Add julia and ragel syntax

This commit is contained in:
Adam Stankiewicz 2015-06-11 17:02:51 +02:00
parent 7ffa793f19
commit d1e95cbc98
6 changed files with 521 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -26,10 +26,9 @@ Optionally download one of the [releases](
## Language packs ## Language packs
- [arduino]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect) - [arduino]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect)
- [blade]( (syntax, ftdetect) - [blade]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect)
- [c++11]( (syntax) - [c++11]( (syntax)
- [c/c++]( (syntax) - [c/c++]( (syntax)
- [c-extensions]( (syntax)
- [clojure]( (syntax, indent, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [clojure]( (syntax, indent, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [coffee-script]( (syntax, indent, compiler, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [coffee-script]( (syntax, indent, compiler, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [css]( (syntax) - [css]( (syntax)
@ -49,7 +48,8 @@ Optionally download one of the [releases](
- [jade]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [jade]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [jasmine]( (syntax, ftdetect) - [jasmine]( (syntax, ftdetect)
- [javascript]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect) - [javascript]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect)
- [json]( (syntax, ftdetect) - [julia]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect)
- [json]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect)
- [jst]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect) - [jst]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect)
- [latex]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin) - [latex]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
- [less]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [less]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin, ftdetect)
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Optionally download one of the [releases](
- [ruby]( (syntax, indent, compiler, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [ruby]( (syntax, indent, compiler, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [rust]( (syntax, indent, compiler, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [rust]( (syntax, indent, compiler, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [sbt]( (syntax, ftdetect) - [sbt]( (syntax, ftdetect)
- [scala]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [scala]( (syntax, indent, compiler, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [slim]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect) - [slim]( (syntax, indent, ftdetect)
- [stylus]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [stylus]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [systemd]( (syntax, ftdetect) - [systemd]( (syntax, ftdetect)
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Optionally download one of the [releases](
- [textile]( (syntax, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [textile]( (syntax, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [tmux]( (syntax, ftdetect) - [tmux]( (syntax, ftdetect)
- [tomdoc]( (syntax) - [tomdoc]( (syntax)
- [typescript]( (syntax, compiler, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [typescript]( (syntax, indent, compiler, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [vbnet]( (syntax) - [vbnet]( (syntax)
- [thrift]( (syntax, ftdetect) - [thrift]( (syntax, ftdetect)
- [toml]( (syntax, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [toml]( (syntax, ftplugin, ftdetect)

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@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ PACKS="
jade:digitaltoad/vim-jade jade:digitaltoad/vim-jade
jasmine:glanotte/vim-jasmine jasmine:glanotte/vim-jasmine
javascript:pangloss/vim-javascript javascript:pangloss/vim-javascript
json:sheerun/vim-json json:sheerun/vim-json
jst:briancollins/vim-jst jst:briancollins/vim-jst
latex:LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box latex:LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box
@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ PACKS="
protobuf:uarun/vim-protobuf protobuf:uarun/vim-protobuf
python:mitsuhiko/vim-python-combined python:mitsuhiko/vim-python-combined
r-lang:vim-scripts/R.vim r-lang:vim-scripts/R.vim
rspec:sheerun/rspec.vim rspec:sheerun/rspec.vim
ruby:vim-ruby/vim-ruby ruby:vim-ruby/vim-ruby
rust:wting/rust.vim rust:wting/rust.vim

View File

@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jst set filetype=jst
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.djs set filetype=jst au BufNewFile,BufRead *.djs set filetype=jst
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.hamljs set filetype=jst au BufNewFile,BufRead *.hamljs set filetype=jst
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ect set filetype=jst au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ect set filetype=jst
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.jl let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal comments< define< formatoptions< iskeyword< lisp<"
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.jl set filetype=julia
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.less setf less autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.less setf less
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.liquid set ft=liquid au BufNewFile,BufRead *.liquid set ft=liquid
au BufNewFile,BufRead */_layouts/*.html,*/_includes/*.html set ft=liquid au BufNewFile,BufRead */_layouts/*.html,*/_includes/*.html set ft=liquid

