkBracketsRight contained "\]\{2}" conceal hi def link hyperlink Underlined