This commit is contained in:
Adam Stankiewicz 2017-05-17 11:07:28 +02:00
parent ef369d45a5
commit af87010071
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: A62480DCEAC884DF
38 changed files with 1250 additions and 845 deletions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,38 @@ if g:terraform_align && exists(':Tabularize')
function! TerraformFolds()
let thisline = getline(v:lnum)
if match(thisline, '^resource') >= 0
return ">1"
elseif match(thisline, '^provider') >= 0
return ">1"
elseif match(thisline, '^module') >= 0
return ">1"
elseif match(thisline, '^variable') >= 0
return ">1"
elseif match(thisline, '^output') >= 0
return ">1"
return "="
setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldexpr=TerraformFolds()
setlocal foldlevel=1
function! TerraformFoldText()
let foldsize = (v:foldend-v:foldstart)
return getline(v:foldstart).' ('.foldsize.' lines)'
setlocal foldtext=TerraformFoldText()
"inoremap <space> <C-O>za
nnoremap <space> za
onoremap <space> <C-C>za
vnoremap <space> zf
" Match the identation put in place by Hashicorp and :TerraformFmt,
if get(g:, "terraform_align", 1)
setlocal tabstop=2
@ -25,4 +57,5 @@ if get(g:, "terraform_align", 1)
setlocal shiftwidth=2

View File

@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ syn keyword yamlConstant NULL Null null NONE None none NIL Nil nil
syn keyword yamlConstant TRUE True true YES Yes yes ON On on
syn keyword yamlConstant FALSE False false NO No no OFF Off off
syn match yamlKey "^\s*\zs\S\+\ze\s*:"
syn match yamlKey "^\s*-\s*\zs\S\+\ze\s*:"
syn match yamlKey "^\s*\zs[^ \t\"]\+\ze\s*:"
syn match yamlKey "^\s*-\s*\zs[^ \t\"]\+\ze\s*:"
syn match yamlAnchor "&\S\+"
syn match yamlAlias "*\S\+"

View File

@ -1,219 +1,347 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'elixir') == -1
let s:NO_COLON_BEFORE = ':\@<!'
let s:NO_COLON_AFTER = ':\@!'
let s:ENDING_SYMBOLS = '\]\|}\|)'
let s:ARROW = '->'
let s:END_WITH_ARROW = s:ARROW.'$'
let s:SKIP_SYNTAX = '\%(Comment\|String\)$'
let s:BLOCK_SKIP = "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1),'name') =~? '".s:SKIP_SYNTAX."'"
let s:DEF = '^\s*def'
let s:FN = '\<fn\>'
let s:MULTILINE_FN = s:FN.'\%(.*end\)\@!'
let s:BLOCK_START = '\%(\<do\>\|'.s:FN.'\)\>'
let s:MULTILINE_BLOCK = '\%(\<do\>'.s:NO_COLON_AFTER.'\|'.s:MULTILINE_FN.'\)'
let s:BLOCK_MIDDLE = '\<\%(else\|match\|elsif\|catch\|after\|rescue\)\>'
let s:BLOCK_END = 'end'
let s:STARTS_WITH_PIPELINE = '^\s*|>.*$'
let s:QUERY_FROM = '^\s*\<from\>.*\<in\>.*,'
let s:DEINDENT_KEYWORDS = '^\s*\<\%('.s:BLOCK_END.'\|'.s:BLOCK_MIDDLE.'\)\>'
let s:PAIR_MIDDLE = '^\s*\%('.s:BLOCK_MIDDLE.'\)\>'.s:NO_COLON_AFTER.'\zs'
let s:PAIR_END = '\<\%('.s:NO_COLON_BEFORE.s:BLOCK_END.'\)\>\zs'
let s:LINE_COMMENT = '^\s*#'
let s:MATCH_OPERATOR = '[^!><=]=[^~=>]'
function! s:pending_parenthesis(line)
if a:line.last_non_blank.text !~ s:ARROW
return elixir#util#count_indentable_symbol_diff(a:line.last_non_blank, '(', '\%(end\s*\)\@<!)')
function! elixir#indent#debug(str)
if exists("g:elixir_indent_debug") && g:elixir_indent_debug
echom a:str
function! s:pending_square_brackets(line)
if a:line.last_non_blank.text !~ s:ARROW
return elixir#util#count_indentable_symbol_diff(a:line.last_non_blank, '[', ']')
function! s:pending_brackets(line)
if a:line.last_non_blank.text !~ s:ARROW
return elixir#util#count_indentable_symbol_diff(a:line.last_non_blank, '{', '}')
function! elixir#indent#deindent_case_arrow(ind, line)
if get(b:old_ind, 'arrow', 0) > 0
\ && (a:line.current.text =~ s:ARROW
\ || a:line.current.text =~ s:BLOCK_END)
let ind = b:old_ind.arrow
let b:old_ind.arrow = 0
return ind
" Returns 0 or 1 based on whether or not the text starts with the given
" expression and is not a string or comment
function! elixir#indent#starts_with(text, expr, lnum)
let pos = match(a:text, '^\s*'.a:expr)
if pos == -1
return 0
return a:ind
function! elixir#indent#deindent_ending_symbols(ind, line)
if a:line.current.text =~ '^\s*\('.s:ENDING_SYMBOLS.'\)'
return a:ind - &sw
" NOTE: @jbodah 2017-02-24: pos is the index of the match which is
" zero-indexed. Add one to make it the column number
if elixir#indent#is_string_or_comment(a:lnum, pos + 1)
return 0
return a:ind
return 1
function! elixir#indent#deindent_keywords(ind, line)
if a:line.current.text =~ s:DEINDENT_KEYWORDS
let bslnum = searchpair(
\ 'nbW',
\ )
return indent(bslnum)
" Returns 0 or 1 based on whether or not the text ends with the given
" expression and is not a string or comment
function! elixir#indent#ends_with(text, expr, lnum)
let pos = match(a:text, a:expr.'\s*$')
if pos == -1
return 0
return a:ind
function! elixir#indent#deindent_opened_symbols(ind, line)
let s:opened_symbol =
\ s:pending_parenthesis(a:line)
\ + s:pending_square_brackets(a:line)
\ + s:pending_brackets(a:line)
if s:opened_symbol < 0
let ind = get(b:old_ind, 'symbol', a:ind + (s:opened_symbol * &sw))
let ind = float2nr(ceil(floor(ind)/&sw)*&sw)
return ind <= 0 ? 0 : ind
if elixir#indent#is_string_or_comment(a:lnum, pos)
return 0
return a:ind
return 1
function! elixir#indent#indent_after_pipeline(ind, line)
if exists("b:old_ind.pipeline")
\ && elixir#util#is_blank(a:line.last.text)
\ && a:line.current.text !~ s:STARTS_WITH_PIPELINE
" Reset indentation in pipelines if there is a blank line between
" pipes
let ind = b:old_ind.pipeline
unlet b:old_ind.pipeline
return ind
elseif a:line.last_non_blank.text =~ s:STARTS_WITH_PIPELINE
if empty(substitute(a:line.current.text, ' ', '', 'g'))
\ || a:line.current.text =~ s:STARTS_WITH_PIPELINE
return indent(a:line.last_non_blank.num)
elseif a:line.last_non_blank.text !~ s:INDENT_KEYWORDS
let ind = b:old_ind.pipeline
unlet b:old_ind.pipeline
return ind
return a:ind
" Returns 0 or 1 based on whether or not the text matches the given expression
function! elixir#indent#contains(text, expr)
return a:text =~ a:expr
function! elixir#indent#indent_assignment(ind, line)
if a:line.last_non_blank.text =~ s:ENDING_WITH_ASSIGNMENT
let b:old_ind.pipeline = indent(a:line.last_non_blank.num) " FIXME: side effect
return a:ind + &sw
" Returns 0 or 1 based on whether or not the given line number and column
" number pair is a string or comment
function! elixir#indent#is_string_or_comment(line, col)
return synIDattr(synID(a:line, a:col, 1), "name") =~ '\%(String\|Comment\)'
" Skip expression for searchpair. Returns 0 or 1 based on whether the value
" under the cursor is a string or comment
function! elixir#indent#searchpair_back_skip()
" NOTE: @jbodah 2017-02-27: for some reason this function gets called with
" and index that doesn't exist in the line sometimes. Detect and account for
" that situation
let curr_col = col('.')
if getline('.')[curr_col-1] == ''
let curr_col = curr_col-1
return elixir#indent#is_string_or_comment(line('.'), curr_col)
" DRY up searchpair calls
function! elixir#indent#searchpair_back(start, mid, end)
let line = line('.')
return searchpair(a:start, a:mid, a:end, 'bnW', "line('.') == " . line . " || elixir#indent#searchpair_back_skip()")
" DRY up searchpairpos calls
function! elixir#indent#searchpairpos_back(start, mid, end)
let line = line('.')
return searchpairpos(a:start, a:mid, a:end, 'bnW', "line('.') == " . line . " || elixir#indent#searchpair_back_skip()")
" DRY up regex for keywords that 1) makes sure we only look at complete words
" and 2) ignores atoms
function! elixir#indent#keyword(expr)
return ':\@<!\<\C\%('.a:expr.'\)\>:\@!'
function! elixir#indent#starts_with_comment(text)
return match(a:text, '^\s*#') != -1
" Start at the end of text and search backwards looking for a match. Also peek
" ahead if we get a match to make sure we get a complete match. This means
" that the result should be the position of the start of the right-most match
function! elixir#indent#find_last_pos(lnum, text, match)
let last = len(a:text) - 1
let c = last
while c >= 0
let substr = strpart(a:text, c, last)
let peek = strpart(a:text, c - 1, last)
let ss_match = match(substr, a:match)
if ss_match != -1
let peek_match = match(peek, a:match)
if peek_match == ss_match + 1
let syng = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, c + ss_match, 1), 'name')
if syng !~ '\%(String\|Comment\)'
return c + ss_match
let c -= 1
return -1
function! elixir#indent#handle_top_of_file(_lnum, _text, prev_nb_lnum, _prev_nb_text)
if a:prev_nb_lnum == 0
return 0
return a:ind
return -1
function! elixir#indent#indent_brackets(ind, line)
if s:pending_brackets(a:line) > 0
return a:ind + &sw
" TODO: @jbodah 2017-03-31: remove
function! elixir#indent#handle_following_trailing_do(lnum, text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
if elixir#indent#ends_with(a:prev_nb_text, elixir#indent#keyword('do'), a:prev_nb_lnum)
if elixir#indent#starts_with(a:text, elixir#indent#keyword('end'), a:lnum)
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum)
return a:ind
function! elixir#indent#indent_case_arrow(ind, line)
if a:line.last_non_blank.text =~ s:END_WITH_ARROW && a:line.last_non_blank.text !~ '\<fn\>'
let b:old_ind.arrow = a:ind
return a:ind + &sw
return a:ind
function! elixir#indent#indent_ending_symbols(ind, line)
if a:line.last_non_blank.text =~ '^\s*\('.s:ENDING_SYMBOLS.'\)\s*$'
return a:ind + &sw
return a:ind
function! elixir#indent#indent_keywords(ind, line)
if a:line.last_non_blank.text =~ s:INDENT_KEYWORDS && a:line.last_non_blank.text !~ s:LINE_COMMENT
return a:ind + &sw
return a:ind
function! elixir#indent#indent_parenthesis(ind, line)
if s:pending_parenthesis(a:line) > 0
\ && a:line.last_non_blank.text !~ s:DEF
\ && a:line.last_non_blank.text !~ s:END_WITH_ARROW
let b:old_ind.symbol = a:ind
return matchend(a:line.last_non_blank.text, '(')
return a:ind
function! elixir#indent#indent_pipeline_assignment(ind, line)
if a:line.current.text =~ s:STARTS_WITH_PIPELINE
\ && a:line.last_non_blank.text =~ s:MATCH_OPERATOR
let b:old_ind.pipeline = indent(a:line.last_non_blank.num)
" if line starts with pipeline
" and last_non_blank line is an attribution
" indents pipeline in same level as attribution
let assign_pos = match(a:line.last_non_blank.text, '=\s*\zs[^ ]')
return (elixir#util#is_indentable_at(a:line.last_non_blank.num, assign_pos) ? assign_pos : a:ind)
return a:ind
function! elixir#indent#indent_pipeline_continuation(ind, line)
if a:line.last_non_blank.text =~ s:STARTS_WITH_PIPELINE
\ && a:line.current.text =~ s:STARTS_WITH_PIPELINE
return indent(a:line.last_non_blank.num)
return a:ind
function! elixir#indent#indent_square_brackets(ind, line)
if s:pending_square_brackets(a:line) > 0
if a:line.last_non_blank.text =~ '[\s*$'
return a:ind + &sw
" if start symbol is followed by a character, indent based on the
" whitespace after the symbol, otherwise use the default shiftwidth
" Avoid negative indentation index
return matchend(a:line.last_non_blank.text, '[\s*')
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum) + &sw
return a:ind
return -1
function! elixir#indent#handle_following_trailing_binary_operator(lnum, text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
let binary_operator = '\%(=\|<>\|>>>\|<=\|||\|+\|\~\~\~\|-\|&&\|<<<\|/\|\^\^\^\|\*\)'
if elixir#indent#ends_with(a:prev_nb_text, binary_operator, a:prev_nb_lnum)
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum) + &sw
return -1
function! elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_pipe(lnum, text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
if elixir#indent#starts_with(a:text, '|>', a:lnum)
let match_operator = '\%(!\|=\|<\|>\)\@<!=\%(=\|>\|\~\)\@!'
let pos = elixir#indent#find_last_pos(a:prev_nb_lnum, a:prev_nb_text, match_operator)
if pos == -1
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum)
let next_word_pos = match(strpart(a:prev_nb_text, pos+1, len(a:prev_nb_text)-1), '\S')
if next_word_pos == -1
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum) + &sw
return pos + 1 + next_word_pos
return -1
function! elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_comment(_lnum, text, prev_nb_lnum, _prev_nb_text)
if elixir#indent#starts_with_comment(a:text)
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum)
return -1
function! elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_end(lnum, text, _prev_nb_lnum, _prev_nb_text)
if elixir#indent#starts_with(a:text, elixir#indent#keyword('end'), a:lnum)
let pair_lnum = elixir#indent#searchpair_back(elixir#indent#keyword('do\|fn'), '', elixir#indent#keyword('end').'\zs')
return indent(pair_lnum)
return -1
function! elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_mid_or_end_block_keyword(lnum, text, _prev_nb_lnum, _prev_nb_text)
if elixir#indent#starts_with(a:text, elixir#indent#keyword('catch\|rescue\|after\|else'), a:lnum)
let pair_lnum = elixir#indent#searchpair_back(elixir#indent#keyword('with\|receive\|try\|if\|fn'), elixir#indent#keyword('catch\|rescue\|after\|else').'\zs', elixir#indent#keyword('end'))
return indent(pair_lnum)
return -1
function! elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_close_bracket(lnum, text, _prev_nb_lnum, _prev_nb_text)
if elixir#indent#starts_with(a:text, '\%(\]\|}\|)\)', a:lnum)
let pair_lnum = elixir#indent#searchpair_back('\%(\[\|{\|(\)', '', '\%(\]\|}\|)\)')
return indent(pair_lnum)
return -1
function! elixir#indent#handle_starts_with_binary_operator(lnum, text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
let binary_operator = '\%(=\|<>\|>>>\|<=\|||\|+\|\~\~\~\|-\|&&\|<<<\|/\|\^\^\^\|\*\)'
if elixir#indent#starts_with(a:text, binary_operator, a:lnum)
let match_operator = '\%(!\|=\|<\|>\)\@<!=\%(=\|>\|\~\)\@!'
let pos = elixir#indent#find_last_pos(a:prev_nb_lnum, a:prev_nb_text, match_operator)
if pos == -1
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum)
let next_word_pos = match(strpart(a:prev_nb_text, pos+1, len(a:prev_nb_text)-1), '\S')
if next_word_pos == -1
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum) + &sw
return pos + 1 + next_word_pos
return -1
" To handle nested structures properly we need to find the innermost
" nested structure. For example, we might be in a function in a map in a
" function, etc... so we need to first figure out what the innermost structure
" is then forward execution to the proper handler
function! elixir#indent#handle_inside_nested_construct(lnum, text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
let start_pattern = '\C\%(\<if\>\|\<case\>\|\<cond\>\|\<try\>\|\<receive\>\|\<fn\>\|{\|\[\|(\)'
let end_pattern = '\C\%(\<end\>\|\]\|}\|)\)'
let pair_info = elixir#indent#searchpairpos_back(start_pattern, '', end_pattern)
let pair_lnum = pair_info[0]
let pair_col = pair_info[1]
if pair_lnum != 0 || pair_col != 0
let pair_text = getline(pair_lnum)
let pair_char = pair_text[pair_col - 1]
if pair_char == 'f'
call elixir#indent#debug("testing elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_fn")
return elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_fn(pair_lnum, pair_col, a:lnum, a:text, a:prev_nb_lnum, a:prev_nb_text)
elseif pair_char == '['
call elixir#indent#debug("testing elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_square_brace")
return elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_square_brace(pair_lnum, pair_col, a:lnum, a:text, a:prev_nb_lnum, a:prev_nb_text)
elseif pair_char == '{'
call elixir#indent#debug("testing elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_curly_brace")
return elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_curly_brace(pair_lnum, pair_col, a:lnum, a:text, a:prev_nb_lnum, a:prev_nb_text)
elseif pair_char == '('
call elixir#indent#debug("testing elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_parens")
return elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_parens(pair_lnum, pair_col, a:lnum, a:text, a:prev_nb_lnum, a:prev_nb_text)
call elixir#indent#debug("testing elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_keyword_block")
return elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_keyword_block(pair_lnum, pair_col, a:lnum, a:text, a:prev_nb_lnum, a:prev_nb_text)
return -1
function! elixir#indent#indent_ecto_queries(ind, line)
if a:line.last_non_blank.text =~ s:QUERY_FROM
return a:ind + &sw
function! elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_keyword_block(pair_lnum, _pair_col, _lnum, text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
let keyword_pattern = '\C\%(\<case\>\|\<cond\>\|\<try\>\|\<receive\>\|\<after\>\|\<catch\>\|\<rescue\>\|\<else\>\)'
if a:pair_lnum
" last line is a "receive" or something
if elixir#indent#starts_with(a:prev_nb_text, keyword_pattern, a:prev_nb_lnum)
call elixir#indent#debug("prev nb line is keyword")
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum) + &sw
elseif elixir#indent#contains(a:text, '->')
call elixir#indent#debug("contains ->")
" TODO: @jbodah 2017-03-31: test contains ignores str + comments
return indent(a:pair_lnum) + &sw
elseif elixir#indent#contains(a:prev_nb_text, '->')
call elixir#indent#debug("prev nb line contains ->")
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum) + &sw
return a:ind
call elixir#indent#debug("doesnt start with comment or contain ->")
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum)
return -1
function! elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_fn(pair_lnum, _pair_col, lnum, text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
if a:pair_lnum && a:pair_lnum != a:lnum
if elixir#indent#contains(a:text, '->')
return indent(a:pair_lnum) + &sw
if elixir#indent#ends_with(a:prev_nb_text, '->', a:prev_nb_lnum)
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum) + &sw
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum)
return -1
function! elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_square_brace(pair_lnum, pair_col, _lnum, _text, _prev_nb_lnum, _prev_nb_text)
" If in list...
if a:pair_lnum != 0 || a:pair_col != 0
let pair_text = getline(a:pair_lnum)
let substr = strpart(pair_text, a:pair_col, len(pair_text)-1)
let indent_pos = match(substr, '\S')
if indent_pos != -1
return indent_pos + a:pair_col
return indent(a:pair_lnum) + &sw
return -1
function! elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_curly_brace(pair_lnum, _pair_col, _lnum, _text, _prev_nb_lnum, _prev_nb_text)
return indent(a:pair_lnum) + &sw
function! elixir#indent#do_handle_inside_parens(pair_lnum, pair_col, _lnum, _text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
if a:pair_lnum
if elixir#indent#ends_with(a:prev_nb_text, '(', a:prev_nb_lnum)
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum) + &sw
elseif a:pair_lnum == a:prev_nb_lnum
" Align indent (e.g. "def add(a,")
let pos = elixir#indent#find_last_pos(a:prev_nb_lnum, a:prev_nb_text, '[^(]\+,')
if pos == -1
return 0
return pos
return indent(a:prev_nb_lnum)
return -1
function! elixir#indent#handle_inside_generic_block(lnum, _text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
let pair_lnum = searchpair(elixir#indent#keyword('do\|fn'), '', elixir#indent#keyword('end'), 'bW', "line('.') == ".a:lnum." || elixir#indent#is_string_or_comment(line('.'), col('.'))")
if pair_lnum
" TODO: @jbodah 2017-03-29: this should probably be the case in *all*
" blocks
if elixir#indent#ends_with(a:prev_nb_text, ',', a:prev_nb_lnum)
return indent(pair_lnum) + 2 * &sw
return indent(pair_lnum) + &sw
return -1