indent/julia.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
" Vim indent file
" Language: Julia
" Maintainer: Carlo Baldassi <>
" Last Change: 2011 dec 11
" Notes: based on Bram Moneaar's indent file for vim
setlocal autoindent
setlocal indentexpr=GetJuliaIndent()
setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=catch,=finally
setlocal indentkeys-=0#
setlocal indentkeys-=:
setlocal indentkeys-=0{
setlocal indentkeys-=0}
setlocal nosmartindent
" Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetJuliaIndent")
let s:skipPatterns = '\<julia\%(Comment\)\>'
function JuliaMatch(lnum, str, regex, st)
let s = a:st
while 1
let f = match(a:str, a:regex, s)
if f >= 0
let attr = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum,f+1,1),"name")
if attr =~ s:skipPatterns
let s = f+1
return f
function GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum)
" Auxiliary function to inspect the block structure of a line
let line = getline(a:lnum)
let s = 0
let blocks_stack = []
let num_closed_blocks = 0
while 1
let fb = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<\%(if\|else\%(if\)\=\|while\|for\|try\|catch\|finally\|function\|macro\|begin\|type\|immutable\|let\|\%(bare\)\?module\|quote\|do\)\>', s)
let fe = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<end\>', s)
if fb < 0 && fe < 0
" No blocks found
if fb >= 0 && (fb < fe || fe < 0)
" The first occurrence is an opening block keyword
" Note: some keywords (elseif,else,catch,finally) are both
" closing blocks and opening new ones
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<if\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(blocks_stack, 'if')
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<elseif\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] == 'if'
let blocks_stack[-1] = 'elseif'
elseif (len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] != 'elseif') || len(blocks_stack) == 0
call add(blocks_stack, 'elseif')
let num_closed_blocks += 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<else\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] =~ '\<\%(else\)\=if\>'
let blocks_stack[-1] = 'else'
call add(blocks_stack, 'else')
let num_closed_blocks += 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<try\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(blocks_stack, 'try')
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<catch\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] == 'try'
let blocks_stack[-1] = 'catch'
call add(blocks_stack, 'catch')
let num_closed_blocks += 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<finally\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && (blocks_stack[-1] == 'try' || blocks_stack[-1] == 'catch')
let blocks_stack[-1] = 'finally'
call add(blocks_stack, 'finally')
let num_closed_blocks += 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<\%(bare\)\?module\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if i == 0
call add(blocks_stack, 'col1module')
call add(blocks_stack, 'other')
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<\%(while\|for\|function\|macro\|begin\|type\|immutable\|let\|quote\|do\)\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(blocks_stack, 'other')
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
" The first occurrence is an 'end'
let s = fe+1
if len(blocks_stack) == 0
let num_closed_blocks += 1
call remove(blocks_stack, -1)
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
let num_open_blocks = len(blocks_stack) - count(blocks_stack, 'col1module')
return [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks]
function GetJuliaIndent()
let s:save_ignorecase = &ignorecase
set noignorecase
" Find a non-blank line above the current line.
let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
" At the start of the file use zero indent.
if lnum == 0
let &ignorecase = s:save_ignorecase
unlet s:save_ignorecase
return 0
let ind = indent(lnum)
" Analyse previous line
let [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks] = GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum)
" Increase indentation for each newly opened block
" in the previous line
while num_open_blocks > 0
let ind += &sw
let num_open_blocks -= 1
" Analyse current line
let [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks] = GetJuliaNestingStruct(v:lnum)
" Decrease indentation for each closed block
" in the current line
while num_closed_blocks > 0
let ind -= &sw
let num_closed_blocks -= 1
let &ignorecase = s:save_ignorecase
unlet s:save_ignorecase
return ind

