Change julia provider to JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vim, closes #253
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ If you need full functionality of any plugin, please use it directly with your p
- [emberscript]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
- [emblem]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
- [erlang]( (syntax, indent)
- [fish]( (syntax, indent, compiler, autoload, ftplugin)
- [fsharp]( (syntax, indent)
- [git]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
- [glsl]( (syntax, indent)
- [gmpl]( (syntax)
- [fish]( ()
- [fsharp]( ()
- [git]( ()
- [glsl]( ()
- [gmpl]( ()
- [gnuplot]( (syntax)
- [go]( (syntax, compiler, indent)
- [groovy]( (syntax)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ If you need full functionality of any plugin, please use it directly with your p
- [json]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
- [jst]( (syntax, indent)
- [jsx]( (after)
- [julia]( (syntax, indent)
- [julia]( (syntax, indent, autoload, ftplugin)
- [kotlin]( (syntax, indent)
- [latex]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
- [less]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
@ -21,19 +21,6 @@ if exists('s:current_syntax_save')
unlet s:current_syntax_save
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'glsl') == -1
" Language: OpenGL Shading Language
" Maintainer: Sergey Tikhomirov <>
syn include @GLSL syntax/glsl.vim
syn region ShaderScript
\ start="<script [^>]*type=\('\|\"\)x-shader/x-\(vertex\|fragment\)\('\|\"\)[^>]*>"
\ keepend
\ end="</script>"me=s-1
\ contains=@GLSL,htmlScriptTag,@htmlPreproc
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'html5') == -1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'julia') == -1
" Support for LaTex-to-Unicode conversion as in the Julia REPL "
function! s:L2U_Setup()
call s:L2U_SetupGlobal()
" Keep track of whether LaTeX-to-Unicode is activated
" (used when filetype changes)
if !has_key(b:, "l2u_enabled")
let b:l2u_enabled = 0
" Did we install the L2U tab mappings?
if !has_key(b:, "l2u_tab_set")
let b:l2u_tab_set = 0
if !has_key(b:, "l2u_cmdtab_set")
let b:l2u_cmdtab_set = 0
" Did we activate the L2U as-you-type substitutions?
if !has_key(b:, "l2u_autosub_set")
let b:l2u_autosub_set = 0
" Following are some flags used to pass information between the function which
" attempts the LaTeX-to-Unicode completion and the fallback function
" Was a (possibly partial) completion found?
let b:l2u_found_completion = 0
" Is the cursor just after a single backslash
let b:l2u_singlebslash = 0
" Backup value of the completeopt settings
" (since we temporarily add the 'longest' setting while
" attempting LaTeX-to-Unicode)
let b:l2u_backup_commpleteopt = &completeopt
" Are we in the middle of a L2U tab completion?
let b:l2u_tab_completing = 0
" Are we calling the tab fallback?
let b:l2u_in_fallback = 0
function! s:L2U_SetupGlobal()
" Initialization of global and script-local variables
" is only performed once
if get(g:, "l2u_did_global_setup", 0)
let g:l2u_did_global_setup = 1
let g:l2u_symbols_dict = julia_latex_symbols#get_dict()
call s:L2U_deprecated_options()
if v:version < 704
let g:latex_to_unicode_tab = 0
let g:latex_to_unicode_auto = 0
" YouCompleteMe and neocomplcache/neocomplete/deoplete plug-ins do not work well
" with LaTeX symbols suggestions
if exists("g:loaded_youcompleteme") ||
\ exists("g:loaded_neocomplcache") ||
\ exists("g:loaded_neocomplete") ||
\ exists("g:loaded_deoplete")
let g:latex_to_unicode_suggestions = 0
" A hack to forcibly get out of completion mode: feed
" this string with feedkeys()
if has("win32") || has("win64")
if has("gui_running")
let s:l2u_esc_sequence = "\u0006"
let s:l2u_esc_sequence = "\u0006\b"
let s:l2u_esc_sequence = "\u0091\b"
" Trigger for the previous mapping of <Tab>
let s:l2u_fallback_trigger = "\u0091L2UFallbackTab"
" Each time the filetype changes, we may need to enable or
" disable the LaTeX-to-Unicode functionality
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Refresh()
call s:L2U_Setup()
" by default, LaTeX-to-Unicode is only active on julia files
let file_types = s:L2U_file_type_regex(get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_file_types", "julia"))
let file_types_blacklist = s:L2U_file_type_regex(get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_file_types_blacklist", "$^"))
if match(&filetype, file_types) < 0 || match(&filetype, file_types_blacklist) >= 0
if b:l2u_enabled
call LaTeXtoUnicode#Disable()
elseif !b:l2u_enabled
call LaTeXtoUnicode#Enable()
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Enable()
if b:l2u_enabled
call s:L2U_ResetLastCompletionInfo()
let b:l2u_enabled = 1
" If we're editing the first file upon opening vim, this will only init the
" command line mode mapping, and the full initialization will be performed by
" the autocmd triggered by InsertEnter, defined in /ftdetect.vim.
" Otherwise, if we're opening a file from within a running vim session, this
" will actually initialize all the LaTeX-to-Unicode substitutions.
call LaTeXtoUnicode#Init()
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Disable()
if !b:l2u_enabled
let b:l2u_enabled = 0
call LaTeXtoUnicode#Init()
" Translate old options to their new equivalents
function! s:L2U_deprecated_options()
for [new, old] in [["latex_to_unicode_tab", "julia_latex_to_unicode"],
\ ["latex_to_unicode_auto", "julia_auto_latex_to_unicode"],
\ ["latex_to_unicode_suggestions", "julia_latex_suggestions_enabled"],
\ ["latex_to_unicode_eager", "julia_latex_to_unicode_eager"]]
if !has_key(g:, new) && has_key(g:, old)
exec "let g:" . new . " = g:" . old
function! s:L2U_file_type_regex(ft)
if type(a:ft) == 3
let file_types = "\\%(" . join(a:ft, "\\|") . "\\)"
elseif type(a:ft) == 1
let file_types = a:ft
echoerr "invalid file_type specification"
return "^" . file_types . "$"
" Some data used to keep track of the previous completion attempt.
" Used to detect
" 1) if we just attempted the same completion, or
" 2) if backspace was just pressed while completing
" This function initializes and resets the required info
function! s:L2U_ResetLastCompletionInfo()
let b:l2u_completed_once = 0
let b:l2u_bs_while_completing = 0
let b:l2u_last_compl = {
\ 'line': '',
\ 'col0': -1,
\ 'col1': -1,
\ }
" This function only detects whether an exact match is found for a LaTeX
" symbol in front of the cursor
function! s:L2U_ismatch()
let col1 = col('.')
let l = getline('.')
let col0 = match(l[0:col1-2], '\\[^[:space:]\\]\+$')
if col0 == -1
return 0
let base = l[col0 : col1-1]
return has_key(g:l2u_symbols_dict, base)
" Helper function to sort suggestion entries
function! s:L2U_partmatches_sort(p1, p2)
return a:p1.word > a:p2.word ? 1 : a:p1.word < a:p2.word ? -1 : 0
" Helper function to fix display of Unicode compose characters
" in the suggestions menu (they are displayed on top of '◌')
function! s:L2U_fix_compose_chars(uni)
let u = matchstr(a:uni, '^.')
let isc = ("\u0300" <= u && u <= "\u036F") ||
\ ("\u1DC0" <= u && u <= "\u1DFF") ||
\ ("\u20D0" <= u && u <= "\u20FF") ||
\ ("\uFE20" <= u && u <= "\uFE2F")
return isc ? "\u25CC" . a:uni : a:uni
" Helper function to find the longest common prefix among
" partial completion matches (used when suggestions are disabled
" and in command line mode)
function! s:L2U_longest_common_prefix(partmatches)
let common = a:partmatches[0]
for i in range(1, len(a:partmatches)-1)
let p = a:partmatches[i]
if len(p) < len(common)
let common = common[0 : len(p)-1]
for j in range(1, len(common)-1)
if p[j] != common[j]
let common = common[0 : j-1]
return common
" Omnicompletion function. Besides the usual two-stage omnifunc behaviour,
" it has the following peculiar features:
" *) keeps track of the previous completion attempt
" *) sets some info to be used by the fallback function
" *) either returns a list of completions if a partial match is found, or a
" Unicode char if an exact match is found
" *) forces its way out of completion mode through a hack in some cases
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#omnifunc(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
" first stage
" avoid infinite loop if the fallback happens to call omnicompletion
if b:l2u_in_fallback
let b:l2u_in_fallback = 0
return -3
let b:l2u_in_fallback = 0
" set info for the callback
let b:l2u_tab_completing = 1
let b:l2u_found_completion = 1
" analyse current line
let col1 = col('.')
let l = getline('.')
let col0 = match(l[0:col1-2], '\\[^[:space:]\\]\+$')
" compare with previous completion attempt
let b:l2u_bs_while_completing = 0
let b:l2u_completed_once = 0
if col0 == b:l2u_last_compl['col0']
let prevl = b:l2u_last_compl['line']
if col1 == b:l2u_last_compl['col1'] && l ==# prevl
let b:l2u_completed_once = 1
elseif col1 == b:l2u_last_compl['col1'] - 1 && l ==# prevl[0 : col1-2] . prevl[col1 : -1]
let b:l2u_bs_while_completing = 1
" store completion info for next attempt
let b:l2u_last_compl['col0'] = col0
let b:l2u_last_compl['col1'] = col1
let b:l2u_last_compl['line'] = l
" is the cursor right after a backslash?
let b:l2u_singlebslash = (match(l[0:col1-2], '\\$') >= 0)
" completion not found
if col0 == -1
let b:l2u_found_completion = 0
call feedkeys(s:l2u_esc_sequence, 'n')
let col0 = -2
return col0
" read settings (eager mode is implicit when suggestions are disabled)
let suggestions = get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_suggestions", 1)
let eager = get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_eager", 1) || !suggestions
" search for matches
let partmatches = []
let exact_match = 0
for k in keys(g:l2u_symbols_dict)
if k ==# a:base
let exact_match = 1
if len(k) >= len(a:base) && k[0 : len(a:base)-1] ==# a:base
let menu = s:L2U_fix_compose_chars(g:l2u_symbols_dict[k])
if suggestions
call add(partmatches, {'word': k, 'menu': menu})
call add(partmatches, k)
" exact matches are replaced with Unicode
" exceptions:
" *) we reached an exact match by pressing backspace while completing
" *) the exact match is one among many, and the eager setting is
" disabled, and it's the first time this completion is attempted
if exact_match && !b:l2u_bs_while_completing && (len(partmatches) == 1 || eager || b:l2u_completed_once)
" the completion is successful: reset the last completion info...
call s:L2U_ResetLastCompletionInfo()
" ...force our way out of completion mode...
call feedkeys(s:l2u_esc_sequence, 'n')
" ...return the Unicode symbol
return [g:l2u_symbols_dict[a:base]]
if !empty(partmatches)
" here, only partial matches were found; either keep just the longest
" common prefix, or pass them on
if !suggestions
let partmatches = [s:L2U_longest_common_prefix(partmatches)]
call sort(partmatches, "s:L2U_partmatches_sort")
if empty(partmatches)
call feedkeys(s:l2u_esc_sequence, 'n')
let b:l2u_found_completion = 0
return partmatches
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#PutLiteral(k)
call feedkeys(a:k, 'ni')
return ''
" Function which saves the current insert-mode mapping of a key sequence `s`
" and associates it with another key sequence `k` (e.g. stores the current
" <Tab> mapping into the Fallback trigger)
function! s:L2U_SetFallbackMapping(s, k)
let mmdict = maparg(a:s, 'i', 0, 1)
if empty(mmdict)
exe 'inoremap <buffer> ' . a:k . ' ' . a:s
let rhs = mmdict["rhs"]
if rhs =~# '^<Plug>L2U'
let pre = '<buffer>'
if mmdict["silent"]
let pre = pre . '<silent>'
if mmdict["expr"]
let pre = pre . '<expr>'
if mmdict["noremap"]
let cmd = 'inoremap '
let cmd = 'imap '
" This is a nasty hack used to prevent infinite recursion. It's not a
" general solution.
if mmdict["expr"]
let rhs = substitute(rhs, '\c' . a:s, "\<C-R>=LaTeXtoUnicode#PutLiteral('" . a:s . "')\<CR>", 'g')
exe cmd . pre . ' ' . a:k . ' ' . rhs
" This is the function which is mapped to <Tab>
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Tab()
" the <Tab> is passed through to the fallback mapping if the completion
" menu is present, and it hasn't been raised by the L2U tab, and there
" isn't an exact match before the cursor when suggestions are disabled
if pumvisible() && !b:l2u_tab_completing && (get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_suggestions", 1) || !s:L2U_ismatch())
call feedkeys(s:l2u_fallback_trigger)
return ''
" reset the in_fallback info
let b:l2u_in_fallback = 0
" temporary change to completeopt to use the `longest` setting, which is
" probably the only one which makes sense given that the goal of the
" completion is to substitute the final string
let b:l2u_backup_commpleteopt = &completeopt
set completeopt+=longest
set completeopt-=noinsert
" invoke omnicompletion; failure to perform LaTeX-to-Unicode completion is
" handled by the CompleteDone autocommand.
return "\<C-X>\<C-O>"
" This function is called at every CompleteDone event, and is meant to handle
" the failures of LaTeX-to-Unicode completion by calling a fallback
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#FallbackCallback()
if !b:l2u_tab_completing
" completion was not initiated by L2U, nothing to do
" completion was initiated by L2U, restore completeopt
let &completeopt = b:l2u_backup_commpleteopt
" at this point L2U tab completion is over
let b:l2u_tab_completing = 0
" if the completion was successful do nothing
if b:l2u_found_completion == 1 || b:l2u_singlebslash == 1
" fallback
let b:l2u_in_fallback = 1
call feedkeys(s:l2u_fallback_trigger)
" This is the function which is mapped to <S-Tab> in command-line mode
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#CmdTab()
" first stage
" analyse command line
let col1 = getcmdpos() - 1
let l = getcmdline()
let col0 = match(l[0:col1-1], '\\[^[:space:]\\]\+$')
let b:l2u_singlebslash = (match(l[0:col1-1], '\\$') >= 0)
" completion not found
if col0 == -1
return l
let base = l[col0 : col1-1]
" search for matches
let partmatches = []
let exact_match = 0
for k in keys(g:l2u_symbols_dict)
if k ==# base
let exact_match = 1
if len(k) >= len(base) && k[0 : len(base)-1] ==# base
call add(partmatches, k)
if len(partmatches) == 0
return l
" exact matches are replaced with Unicode
if exact_match
let unicode = g:l2u_symbols_dict[base]
if col0 > 0
let pre = l[0 : col0 - 1]
let pre = ''
let posdiff = col1-col0 - len(unicode)
call setcmdpos(col1 - posdiff + 1)
return pre . unicode . l[col1 : -1]
" no exact match: complete with the longest common prefix
let common = s:L2U_longest_common_prefix(partmatches)
if col0 > 0
let pre = l[0 : col0 - 1]
let pre = ''
let posdiff = col1-col0 - len(common)
call setcmdpos(col1 - posdiff + 1)
return pre . common . l[col1 : -1]
" Setup the L2U tab mapping
function! s:L2U_SetTab(wait_insert_enter)
if !b:l2u_cmdtab_set && get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_tab", 1) && b:l2u_enabled
cmap <buffer> <S-Tab> <Plug>L2UCmdTab
cnoremap <buffer> <Plug>L2UCmdTab <C-\>eLaTeXtoUnicode#CmdTab()<CR>
let b:l2u_cmdtab_set = 1
if b:l2u_tab_set
" g:did_insert_enter is set from an autocommand in ftdetect
if a:wait_insert_enter && !get(g:, "did_insert_enter", 0)
if !get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_tab", 1) || !b:l2u_enabled
" Backup the previous omnifunc (the check is probably not really needed)
if get(b:, "prev_omnifunc", "") != "LaTeXtoUnicode#omnifunc"
let b:prev_omnifunc = &omnifunc
setlocal omnifunc=LaTeXtoUnicode#omnifunc
call s:L2U_SetFallbackMapping('<Tab>', s:l2u_fallback_trigger)
imap <buffer> <Tab> <Plug>L2UTab
inoremap <buffer><expr> <Plug>L2UTab LaTeXtoUnicode#Tab()
augroup L2UTab
autocmd! * <buffer>
" Every time a completion finishes, the fallback may be invoked
autocmd CompleteDone <buffer> call LaTeXtoUnicode#FallbackCallback()
augroup END
let b:l2u_tab_set = 1
" Revert the LaTeX-to-Unicode tab mapping settings
function! s:L2U_UnsetTab()
if b:l2u_cmdtab_set
cunmap <buffer> <S-Tab>
let b:l2u_cmdtab_set = 0
if !b:l2u_tab_set
exec "setlocal omnifunc=" . get(b:, "prev_omnifunc", "")
iunmap <buffer> <Tab>
if empty(maparg("<Tab>", "i"))
call s:L2U_SetFallbackMapping(s:l2u_fallback_trigger, '<Tab>')
iunmap <buffer> <Plug>L2UTab
exe 'iunmap <buffer> ' . s:l2u_fallback_trigger
augroup L2UTab
autocmd! * <buffer>
augroup END
let b:l2u_tab_set = 0
" Function which looks for viable LaTeX-to-Unicode supstitutions as you type
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#AutoSub(...)
let vc = a:0 == 0 ? v:char : a:1
let col1 = col('.')
let lnum = line('.')
if col1 == 1
if a:0 > 1
call feedkeys(a:2, 'n')
return ''
let bs = (vc != "\n")
let l = getline(lnum)[0 : col1-1-bs] . v:char
let col0 = match(l, '\\\%([_^]\?[A-Za-z]\+\%' . col1 . 'c\%([^A-Za-z]\|$\)\|[_^]\%([0-9()=+-]\)\%' . col1 .'c\%(.\|$\)\)')
if col0 == -1
if a:0 > 1
call feedkeys(a:2, 'n')
return ''
let base = l[col0 : -1-bs]
let unicode = get(g:l2u_symbols_dict, base, '')
if empty(unicode)
if a:0 > 1
call feedkeys(a:2, 'n')
return ''
call feedkeys("\<C-G>u", 'n')
call feedkeys(repeat("\b", len(base) + bs) . unicode . vc . s:l2u_esc_sequence, 'nt')
call feedkeys("\<C-G>u", 'n')
return ''
" Setup the auto as-you-type LaTeX-to-Unicode substitution
function! s:L2U_SetAutoSub(wait_insert_enter)
if b:l2u_autosub_set
" g:did_insert_enter is set from an autocommand in ftdetect
if a:wait_insert_enter && !get(g:, "did_insert_enter", 0)
if !get(g:, "latex_to_unicode_auto", 0) || !b:l2u_enabled
" Viable substitutions are searched at every character insertion via the
" autocmd InsertCharPre. The <Enter> key does not seem to be catched in
" this way though, so we use a mapping for that case.
imap <buffer> <CR> <Plug>L2UAutoSub
inoremap <buffer><expr> <Plug>L2UAutoSub LaTeXtoUnicode#AutoSub("\n", "\<CR>")
augroup L2UAutoSub
autocmd! * <buffer>
autocmd InsertCharPre <buffer> call LaTeXtoUnicode#AutoSub()
augroup END
let b:l2u_autosub_set = 1
" Revert the auto LaTeX-to-Unicode settings
function! s:L2U_UnsetAutoSub()
if !b:l2u_autosub_set
iunmap <buffer> <CR>
iunmap <buffer> <Plug>L2UAutoSub
augroup L2UAutoSub
autocmd! * <buffer>
augroup END
let b:l2u_autosub_set = 0
" Initialization. Can be used to re-init when global settings have changed.