View File

@ -1,52 +1,28 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'elixir') == -1
let s:SKIP_SYNTAX = '\%(Comment\|String\)$'
function! elixir#util#get_filename(word) abort
let word = a:word
function! elixir#util#is_indentable_at(line, col)
if a:col == -1 " skip synID lookup for not found match
return 1
" TODO: Remove these 2 lines
" I don't know why, but for the test on spec/indent/lists_spec.rb:24.
" Vim is making some mess on parsing the syntax of 'end', it is being
" recognized as 'elixirString' when should be recognized as 'elixirBlock'.
call synID(a:line, a:col, 1)
" This forces vim to sync the syntax. Using fromstart is very slow on files
" over 1k lines
syntax sync minlines=20 maxlines=150
" get first thing that starts uppercase, until the first space or end of line
let word = substitute(word,'^\s*\(\u[^ ]\+\).*$','\1','g')
return synIDattr(synID(a:line, a:col, 1), "name")
" remove any trailing characters that don't look like a nested module
let word = substitute(word,'\.\U.*$','','g')
function! elixir#util#count_indentable_symbol_diff(line, open, close)
\ s:match_count(a:line, a:open)
\ - s:match_count(a:line, a:close)
" replace module dots with slash
let word = substitute(word,'\.','/','g')
function! s:match_count(line, pattern)
let size = strlen(a:line.text)
let index = 0
let counter = 0
" remove any special chars
let word = substitute(word,'[^A-z0-9-_/]','','g')
while index < size
let index = match(a:line.text, a:pattern, index)
if index >= 0
let index += 1
if elixir#util#is_indentable_at(a:line.num, index)
let counter +=1
" convert to snake_case
let word = substitute(word,'\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)','\1_\2','g')
let word = substitute(word,'\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)','\1_\2','g')
let word = substitute(word,'\(\l\|\d\)\(\u\)','\1_\2','g')
let word = substitute(word,'-','_','g')
let word = tolower(word)
return counter
function elixir#util#is_blank(string)
return a:string =~ '^\s*$'
return word

View File

@ -371,6 +371,7 @@ let linkreltypes = linkreltypes + ['pgpkey']
" a and button are special elements for interactive, some element can't be its descendent
let abutton_dec = 'details\\|embed\\|iframe\\|keygen\\|label\\|menu\\|select\\|textarea'
let crossorigin = ['anonymous', 'use-credentials']
let g:xmldata_html5 = {
@ -582,7 +583,7 @@ let g:xmldata_html5 = {
\ ],
\ 'img': [
\ [],
\ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'src': [], 'alt': [], 'height': [], 'width': [], 'usemap': [], 'ismap': ['ismap', ''], 'referrerpolicy': ['no-referrer', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin', 'origin-when-cross-origin', 'unsafe-url']})
\ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'src': [], 'alt': [], 'height': [], 'width': [], 'usemap': [], 'ismap': ['ismap', ''], 'referrerpolicy': ['no-referrer', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin', 'origin-when-cross-origin', 'unsafe-url'], 'crossorigin': ['anonymous', 'use-credentials']})
\ ],
\ 'input': [
\ [],
@ -614,7 +615,7 @@ let g:xmldata_html5 = {
\ ],
\ 'link': [
\ [],
\ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'href': [], 'rel': linkreltypes, 'hreflang': lang_tag, 'media': [], 'type': [], 'sizes': ['any'], 'referrerpolicy': ['no-referrer', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin', 'origin-when-cross-origin', 'unsafe-url']})
\ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'href': [], 'rel': linkreltypes, 'hreflang': lang_tag, 'media': [], 'type': [], 'sizes': ['any'], 'referrerpolicy': ['no-referrer', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin', 'origin-when-cross-origin', 'unsafe-url'], 'crossorigin': crossorigin, 'preload': ['preload', ''], 'prefetch': ['prefetch', '']})
\ ],
\ 'main': [
\ flow_elements + ['style'],
@ -722,7 +723,7 @@ let g:xmldata_html5 = {
\ ],
\ 'script': [
\ [],
\ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'src': [], 'defer': ['defer', ''], 'async': ['async', ''], 'type': [], 'charset': charset, 'nonce': []})
\ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'src': [], 'defer': ['defer', ''], 'async': ['async', ''], 'type': [], 'charset': charset, 'nonce': [], 'crossorigin': crossorigin})
\ ],
\ 'section': [
\ flow_elements + ['style'],
@ -834,7 +835,7 @@ let g:xmldata_html5 = {
\ ],
\ 'video': [
\ flow_elements + ['source', 'track'],
\ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'autoplay': ['autoplay', ''], 'preload': ['none', 'metadata', 'auto', ''], 'controls': ['controls', ''], 'loop': ['loop', ''], 'playsinline': ['playsinline', ''], 'poster': [], 'height': [], 'width': [], 'src': []})
\ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'autoplay': ['autoplay', ''], 'preload': ['none', 'metadata', 'auto', ''], 'controls': ['controls', ''], 'loop': ['loop', ''], 'playsinline': ['playsinline', ''], 'poster': [], 'height': [], 'width': [], 'src': [], 'crossorigin': crossorigin})
\ ],
\ 'wbr': [
\ [],

View File

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'javascript') == -1
" Vim compiler plugin
" Language: JavaScript
" Maintainer: vim-javascript community
" URL:
if exists("current_compiler")

View File

@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ CompilerSet errorformat=
\%D(in\ %f),
\%\\s%#from\ %f:%l:%m,
\%\\s%#from\ %f:%l:,
\%\\s%##\ %f:%l:%m,
\%\\s%##\ %f:%l,
\%\\s%#[%f:%l:\ %#%m,
\%\\s%#%f:%l:\ %#%m,
\%\\s%##\ %f:%l:%m%\\&%.%#%\\D:%.%#,
\%\\s%##\ %f:%l%\\&%.%#%\\D:%.%#,
\%\\s%#[%f:%l:\ %#%m%\\&%.%#%\\D:%.%#,
\%\\s%#%f:%l:\ %#%m%\\&%.%#%\\D:%.%#,
\%m\ [%f:%l]:,
\%+Erake\ aborted!,

View File

@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ au BufRead,BufNewFile *.ex,*.exs call s:setf('elixir')
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.eex call s:setf('eelixir')
au BufRead,BufNewFile * call s:DetectElixir()
au FileType elixir,eelixir setl sw=2 sts=2 et iskeyword+=!,?
function! s:setf(filetype) abort
let &filetype = a:filetype
@ -283,7 +281,9 @@ augroup filetypedetect
" Language: OpenGL Shading Language
" Maintainer: Sergey Tikhomirov <>
autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.glsl,*.geom,*.vert,*.frag,*.gsh,*.vsh,*.fsh,*.vs,*.fs,*.gs,*.tcs,*.tes,*.tesc,*.tese,*.comp set filetype=glsl
" Extensions supported by Khronos reference compiler
autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.vert,*.tesc,*.tese,*.geom,*.frag,*.comp set filetype=glsl
" vim:set sts=2 sw=2 :
augroup END
@ -376,10 +376,16 @@ augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" javascript:pangloss/vim-javascript:_JAVASCRIPT
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js setf javascript
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jsm setf javascript
au BufNewFile,BufRead Jakefile setf javascript
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.es6 setf javascript
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.{js,jsm,es,es6},Jakefile setf javascript
fun! s:SourceFlowSyntax()
if !exists('javascript_plugin_flow') && !exists('b:flow_active') &&
\ search('\v\C%^\_s*%(//\s*|/\*[ \t\n*]*)\@flow>','nw')
runtime extras/flow.vim
let b:flow_active = 1
au FileType javascript au BufRead,BufWritePost <buffer> call s:SourceFlowSyntax()
fun! s:SelectJavascript()
if getline(1) =~# '^#!.*/bin/\%(env\s\+\)\?node\>'
@ -616,11 +622,6 @@ augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" plantuml:aklt/plantuml-syntax
" Vim ftdetect file
" Language: PlantUML
" Maintainer: Aaron C. Meadows < language name at shadowguarddev dot com>
" Version: 0.1
if did_filetype()
@ -975,6 +976,12 @@ augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" twig:lumiliet/vim-twig
if !exists('g:vim_twig_filetype_detected') && has("autocmd")
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.twig set filetype=html.twig
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.html.twig set filetype=html.twig
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.xml.twig set filetype=xml.twig
augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
@ -1002,7 +1009,7 @@ augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" vue:posva/vim-vue
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vue setf vue.html.javascript.css
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vue setf vue
augroup END
augroup filetypedetect

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ if !exists("g:eelixir_default_subtype")
if !exists("b:eelixir_subtype")
let s:lines = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n".getline(4)."\n".getline(5)."\n".getline("$")
let s:lines = join(getline(1, 5) + [getline('$')], "\n")
let b:eelixir_subtype = matchstr(s:lines,'eelixir_subtype=\zs\w\+')
if b:eelixir_subtype == ''
let b:eelixir_subtype = matchstr(&filetype,'^eex\.\zs\w\+')
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ endif
setlocal comments=:<%#
setlocal commentstring=<%#\ %s\ %>
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl cms< "
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl cms< " .
\ " | unlet! b:browsefilter b:match_words | " . s:undo_ftplugin
let &cpo = s:save_cpo

View File

@ -17,45 +17,24 @@ if exists("loaded_matchit") && !exists("b:match_words")
\ ',{:},\[:\],(:)'
setlocal shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab iskeyword+=!,?
setlocal comments=:#
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
function! GetElixirFilename(word)
let word = a:word
" get first thing that starts uppercase, until the first space or end of line
let word = substitute(word,'^\s*\(\u[^ ]\+\).*$','\1','g')
" remove any trailing characters that don't look like a nested module
let word = substitute(word,'\.\U.*$','','g')
" replace module dots with slash
let word = substitute(word,'\.','/','g')
" remove any special chars
let word = substitute(word,'[^A-z0-9-_/]','','g')
" convert to snake_case
let word = substitute(word,'\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)','\1_\2','g')
let word = substitute(word,'\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)','\1_\2','g')
let word = substitute(word,'\(\l\|\d\)\(\u\)','\1_\2','g')
let word = substitute(word,'-','_','g')
let word = tolower(word)
return word
let &l:path =
\ join([
\ getcwd().'/lib',
\ getcwd().'/src',
\ getcwd().'/deps/**/lib',
\ getcwd().'/deps/**/src',
\ 'lib',
\ 'src',
\ 'deps/**/lib',
\ 'deps/**/src',
\ &g:path
\ ], ',')
setlocal includeexpr=GetElixirFilename(v:fname)
setlocal includeexpr=elixir#util#get_filename(v:fname)
setlocal suffixesadd=.ex,.exs,.eex,.erl,.yrl,.hrl
silent! setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croqlj
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal sw< sts< et< isk< com< cms< path< inex< sua< '.
\ '| unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words'

View File

@ -1,22 +1,17 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'plantuml') == -1
" Vim plugin file
" Language: PlantUML
" Maintainer: Aaron C. Meadows < language name at shadowguarddev dot com>
" Version: 0.1
if exists("b:loaded_plantuml_plugin")
if exists('b:loaded_plantuml_plugin')
let b:loaded_plantuml_plugin = 1
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
if !exists("g:plantuml_executable_script")
let g:plantuml_executable_script="plantuml"
if !exists('g:plantuml_executable_script')
let g:plantuml_executable_script='plantuml'
if exists("loaded_matchit")
if exists('loaded_matchit')
let b:match_ignorecase = 0
let b:match_words =
\ '\(\<ref\>\|\<box\>\|\<opt\>\|\<alt\>\|\<group\>\|\<loop\>\|\<note\>\|\<legend\>\):\<else\>:\<end\>' .
@ -27,7 +22,7 @@ if exists("loaded_matchit")
\ ',\<\while\>:\<endwhile\>'
let &l:makeprg=g:plantuml_executable_script . " " . fnameescape(expand("%"))
let &l:makeprg=g:plantuml_executable_script . ' ' . fnameescape(expand('%'))
setlocal comments=s1:/',mb:',ex:'/,:' commentstring=/'%s'/ formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql

View File

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ setlocal formatoptions=tcqro
" Enable autocompletion of hyphenated PowerShell commands,
" e.g. Get-Content or Get-ADUser
setlocal iskeyword+=-
" MS applications (including PowerShell) require a Byte Order Mark (BOM) for UTF-8.
setlocal bomb
" Change the browse dialog on Win32 to show mainly PowerShell-related files
if has("gui_win32")

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ let b:did_ftplugin = 1
setlocal tw=0
setlocal commentstring=#%s
setlocal formatoptions=tcqro
" MS applications (including PowerShell) require a Byte Order Mark (BOM) for UTF-8.
setlocal bomb
" Change the browse dialog on Win32 to show mainly PowerShell-related files
if has("gui_win32")

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ endif
function! s:query_path(root) abort
let code = "print $:.join %q{,}"
if &shell =~# 'sh'
if &shell =~# 'sh' && empty(&shellxquote)
let prefix = 'env PATH='.shellescape($PATH).' '
let prefix = ''
@ -164,23 +164,23 @@ if !exists("g:no_plugin_maps") && !exists("g:no_ruby_maps")
nmap <buffer><script> <SID>: :<C-U>
nmap <buffer><script> <SID>c: :<C-U><C-R>=v:count ? v:count : ''<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>','rubyDefine','b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>','rubyDefine','','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [M :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>','rubyDefine','b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]M :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>','rubyDefine','','n')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>','rubyDefine','b','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>','rubyDefine','','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [M :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>','rubyDefine','b','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]M :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>','rubyDefine','','v')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>',['rubyDefine'],'b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>',['rubyDefine'],'','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [M :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>',['rubyDefine'],'b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]M :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>',['rubyDefine'],'','n')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>',['rubyDefine'],'b','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>',['rubyDefine'],'','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [M :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>',['rubyDefine'],'b','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]M :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>',['rubyDefine'],'','v')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<\%(class\<Bar>module\)\>','rubyModule\<Bar>rubyClass','b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<\%(class\<Bar>module\)\>','rubyModule\<Bar>rubyClass','','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>','rubyModule\<Bar>rubyClass','b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>','rubyModule\<Bar>rubyClass','','n')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<\%(class\<Bar>module\)\>','rubyModule\<Bar>rubyClass','b','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<\%(class\<Bar>module\)\>','rubyModule\<Bar>rubyClass','','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>','rubyModule\<Bar>rubyClass','b','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>','rubyModule\<Bar>rubyClass','','v')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<\%(class\<Bar>module\)\>',['rubyModule','rubyClass'],'b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<\%(class\<Bar>module\)\>',['rubyModule','rubyClass'],'','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>',['rubyModule','rubyClass'],'b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>',['rubyModule','rubyClass'],'','n')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<\%(class\<Bar>module\)\>',['rubyModule','rubyClass'],'b','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<\%(class\<Bar>module\)\>',['rubyModule','rubyClass'],'','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>',['rubyModule','rubyClass'],'b','v')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>',['rubyModule','rubyClass'],'','v')<CR>
let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
\."| sil! exe 'unmap <buffer> [[' | sil! exe 'unmap <buffer> ]]' | sil! exe 'unmap <buffer> []' | sil! exe 'unmap <buffer> ]['"
@ -290,12 +290,13 @@ function! s:searchsyn(pattern, syn, flags, mode) abort
norm! gv
let i = 0
call map(a:syn, 'hlID(v:val)')
while i < cnt
let i = i + 1
let line = line('.')
let col = col('.')
let pos = search(a:pattern,'W'.a:flags)
while pos != 0 && s:synname() !~# a:syn
while pos != 0 && index(a:syn, s:synid()) < 0
let pos = search(a:pattern,'W'.a:flags)
if pos == 0
@ -305,8 +306,8 @@ function! s:searchsyn(pattern, syn, flags, mode) abort
function! s:synname() abort
return synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),0),'name')
function! s:synid() abort
return synID(line('.'),col('.'),0)
function! s:wrap_i(back,forward) abort
@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ function! RubyCursorFile() abort
let pre = matchstr(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.')-1), '.*\f\@<!')
let post = matchstr(strpart(getline('.'), col('.')), '\f\@!.*')
let ext = getline('.') =~# '^\s*\%(require\%(_relative\)\=\|autoload\)\>' && cfile !~# '\.rb$' ? '.rb' : ''
if s:synname() ==# 'rubyConstant'
if s:synid() ==# hlID('rubyConstant')
let cfile = substitute(cfile,'\.\w\+[?!=]\=$','','')
let cfile = substitute(cfile,'::','/','g')
let cfile = substitute(cfile,'\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)','\1_\2', 'g')