syntax/julia.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case match
syn keyword juliaDirective import importall export using require include
hi def link juliaDirective Include
syn region juliaDeclTypeBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaDeclType start="\<\%(type\|immutable\)\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALL
syn keyword juliaTypeAlias typealias
syn keyword juliaDeclAbstract abstract
hi def link juliaDeclType Structure
hi def link juliaTypeAlias Typedef
hi def link juliaDeclAbstract Structure
" Module
syn region juliaModuleBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaModule start="\<module\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALL
hi def link juliaModule Structure
" Misc. blocks
syn region juliaMiscBlockBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaMiscBlock start="\<\%(quote\|do\|begin\|let\)\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALL
hi def link juliaMiscBlock Repeat
" Braces and Brackets
syn region juliaBracketsBlock matchgroup=juliaBrackets start='\[' end='\]' contains=ALLBUT,juliaRepeatBlock contained
syn region juliaBracesBlock matchgroup=juliaBraces start='{' end='}' contains=ALLBUT,juliaRepeatBlock contained
" Repeat
syn region juliaRepeatBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaRepeat start="\<\%(while\|for\)\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaTop
hi def link juliaRepeat Repeat
" Conditional
syn keyword juliaElse else elseif
syn region juliaIfBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaIf start="\<if\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaTop
hi def link juliaElse Conditional
hi def link juliaIf Conditional
" try catch end
syn keyword juliaCatch catch contained
syn region juliaTryBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaTry start="\<try\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaTop
hi def link juliaTry Exception
hi def link juliaCatch Exception
" one word statements
syn keyword juliaStatement return continue break
hi def link juliaStatement Statement
" misc
syn keyword juliaDeclaration const global local
syn keyword juliaComprehensionFor for
hi def link juliaDeclaration Keyword
hi def link juliaComprehensionFor Keyword
" Built in types
syn keyword juliaType Uint Uint8 Uint16 Uint32 Uint64 Uint128
syn keyword juliaType Int Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int128
syn keyword juliaType Float Float16 Float32 Float64
syn keyword juliaType AbstractArray AbstractMatrix AbstractVector Array Vector Matrix
syn keyword juliaType String ByteString UTF8String SubString
syn keyword juliaType Bool Nothing Union Type
hi def link juliaType Type
" Comments
syn keyword juliaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
syn cluster juliaCommentGroup contains=juliaTodo
syn region juliaComment start="#" end="$" contains=@juliaCommentGroup,@Spell
hi def link juliaComment Comment
hi def link juliaTodo Todo
" Strings
syn region juliaString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@juliaStringGroup,@Spell
syn region juliaTripleString start=+"""+ end=+"""+
syn region juliaCharacter start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contains=@juliaCharacterGroup
hi def link juliaString String
hi def link juliaTripleString String
hi def link juliaCharacter Character
" Functions
syn region juliaFunctionBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaFunction start="\<\%\(function\|macro\)\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaTop
hi def link juliaFunction Function
" Numbers
syn match juliaNumber "\<\d\+\([Ee]\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match juliaNumber "\<0x\x\+\>"
syn match juliaNumber "\<0\o\+\>"
syn match juliaFloat "\<\d\+\.\d*\([Ee][-+]\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match juliaFloat "\<\.\d\+\([Ee][-+]\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match juliaFloat "\<\d\+[Ee][-+]\d\+\>"
syn keyword juliaFloatSpecial NaN Inf
hi def link juliaNumber Number
hi def link juliaFloat Float
hi def link juliaFloatSpecial Float
" Operators
syn keyword juliaIn in
hi def link juliaIn Operator
" Constants
syn keyword juliaBool true false nothing
hi def link juliaBool Boolean
syn keyword juliaIdentifierSpecial STDOUT, STDIN, STDERR
hi def link juliaIdentifierSpecial Identifier
" Macros
syn match juliaMacro display "@[_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]!]*\%(\.[_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]!]*\)*"
hi def link juliaMacro Macro
syn cluster juliaTop contains=ALLBUT,juliaComprehensionFor
" Ragel
syn include @ragel syntax/ragel.vim
syn region ragelLine start="%%" end="$" contains=@ragel
let b:current_syntax = "julia"