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Init(...)
let wait_insert_enter = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 1
if !wait_insert_enter
augroup L2UInit
augroup END
call s:L2U_UnsetTab()
call s:L2U_UnsetAutoSub()
call s:L2U_SetTab(wait_insert_enter)
call s:L2U_SetAutoSub(wait_insert_enter)
function! LaTeXtoUnicode#Toggle()
call s:L2U_Setup()
if b:l2u_enabled
call LaTeXtoUnicode#Disable()
echo "LaTeX-to-Unicode disabled"
call LaTeXtoUnicode#Enable()
echo "LaTeX-to-Unicode enabled"
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'fish') == -1
function! fish#Indent()
let l:shiftwidth = shiftwidth()
let l:prevlnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
if l:prevlnum ==# 0
return 0
let l:indent = 0
let l:prevline = getline(l:prevlnum)
if l:prevline =~# '\v^\s*switch>'
let l:indent = l:shiftwidth * 2
elseif l:prevline =~# '\v^\s*%(begin|if|else|while|for|function|case)>'
let l:indent = l:shiftwidth
let l:line = getline(v:lnum)
if l:line =~# '\v^\s*end>'
return indent(v:lnum) - (l:indent ==# 0 ? l:shiftwidth : l:indent)
elseif l:line =~# '\v^\s*%(case|else)>'
return indent(v:lnum) - l:shiftwidth
return indent(l:prevlnum) + l:indent
function! fish#Format()
if mode() =~# '\v^%(i|R)$'
return 1
let l:command = v:lnum.','.(v:lnum+v:count-1).'!fish_indent'
echo l:command
execute l:command
function! fish#Fold()
let l:line = getline(v:lnum)
if l:line =~# '\v^\s*%(begin|if|while|for|function|switch)>'
return 'a1'
elseif l:line =~# '\v^\s*end>'
return 's1'
return '='
function! fish#Complete(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
return getline('.') =~# '\v^\s*$' ? -1 : 0
if empty(a:base)
return []
let l:results = []
let l:completions =
\ system('fish -c "complete -C'.shellescape(a:base).'"')
let l:cmd = substitute(a:base, '\v\S+$', '', '')
for l:line in split(l:completions, '\n')
let l:tokens = split(l:line, '\t')
call add(l:results, {'word': l:cmd.l:tokens[0],
\'abbr': l:tokens[0],
\'menu': get(l:tokens, 1, '')})
return l:results
function! fish#errorformat()
return '%Afish: %m,%-G%*\\ ^,%-Z%f (line %l):%s'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'julia') == -1
function! julia#set_syntax_version(jvers)
if &filetype != "julia"
echo "Not a Julia file"
syntax clear
let b:julia_syntax_version = a:jvers
set filetype=julia
function! julia#toggle_deprecated_syntax()
if &filetype != "julia"
echo "Not a Julia file"
syntax clear
let hd = get(b:, "julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated",
\ get(g:, "julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated", 0))
let b:julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated = hd ? 0 : 1
set filetype=julia
if b:julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated
echo "Highlighting of deprecated syntax enabled"
echo "Highlighting of deprecated syntax disabled"
if exists("loaded_matchit")
function! julia#toggle_function_blockassign()
let sav_pos = getcurpos()
let l = getline('.')
let c = match(l, '\C\m\<function\s\+.\+(')
if c != -1
return julia#function_block2assign()
let c = match(l, '\C\m)\%(::\S\+\)\?\%(\s\+where\s\+.*\)\?\s*=\s*')
if c == -1
echohl WarningMsg | echo "Not on a function definition or assignment line" | echohl None
return julia#function_assign2block()
function! julia#function_block2assign()
let sav_pos = getcurpos()
let l = getline('.')
let c = match(l, '\C\m\<function\s\+.\+(')
if c == -1
echohl WarningMsg | echo "Not on a function definition line" | echohl None
let fpos = copy(sav_pos)
let fpos[2] = c+1
call setpos('.', fpos)
normal %
if line('.') != fpos[1]+2 || match(getline('.'), '\C\m^\s*end\s*$') == -1
echohl WarningMsg | echo "Only works with 3-lines functions" | echohl None
call setpos('.', sav_pos)
call setpos('.', fpos)
normal! f(
normal %
while line('.') == fpos[1] && match(l[col('.')-1:], '\C\m)(') == 0
normal! l
normal %
if line('.') != fpos[1] || match(l[(col('.')-1):], '\C\m)\%(::\S\+\)\?\%(\s\+where\s\+.*\)\?\s*$') != 0
echohl WarningMsg | echo "Unrecognized function definition format" | echohl None
call setpos('.', sav_pos)
call setpos('.', fpos)
normal! dwA = J
if match(getline('.')[(col('.')-1):], '\C\mreturn\>') == 0
normal! dw
if match(getline('.')[(col('.')-1):], '\C\m\s*$') == 0
normal! F=C= nothing
normal! jddk^
function! julia#function_assign2block()
let sav_pos = getcurpos()
let l = getline('.')
let c = match(l, '\C\m)\%(::\S\+\)\?\%(\s\+where\s\+.*\)\?\s*=\s*')
if c == -1
echohl WarningMsg | echo "Not on a function assignment-definition line" | echohl None
normal ^
while match(l[(col('.')-1):], '\%(\S\+\.\)*@') == 0
normal! W
normal! ifunction
let l = getline('.')
let c = match(l, '\C\m)\%(::\S\+\)\?\%(\s\+where\s\+.*\)\?\s*\zs=\s*')
let eqpos = copy(sav_pos)
let eqpos[2] = c+1
call setpos('.', eqpos)
normal! cw
normal %
s/\s*$// | noh
let s:nonid_chars = "\U01-\U07" . "\U0E-\U1F" .
\ "\"#$'(,.:;=?@`\\U5B{" .
\ "\U80-\UA1" . "\UA7\UA8\UAB\UAD\UAF\UB4" . "\UB6-\UB8" . "\UBB\UBF"
let s:nonidS_chars = "[:space:])\\U5D}" . s:nonid_chars
" the following excludes '!' since it can be used as an identifier,
" and '$' since it can be used in interpolations
" note that \U2D is '-'
let s:uniop_chars = "+\\U2D~¬√∛∜"
let s:binop_chars = "=+\\U2D*/\\%÷^&|⊻<>≤≥≡≠≢∈∉⋅×∪∩⊆⊈⊂⊄⊊←→∋∌⊕⊖⊞⊟∘∧⊗⊘↑↓∨⊠±"
" the following is a list of all remainig valid operator chars,
" but it's more efficient when expressed with ranges (see below)
" let s:binop_chars_extra = "↔↚↛↠↣↦↮⇎⇏⇒⇔⇴⇶⇷⇸⇹⇺⇻⇼⇽⇾⇿⟵⟶⟷⟷⟹⟺⟻⟼⟽⟾⟿⤀⤁⤂⤃⤄⤅⤆⤇⤌⤍⤎⤏⤐⤑⤔⤕⤖⤗⤘⤝⤞⤟⤠⥄⥅⥆⥇⥈⥊⥋⥎⥐⥒⥓⥖⥗⥚⥛⥞⥟⥢⥤⥦⥧⥨⥩⥪⥫⥬⥭⥰⧴⬱⬰⬲⬳⬴⬵⬶⬷⬸⬹⬺⬻⬼⬽⬾⬿⭀⭁⭂⭃⭄⭇⭈⭉⭊⭋⭌←→" .
" \ "∝∊∍∥∦∷∺∻∽∾≁≃≄≅≆≇≈≉≊≋≌≍≎≐≑≒≓≔≕≖≗≘≙≚≛≜≝≞≟≣≦≧≨≩≪≫≬≭≮≯≰≱≲≳≴≵≶≷≸≹≺≻≼≽≾≿⊀⊁⊃⊅⊇⊉⊋⊏⊐⊑⊒⊜⊩⊬⊮⊰⊱⊲⊳⊴⊵⊶⊷⋍⋐⋑⋕⋖⋗⋘⋙⋚⋛⋜⋝⋞⋟⋠⋡⋢⋣⋤⋥⋦⋧⋨⋩⋪⋫⋬⋭⋲⋳⋴⋵⋶⋷⋸⋹⋺⋻⋼⋽⋾⋿⟈⟉⟒⦷⧀⧁⧡⧣⧤⧥⩦⩧⩪⩫⩬⩭⩮⩯⩰⩱⩲⩳⩴⩵⩶⩷⩸⩹⩺⩻⩼⩽⩾⩿⪀⪁⪂⪃⪄⪅⪆⪇⪈⪉⪊⪋⪌⪍⪎⪏⪐⪑⪒⪓⪔⪕⪖⪗⪘⪙⪚⪛⪜⪝⪞⪟⪠⪡⪢⪣⪤⪥⪦⪧⪨⪩⪪⪫⪬⪭⪮⪯⪰⪱⪲⪳⪴⪵⪶⪷⪸⪹⪺⪻⪼⪽⪾⪿⫀⫁⫂⫃⫄⫅⫆⫇⫈⫉⫊⫋⫌⫍⫎⫏⫐⫑⫒⫓⫔⫕⫖⫗⫘⫙⫷⫸⫹⫺⊢⊣" .
" \ "⊔∓∔∸≂≏⊎⊽⋎⋓⧺⧻⨈⨢⨣⨤⨥⨦⨧⨨⨩⨪⨫⨬⨭⨮⨹⨺⩁⩂⩅⩊⩌⩏⩐⩒⩔⩖⩗⩛⩝⩡⩢⩣" .
" \ "⊙⊚⊛⊡⊓∗∙∤⅋≀⊼⋄⋆⋇⋉⋊⋋⋌⋏⋒⟑⦸⦼⦾⦿⧶⧷⨇⨰⨱⨲⨳⨴⨵⨶⨷⨸⨻⨼⨽⩀⩃⩄⩋⩍⩎⩑⩓⩕⩘⩚⩜⩞⩟⩠⫛⊍▷⨝⟕⟖⟗" .
" \ "⇵⟰⟱⤈⤉⤊⤋⤒⤓⥉⥌⥍⥏⥑⥔⥕⥘⥙⥜⥝⥠⥡⥣⥥⥮⥯↑↓"
" same as above, but with character ranges, for performance
let s:binop_chars_extra = "\\U214B\\U2190-\\U2194\\U219A\\U219B\\U21A0\\U21A3\\U21A6\\U21AE\\U21CE\\U21CF\\U21D2\\U21D4\\U21F4-\\U21FF\\U2208-\\U220D\\U2213\\U2214\\U2217-\\U2219\\U221D\\U2224-\\U222A\\U2237\\U2238\\U223A\\U223B\\U223D\\U223E\\U2240-\\U228B\\U228D-\\U229C\\U229E-\\U22A3\\U22A9\\U22AC\\U22AE\\U22B0-\\U22B7\\U22BB-\\U22BD\\U22C4-\\U22C7\\U22C9-\\U22D3\\U22D5-\\U22ED\\U22F2-\\U22FF\\U25B7\\U27C8\\U27C9\\U27D1\\U27D2\\U27D5-\\U27D7\\U27F0\\U27F1\\U27F5-\\U27F7\\U27F7\\U27F9-\\U27FF\\U2900-\\U2918\\U291D-\\U2920\\U2944-\\U2970\\U29B7\\U29B8\\U29BC\\U29BE-\\U29C1\\U29E1\\U29E3-\\U29E5\\U29F4\\U29F6\\U29F7\\U29FA\\U29FB\\U2A07\\U2A08\\U2A1D\\U2A22-\\U2A2E\\U2A30-\\U2A3D\\U2A40-\\U2A45\\U2A4A-\\U2A58\\U2A5A-\\U2A63\\U2A66\\U2A67\\U2A6A-\\U2AD9\\U2ADB\\U2AF7-\\U2AFA\\U2B30-\\U2B44\\U2B47-\\U2B4C\\UFFE9-\\UFFEC"
" a Julia identifier, sort of
let s:idregex = '[^' . s:nonidS_chars . '0-9!' . s:uniop_chars . s:binop_chars . '][^' . s:nonidS_chars . s:uniop_chars . s:binop_chars . s:binop_chars_extra . ']*'
let s:operators = '\%(' . '\.\%([-+*/^÷%|&!]\|//\|\\\|<<\|>>>\?\)\?=' .
\ '\|' . '[:$<>]=\|||\|&&\||>\|<|\|<:\|:>\|::\|<<\|>>>\?\|//\|[-=]>\|\.\{3\}' .
\ '\|' . '[' . s:uniop_chars . '!$]' .
\ '\|' . '\.\?[' . s:binop_chars . s:binop_chars_extra . ']' .
\ '\)'
function! julia#idundercursor()
" TODO...
let w = expand('<cword>')
" let [l,c] = [line('.'),col('.')]
" let ll = getline(l)
return w
function! julia#gotodefinition()
let w = julia#idundercursor()
if empty(w)
return ''
let [l,c] = [line('.'),col('.')]
let st = map(synstack(l,c), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
let n = len(st)
if n > 0 && st[-1] =~# '^julia\%(\%(Range\|Ternary\|CTrans\)\?Operator\|\%(Possible\)\?SymbolS\?\|\%(Bl\|Rep\)\?Keyword\|Conditional\|ParDelim\|Char\|Colon\|Typedef\|Number\|Float\|Const\%(Generic\|Bool\)\|ComplexUnit\|\%(Special\|\%(Octal\|Hex\)Escape\)Char\|UniChar\%(Small\|Large\)\|Comment[LM]\|Todo\|Semicolon\)$'
return ''
let comprehension = 0
let indollar = 0
for i in range(n-1, 0, -1)
if st[i] =~# '^juliaDollar\%(Var\|Par\|SqBra\)$'
let indollar = 1
if !indollar && st[i] =~# '^julia\%(\a*String\|QuotedParBlockS\?\)$'
return ''
if st[i] =~# '^julia\%(ParBlock\%(InRange\)\?\|SqBraBlock\|\%(Dollar\|StringVars\)\%(Par\|SqBra\)\)$'
let comprehension = 1
let s1 = search('\C\<' . w . '\s*=[^=]', 'bcWzs')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'julia') == -1
" Facilities for moving around Julia blocks (e.g. if/end, function/end etc.)
" (AKA a collection of horrible hacks)
let s:default_mappings = {
\ "moveblock_n" : "]]",
\ "moveblock_N" : "][",
\ "moveblock_p" : "[[",
\ "moveblock_P" : "[]",
\ "move_n" : "]j",
\ "move_N" : "]J",
\ "move_p" : "[j",
\ "move_P" : "[J",
\ "select_a" : "aj",
\ "select_i" : "ij",
\ "whereami" : "",
\ }
function! s:getmapchars(function)
if exists("g:julia_blocks_mappings") && has_key(g:julia_blocks_mappings, a:function)
return s:escape(g:julia_blocks_mappings[a:function])
return s:escape(s:default_mappings[a:function])
function! s:map_move(function, toend, backwards)
let chars = s:getmapchars(a:function)
if empty(chars)
let fn = "julia_blocks#" . a:function
let lhs = "<buffer> <nowait> <silent> " . chars . " "
let cnt = ":<C-U>let b:jlblk_count=v:count1"
exe "nnoremap " . lhs . cnt
\ . " <Bar> call " . fn . "()<CR>"
exe "onoremap " . lhs . cnt
\ . "<CR><Esc>:call julia_blocks#owrapper_move(v:operator, \"" . fn . "\", " . a:toend . ", " . a:backwards . ")<CR>"
exe "xnoremap " . lhs . cnt
\ . "<CR>gv<Esc>:call julia_blocks#vwrapper_move(\"" . fn . "\")<CR>"
let b:jlblk_mapped[a:function] = 1
function! julia_blocks#owrapper_move(oper, function, toend, backwards)
let F = function(a:function)
let save_redraw = &lazyredraw
let save_select = &selection
let restore_cmds = "\<Esc>"
\ . ":let &l:selection = \"" . save_select . "\"\<CR>"
\ . ":let &l:lazyredraw = " . save_redraw . "\<CR>"
\ . ":\<BS>"
setlocal lazyredraw
let start_pos = getpos('.')
let b:jlblk_abort_calls_esc = 0
call F()
let b:jlblk_abort_calls_esc = 1
let end_pos = getpos('.')
if start_pos == end_pos
call feedkeys(restore_cmds, 'n')
let &l:selection = "inclusive"
if a:backwards || !a:toend
let &l:selection = "exclusive"
if a:toend && a:backwards
let end_pos[2] += 1
if s:compare_pos(start_pos, end_pos) > 0
let [start_pos, end_pos] = [end_pos, start_pos]
call setpos("'<", start_pos)
call setpos("'>", end_pos)
" NOTE: the 'c' operator behaves differently, for mysterious reasons. We
" simulate it with 'd' followed by 'i' instead
call feedkeys("gv" . (a:oper == "c" ? "d" : a:oper) . restore_cmds . (a:oper == "c" ? "i" : ""), 'n')
function! julia_blocks#vwrapper_move(function)
let F = function(a:function)
let s = getpos('.')
let b1 = getpos("'<")
let b2 = getpos("'>")
let b = b1 == s ? b2 : b1
call setpos('.', s)
let b:jlblk_abort_calls_esc = 0
call F()
let b:jlblk_abort_calls_esc = 1
let e = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', b)
exe "normal " . visualmode()
call setpos('.', e)
function! s:unmap(function)
if !get(b:jlblk_mapped, a:function, 0)
let chars = s:getmapchars(a:function)
if empty(chars)
" shouldn't happen
let mapids = a:function =~# "^move" ? ["n", "x", "o"] :
\ a:function =~# "^select" ? ["x", "o"] :
\ ["n"]
let fn = "julia_blocks#" . a:function
let cmd = "<buffer> " . chars
for m in mapids
exe m . "unmap " . cmd
let b:jlblk_mapped[a:function] = 0
function! s:escape(chars)
let c = a:chars
let c = substitute(c, '|', '<Bar>', 'g')
return c
function! s:map_select(function)
let chars = s:getmapchars(a:function)
if empty(chars)
let fn = "julia_blocks#" . a:function
let lhs = "<buffer> <nowait> <silent> " . chars . " "
let cnt = ":<C-U>let b:jlblk_inwrapper=1<CR>:let b:jlblk_count=max([v:prevcount,1])<CR>"
exe "onoremap " . lhs . "<Esc>" . cnt
\ . ":call julia_blocks#owrapper_select(v:operator, \"" . fn . "\")<CR>"
exe "xnoremap " . lhs . cnt
\ . ":call julia_blocks#vwrapper_select(\"" . fn . "\")<CR>"
let b:jlblk_mapped[a:function] = 1
function! julia_blocks#owrapper_select(oper, function) ", toend, backwards)
let F = function(a:function)
let save_redraw = &lazyredraw
let save_select = &selection
let restore_cmds = "\<Esc>"
\ . ":let &l:selection = \"" . save_select . "\"\<CR>"
\ . ":let &l:lazyredraw = " . save_redraw . "\<CR>"
\ . ":\<BS>"
setlocal lazyredraw
let b:jlblk_abort_calls_esc = 0
let retF = F()
let b:jlblk_abort_calls_esc = 1
if empty(retF)
let b:jlblk_inwrapper = 0
call feedkeys(restore_cmds, 'n')
let [start_pos, end_pos] = retF
if start_pos == end_pos
call feedkeys(restore_cmds, 'n')
let &l:selection = "inclusive"
call setpos("'<", start_pos)
call setpos("'>", end_pos)
let b:jlblk_inwrapper = 0
" NOTE: the 'c' operator behaves differently, for mysterious reasons. We
" simulate it with 'd' followed by 'i' instead
call feedkeys("gv" . (a:oper == "c" ? "d" : a:oper) . restore_cmds . (a:oper == "c" ? "i" : ""), 'n')
function! julia_blocks#vwrapper_select(function)
let F = function(a:function)
let b:jlblk_abort_calls_esc = 0
let retF = F()
let b:jlblk_abort_calls_esc = 1
if empty(retF)
let b:jlblk_inwrapper = 0
let [start_pos, end_pos] = retF
call setpos("'<", start_pos)
call setpos("'>", end_pos)
normal! gv
let b:jlblk_inwrapper = 0
function! s:map_aux(function)
let chars = s:getmapchars(a:function)
if empty(chars)
let fn = "julia_blocks#" . a:function
let lhs = "<buffer> <nowait> <silent> " . chars . " "
exe "nnoremap " . lhs . ":<C-U>echo " . fn . "()<CR>"
let b:jlblk_mapped[a:function] = 1
let s:julia_blocks_functions = {
\ "moveblock_N": [1, 0],
\ "moveblock_n": [0, 0],
\ "moveblock_p": [0, 1],
\ "moveblock_P": [1, 1],
\ "move_N": [1, 0],
\ "move_n": [0, 0],
\ "move_p": [0, 1],
\ "move_P": [1, 1],
\ "select_a": [],
\ "select_i": [],
\ "whereami": [],
\ }
function! julia_blocks#init_mappings()
let b:jlblk_mapped = {}
for f in keys(s:julia_blocks_functions)
if f =~# "^move"
let [te, bw] = s:julia_blocks_functions[f]
call s:map_move(f, te, bw)
elseif f =~# "^select"
call s:map_select(f)
call s:map_aux(f)
call julia_blocks#select_reset()
augroup JuliaBlocks
au InsertEnter *.jl call julia_blocks#select_reset()
au CursorMoved *.jl call s:cursor_moved()
augroup END
" we would need some autocmd event associated with exiting from
" visual mode, but there isn't any, so we resort to this crude
" hack
" ACTUALLY this creates more problems than it solves, so the crude hack
" is just disabled
"vnoremap <buffer><silent><unique> <Esc> <Esc>:call julia_blocks#select_reset()<CR>
function! julia_blocks#remove_mappings()
if exists("b:jlblk_mapped")
for f in keys(s:julia_blocks_functions)
call s:unmap(f)
unlet! b:jlblk_save_pos b:jlblk_view b:jlblk_count b:jlblk_abort_calls_esc
unlet! b:jlblk_inwrapper b:jlblk_did_select b:jlblk_doing_select
unlet! b:jlblk_last_start_pos b:jlblk_last_end_pos b:jlblk_last_mode
augroup JuliaBlocks
augroup END
augroup! JuliaBlocks
let md = maparg("<Esc>", "x", 0, 1)
if !empty(md) && md["buffer"]
vunmap <buffer> <Esc>
function! s:restore_view()
"redraw! " would ensure correct behaviour, but is annoying
let pos = getpos('.')
if pos == b:jlblk_save_pos
call winrestview(b:jlblk_view)
let oldtopline = b:jlblk_view["topline"]
let newtopline = winsaveview()["topline"]
let l = pos[1]
if l >= oldtopline + &l:scrolloff && l <= oldtopline + winheight(0) - 1 - &l:scrolloff
if newtopline > oldtopline
exe ":normal! " . (newtopline - oldtopline) . "\<C-Y>"
elseif newtopline < oldtopline
exe ":normal! " . (oldtopline - newtopline) . "\<C-E>"
" these reduce the scrolling to the minimum (which is maybe not
" standard ViM behaviour?)
elseif newtopline < oldtopline && (l - newtopline - &l:scrolloff) > 0
exe ":normal! " . (l - newtopline - &l:scrolloff) . "\<C-E>"
elseif newtopline > oldtopline && (newtopline + &l:scrolloff - l) > 0
exe ":normal! " . (l - newtopline - &l:scrolloff) . "\<C-E>"
call setpos('.', pos) " make sure we didn't screw up
" (since winsaveview may not be up to date)
function! s:abort()
call setpos('.', b:jlblk_save_pos)
call s:restore_view()
if get(b:, "jlblk_abort_calls_esc", 1)
call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'n')
return 0
function! s:set_mark_tick(...)
