if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'dart') == -1 function! s:error(text) abort echohl Error echomsg printf('[dart-vim-plugin] %s', a:text) echohl None endfunction function! s:cexpr(errorformat, joined_lines) abort let temp_errorfomat = &errorformat try let &errorformat = a:errorformat cexpr a:joined_lines copen finally let &errorformat = temp_errorfomat endtry endfunction function! dart#fmt(q_args) abort if executable('dartfmt') let buffer_content = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n") let joined_lines = system(printf('dartfmt %s', a:q_args), buffer_content) if 0 == v:shell_error let win_view = winsaveview() let lines = split(joined_lines, "\n") silent keepjumps call setline(1, lines) if line('$') > len(lines) silent keepjumps execute string(len(lines)+1).',$ delete' endif call winrestview(win_view) else let errors = split(joined_lines, "\n")[2:] let file_path = expand('%') call map(errors, 'file_path.":".v:val') let error_format = '%A%f:line %l\, column %c of stdin: %m,%C%.%#' call s:cexpr(error_format, join(errors, "\n")) endif else call s:error('cannot execute binary file: dartfmt') endif endfunction function! dart#analyzer(q_args) abort if executable('dartanalyzer') let path = expand('%:p:gs:\:/:') if filereadable(path) let joined_lines = system(printf('dartanalyzer %s %s', a:q_args, shellescape(path))) call s:cexpr('%m (%f\, line %l\, col %c)', joined_lines) else call s:error(printf('cannot read a file: "%s"', path)) endif else call s:error('cannot execute binary file: dartanalyzer') endif endfunction function! dart#tojs(q_args) abort if executable('dart2js') let path = expand('%:p:gs:\:/:') if filereadable(path) let joined_lines = system(printf('dart2js %s %s', a:q_args, shellescape(path))) call s:cexpr('%m (%f\, line %l\, col %c)', joined_lines) else call s:error(printf('cannot read a file: "%s"', path)) endif else call s:error('cannot execute binary file: dartanalyzer') endif endfunction " Finds the path to `uri`. " " If the file is a package: uri, looks for a .packages file to resolve the path. " If the path cannot be resolved, or is not a package: uri, returns the " original. function! dart#resolveUri(uri) abort if a:uri !~ 'package:' return a:uri endif let package_name = substitute(a:uri, 'package:\(\w\+\)\/.*', '\1', '') let [found, package_map] = s:PackageMap() if !found call s:error('cannot find .packages file') return a:uri endif if !has_key(package_map, package_name) call s:error('no package mapping for '.package_name) return a:uri endif let package_lib = package_map[package_name] return substitute(a:uri, \ 'package:'.package_name, \ escape(package_map[package_name], '\'), \ '') endfunction " A map from package name to lib directory parse from a '.packages' file. " " Returns [found, package_map] function! s:PackageMap() abort let [found, dot_packages] = s:DotPackagesFile() if !found return [v:false, {}] endif let dot_packages_dir = fnamemodify(dot_packages, ':p:h') let lines = readfile(dot_packages) let map = {} for line in lines if line =~ '\s*#' continue endif let package = substitute(line, ':.*$', '', '') let lib_dir = substitute(line, '^[^:]*:', '', '') if lib_dir =~ 'file:/' let lib_dir = substitute(lib_dir, 'file://', '', '') if lib_dir =~ '/[A-Z]:/' let lib_dir = lib_dir[1:] endif else let lib_dir = resolve(dot_packages_dir.'/'.lib_dir) endif if lib_dir =~ '/$' let lib_dir = lib_dir[:len(lib_dir) - 2] endif let map[package] = lib_dir endfor return [v:true, map] endfunction " Finds a file name '.packages' in the cwd, or in any directory above the open " file. " " Returns [found, file]. function! s:DotPackagesFile() abort if filereadable('.packages') return [v:true, '.packages'] endif let dir_path = expand('%:p:h') while v:true let file_path = dir_path.'/.packages' if filereadable(file_path) return [v:true, file_path] endif let parent = fnamemodify(dir_path, ':h') if dir_path == parent break endif let dir_path = parent endwhile return [v:false, ''] endfunction " Prevent writes to files in the pub cache. function! dart#setModifiable() abort let full_path = expand('%:p') if full_path =~# '.pub-cache' || \ full_path =~# 'Pub\Cache' setlocal nomodifiable endif endfunction endif