syntax/ragel.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Ragel
" Author: Adrian Thurston
syntax clear
if !exists("g:ragel_default_subtype")
let g:ragel_default_subtype = 'c'
function! <SID>Split(path) abort " {{{1
if type(a:path) == type([]) | return a:path | endif
let split = split(a:path,'\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\zs,')
return map(split,'substitute(v:val,''\\\([\\,]\)'',''\1'',"g")')
endfunction " }}}1
fun! <SID>ReadOnPath(script)
for dir in <SID>Split(&rtp)
let filepath = dir.'/'.a:script
if filereadable(filepath)
return join(readfile(filepath), " | ")
" Try to detect the subtype. stolen from eruby.vim
if !exists("b:ragel_subtype") || b:ragel_subtype == ''
" first check for an annotation in the first 5 lines or on the last line
let s:lines = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n".getline(4)."\n".getline(5)."\n".getline("$")
let b:ragel_subtype = matchstr(s:lines, 'ragel_subtype=\zs\w\+')
" failing that, check the filename for .*.rl
if b:ragel_subtype == ''
let b:ragel_subtype = matchstr(substitute(expand("%:t"),'\c\%(\.rl\|\.ragel\)\+$','',''),'\.\zs\w\+$')
" ...and do a couple of transformations if necessary
" .rb -> ruby
if b:ragel_subtype == 'rb'
let b:ragel_subtype = 'ruby'
" .m -> objc
elseif b:ragel_subtype == 'm'
let b:ragel_subtype = 'objc'
" .cxx -> cpp
elseif b:ragel_subtype == 'cxx'
let b:ragel_subtype = 'cpp'
" default to g:ragel_default_subtype
if b:ragel_subtype == ''
let b:ragel_subtype = g:ragel_default_subtype
if exists('b:ragel_subtype') && b:ragel_subtype != ''
exec 'runtime! syntax/'.b:ragel_subtype.'.vim'
" source s:subtype_file
unlet! b:current_syntax
" Identifiers
syntax match anyId "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" contained
" Inline code only
syntax keyword fsmType fpc fc fcurs fbuf fblen ftargs fstack contained
syntax keyword fsmKeyword fhold fgoto fcall fret fentry fnext fexec fbreak contained
syntax cluster rlItems contains=rlComment,rlLiteral,rlAugmentOps,rlOtherOps,rlKeywords,rlWrite,rlCodeCurly,rlCodeSemi,rlNumber,anyId,rlLabelColon,rlExprKeywords
syntax region machineSpec1 matchgroup=beginRL start="%%{" end="}%%" contains=@rlItems
syntax region machineSpec2 matchgroup=beginRL start="%%[^{]"rs=e-1 end="$" keepend contains=@rlItems
syntax region machineSpec2 matchgroup=beginRL start="%%$" end="$" keepend contains=@rlItems
" Comments
syntax match rlComment "#.*$" contained
" Literals
" single quoted strings '...'
syntax match rlLiteral "'\(\\.\|[^'\\]\)*'[i]*" contained
" double quoted strings "..."
syntax match rlLiteral "\"\(\\.\|[^\"\\]\)*\"[i]*" contained
" simple regexes /.../
syntax match rlLiteral /\/\(\\.\|[^\/\\]\)*\/[i]*/ contained
" char unions [...]
syntax match rlLiteral "\[\(\\.\|[^\]\\]\)*\]" contained
" Numbers
syntax match rlNumber "[0-9][0-9]*" contained
syntax match rlNumber "0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]*" contained
" Operators
syntax match rlAugmentOps "[>$%@]" contained
syntax match rlAugmentOps "<>\|<" contained
syntax match rlAugmentOps "[>\<$%@][!\^/*~]" contained
syntax match rlAugmentOps "[>$%]?" contained
syntax match rlAugmentOps "<>[!\^/*~]" contained
syntax match rlAugmentOps "=>" contained
syntax match rlOtherOps "->" contained
syntax match rlOtherOps ":>" contained
syntax match rlOtherOps ":>>" contained
syntax match rlOtherOps "<:" contained
" Keywords
" FIXME: Enable the range keyword post 5.17.
" syntax keyword rlKeywords machine action context include range contained
syntax keyword rlKeywords machine action context include import export prepush postpop contained
syntax keyword rlExprKeywords when inwhen outwhen err lerr eof from to contained
" Case Labels
syntax keyword caseLabelKeyword case contained
syntax cluster caseLabelItems contains=caseLabelKeyword,anyId,fsmType,fsmKeyword
syntax match caseLabelColon "case" contains=@caseLabelItems contained
syntax match caseLabelColon "case[\t ]\+.*:$" contains=@caseLabelItems contained
syntax match caseLabelColon "case[\t ]\+.*:[^=:]"me=e-1 contains=@caseLabelItems contained
syntax match rlLabelColon "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*:$" contained contains=anyLabel
syntax match rlLabelColon "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*:[^=:>]"me=e-1 contained contains=anyLabel
syntax match anyLabel "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" contained
" All items that can go in a code block.
syntax cluster inlineItems contains=TOP add=anyId,fsmType,fsmKeyword,caseLabelColon
" Blocks of code. rlCodeCurly is recursive.
syntax region rlCodeCurly matchgroup=NONE start="{" end="}" keepend contained contains=TOP
syntax region rlCodeSemi matchgroup=Type start="\<alphtype\>" start="\<getkey\>" start="\<access\>" start="\<variable\>" matchgroup=NONE end=";" contained contains=@inlineItems
syntax region rlWrite matchgroup=Type start="\<write\>" matchgroup=NONE end="[;)]" contained contains=rlWriteKeywords,rlWriteOptions
syntax keyword rlWriteKeywords init data exec exports start error first_final contained
syntax keyword rlWriteOptions noerror nofinal noprefix noend nocs contained
" Sync at the start of machine specs.
" Match The ragel delimiters only if there quotes no ahead on the same line.
" On the open marker, use & to consume the leader.
syntax sync match ragelSyncPat grouphere NONE "^[^\'\"%]*%%{&^[^\'\"%]*"
syntax sync match ragelSyncPat grouphere NONE "^[^\'\"%]*%%[^{]&^[^\'\"%]*"
syntax sync match ragelSyncPat grouphere NONE "^[^\'\"]*}%%"
" Specifying Groups
hi link rlComment Comment
hi link rlNumber Number
hi link rlLiteral String
hi link rlAugmentOps Keyword
hi link rlExprKeywords Keyword
hi link rlWriteKeywords Keyword
hi link rlWriteOptions Keyword
hi link rlKeywords Type
hi link fsmType Type
hi link fsmKeyword Keyword
hi link anyLabel Label
hi link caseLabelKeyword Keyword
hi link beginRL Type
let b:current_syntax = "ragel"