View File

@ -13,4 +13,11 @@ runtime! ftplugin/html.vim
setlocal suffixesadd+=.vue
if exists('g:loaded_ale')
let g:ale_linters = get(g:, 'ale_linters', {})
let g:ale_linters.vue = get(g:ale_linters, 'vue', ['eslint'])
let g:ale_linter_aliases = get(g:, 'ale_linter_aliases', {})
let g:ale_linter_aliases.vue = get(g:ale_linter_aliases, 'vue', 'javascript')

View File

@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ function GetAnsibleIndent(lnum)
if a:lnum == 1 || !prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
return 0
if exists("g:ansible_unindent_after_newline")
if (a:lnum -1) != prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
return 0
let prevlnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
let maintain = indent(prevlnum)
let increase = maintain + &sw

View File

@ -1,97 +1,48 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'elixir') == -1
setlocal nosmartindent
setlocal indentexpr=elixir#indent()
setlocal indentkeys+=0),0],0=\|>,=->
setlocal indentkeys+=0=end,0=else,0=match,0=elsif,0=catch,0=after,0=rescue
if exists("b:did_indent") || exists("*elixir#indent")
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
setlocal indentexpr=elixir#indent(v:lnum)
function! elixir#indent()
" initiates the `old_ind` dictionary
let b:old_ind = get(b:, 'old_ind', {})
" initiates the `line` dictionary
let line = s:build_line(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys+=0=end,0=catch,0=rescue,0=after,0=else,=->,0},0],0),0=\|>,0=<>
" TODO: @jbodah 2017-02-27: all operators should cause reindent when typed
if s:is_beginning_of_file(line)
" Reset `old_ind` dictionary at the beginning of the file
let b:old_ind = {}
" At the start of the file use zero indent.
function! elixir#indent(lnum)
let lnum = a:lnum
let text = getline(lnum)
let prev_nb_lnum = prevnonblank(lnum-1)
let prev_nb_text = getline(prev_nb_lnum)
call elixir#indent#debug("==> Indenting line " . lnum)
call elixir#indent#debug("text = '" . text . "'")
let handlers = [
for handler in handlers
call elixir#indent#debug('testing handler elixir#indent#handle_'.handler)
let indent = function('elixir#indent#handle_'.handler)(lnum, text, prev_nb_lnum, prev_nb_text)
if indent != -1
call elixir#indent#debug('line '.lnum.': elixir#indent#handle_'.handler.' returned '.indent)
return indent
call elixir#indent#debug("defaulting")
return 0
elseif !s:is_indentable_line(line)
" Keep last line indentation if the current line does not have an
" indentable syntax
return indent(line.last_non_blank.num)
" Calculates the indenation level based on the rules
" All the rules are defined in `autoload/elixir/indent.vim`
let ind = indent(line.last_non_blank.num)
call s:debug('>>> line = ' . string(line.current))
call s:debug('>>> ind = ' . ind)
let ind = s:indent('deindent_case_arrow', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_parenthesis', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_square_brackets', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_brackets', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('deindent_opened_symbols', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_pipeline_assignment', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_pipeline_continuation', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_after_pipeline', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_assignment', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_ending_symbols', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_keywords', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('deindent_keywords', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('deindent_ending_symbols', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_case_arrow', ind, line)
let ind = s:indent('indent_ecto_queries', ind, line)
call s:debug('<<< final = ' . ind)
return ind
function s:indent(rule, ind, line)
let Fn = function('elixir#indent#'.a:rule)
let ind = Fn(a:ind, a:line)
call s:debug(a:rule . ' = ' . ind)
return ind
function s:debug(message)
if get(g:, 'elixir_indent_debug', 0)
echom a:message
function! s:is_beginning_of_file(line)
return a:line.last_non_blank.num == 0
function! s:is_indentable_line(line)
return elixir#util#is_indentable_at(a:line.current.num, 1)
function! s:build_line(line)
let line = { 'current': {}, 'last': {}, 'last_non_blank': {} }
let line.current = s:new_line(a:line)
let line.last = s:new_line(line.current.num - 1)
let line.last_non_blank = s:new_line(prevnonblank(line.current.num - 1))
return line
function! s:new_line(num)
return {
\ "num": a:num,
\ "text": getline(a:num)
\ }
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

View File

@ -13,11 +13,7 @@ if exists('b:did_indent')
if !exists('g:haskell_indent_disable')
let g:haskell_indent_disable = 0
if g:haskell_indent_disable != 0
if get(g:, 'haskell_indent_disable', 0)
@ -68,7 +64,7 @@ if !exists('g:haskell_indent_guard')
setlocal indentexpr=GetHaskellIndent()
setlocal indentkeys=0},0),0],!^F,o,O,0\=,0=where,0=let,0=deriving,<space>
setlocal indentkeys=0},0),0],!^F,o,O,0=where,0=let,0=deriving,<space>
function! s:isInBlock(hlstack)
return index(a:hlstack, 'haskellDelimiter') > -1 || index(a:hlstack, 'haskellParens') > -1 || index(a:hlstack, 'haskellBrackets') > -1 || index(a:hlstack, 'haskellBlock') > -1 || index(a:hlstack, 'haskellBlockComment') > -1 || index(a:hlstack, 'haskellPragma') > -1
@ -159,15 +155,6 @@ function! GetHaskellIndent()
return 0
" " comment indentation
" if l:line =~ '^\s*--'
" let l:s = match(l:prevline, '-- ')
" if l:s > -1
" endif
" " if l:prevline =~ '^\s*--'
" " return match(l:prevline, '\S')
" " endif
" { foo :: Int
" >>,
@ -258,12 +245,16 @@ function! GetHaskellIndent()
" where
" >>foo
if l:prevline =~ '\C\<where\>\s*$'
return match(l:prevline, '\S') + get(g:, 'haskell_indent_after_bare_where', &shiftwidth)
" do
" >>foo
" foo =
" >>bar
if l:prevline =~ '\C\(\<where\>\|\<do\>\|=\)\s*$'
if l:prevline =~ '\C\(\<do\>\|=\)\s*$'
return match(l:prevline, '\S') + &shiftwidth
@ -279,7 +270,7 @@ function! GetHaskellIndent()
" case foo of
" >>bar -> quux
if l:prevline =~ '\C\<case\>.\+\<of\>\s*$'
if exists('g:haskell_indent_case_alternative') && g:haskell_indent_case_alternative
if get(g:,'haskell_indent_case_alternative', 0)
return match(l:prevline, '\S') + &shiftwidth
return match(l:prevline, '\C\<case\>') + g:haskell_indent_case
@ -319,6 +310,14 @@ function! GetHaskellIndent()
" foo :: Int
" -> Int
" >>>>-> Int
" foo :: Monad m
" => Functor f
" >>>>=> Int
" foo :: Int
" -> Int
" foo x
@ -327,9 +326,12 @@ function! GetHaskellIndent()
" :: Int
" -> Int
" foo x
if l:prevline =~ '^\s*[-=]>' && l:line !~ '^\s*[-=]>'
if l:prevline =~ '^\s*[-=]>'
if l:line =~ '^\s*[-=]>'
return match(l:prevline, '[-=]')
if s:isInBlock(l:hlstack)
return match(l:prevline, '[^\s-=>]')
return match(l:prevline, '[^-=]')
let l:m = matchstr(l:line, '^\s*\zs\<\S\+\>\ze')
let l:l = l:prevline
@ -355,6 +357,7 @@ function! GetHaskellIndent()
return 0
" | otherwise = ...
" foo
@ -403,12 +406,17 @@ function! GetHaskellIndent()
" in foo
" where bar
" or
" foo
" >>where
if l:line =~ '\C^\s*\<where\>'
if match(l:prevline, '\C^\s\+in\s\+') == 0
return match(l:prevline, 'in') - g:haskell_indent_in
return match(l:prevline, '\S') + &shiftwidth
return match(l:prevline, '\S') + get(g:, 'haskell_indent_before_where', &shiftwidth)
" let x = 1

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'javascript') ==
" Language: Javascript
" Maintainer: Chris Paul ( )
" URL:
" Last Change: March 9, 2017
" Last Change: May 16, 2017
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists('b:did_indent')
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ if exists('b:did_indent')
let b:did_indent = 1
" indent correctly if inside <script>
" vim/vim@690afe1 for the switch from cindent
let b:html_indent_script1 = 'inc'
" Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it.
setlocal indentexpr=GetJavascriptIndent()
setlocal autoindent nolisp nosmartindent
@ -23,6 +27,13 @@ setlocal indentkeys+=0],0)
let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal indentexpr< smartindent< autoindent< indentkeys<'
" Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit string or are comments.
let b:syng_strcom = get(b:,'syng_strcom','string\|comment\|regex\|special\|doc\|template\%(braces\)\@!')
let b:syng_str = get(b:,'syng_str','string\|template\|special')
" template strings may want to be excluded when editing graphql:
" au! Filetype javascript let b:syng_str = '^\%(.*template\)\@!.*string\|special'
" au! Filetype javascript let b:syng_strcom = '^\%(.*template\)\@!.*string\|comment\|regex\|special\|doc'
" Only define the function once.
if exists('*GetJavascriptIndent')
@ -38,7 +49,7 @@ if exists('*shiftwidth')
function s:sw()
return &l:shiftwidth == 0 ? &l:tabstop : &l:shiftwidth
return &l:shiftwidth ? &l:shiftwidth : &l:tabstop
@ -46,6 +57,10 @@ endif
" matches before pos.
let s:z = has('patch-7.4.984') ? 'z' : ''
let s:syng_com = 'comment\|doc'
" Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair().
let s:skip_expr = "s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? b:syng_strcom"
" searchpair() wrapper
if has('reltime')
function s:GetPair(start,end,flags,skip,time,...)
@ -57,56 +72,80 @@ else
" Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit string or are comments.
let s:syng_strcom = 'string\|comment\|regex\|special\|doc\|template\%(braces\)\@!'
let s:syng_str = 'string\|template\|special'
let s:syng_com = 'comment\|doc'
" Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair().
let s:skip_expr = "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),0),'name') =~? '".s:syng_strcom."'"
function s:parse_cino(f) abort
return float2nr(eval(substitute(substitute(join(split(
\ matchstr(&cino,'\C.*'.a:f.'\zs[^,]*'), 's',1), '*'.s:W)
\ , '^-\=\zs\*','',''), '^-\=\zs\.','0.','')))
function s:syn_at(l,c)
let pos = join([a:l,a:c],',')
if has_key(s:synId_cache,pos)
return s:synId_cache[pos]
let s:synId_cache[pos] = synIDattr(synID(a:l,a:c,0),'name')
return s:synId_cache[pos]
function s:parse_cino(f)
let [cin, divider, n] = [strridx(&cino,a:f), 0, '']
if cin == -1
let [sign, cstr] = &cino[cin+1] ==# '-' ? [-1, &cino[cin+2:]] : [1, &cino[cin+1:]]
for c in split(cstr,'\zs')
if c ==# '.' && !divider
let divider = 1
elseif c ==# 's'
if n is ''
let n = s:W
let n = str2nr(n) * s:W
elseif c =~ '\d'
let [n, divider] .= [c, 0]
return sign * str2nr(n) / max([str2nr(divider),1])
" Optimized {skip} expr, used only once per GetJavascriptIndent() call
function s:skip_func()
if getline('.') =~ '\%<'.col('.').'c\/.\{-}\/\|\%>'.col('.').'c[''"]\|\\$'
return eval(s:skip_expr)
if s:topCol == 1 || line('.') < s:scriptTag
return {} " E728, used as limit condition for loops and searchpair()
let s:topCol = col('.')
if getline('.') =~ '\%<'.s:topCol.'c\/.\{-}\/\|\%>'.s:topCol.'c[''"]\|\\$'
if eval(s:skip_expr)
let s:topCol = 0
return !s:topCol
elseif s:checkIn || search('\m`\|\${\|\*\/','nW'.s:z,s:looksyn)
let s:checkIn = eval(s:skip_expr)
if s:checkIn
let s:topCol = 0
let s:looksyn = line('.')
return s:checkIn
function s:alternatePair(stop)
let pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
let pat = '[][(){};]'
while search('\m'.pat,'bW',a:stop)
function s:alternatePair()
let [l:pos, pat, l:for] = [getpos('.'), '[][(){};]', 3]
while search('\m'.pat,'bW')
if s:skip_func() | continue | endif
let idx = stridx('])};',s:looking_at())
if idx is 3 | let pat = '[{}()]' | continue | endif
if idx + 1
if s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx], '])}'[idx],'bW','s:skip_func()',2000,a:stop) <= 0
if idx is 3
if l:for is 1
return s:GetPair('{','}','bW','s:skip_func()',2000) > 0 || setpos('.',l:pos)
let [pat, l:for] = ['[{}();]', l:for - 1]
elseif idx + 1
if s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx], '])}'[idx],'bW','s:skip_func()',2000) < 1
call call('cursor',pos)
function s:save_pos(f,...)
let l:pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
let ret = call(a:f,a:000)
call call('cursor',l:pos)
return ret
function s:syn_at(l,c)
return synIDattr(synID(a:l,a:c,0),'name')
call setpos('.',l:pos)
function s:looking_at()
@ -118,10 +157,10 @@ function s:token()
function s:previous_token()
let l:pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
let l:pos = getpos('.')
if search('\m\k\{1,}\|\S','ebW')
if (getline('.')[col('.')-2:col('.')-1] == '*/' || line('.') != l:pos[0] &&
\ getline('.') =~ '\%<'.col('.').'c\/\/') && s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? s:syng_com
if (strpart(getline('.'),col('.')-2,2) == '*/' || line('.') != l:pos[1] &&
\ getline('.')[:col('.')-1] =~ '\/\/') && s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? s:syng_com
while search('\m\S\ze\_s*\/[/*]','bW')
if s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) !~? s:syng_com
return s:token()
@ -130,51 +169,66 @@ function s:previous_token()
return s:token()
call setpos('.',l:pos)
call call('cursor',l:pos)
return ''
for s:__ in ['__previous_token','__IsBlock']
function s:{s:__}(...)
let l:pos = getpos('.')
return call('s:'.matchstr(expand('<sfile>'),'.*__\zs\w\+'),a:000)
call setpos('.',l:pos)
function s:expr_col()
if getline('.')[col('.')-2] == ':'
return 1
let bal = 0
while search('\m[{}?:;]','bW')
if eval(s:skip_expr) | continue | endif
" switch (looking_at())
exe { '}': "if s:GetPair('{','}','bW',s:skip_expr,200) <= 0 | return | endif",
\ ';': "return",
\ '{': "return getpos('.')[1:2] != b:js_cache[1:] && !s:IsBlock()",
\ ':': "let bal -= getline('.')[max([col('.')-2,0]):col('.')] !~ '::'",
\ '?': "let bal += 1 | if bal > 0 | return 1 | endif" }[s:looking_at()]
let [bal, l:pos] = [0, getpos('.')]
while bal < 1 && search('\m[{}?:;]','bW',s:scriptTag)
if eval(s:skip_expr)
elseif s:looking_at() == ':'
let bal -= strpart(getline('.'),col('.')-2,3) !~ '::'
elseif s:looking_at() == '?'
let bal += 1
elseif s:looking_at() == '{' && getpos('.')[1:2] != b:js_cache[1:] && !s:IsBlock()
let bal = 1
elseif s:looking_at() != '}' || s:GetPair('{','}','bW',s:skip_expr,200) < 1
call setpos('.',l:pos)
return max([bal,0])
" configurable regexes that define continuation lines, not including (, {, or [.
let s:opfirst = '^' . get(g:,'javascript_opfirst',
\ '\C\%([<>=,?^%|*/&]\|\([-.:+]\)\1\@!\|!=\|in\%(stanceof\)\=\>\)')
let s:continuation = get(g:,'javascript_continuation',
\ '\C\%([-+<>=,.~!?/*^%|&:]\|\<\%(typeof\|new\|delete\|void\|in\|instanceof\|await\)\)') . '$'
\ '\C\%([<=,.~!?/*^%|&:]\|+\@<!+\|-\@<!-\|=\@<!>\|\<\%(typeof\|new\|delete\|void\|in\|instanceof\|await\)\)') . '$'
function s:continues(ln,con)
if !cursor(a:ln, match(' '.a:con,s:continuation))
let teol = s:looking_at()
if teol == '/'
return s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) !~? 'regex'
elseif teol =~ '[-+>]'
return getline('.')[col('.')-2] != tr(teol,'>','=')
elseif teol =~ '\l'
let token = matchstr(a:con[-15:],s:continuation)
if strlen(token)
call cursor(a:ln,strlen(a:con))
if token =~ '[/>]'
return s:syn_at(a:ln,col('.')) !~? (token == '>' ? 'jsflow\|^html' : 'regex')
elseif token =~ '\l'
return s:previous_token() != '.'
elseif teol == ':'
elseif token == ':'
return s:expr_col()
return 1
" get the line of code stripped of comments and move cursor to the last
" non-comment char.
function s:Trim(ln)
let pline = substitute(getline(a:ln),'\s*$','','')
let l:max = max([strridx(pline,'//'), strridx(pline,'/*')])
@ -183,24 +237,28 @@ function s:Trim(ln)
let l:max = max([strridx(pline,'//'), strridx(pline,'/*')])
let pline = substitute(pline[:-2],'\s*$','','')
return pline is '' || cursor(a:ln,strlen(pline)) ? pline : pline
return pline
" Find line above 'lnum' that isn't empty or in a comment
function s:PrevCodeLine(lnum)
let [l:pos, l:n] = [getpos('.')[1:2], prevnonblank(a:lnum)]
let l:n = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
while l:n
if getline(l:n) =~ '^\s*\/[/*]'
if (stridx(getline(l:n),'`') > 0 || getline(l:n-1)[-1:] == '\') &&
\ s:syn_at(l:n,1) =~? b:syng_str
let l:n = prevnonblank(l:n-1)
elseif stridx(getline(l:n), '*/') + 1 && s:syn_at(l:n,1) =~? s:syng_com
let l:pos = getpos('.')
call cursor(l:n,1)
keepjumps norm! [*
let l:n = search('\m\S','nbW')
let l:n = search('\m\S\_s*\/\*','nbW')
call setpos('.',l:pos)
call call('cursor',l:pos)
return l:n
@ -210,7 +268,7 @@ function s:Balanced(lnum)
let l:line = getline(a:lnum)
let pos = match(l:line, '[][(){}]', 0)
while pos != -1
if s:syn_at(a:lnum,pos + 1) !~? s:syng_strcom
if s:syn_at(a:lnum,pos + 1) !~? b:syng_strcom
let l:open += match(' ' . l:line[pos],'[[({]')
if l:open < 0
@ -225,6 +283,7 @@ endfunction
function s:OneScope(lnum)
let pline = s:Trim(a:lnum)
call cursor(a:lnum,strlen(pline))
let kw = 'else do'
if pline[-1:] == ')' && s:GetPair('(', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr, 100) > 0
if s:previous_token() =~# '^\%(await\|each\)$'
@ -235,7 +294,27 @@ function s:OneScope(lnum)
return pline[-2:] == '=>' || index(split(kw),s:token()) + 1 &&
\ s:save_pos('s:previous_token') != '.'
\ s:__previous_token() != '.' && !s:doWhile()
function s:doWhile()
if expand('<cword>') ==# 'while'
let [bal, l:pos] = [0, getpos('.')]
call search('\m\<','cbW')
while bal < 1 && search('\m\C[{}]\|\<\%(do\|while\)\>','bW')
if eval(s:skip_expr)
elseif s:looking_at() ==# 'd'
let bal += s:__IsBlock(1)
elseif s:looking_at() ==# 'w'
let bal -= s:__previous_token() != '.'
elseif s:looking_at() != '}' || s:GetPair('{','}','bW',s:skip_expr,200) < 1
call setpos('.',l:pos)
return max([bal,0])
" returns braceless levels started by 'i' and above lines * &sw. 'num' is the
@ -259,32 +338,36 @@ function s:iscontOne(i,num,cont)
function s:IsBlock()
if s:looking_at() == '{'
function s:IsBlock(...)
if a:0 || s:looking_at() == '{'
let l:n = line('.')
let char = s:previous_token()
if match(s:stack,'\cxml\|jsx') + 1 && s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')-1) =~? 'xml\|jsx'
return char != '{'
elseif char =~ '\k'
if char ==# 'type'
return s:previous_token() !~# '^\%(im\|ex\)port$'
return s:__previous_token() !~# '^\%(im\|ex\)port$'
return index(split('return const let import export extends yield default delete var await void typeof throw case new of in instanceof')
\ ,char) < (line('.') != l:n) || s:save_pos('s:previous_token') == '.'
\ ,char) < (line('.') != l:n) || s:__previous_token() == '.'
elseif char == '>'
return getline('.')[col('.')-2] == '=' || s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? '^jsflow'
return getline('.')[col('.')-2] == '=' || s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? 'jsflow\|^html'
elseif char == '*'
return s:__previous_token() == ':'
elseif char == ':'
return !s:save_pos('s:expr_col')
return !s:expr_col()
elseif char == '/'
return s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? 'regex'
return char !~ '[=~!<*,?^%|&([]' &&
return char !~ '[=~!<,.?^%|&([]' &&
\ (char !~ '[-+]' || l:n != line('.') && getline('.')[col('.')-2] == char)
function GetJavascriptIndent()
let b:js_cache = get(b:,'js_cache',[0,0,0])
let s:synId_cache = {}
" Get the current line.
call cursor(v:lnum,1)
let l:line = getline('.')
@ -299,7 +382,7 @@ function GetJavascriptIndent()
elseif l:line !~ '^\s*\/[/*]'
return -1
elseif syns =~? s:syng_str
elseif syns =~? b:syng_str
if b:js_cache[0] == v:lnum - 1 && s:Balanced(v:lnum-1)
let b:js_cache[0] = v:lnum
@ -319,37 +402,33 @@ function GetJavascriptIndent()
" the containing paren, bracket, or curly. Many hacks for performance
let idx = index([']',')','}'],l:line[0])
let [ s:scriptTag, idx ] = [ get(get(b:,'hi_indent',{}),'blocklnr'),
\ index([']',')','}'],l:line[0]) ]
if b:js_cache[0] >= l:lnum && b:js_cache[0] < v:lnum &&
\ (b:js_cache[0] > l:lnum || s:Balanced(l:lnum))
call call('cursor',b:js_cache[1:])
call call('cursor',b:js_cache[2] ? b:js_cache[1:] : [0,0])
let [s:looksyn, s:checkIn, top] = [v:lnum - 1, 0, (!indent(l:lnum) &&
\ s:syn_at(l:lnum,1) !~? s:syng_str) * l:lnum]
let [s:looksyn, s:checkIn, s:topCol] = [v:lnum - 1, 0, 0]
if idx + 1
call s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx],'])}'[idx],'bW','s:skip_func()',2000,top)
call s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx],'])}'[idx],'bW','s:skip_func()',2000)
elseif getline(v:lnum) !~ '^\S' && syns =~? 'block'
call s:GetPair('{','}','bW','s:skip_func()',2000,top)
call s:GetPair('{','}','bW','s:skip_func()',2000)
call s:alternatePair(top)
call s:alternatePair()
let b:js_cache = [v:lnum] + (line('.') == v:lnum ? [0,0] : getpos('.')[1:2])
let b:js_cache = [v:lnum] + (line('.') == v:lnum ? [s:scriptTag,0] : getpos('.')[1:2])
let num = b:js_cache[1]
let [s:W, isOp, bL, switch_offset] = [s:sw(),0,0,0]
if !num || s:IsBlock()
if !b:js_cache[2] || s:IsBlock()
let ilnum = line('.')
let pline = s:save_pos('s:Trim',l:lnum)
if num && s:looking_at() == ')' && s:GetPair('(', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr, 100) > 0
let pline = s:Trim(l:lnum)
if b:js_cache[2] && s:looking_at() == ')' && s:GetPair('(',')','bW',s:skip_expr,100) > 0
let num = ilnum == num ? line('.') : num
if idx < 0 && s:previous_token() ==# 'switch' && s:previous_token() != '.'
if &cino !~ ':'
let switch_offset = s:W
let switch_offset = max([-indent(num),s:parse_cino(':')])
let switch_offset = &cino !~ ':' ? s:W : max([-indent(num),s:parse_cino(':')])
if pline[-1:] != '.' && l:line =~# '^\%(default\|case\)\>'
return indent(num) + switch_offset
@ -362,12 +441,13 @@ function GetJavascriptIndent()
elseif idx < 0 && getline(b:js_cache[1])[b:js_cache[2]-1] == '(' && &cino =~ '('
let pval = s:parse_cino('(')
return !pval ? (s:parse_cino('w') ? 0 : -(!!search('\m\S','W'.s:z,num))) + virtcol('.') :
\ max([indent('.') + pval + (s:GetPair('(',')','nbrmW',s:skip_expr,100,num) * s:W),0])
return !pval || !search('\m\S','nbW',num) && !s:parse_cino('U') ?
\ (s:parse_cino('w') ? 0 : -!!search('\m\S','W'.s:z,num)) + virtcol('.') :
\ max([indent('.') + pval + s:GetPair('(',')','nbrmW',s:skip_expr,100,num) * s:W,0])
" main return
if l:line =~ '^\%([])}]\||}\)'
if l:line =~ '^[])}]\|^|}'
return max([indent(num),0])
elseif num
return indent(num) + s:W + switch_offset + bL + isOp

