#!/usr/bin/env bash set -E DIRS="syntax indent compiler autoload ftplugin ftdetect after/syntax after/indent after/ftplugin after/ftdetect" DIRS_BASIC="syntax indent ftdetect after/syntax after/indent after/ftdetect" DIRS_ALL="syntax indent compiler autoload ftplugin ftdetect after" OUTPUT="" output() { OUTPUT="$OUTPUT$1" printf -- "$1" } download() { for pack in $1; do path="$(printf "$pack" | cut -d ':' -f 2)" dir="tmp/$(printf "$path" | cut -d '/' -f 2)" rm -rf "$dir" (mkdir -p "$dir" && curl --silent -L https://codeload.github.com/$path/tar.gz/master | tar -zx -C "$dir" --strip 1 && printf '.') & done wait } extract() { printf "\n" for pack in $1; do name="$(printf "$pack" | cut -d ':' -f 1)" path="$(printf "$pack" | cut -d ':' -f 2)" dir="tmp/$(printf "$path" | cut -d '/' -f 2)" directories="DIRS$(printf "$pack" | cut -d ':' -f 3)" subtree="$(printf "$pack" | cut -d ':' -f 4)" output "- [$name](https://github.com/$path) (" subdirs="" for subdir in ${!directories}; do if [ -d "${dir}${subtree:-/}${subdir}" ]; then base="$(basename "$subdir")" if [[ "$subdirs" != *"$base"* ]]; then subdirs="$subdirs, $base" fi copy_dir "${dir}${subtree}" "$subdir" "$name" fi done output "${subdirs##, })\n" done for pack in $1; do name="$(printf "$pack" | cut -d ':' -f 1)" path="$(printf "$pack" | cut -d ':' -f 2)" dir="tmp/$(printf "$path" | cut -d '/' -f 2)" subtree="$(printf "$pack" | cut -d ':' -f 4)" if [ -d "$dir${subtree:-/}plugin" ]; then printf "Possible error (plugin directory exists): $path\n" fi done } copy_dir() { for file in $(find "$1/$2" -name '*.vim'); do file_path="$(dirname "${file##$1/}")" mkdir -p "$file_path" touch "$file_path/$(basename "$file")" # Use comma instead of / to handle cases like c/c++ sed -e "s,%%PACK%%,$3," -e "/%%CONTENT%%/{r $file" -e "d;}" plugin_guard.vim.template >> $file_path/$(basename "$file") done } concat_ftdetect() { cat ftdetect/* | grep -E '^[^"]' > tmp/polyglot.vim rm -f ftdetect/* mv tmp/polyglot.vim ftdetect/ } update_readme() { OLD_README="$(cat README.md)" ed README.md <<- EOF /Language packs +2kb /## 'b,-2c $(printf -- "$OUTPUT") . w q EOF } PACKS=" arduino:sudar/vim-arduino-syntax blade:xsbeats/vim-blade c++11:octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight c/c++:vim-jp/cpp-vim clojure:guns/vim-clojure-static coffee-script:kchmck/vim-coffee-script cjsx:mtscout6/vim-cjsx css:JulesWang/css.vim cucumber:tpope/vim-cucumber dockerfile:honza/dockerfile.vim elixir:elixir-lang/vim-elixir emberscript:heartsentwined/vim-ember-script emblem:heartsentwined/vim-emblem erlang:hcs42/vim-erlang-runtime git:tpope/vim-git go:fatih/vim-go:_BASIC haml:tpope/vim-haml handlebars:mustache/vim-mustache-handlebars haskell:raichoo/haskell-vim haxe:yaymukund/vim-haxe html5:othree/html5.vim jade:digitaltoad/vim-jade jasmine:glanotte/vim-jasmine javascript:sheerun/yajs.vim julia:dcjones/julia-minimalist-vim json:sheerun/vim-json jst:briancollins/vim-jst jsx:mxw/vim-jsx:_ALL latex:LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box less:groenewege/vim-less liquid:tpope/vim-liquid markdown:tpope/vim-markdown nginx:mutewinter/nginx.vim ocaml:jrk/vim-ocaml octave:vim-scripts/octave.vim-- opencl:petRUShka/vim-opencl perl:vim-perl/vim-perl php:StanAngeloff/php.vim puppet:rodjek/vim-puppet powershell:Persistent13/vim-ps1 protobuf:uarun/vim-protobuf python:mitsuhiko/vim-python-combined r-lang:vim-scripts/R.vim ragel:jneen/ragel.vim rspec:sheerun/rspec.vim ruby:vim-ruby/vim-ruby rust:wting/rust.vim sbt:derekwyatt/vim-sbt scala:derekwyatt/vim-scala slim:slim-template/vim-slim solidity:ethereum/vim-solidity stylus:wavded/vim-stylus systemd:kurayama/systemd-vim-syntax swift:toyamarinyon/vim-swift textile:timcharper/textile.vim tmux:tejr/vim-tmux tomdoc:duwanis/tomdoc.vim typescript:leafgarland/typescript-vim vbnet:vim-scripts/vbnet.vim thrift:solarnz/thrift.vim toml:cespare/vim-toml twig:beyondwords/vim-twig xls:vim-scripts/XSLT-syntax yard:sheerun/vim-yardoc vala:tkztmk/vim-vala vm:lepture/vim-velocity " rm -rf tmp rm -rf $DIRS_ALL mkdir tmp printf "Downloading packs..." download "$PACKS" extract "$PACKS" concat_ftdetect update_readme rm -rf tmp