" This could be a one-liner:
" call setpos("''", b:jlblk_save_pos)
" but we want to append to the jumplist,
" which setpos doesn't do
let p = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', b:jlblk_save_pos)
normal! m'
call setpos('.', p)
function! s:get_save_pos(...)
if !exists("b:jlblk_save_pos") || (a:0 == 0) || (a:0 > 0 && a:1)
let b:jlblk_save_pos = getpos('.')
let b:jlblk_view = winsaveview()
function! s:on_end()
return getline('.')[col('.')-1] =~# '\k' && expand("<cword>") =~# b:julia_end_keywords
function! s:on_begin()
let [l,c] = [line('.'), col('.')]
normal! ^
let patt = '\%<'.(c+1).'c\(' . b:julia_begin_keywordsm . '\)\%>'.(c-1).'c'
let n = search(patt, 'Wnc', l)
call cursor(l, c)
return n > 0
function! s:matchit()
let lkj = exists(":lockjumps") == 2 ? "lockjumps " : ""
exe lkj . "normal %"
function! s:move_before_begin()
call search(b:julia_begin_keywordsm, 'Wbc')
normal! h
function! s:cycle_until_end()
let pos = getpos('.')
while !s:on_end()
call s:matchit()
let c = 0
if getpos('.') == pos || c > 1000
" shouldn't happen, but let's avoid infinite loops anyway
return 0
let c += 1
return 1
function! s:moveto_block_delim(toend, backwards, ...)
let pattern = a:toend ? b:julia_end_keywords : b:julia_begin_keywordsm
let flags = a:backwards ? 'Wb' : 'W'
let cnt = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : b:jlblk_count
if !a:toend && a:backwards && s:on_begin()
call s:move_before_begin()
let ret = 0
for c in range(cnt)
if a:toend && a:backwards && s:on_end()
normal! l
normal! bh
while 1
let searchret = search(pattern, flags)
if !searchret
return ret
exe "let skip = " . b:match_skip
if !skip
let ret = 1
return ret
function! s:compare_pos(pos1, pos2)
if a:pos1[1] < a:pos2[1]
return -1
elseif a:pos1[1] > a:pos2[1]
return 1
elseif a:pos1[2] < a:pos2[2]
return -1
elseif a:pos1[2] > a:pos2[2]
return 1
return 0
function! julia_blocks#move_N()
call s:get_save_pos()
let ret = s:moveto_block_delim(1, 0)
if !ret
return s:abort()
normal! e
call s:set_mark_tick()
return 1
function! julia_blocks#move_n()
call s:get_save_pos()
let ret = s:moveto_block_delim(0, 0)
if !ret
return s:abort()
call s:set_mark_tick()
return 1
function! julia_blocks#move_p()
call s:get_save_pos()
let ret = s:moveto_block_delim(0, 1)
if !ret
return s:abort()
call s:set_mark_tick()
return 1
function! julia_blocks#move_P()
call s:get_save_pos()
let ret = s:moveto_block_delim(1, 1)
if !ret
return s:abort()
normal! e
call s:set_mark_tick()
return 1
function! s:moveto_currentblock_end()
let flags = 'W'
if s:on_end()
let flags .= 'c'
" NOTE: using "normal! lb" fails at the end of the file (?!)
normal! l
normal! b
let ret = searchpair(b:julia_begin_keywordsm, '', b:julia_end_keywords, flags, b:match_skip)
if ret <= 0
return s:abort()
normal! e
return 1
function! julia_blocks#moveblock_N()
call s:get_save_pos()
let ret = 0
for c in range(b:jlblk_count)
let last_seen_pos = getpos('.')
if s:on_end()
normal! hel
let save_pos = getpos('.')
let ret_start = s:moveto_block_delim(0, 0, 1)
let start1_pos = ret_start ? getpos('.') : [0,0,0,0]
call setpos('.', save_pos)
if s:on_end()
normal! h
let ret_end = s:moveto_block_delim(1, 0, 1)
let end1_pos = ret_end ? getpos('.') : [0,0,0,0]
if ret_start && (!ret_end || s:compare_pos(start1_pos, end1_pos) < 0)
call setpos('.', start1_pos)
call setpos('.', save_pos)
let moveret = s:moveto_currentblock_end()
if !moveret && c == 0
let moveret = s:moveto_block_delim(0, 0, 1) && s:cycle_until_end()
if moveret
normal! e
if !moveret
call setpos('.', last_seen_pos)
let ret = 1
if !ret
return s:abort()
call s:set_mark_tick()
return 1
function! julia_blocks#moveblock_n()
call s:get_save_pos()
let ret = 0
for c in range(b:jlblk_count)
let last_seen_pos = getpos('.')
call s:moveto_currentblock_end()
if s:moveto_block_delim(0, 0, 1)
let ret = 1
call setpos('.', last_seen_pos)
if !ret
return s:abort()
call s:set_mark_tick()
return 1
function! julia_blocks#moveblock_p()
call s:get_save_pos()
let ret = 0
for c in range(b:jlblk_count)
let last_seen_pos = getpos('.')
if s:on_begin()
call s:move_before_begin()
if s:on_end()
normal! l
let save_pos = getpos('.')
let ret_start = s:moveto_block_delim(0, 1, 1)
let start1_pos = ret_start ? getpos('.') : [0,0,0,0]
call setpos('.', save_pos)
let ret_end = s:moveto_block_delim(1, 1, 1)
let end1_pos = ret_end ? getpos('.') : [0,0,0,0]
if ret_end && (!ret_start || s:compare_pos(start1_pos, end1_pos) < 0)
call setpos('.', end1_pos)
call setpos('.', save_pos)
let moveret = s:moveto_currentblock_end()
if !moveret && c == 0
let moveret = s:moveto_block_delim(1, 1, 1)
if !moveret
call setpos('.', last_seen_pos)
call s:matchit()
let ret = 1
if !ret
return s:abort()
call s:set_mark_tick()
call s:restore_view()
return 1
function! julia_blocks#moveblock_P()
call s:get_save_pos()
let ret = 0
for c in range(b:jlblk_count)
let last_seen_pos = getpos('.')
call s:moveto_currentblock_end()
if s:on_end()
call s:matchit()
if s:moveto_block_delim(1, 1, 1)
" NOTE: normal! he does not work unless &whichwrap inlcudes h
normal! h
normal! e
let ret = 1
call setpos('.', last_seen_pos)
if !ret
return s:abort()
call s:set_mark_tick()
call s:restore_view()
return 1
function! julia_blocks#whereami()
let b:jlblk_count = v:count1
let save_redraw = &lazyredraw
setlocal lazyredraw
let pos = getpos('.')
let ret = julia_blocks#select_a('w')
if empty(ret)
call setpos('.', pos)
let &l:lazyredraw = save_redraw
return ""
let [start_pos, end_pos] = ret
let m = getline(start_pos[1])[start_pos[2]-1:]
" If cursor_moved was not forced from select_a, we force it now
" (TODO: this is *really* ugly)
if end_pos != pos
call s:cursor_moved(1)
call setpos('.', pos)
call s:restore_view()
let &l:lazyredraw = save_redraw
return m
" Block text objects
function! s:find_block(current_mode)
let flags = 'W'
if b:jlblk_did_select
call setpos('.', b:jlblk_last_start_pos)
if !s:cycle_until_end()
return s:abort()
if !(a:current_mode[0] == 'a' && a:current_mode == b:jlblk_last_mode)
let flags .= 'c'
elseif s:on_end()
let flags .= 'c'
" NOTE: using "normal! lb" fails at the end of the file (?!)
normal! l
normal! b
let searchret = searchpair(b:julia_begin_keywordsm, '', b:julia_end_keywords, flags, b:match_skip)
if searchret <= 0
if !b:jlblk_did_select
return s:abort()
call setpos('.', b:jlblk_last_end_pos)
let end_pos = getpos('.')
" Jump to match
call s:matchit()
let start_pos = getpos('.')
let b:jlblk_last_start_pos = copy(start_pos)
let b:jlblk_last_end_pos = copy(end_pos)
return [start_pos, end_pos]
function! s:repeated_find(ai_mode)
let repeat = b:jlblk_count + (a:ai_mode == 'i' && v:count1 > 1 ? 1 : 0)
for c in range(repeat)
let current_mode = (c < repeat - 1 ? 'a' : a:ai_mode)
let ret_find_block = s:find_block(current_mode)
if empty(ret_find_block)
return 0
let [start_pos, end_pos] = ret_find_block
call setpos('.', end_pos)
let b:jlblk_last_mode = current_mode
if c < repeat - 1
let b:jlblk_doing_select = 0
let b:jlblk_did_select = 1
return [start_pos, end_pos]
function! julia_blocks#select_a(...)
let mode_flag = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ''
call s:get_save_pos(!b:jlblk_did_select)
let current_pos = getpos('.')
let ret_find_block = s:repeated_find('a' . mode_flag)
if empty(ret_find_block)
return 0
let [start_pos, end_pos] = ret_find_block
call setpos('.', end_pos)
normal! e
let end_pos = getpos('.')
let b:jlblk_doing_select = 1
" CursorMove is only triggered if end_pos
" end_pos is different than the staring position;
" so when starting from the 'd' in 'end' we need to
" force it
if current_pos == end_pos
call s:cursor_moved(1)
call s:set_mark_tick()
return [start_pos, end_pos]
function! julia_blocks#select_i()
call s:get_save_pos(!b:jlblk_did_select)
let current_pos = getpos('.')
let ret_find_block = s:repeated_find('i')
if empty(ret_find_block)
return 0
let [start_pos, end_pos] = ret_find_block
if end_pos[1] <= start_pos[1]+1
return s:abort()
call setpos('.', end_pos)
let b:jlblk_doing_select = 1
let start_pos[1] += 1
call setpos('.', start_pos)
normal! ^
let start_pos = getpos('.')
let end_pos[1] -= 1
let end_pos[2] = len(getline(end_pos[1]))
" CursorMove is only triggered if end_pos
" end_pos is different than the staring position;
" so when starting from the 'd' in 'end' we need to
" force it
if current_pos == end_pos
call s:cursor_moved(1)
call s:set_mark_tick()
return [start_pos, end_pos]
function julia_blocks#select_reset()
let b:jlblk_did_select = 0
let b:jlblk_doing_select = 0
let b:jlblk_inwrapper = 0
let b:jlblk_last_mode = ""
function! s:cursor_moved(...)
if b:jlblk_inwrapper && !(a:0 > 0 && a:1)
let b:jlblk_did_select = b:jlblk_doing_select
let b:jlblk_doing_select = 0
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ PACKS="
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'fish') == -1
if exists('current_compiler')
let current_compiler = 'fish'
CompilerSet makeprg=fish\ --no-execute\ %
execute 'CompilerSet errorformat='.escape(fish#errorformat(), ' ')
@ -242,77 +242,22 @@ augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" fish:dag/vim-fish
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.fish setfiletype fish
" Detect fish scripts by the shebang line.
autocmd BufRead *
\ if getline(1) =~# '\v^#!%(\f*/|/usr/bin/env\s*<)fish>' |
\ setlocal filetype=fish |
\ endif
" Move cursor to first empty line when using funced.
autocmd BufRead fish_funced_*_*.fish call search('^$')
" Fish histories are YAML documents.
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile ~/.config/fish/fish_{read_,}history setfiletype yaml
" Universal variable storages should not be hand edited.
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile ~/.config/fish/fishd.* setlocal readonly
" Mimic `funced` when manually creating functions.
autocmd BufNewFile ~/.config/fish/functions/*.fish
\ call append(0, ['function '.expand('%:t:r'),
\'end']) |
\ 2
augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" fsharp:fsharp/vim-fsharp:_BASIC
" F#, fsharp
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.fs,*.fsi,*.fsx set filetype=fsharp
augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" git:tpope/vim-git
" Git
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.git/{,modules/**/,worktrees/*/}{COMMIT_EDIT,TAG_EDIT,MERGE_,}MSG set ft=gitcommit
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.git/config,.gitconfig,gitconfig,.gitmodules set ft=gitconfig
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead */.config/git/config set ft=gitconfig
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.git/modules/**/config set ft=gitconfig
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead git-rebase-todo set ft=gitrebase
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead .gitsendemail.* set ft=gitsendemail
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.git/**
\ if getline(1) =~ '^\x\{40\}\>\|^ref: ' |
\ set ft=git |
\ endif
" This logic really belongs in scripts.vim
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,StdinReadPost *
\ if getline(1) =~ '^\(commit\|tree\|object\) \x\{40\}\>\|^tag \S\+$' |
\ set ft=git |
\ endif
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *
\ if getline(1) =~ '^From \x\{40\} Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001$' |
\ set filetype=gitsendemail |
\ endif
augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" gmpl:maelvalais/gmpl.vim
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.mod set filetype=gmpl
augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" glsl:tikhomirov/vim-glsl
" Language: OpenGL Shading Language
" Maintainer: Sergey Tikhomirov <>
" Extensions supported by Khronos reference compiler (with one exception, ".glsl")
autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.vert,*.tesc,*.tese,*.glsl,*.geom,*.frag,*.comp set filetype=glsl
" vim:set sts=2 sw=2 :
augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
@ -493,13 +438,28 @@ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.js
augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
" julia:dcjones/julia-minimalist-vim
" julia:JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vim
if v:version < 704
" NOTE: this line fixes an issue with the default system-wide lisp ftplugin
" which doesn't define b:undo_ftplugin
" (*.jt files are recognized as lisp)
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.jl let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal comments< define< formatoptions< iskeyword< lisp<"
" which didn't define b:undo_ftplugin on older Vim versions
" (*.jl files are recognized as lisp)
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.jl let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal comments< define< formatoptions< iskeyword< lisp<"
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.jl set filetype=julia
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.jl set filetype=julia
autocmd FileType * call LaTeXtoUnicode#Refresh()
autocmd BufEnter * call LaTeXtoUnicode#Refresh()
" This autocommand is used to postpone the first initialization of LaTeXtoUnicode as much as possible,
" by calling LaTeXtoUnicode#SetTab amd LaTeXtoUnicode#SetAutoSub only at InsertEnter or later
function! s:L2UTrigger()
augroup L2UInit
autocmd InsertEnter * let g:did_insert_enter = 1 | call LaTeXtoUnicode#Init(0)
augroup END
autocmd BufEnter * call s:L2UTrigger()
augroup END
augroup filetypedetect
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'fish') == -1
setlocal comments=:#
setlocal commentstring=#%s
setlocal define=\\v^\\s*function>
setlocal foldexpr=fish#Fold()
setlocal formatoptions+=ron1
setlocal formatoptions-=t
setlocal include=\\v^\\s*\\.>
setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,-,_,.,/
setlocal suffixesadd^
" Use the 'j' format option when available.
if v:version ># 703 || v:version ==# 703 && has('patch541')
setlocal formatoptions+=j
if executable('fish_indent')
setlocal formatexpr=fish#Format()
if executable('fish')
setlocal omnifunc=fish#Complete
for s:path in split(system("fish -c 'echo $fish_function_path'"))
execute 'setlocal path+='.s:path
setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
" Use the 'man' wrapper function in fish to include fish's man pages.
" Have to use a script for this; 'fish -c man' would make the the man page an
" argument to fish instead of man.
execute 'setlocal keywordprg=fish\ '.fnameescape(expand('<sfile>:p:h:h').'/bin/')
let b:match_words =
\ escape('<%(begin|function|if|switch|while|for)>:<end>', '<>%|)')
let b:endwise_addition = 'end'
let b:endwise_words = 'begin,function,if,switch,while,for'
let b:endwise_syngroups = 'fishKeyword,fishConditional,fishRepeat'
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: generic git output
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Last Change: 2013 May 30
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if (exists("b:did_ftplugin"))
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
if !exists('b:git_dir')
if expand('%:p') =~# '[\/]\.git[\/]modules[\/]'
" Stay out of the way
elseif expand('%:p') =~# '[\/]\.git[\/]worktrees'
let b:git_dir = matchstr(expand('%:p'),'.*\.git[\/]worktrees[\/][^\/]\+\>')
elseif expand('%:p') =~# '\.git\>'
let b:git_dir = matchstr(expand('%:p'),'.*\.git\>')
elseif $GIT_DIR != ''
let b:git_dir = $GIT_DIR
if (has('win32') || has('win64')) && exists('b:git_dir')
let b:git_dir = substitute(b:git_dir,'\\','/','g')
if exists('*shellescape') && exists('b:git_dir') && b:git_dir != ''
if b:git_dir =~# '/\.git$' " Not a bare repository
let &l:path = escape(fnamemodify(b:git_dir,':h'),'\, ').','.&l:path
let &l:path = escape(b:git_dir,'\, ').','.&l:path
let &l:keywordprg = 'git --git-dir='.shellescape(b:git_dir).' show'
setlocal keywordprg=git\ show
if has('gui_running')
let &l:keywordprg = substitute(&l:keywordprg,'^git\>','git --no-pager','')
setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'^[^/]\\+/','','')
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl keywordprg< path< includeexpr<"
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: git commit file
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Last Change: 2013 May 30
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if (exists("b:did_ftplugin"))
runtime! ftplugin/git.vim
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
setlocal comments=:# commentstring=#\ %s
setlocal nomodeline tabstop=8 formatoptions+=tl textwidth=72
setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o formatoptions-=q
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setl modeline< tabstop< formatoptions< tw< com< cms<'
if exists("g:no_gitcommit_commands") || v:version < 700
if !exists("b:git_dir")
let b:git_dir = expand("%:p:h")
command! -bang -bar -buffer -complete=custom,s:diffcomplete -nargs=* DiffGitCached :call s:gitdiffcached(<bang>0,b:git_dir,<f-args>)
let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . "|delc DiffGitCached"
function! s:diffcomplete(A,L,P)
let args = ""
if a:P <= match(a:L." -- "," -- ")+3
let args = args . "-p\n--stat\n--shortstat\n--summary\n--patch-with-stat\n--no-renames\n-B\n-M\n-C\n"
if exists("b:git_dir") && a:A !~ '^-'
let tree = fnamemodify(b:git_dir,':h')
if strpart(getcwd(),0,strlen(tree)) == tree
let args = args."\n".system("git diff --cached --name-only")
return args
function! s:gitdiffcached(bang,gitdir,...)
let tree = fnamemodify(a:gitdir,':h')
let name = tempname()
let git = "git"
if strpart(getcwd(),0,strlen(tree)) != tree
let git .= " --git-dir=".(exists("*shellescape") ? shellescape(a:gitdir) : '"'.a:gitdir.'"')
if a:0
let extra = join(map(copy(a:000),exists("*shellescape") ? 'shellescape(v:val)' : "'\"'.v:val.'\"'"))
let extra = "-p --stat=".&columns
call system(git." diff --cached --no-color --no-ext-diff ".extra." > ".(exists("*shellescape") ? shellescape(name) : name))
exe "pedit ".(exists("*fnameescape") ? fnameescape(name) : name)
wincmd P
let b:git_dir = a:gitdir
command! -bang -bar -buffer -complete=custom,s:diffcomplete -nargs=* DiffGitCached :call s:gitdiffcached(<bang>0,b:git_dir,<f-args>)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :q<CR>
setlocal buftype=nowrite nobuflisted noswapfile nomodifiable filetype=git
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: git config file
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Last Change: 2009 Dec 24
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if (exists("b:did_ftplugin"))
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
setlocal comments=:#,:; commentstring=;\ %s
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl fo< com< cms<"
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: git rebase --interactive
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Last Change: 2010 May 21
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if (exists("b:did_ftplugin"))
runtime! ftplugin/git.vim
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
setlocal comments=:# commentstring=#\ %s formatoptions-=t
setlocal nomodeline
if !exists("b:undo_ftplugin")
let b:undo_ftplugin = ""
let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin."|setl com< cms< fo< ml<"
function! s:choose(word)
s/^\(\w\+\>\)\=\(\s*\)\ze\x\{4,40\}\>/\=(strlen(submatch(1)) == 1 ? a:word[0] : a:word) . substitute(submatch(2),'^$',' ','')/e
function! s:cycle()
call s:choose(get({'s':'edit','p':'squash','e':'reword','r':'fixup'},getline('.')[0],'pick'))
command! -buffer -bar -range Pick :<line1>,<line2>call s:choose('pick')
command! -buffer -bar -range Squash :<line1>,<line2>call s:choose('squash')
command! -buffer -bar -range Edit :<line1>,<line2>call s:choose('edit')
command! -buffer -bar -range Reword :<line1>,<line2>call s:choose('reword')
command! -buffer -bar -range Fixup :<line1>,<line2>call s:choose('fixup')
command! -buffer -bar -range Drop :<line1>,<line2>call s:choose('drop')
command! -buffer -bar Cycle :call s:cycle()
" The above are more useful when they are mapped; for example:
"nnoremap <buffer> <silent> S :Cycle<CR>
if exists("g:no_plugin_maps") || exists("g:no_gitrebase_maps")
nnoremap <buffer> <expr> K col('.') < 7 && expand('<Lt>cword>') =~ '\X' && getline('.') =~ '^\w\+\s\+\x\+\>' ? 'wK' : 'K'
let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . "|nunmap <buffer> K"
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: git send-email message
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Last Change: 2009 Dec 24
runtime! ftplugin/mail.vim
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'julia') == -1
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: Julia
" Maintainer: Carlo Baldassi <>
" Last Change: 2014 may 29
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo-=C
setlocal include=^\\s*\\%(reload\\\|include\\)\\>
setlocal suffixesadd=.jl
setlocal comments=:#
setlocal commentstring=#=%s=#
setlocal cinoptions+=#1
setlocal define=^\\s*macro\\>
let b:julia_vim_loaded = 1
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal include< suffixesadd< comments< commentstring<"
\ . " define< shiftwidth< expandtab< indentexpr< indentkeys< cinoptions< omnifunc<"
\ . " | unlet! b:julia_vim_loaded"
" MatchIt plugin support
if exists("loaded_matchit")
let b:match_ignorecase = 0
" note: begin_keywords must contain all blocks in order
" for nested-structures-skipping to work properly
let b:julia_begin_keywords = '\%(\%(\.\s*\)\@<!\|\%(@\s*.\s*\)\@<=\)\<\%(\%(staged\)\?function\|macro\|begin\|mutable\s\+struct\|\%(mutable\s\+\)\@<!struct\|\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+type\|\%(\(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+\)\@<!type\|immutable\|let\|do\|\%(bare\)\?module\|quote\|if\|for\|while\|try\)\>'
let s:macro_regex = '@\%(#\@!\S\)\+\s\+'
let s:nomacro = '\%(' . s:macro_regex . '\)\@<!'
let s:yesmacro = s:nomacro . '\%('. s:macro_regex . '\)\+'
let b:julia_begin_keywordsm = '\%(' . s:yesmacro . b:julia_begin_keywords . '\)\|'
\ . '\%(' . s:nomacro . b:julia_begin_keywords . '\)'
let b:julia_end_keywords = '\<end\>'
" note: this function relies heavily on the syntax file
function! JuliaGetMatchWords()
let [l,c] = [line('.'),col('.')]
let attr = synIDattr(synID(l, c, 1),"name")
let c1 = c
while attr == 'juliaMacro'
normal! W
if line('.') > l || col('.') == c1
call cursor(l, c)
return ''
let attr = synIDattr(synID(l, col('.'), 1),"name")
let c1 = col('.')
call cursor(l, c)
if attr == 'juliaConditional'
return b:julia_begin_keywordsm . ':\<\%(elseif\|else\)\>:' . b:julia_end_keywords
elseif attr =~ '\<\%(juliaRepeat\|juliaRepKeyword\)\>'
return b:julia_begin_keywordsm . ':\<\%(break\|continue\)\>:' . b:julia_end_keywords
elseif attr == 'juliaBlKeyword'
return b:julia_begin_keywordsm . ':' . b:julia_end_keywords
elseif attr == 'juliaException'
return b:julia_begin_keywordsm . ':\<\%(catch\|finally\)\>:' . b:julia_end_keywords
return '\<\>:\<\>'
let b:match_words = 'JuliaGetMatchWords()'
" we need to skip everything within comments, strings and
" the 'end' keyword when it is used as a range rather than as
" the end of a block
let b:match_skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") =~ '
\ . '"\\<julia\\%(Comprehension\\%(For\\|If\\)\\|RangeEnd\\|SymbolS\\?\\|Comment[LM]\\|\\%([bv]\\|ip\\|MIME\\|Shell\\|Doc\\)\\?String\\|RegEx\\)\\>"'
let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
\ . " | unlet! b:match_words b:match_skip b:match_ignorecase"
\ . " | unlet! b:julia_begin_keywords b:julia_end_keywords"
\ . " | delfunction JuliaGetMatchWords"
\ . " | call julia_blocks#remove_mappings()"
if get(g:, "julia_blocks", 1)
call julia_blocks#init_mappings()
let b:undo_ftplugin .= " | call julia_blocks#remove_mappings()"
if has("gui_win32")
let b:browsefilter = "Julia Source Files (*.jl)\t*.jl\n"
let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . " | unlet! b:browsefilter"
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'fish') == -1
setlocal indentexpr=fish#Indent()
setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=case
@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'fsharp') == -1
" Vim indent file
" Language: FSharp
" Maintainers: Jean-Francois Yuen <>
" Mike Leary <>
" Markus Mottl <>
" Rudi Grinberg <>
" Gregor Uhlenheuer <>
" Last Change: 2013 Jun 29
" 2005 Jun 25 - Fixed multiple bugs due to 'else\nreturn ind' working
" 2005 May 09 - Added an option to not indent OCaml-indents specially (MM)
" 2013 June - commented textwidth (Marc Weber)
" 2014 August - Ported to F#
" 2014 August - F# specific cleanup
" Marc Weber's comment: This file may contain a lot of (very custom) stuff
" which eventually should be moved somewhere else ..