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'plantuml') == -1
if exists("b:did_indent")
if exists('b:did_indent')
let b:did_indent = 1
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ setlocal indentexpr=GetPlantUMLIndent()
setlocal indentkeys=o,O,<CR>,<:>,!^F,0end,0else,}
" only define the indent code once
if exists("*GetPlantUMLIndent")
if exists('*GetPlantUMLIndent')

View File

@ -49,22 +49,21 @@ set cpo&vim
" 1. Variables {{{1
" ============
" Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit strings/symbols or are comments.
let s:syng_strcom = '\<ruby\%(Regexp\|RegexpDelimiter\|RegexpEscape' .
\ '\|Symbol\|String\|StringDelimiter\|StringEscape\|ASCIICode' .
\ '\|Interpolation\|InterpolationDelimiter\|NoInterpolation\|Comment\|Documentation\)\>'
" Regex of syntax group names that are strings.
" Syntax group names that are strings.
let s:syng_string =
\ '\<ruby\%(String\|Interpolation\|InterpolationDelimiter\|NoInterpolation\|StringEscape\)\>'
\ ['String', 'Interpolation', 'InterpolationDelimiter', 'NoInterpolation', 'StringEscape']
" Regex of syntax group names that are strings or documentation.
let s:syng_stringdoc =
\ '\<ruby\%(String\|Interpolation\|InterpolationDelimiter\|NoInterpolation\|StringEscape\|Documentation\)\>'
" Syntax group names that are strings or documentation.
let s:syng_stringdoc = s:syng_string + ['Documentation']
" Syntax group names that are or delimit strings/symbols/regexes or are comments.
let s:syng_strcom = s:syng_stringdoc +
\ ['Regexp', 'RegexpDelimiter', 'RegexpEscape',
\ 'Symbol', 'StringDelimiter', 'ASCIICode', 'Comment']
" Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair().
let s:skip_expr =
\ "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1),'name') =~ '".s:syng_strcom."'"
\ 'index(map('.string(s:syng_strcom).',"hlID(''ruby''.v:val)"), synID(line("."),col("."),1)) >= 0'
" Regex used for words that, at the start of a line, add a level of indent.
let s:ruby_indent_keywords =
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ let s:leading_operator_regex = '^\s*[.]'
" 2. GetRubyIndent Function {{{1
" =========================
function GetRubyIndent(...)
function! GetRubyIndent(...) abort
" 2.1. Setup {{{2
" ----------
@ -255,7 +254,7 @@ endfunction
" 3. Indenting Logic Callbacks {{{1
" ============================
function! s:AccessModifier(cline_info)
function! s:AccessModifier(cline_info) abort
let info = a:cline_info
" If this line is an access modifier keyword, align according to the closest
@ -279,7 +278,7 @@ function! s:AccessModifier(cline_info)
return -1
function! s:ClosingBracketOnEmptyLine(cline_info)
function! s:ClosingBracketOnEmptyLine(cline_info) abort
let info = a:cline_info
" If we got a closing bracket on an empty line, find its match and indent
@ -308,7 +307,7 @@ function! s:ClosingBracketOnEmptyLine(cline_info)
return -1
function! s:BlockComment(cline_info)
function! s:BlockComment(cline_info) abort
" If we have a =begin or =end set indent to first column.
if match(a:cline_info.cline, '^\s*\%(=begin\|=end\)$') != -1
return 0
@ -316,7 +315,7 @@ function! s:BlockComment(cline_info)
return -1
function! s:DeindentingKeyword(cline_info)
function! s:DeindentingKeyword(cline_info) abort
let info = a:cline_info
" If we have a deindenting keyword, find its match and indent to its level.
@ -357,7 +356,7 @@ function! s:DeindentingKeyword(cline_info)
return -1
function! s:MultilineStringOrLineComment(cline_info)
function! s:MultilineStringOrLineComment(cline_info) abort
let info = a:cline_info
" If we are in a multi-line string or line-comment, don't do anything to it.
@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ function! s:MultilineStringOrLineComment(cline_info)
return -1
function! s:ClosingHeredocDelimiter(cline_info)
function! s:ClosingHeredocDelimiter(cline_info) abort
let info = a:cline_info
" If we are at the closing delimiter of a "<<" heredoc-style string, set the
@ -381,7 +380,7 @@ function! s:ClosingHeredocDelimiter(cline_info)
return -1
function! s:LeadingOperator(cline_info)
function! s:LeadingOperator(cline_info) abort
" If the current line starts with a leading operator, add a level of indent.
if s:Match(a:cline_info.clnum, s:leading_operator_regex)
return indent(s:GetMSL(a:cline_info.clnum)) + a:cline_info.sw
@ -389,7 +388,7 @@ function! s:LeadingOperator(cline_info)
return -1
function! s:EmptyInsideString(pline_info)
function! s:EmptyInsideString(pline_info) abort
" If the line is empty and inside a string (plnum would not be the real
" prevnonblank in that case), use the previous line's indent
let info = a:pline_info
@ -400,7 +399,7 @@ function! s:EmptyInsideString(pline_info)
return -1
function! s:StartOfFile(pline_info)
function! s:StartOfFile(pline_info) abort
" At the start of the file use zero indent.
if a:pline_info.plnum == 0
return 0
@ -408,7 +407,7 @@ function! s:StartOfFile(pline_info)
return -1
function! s:AfterAccessModifier(pline_info)
function! s:AfterAccessModifier(pline_info) abort
let info = a:pline_info
if g:ruby_indent_access_modifier_style == 'indent'
@ -434,7 +433,7 @@ endfunction
" puts "foo"
" end
function! s:ContinuedLine(pline_info)
function! s:ContinuedLine(pline_info) abort
let info = a:pline_info
let col = s:Match(info.plnum, s:ruby_indent_keywords)
@ -456,7 +455,7 @@ function! s:ContinuedLine(pline_info)
return -1
function! s:AfterBlockOpening(pline_info)
function! s:AfterBlockOpening(pline_info) abort
let info = a:pline_info
" If the previous line ended with a block opening, add a level of indent.
@ -482,7 +481,7 @@ function! s:AfterBlockOpening(pline_info)
return -1
function! s:AfterLeadingOperator(pline_info)
function! s:AfterLeadingOperator(pline_info) abort
" If the previous line started with a leading operator, use its MSL's level
" of indent
if s:Match(a:pline_info.plnum, s:leading_operator_regex)
@ -491,7 +490,7 @@ function! s:AfterLeadingOperator(pline_info)
return -1
function! s:AfterHangingSplat(pline_info)
function! s:AfterHangingSplat(pline_info) abort
let info = a:pline_info
" If the previous line ended with the "*" of a splat, add a level of indent
@ -501,7 +500,7 @@ function! s:AfterHangingSplat(pline_info)
return -1
function! s:AfterUnbalancedBracket(pline_info)
function! s:AfterUnbalancedBracket(pline_info) abort
let info = a:pline_info
" If the previous line contained unclosed opening brackets and we are still
@ -541,7 +540,7 @@ function! s:AfterUnbalancedBracket(pline_info)
return -1
function! s:AfterEndKeyword(pline_info)
function! s:AfterEndKeyword(pline_info) abort
let info = a:pline_info
" If the previous line ended with an "end", match that "end"s beginning's
" indent.
@ -562,7 +561,7 @@ function! s:AfterEndKeyword(pline_info)
return -1
function! s:AfterIndentKeyword(pline_info)
function! s:AfterIndentKeyword(pline_info) abort
let info = a:pline_info
let col = s:Match(info.plnum, s:ruby_indent_keywords)
@ -589,7 +588,7 @@ function! s:AfterIndentKeyword(pline_info)
return -1
function! s:PreviousNotMSL(msl_info)
function! s:PreviousNotMSL(msl_info) abort
let info = a:msl_info
" If the previous line wasn't a MSL
@ -608,7 +607,7 @@ function! s:PreviousNotMSL(msl_info)
return -1
function! s:IndentingKeywordInMSL(msl_info)
function! s:IndentingKeywordInMSL(msl_info) abort
let info = a:msl_info
" If the MSL line had an indenting keyword in it, add a level of indent.
" TODO: this does not take into account contrived things such as
@ -632,7 +631,7 @@ function! s:IndentingKeywordInMSL(msl_info)
return -1
function! s:ContinuedHangingOperator(msl_info)
function! s:ContinuedHangingOperator(msl_info) abort
let info = a:msl_info
" If the previous line ended with [*+/.,-=], but wasn't a block ending or a
@ -652,32 +651,37 @@ endfunction
" 4. Auxiliary Functions {{{1
" ======================
function! s:IsInRubyGroup(groups, lnum, col) abort
let ids = map(copy(a:groups), 'hlID("ruby".v:val)')
return index(ids, synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1)) >= 0
" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string, comment, or is ascii.
function s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col)
return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_strcom
function! s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col) abort
return s:IsInRubyGroup(s:syng_strcom, a:lnum, a:col)
" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string.
function s:IsInString(lnum, col)
return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_string
function! s:IsInString(lnum, col) abort
return s:IsInRubyGroup(s:syng_string, a:lnum, a:col)
" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string or documentation.
function s:IsInStringOrDocumentation(lnum, col)
return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_stringdoc
function! s:IsInStringOrDocumentation(lnum, col) abort
return s:IsInRubyGroup(s:syng_stringdoc, a:lnum, a:col)
" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string delimiter
function s:IsInStringDelimiter(lnum, col)
return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') == 'rubyStringDelimiter'
function! s:IsInStringDelimiter(lnum, col) abort
return s:IsInRubyGroup(['StringDelimiter'], a:lnum, a:col)
function s:IsAssignment(str, pos)
function! s:IsAssignment(str, pos) abort
return strpart(a:str, 0, a:pos - 1) =~ '=\s*$'
" Find line above 'lnum' that isn't empty, in a comment, or in a string.
function s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum)
function! s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum) abort
let in_block = 0
let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
while lnum > 0
@ -702,7 +706,7 @@ function s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum)
" Find line above 'lnum' that started the continuation 'lnum' may be part of.
function s:GetMSL(lnum)
function! s:GetMSL(lnum) abort
" Start on the line we're at and use its indent.
let msl = a:lnum
let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(a:lnum - 1)
@ -807,7 +811,7 @@ function s:GetMSL(lnum)
" Check if line 'lnum' has more opening brackets than closing ones.
function s:ExtraBrackets(lnum)
function! s:ExtraBrackets(lnum) abort
let opening = {'parentheses': [], 'braces': [], 'brackets': []}
let closing = {'parentheses': [], 'braces': [], 'brackets': []}
@ -869,7 +873,7 @@ function s:ExtraBrackets(lnum)
return [rightmost_opening, rightmost_closing]
function s:Match(lnum, regex)
function! s:Match(lnum, regex) abort
let line = getline(a:lnum)
let offset = match(line, '\C'.a:regex)
let col = offset + 1
@ -889,7 +893,7 @@ endfunction
" Locates the containing class/module's definition line, ignoring nested classes
" along the way.
function! s:FindContainingClass()
function! s:FindContainingClass() abort
let saved_position = getpos('.')
while searchpair(s:end_start_regex, s:end_middle_regex, s:end_end_regex, 'bW',

