" Vim syntax file " " Language: Ragel " Author: Adrian Thurston syntax clear if !exists("g:ragel_default_subtype") let g:ragel_default_subtype = 'c' endif function! Split(path) abort " {{{1 if type(a:path) == type([]) | return a:path | endif let split = split(a:path,'\\\@ReadOnPath(script) for dir in Split(&rtp) let filepath = dir.'/'.a:script if filereadable(filepath) return join(readfile(filepath), " | ") endif endfor endfun " Try to detect the subtype. stolen from eruby.vim if !exists("b:ragel_subtype") || b:ragel_subtype == '' " first check for an annotation in the first 5 lines or on the last line let s:lines = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n".getline(4)."\n".getline(5)."\n".getline("$") let b:ragel_subtype = matchstr(s:lines, 'ragel_subtype=\zs\w\+') " failing that, check the filename for .*.rl if b:ragel_subtype == '' let b:ragel_subtype = matchstr(substitute(expand("%:t"),'\c\%(\.rl\|\.ragel\)\+$','',''),'\.\zs\w\+$') " ...and do a couple of transformations if necessary " .rb -> ruby if b:ragel_subtype == 'rb' let b:ragel_subtype = 'ruby' " .m -> objc elseif b:ragel_subtype == 'm' let b:ragel_subtype = 'objc' " .cxx -> cpp elseif b:ragel_subtype == 'cxx' let b:ragel_subtype = 'cpp' endif endif " default to g:ragel_default_subtype if b:ragel_subtype == '' let b:ragel_subtype = g:ragel_default_subtype endif endif if exists('b:ragel_subtype') && b:ragel_subtype != '' exec 'runtime! syntax/'.b:ragel_subtype.'.vim' " source s:subtype_file unlet! b:current_syntax endif " Identifiers syntax match anyId "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" contained " Inline code only syntax keyword fsmType fpc fc fcurs fbuf fblen ftargs fstack contained syntax keyword fsmKeyword fhold fgoto fcall fret fentry fnext fexec fbreak contained syntax cluster rlItems contains=rlComment,rlLiteral,rlAugmentOps,rlOtherOps,rlKeywords,rlWrite,rlCodeCurly,rlCodeSemi,rlNumber,anyId,rlLabelColon,rlExprKeywords syntax region machineSpec1 matchgroup=beginRL start="%%{" end="}%%" contains=@rlItems syntax region machineSpec2 matchgroup=beginRL start="%%[^{]"rs=e-1 end="$" keepend contains=@rlItems syntax region machineSpec2 matchgroup=beginRL start="%%$" end="$" keepend contains=@rlItems " Comments syntax match rlComment "#.*$" contained " Literals " single quoted strings '...' syntax match rlLiteral "'\(\\.\|[^'\\]\)*'[i]*" contained " double quoted strings "..." syntax match rlLiteral "\"\(\\.\|[^\"\\]\)*\"[i]*" contained " simple regexes /.../ syntax match rlLiteral /\/\(\\.\|[^\/\\]\)*\/[i]*/ contained " char unions [...] syntax match rlLiteral "\[\(\\.\|[^\]\\]\)*\]" contained " Numbers syntax match rlNumber "[0-9][0-9]*" contained syntax match rlNumber "0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]*" contained " Operators syntax match rlAugmentOps "[>$%@]" contained syntax match rlAugmentOps "<>\|<" contained syntax match rlAugmentOps "[>\<$%@][!\^/*~]" contained syntax match rlAugmentOps "[>$%]?" contained syntax match rlAugmentOps "<>[!\^/*~]" contained syntax match rlAugmentOps "=>" contained syntax match rlOtherOps "->" contained syntax match rlOtherOps ":>" contained syntax match rlOtherOps ":>>" contained syntax match rlOtherOps "<:" contained " Keywords " FIXME: Enable the range keyword post 5.17. " syntax keyword rlKeywords machine action context include range contained syntax keyword rlKeywords machine action context include import export prepush postpop contained syntax keyword rlExprKeywords when inwhen outwhen err lerr eof from to contained " Case Labels syntax keyword caseLabelKeyword case contained syntax cluster caseLabelItems contains=caseLabelKeyword,anyId,fsmType,fsmKeyword syntax match caseLabelColon "case" contains=@caseLabelItems contained syntax match caseLabelColon "case[\t ]\+.*:$" contains=@caseLabelItems contained syntax match caseLabelColon "case[\t ]\+.*:[^=:]"me=e-1 contains=@caseLabelItems contained syntax match rlLabelColon "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*:$" contained contains=anyLabel syntax match rlLabelColon "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*:[^=:>]"me=e-1 contained contains=anyLabel syntax match anyLabel "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" contained " All items that can go in a code block. syntax cluster inlineItems contains=TOP add=anyId,fsmType,fsmKeyword,caseLabelColon " Blocks of code. rlCodeCurly is recursive. syntax region rlCodeCurly matchgroup=NONE start="{" end="}" keepend contained contains=TOP syntax region rlCodeSemi matchgroup=Type start="\" start="\" start="\" start="\" matchgroup=NONE end=";" contained contains=@inlineItems syntax region rlWrite matchgroup=Type start="\" matchgroup=NONE end="[;)]" contained contains=rlWriteKeywords,rlWriteOptions syntax keyword rlWriteKeywords init data exec exports start error first_final contained syntax keyword rlWriteOptions noerror nofinal noprefix noend nocs contained " " Sync at the start of machine specs. " " Match The ragel delimiters only if there quotes no ahead on the same line. " On the open marker, use & to consume the leader. syntax sync match ragelSyncPat grouphere NONE "^[^\'\"%]*%%{&^[^\'\"%]*" syntax sync match ragelSyncPat grouphere NONE "^[^\'\"%]*%%[^{]&^[^\'\"%]*" syntax sync match ragelSyncPat grouphere NONE "^[^\'\"]*}%%" " " Specifying Groups " hi link rlComment Comment hi link rlNumber Number hi link rlLiteral String hi link rlAugmentOps Keyword hi link rlExprKeywords Keyword hi link rlWriteKeywords Keyword hi link rlWriteOptions Keyword hi link rlKeywords Type hi link fsmType Type hi link fsmKeyword Keyword hi link anyLabel Label hi link caseLabelKeyword Keyword hi link beginRL Type let b:current_syntax = "ragel"