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal indentexpr=GetFsharpIndent()
setlocal indentkeys+=0=and,0=class,0=constraint,0=done,0=else,0=end,0=exception,0=external,0=if,0=in,0=include,0=inherit,0=let,0=method,0=open,0=then,0=type,0=val,0=with,0;;,0>\],0\|\],0>},0\|,0},0\],0)
" Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetFsharpIndent")
" Skipping pattern, for comments
function! s:GetLineWithoutFullComment(lnum)
let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
let lline = substitute(getline(lnum), '(\*.*\*)\s*$', '', '')
while lline =~ '^\s*$' && lnum > 0
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
let lline = substitute(getline(lnum), '(\*.*\*)\s*$', '', '')
return lnum
" Indent for ';;' to match multiple 'let'
function! s:GetInd(lnum, pat, lim)
let llet = search(a:pat, 'bW')
let old = indent(a:lnum)
while llet > 0
let old = indent(llet)
let nb = s:GetLineWithoutFullComment(llet)
if getline(nb) =~ a:lim
return old
let llet = search(a:pat, 'bW')
return old
" Indent pairs
function! s:FindPair(pstart, pmid, pend)
call search(a:pend, 'bW')
return indent(searchpair(a:pstart, a:pmid, a:pend, 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"'))
" Indent 'let'
function! s:FindLet(pstart, pmid, pend)
call search(a:pend, 'bW')
return indent(searchpair(a:pstart, a:pmid, a:pend, 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment" || getline(".") =~ "^\\s*let\\>.*=.*\\<in\\s*$" || getline(prevnonblank(".") - 1) =~ s:beflet'))
function! GetFsharpIndent()
" Find a non-commented line above the current line.
let lnum = s:GetLineWithoutFullComment(v:lnum)
" At the start of the file use zero indent.
if lnum == 0
return 0
let ind = indent(lnum)
let lline = substitute(getline(lnum), '(\*.*\*)\s*$', '', '')
" " Return single 'shiftwidth' after lines matching:
" if lline =~ '^\s*|.*->\s*$'
" return ind + &sw
" endif
let line = getline(v:lnum)
" Indent if current line begins with 'end':
if line =~ '^\s*end\>'
return s:FindPair(s:module, '','\<end\>')
" Indent if current line begins with 'done' for 'do':
elseif line =~ '^\s*done\>'
return s:FindPair('\<do\>', '','\<done\>')
" Indent if current line begins with '}' or '>}':
elseif line =~ '^\s*\(\|>\)}'
return s:FindPair('{', '','}')
" Indent if current line begins with ']', '|]' or '>]':
elseif line =~ '^\s*\(\||\|>\)\]'
return s:FindPair('\[', '','\]')
" Indent if current line begins with ')':
elseif line =~ '^\s*)'
return s:FindPair('(', '',')')
" Indent if current line begins with 'let':
elseif line =~ '^\s*let\>'
if lline !~ s:lim . '\|' . s:letlim . '\|' . s:beflet
return s:FindLet(s:type, '','\<let\s*$')
" Indent if current line begins with 'class' or 'type':
elseif line =~ '^\s*\(class\|type\)\>'
if lline !~ s:lim . '\|\<and\s*$\|' . s:letlim
return s:FindLet(s:type, '','\<\(class\|type\)\s*$')
" Indent for pattern matching:
elseif line =~ '^\s*|'
if lline !~ '^\s*\(|[^\]]\|\(match\|type\|with\)\>\)\|\<\(function\|private\|with\)\s*$'
call search('|', 'bW')
return indent(searchpair('^\s*\(match\|type\)\>\|\<\(function\|private\|with\)\s*$', '', '^\s*|', 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment" || getline(".") !~ "^\\s*|.*->"'))
" Indent if current line begins with ';;':
elseif line =~ '^\s*;;'
if lline !~ ';;\s*$'
return s:GetInd(v:lnum, s:letpat, s:letlim)
" Indent if current line begins with 'in':
elseif line =~ '^\s*in\>'
if lline !~ '^\s*\(let\|and\)\>'
return s:FindPair('\<let\>', '', '\<in\>')
" Indent if current line begins with 'else':
elseif line =~ '^\s*else\>'
if lline !~ '^\s*\(if\|then\)\>'
return s:FindPair('\<if\>', '', '\<else\>')
" Indent if current line begins with 'then':
elseif line =~ '^\s*then\>'
if lline !~ '^\s*\(if\|else\)\>'
return s:FindPair('\<if\>', '', '\<then\>')
" Indent if current line begins with 'and':
elseif line =~ '^\s*and\>'
if lline !~ '^\s*\(and\|let\|type\)\>\|\<end\s*$'
return ind - &sw
" Indent if current line begins with 'with':
elseif line =~ '^\s*with\>'
if lline !~ '^\s*\(match\|try\)\>'
return s:FindPair('\<\%(match\|try\)\>', '','\<with\>')
" Indent if current line begins with 'exception', 'external', 'include' or
" 'open':
elseif line =~ '^\s*\(exception\|external\|include\|open\)\>'
if lline !~ s:lim . '\|' . s:letlim
call search(line)
return indent(search('^\s*\(\(exception\|external\|include\|open\|type\)\>\|val\>.*:\)', 'bW'))
" Indent if current line begins with 'val':
elseif line =~ '^\s*val\>'
if lline !~ '^\s*\(exception\|external\|include\|open\)\>\|' . s:obj . '\|' . s:letlim
return indent(search('^\s*\(\(exception\|include\|initializer\|method\|open\|type\|val\)\>\|external\>.*:\)', 'bW'))
" Indent if current line begins with 'constraint', 'inherit', 'initializer'
" or 'method':
elseif line =~ '^\s*\(constraint\|inherit\|initializer\|method\)\>'
if lline !~ s:obj
return indent(search('\<\(object\|object\s*(.*)\)\s*$', 'bW')) + &sw
" Add a 'shiftwidth' after lines ending with:
if lline =~ '\(:\|=\|->\|<-\|(\|\[\|{\|{<\|\[|\|\[<\|\<\(begin\|do\|else\|fun\|function\|functor\|if\|initializer\|object\|private\|sig\|struct\|then\|try\)\|\<object\s*(.*)\)\s*$'
let ind = ind + &sw
" Back to normal indent after lines ending with ';;':
elseif lline =~ ';;\s*$' && lline !~ '^\s*;;'
let ind = s:GetInd(v:lnum, s:letpat, s:letlim)
" Back to normal indent after lines ending with 'end':
elseif lline =~ '\<end\s*$'
let ind = s:FindPair(s:module, '','\<end\>')
" Back to normal indent after lines ending with 'in':
elseif lline =~ '\<in\s*$' && lline !~ '^\s*in\>'
let ind = s:FindPair('\<let\>', '', '\<in\>')
" Back to normal indent after lines ending with 'done':
elseif lline =~ '\<done\s*$'
let ind = s:FindPair('\<do\>', '','\<done\>')
" Back to normal indent after lines ending with '}' or '>}':
elseif lline =~ '\(\|>\)}\s*$'
let ind = s:FindPair('{', '','}')
" Back to normal indent after lines ending with ']', '|]' or '>]':
elseif lline =~ '\(\||\|>\)\]\s*$'
let ind = s:FindPair('\[', '','\]')
" Back to normal indent after comments:
elseif lline =~ '\*)\s*$'
call search('\*)', 'bW')
let ind = indent(searchpair('(\*', '', '\*)', 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string"'))
" Back to normal indent after lines ending with ')':
elseif lline =~ ')\s*$'
let ind = s:FindPair('(', '',')')
" If this is a multiline comment then align '*':
elseif lline =~ '^\s*(\*' && line =~ '^\s*\*'
let ind = ind + 1
" Don't change indentation of this line
" for new lines (indent==0) use indentation of previous line
" This is for preventing removing indentation of these args:
" let f x =
" let y = x + 1 in
" Printf.printf
" "o" << here
" "oeuth" << don't touch indentation
let i = indent(v:lnum)
return i == 0 ? ind : i
return ind
" vim: sw=4 et sts=4
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim indent file
" Language: git config file
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Last Change: 2013 May 30
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal autoindent
setlocal indentexpr=GetGitconfigIndent()
setlocal indentkeys=o,O,*<Return>,0[,],0;,0#,=,!^F
let b:undo_indent = 'setl ai< inde< indk<'
" Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetGitconfigIndent")
function! GetGitconfigIndent()
let sw = exists('*shiftwidth') ? shiftwidth() : &sw
let line = getline(prevnonblank(v:lnum-1))
let cline = getline(v:lnum)
if line =~ '\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\\$'
" odd number of slashes, in a line continuation
return 2 * sw
elseif cline =~ '^\s*\['
return 0
elseif cline =~ '^\s*\a'
return sw
elseif cline == '' && line =~ '^\['
return sw
return -1
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'glsl') == -1
" Language: OpenGL Shading Language
" Maintainer: Sergey Tikhomirov <>
if exists("b:did_indent")
setlocal autoindent cindent
setlocal formatoptions+=roq
" vim:set sts=2 sw=2 :
@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'julia') == -1
" Vim indent file
" Language: Julia
" Maintainer: Carlo Baldassi <>
" Last Change: 2011 dec 11
" Notes: based on Bram Moneaar's indent file for vim
" Last Change: 2016 jun 16
" Notes: originally based on Bram Molenaar's indent file for vim
setlocal autoindent
setlocal indentexpr=GetJuliaIndent()
setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=catch,=finally
setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=catch,=finally,),],}
setlocal indentkeys-=0#
setlocal indentkeys-=:
setlocal indentkeys-=0{
@ -21,12 +21,16 @@ if exists("*GetJuliaIndent")
let s:skipPatterns = '\<julia\%(Comment\)\>'
let s:skipPatterns = '\<julia\%(Comprehension\%(For\|If\)\|RangeEnd\|CommentL\|\%([bsv]\|ip\|big\|MIME\|Shell\|Printf\|Doc\)\=String\|RegEx\|SymbolS\?\)\>'
function JuliaMatch(lnum, str, regex, st)
function JuliaMatch(lnum, str, regex, st, ...)
let s = a:st
let e = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : -1
while 1
let f = match(a:str, a:regex, s)
if e >= 0 && f >= e
return -1
if f >= 0
let attr = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum,f+1,1),"name")
if attr =~ s:skipPatterns
@ -39,15 +43,16 @@ function JuliaMatch(lnum, str, regex, st)
return f
function GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum)
function GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum, ...)
" Auxiliary function to inspect the block structure of a line
let line = getline(a:lnum)
let s = 0
let s = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
let e = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : -1
let blocks_stack = []
let num_closed_blocks = 0
while 1
let fb = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<\%(if\|else\%(if\)\=\|while\|for\|try\|catch\|finally\|function\|macro\|begin\|type\|immutable\|let\|\%(bare\)\?module\|quote\|do\)\>', s)
let fe = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<end\>', s)
let fb = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<\%(if\|else\%(if\)\=\|while\|for\|try\|catch\|finally\|\%(staged\)\?function\|macro\|begin\|mutable\s\+struct\|\%(mutable\s\+\)\@<!struct\|\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+type\|\%(\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+\)\@<!type\|immutable\|let\|\%(bare\)\?module\|quote\|do\)\>', s, e)
let fe = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<end\>', s, e)
if fb < 0 && fe < 0
" No blocks found
@ -128,9 +133,13 @@ function GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum)
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<\%(while\|for\|function\|macro\|begin\|type\|immutable\|let\|quote\|do\)\>', s)
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '@\@<!\<\%(while\|for\|\%(staged\)\?function\|macro\|begin\|\%(mutable\s\+\)\?struct\|\%(\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+\)\?type\|immutable\|let\|quote\|do\)\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
if match(line, '\<\%(mutable\|abstract\|primitive\)', i) != -1
let s = i+11
let s = i+1
call add(blocks_stack, 'other')
@ -158,6 +167,128 @@ function GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum)
return [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks]
function GetJuliaNestingBrackets(lnum, c)
" Auxiliary function to inspect the brackets structure of a line
let line = getline(a:lnum)[0 : (a:c - 1)]
let s = 0
let brackets_stack = []
let last_closed_bracket = -1
while 1
let fb = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '[([{]', s)
let fe = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '[])}]', s)
if fb < 0 && fe < 0
" No brackets found
if fb >= 0 && (fb < fe || fe < 0)
" The first occurrence is an opening bracket
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '(', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(brackets_stack, ['par',i])
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\[', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(brackets_stack, ['sqbra',i])
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '{', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(brackets_stack, ['curbra',i])
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
" The first occurrence is a closing bracket
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, ')', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fe
let s = i+1
if len(brackets_stack) > 0 && brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'par'
call remove(brackets_stack, -1)
let last_closed_bracket = i + 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, ']', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fe
let s = i+1
if len(brackets_stack) > 0 && brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'sqbra'
call remove(brackets_stack, -1)
let last_closed_bracket = i + 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '}', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fe
let s = i+1
if len(brackets_stack) > 0 && brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'curbra'
call remove(brackets_stack, -1)
let last_closed_bracket = i + 1
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
let first_open_bracket = -1
let last_open_bracket = -1
if len(brackets_stack) > 0
let first_open_bracket = brackets_stack[0][1]
let last_open_bracket = brackets_stack[-1][1]
return [first_open_bracket, last_open_bracket, last_closed_bracket]
let s:bracketBlocks = '\<julia\%(\%(\%(Printf\)\?Par\|SqBra\|CurBra\)Block\|ParBlockInRange\|StringVars\%(Par\|SqBra\|CurBra\)\|Dollar\%(Par\|SqBra\)\|QuotedParBlockS\?\)\>'
function IsInBrackets(lnum, c)
let stack = map(synstack(a:lnum, a:c), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
call filter(stack, 'v:val =~# s:bracketBlocks')
return len(stack) > 0
" Auxiliary function to find a line which does not start in the middle of a
" multiline bracketed expression, to be used as reference for block
" indentation.
function LastBlockIndent(lnum)
let lnum = a:lnum
let ind = 0
while lnum > 0
let ind = indent(lnum)
if ind == 0
return [lnum, 0]
if !IsInBrackets(lnum, 1)
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
return [max([lnum,1]), ind]
function GetJuliaIndent()
let s:save_ignorecase = &ignorecase
set noignorecase
@ -172,19 +303,81 @@ function GetJuliaIndent()
return 0
let ind = indent(lnum)
let ind = -1
let st = -1
let lim = -1
" Analyse previous line
let [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks] = GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum)
" Multiline bracketed expressions take precedence
let c = len(getline(lnum)) + 1
while IsInBrackets(lnum, c)
let [first_open_bracket, last_open_bracket, last_closed_bracket] = GetJuliaNestingBrackets(lnum, c)
" First scenario: the previous line has a hanging open bracket:
" set the indentation to match the opening bracket (plus an extra space)
if last_open_bracket != -1
let st = last_open_bracket
let ind = virtcol([lnum, st + 1])
" Second scenario: some multiline bracketed expression was closed in the
" previous line. But since we know we are still in a bracketed expression,
" we need to find the line where the bracket was open
elseif last_closed_bracket != -1 " && exists("loaded_matchit")
" we use the % command to skip back (this is buggy without matchit, and
" is potentially a disaster if % got remapped)
call cursor(lnum, last_closed_bracket)
normal %
if line(".") == lnum
" something wrong here, give up
let ind = indent(lnum)
let lnum = line(".")
let c = col(".") - 1
if c == 0
" uhm, give up
let ind = 0
" we skipped a bracket set, keep searching for an opening bracket
let lim = c
" Third scenario: nothing special, or matchit not available: keep the indentation
let ind = indent(lnum)
" In case the current line starts with a closing bracket, we align it with
" the opening one.
if JuliaMatch(v:lnum, getline(v:lnum), '[])}]', indent(v:lnum)) == indent(v:lnum) && ind > 0
return ind - 1
if ind == -1
" We are not in a multiline bracketed expression. Thus we look for a
" previous line to use as a reference
let [lnum,ind] = LastBlockIndent(lnum)
let c = len(getline(lnum)) + 1
if IsInBrackets(lnum, c)
let [first_open_bracket, last_open_bracket, last_closed_bracket] = GetJuliaNestingBrackets(lnum, c)
let lim = first_open_bracket
" Analyse the reference line
let [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks] = GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum, st, lim)
" Increase indentation for each newly opened block
" in the previous line
" in the reference line
while num_open_blocks > 0
let ind += &sw
let num_open_blocks -= 1
" Analyse current line
" Analyse the current line
let [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks] = GetJuliaNestingStruct(v:lnum)
" Decrease indentation for each closed block
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'fish') == -1
if exists('b:current_syntax')
syntax case match
syntax keyword fishKeyword begin function end
syntax keyword fishConditional if else switch
syntax keyword fishRepeat while for in
syntax keyword fishLabel case
syntax match fishComment /#.*/
syntax match fishSpecial /\\$/
syntax match fishIdentifier /\$[[:alnum:]_]\+/
syntax region fishString start=/'/ skip=/\\'/ end=/'/
syntax region fishString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ contains=fishIdentifier
syntax match fishCharacter /\v\\[abefnrtv *?~%#(){}\[\]<>&;"']|\\[xX][0-9a-f]{1,2}|\\o[0-7]{1,2}|\\u[0-9a-f]{1,4}|\\U[0-9a-f]{1,8}|\\c[a-z]/
syntax match fishStatement /\v;\s*\zs\k+>/
syntax match fishCommandSub /\v\(\s*\zs\k+>/
syntax region fishLineContinuation matchgroup=fishStatement
\ start='\v^\s*\zs\k+>' skip='\\$' end='$'
\ contains=fishSpecial,fishIdentifier,fishString,fishCharacter,fishStatement,fishCommandSub,fishComment
highlight default link fishKeyword Keyword
highlight default link fishConditional Conditional
highlight default link fishRepeat Repeat
highlight default link fishLabel Label
highlight default link fishComment Comment
highlight default link fishSpecial Special
highlight default link fishIdentifier Identifier
highlight default link fishString String
highlight default link fishCharacter Character
highlight default link fishStatement Statement
highlight default link fishCommandSub fishStatement
let b:current_syntax = 'fish'
@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'fsharp') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: F#
" Last Change: Sun 19 Oct 2014 11:11:44 PM CEST
" Maintainer: Gregor Uhlenheuer <>
" Note: This syntax file is a complete rewrite of the original version
" of fs.vim from Choy Rim <> and a slight
" modified version from Thomas Schank <>
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists('b:current_syntax')
" F# is case sensitive.