View File

@ -5,41 +5,64 @@ if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'vue') == -1
" Maintainer: Eduardo San Martin Morote
" Author: Adriaan Zonnenberg
if exists("b:did_indent")
if exists('b:did_indent')
" Load indent files for required languages
for language in ['stylus', 'pug', 'css', 'javascript', 'html', 'coffee']
function! s:get_indentexpr(language)
unlet! b:did_indent
exe "runtime! indent/".language.".vim"
exe "let s:".language."indent = &indentexpr"
execute 'runtime! indent/' . a:language . '.vim'
return &indentexpr
" The order is important here, tags without attributes go last.
" HTML is left out, it will be used when there is no match.
let s:languages = [
\ { 'name': 'pug', 'pairs': ['<template lang="pug"', '</template>'] },
\ { 'name': 'stylus', 'pairs': ['<style lang="stylus"', '</style>'] },
\ { 'name': 'css', 'pairs': ['<style', '</style>'] },
\ { 'name': 'coffee', 'pairs': ['<script lang="coffee"', '</script>'] },
\ { 'name': 'javascript', 'pairs': ['<script', '</script>'] },
\ ]
for language in s:languages
" Set 'indentexpr' if the user has an indent file installed for the language
if strlen(globpath(&rtp, 'indent/'. .'.vim'))
let language.indentexpr = s:get_indentexpr(
let s:html_indent = s:get_indentexpr('html')
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal indentexpr=GetVueIndent()
if exists("*GetVueIndent")
if exists('*GetVueIndent')
function! GetVueIndent()
if searchpair('<template lang="pug"', '', '</template>', 'bWr')
exe "let indent = ".s:pugindent
elseif searchpair('<style lang="stylus"', '', '</style>', 'bWr')
exe "let indent = ".s:stylusindent
elseif searchpair('<style', '', '</style>', 'bWr')
exe "let indent = ".s:cssindent
elseif searchpair('<script lang="coffee"', '', '</script>', 'bWr')
exe "let indent = ".s:coffeeindent
elseif searchpair('<script', '', '</script>', 'bWr')
exe "let indent = ".s:javascriptindent
for language in s:languages
let opening_tag_line = searchpair(language.pairs[0], '', language.pairs[1], 'bWr')
if opening_tag_line
execute 'let indent = ' . get(language, 'indentexpr', -1)
if exists('l:indent')
if (opening_tag_line == prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) || opening_tag_line == v:lnum)
\ || getline(v:lnum) =~ '\v^\s*\</(script|style|template)'
return 0
exe "let indent = ".s:htmlindent
" Couldn't find language, fall back to html
execute 'let indent = ' . s:html_indent
return indent > -1 ? indent : s:htmlindent
return indent

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'c/c++') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: C
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last Change: 2016 Nov 17
" Last Change: 2016 Nov 18
" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ syn match cPreConditMatch display "^\s*\zs\(%:\|#\)\s*\(else\|endif\)\>"
if !exists("c_no_if0")
syn cluster cCppOutInGroup contains=cCppInIf,cCppInElse,cCppInElse2,cCppOutIf,cCppOutIf2,cCppOutElse,cCppInSkip,cCppOutSkip
syn region cCppOutWrapper start="^\s*\zs\(%:\|#\)\s*if\s\+0\+\s*\($\|//\|/\*\|&\)" end=".\@=\|$" contains=cCppOutIf,cCppOutElse,@NoSpell fold
syn region cCppOutIf contained start="0\+" matchgroup=cCppOutWrapper end="^\s*\zs\(%:\|#\)\s*endif\>" contains=cCppOutIf2,cCppOutElse
syn region cCppOutIf contained start="0\+" matchgroup=cCppOutWrapper end="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*endif\>" contains=cCppOutIf2,cCppOutElse
if !exists("c_no_if0_fold")
syn region cCppOutIf2 contained matchgroup=cCppOutWrapper start="0\+" end="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(else\>\|elif\s\+\(0\+\s*\($\|//\|/\*\|&\)\)\@!\|endif\>\)"me=s-1 contains=cSpaceError,cCppOutSkip,@Spell fold

View File

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ end
syn match crystalAliasDeclaration "[^[:space:];#.()]\+" contained contains=crystalSymbol,crystalGlobalVariable,crystalPredefinedVariable nextgroup=crystalAliasDeclaration2 skipwhite
syn match crystalAliasDeclaration2 "[^[:space:];#.()]\+" contained contains=crystalSymbol,crystalGlobalVariable,crystalPredefinedVariable
syn match crystalMethodDeclaration "[^[:space:];#(]\+" contained contains=crystalConstant,crystalBoolean,crystalPseudoVariable,crystalInstanceVariable,crystalClassVariable,crystalGlobalVariable
syn match crystalFunctionDeclaration "[^[:space:];#=]\+" contained contains=crystalConstant
syn match crystalFunctionDeclaration "[^[:space:];#(=]\+" contained contains=crystalConstant
syn match crystalTypeDeclaration "[^[:space:];#=]\+" contained contains=crystalConstant
syn match crystalClassDeclaration "[^[:space:];#<]\+" contained contains=crystalConstant,crystalOperator
syn match crystalModuleDeclaration "[^[:space:];#<]\+" contained contains=crystalConstant,crystalOperator

View File

@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ syn region glslPreProc start="^\s*#\s*\(error\|pragma\|extension\|versi
syn keyword glslBoolean true false
" Integer Numbers
syn match glslDecimalInt display "\(0\|[1-9]\d*\)"
syn match glslOctalInt display "0\o\+"
syn match glslHexInt display "0[xX]\x\+"
syn match glslDecimalInt display "\(0\|[1-9]\d*\)[uU]\?"
syn match glslOctalInt display "0\o\+[uU]\?"
syn match glslHexInt display "0[xX]\x\+[uU]\?"
" Float Numbers
syn match glslFloat display "\d\+\.\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\="
syn match glslFloat display "\.\d\+\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\="
syn match glslFloat display "\d\+[eE][+-]\=\d\+"
syn match glslFloat display "\d\+\.\d\+\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\="
syn match glslFloat display "\d\+\.\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\(lf\|LF\|f\|F\)\="
syn match glslFloat display "\.\d\+\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\(lf\|LF\|f\|F\)\="
syn match glslFloat display "\d\+[eE][+-]\=\d\+\(lf\|LF\|f\|F\)\="
syn match glslFloat display "\d\+\.\d\+\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\(lf\|LF\|f\|F\)\="
" Swizzles
syn match glslSwizzle display /\.[xyzw]\{1,4\}\>/

View File

@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ hi def link goTplVariable Special
syn region gotplAction start="{{" end="}}" contains=@gotplLiteral,gotplControl,gotplFunctions,gotplVariable,goTplIdentifier display
syn region gotplAction start="\[\[" end="\]\]" contains=@gotplLiteral,gotplControl,gotplFunctions,gotplVariable display
syn region goTplComment start="{{/\*" end="\*/}}" display
syn region goTplComment start="\[\[/\*" end="\*/\]\]" display
syn region goTplComment start="{{\(- \)\?/\*" end="\*/\( -\)\?}}" display
syn region goTplComment start="\[\[\(- \)\?/\*" end="\*/\( -\)\?\]\]" display
hi def link gotplAction PreProc
hi def link goTplComment Comment

View File

@ -13,11 +13,7 @@ elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
if !exists('g:haskell_disable_TH')
let g:haskell_disable_TH = 0
if exists('g:haskell_backpack') && g:haskell_backpack == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_backpack', 0)
syn keyword haskellBackpackStructure unit signature
syn keyword haskellBackpackDependency dependency
@ -63,7 +59,7 @@ syn match haskellImport "^\s*\<import\>\s\+\(\<safe\>\s\+\)\?\(\<qualified\>\s\+
\ haskellBlockComment,
\ haskellPragma
syn keyword haskellKeyword do case of
if exists('g:haskell_enable_static_pointers') && g:haskell_enable_static_pointers == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_static_pointers', 0)
syn keyword haskellStatic static
syn keyword haskellConditional if then else
@ -107,29 +103,29 @@ syn match haskellPreProc "^#.*$"
syn keyword haskellTodo TODO FIXME contained
" Treat a shebang line at the start of the file as a comment
syn match haskellShebang "\%^#!.*$"
if exists('g:haskell_disable_TH') && g:haskell_disable_TH == 0
if !get(g:, 'haskell_disable_TH', 0)
syn match haskellQuasiQuoted "." containedin=haskellQuasiQuote contained
syn region haskellQuasiQuote matchgroup=haskellTH start="\[[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-z0-9._']*|" end="|\]"
syn region haskellTHBlock matchgroup=haskellTH start="\[\(d\|t\|p\)\?|" end="|]" contains=TOP
syn region haskellTHDoubleBlock matchgroup=haskellTH start="\[||" end="||]" contains=TOP
if exists('g:haskell_enable_typeroles') && g:haskell_enable_typeroles == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_typeroles', 0)
syn keyword haskellTypeRoles phantom representational nominal contained
syn region haskellTypeRoleBlock matchgroup=haskellTypeRoles start="type\s\+role" end="$" keepend
\ contains=
\ haskellType,
\ haskellTypeRoles
if exists('g:haskell_enable_quantification') && g:haskell_enable_quantification == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_quantification', 0)
syn keyword haskellForall forall
if exists('g:haskell_enable_recursivedo') && g:haskell_enable_recursivedo == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_recursivedo', 0)
syn keyword haskellRecursiveDo mdo rec
if exists('g:haskell_enable_arrowsyntax') && g:haskell_enable_arrowsyntax == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_arrowsyntax', 0)
syn keyword haskellArrowSyntax proc
if exists('g:haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms') && g:haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms', 0)
syn keyword haskellPatternKeyword pattern
@ -161,7 +157,7 @@ highlight def link haskellAssocType Type
highlight def link haskellQuotedType Type
highlight def link haskellType Type
highlight def link haskellImportKeywords Include
if exists('g:haskell_classic_highlighting') && g:haskell_classic_highlighting == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_classic_highlighting', 0)
highlight def link haskellDeclKeyword Keyword
highlight def link haskellDecl Keyword
highlight def link haskellWhere Keyword
@ -173,35 +169,35 @@ else
highlight def link haskellLet Structure
if exists('g:haskell_enable_quantification') && g:haskell_enable_quantification == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_quantification', 0)
highlight def link haskellForall Operator
if exists('g:haskell_enable_recursivedo') && g:haskell_enable_recursivedo == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_recursivedo', 0)
highlight def link haskellRecursiveDo Keyword
if exists('g:haskell_enable_arrowsyntax') && g:haskell_enable_arrowsyntax == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_arrowsyntax', 0)
highlight def link haskellArrowSyntax Keyword
if exists('g:haskell_enable_static_pointers') && g:haskell_enable_static_pointers == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_static_pointers', 0)
highlight def link haskellStatic Keyword
if exists('g:haskell_classic_highlighting') && g:haskell_classic_highlighting == 1
if exists('g:haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms') && g:haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_classic_highlighting', 0)
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms', 0)
highlight def link haskellPatternKeyword Keyword
if exists('g:haskell_enable_typeroles') && g:haskell_enable_typeroles == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_typeroles', 0)
highlight def link haskellTypeRoles Keyword
if exists('g:haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms') && g:haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms', 0)
highlight def link haskellPatternKeyword Structure
if exists('g:haskell_enable_typeroles') && g:haskell_enable_typeroles == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_enable_typeroles', 0)
highlight def link haskellTypeRoles Structure
if exists('g:haskell_backpack') && g:haskell_backpack == 1
if get(g:, 'haskell_backpack', 0)
highlight def link haskellBackpackStructure Structure
highlight def link haskellBackpackDependency Include

View File

@ -121,9 +121,11 @@ syn keyword htmlArg contained download media
syn keyword htmlArg contained nonce
" <area>, <a>, <img>, <iframe>, <link>
syn keyword htmlArg contained referrerpolicy
" <script>
syn keyword htmlArg contained integrity crossorigin
" <link>
syn keyword htmlArg contained prefetch
" syn keyword htmlArg contained preload
" Custom Data Attributes

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ syntax sync fromstart
syntax case match
syntax match jsNoise /[:,\;]\{1}/
syntax match jsNoise /[\.]\{1}/ skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=jsObjectProp,jsFuncCall
syntax match jsNoise /[\.]\{1}/ skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=jsObjectProp,jsFuncCall,jsPrototype
syntax match jsObjectProp contained /\<[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*\>/
syntax match jsFuncCall /\k\+\%(\s*(\)\@=/
syntax match jsParensError /[)}\]]/
@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ if exists("javascript_plugin_flow")
runtime extras/flow.vim
syntax cluster jsExpression contains=jsBracket,jsParen,jsObject,jsTernaryIf,jsTaggedTemplate,jsTemplateString,jsString,jsRegexpString,jsNumber,jsFloat,jsOperator,jsBooleanTrue,jsBooleanFalse,jsNull,jsFunction,jsArrowFunction,jsGlobalObjects,jsExceptions,jsFutureKeys,jsDomErrNo,jsDomNodeConsts,jsHtmlEvents,jsFuncCall,jsUndefined,jsNan,jsPrototype,jsBuiltins,jsNoise,jsClassDefinition,jsArrowFunction,jsArrowFuncArgs,jsParensError,jsComment,jsArguments,jsThis,jsSuper,jsDo
syntax cluster jsAll contains=@jsExpression,jsStorageClass,jsConditional,jsRepeat,jsReturn,jsStatement,jsException,jsTry,jsAsyncKeyword,jsNoise,,jsBlockLabel
syntax cluster jsExpression contains=jsBracket,jsParen,jsObject,jsTernaryIf,jsTaggedTemplate,jsTemplateString,jsString,jsRegexpString,jsNumber,jsFloat,jsOperator,jsBooleanTrue,jsBooleanFalse,jsNull,jsFunction,jsArrowFunction,jsGlobalObjects,jsExceptions,jsFutureKeys,jsDomErrNo,jsDomNodeConsts,jsHtmlEvents,jsFuncCall,jsUndefined,jsNan,jsPrototype,jsBuiltins,jsNoise,jsClassDefinition,jsArrowFunction,jsArrowFuncArgs,jsParensError,jsComment,jsArguments,jsThis,jsSuper,jsDo,jsForAwait
syntax cluster jsAll contains=@jsExpression,jsStorageClass,jsConditional,jsRepeat,jsReturn,jsStatement,jsException,jsTry,jsAsyncKeyword,jsNoise,jsBlockLabel
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_javascript_syn_inits")
" Define the htmlJavaScript for HTML syntax html.vim
syntax cluster htmlJavaScript contains=@jsAll
syntax cluster htmlJavaScript contains=@jsAll,jsImport,jsExport
syntax cluster javaScriptExpression contains=@jsAll
" Vim's default html.vim highlights all javascript as 'Special'

View File

@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ endif
if get(g:, 'vim_markdown_math', 0)
syn include @tex syntax/tex.vim
syn region mkdMath start="\\\@<!\$" end="\$" contains=@tex keepend
syn region mkdMath start="\\\@<!\$\$" end="\$\$" contains=@tex keepend
syn region mkdMath start="\\\@<!\$" end="\$" skip="\\\$" contains=@tex keepend
syn region mkdMath start="\\\@<!\$\$" end="\$\$" skip="\\\$" contains=@tex keepend
syn cluster mkdNonListItem contains=@htmlTop,htmlItalic,htmlBold,htmlBoldItalic,mkdFootnotes,mkdInlineURL,mkdLink,mkdLinkDef,mkdLineBreak,mkdBlockquote,mkdCode,mkdRule,htmlH1,htmlH2,htmlH3,htmlH4,htmlH5,htmlH6,mkdMath