syn case match
" reset 'iskeyword' setting
setl isk&vim
" Scripting/preprocessor directives
syn match fsharpSScript "^\s*#\S\+" transparent contains=fsharpScript,fsharpRegion,fsharpPreCondit
syn match fsharpScript contained "#"
syn keyword fsharpScript contained quitlabels warnings directory cd load use
syn keyword fsharpScript contained install_printer remove_printer requirethread
syn keyword fsharpScript contained trace untrace untrace_all print_depth
syn keyword fsharpScript contained print_length define undef if elif else endif
syn keyword fsharpScript contained line error warning light nowarn
" comments
syn match fsharpSingleLineComment "//.*$" contains=fsharpTodo,@Spell
syn region fsharpDocComment start="///" end="$" contains=fsharpTodo,fsharpXml,@Spell keepend oneline
syn region fsharpXml matchgroup=fsharpXmlDoc start="<[^>]\+>" end="</[^>]\+>" contained contains=fsharpXml
" Double-backtick identifiers
syn region fsharpDoubleBacktick start="``" end="``" keepend oneline
" symbol names
syn match fsharpSymbol "\%(let\|use\|mutable\|rec\|and\|private\)\@<=!\=\s\+\zs\w\+\ze\s*[^=:]*[=:]"
syn match fsharpSymbol "\%(member\)\@<=\s\+\w\+\.\zs\w\+"
" types
syn match fsharpTypeName "\%(\<type\s\+\)\@<=\w\+"
" errors
syn match fsharpBraceErr "}"
syn match fsharpBrackErr "\]"
syn match fsharpParenErr ")"
syn match fsharpArrErr "|]"
syn match fsharpCommentErr "\*)"
" enclosing delimiters
syn region fsharpEncl transparent matchgroup=fsharpKeyword start="(" matchgroup=fsharpKeyword end=")" contains=ALLBUT,fsharpParenErr,fsharpScript
syn region fsharpEncl transparent matchgroup=fsharpKeyword start="{" matchgroup=fsharpKeyword end="}" contains=ALLBUT,fsharpBraceErr,fsharpScript
syn region fsharpEncl transparent matchgroup=fsharpKeyword start="\[" matchgroup=fsharpKeyword end="\]" contains=ALLBUT,fsharpBrackErr,fsharpScript
syn region fsharpEncl transparent matchgroup=fsharpKeyword start="\[|" matchgroup=fsharpKeyword end="|\]" contains=ALLBUT,fsharpArrErr,fsharpScript
" comments
syn region fsharpMultiLineComment start="(\*" end="\*)" contains=fsharpTodo
syn keyword fsharpTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
" keywords
syn keyword fsharpKeyword abstract as assert base begin class default delegate
syn keyword fsharpKeyword do done downcast downto elif else end exception
syn keyword fsharpKeyword extern for fun function global if in inherit inline
syn keyword fsharpKeyword interface lazy let match member module mutable
syn keyword fsharpKeyword namespace new of override rec static struct then
syn keyword fsharpKeyword to type upcast use val void when while with
syn keyword fsharpKeyword async atomic break checked component const constraint
syn keyword fsharpKeyword constructor continue decimal eager event external
syn keyword fsharpKeyword fixed functor include method mixin object parallel
syn keyword fsharpKeyword process pure return seq tailcall trait
" additional operator keywords (Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators)
syn keyword fsharpKeyword box hash sizeof typeof typedefof unbox ref fst snd
syn keyword fsharpKeyword stdin stdout stderr
" math operators (Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators)
syn keyword fsharpKeyword abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh exp floor log
syn keyword fsharpKeyword log10 pown round sign sin sinh sqrt tan tanh
syn keyword fsharpOCaml asr land lor lsl lsr lxor mod sig
if !exists('g:fsharp_no_linq') || g:fsharp_no_linq == 0
syn keyword fsharpLinq orderBy select where yield
" open
syn keyword fsharpOpen open
" exceptions
syn keyword fsharpException try failwith failwithf finally invalid_arg raise
syn keyword fsharpException rethrow
" modifiers
syn keyword fsharpModifier abstract const extern internal override private
syn keyword fsharpModifier protected public readonly sealed static virtual
syn keyword fsharpModifier volatile
" constants
syn keyword fsharpConstant null
syn keyword fsharpBoolean false true
" types
syn keyword fsharpType array bool byte char decimal double enum exn float
syn keyword fsharpType float32 int int16 int32 int64 lazy_t list nativeint
syn keyword fsharpType obj option sbyte single string uint uint32 uint64
syn keyword fsharpType uint16 unativeint unit
" core classes
syn match fsharpCore "\u\a*\." transparent contains=fsharpCoreClass
syn keyword fsharpCoreClass Array Async Directory File List Option Path Map Set contained
syn keyword fsharpCoreClass String Seq Tuple contained
syn keyword fsharpCoreMethod printf printfn sprintf eprintf eprintfn fprintf
syn keyword fsharpCoreMethod fprintfn
" options
syn keyword fsharpOption Some None
" operators
syn keyword fsharpOperator not and or
syn match fsharpFormat display "%\(\d\+\$\)\=[-+' #0*]*\(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\(\.\(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\)\=\([hlL]\|ll\)\=\([bscdiuxXoEefFgGMOAat]\|\[\^\=.[^]]*\]\)" contained
syn match fsharpCharacter "'\\\d\d\d'\|'\\[\'ntbr]'\|'.'"
syn match fsharpCharErr "'\\\d\d'\|'\\\d'"
syn match fsharpCharErr "'\\[^\'ntbr]'"
syn region fsharpString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=fsharpFormat
syn region fsharpString start=+"""+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"""+ contains=fsharpFormat
syn region fsharpString start=+@"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+ contains=fsharpFormat
syn match fsharpFunDef "->"
syn match fsharpRefAssign ":="
syn match fsharpTopStop ";;"
syn match fsharpOperator "\^"
syn match fsharpOperator "::"
syn match fsharpLabel "\<_\>"
syn match fsharpOperator "&&"
syn match fsharpOperator "<"
syn match fsharpOperator ">"
syn match fsharpOperator "|>"
syn match fsharpOperator ":>"
syn match fsharpOperator ":?>"
syn match fsharpOperator "&&&"
syn match fsharpOperator "|||"
syn match fsharpOperator "\.\."
syn match fsharpKeyChar "|[^\]]"me=e-1
syn match fsharpKeyChar ";"
syn match fsharpKeyChar "\~"
syn match fsharpKeyChar "?"
syn match fsharpKeyChar "\*"
syn match fsharpKeyChar "+"
syn match fsharpKeyChar "="
syn match fsharpKeyChar "|"
syn match fsharpKeyChar "(\*)"
syn match fsharpOperator "<-"
syn match fsharpNumber "\<\d\+"
syn match fsharpNumber "\<-\=\d\(_\|\d\)*\(u\|u\?[yslLn]\|UL\)\?\>"
syn match fsharpNumber "\<-\=0[x|X]\(\x\|_\)\+\(u\|u\?[yslLn]\|UL\)\?\>"
syn match fsharpNumber "\<-\=0[o|O]\(\o\|_\)\+\(u\|u\?[yslLn]\|UL\)\?\>"
syn match fsharpNumber "\<-\=0[b|B]\([01]\|_\)\+\(u\|u\?[yslLn]\|UL\)\?\>"
syn match fsharpFloat "\<-\=\d\(_\|\d\)*\.\(_\|\d\)*\([eE][-+]\=\d\(_\|\d\)*\)\=\>"
syn match fsharpFloat "\<-\=\d\(_\|\d\)*\.\(_\|\d\)*\([eE][-+]\=\d\(_\|\d\)*\)\=\>"
syn match fsharpFloat "\<\d\+\.\d*"
" modules
syn match fsharpModule "\%(\<open\s\+\)\@<=[a-zA-Z.]\+"
" attributes
syn region fsharpAttrib matchgroup=fsharpAttribute start="\[<" end=">]"
" regions
syn region fsharpRegion matchgroup=fsharpPreCondit start="\%(end\)\@<!region.*$"
\ end="endregion" fold contains=ALL contained
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_fs_syntax_inits")
if version < 508
let did_fs_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink fsharpBraceErr Error
HiLink fsharpBrackErr Error
HiLink fsharpParenErr Error
HiLink fsharpArrErr Error
HiLink fsharpCommentErr Error
HiLink fsharpSingleLineComment Comment
HiLink fsharpMultiLineComment Comment
HiLink fsharpDocComment Comment
HiLink fsharpXml Comment
HiLink fsharpDoubleBacktick String
HiLink fsharpOpen Include
HiLink fsharpModPath Include
HiLink fsharpScript Include
HiLink fsharpPreCondit Include
HiLink fsharpKeyword Keyword
HiLink fsharpCoreMethod Keyword
HiLink fsharpOCaml Statement
HiLink fsharpLinq Statement
HiLink fsharpSymbol Function
HiLink fsharpFunDef Operator
HiLink fsharpRefAssign Operator
HiLink fsharpTopStop Operator
HiLink fsharpKeyChar Operator
HiLink fsharpOperator Operator
HiLink fsharpBoolean Boolean
HiLink fsharpConstant Constant
HiLink fsharpCharacter Character
HiLink fsharpNumber Number
HiLink fsharpFloat Float
HiLink fsharpString String
HiLink fsharpFormat Special
HiLink fsharpModifier StorageClass
HiLink fsharpException Exception
HiLink fsharpLabel Identifier
HiLink fsharpOption Identifier
HiLink fsharpTypeName Identifier
HiLink fsharpModule Identifier
HiLink fsharpType Type
HiLink fsharpCoreClass Typedef
HiLink fsharpAttrib Typedef
HiLink fsharpXmlDoc Typedef
HiLink fsharpTodo Todo
HiLink fsharpEncl Delimiter
HiLink fsharpAttribute Delimiter
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = 'fsharp'
" vim: sw=4 et sts=4
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: generic git output
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Last Change: 2010 May 21
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case match
syn sync minlines=50
syn include @gitDiff syntax/diff.vim
syn region gitHead start=/\%^/ end=/^$/
syn region gitHead start=/\%(^commit\%( \x\{40\}\)\{1,\}\%(\s*(.*)\)\=$\)\@=/ end=/^$/
" For git reflog and git show ...^{tree}, avoid sync issues
syn match gitHead /^\d\{6\} \%(\w\{4} \)\=\x\{40\}\%( [0-3]\)\=\t.*/
syn match gitHead /^\x\{40\} \x\{40}\t.*/
syn region gitDiff start=/^\%(diff --git \)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\|$\)\@=/ contains=@gitDiff fold
syn region gitDiff start=/^\%(@@ -\)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\%(git\|cc\|combined\) \|$\)\@=/ contains=@gitDiff
syn region gitDiffMerge start=/^\%(diff --\%(cc\|combined\) \)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\|$\)\@=/ contains=@gitDiff
syn region gitDiffMerge start=/^\%(@@@@* -\)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\|$\)\@=/ contains=@gitDiff
syn match gitDiffAdded "^ \++.*" contained containedin=gitDiffMerge
syn match gitDiffRemoved "^ \+-.*" contained containedin=gitDiffMerge
syn match gitKeyword /^\%(object\|type\|tag\|commit\|tree\|parent\|encoding\)\>/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitHash,gitType skipwhite
syn match gitKeyword /^\%(tag\>\|ref:\)/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitReference skipwhite
syn match gitKeyword /^Merge:/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite
syn match gitMode /^\d\{6\}/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitType,gitHash skipwhite
syn match gitIdentityKeyword /^\%(author\|committer\|tagger\)\>/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitIdentity skipwhite
syn match gitIdentityHeader /^\%(Author\|Commit\|Tagger\):/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitIdentity skipwhite
syn match gitDateHeader /^\%(AuthorDate\|CommitDate\|Date\):/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitDate skipwhite
syn match gitReflogHeader /^Reflog:/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitReflogMiddle skipwhite
syn match gitReflogHeader /^Reflog message:/ contained containedin=gitHead skipwhite
syn match gitReflogMiddle /\S\+@{\d\+} (/he=e-2 nextgroup=gitIdentity
syn match gitDate /\<\u\l\l \u\l\l \d\=\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d [+-]\d\d\d\d/ contained
syn match gitDate /-\=\d\+ [+-]\d\d\d\d\>/ contained
syn match gitDate /\<\d\+ \l\+ ago\>/ contained
syn match gitType /\<\%(tag\|commit\|tree\|blob\)\>/ contained nextgroup=gitHash skipwhite
syn match gitStage /\<\d\t\@=/ contained
syn match gitReference /\S\+\S\@!/ contained
syn match gitHash /\<\x\{40\}\>/ contained nextgroup=gitIdentity,gitStage,gitHash skipwhite
syn match gitHash /^\<\x\{40\}\>/ containedin=gitHead contained nextgroup=gitHash skipwhite
syn match gitHashAbbrev /\<\x\{4,40\}\>/ contained nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite
syn match gitHashAbbrev /\<\x\{4,39\}\.\.\./he=e-3 contained nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite
syn match gitIdentity /\S.\{-\} <[^>]*>/ contained nextgroup=gitDate skipwhite
syn region gitEmail matchgroup=gitEmailDelimiter start=/</ end=/>/ keepend oneline contained containedin=gitIdentity
syn match gitNotesHeader /^Notes:\ze\n /
hi def link gitDateHeader gitIdentityHeader
hi def link gitIdentityHeader gitIdentityKeyword
hi def link gitIdentityKeyword Label
hi def link gitNotesHeader gitKeyword
hi def link gitReflogHeader gitKeyword
hi def link gitKeyword Keyword
hi def link gitIdentity String
hi def link gitEmailDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link gitEmail Special
hi def link gitDate Number
hi def link gitMode Number
hi def link gitHashAbbrev gitHash
hi def link gitHash Identifier
hi def link gitReflogMiddle gitReference
hi def link gitReference Function
hi def link gitStage gitType
hi def link gitType Type
hi def link gitDiffAdded diffAdded
hi def link gitDiffRemoved diffRemoved
let b:current_syntax = "git"
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: git commit file
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Filenames: *.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
" Last Change: 2013 May 30
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case match
syn sync minlines=50
if has("spell")
syn spell toplevel
syn include @gitcommitDiff syntax/diff.vim
syn region gitcommitDiff start=/\%(^diff --\%(git\|cc\|combined\) \)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\|$\|#\)\@=/ fold contains=@gitcommitDiff
syn match gitcommitFirstLine "\%^[^#].*" nextgroup=gitcommitBlank skipnl
syn match gitcommitSummary "^.\{0,50\}" contained containedin=gitcommitFirstLine nextgroup=gitcommitOverflow contains=@Spell
syn match gitcommitOverflow ".*" contained contains=@Spell
syn match gitcommitBlank "^[^#].*" contained contains=@Spell
syn match gitcommitComment "^#.*"
syn match gitcommitHead "^\%(# .*\n\)\+#$" contained transparent
syn match gitcommitOnBranch "\%(^# \)\@<=On branch" contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitBranch skipwhite
syn match gitcommitOnBranch "\%(^# \)\@<=Your branch .\{-\} '" contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitBranch skipwhite
syn match gitcommitBranch "[^ ']\+" contained
syn match gitcommitNoBranch "\%(^# \)\@<=Not currently on any branch." contained containedin=gitcommitComment
syn match gitcommitHeader "\%(^# \)\@<=.*:$" contained containedin=gitcommitComment
syn region gitcommitAuthor matchgroup=gitCommitHeader start=/\%(^# \)\@<=\%(Author\|Committer\):/ end=/$/ keepend oneline contained containedin=gitcommitComment transparent
syn match gitcommitNoChanges "\%(^# \)\@<=No changes$" contained containedin=gitcommitComment
syn region gitcommitUntracked start=/^# Untracked files:/ end=/^#$\|^#\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitHead,gitcommitUntrackedFile fold
syn match gitcommitUntrackedFile "\t\@<=.*" contained
syn region gitcommitDiscarded start=/^# Change\%(s not staged for commit\|d but not updated\):/ end=/^#$\|^#\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitHead,gitcommitDiscardedType fold
syn region gitcommitSelected start=/^# Changes to be committed:/ end=/^#$\|^#\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitHead,gitcommitSelectedType fold
syn region gitcommitUnmerged start=/^# Unmerged paths:/ end=/^#$\|^#\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitHead,gitcommitUnmergedType fold
syn match gitcommitDiscardedType "\t\@<=[[:lower:]][^:]*[[:lower:]]: "he=e-2 contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitDiscardedFile skipwhite
syn match gitcommitSelectedType "\t\@<=[[:lower:]][^:]*[[:lower:]]: "he=e-2 contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedFile skipwhite
syn match gitcommitUnmergedType "\t\@<=[[:lower:]][^:]*[[:lower:]]: "he=e-2 contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitUnmergedFile skipwhite
syn match gitcommitDiscardedFile ".\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitDiscardedArrow
syn match gitcommitSelectedFile ".\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedArrow
syn match gitcommitUnmergedFile ".\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedArrow
syn match gitcommitDiscardedArrow " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitDiscardedFile
syn match gitcommitSelectedArrow " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedFile
syn match gitcommitUnmergedArrow " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedFile
syn match gitcommitWarning "\%^[^#].*: needs merge$" nextgroup=gitcommitWarning skipnl
syn match gitcommitWarning "^[^#].*: needs merge$" nextgroup=gitcommitWarning skipnl contained
syn match gitcommitWarning "^\%(no changes added to commit\|nothing \%(added \)\=to commit\)\>.*\%$"
hi def link gitcommitSummary Keyword
hi def link gitcommitComment Comment
hi def link gitcommitUntracked gitcommitComment
hi def link gitcommitDiscarded gitcommitComment
hi def link gitcommitSelected gitcommitComment
hi def link gitcommitUnmerged gitcommitComment
hi def link gitcommitOnBranch Comment
hi def link gitcommitBranch Special
hi def link gitcommitNoBranch gitCommitBranch
hi def link gitcommitDiscardedType gitcommitType
hi def link gitcommitSelectedType gitcommitType
hi def link gitcommitUnmergedType gitcommitType
hi def link gitcommitType Type
hi def link gitcommitNoChanges gitcommitHeader
hi def link gitcommitHeader PreProc
hi def link gitcommitUntrackedFile gitcommitFile
hi def link gitcommitDiscardedFile gitcommitFile
hi def link gitcommitSelectedFile gitcommitFile
hi def link gitcommitUnmergedFile gitcommitFile
hi def link gitcommitFile Constant
hi def link gitcommitDiscardedArrow gitcommitArrow
hi def link gitcommitSelectedArrow gitcommitArrow
hi def link gitcommitUnmergedArrow gitcommitArrow
hi def link gitcommitArrow gitcommitComment
"hi def link gitcommitOverflow Error
hi def link gitcommitBlank Error
let b:current_syntax = "gitcommit"
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: git config file
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Filenames: gitconfig, .gitconfig, *.git/config
" Last Change: 2010 May 21
if exists("b:current_syntax")
setlocal iskeyword+=-
setlocal iskeyword-=_
syn case ignore
syn sync minlines=10
syn match gitconfigComment "[#;].*"
syn match gitconfigSection "\%(^\s*\)\@<=\[[a-z0-9.-]\+\]"
syn match gitconfigSection '\%(^\s*\)\@<=\[[a-z0-9.-]\+ \+\"\%([^\\"]\|\\.\)*"\]'
syn match gitconfigVariable "\%(^\s*\)\@<=\a\k*\%(\s*\%([=#;]\|$\)\)\@=" nextgroup=gitconfigAssignment skipwhite
syn region gitconfigAssignment matchgroup=gitconfigNone start=+=\s*+ skip=+\\+ end=+\s*$+ contained contains=gitconfigBoolean,gitconfigNumber,gitConfigString,gitConfigEscape,gitConfigError,gitconfigComment keepend
syn keyword gitconfigBoolean true false yes no contained
syn match gitconfigNumber "\d\+" contained
syn region gitconfigString matchgroup=gitconfigDelim start=+"+ skip=+\\+ end=+"+ matchgroup=gitconfigError end=+[^\\"]\%#\@!$+ contained contains=gitconfigEscape,gitconfigEscapeError
syn match gitconfigError +\\.+ contained
syn match gitconfigEscape +\\[\\"ntb]+ contained
syn match gitconfigEscape +\\$+ contained
hi def link gitconfigComment Comment
hi def link gitconfigSection Keyword
hi def link gitconfigVariable Identifier
hi def link gitconfigBoolean Boolean
hi def link gitconfigNumber Number
hi def link gitconfigString String
hi def link gitconfigDelim Delimiter
hi def link gitconfigEscape Delimiter
hi def link gitconfigError Error
let b:current_syntax = "gitconfig"
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: git rebase --interactive
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Filenames: git-rebase-todo
" Last Change: 2013 May 30
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case match
syn match gitrebaseHash "\v<\x{7,40}>" contained
syn match gitrebaseCommit "\v<\x{7,40}>" nextgroup=gitrebaseSummary skipwhite
syn match gitrebasePick "\v^p%(ick)=>" nextgroup=gitrebaseCommit skipwhite
syn match gitrebaseReword "\v^r%(eword)=>" nextgroup=gitrebaseCommit skipwhite
syn match gitrebaseEdit "\v^e%(dit)=>" nextgroup=gitrebaseCommit skipwhite
syn match gitrebaseSquash "\v^s%(quash)=>" nextgroup=gitrebaseCommit skipwhite
syn match gitrebaseFixup "\v^f%(ixup)=>" nextgroup=gitrebaseCommit skipwhite
syn match gitrebaseExec "\v^%(x|exec)>" nextgroup=gitrebaseCommand skipwhite
syn match gitrebaseDrop "\v^d%(rop)=>" nextgroup=gitrebaseCommit skipwhite
syn match gitrebaseSummary ".*" contains=gitrebaseHash contained
syn match gitrebaseCommand ".*" contained
syn match gitrebaseComment "^\s*#.*" contains=gitrebaseHash
syn match gitrebaseSquashError "\v%^%(s%(quash)=>|f%(ixup)=>)" nextgroup=gitrebaseCommit skipwhite
hi def link gitrebaseCommit gitrebaseHash
hi def link gitrebaseHash Identifier
hi def link gitrebasePick Statement
hi def link gitrebaseReword Number
hi def link gitrebaseEdit PreProc
hi def link gitrebaseSquash Type
hi def link gitrebaseFixup Special
hi def link gitrebaseExec Function
hi def link gitrebaseDrop Comment
hi def link gitrebaseSummary String
hi def link gitrebaseComment Comment
hi def link gitrebaseSquashError Error
let b:current_syntax = "gitrebase"
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'git') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: git send-email message
" Maintainer: Tim Pope
" Filenames: .gitsendemail.*
" Last Change: 2010 May 21
if exists("b:current_syntax")
runtime! syntax/mail.vim
unlet! b:current_syntax
syn include @gitsendemailDiff syntax/diff.vim
syn region gitsendemailDiff start=/\%(^diff --\%(git\|cc\|combined\) \)\@=/ end=/^-- %/ fold contains=@gitsendemailDiff
syn case match
syn match gitsendemailComment "\%^From.*#.*"
syn match gitsendemailComment "^GIT:.*"
hi def link gitsendemailComment Comment
let b:current_syntax = "gitsendemail"
@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'glsl') == -1
" Language: OpenGL Shading Language
" Maintainer: Sergey Tikhomirov <>
if exists("b:current_syntax") && b:current_syntax == "glsl"
" Statements
syn keyword glslConditional if else switch case default
syn keyword glslRepeat for while do
syn keyword glslStatement discard return break continue
" Comments
syn keyword glslTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
syn region glslCommentL start="//" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=glslTodo,@Spell
syn region glslComment matchgroup=glslCommentStart start="/\*" end="\*/" extend contains=glslTodo,@Spell
" Preprocessor
syn region glslPreCondit start="^\s*#\s*\(if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|else\|elif\|endif\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend
syn region glslDefine start="^\s*#\s*\(define\|undef\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend
syn keyword glslTokenConcat ##
syn keyword glslPredefinedMacro __LINE__ __FILE__ __VERSION__ GL_ES
syn region glslPreProc start="^\s*#\s*\(error\|pragma\|extension\|version\|line\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend
" Boolean Constants
syn keyword glslBoolean true false
" Integer Numbers
syn match glslDecimalInt display "\<\(0\|[1-9]\d*\)[uU]\?"
syn match glslOctalInt display "\<0\o\+[uU]\?"
syn match glslHexInt display "\<0[xX]\x\+[uU]\?"
" Float Numbers
syn match glslFloat display "\<\d\+\.\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\(lf\|LF\|f\|F\)\="
syn match glslFloat display "\<\.\d\+\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\(lf\|LF\|f\|F\)\="
syn match glslFloat display "\<\d\+[eE][+-]\=\d\+\(lf\|LF\|f\|F\)\="
syn match glslFloat display "\<\d\+\.\d\+\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\(lf\|LF\|f\|F\)\="
" Swizzles
syn match glslSwizzle display /\.[xyzw]\{1,4\}\>/
syn match glslSwizzle display /\.[rgba]\{1,4\}\>/
syn match glslSwizzle display /\.[stpq]\{1,4\}\>/
" Structure
syn keyword glslStructure struct nextgroup=glslIdentifier skipwhite skipempty
syn match glslIdentifier contains=glslIdentifierPrime "\%([a-zA-Z_]\)\%([a-zA-Z0-9_]\)*" display contained
" Types
syn keyword glslType atomic_uint
syn keyword glslType bool
syn keyword glslType bvec2
syn keyword glslType bvec3
syn keyword glslType bvec4
syn keyword glslType dmat2
syn keyword glslType dmat2x2
syn keyword glslType dmat2x3
syn keyword glslType dmat2x4
syn keyword glslType dmat3
syn keyword glslType dmat3x2
syn keyword glslType dmat3x3
syn keyword glslType dmat3x4
syn keyword glslType dmat4
syn keyword glslType dmat4x2
syn keyword glslType dmat4x3
syn keyword glslType dmat4x4
syn keyword glslType double
syn keyword glslType dvec2
syn keyword glslType dvec3
syn keyword glslType dvec4
syn keyword glslType float
syn keyword glslType iimage1D
syn keyword glslType iimage1DArray
syn keyword glslType iimage2D
syn keyword glslType iimage2DArray
syn keyword glslType iimage2DMS
syn keyword glslType iimage2DMSArray
syn keyword glslType iimage2DRect
syn keyword glslType iimage3D
syn keyword glslType iimageBuffer
syn keyword glslType iimageCube
syn keyword glslType iimageCubeArray
syn keyword glslType image1D
syn keyword glslType image1DArray
syn keyword glslType image2D
syn keyword glslType image2DArray
syn keyword glslType image2DMS
syn keyword glslType image2DMSArray
syn keyword glslType image2DRect
syn keyword glslType image3D
syn keyword glslType imageBuffer
syn keyword glslType imageCube
syn keyword glslType imageCubeArray
syn keyword glslType int
syn keyword glslType isampler1D
syn keyword glslType isampler1DArray
syn keyword glslType isampler2D
syn keyword glslType isampler2DArray
syn keyword glslType isampler2DMS
syn keyword glslType isampler2DMSArray
syn keyword glslType isampler2DRect
syn keyword glslType isampler3D
syn keyword glslType isamplerBuffer
syn keyword glslType isamplerCube
syn keyword glslType isamplerCubeArray
syn keyword glslType ivec2
syn keyword glslType ivec3
syn keyword glslType ivec4
syn keyword glslType mat2
syn keyword glslType mat2x2
syn keyword glslType mat2x3
syn keyword glslType mat2x4
syn keyword glslType mat3
syn keyword glslType mat3x2
syn keyword glslType mat3x3
syn keyword glslType mat3x4
syn keyword glslType mat4
syn keyword glslType mat4x2
syn keyword glslType mat4x3
syn keyword glslType mat4x4
syn keyword glslType sampler1D
syn keyword glslType sampler1DArray
syn keyword glslType sampler1DArrayShadow
syn keyword glslType sampler1DShadow
syn keyword glslType sampler2D
syn keyword glslType sampler2DArray
syn keyword glslType sampler2DArrayShadow
syn keyword glslType sampler2DMS
syn keyword glslType sampler2DMSArray
syn keyword glslType sampler2DRect
syn keyword glslType sampler2DRectShadow
syn keyword glslType sampler2DShadow
syn keyword glslType sampler3D
syn keyword glslType samplerBuffer
syn keyword glslType samplerCube
syn keyword glslType samplerCubeArray
syn keyword glslType samplerCubeArrayShadow
syn keyword glslType samplerCubeShadow
syn keyword glslType uimage1D
syn keyword glslType uimage1DArray
syn keyword glslType uimage2D
syn keyword glslType uimage2DArray
syn keyword glslType uimage2DMS
syn keyword glslType uimage2DMSArray
syn keyword glslType uimage2DRect
syn keyword glslType uimage3D
syn keyword glslType uimageBuffer
syn keyword glslType uimageCube
syn keyword glslType uimageCubeArray
syn keyword glslType uint
syn keyword glslType usampler1D
syn keyword glslType usampler1DArray
syn keyword glslType usampler2D
syn keyword glslType usampler2DArray
syn keyword glslType usampler2DMS
syn keyword glslType usampler2DMSArray
syn keyword glslType usampler2DRect
syn keyword glslType usampler3D
syn keyword glslType usamplerBuffer
syn keyword glslType usamplerCube
syn keyword glslType usamplerCubeArray
syn keyword glslType uvec2
syn keyword glslType uvec3
syn keyword glslType uvec4
syn keyword glslType vec2
syn keyword glslType vec3
syn keyword glslType vec4
syn keyword glslType void
" Qualifiers
syn keyword glslQualifier align
syn keyword glslQualifier attribute
syn keyword glslQualifier binding
syn keyword glslQualifier buffer
syn keyword glslQualifier ccw
syn keyword glslQualifier centroid
syn keyword glslQualifier centroid varying
syn keyword glslQualifier coherent
syn keyword glslQualifier column_major
syn keyword glslQualifier const
syn keyword glslQualifier cw
syn keyword glslQualifier depth_any
syn keyword glslQualifier depth_greater
syn keyword glslQualifier depth_less
syn keyword glslQualifier depth_unchanged
syn keyword glslQualifier early_fragment_tests
syn keyword glslQualifier equal_spacing
syn keyword glslQualifier flat
syn keyword glslQualifier fractional_even_spacing
syn keyword glslQualifier fractional_odd_spacing
syn keyword glslQualifier highp
syn keyword glslQualifier in
syn keyword glslQualifier index
syn keyword glslQualifier inout
syn keyword glslQualifier invariant
syn keyword glslQualifier invocations
syn keyword glslQualifier isolines
syn keyword glslQualifier layout
syn keyword glslQualifier line_strip
syn keyword glslQualifier lines
syn keyword glslQualifier lines_adjacency
syn keyword glslQualifier local_size_x
syn keyword glslQualifier local_size_y
syn keyword glslQualifier local_size_z
syn keyword glslQualifier location
syn keyword glslQualifier lowp
syn keyword glslQualifier max_vertices
syn keyword glslQualifier mediump
syn keyword glslQualifier noperspective
syn keyword glslQualifier offset
syn keyword glslQualifier origin_upper_left
syn keyword glslQualifier out
syn keyword glslQualifier packed
syn keyword glslQualifier patch
syn keyword glslQualifier pixel_center_integer
syn keyword glslQualifier point_mode
syn keyword glslQualifier points
syn keyword glslQualifier precise
syn keyword glslQualifier precision
syn keyword glslQualifier quads
syn keyword glslQualifier r11f_g11f_b10f
syn keyword glslQualifier r16
syn keyword glslQualifier r16_snorm
syn keyword glslQualifier r16f
syn keyword glslQualifier r16i
syn keyword glslQualifier r16ui
syn keyword glslQualifier r32f
syn keyword glslQualifier r32i
syn keyword glslQualifier r32ui
syn keyword glslQualifier r8
syn keyword glslQualifier r8_snorm
syn keyword glslQualifier r8i
syn keyword glslQualifier r8ui
syn keyword glslQualifier readonly
syn keyword glslQualifier restrict
syn keyword glslQualifier rg16
syn keyword glslQualifier rg16_snorm
syn keyword glslQualifier rg16f
syn keyword glslQualifier rg16i
syn keyword glslQualifier rg16ui
syn keyword glslQualifier rg32f
syn keyword glslQualifier rg32i
syn keyword glslQualifier rg32ui
syn keyword glslQualifier rg8
syn keyword glslQualifier rg8_snorm
syn keyword glslQualifier rg8i
syn keyword glslQualifier rg8ui
syn keyword glslQualifier rgb10_a2
syn keyword glslQualifier rgb10_a2ui
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba16
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba16_snorm
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba16f
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba16i
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba16ui
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba32f
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba32i
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba32ui
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba8
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba8_snorm
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba8i
syn keyword glslQualifier rgba8ui
syn keyword glslQualifier row_major
syn keyword glslQualifier sample
syn keyword glslQualifier shared
syn keyword glslQualifier smooth
syn keyword glslQualifier std140
syn keyword glslQualifier std430
syn keyword glslQualifier stream
syn keyword glslQualifier triangle_strip
syn keyword glslQualifier triangles
syn keyword glslQualifier triangles_adjacency
syn keyword glslQualifier uniform
syn keyword glslQualifier varying
syn keyword glslQualifier vertices
syn keyword glslQualifier volatile
syn keyword glslQualifier writeonly
syn keyword glslQualifier xfb_buffer
syn keyword glslQualifier xfb_stride
syn keyword glslQualifier xfb_offset
" Built-in Constants
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_CullDistance
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxAtomicCounterBindings
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxClipDistances
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxClipPlanes
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounters
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxCombinedClipAndCullDistances
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxCombinedImageUniforms
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxCombinedShaderOutputResources
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounters
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxComputeImageUniforms
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxComputeTextureImageUnits
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxComputeUniformComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupCount
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupSize
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxCullDistances
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxDrawBuffers
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxFragmentAtomicCounters
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxFragmentImageUniforms
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxFragmentInputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxFragmentInputVectors
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxFragmentUniformComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxFragmentUniformVectors
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounters
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryImageUniforms
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryInputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryOutputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryUniformComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxGeometryVaryingComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxImageSamples
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxImageUnits
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxLights
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxPatchVertices
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxSamples
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounters
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessControlImageUniforms
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessControlInputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessControlOutputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessControlUniformComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessGenLevel
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTessPatchComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTextureCoords
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTextureImageUnits
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTextureUnits
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVaryingComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVaryingFloats
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVaryingVectors
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounters
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVertexAttribs
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVertexImageUniforms
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVertexOutputComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVertexOutputVectors
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVertexUniformComponents
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxVertexUniformVectors
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MaxViewports
syn keyword glslBuiltinConstant gl_MinProgramTexelOffset
" Built-in Variables
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_BackColor
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_BackLightModelProduct
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_BackLightProduct
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_BackLightProduct
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_BackMaterial
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_BackSecondaryColor
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ClipDistance
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ClipPlane
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ClipVertex
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_Color
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_DepthRange
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_EyePlaneQ
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_EyePlaneR
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_EyePlaneS
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_EyePlaneT
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_Fog
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FogCoord
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FogFragCoord
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FragColor
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FragCoord
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FragData
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FragDepth
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FrontColor
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FrontFacing
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FrontLightModelProduct
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FrontLightProduct
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FrontMaterial
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_FrontSecondaryColor
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_GlobalInvocationID
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_HelperInvocation
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_InstanceID
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_InvocationID
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_Layer
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_LightModel
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_LightSource
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_LocalInvocationID
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_LocalInvocationIndex
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ModelViewMatrix
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ModelViewMatrixInverseTranspose
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ModelViewMatrixTranspose
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrixInverse
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrixInverseTranspose
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrixTranspose
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_MultiTexCoord0
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_MultiTexCoord1
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_MultiTexCoord2
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_MultiTexCoord3
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_MultiTexCoord4
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_MultiTexCoord5
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_MultiTexCoord6
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_MultiTexCoord7
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_Normal
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_NormalMatrix
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_NormalScale
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_NumSamples
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_NumWorkGroups
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ObjectPlaneQ
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ObjectPlaneR
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ObjectPlaneS
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ObjectPlaneT
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_PatchVerticesIn
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_Point
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_PointCoord
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_PointSize
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_Position
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_PrimitiveID
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_PrimitiveIDIn
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ProjectionMatrix
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ProjectionMatrixInverseTranspose
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ProjectionMatrixTranspose
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_SampleID
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_SampleMask
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_SampleMaskIn
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_SamplePosition
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_SecondaryColor
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_TessCoord
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_TessLevelInner
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_TessLevelOuter
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_TexCoord
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_TextureEnvColor
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_TextureMatrix
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_TextureMatrixInverse
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_TextureMatrixInverseTranspose
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_TextureMatrixTranspose
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_Vertex
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_VertexID
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_ViewportIndex
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_WorkGroupID
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_WorkGroupSize
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_in
syn keyword glslBuiltinVariable gl_out
" Built-in Functions
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction EmitStreamVertex
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction EmitVertex
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction EndPrimitive
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction EndStreamPrimitive
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction abs
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction acos
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction acosh
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction all
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction any
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction asin
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction asinh
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atan
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atanh
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicAdd
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicAnd
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicCompSwap
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicCounter
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicCounterDecrement
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicCounterIncrement
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicExchange
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicMax
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicMin
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicOr
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction atomicXor
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction barrier
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction bitCount
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction bitfieldExtract
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction bitfieldInsert
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction bitfieldReverse
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction ceil
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction clamp
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction cos
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction cosh
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction cross
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction dFdx
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction dFdxCoarse
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction dFdxFine
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction dFdy
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction dFdyCoarse
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction dFdyFine
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction degrees
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction determinant
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction distance
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction dot
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction equal
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction exp
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction exp2
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction faceforward
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction findLSB
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction findMSB
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction floatBitsToInt
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction floatBitsToUint
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction floor
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction fma
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction fract
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction frexp
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction ftransform
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction fwidth
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction fwidthCoarse
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction fwidthFine
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction greaterThan
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction greaterThanEqual
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction groupMemoryBarrier
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageAtomicAdd
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageAtomicAnd
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageAtomicCompSwap
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageAtomicExchange
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageAtomicMax
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageAtomicMin
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageAtomicOr
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageAtomicXor
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageLoad
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageSize
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imageStore
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction imulExtended
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction intBitsToFloat
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction interpolateAtCentroid
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction interpolateAtOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction interpolateAtSample
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction inverse
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction inversesqrt
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction isinf
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction isnan
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction ldexp
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction length
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction lessThan
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction lessThanEqual
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction log
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction log2
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction matrixCompMult
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction max
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction memoryBarrier
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction memoryBarrierAtomicCounter
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction memoryBarrierBuffer
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction memoryBarrierImage
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction memoryBarrierShared
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction min
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction mix
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction mod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction modf
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction noise1
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction noise2
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction noise3
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction noise4
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction normalize
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction not
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction notEqual
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction outerProduct
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction packDouble2x32
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction packHalf2x16
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction packSnorm2x16
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction packSnorm4x8
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction packUnorm2x16
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction packUnorm4x8
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction pow
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction radians
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction reflect
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction refract
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction round
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction roundEven
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction shadow1D
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction shadow1DLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction shadow1DProj
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction shadow1DProjLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction shadow2D
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction shadow2DLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction shadow2DProj
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction shadow2DProjLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction sign
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction sin
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction sinh
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction smoothstep
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction sqrt
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction step
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction tan
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction tanh
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texelFetch
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texelFetchOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture1D
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture1DLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture1DProj
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture1DProjLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture2D
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture2DLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture2DProj
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture2DProjLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture3D
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture3DLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture3DProj
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction texture3DProjLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureCube
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureCubeLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureGather
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureGatherOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureGatherOffsets
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureGrad
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureGradOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureLodOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureProj
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureProjGrad
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureProjGradOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureProjLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureProjLodOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureProjOffset
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureQueryLevels
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureQueryLod
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction textureSize
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction transpose
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction trunc
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction uaddCarry
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction uintBitsToFloat
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction umulExtended
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction unpackDouble2x32
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction unpackHalf2x16
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction unpackSnorm2x16
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction unpackSnorm4x8
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction unpackUnorm2x16
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction unpackUnorm4x8
syn keyword glslBuiltinFunction usubBorrow
hi def link glslConditional Conditional
hi def link glslRepeat Repeat
hi def link glslStatement Statement
hi def link glslTodo Todo
hi def link glslCommentL glslComment
hi def link glslCommentStart glslComment
hi def link glslComment Comment
hi def link glslPreCondit PreCondit
hi def link glslDefine Define
hi def link glslTokenConcat glslPreProc
hi def link glslPredefinedMacro Macro
hi def link glslPreProc PreProc
hi def link glslBoolean Boolean
hi def link glslDecimalInt glslInteger
hi def link glslOctalInt glslInteger
hi def link glslHexInt glslInteger
hi def link glslInteger Number
hi def link glslFloat Float
hi def link glslIdentifierPrime glslIdentifier
hi def link glslIdentifier Identifier
hi def link glslStructure Structure
hi def link glslType Type
hi def link glslQualifier StorageClass
hi def link glslBuiltinConstant Constant
hi def link glslBuiltinFunction Function
hi def link glslBuiltinVariable Identifier
hi def link glslSwizzle Identifier
if !exists("b:current_syntax")
let b:current_syntax = "glsl"
" vim:set sts=2 sw=2 :
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'gmpl') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: GMPL
" Maintainer: Mark Mba Wright
" Latest Revision: 9 July 2012
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn sync fromstart
syn match gmplArithmeticSetOperator "\.\."
" Integer with - + or nothing in front
syn match gmplNumber '\d\+'
syn match gmplNumber '[-+]\d\+'
" Floating point gmplNumber with decimal no E or e (+,-)
syn match gmplNumber '\d*\.\d\+'
syn match gmplNumber '[-+]\d*\.\d\+'
" Floating point like gmplNumber with E and no decimal point (+,-)
syn match gmplNumber '[-+]\=\d[[:digit:]]*[eE][\-+]\=\d\+'
syn match gmplNumber '\d[[:digit:]]*[eE][\-+]\=\d\+'
" Floating point like gmplNumber with E and decimal point (+,-)
syn match gmplNumber '[-+]\=\d[[:digit:]]*\.\d*[eE][\-+]\=\d\+'
syn match gmplNumber '\d[[:digit:]]*\.\d*[eE][\-+]\=\d\+'
syn match gmplIndex /\<\%(in\>\)\@!\w*/ contained contains=gmplKeyword,gmplNumber
syn match gmplLabel '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
syn match gmplArithmeticOperator "[-+]"
syn match gmplArithmeticOperator "\.\=[*/\\^]"
syn match gmplRelationalOperator "[=~]="
syn match gmplRelationalOperator "[<>]=\="
" syn match gmplLogicalOperator "[&|~]
" match indeces
" comments
syn match gmplComment /\/\*.\{-}\*\//
syn region gmplComment start="/\*" end="\*/"
syn match gmplComment '#.\{-}$'
" strings
syn region gmplString start="\"" end="\""
syn region gmplString start="\'" end="\'" contains=gmplStringToken
syn match gmplStringToken '\%[a-z]' contained
" Keywords
syn keyword gmplKeyword and else by if cross in diff inter div less mod union not within or symdiff then
syn keyword gmplKeyword minimize maximize solve
syn keyword gmplType set var param nextgroup=gmplLabel skipwhite
" Regions
syn region gmplIndexExpression start="{" end="}" transparent contains=gmplIndex,gmplIndexExpression
syn region gmplIndexGroup start="\[" end="\]" transparent contains=gmplIndex
" syn region gmplParen start="(" end=")"
"" catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis
syn match gmplParensError ")\|}\|\]"
syn match gmplParensErrA contained "\]"
syn match gmplParensErrC contained "}"
hi level1c ctermfg=brown guifg=brown
hi level2c ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=darkgreen gui=bold
hi level3c ctermfg=Darkblue guifg=Darkblue
hi level4c ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta gui=bold
hi level5c ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=darkcyan
hi level6c ctermfg=white guifg=white gui=bold
hi level7c ctermfg=darkred guifg=darkred
hi level8c ctermfg=blue guifg=blue gui=bold
hi level9c ctermfg=darkgray guifg=darkgray
hi level10c ctermfg=brown guifg=brown gui=bold
hi level11c ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=darkgreen
hi level12c ctermfg=Darkblue guifg=Darkblue gui=bold
hi level13c ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
hi level14c ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=darkcyan gui=bold
hi level15c ctermfg=gray guifg=gray
" These are the regions for each pair.