View File

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ end
" Patch 7.4.1142
if has("patch-7.4-1142")
if has("win32")
syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,128-167,224-235,.,/,:
syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,128-167,224-235,.,/,:,-
syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255,.,/,:
syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255,.,/,:,-
@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ syn region ngxString start=+[^:a-zA-Z>!\\@]\z(["']\)+lc=1 end=+\z1+ skip=+\\\\\|
syn keyword ngxBoolean on
syn keyword ngxBoolean off
" Number and Measures
syn match ngxNumber '\<\d\+\>'
syn match ngxMeasure '\<\d\+ms\>'
syn match ngxMeasure '\<\d\+[smhdwMy]\>'
syn match ngxMeasure '\<\d\+[kKmMgG]\>'
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock http
syn keyword ngxDirectiveBlock mail
@ -48,7 +53,7 @@ syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant root
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant server
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant server_name
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant listen contained
syn region ngxDirectiveImportantListen matchgroup=ngxDirectiveImportant start=+listen+ skip=+\\\\\|\\\;+ end=+;+he=e-1 contains=ngxListenOptions,ngxString
syn region ngxDirectiveImportantListen matchgroup=ngxDirectiveImportant start=+listen+ skip=+\\\\\|\\\;+ end=+;+he=e-1 contains=ngxListenOptions,ngxNumber,ngxString
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant internal
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant proxy_pass
syn keyword ngxDirectiveImportant memcached_pass
@ -84,9 +89,9 @@ syn match ngxStatusCode /\d\d\d/ contained
syn match ngxStatusCodes /\d\d\d/ contained contains=ngxStatusCode nextgroup=ngxStatusCode skipwhite skipempty
syn match ngxRewriteURI /\S\+/ contained contains=ngxVariableString nextgroup=ngxRewritedURI skipwhite skipempty
syn region ngxRewriteURI start=+[^:a-zA-Z>!\\@]\z(["']\)+lc=1 end=+\z1+ skip=+\\\\\|\\\z1+ contains=ngxVariableString nextgroup=ngxRewritedURI skipwhite skipempty
syn region ngxRewriteURI start=+[^:a-zA-Z>!\\@]\z(["']\)+lc=1 end=+\z1+ skip=+\\\\\|\\\z1+ contained contains=ngxVariableString nextgroup=ngxRewritedURI skipwhite skipempty
syn match ngxRewritedURI /\S\+/ contained contains=ngxVariableString nextgroup=ngxRewriteFlag skipwhite skipempty
syn region ngxRewritedURI start=+[^:a-zA-Z>!\\@]\z(["']\)+lc=1 end=+\z1+ skip=+\\\\\|\\\z1+ contains=ngxVariableString nextgroup=ngxRewriteFlag skipwhite skipempty
syn region ngxRewritedURI start=+[^:a-zA-Z>!\\@]\z(["']\)+lc=1 end=+\z1+ skip=+\\\\\|\\\z1+ contained contains=ngxVariableString nextgroup=ngxRewriteFlag skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword ngxRewriteFlag last contained
syn keyword ngxRewriteFlag break contained
@ -137,7 +142,10 @@ syn keyword ngxDirective autoindex
syn keyword ngxDirective autoindex_exact_size
syn keyword ngxDirective autoindex_format
syn keyword ngxDirective autoindex_localtime
syn keyword ngxDirective charset
syn keyword ngxDirective charset nextgroup=ngxCharset skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword ngxCharset utf-8 UTF-8
syn keyword ngxDirective charset_map
syn keyword ngxDirective charset_types
syn keyword ngxDirective chunked_transfer_encoding
@ -2189,27 +2197,34 @@ syn keyword ngxDirectiveThirdParty xss_input_types
" highlight
hi link ngxComment Comment
hi link ngxVariable Identifier
hi link ngxVariable PreProc
hi link ngxVariableString PreProc
hi link ngxString String
hi link ngxLocationPath String
hi link ngxLocationNamedLoc Identifier
hi link ngxLocationNamedLoc PreProc
hi link ngxBoolean Boolean
hi link ngxStatusCode Number
hi link ngxRewriteFlag Boolean
hi link ngxDirective Identifier
hi link ngxDirectiveBlock Statement
hi link ngxDirectiveImportant Type
hi link ngxDirectiveControl Keyword
hi link ngxDirectiveError Constant
hi link ngxDirectiveThirdParty Identifier
hi link ngxDirectiveDeprecated Error
hi link ngxDirective Identifier
hi link ngxDirectiveThirdParty Special
hi link ngxBoolean Boolean
hi link ngxNumber Number
hi link ngxMeasure Number
hi link ngxStatusCode Number
hi link ngxRewriteFlag Boolean
hi link ngxCharset keyword
hi link ngxListenOptions Keyword
hi link ngxMailProtocol Keyword
hi link ngxSSLProtocol Keyword
hi link ngxRewriteURI Special
hi link ngxRewritedURI StorageClass
hi link ngxThirdPartyKeyword keyword
let b:current_syntax = "nginx"

View File

@ -3,54 +3,82 @@ if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'plantuml') == -
" Vim syntax file
" Language: PlantUML
" Maintainer: Anders Thøgersen <first name at bladre dot dk>
" Version: 0.2
if exists("b:current_syntax")
if exists('b:current_syntax')
if version < 600
scriptencoding utf-8
if v:version < 600
syntax clear
let s:cpo_orig=&cpo
set cpo&vim
let b:current_syntax = "plantuml"
let b:current_syntax = 'plantuml'
syntax sync minlines=100
syntax match plantumlPreProc /\%(^@startuml\|^@enduml\)\|!\%(include\|define\|undev\|ifdef\|endif\|ifndef\)\s*.*/ contains=plantumlDir
syntax match plantumlPreProc /\%(^@startuml\|^@enduml\)\|!\%(define|definelong|else|enddefinelong|endif|ifdef|ifndef|include|pragma|undef\)\s*.*/ contains=plantumlDir
syntax region plantumlDir start=/\s\+/ms=s+1 end=/$/ contained
syntax keyword plantumlTypeKeyword actor participant usecase abstract enum component state object artifact folder rect node frame cloud database storage agent boundary control entity card rectangle
syntax keyword plantumlKeyword as also autonumber caption title newpage box alt opt loop par break critical note rnote hnote legend group left right of on link over end activate deactivate destroy create footbox hide show skinparam skin top bottom
syntax keyword plantumlKeyword package namespace page up down if else elseif endif partition footer header center rotate ref return is repeat start stop while endwhile fork again kill
syntax keyword plantumlKeyword then detach
syntax keyword plantumlTypeKeyword abstract actor agent artifact boundary card cloud component control
syntax keyword plantumlTypeKeyword database entity enum file folder frame node object package participant
syntax keyword plantumlTypeKeyword queue rectangle stack state storage usecase
syntax keyword plantumlClassKeyword class interface
syntax keyword plantumlKeyword activate again also alt as autonumber bottom box break caption center create
syntax keyword plantumlKeyword critical deactivate destroy down else elseif end endif endwhile footbox footer
syntax keyword plantumlKeyword fork group header hide hnote if is kill left legend link loop namespace newpage
syntax keyword plantumlKeyword note of on opt over package page par partition ref repeat return right rnote
syntax keyword plantumlKeyword rotate show skin skinparam start stop title top up while
" Not in 'java - jar plantuml.jar - language' output
syntax keyword plantumlKeyword then detach sprite
syntax keyword plantumlCommentTODO XXX TODO FIXME NOTE contained
syntax match plantumlColor /#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\>/
syntax keyword plantumlColor AliceBlue AntiqueWhite Aqua Aquamarine Azure Beige Bisque Black BlanchedAlmond
syntax keyword plantumlColor Blue BlueViolet Brown BurlyWood CadetBlue Chartreuse Chocolate Coral
syntax keyword plantumlColor CornflowerBlue Cornsilk Crimson Cyan DarkBlue DarkCyan DarkGoldenRod DarkGray
syntax keyword plantumlColor DarkGreen DarkGrey DarkKhaki DarkMagenta DarkOliveGreen DarkOrchid DarkRed
syntax keyword plantumlColor DarkSalmon DarkSeaGreen DarkSlateBlue DarkSlateGray DarkSlateGrey DarkTurquoise
syntax keyword plantumlColor DarkViolet Darkorange DeepPink DeepSkyBlue DimGray DimGrey DodgerBlue FireBrick
syntax keyword plantumlColor FloralWhite ForestGreen Fuchsia Gainsboro GhostWhite Gold GoldenRod Gray Green
syntax keyword plantumlColor GreenYellow Grey HoneyDew HotPink IndianRed Indigo Ivory Khaki Lavender
syntax keyword plantumlColor LavenderBlush LawnGreen LemonChiffon LightBlue LightCoral LightCyan
syntax keyword plantumlColor LightGoldenRodYellow LightGray LightGreen LightGrey LightPink LightSalmon
syntax keyword plantumlColor LightSeaGreen LightSkyBlue LightSlateGray LightSlateGrey LightSteelBlue
syntax keyword plantumlColor LightYellow Lime LimeGreen Linen Magenta Maroon MediumAquaMarine MediumBlue
syntax keyword plantumlColor MediumOrchid MediumPurple MediumSeaGreen MediumSlateBlue MediumSpringGreen
syntax keyword plantumlColor MediumTurquoise MediumVioletRed MidnightBlue MintCream MistyRose Moccasin
syntax keyword plantumlColor NavajoWhite Navy OldLace Olive OliveDrab Orange OrangeRed Orchid PaleGoldenRod
syntax keyword plantumlColor PaleGreen PaleTurquoise PaleVioletRed PapayaWhip PeachPuff Peru Pink Plum
syntax keyword plantumlColor PowderBlue Purple Red RosyBrown RoyalBlue SaddleBrown Salmon SandyBrown SeaGreen
syntax keyword plantumlColor SeaShell Sienna Silver SkyBlue SlateBlue SlateGray SlateGrey Snow SpringGreen
syntax keyword plantumlColor SteelBlue Tan Teal Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet Wheat White WhiteSmoke Yellow
syntax keyword plantumlColor YellowGreen
" Arrows - Differentiate between horizontal and vertical arrows
syntax match plantumlHorizontalArrow /\%([-\.]\%(|>\|>\|\*\|o\>\|\\\\\|\\\|\/\/\|\/\|\.\|-\)\|\%(<|\|<\|\*\|\<o\|\\\\\|\\\|\/\/\|\/\)[\.-]\)\%(\[[^\]]*\]\)\?/ contains=plantumlLabel
syntax match plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowLR /[-\.]\%(le\?f\?t\?\|ri\?g\?h\?t\?\|up\?\|\do\?w\?n\?\)\?[-\.]\%(|>\|>>\|>\|\*\|o\>\|\\\\\|\\\|\/\/\|\/\|\.\|-\)\%(\[[^\]]*\]\)\?/ contains=plantumlLabel
syntax match plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowRL /\%(<|\|<<\|<\|\*\|\<o\|\\\\\|\\\|\/\/\|\/\)[-\.]\%(le\?f\?t\?\|ri\?g\?h\?t\?\|up\?\|\do\?w\?n\?\)\?[-\.]\%(\[[^\]]*\]\)\?/ contains=plantumlLabel
syntax match plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowLR /[-\.]\%(le\?f\?t\?\|ri\?g\?h\?t\?\|up\?\|do\?w\?n\?\)\?[-\.]\%(|>\|>>\|>\|\*\|o\>\|\\\\\|\\\|\/\/\|\/\|\.\|-\)\%(\[[^\]]*\]\)\?/ contains=plantumlLabel
syntax match plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowRL /\%(<|\|<<\|<\|\*\|\<o\|\\\\\|\\\|\/\/\|\/\)[-\.]\%(le\?f\?t\?\|ri\?g\?h\?t\?\|up\?\|do\?w\?n\?\)\?[-\.]\%(\[[^\]]*\]\)\?/ contains=plantumlLabel
syntax region plantumlLabel start=/\[/ms=s+1 end=/\]/me=s-1 contained contains=plantumlText
syntax match plantumlText /\%([0-9A-Za-zÀ-ÿ]\|\s\|[\.,;_-]\)\+/ contained
" Class
syntax region plantumlClass start=/{/ end=/\s*}/ contains=plantumlClassArrows,
syntax region plantumlClass start=/\%(class\s[^{]\+\)\@<=\zs{/ end=/^\s*}/ contains=plantumlClassArrows,
\ plantumlClassKeyword,
\ @plantumlClassOp,
\ plantumlClassSeparator,
\ plantumlComment
syntax match plantumlClassPublic /+\w\+/ contained
syntax match plantumlClassPrivate /-\w\+/ contained
syntax match plantumlClassProtected /#\w\+/ contained
syntax match plantumlClassPackPrivate /\~\w\+/ contained
syntax match plantumlClassSeparator /__.\+__\|==.\+==/ contained
syntax match plantumlClassPublic /^\s*+\s*\w\+/ contained
syntax match plantumlClassPrivate /^\s*-\s*\w\+/ contained
syntax match plantumlClassProtected /^\s*#\s*\w\+/ contained
syntax match plantumlClassPackPrivate /^\s*\~\s*\w\+/ contained
syntax match plantumlClassSeparator /__\%(.\+__\)\?\|==\%(.\+==\)\?\|--\%(.\+--\)\?\|\.\.\%(.\+\.\.\)\?/ contained
syntax cluster plantumlClassOp contains=plantumlClassPublic,
\ plantumlClassPrivate,
@ -65,82 +93,184 @@ syntax match plantumlComment /'.*$/ contains=plantumlCommentTODO
syntax region plantumlMultilineComment start=/\/'/ end=/'\// contains=plantumlCommentTODO
" Labels with a colon
syntax match plantumlColonLine /:[^:]\+$/ contains=plantumlText
syntax match plantumlColonLine /\S\@<=\s*\zs:.\+$/ contains=plantumlSpecialString
" Stereotypes
syntax match plantumlStereotype /<<.\{-1,}>>/ contains=plantumlSpecialString
" Activity diagram
syntax match plantumlActivityThing /([^)]*)/
syntax match plantumlActivitySynch /===[^=]\+===/
" Sequence diagram
syntax match plantumlSequenceDivider /^\s*==[^=]\+==\s*$/
syntax match plantumlSequenceSpace /^\s*|||\+\s*$/
syntax match plantumlSequenceSpace /^\s*||\d\+||\+\s*$/
" Usecase diagram
syntax match plantumlUsecaseActor /:.\{-1,}:/ contains=plantumlSpecialString
" Skinparam keywords
syntax case ignore
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActivityBackgroundColor ActivityBarColor ActivityBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActivityBorderThickness ActivityDiamondBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActivityDiamondBorderColor ActivityDiamondFontColor ActivityDiamondFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActivityDiamondFontSize ActivityDiamondFontStyle ActivityEndColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActivityFontColor ActivityFontName ActivityFontSize ActivityFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActivityStartColor ActorBackgroundColor ActorBorderColor ActorFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActorFontName ActorFontSize ActorFontStyle ActorStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActorStereotypeFontName ActorStereotypeFontSize ActorStereotypeFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword AgentBackgroundColor AgentBorderColor AgentFontColor AgentFontName AgentFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword AgentFontStyle AgentStereotypeFontColor AgentStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword AgentStereotypeFontSize AgentStereotypeFontStyle ArrowColor ArrowFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ArrowFontName ArrowFontSize ArrowFontStyle ArtifactBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ArtifactBorderColor ArtifactFontColor ArtifactFontName ArtifactFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ArtifactFontStyle ArtifactStereotypeFontColor ArtifactStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ArtifactStereotypeFontSize ArtifactStereotypeFontStyle BackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword BoundaryBackgroundColor BoundaryBorderColor BoundaryFontColor BoundaryFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword BoundaryFontSize BoundaryFontStyle BoundaryStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword BoundaryStereotypeFontName BoundaryStereotypeFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword BoundaryStereotypeFontStyle CaptionFontColor CaptionFontName CaptionFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword CaptionFontStyle CircledCharacterFontColor CircledCharacterFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword CircledCharacterFontSize CircledCharacterFontStyle CircledCharacterRadius
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ClassAttributeFontColor ClassAttributeFontName ClassAttributeFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ClassAttributeFontStyle ClassAttributeIconSize ClassBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ClassBorderColor ClassBorderThickness ClassFontColor ClassFontName ClassFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ClassFontStyle ClassHeaderBackgroundColor ClassStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ClassStereotypeFontName ClassStereotypeFontSize ClassStereotypeFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword CloudBackgroundColor CloudBorderColor CloudFontColor CloudFontName CloudFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword CloudFontStyle CloudStereotypeFontColor CloudStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword CloudStereotypeFontSize CloudStereotypeFontStyle CollectionsBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword CollectionsBorderColor ColorArrowSeparationSpace ComponentBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ComponentBorderColor ComponentFontColor ComponentFontName ComponentFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ComponentFontStyle ComponentStereotypeFontColor ComponentStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ComponentStereotypeFontSize ComponentStereotypeFontStyle ComponentStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ConditionStyle ControlBackgroundColor ControlBorderColor ControlFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ControlFontName ControlFontSize ControlFontStyle ControlStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ControlStereotypeFontName ControlStereotypeFontSize ControlStereotypeFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword DatabaseBackgroundColor DatabaseBorderColor DatabaseFontColor DatabaseFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword DatabaseFontSize DatabaseFontStyle DatabaseStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword DatabaseStereotypeFontName DatabaseStereotypeFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword DatabaseStereotypeFontStyle DefaultFontColor DefaultFontName DefaultFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword DefaultFontStyle DefaultMonospacedFontName DefaultTextAlignment
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword DiagramBorderColor DiagramBorderThickness Dpi EntityBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword EntityBorderColor EntityFontColor EntityFontName EntityFontSize EntityFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword EntityStereotypeFontColor EntityStereotypeFontName EntityStereotypeFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword EntityStereotypeFontStyle FileBackgroundColor FileBorderColor FileFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FileFontName FileFontSize FileFontStyle FileStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FileStereotypeFontName FileStereotypeFontSize FileStereotypeFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FolderBackgroundColor FolderBorderColor FolderFontColor FolderFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FolderFontSize FolderFontStyle FolderStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FolderStereotypeFontName FolderStereotypeFontSize FolderStereotypeFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FooterFontColor FooterFontName FooterFontSize FooterFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FrameBackgroundColor FrameBorderColor FrameFontColor FrameFontName FrameFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FrameFontStyle FrameStereotypeFontColor FrameStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FrameStereotypeFontSize FrameStereotypeFontStyle Guillemet Handwritten
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword HeaderFontColor HeaderFontName HeaderFontSize HeaderFontStyle HyperlinkColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword HyperlinkUnderline IconIEMandatoryColor IconPackageBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword IconPackageColor IconPrivateBackgroundColor IconPrivateColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword IconProtectedBackgroundColor IconProtectedColor IconPublicBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword IconPublicColor InterfaceBackgroundColor InterfaceBorderColor InterfaceFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword InterfaceFontName InterfaceFontSize InterfaceFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword InterfaceStereotypeFontColor InterfaceStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword InterfaceStereotypeFontSize InterfaceStereotypeFontStyle LegendBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword LegendBorderColor LegendBorderThickness LegendFontColor LegendFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword LegendFontSize LegendFontStyle Linetype MaxAsciiMessageLength MaxMessageSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword MinClassWidth Monochrome NodeBackgroundColor NodeBorderColor NodeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword NodeFontName NodeFontSize NodeFontStyle NodeStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword NodeStereotypeFontName NodeStereotypeFontSize NodeStereotypeFontStyle Nodesep
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword NoteBackgroundColor NoteBorderColor NoteBorderThickness NoteFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword NoteFontName NoteFontSize NoteFontStyle NoteShadowing ObjectAttributeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ObjectAttributeFontName ObjectAttributeFontSize ObjectAttributeFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ObjectBackgroundColor ObjectBorderColor ObjectBorderThickness ObjectFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ObjectFontName ObjectFontSize ObjectFontStyle ObjectStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ObjectStereotypeFontName ObjectStereotypeFontSize ObjectStereotypeFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword PackageBackgroundColor PackageBorderColor PackageBorderThickness
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword PackageFontColor PackageFontName PackageFontSize PackageFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword PackageStereotypeFontColor PackageStereotypeFontName PackageStereotypeFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword PackageStereotypeFontStyle PackageStyle Padding ParticipantBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ParticipantBorderColor ParticipantFontColor ParticipantFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ParticipantFontSize ParticipantFontStyle PartitionBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword PartitionBorderColor PartitionBorderThickness PartitionFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword PartitionFontName PartitionFontSize PartitionFontStyle QueueBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword QueueBorderColor QueueFontColor QueueFontName QueueFontSize QueueFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword QueueStereotypeFontColor QueueStereotypeFontName QueueStereotypeFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword QueueStereotypeFontStyle Ranksep RectangleBackgroundColor RectangleBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword RectangleBorderThickness RectangleFontColor RectangleFontName RectangleFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword RectangleFontStyle RectangleStereotypeFontColor RectangleStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword RectangleStereotypeFontSize RectangleStereotypeFontStyle RoundCorner
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SameClassWidth SequenceActorBorderThickness SequenceArrowThickness
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceBoxBackgroundColor SequenceBoxBorderColor SequenceBoxFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceBoxFontName SequenceBoxFontSize SequenceBoxFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceDelayFontColor SequenceDelayFontName SequenceDelayFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceDelayFontStyle SequenceDividerBackgroundColor SequenceDividerBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceDividerBorderThickness SequenceDividerFontColor SequenceDividerFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceDividerFontSize SequenceDividerFontStyle SequenceGroupBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceGroupBodyBackgroundColor SequenceGroupBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceGroupBorderThickness SequenceGroupFontColor SequenceGroupFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceGroupFontSize SequenceGroupFontStyle SequenceGroupHeaderFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceGroupHeaderFontName SequenceGroupHeaderFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceGroupHeaderFontStyle SequenceLifeLineBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceLifeLineBorderColor SequenceLifeLineBorderThickness
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceNewpageSeparatorColor SequenceParticipant
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceParticipantBorderThickness SequenceReferenceBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceReferenceBorderColor SequenceReferenceBorderThickness
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceReferenceFontColor SequenceReferenceFontName SequenceReferenceFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceReferenceFontStyle SequenceReferenceHeaderBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceStereotypeFontColor SequenceStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceStereotypeFontSize SequenceStereotypeFontStyle SequenceTitleFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SequenceTitleFontName SequenceTitleFontSize SequenceTitleFontStyle Shadowing
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StackBackgroundColor StackBorderColor StackFontColor StackFontName StackFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StackFontStyle StackStereotypeFontColor StackStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StackStereotypeFontSize StackStereotypeFontStyle StateAttributeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StateAttributeFontName StateAttributeFontSize StateAttributeFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StateBackgroundColor StateBorderColor StateEndColor StateFontColor StateFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StateFontSize StateFontStyle StateStartColor StereotypeABackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StereotypeCBackgroundColor StereotypeEBackgroundColor StereotypeIBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StereotypeNBackgroundColor StereotypePosition StorageBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StorageBorderColor StorageFontColor StorageFontName StorageFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StorageFontStyle StorageStereotypeFontColor StorageStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StorageStereotypeFontSize StorageStereotypeFontStyle Style SvglinkTarget
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SwimlaneBorderColor SwimlaneBorderThickness SwimlaneTitleFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword SwimlaneTitleFontName SwimlaneTitleFontSize SwimlaneTitleFontStyle TabSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword TitleBackgroundColor TitleBorderColor TitleBorderRoundCorner
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword TitleBorderThickness TitleFontColor TitleFontName TitleFontSize TitleFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword UsecaseBackgroundColor UsecaseBorderColor UsecaseFontColor UsecaseFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword UsecaseFontSize UsecaseFontStyle UsecaseStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword UsecaseStereotypeFontName UsecaseStereotypeFontSize UsecaseStereotypeFontStyle
" Not in 'java - jar plantuml.jar - language' output
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword activityArrowColor activityArrowFontColor activityArrowFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword activityArrowFontSize activityArrowFontStyle activityBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword activityBarColor activityBorderColor activityEndColor activityFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword activityFontName activityFontSize activityFontStyle activityStartColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword backgroundColor circledCharacterFontColor circledCharacterFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword circledCharacterFontSize circledCharacterFontStyle circledCharacterRadius
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword classArrowColor classArrowFontColor classArrowFontName classArrowFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword classArrowFontStyle classAttributeFontColor classAttributeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword classAttributeFontSize classAttributeFontStyle classAttributeIconSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword classBackgroundColor classBorderColor classFontColor classFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword classFontSize classFontStyle classStereotypeFontColor classStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword classStereotypeFontSize classStereotypeFontStyle componentArrowColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword activityArrowFontSize activityArrowFontStyle BarColor BorderColor BoxPadding
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword CharacterFontColor CharacterFontName CharacterFontSize CharacterFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword CharacterRadius classArrowColor classArrowFontColor classArrowFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword classArrowFontSize classArrowFontStyle Color componentArrowColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword componentArrowFontColor componentArrowFontName componentArrowFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword componentArrowFontStyle componentBackgroundColor componentBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword componentFontColor componentFontName componentFontSize componentFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword componentInterfaceBackgroundColor componentInterfaceBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword componentStereotypeFontColor componentStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword componentStereotypeFontSize componentStereotypeFontStyle footerFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword footerFontName footerFontSize footerFontStyle headerFontColor headerFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword headerFontSize headerFontStyle noteBackgroundColor noteBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword noteFontColor noteFontName noteFontSize noteFontStyle packageBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword packageBorderColor packageFontColor packageFontName packageFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword packageFontStyle sequenceActorBackgroundColor sequenceActorBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceActorFontColor sequenceActorFontName sequenceActorFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceActorFontStyle sequenceArrowColor sequenceArrowFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceArrowFontName sequenceArrowFontSize sequenceArrowFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceDividerBackgroundColor sequenceDividerFontColor sequenceDividerFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceDividerFontSize sequenceDividerFontStyle sequenceGroupBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceGroupingFontColor sequenceGroupingFontName sequenceGroupingFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceGroupingFontStyle sequenceGroupingHeaderFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceGroupingHeaderFontName sequenceGroupingHeaderFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceGroupingHeaderFontStyle sequenceLifeLineBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceLifeLineBorderColor sequenceParticipantBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceParticipantBorderColor sequenceParticipantFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceParticipantFontName sequenceParticipantFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceParticipantFontStyle sequenceTitleFontColor sequenceTitleFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceTitleFontSize sequenceTitleFontStyle stateArrowColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword stateArrowFontColor stateArrowFontName stateArrowFontSize stateArrowFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword stateAttributeFontColor stateAttributeFontName stateAttributeFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword stateAttributeFontStyle stateBackgroundColor stateBorderColor stateEndColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword stateFontColor stateFontName stateFontSize stateFontStyle stateStartColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword stereotypeABackgroundColor stereotypeCBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword stereotypeEBackgroundColor stereotypeIBackgroundColor titleFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword titleFontName titleFontSize titleFontStyle usecaseActorBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseActorBorderColor usecaseActorFontColor usecaseActorFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseActorFontSize usecaseActorFontStyle usecaseActorStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword componentArrowFontStyle componentInterfaceBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword componentInterfaceBorderColor DividerBackgroundColor DividerFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword DividerFontName DividerFontSize DividerFontStyle EndColor FontColor FontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FontSize FontStyle GroupBackgroundColor GroupingFontColor GroupingFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword GroupingFontSize GroupingFontStyle GroupingHeaderFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword GroupingHeaderFontName GroupingHeaderFontSize GroupingHeaderFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword LifeLineBackgroundColor LifeLineBorderColor ParticipantPadding
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceActorBackgroundColor sequenceActorBorderColor sequenceActorFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceActorFontName sequenceActorFontSize sequenceActorFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceArrowColor sequenceArrowFontColor sequenceArrowFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceArrowFontSize sequenceArrowFontStyle sequenceGroupingFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceGroupingFontName sequenceGroupingFontSize sequenceGroupingFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceGroupingHeaderFontColor sequenceGroupingHeaderFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceGroupingHeaderFontSize sequenceGroupingHeaderFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceParticipantBackgroundColor sequenceParticipantBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceParticipantFontColor sequenceParticipantFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword sequenceParticipantFontSize sequenceParticipantFontStyle StartColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword stateArrowColor stateArrowFontColor stateArrowFontName stateArrowFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword stateArrowFontStyle StereotypeFontColor StereotypeFontName StereotypeFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StereotypeFontStyle usecaseActorBackgroundColor usecaseActorBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseActorFontColor usecaseActorFontName usecaseActorFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseActorFontStyle usecaseActorStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseActorStereotypeFontName usecaseActorStereotypeFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseActorStereotypeFontStyle usecaseArrowColor usecaseArrowFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseArrowFontName usecaseArrowFontSize usecaseArrowFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseBackgroundColor usecaseBorderColor usecaseFontColor usecaseFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseFontSize usecaseFontStyle usecaseStereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword usecaseStereotypeFontName usecaseStereotypeFontSize usecaseStereotypeFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActorBackgroundColor ActorBorderColor ActorFontColor ActorFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActorFontSize ActorFontStyle ActorStereotypeFontColor ActorStereotypeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ActorStereotypeFontSize ActorStereotypeFontStyle ArrowColor ArrowFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ArrowFontName ArrowFontSize ArrowFontStyle AttributeFontColor AttributeFontName
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword AttributeFontSize AttributeFontStyle AttributeIconSize BarColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword BorderColor BoxPadding CharacterFontColor CharacterFontName CharacterFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword CharacterFontStyle CharacterRadius Color DividerBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword DividerFontColor DividerFontName DividerFontSize DividerFontStyle EndColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword FontColor FontName FontSize FontStyle GroupBackgroundColor GroupingFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword GroupingFontName GroupingFontSize GroupingFontStyle GroupingHeaderFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword GroupingHeaderFontName GroupingHeaderFontSize GroupingHeaderFontStyle
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword InterfaceBackgroundColor InterfaceBorderColor LifeLineBackgroundColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword LifeLineBorderColor ParticipantBackgroundColor ParticipantBorderColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ParticipantFontColor ParticipantFontName ParticipantFontSize
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword ParticipantFontStyle ParticipantPadding StartColor StereotypeFontColor
syntax keyword plantumlSkinparamKeyword StereotypeFontName StereotypeFontSize StereotypeFontStyle
syntax case match
" Highlight
highlight default link plantumlCommentTODO Todo
@ -151,8 +281,8 @@ highlight default link plantumlPreProc PreProc
highlight default link plantumlDir Constant
highlight default link plantumlColor Constant
highlight default link plantumlHorizontalArrow Identifier
highlight default link plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowLR Special
highlight default link plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowRL Special
highlight default link plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowLR Identifier
highlight default link plantumlDirectedOrVerticalArrowRL Identifier
highlight default link plantumlLabel Special
highlight default link plantumlText Label
highlight default link plantumlClass Type
@ -161,6 +291,8 @@ highlight default link plantumlClassPrivate Macro
highlight default link plantumlClassProtected Statement
highlight default link plantumlClassPackPrivate Function
highlight default link plantumlClassSeparator Comment
highlight default link plantumlSequenceDivider Comment
highlight default link plantumlSequenceSpace Comment
highlight default link plantumlSpecialString Special
highlight default link plantumlString String
highlight default link plantumlComment Comment
@ -169,6 +301,8 @@ highlight default link plantumlColonLine Comment
highlight default link plantumlActivityThing Type
highlight default link plantumlActivitySynch Type
highlight default link plantumlSkinparamKeyword Identifier
highlight default link plantumlUsecaseActor String
highlight default link plantumlStereotype Type
let &cpo=s:cpo_orig
unlet s:cpo_orig

View File

@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ syn match pugComment '\(\s\+\|^\)\/\/.*$' contains=pugCommentTodo,@Spell
syn region pugCommentBlock start="\z(\s\+\|^\)\/\/.*$" end="^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!" contains=pugCommentTodo,@Spell keepend
syn region pugHtmlConditionalComment start="<!--\%(.*\)>" end="<!\%(.*\)-->" contains=pugCommentTodo,@Spell
syn region pugAngular2 start="(" end=")" contains=htmlEvent
syn region pugAttributes matchgroup=pugAttributesDelimiter start="(" end=")" contained contains=@htmlJavascript,pugHtmlArg,pugAngular2,htmlArg,htmlEvent,htmlCssDefinition nextgroup=@pugComponent
syn region pugJavascriptString start=+"+ skip=+\\\("\|$\)+ end=+"\|$+ contained
syn region pugJavascriptString start=+'+ skip=+\\\('\|$\)+ end=+'\|$+ contained
syn region pugAttributes matchgroup=pugAttributesDelimiter start="(" end=")" contained contains=pugJavascriptString,pugHtmlArg,pugAngular2,htmlArg,htmlEvent,htmlCssDefinition nextgroup=@pugComponent
syn match pugClassChar "\." containedin=htmlTagName nextgroup=pugClass
syn match pugBlockExpansionChar ":\s\+" contained nextgroup=pugTag,pugClassChar,pugIdChar
syn match pugIdChar "#[[{]\@!" contained nextgroup=pugId
@ -101,6 +103,7 @@ hi def link pugCommentTodo Todo
hi def link pugComment Comment
hi def link pugCommentBlock Comment
hi def link pugHtmlConditionalComment pugComment
hi def link pugJavascriptString String
let b:current_syntax = "pug"

View File

@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ syn match rubyFloat "\%(\%(\w\|[]})\"']\s*\)\@<!-\)\=\<\%(0\|[1-9]\d*\%(_\d\+\)*
syn match rubyLocalVariableOrMethod "\<[_[:lower:]][_[:alnum:]]*[?!=]\=" contains=NONE display transparent
syn match rubyBlockArgument "&[_[:lower:]][_[:alnum:]]" contains=NONE display transparent
syn match rubyClassName "\%(\%(^\|[^.]\)\.\s*\)\@<!\<\u\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*\>\%(\s*(\)\@!"
syn match rubyModuleName "\%(\%(^\|[^.]\)\.\s*\)\@<!\<\u\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*\>\%(\s*(\)\@!"
syn match rubyConstant "\%(\%(^\|[^.]\)\.\s*\)\@<!\<\u\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*\>\%(\s*(\)\@!"
syn match rubyClassVariable "@@\%(\h\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*" display
syn match rubyInstanceVariable "@\%(\h\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*" display
@ -159,10 +161,10 @@ syn match rubyPredefinedConstant "\%(\%(^\|[^.]\)\.\s*\)\@<!\<\%(RUBY_\%(VERSION
" Normal Regular Expression {{{1
if s:foldable('/')
syn region rubyRegexp matchgroup=rubyRegexpDelimiter start="\%(\%(^\|\<\%(and\|or\|while\|until\|unless\|if\|elsif\|when\|not\|then\|else\)\|[;\~=!|&(,{[<>?:*+-]\)\s*\)\@<=/" end="/[iomxneus]*" skip="\\\\\|\\/" contains=@rubyRegexpSpecial fold
syn region rubyRegexp matchgroup=rubyRegexpDelimiter start="\%(\h\k*\s\+\)\@<=/[ \t=]\@!" end="/[iomxneus]*" skip="\\\\\|\\/" contains=@rubyRegexpSpecial fold
syn region rubyRegexp matchgroup=rubyRegexpDelimiter start="\%(\h\k*\s\+\)\@<=/\%([ \t=]\|$\)\@!" end="/[iomxneus]*" skip="\\\\\|\\/" contains=@rubyRegexpSpecial fold
syn region rubyRegexp matchgroup=rubyRegexpDelimiter start="\%(\%(^\|\<\%(and\|or\|while\|until\|unless\|if\|elsif\|when\|not\|then\|else\)\|[;\~=!|&(,{[<>?:*+-]\)\s*\)\@<=/" end="/[iomxneus]*" skip="\\\\\|\\/" contains=@rubyRegexpSpecial
syn region rubyRegexp matchgroup=rubyRegexpDelimiter start="\%(\h\k*\s\+\)\@<=/[ \t=]\@!" end="/[iomxneus]*" skip="\\\\\|\\/" contains=@rubyRegexpSpecial
syn region rubyRegexp matchgroup=rubyRegexpDelimiter start="\%(\h\k*\s\+\)\@<=/\%([ \t=]\|$\)\@!" end="/[iomxneus]*" skip="\\\\\|\\/" contains=@rubyRegexpSpecial
" Generalized Regular Expression {{{1
@ -313,8 +315,8 @@ end
syn match rubyAliasDeclaration "[^[:space:];#.()]\+" contained contains=rubySymbol,rubyGlobalVariable,rubyPredefinedVariable nextgroup=rubyAliasDeclaration2 skipwhite
syn match rubyAliasDeclaration2 "[^[:space:];#.()]\+" contained contains=rubySymbol,rubyGlobalVariable,rubyPredefinedVariable
syn match rubyMethodDeclaration "[^[:space:];#(]\+" contained contains=rubyConstant,rubyBoolean,rubyPseudoVariable,rubyInstanceVariable,rubyClassVariable,rubyGlobalVariable
syn match rubyClassDeclaration "[^[:space:];#<]\+" contained contains=rubyConstant,rubyOperator
syn match rubyModuleDeclaration "[^[:space:];#<]\+" contained contains=rubyConstant,rubyOperator
syn match rubyClassDeclaration "[^[:space:];#<]\+" contained contains=rubyClassName,rubyOperator
syn match rubyModuleDeclaration "[^[:space:];#<]\+" contained contains=rubyModuleName,rubyOperator
syn match rubyFunction "\<[_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]*[?!=]\=[[:alnum:]_.:?!=]\@!" contained containedin=rubyMethodDeclaration
syn match rubyFunction "\%(\s\|^\)\@1<=[_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]*[?!=]\=\%(\s\|$\)\@=" contained containedin=rubyAliasDeclaration,rubyAliasDeclaration2
syn match rubyFunction "\%([[:space:].]\|^\)\@2<=\%(\[\]=\=\|\*\*\|[-+!~]@\=\|[*/%|&^~]\|<<\|>>\|[<>]=\=\|<=>\|===\|[=!]=\|[=!]\~\|!\|`\)\%([[:space:];#(]\|$\)\@=" contained containedin=rubyAliasDeclaration,rubyAliasDeclaration2,rubyMethodDeclaration
@ -500,6 +502,8 @@ else
hi def link rubyClassVariable rubyIdentifier
hi def link rubyConstant Type
hi def link rubyClassName rubyConstant
hi def link rubyModuleName rubyConstant
hi def link rubyGlobalVariable rubyIdentifier
hi def link rubyBlockParameter rubyIdentifier
hi def link rubyInstanceVariable rubyIdentifier