" This could be improved, perhaps, by makeing them match [ and { also,
" but I'm not going to take the time to figure out haw to make the
" end pattern match only the proper type.
syn region level1 matchgroup=level1c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level1,level2,level3,level4,level5,level6,level7,level8,level9,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level2 matchgroup=level2c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level2,level3,level4,level5,level6,level7,level8,level9,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level3 matchgroup=level3c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level3,level4,level5,level6,level7,level8,level9,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level4 matchgroup=level4c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level4,level5,level6,level7,level8,level9,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level5 matchgroup=level5c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level5,level6,level7,level8,level9,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level6 matchgroup=level6c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level6,level7,level8,level9,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level7 matchgroup=level7c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level7,level8,level9,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level8 matchgroup=level8c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level8,level9,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level9 matchgroup=level9c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level9,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level10 matchgroup=level10c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level10,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level11 matchgroup=level11c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level11,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level12 matchgroup=level12c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level12,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level13 matchgroup=level13c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level13,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level14 matchgroup=level14c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level14,level15, NoInParens
syn region level15 matchgroup=level15c start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=TOP,level15, NoInParens
let b:current_syntax = "gmpl"
hi def link gmplKeyword Keyword
hi def link gmplParensError Error
hi def link gmplParensErrA Error
hi def link gmplParensErrB Error
hi def link gmplParensErrC Error
" hi def link gmplIndexExpression Label
" hi def link gmplParen Label
" hi def link gmplIndexGroup Label
hi def link gmplIndex Identifier
hi def link gmplNumber Number
hi def link gmplComment Comment
hi def link gmplType Type
hi def link gmplLabel Keyword
hi def link gmplString String
hi def link gmplStringToken Special
@ -1,153 +1,551 @@
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'julia') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: julia
" Maintainer: Carlo Baldassi <>
" Last Change: 2013 feb 11
if exists("b:current_syntax")
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
if version < 704
" this is used to disable regex syntax like `\@3<='
" on older vim versions
function! s:d(x)
return ''
function! s:d(x)
return string(a:x)
scriptencoding utf-8
if !exists("b:julia_syntax_version")
let b:julia_syntax_version = get(g:, "default_julia_version", "current")
if !exists("b:julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated")
let b:julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated = get(g:, "julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated", 0)
if b:julia_syntax_version =~? '\<\%(curr\%(ent\)\?\|release\|6\|0\.6\)\>'
let b:julia_syntax_version = 6
elseif b:julia_syntax_version =~? '\<\%(next\|devel\|7\|0\.7\)\>'
let b:julia_syntax_version = 7
elseif b:julia_syntax_version =~? '\<\%(prev\%(ious\)\?\|legacy\|5\|0\.5\)\>'
let b:julia_syntax_version = 5
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Unrecognized or unsupported julia syntax version: " . b:julia_syntax_version | echohl None
let b:julia_syntax_version = 6
let s:julia_spellcheck_strings = get(g:, "julia_spellcheck_strings", 0)
let s:julia_spellcheck_docstrings = get(g:, "julia_spellcheck_docstrings", 1)
let s:julia_spellcheck_comments = get(g:, "julia_spellcheck_comments", 1)
let s:julia_highlight_operators = get(g:, "julia_highlight_operators", 1)
" characters which cannot be used in identifiers. This list is very incomplete:
" 1) it only cares about charactes below 256
" 2) it doesn't distinguish between what's allowed as the 1st char vs in the
" rest of an identifier (e.g. digits, `!` and `?`)
" Despite these shortcomings, it seems to do a decent job.
" note: \U5B and \U5D are '[' and ']'
let s:nonid_chars = "\U01-\U07" . "\U0E-\U1F" .
\ "\"#$'(,.:;=@`\\U5B{" .
\ "\U80-\UA1" . "\UA7\UA8\UAB\UAD\UAF\UB4" . "\UB6-\UB8" . "\UBB\UBF"
let s:nonidS_chars = "[:space:])\\U5D}" . s:nonid_chars
" the following excludes '!' since it can be used as an identifier,
" and '$' since it can be used in interpolations
" note that \U2D is '-'
let s:uniop_chars = "+\\U2D~¬√∛∜"
let s:binop_chars = "=+\\U2D*/\\%÷^&|⊻<>≤≥≡≠≢∈∉⋅×∪∩⊆⊈⊂⊄⊊←→∋∌⊕⊖⊞⊟∘∧⊗⊘↑↓∨⊠±"
" the following is a list of all remainig valid operator chars,
" but it's more efficient when expressed with ranges (see below)
" let s:binop_chars_extra = "↔↚↛↠↣↦↮⇎⇏⇒⇔⇴⇶⇷⇸⇹⇺⇻⇼⇽⇾⇿⟵⟶⟷⟷⟹⟺⟻⟼⟽⟾⟿⤀⤁⤂⤃⤄⤅⤆⤇⤌⤍⤎⤏⤐⤑⤔⤕⤖⤗⤘⤝⤞⤟⤠⥄⥅⥆⥇⥈⥊⥋⥎⥐⥒⥓⥖⥗⥚⥛⥞⥟⥢⥤⥦⥧⥨⥩⥪⥫⥬⥭⥰⧴⬱⬰⬲⬳⬴⬵⬶⬷⬸⬹⬺⬻⬼⬽⬾⬿⭀⭁⭂⭃⭄⭇⭈⭉⭊⭋⭌←→" .
" \ "∝∊∍∥∦∷∺∻∽∾≁≃≄≅≆≇≈≉≊≋≌≍≎≐≑≒≓≔≕≖≗≘≙≚≛≜≝≞≟≣≦≧≨≩≪≫≬≭≮≯≰≱≲≳≴≵≶≷≸≹≺≻≼≽≾≿⊀⊁⊃⊅⊇⊉⊋⊏⊐⊑⊒⊜⊩⊬⊮⊰⊱⊲⊳⊴⊵⊶⊷⋍⋐⋑⋕⋖⋗⋘⋙⋚⋛⋜⋝⋞⋟⋠⋡⋢⋣⋤⋥⋦⋧⋨⋩⋪⋫⋬⋭⋲⋳⋴⋵⋶⋷⋸⋹⋺⋻⋼⋽⋾⋿⟈⟉⟒⦷⧀⧁⧡⧣⧤⧥⩦⩧⩪⩫⩬⩭⩮⩯⩰⩱⩲⩳⩴⩵⩶⩷⩸⩹⩺⩻⩼⩽⩾⩿⪀⪁⪂⪃⪄⪅⪆⪇⪈⪉⪊⪋⪌⪍⪎⪏⪐⪑⪒⪓⪔⪕⪖⪗⪘⪙⪚⪛⪜⪝⪞⪟⪠⪡⪢⪣⪤⪥⪦⪧⪨⪩⪪⪫⪬⪭⪮⪯⪰⪱⪲⪳⪴⪵⪶⪷⪸⪹⪺⪻⪼⪽⪾⪿⫀⫁⫂⫃⫄⫅⫆⫇⫈⫉⫊⫋⫌⫍⫎⫏⫐⫑⫒⫓⫔⫕⫖⫗⫘⫙⫷⫸⫹⫺⊢⊣" .
" \ "⊔∓∔∸≂≏⊎⊽⋎⋓⧺⧻⨈⨢⨣⨤⨥⨦⨧⨨⨩⨪⨫⨬⨭⨮⨹⨺⩁⩂⩅⩊⩌⩏⩐⩒⩔⩖⩗⩛⩝⩡⩢⩣" .
" \ "⊙⊚⊛⊡⊓∗∙∤⅋≀⊼⋄⋆⋇⋉⋊⋋⋌⋏⋒⟑⦸⦼⦾⦿⧶⧷⨇⨰⨱⨲⨳⨴⨵⨶⨷⨸⨻⨼⨽⩀⩃⩄⩋⩍⩎⩑⩓⩕⩘⩚⩜⩞⩟⩠⫛⊍▷⨝⟕⟖⟗" .
" \ "⇵⟰⟱⤈⤉⤊⤋⤒⤓⥉⥌⥍⥏⥑⥔⥕⥘⥙⥜⥝⥠⥡⥣⥥⥮⥯↑↓"
" same as above, but with character ranges, for performance
let s:binop_chars_extra = "\\U214B\\U2190-\\U2194\\U219A\\U219B\\U21A0\\U21A3\\U21A6\\U21AE\\U21CE\\U21CF\\U21D2\\U21D4\\U21F4-\\U21FF\\U2208-\\U220D\\U2213\\U2214\\U2217-\\U2219\\U221D\\U2224-\\U222A\\U2237\\U2238\\U223A\\U223B\\U223D\\U223E\\U2240-\\U228B\\U228D-\\U229C\\U229E-\\U22A3\\U22A9\\U22AC\\U22AE\\U22B0-\\U22B7\\U22BB-\\U22BD\\U22C4-\\U22C7\\U22C9-\\U22D3\\U22D5-\\U22ED\\U22F2-\\U22FF\\U25B7\\U27C8\\U27C9\\U27D1\\U27D2\\U27D5-\\U27D7\\U27F0\\U27F1\\U27F5-\\U27F7\\U27F7\\U27F9-\\U27FF\\U2900-\\U2918\\U291D-\\U2920\\U2944-\\U2970\\U29B7\\U29B8\\U29BC\\U29BE-\\U29C1\\U29E1\\U29E3-\\U29E5\\U29F4\\U29F6\\U29F7\\U29FA\\U29FB\\U2A07\\U2A08\\U2A1D\\U2A22-\\U2A2E\\U2A30-\\U2A3D\\U2A40-\\U2A45\\U2A4A-\\U2A58\\U2A5A-\\U2A63\\U2A66\\U2A67\\U2A6A-\\U2AD9\\U2ADB\\U2AF7-\\U2AFA\\U2B30-\\U2B44\\U2B47-\\U2B4C\\UFFE9-\\UFFEC"
" a Julia identifier, sort of (TODO: the special case of a lone `?` should be
" removed as soon as the Julia parser is fixed)
let s:idregex = '\%([^' . s:nonidS_chars . '0-9!?' . s:uniop_chars . s:binop_chars . '][^' . s:nonidS_chars . s:uniop_chars . s:binop_chars . s:binop_chars_extra . ']*\|\<?\>\)'
let s:operators = '\%(' . '\.\%([-+*/^÷%|&!]\|//\|\\\|<<\|>>>\?\)\?=' .
\ '\|' . '[:$<>]=\|||\|&&\||>\|<|\|<:\|:>\|::\|<<\|>>>\?\|//\|[-=]>\|\.\{3\}' .
\ '\|' . '[' . s:uniop_chars . '!$]' .
\ '\|' . '\.\?[' . s:binop_chars . s:binop_chars_extra . ']' .
\ '\)'
syn case match
syntax cluster juliaExpressions contains=@juliaParItems,@juliaStringItems,@juliaKeywordItems,@juliaBlocksItems,@juliaTypesItems,@juliaConstItems,@juliaMacroItems,@juliaSymbolItems,@juliaOperatorItems,@juliaNumberItems,@juliaCommentItems,@juliaErrorItems
syntax cluster juliaExprsPrintf contains=@juliaExpressions,@juliaPrintfItems
syn keyword juliaDirective import importall export using require include
syntax cluster juliaParItems contains=juliaParBlock,juliaSqBraBlock,juliaCurBraBlock,juliaQuotedParBlock,juliaQuotedQMarkPar
syntax cluster juliaKeywordItems contains=juliaKeyword,juliaInfixKeyword,juliaRepKeyword,juliaTypedef
if b:julia_syntax_version == 5
syntax cluster juliaBlocksItems contains=@juliaBlocksItemsAll
syntax cluster juliaBlocksItems contains=@juliaBlocksItemsAll,@juliaBlocksItems0607
syntax cluster juliaBlocksItemsAll contains=juliaConditionalBlock,juliaWhileBlock,juliaForBlock,juliaBeginBlock,juliaFunctionBlock,juliaMacroBlock,juliaQuoteBlock,juliaTypeBlock,juliaImmutableBlock,juliaExceptionBlock,juliaLetBlock,juliaDoBlock,juliaModuleBlock
syntax cluster juliaBlocksItems0607 contains=juliaStructBlock,juliaMutableStructBlock,juliaAbstractBlock,juliaPrimitiveBlock
if b:julia_syntax_version == 5
syntax cluster juliaTypesItems contains=@juliaTypesItemsAll,@juliaTypesItems05,@juliaTypesItems0506
elseif b:julia_syntax_version == 6
syntax cluster juliaTypesItems contains=@juliaTypesItemsAll,@juliaTypesItems05,@juliaTypesItems0506,@juliaTypesItems0607
syntax cluster juliaTypesItems contains=@juliaTypesItemsAll,@juliaTypesItems05,@juliaTypesItems0506,@juliaTypesItems0607,@juliaTypesItems07
syntax cluster juliaTypesItemsAll contains=juliaBaseTypeBasic,juliaBaseTypeNum,juliaBaseTypeC,juliaBaseTypeError,juliaBaseTypeIter,juliaBaseTypeString,juliaBaseTypeArray,juliaBaseTypeDict,juliaBaseTypeSet,juliaBaseTypeIO,juliaBaseTypeProcess,juliaBaseTypeRange,juliaBaseTypeRegex,juliaBaseTypeFact,juliaBaseTypeFact,juliaBaseTypeSort,juliaBaseTypeRound,juliaBaseTypeSpecial,juliaBaseTypeRandom,juliaBaseTypeDisplay,juliaBaseTypeTime,juliaBaseTypeOther
syntax cluster juliaTypesItems05 contains=juliaBaseTypeIter05,juliaBaseTypeRange05
syntax cluster juliaTypesItems0506 contains=juliaBaseTypeRange0506,juliaBaseTypeSet0506
syntax cluster juliaTypesItems0607 contains=juliaBaseTypeBasic0607,juliaBaseTypeArray0607,juliaBaseTypeSet0607,juliaBaseTypeProcess0607,juliaBaseTypeRange0607,juliaBaseTypeTime0607
syntax cluster juliaTypesItems07 contains=juliaBaseTypeRange07,juliaBaseTypeSet07
hi def link juliaDirective Include
syntax cluster juliaConstItemsAll contains=juliaConstNum,juliaConstBool,juliaConstEnv,juliaConstIO,juliaConstMMap,juliaConstC,juliaConstGeneric
syntax cluster juliaConstItems0506 contains=juliaConstNum0506
syntax cluster juliaConstItems07 contains=juliaPossibleEuler
if b:julia_syntax_version <= 6
syntax cluster juliaConstItems contains=@juliaConstItemsAll,@juliaConstItems0506
syntax cluster juliaConstItems contains=@juliaConstItemsAll,@juliaConstItems0506,@juliaConstItems07
syn region juliaDeclTypeBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaDeclType start="\<\%(type\|immutable\)\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALL
syn keyword juliaTypeAlias typealias
syn keyword juliaDeclAbstract abstract
syntax cluster juliaMacroItems contains=juliaPossibleMacro,juliaDollarVar,juliaDollarPar,juliaDollarSqBra
syntax cluster juliaSymbolItems contains=juliaPossibleSymbol
syntax cluster juliaNumberItems contains=juliaNumbers
syntax cluster juliaStringItems contains=juliaChar,juliaString,juliabString,juliasString,juliavString,juliaipString,juliabigString,juliaMIMEString,juliaShellString,juliaDocString,juliaRegEx
syntax cluster juliaPrintfItems contains=juliaPrintfParBlock,juliaPrintfString
syntax cluster juliaOperatorItems contains=juliaOperator,juliaRangeOperator,juliaCTransOperator,juliaTernaryRegion,juliaColon,juliaSemicolon,juliaComma
syntax cluster juliaCommentItems contains=juliaCommentL,juliaCommentM
syntax cluster juliaErrorItems contains=juliaErrorPar,juliaErrorEnd,juliaErrorElse,juliaErrorCatch,juliaErrorFinally
hi def link juliaDeclType Structure
hi def link juliaTypeAlias Typedef
hi def link juliaDeclAbstract Structure
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckStrings contains=@spell
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckDocStrings contains=@spell
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckComments contains=@spell
" Module
syn region juliaModuleBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaModule start="\<module\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALL
if !s:julia_spellcheck_docstrings
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckDocStrings remove=@spell
if !s:julia_spellcheck_strings
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckStrings remove=@spell
if !s:julia_spellcheck_comments
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckComments remove=@spell
hi def link juliaModule Structure
syntax match juliaSemicolon display ";"
syntax match juliaComma display ","
syntax match juliaColon display ":"
syntax match juliaErrorPar display "[])}]"
syntax match juliaErrorEnd display "\<end\>"
syntax match juliaErrorElse display "\<\%(else\|elseif\)\>"
syntax match juliaErrorCatch display "\<catch\>"
syntax match juliaErrorFinally display "\<finally\>"
syntax match juliaErrorSemicol display contained ";"
syntax match juliaRangeEnd display contained "\<end\>"
syntax region juliaParBlock matchgroup=juliaParDelim start="(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaComprehensionFor
syntax region juliaParBlockInRange matchgroup=juliaParDelim contained start="(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaParBlockInRange,juliaRangeEnd,juliaComprehensionFor
syntax region juliaSqBraBlock matchgroup=juliaParDelim start="\[" end="\]" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaParBlockInRange,juliaRangeEnd,juliaComprehensionFor,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS,juliaQuotedQMarkParS
syntax region juliaCurBraBlock matchgroup=juliaParDelim start="{" end="}" contains=@juliaExpressions
if b:julia_syntax_version >= 6
let s:keywords = '\<\%(return\|local\|global\|import\%(all\)\?\|export\|using\|const\|where\)\>'
let s:infixkeywords = '\<\%(in\|isa\)\>'
let s:keywords = '\<\%(return\|local\|global\|import\%(all\)\?\|export\|using\|const\)\>'
let s:infixkeywords = '\<\%(in\)\>'
exec 'syntax match juliaKeyword display "' . s:keywords . '"'
exec 'syntax match juliaInfixKeyword display "\%(=\s*\)\@<!' . s:infixkeywords . '\S\@!\%(\s*=\)\@!"'