View File

@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ syntax keyword swiftKeywords
\ public
\ repeat
\ required
\ rethrows
\ return
\ self
\ set
@ -161,7 +160,6 @@ syntax keyword swiftKeywords
\ super
\ switch
\ throw
\ throws
\ try
\ typealias
\ unowned
@ -171,6 +169,10 @@ syntax keyword swiftKeywords
\ while
\ willSet
syntax keyword swiftDefinitionModifier
\ rethrows
\ throws
syntax match swiftMultiwordKeywords "indirect case"
syntax match swiftMultiwordKeywords "indirect enum"
" }}}
@ -226,6 +228,7 @@ syntax region swiftGenericsWrapper start="\v\<" end="\v\>" contains=swiftType tr
syntax region swiftLiteralWrapper start="\v\=\s*" skip="\v[^\[\]]\(\)" end="\v(\[\]|\(\))" contains=ALL transparent oneline
syntax region swiftReturnWrapper start="\v-\>\s*" end="\v(\{|$)" contains=swiftType transparent oneline
syntax match swiftType "\v<\u\w*" contained containedin=swiftTypeWrapper,swiftLiteralWrapper,swiftGenericsWrapper,swiftTypeCastWrapper
syntax match swiftTypeDeclaration /->/ skipwhite nextgroup=swiftType
syntax keyword swiftImports import
syntax keyword swiftCastKeyword is as contained
@ -255,6 +258,7 @@ highlight default link swiftMarker Comment
highlight default link swiftString String
highlight default link swiftInterpolatedWrapper Delimiter
highlight default link swiftTypeDeclaration Delimiter
highlight default link swiftNumber Number
highlight default link swiftBoolean Boolean
@ -273,6 +277,7 @@ highlight default link swiftPreprocessor PreProc
highlight default link swiftMethod Function
highlight default link swiftProperty Identifier
highlight default link swiftDefinitionModifier Define
highlight default link swiftConditionStatement PreProc
highlight default link swiftAvailability Normal
highlight default link swiftAvailabilityArg Normal

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ syn keyword terraDataTypeBI
\ aws_elb_service_account
\ aws_iam_account_alias
\ aws_iam_policy_document
\ aws_iam_role
\ aws_iam_server_certificate
\ aws_instance
\ aws_ip_ranges
@ -54,14 +55,25 @@ syn keyword terraDataTypeBI
\ aws_route_table
\ aws_s3_bucket_object
\ aws_security_group
\ aws_sns_topic
\ aws_subnet
\ aws_subnet_ids
\ aws_vpc
\ aws_vpc_endpoint
\ aws_vpc_endpoint_service
\ aws_vpc_peering_connection
\ aws_vpn_gateway
\ azurerm_client_config
\ circonus_account
\ circonus_collector
\ consul_agent_self
\ consul_catalog_nodes
\ consul_catalog_service
\ consul_catalog_services
\ consul_keys
\ dns_a_record_set
\ dns_cname_record_set
\ dns_txt_record_set
\ docker_registry_image
\ external
\ fastly_ip_ranges
@ -70,11 +82,16 @@ syn keyword terraDataTypeBI
\ newrelic_application
\ ns1_datasource
\ null_data_source
\ openstack_images_image_v2
\ openstack_networking_network_v2
\ opsgenie_user
\ pagerduty_escalation_policy
\ pagerduty_schedule
\ pagerduty_user
\ pagerduty_vendor
\ profitbricks_datacenter
\ profitbricks_image
\ profitbricks_location
\ scaleway_bootscript
\ scaleway_image
\ template_cloudinit_config
@ -84,6 +101,7 @@ syn keyword terraDataTypeBI
""" resource
syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ alicloud_db_instance
\ alicloud_disk
\ alicloud_disk_attachment
\ alicloud_eip
@ -120,9 +138,13 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ aws_api_gateway_integration_response
\ aws_api_gateway_method
\ aws_api_gateway_method_response
\ aws_api_gateway_method_settings
\ aws_api_gateway_model
\ aws_api_gateway_resource
\ aws_api_gateway_rest_api
\ aws_api_gateway_stage
\ aws_api_gateway_usage_plan
\ aws_api_gateway_usage_plan_key
\ aws_app_cookie_stickiness_policy
\ aws_appautoscaling_policy
\ aws_appautoscaling_target
@ -138,6 +160,8 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ aws_cloudtrail
\ aws_cloudwatch_event_rule
\ aws_cloudwatch_event_target
\ aws_cloudwatch_log_destination
\ aws_cloudwatch_log_destination_policy
\ aws_cloudwatch_log_group
\ aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter
\ aws_cloudwatch_log_stream
@ -149,6 +173,7 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ aws_codedeploy_app
\ aws_codedeploy_deployment_config
\ aws_codedeploy_deployment_group
\ aws_codepipeline
\ aws_config_config_rule
\ aws_config_configuration_recorder
\ aws_config_configuration_recorder_status
@ -179,9 +204,11 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ aws_ecs_task_definition
\ aws_efs_file_system
\ aws_efs_mount_target
\ aws_egress_only_internet_gateway
\ aws_eip
\ aws_eip_association
\ aws_elastic_beanstalk_application
\ aws_elastic_beanstalk_application_version
\ aws_elastic_beanstalk_configuration_template
\ aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment
\ aws_elasticache_cluster
@ -200,12 +227,14 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ aws_flow_log
\ aws_glacier_vault
\ aws_iam_access_key
\ aws_iam_account_alias
\ aws_iam_account_password_policy
\ aws_iam_group
\ aws_iam_group_membership
\ aws_iam_group_policy
\ aws_iam_group_policy_attachment
\ aws_iam_instance_profile
\ aws_iam_openid_connect_provider
\ aws_iam_policy
\ aws_iam_policy_attachment
\ aws_iam_role
@ -238,6 +267,8 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ aws_lightsail_domain
\ aws_lightsail_instance
\ aws_lightsail_key_pair
\ aws_lightsail_static_ip
\ aws_lightsail_static_ip_attachment
\ aws_load_balancer_backend_server_policy
\ aws_load_balancer_listener_policy
\ aws_load_balancer_policy
@ -287,6 +318,7 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ aws_security_group_rule
\ aws_ses_active_receipt_rule_set
\ aws_ses_configuration_set
\ aws_ses_domain_identity
\ aws_ses_event_destination
\ aws_ses_receipt_filter
\ aws_ses_receipt_rule
@ -367,6 +399,7 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ azurerm_lb_probe
\ azurerm_lb_rule
\ azurerm_local_network_gateway
\ azurerm_managed_disk
\ azurerm_network_interface
\ azurerm_network_security_group
\ azurerm_network_security_rule
@ -408,6 +441,12 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ chef_environment
\ chef_node
\ chef_role
\ circonus_check
\ circonus_contact_group
\ circonus_graph
\ circonus_metric
\ circonus_metric_cluster
\ circonus_rule_set
\ clc_group
\ clc_load_balancer
\ clc_load_balancer_pool
@ -450,16 +489,23 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ consul_node
\ consul_prepared_query
\ consul_service
\ datadog_downtime
\ datadog_monitor
\ datadog_timeboard
\ datadog_user
\ digitalocean_domain
\ digitalocean_droplet
\ digitalocean_floating_ip
\ digitalocean_loadbalancer
\ digitalocean_record
\ digitalocean_ssh_key
\ digitalocean_tag
\ digitalocean_volume
\ dme_record
\ dns_a_record_set
\ dns_aaaa_record_set
\ dns_cname_record
\ dns_ptr_record
\ dnsimple_record
\ docker_container
\ docker_image
@ -469,8 +515,10 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ fastly_service_v1
\ github_issue_label
\ github_membership
\ github_organization_webhook
\ github_repository
\ github_repository_collaborator
\ github_repository_webhook
\ github_team
\ github_team_membership
\ github_team_repository
@ -503,6 +551,7 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ google_compute_vpn_gateway
\ google_compute_vpn_tunnel
\ google_container_cluster
\ google_container_node_pool
\ google_dns_managed_zone
\ google_dns_record_set
\ google_project
@ -539,6 +588,11 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ influxdb_continuous_query
\ influxdb_database
\ influxdb_user
\ kubernetes_config_map
\ kubernetes_namespace
\ kubernetes_persistent_volume
\ kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim
\ kubernetes_secret
\ librato_alert
\ librato_service
\ librato_space
@ -558,6 +612,7 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ openstack_blockstorage_volume_attach_v2
\ openstack_blockstorage_volume_v1
\ openstack_blockstorage_volume_v2
\ openstack_compute_floatingip_associate_v2
\ openstack_compute_floatingip_v2
\ openstack_compute_instance_v2
\ openstack_compute_keypair_v2
@ -567,6 +622,7 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ openstack_fw_firewall_v1
\ openstack_fw_policy_v1
\ openstack_fw_rule_v1
\ openstack_images_image_v2
\ openstack_lb_listener_v2
\ openstack_lb_loadbalancer_v2
\ openstack_lb_member_v1
@ -619,12 +675,15 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ rabbitmq_queue
\ rabbitmq_user
\ rabbitmq_vhost
\ rancher_certificate
\ rancher_environment
\ rancher_host
\ rancher_registration_token
\ rancher_registry
\ rancher_registry_credential
\ rancher_stack
\ random_id
\ random_pet
\ random_shuffle
\ rundeck_job
\ rundeck_private_key
@ -638,6 +697,9 @@ syn keyword terraResourceTypeBI
\ scaleway_volume_attachment
\ softlayer_ssh_key
\ softlayer_virtual_guest
\ spotinst_aws_group
\ spotinst_healthcheck
\ spotinst_subscription
\ statuscake_test
\ tls_cert_request
\ tls_locally_signed_cert

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ endif
setlocal iskeyword+=-
syntax case match
syn keyword tmuxAction any current none
syn keyword tmuxAction any current default none
syn keyword tmuxBoolean off on
syn keyword tmuxCmds
@ -261,24 +261,36 @@ syn keyword tmuxOptsSetw
\ force-width
\ main-pane-height
\ main-pane-width
\ message-attr
\ message-bg
\ message-fg
\ mode-keys
\ mode-style
\ monitor-activity
\ monitor-silence
\ other-pane-height
\ other-pane-width
\ pane-active-border-bg
\ pane-active-border-fg
\ pane-active-border-style
\ pane-base-index
\ pane-border-fg
\ pane-border-style
\ remain-on-exit
\ synchronize-panes
\ window-active-style
\ window-status-activity-attr
\ window-status-activity-bg
\ window-status-activity-fg
\ window-status-activity-style
\ window-status-bell-style
\ window-status-bg
\ window-status-current-attr
\ window-status-current-bg
\ window-status-current-fg
\ window-status-current-format
\ window-status-current-style
\ window-status-fg
\ window-status-format
\ window-status-last-style
\ window-status-separator
@ -290,7 +302,7 @@ syn keyword tmuxOptsSetw
syn keyword tmuxTodo FIXME NOTE TODO XXX contained
syn match tmuxKey /\(C-\|M-\|\^\)\+\S\+/ display
syn match tmuxNumber /\d\+/ display
syn match tmuxNumber /\<\d\+\>/ display
syn match tmuxOptions /\s-\a\+/ display
syn match tmuxVariable /\w\+=/ display
syn match tmuxVariableExpansion /\${\=\w\+}\=/ display

View File

@ -8,90 +8,55 @@ if exists("b:current_syntax")
if !exists("s:syntaxes")
" Search available syntax files.
function s:search_syntaxes(...)
let syntaxes = {}
let names = a:000
for name in names
let syntaxes[name] = 0
runtime! syntax/html.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
for path in split(&runtimepath, ',')
if isdirectory(path . '/syntax')
for name in names
let syntaxes[name] = syntaxes[name] || filereadable(path . '/syntax/' . name . '.vim')
" Get the pattern for a HTML {name} attribute with {value}.
function! s:attr(name, value)
return a:name . '=\("\|''\)[^\1]*' . a:value . '[^\1]*\1'
" Check whether a syntax file for a given {language} exists.
function! s:syntax_available(language)
return !empty(globpath(&runtimepath, 'syntax/' . a:language . '.vim'))
" Register {language} for a given {tag}. If [attr_override] is given and not
" empty, it will be used for the attribute pattern.
function! s:register_language(language, tag, ...)
let attr_override = a:0 ? a:1 : ''
let attr = !empty(attr_override) ? attr_override : s:attr('lang', a:language)
if s:syntax_available(a:language)
execute 'syntax include @' . a:language . ' syntax/' . a:language . '.vim'
unlet! b:current_syntax
execute 'syntax region vue_' . a:language
\ 'keepend'
\ 'start=/<' . a:tag . ' \_[^>]*' . attr . '\_[^>]*>/'
\ 'end="</' . a:tag . '>"me=s-1'
\ 'contains=@' . a:language . ',vueSurroundingTag'
\ 'fold'
return syntaxes
let s:syntaxes = s:search_syntaxes('pug', 'slm', 'coffee', 'stylus', 'sass', 'scss', 'less', 'typescript')
call s:register_language('pug', 'template', s:attr('lang', '\%(pug\|jade\)'))
call s:register_language('slm', 'template')
call s:register_language('handlebars', 'template')
call s:register_language('haml', 'template')
call s:register_language('typescript', 'script', '\%(lang=\("\|''\)[^\1]*\(ts\|typescript\)[^\1]*\1\|ts\)')
call s:register_language('coffee', 'script')
call s:register_language('stylus', 'style')
call s:register_language('sass', 'style')
call s:register_language('scss', 'style')
call s:register_language('less', 'style')
syntax include @HTML syntax/html.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region html keepend start=/^<template\_[^>]*>/ end=/^<\/template>/ contains=@HTML fold
if s:syntaxes.pug
syntax include @PUG syntax/pug.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region pug keepend start=/<template lang=\("\|'\)[^\1]*pug[^\1]*\1>/ end="</template>" contains=@PUG fold
syntax region pug keepend start=/<template lang=\("\|'\)[^\1]*jade[^\1]*\1>/ end="</template>" contains=@PUG fold
if s:syntaxes.slm
syntax include @SLM syntax/slm.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region slm keepend start=/<template lang=\("\|'\)[^\1]*slm[^\1]*\1>/ end="</template>" contains=@SLM fold
syntax include @JS syntax/javascript.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region javascript keepend matchgroup=Delimiter start=/<script\( lang="babel"\)\?\( type="text\/babel"\)\?>/ end="</script>" contains=@JS fold
if s:syntaxes.typescript
syntax include @TS syntax/typescript.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region typescript keepend matchgroup=Delimiter start=/<script \_[^>]*\(lang=\("\|'\)[^\2]*\(ts\|typescript\)[^\2]*\2\|ts\)\_[^>]*>/ end="</script>" contains=@TS fold
syntax include @COFFEE syntax/coffee.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
" Matchgroup seems to be necessary for coffee
syntax region coffee keepend matchgroup=Delimiter start="<script lang=\"coffee\">" end="</script>" contains=@COFFEE fold
syntax include @CSS syntax/css.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region css keepend start=/<style\_[^>]*>/ end="</style>" contains=@CSS fold
if s:syntaxes.stylus
syntax include @stylus syntax/stylus.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region stylus keepend start=/<style \_[^>]*lang=\("\|'\)[^\1]*stylus[^\1]*\1\_[^>]*>/ end="</style>" contains=@stylus fold
if s:syntaxes.sass
syntax include @sass syntax/sass.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region sass keepend start=/<style \_[^>]*lang=\("\|'\)[^\1]*sass[^\1]*\1\_[^>]*>/ end="</style>" contains=@sass fold
if s:syntaxes.scss
syntax include @scss syntax/scss.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region scss keepend start=/<style \_[^>]*lang=\("\|'\)[^\1]*scss[^\1]*\1\_[^>]*>/ end="</style>" contains=@scss fold
if s:syntaxes.less
syntax include @less syntax/less.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syntax region less keepend matchgroup=PreProc start=/<style \_[^>]*lang=\("\|'\)[^\1]*less[^\1]*\1\_[^>]*>/ end="</style>" contains=@less fold
syn region vueSurroundingTag contained start=+<\(script\|style\|template\)+ end=+>+ fold contains=htmlTagN,htmlString,htmlArg,htmlValue,htmlTagError,htmlEvent
syn keyword htmlSpecialTagName contained template
syn keyword htmlArg contained scoped ts
syn match htmlArg "[@v:][-:.0-9_a-z]*\>" contained
let b:current_syntax = "vue"