syntax match juliaRepKeyword display "\<\%(break\|continue\)\>"
syntax region juliaConditionalBlock matchgroup=juliaConditional start="\<if\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaConditionalEIBlock,juliaConditionalEBlock fold
syntax region juliaConditionalEIBlock matchgroup=juliaConditional transparent contained start="\<elseif\>" end="\<\%(end\|else\|elseif\)\>"me=s-1 contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaConditionalEIBlock,juliaConditionalEBlock
syntax region juliaConditionalEBlock matchgroup=juliaConditional transparent contained start="\<else\>" end="\<end\>"me=s-1 contains=@juliaExpressions
syntax region juliaWhileBlock matchgroup=juliaRepeat start="\<while\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaForBlock matchgroup=juliaRepeat start="\<for\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaOuter fold
syntax region juliaBeginBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<begin\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaFunctionBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<function\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaMacroBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<macro\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaQuoteBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<quote\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaTypeBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<type\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaImmutableBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<immutable\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaStructBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<struct\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaMutableStructBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<mutable struct\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaLetBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<let\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaDoBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<do\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
exec 'syntax region juliaModuleBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\%(\%(\.\s*\)\@'.s:d(6).'<!\|\%(@\s*\.\s*\)\@'.s:d(6).'<=\)\<\%(bare\)\?module\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold'
syntax region juliaExceptionBlock matchgroup=juliaException start="\<try\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaCatchBlock,juliaFinallyBlock fold
syntax region juliaCatchBlock matchgroup=juliaException transparent contained start="\<catch\>" end="\<end\>"me=s-1 contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaFinallyBlock
syntax region juliaFinallyBlock matchgroup=juliaException transparent contained start="\<finally\>" end="\<end\>"me=s-1 contains=@juliaExpressions
syntax match juliaTypedef "\<\%(abstract\|typealias\|bitstype\)\>"
" AbstractBlock needs to come after to take precedence
syntax region juliaAbstractBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<abstract type\>" end="\<end\>" fold contains=@juliaExpressions
syntax region juliaPrimitiveBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<primitive type\>" end="\<end\>" fold contains=@juliaExpressions
exec 'syntax region juliaComprehensionFor matchgroup=juliaComprehensionFor transparent contained start="\%([^[:space:],;:({[]\_s*\)\@'.s:d(80).'<=\<for\>" end="\ze[]);]" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaComprehensionIf,juliaComprehensionFor'
syntax match juliaComprehensionIf contained "\<if\>"
exec 'syntax match juliaOuter contained "\<outer\ze\s\+' . s:idregex . '\>"'
syntax match juliaBaseTypeBasic display "\<\%(Tuple\|NTuple\|Symbol\|\%(Intrinsic\)\?Function\|Union\|Type\%(Name\|Constructor\|Var\)\?\|Any\|ANY\|Vararg\|Top\|None\|Nothing\|Ptr\|Void\|Exception\|Module\|Box\|Expr\|LambdaStaticData\|\%(Data\|Union\)Type\|\%(LineNumber\|Label\|Goto\|Quote\|Top\|Symbol\|Getfield\)Node\|\%(Weak\|Global\)\?Ref\|Associative\|Method\(Table\)\?\|GetfieldNode\|Nullable\|Pair\|Val\|TypeMap\%(Level\|Entry\)\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeBasic0607 display "\<\%(UnionAll\|CodeInfo\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeNum display "\<\%(U\?Int\%(8\|16\|32\|64\|128\)\?\|Float\%(16\|32\|64\)\|Complex\%(32\|64\|128\)\?\|Bool\|Char\|Number\|Signed\|Unsigned\|Integer\|AbstractFloat\|Real\|Rational\|Irrational\|Enum\|BigInt\|BigFloat\|MathConst\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeC display "\<\%(FileOffset\|C\%(u\?\%(char\|short\|int\|long\(long\)\?\|w\?string\)\|float\|double\|\%(ptrdiff\|s\?size\|wchar\|off\|u\?intmax\)_t\)\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeError display "\<\%(\%(Bounds\|Divide\|Domain\|\%(Stack\)\?Overflow\|EOF\|Undef\%(Ref\|Var\)\|System\|Type\|Parse\|Argument\|Key\|Load\|Method\|Inexact\|OutOfMemory\|Init\|Assertion\|Unicode\|ReadOnlyMemory\)Error\|\%(Interrupt\|Error\|ProcessExited\|Captured\|Composite\|InvalidState\|Null\|Remote\)Exception\|DimensionMismatch\|SegmentationFault\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeIter display "\<\%(EachLine\|Enumerate\|Cartesian\%(Index\|Range\)\|LinSpace\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeIter05 display "\<\%(Zip\|Filter\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeString display "\<\%(DirectIndex\|Sub\|Rep\|Rev\|Abstract\)\?String\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeArray display "\<\%(\%(Sub\)\?Array\|\%(Abstract\|Dense\|Strided\)\?\%(Array\|Matrix\|Vec\%(tor\|OrMat\)\)\|SparseMatrixCSC\|\%(AbstractSparse\|Bit\|Shared\)\%(Array\|Vector\|Matrix\)\|\%\(D\|Bid\|\%(Sym\)\?Trid\)iagonal\|Hermitian\|Symmetric\|UniformScaling\|\%(Lower\|Upper\)Triangular\|SparseVector\|VecElement\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeArray0607 display "\<\%(Conj\%(Array\|Matrix\|Vector\)\|Index\%(Cartesian\|Linear\|Style\)\|PermutedDimsArray\|RowVector\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeDict display "\<\%(WeakKey\|ObjectId\)\?Dict\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeSet display "\<Set\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeSet0506 display "\<IntSet\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeSet0607 display "\<AbstractSet\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeSet07 display "\<BitSet\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeIO display "\<\%(IO\%(Stream\|Buffer\|Context\)\?\|RawFD\|StatStruct\|DevNull\|FileMonitor\|PollingFileWatcher\|Timer\|Base64\%(Decode\|Encode\)Pipe\|\%(UDP\|TCP\)Socket\|\%(Abstract\)\?Channel\|BufferStream\|ReentrantLock\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeProcess display "\<\%(ProcessGroup\|Pipe\|Cmd\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeProcess0607 display "\<PipeBuffer\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRange display "\<\%(Dims\|RangeIndex\|\%(Ordinal\|Step\|\%(Abstract\)\?Unit\)Range\|Colon\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRange05 display "\<FloatRange\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRange0506 display "\<Range\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRange0607 display "\<\%(ExponentialBackOff\|StepRangeLen\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRange07 display "\<AbstractRange\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRegex display "\<Regex\%(Match\)\?\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeFact display "\<Factorization\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeSort display "\<\%(Insertion\|\(Partial\)\?Quick\|Merge\)Sort\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRound display "\<Round\%(ingMode\|FromZero\|Down\|Nearest\%(Ties\%(Away\|Up\)\)\?\|ToZero\|Up\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeSpecial display "\<\%(LocalProcess\|ClusterManager\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRandom display "\<\%(AbstractRNG\|MersenneTwister\|RandomDevice\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeDisplay display "\<\%(Text\(Display\)\?\|Display\|MIME\|HTML\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeTime display "\<\%(Date\%(Time\)\?\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeTime0607 display "\<DateFormat\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeOther display "\<\%(RemoteRef\|Task\|Condition\|VersionNumber\|IPv[46]\|SerializationState\|WorkerConfig\|Future\|RemoteChannel\|IPAddr\|Stack\%(Trace\|Frame\)\|\(Caching\|Worker\)Pool\|AbstractSerializer\)\>"
syntax match juliaConstNum display "\%(\<\%(\%(NaN\|Inf\)\%(16\|32\|64\)\?\|pi\|π\)\>\)"
syntax match juliaConstNum0506 display "\%(\<\%(eu\?\|eulergamma\|γ\|catalan\|φ\|golden\)\>\)"
" Note: recognition of ℯ, which Vim does not consider a valid identifier, is
" complicated. We detect possible uses by just looking for the character (for
" performance) and then check that it's actually used by its own.
" (This also tries to detect preceding number constants; it does so in a crude
" way.)
syntax match juliaPossibleEuler "ℯ" contains=juliaEuler
exec 'syntax match juliaEuler contained "\%(\%(^\|[' . s:nonidS_chars . ']\|' . s:operators . '\)\%([.0-9eEf_]*\d\)\?\)\@'.s:d(80).'<=ℯ\ze\%($\|[' . s:nonidS_chars . ']\|' . s:operators . '\)"'
syntax match juliaConstBool display "\<\%(true\|false\)\>"
syntax match juliaConstIO display "\<\%(STD\%(OUT\|IN\|ERR\)\)\>"
syntax match juliaConstC display "\<\%(WORD_SIZE\|C_NULL\)\>"
syntax match juliaConstGeneric display "\<\%(nothing\|Main\)\>"
syntax match juliaPossibleMacro transparent "@" contains=juliaMacroCall,juliaMacroCallP,juliaPrintfMacro
exec 'syntax match juliaMacro contained "@' . s:idregex . '\%(\.' . s:idregex . '\)*"'
syntax match juliaMacro contained "@\.\ze[^0-9]"
exec 'syntax region juliaMacroCallP contained transparent start="@' . s:idregex . '\%(\.' . s:idregex . '\)*(" end=")\@'.s:d(1).'<=" contains=juliaMacro,juliaParBlock'
exec 'syntax region juliaMacroCallP contained transparent start="@.(" end=")\@'.s:d(1).'<=" contains=juliaMacro,juliaParBlock'
exec 'syntax region juliaMacroCall contained transparent start="\(@' . s:idregex . '\%(\.' . s:idregex . '\)*\)\@=\1\%([^(]\|$\)" end="\ze\%([])};#]\|$\|\<for\>\)" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaMacro,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS,juliaQuotedQMarkParS'
exec 'syntax region juliaMacroCall contained transparent start="\(@.\)\@=\1\%([^(]\|$\)" end="\ze\%([])};#]\|$\|\<for\>\)" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaMacro,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS,juliaQuotedQMarkParS'
syntax match juliaNumbers transparent "\<\d\|\.\d\|\<im\>" contains=juliaNumber,juliaFloat,juliaComplexUnit
"integer regexes
let s:dec_regex = '\d\%(_\?\d\)*\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\D\)'
let s:hex_regex = '0x\x\%(_\?\x\)*\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\X\)'
let s:bin_regex = '0b[01]\%(_\?[01]\)*\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze[^01]\)'
let s:oct_regex = '0o\o\%(_\?\o\)*\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\O\)'
let s:int_regex = '\%(' . s:hex_regex .
\ '\|' . s:bin_regex .
\ '\|' . s:oct_regex .
\ '\|' . s:dec_regex .
\ '\)'
"floating point regexes
" starting with a dot, optional exponent
let s:float_regex1 = '\.\d\%(_\?\d\)*\%([eEf][-+]\?\d\+\)\?\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\D\)'
" with dot, optional exponent
let s:float_regex2 = '\d\%(_\?\d\)*\.\%(\d\%(_\?\d\)*\)\?\%([eEf][-+]\?\d\+\)\?\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\D\)'
" without dot, with exponent
let s:float_regex3 = '\d\%(_\?\d\)*[eEf][-+]\?\d\+\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\D\)'
"hex floating point numbers
" starting with a dot
let s:hexfloat_regex1 = '0x\.\%\(\x\%(_\?\x\)*\)\?[pP][-+]\?\d\+\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\X\)'
" starting with a digit
let s:hexfloat_regex2 = '0x\x\%(_\?\x\)*\%\(\.\%\(\x\%(_\?\x\)*\)\?\)\?[pP][-+]\?\d\+\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\X\)'
let s:float_regex = '\%(' . s:float_regex3 .
\ '\|' . s:float_regex2 .
\ '\|' . s:float_regex1 .
\ '\|' . s:hexfloat_regex2 .
\ '\|' . s:hexfloat_regex1 .
\ '\)'
exec 'syntax match juliaNumber contained "' . s:int_regex . '" contains=juliaComplexUnit'
exec 'syntax match juliaFloat contained "' . s:float_regex . '" contains=juliaComplexUnit'
syntax match juliaComplexUnit display contained "\<im\>"
exec 'syntax match juliaOperator "' . s:operators . '"'
syntax match juliaRangeOperator display ":"
exec 'syntax region juliaTernaryRegion matchgroup=juliaTernaryOperator start="\s\zs?\ze\s" skip="\%(:\(:\|[^:[:space:]'."'".'"({[]\+\s*\ze:\)\|^\s*:\|\%(?\s*\)\@'.s:d(6).'<=:(\)" end=":" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaErrorSemicol'
let s:interp_dollar = '\([' . s:nonidS_chars . s:uniop_chars . s:binop_chars . '!?]\|^\)\@'.s:d(1).'<=\$'
exec 'syntax match juliaDollarVar display contained "' . s:interp_dollar . s:idregex . '"'
exec 'syntax region juliaDollarPar matchgroup=juliaDollarVar contained start="' .s:interp_dollar . '(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions'
exec 'syntax region juliaDollarSqBra matchgroup=juliaDollarVar contained start="' .s:interp_dollar . '\[" end="\]" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaComprehensionFor,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS,juliaQuotedQMarkParS'
syntax match juliaChar "'\\\?.'" contains=juliaSpecialChar
syntax match juliaChar display "'\\\o\{3\}'" contains=juliaOctalEscapeChar
syntax match juliaChar display "'\\x\x\{2\}'" contains=juliaHexEscapeChar
syntax match juliaChar display "'\\u\x\{1,4\}'" contains=juliaUniCharSmall
syntax match juliaChar display "'\\U\x\{1,8\}'" contains=juliaUniCharLarge
exec 'syntax match juliaCTransOperator "[[:space:]}' . s:nonid_chars . s:uniop_chars . s:binop_chars . '!?]\@'.s:d(1).'<!\.\?' . "'" . '"'
syntax region juliaString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaStringVars,@juliaSpecialChars,@juliaSpellcheckStrings
syntax region juliabString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<b\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaSpecialChars
syntax region juliasString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<s\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaSpecialChars
syntax region juliavString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<v\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+
syntax region juliaipString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<ip\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+
syntax region juliabigString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<big\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+
syntax region juliaMIMEString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<MIME\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaSpecialChars
syntax region juliaDocString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+^"""+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+"""+ contains=@juliaStringVars,@juliaSpecialChars,@juliaSpellcheckDocStrings
exec 'syntax region juliaPrintfMacro contained transparent start="@s\?printf(" end=")\@'.s:d(1).'<=" contains=juliaMacro,juliaPrintfParBlock'
syntax region juliaPrintfMacro contained transparent start="@s\?printf\s\+" end="\ze\%([])};#]\|$\|\<for\>\)" contains=@juliaExprsPrintf,juliaMacro,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS,juliaQuotedQMarkParS
syntax region juliaPrintfParBlock contained matchgroup=juliaParDelim start="(" end=")" contains=@juliaExprsPrintf
syntax region juliaPrintfString contained matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+"+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@juliaSpecialChars,@juliaPrintfChars
syntax region juliaShellString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+`+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\`+ end=+`+ contains=@juliaStringVars,juliaSpecialChar
syntax cluster juliaStringVars contains=juliaStringVarsPar,juliaStringVarsSqBra,juliaStringVarsCurBra,juliaStringVarsPla
syntax region juliaStringVarsPar contained matchgroup=juliaStringVarDelim start="$(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions
syntax region juliaStringVarsSqBra contained matchgroup=juliaStringVarDelim start="$\[" end="\]" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaComprehensionFor,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS,juliaQuotedQMarkParS
syntax region juliaStringVarsCurBra contained matchgroup=juliaStringVarDelim start="${" end="}" contains=@juliaExpressions
exec 'syntax match juliaStringVarsPla contained "\$' . s:idregex . '"'
" TODO improve RegEx
syntax region juliaRegEx matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<r\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1[imsx]*+
syntax cluster juliaSpecialChars contains=juliaSpecialChar,juliaOctalEscapeChar,juliaHexEscapeChar,juliaUniCharSmall,juliaUniCharLarge
syntax match juliaSpecialChar display contained "\\."
syntax match juliaOctalEscapeChar display contained "\\\o\{3\}"
syntax match juliaHexEscapeChar display contained "\\x\x\{2\}"
syntax match juliaUniCharSmall display contained "\\u\x\{1,4\}"
syntax match juliaUniCharLarge display contained "\\U\x\{1,8\}"
syntax cluster juliaPrintfChars contains=juliaErrorPrintfFmt,juliaPrintfFmt
syntax match juliaErrorPrintfFmt display contained "\\\?%."
syntax match juliaPrintfFmt display contained "%\%(\d\+\$\)\=[-+' #0]*\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\%(\.\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\)\=\%([hlLjqzt]\|ll\|hh\)\=[aAbdiuoxXDOUfFeEgGcCsSpn]"
syntax match juliaPrintfFmt display contained "%%"
syntax match juliaPrintfFmt display contained "\\%\%(\d\+\$\)\=[-+' #0]*\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\%(\.\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\)\=\%([hlLjqzt]\|ll\|hh\)\=[aAbdiuoxXDOUfFeEgGcCsSpn]"hs=s+1
syntax match juliaPrintfFmt display contained "\\%%"hs=s+1
" this is used to restrict the search for Symbols to when colons appear at all
" (for performance reasons)
syntax match juliaPossibleSymbol transparent ":\ze[^:]" contains=juliaSymbol,juliaQuotedParBlock,juliaQuotedQMarkPar,juliaColon
let s:quotable = '\%(' . s:idregex . '\|?\|' . s:operators . '\|' . s:float_regex . '\|' . s:int_regex . '\)'
let s:quoting_colon = '\%(\%(^\s*\|\s\{6,\}\|[' . s:nonid_chars . s:uniop_chars . s:binop_chars . '?]\s*\)\@'.s:d(6).'<=\|\%(\<\%(return\|if\|else\%(if\)\?\|while\|try\|begin\)\s*\)\@'.s:d(9).'<=\)\zs:'
let s:quoting_colonS = '\s\@'.s:d(1).'<=:'
" note: juliaSymbolS only works within whitespace-sensitive contexts,
" such as in macro calls without parentheses, or within square brackets.
" It is used to override the recognition of expressions like `a :b` as
" ranges rather than symbols in those contexts.
" (Note that such `a :b` expressions only allows at most 5 spaces between
" the identifier and the colon anyway.)
exec 'syntax match juliaSymbol contained "' .s:quoting_colon . s:quotable . '"'
exec 'syntax match juliaSymbolS contained "' . s:quoting_colonS . s:quotable . '"'
" same as above for quoted expressions such as :(expr)
" (includes :(?) as a special case, although it really shouldn't work...)
exec 'syntax region juliaQuotedParBlock matchgroup=juliaQParDelim start="' . s:quoting_colon . '(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions'
exec 'syntax match juliaQuotedQMarkPar "' . s:quoting_colon . '(\s*?\s*)" contains=juliaQuotedQMark'
exec 'syntax region juliaQuotedParBlockS matchgroup=juliaQParDelim contained start="' . s:quoting_colonS . '(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions'
exec 'syntax match juliaQuotedQMarkParS contained "' . s:quoting_colonS . '(\s*?\s*)" contains=juliaQuotedQMark'
" force precedence over Symbols
syntax match juliaOperator display "::"
syntax region juliaCommentL matchgroup=juliaCommentDelim start="#\ze\%([^=]\|$\)" end="$" keepend contains=juliaTodo,@juliaSpellcheckComments
syntax region juliaCommentM matchgroup=juliaCommentDelim start="#=\ze\%([^#]\|$\)" end="=#" contains=juliaTodo,juliaCommentM,@juliaSpellcheckComments
syntax keyword juliaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
" Misc. blocks
syn region juliaMiscBlockBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaMiscBlock start="\<\%(quote\|do\|begin\|let\)\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALL
" the following are disabled by default, but
" can be enabled by entering e.g.
" :hi link juliaParDelim Delimiter
hi def link juliaParDelim juliaNone
hi def link juliaSemicolon juliaNone
hi def link juliaComma juliaNone
hi def link juliaMiscBlock Repeat
hi def link juliaColon juliaOperator
" Braces and Brackets
syn region juliaBracketsBlock matchgroup=juliaBrackets start='\[' end='\]' contains=ALLBUT,juliaRepeatBlock contained
syn region juliaBracesBlock matchgroup=juliaBraces start='{' end='}' contains=ALLBUT,juliaRepeatBlock contained
" Repeat
syn region juliaRepeatBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaRepeat start="\<\%(while\|for\)\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaTop
hi def link juliaKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaInfixKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaRepKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaBlKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaConditional Conditional
hi def link juliaRepeat Repeat
hi def link juliaException Exception
hi def link juliaTypedef Keyword
exec 'hi! def link juliaOuter ' . (b:julia_syntax_version >= 7 ? 'Keyword' : 'NONE')
hi def link juliaBaseTypeBasic Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeNum Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeC Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeError Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeIter Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeString Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeArray Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeDict Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeSet Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeIO Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeProcess Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeRange Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeRegex Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeFact Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeSort Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeRound Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeSpecial Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeRandom Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeDisplay Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeTime Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeOther Type
for t in ["Basic", "Array", "Set", "Range", "Time", "Process"]
let h = b:julia_syntax_version >= 6 ? "Type" : "NONE"
exec "hi! def link juliaBaseType" . t . "0607 " . h
for t in ["Iter", "Range"]
let h = b:julia_syntax_version == 5 ? "Type" : b:julia_syntax_version == 6 ? "juliaDeprecated" : "NONE"
exec "hi! def link juliaBaseType" . t . "05 " . h
for t in ["Range", "Set"]
let h = b:julia_syntax_version <= 6 ? "Type" : "juliaDeprecated"
exec "hi! def link juliaBaseType" . t . "0506 " . h
for t in ["Range", "Set"]
let h = b:julia_syntax_version >= 7 ? "Type" : "NONE"
exec "hi! def link juliaBaseType" . t . "07 " . h
" Conditional
syn keyword juliaElse else elseif
syn region juliaIfBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaIf start="\<if\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaTop
" NOTE: deprecated constants are not highlighted as such. For once,
" one can still legitimately use them by importing Base.MathConstants.
" Plus, one-letter variables like `e` and `γ` can be used with other
" meanings.
hi def link juliaConstNum Constant
let h = b:julia_syntax_version <= 6 ? "Constant" : "NONE"
exec "hi! def link juliaConstNum0506 " . h
let h = b:julia_syntax_version >= 7 ? "Constant" : "NONE"
exec "hi! def link juliaEuler " . h
hi def link juliaElse Conditional
hi def link juliaIf Conditional
hi def link juliaConstEnv Constant
hi def link juliaConstIO Constant
hi def link juliaConstC Constant
hi def link juliaConstLimits Constant
hi def link juliaConstGeneric Constant
hi def link juliaRangeEnd Constant
hi def link juliaConstBool Boolean
" try catch end
syn keyword juliaCatch catch contained
syn region juliaTryBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaTry start="\<try\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaTop
hi def link juliaTry Exception
hi def link juliaCatch Exception
" one word statements
syn keyword juliaStatement return continue break
hi def link juliaStatement Statement
" misc
syn keyword juliaDeclaration const global local
syn keyword juliaComprehensionFor for
hi def link juliaDeclaration Keyword
hi def link juliaComprehensionFor Keyword
hi def link juliaComprehensionIf Keyword
" Built in types
syn keyword juliaType Uint Uint8 Uint16 Uint32 Uint64 Uint128
syn keyword juliaType Int Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int128
syn keyword juliaType Float Float16 Float32 Float64
syn keyword juliaType AbstractArray AbstractMatrix AbstractVector Array Vector Matrix
syn keyword juliaType String ByteString UTF8String SubString
syn keyword juliaType Bool Nothing Union Type
hi def link juliaDollarVar Identifier
hi def link juliaType Type
" Comments
syn keyword juliaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
syn cluster juliaCommentGroup contains=juliaTodo
syn region juliaComment start="#" end="$" contains=@juliaCommentGroup,@Spell
hi def link juliaComment Comment
hi def link juliaTodo Todo
" Strings
syn region juliaString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@juliaStringGroup,@Spell
syn region juliaTripleString start=+"""+ end=+"""+
syn region juliaCharacter start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contains=@juliaCharacterGroup
hi def link juliaString String
hi def link juliaTripleString String
hi def link juliaCharacter Character
" Functions
syn region juliaFunctionBlock transparent matchgroup=juliaFunction start="\<\%\(function\|macro\)\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaTop
hi def link juliaFunction Function
" Numbers
syn match juliaNumber "\<\d\+\([Ee]\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match juliaNumber "\<0x\x\+\>"
syn match juliaNumber "\<0\o\+\>"
syn match juliaFloat "\<\d\+\.\d*\([Ee][-+]\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match juliaFloat "\<\.\d\+\([Ee][-+]\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match juliaFloat "\<\d\+[Ee][-+]\d\+\>"
syn keyword juliaFloatSpecial NaN Inf
hi def link juliaMacro Macro
hi def link juliaSymbol Identifier
hi def link juliaSymbolS Identifier
hi def link juliaQParDelim Identifier
hi def link juliaQuotedQMarkPar Identifier
hi def link juliaQuotedQMarkParS Identifier
hi def link juliaQuotedQMark juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaNumber Number
hi def link juliaFloat Float
hi def link juliaFloatSpecial Float
hi def link juliaComplexUnit Constant
hi def link juliaChar Character
" Operators
syn keyword juliaIn in
hi def link juliaIn Operator
hi def link juliaString String
hi def link juliabString String
hi def link juliasString String
hi def link juliavString String
hi def link juliarString String
hi def link juliaipString String
hi def link juliabigString String
hi def link juliaMIMEString String
hi def link juliaPrintfString String
hi def link juliaShellString String
hi def link juliaDocString String
hi def link juliaStringDelim String
hi def link juliaStringVarsPla Identifier
hi def link juliaStringVarDelim Identifier
hi def link juliaRegEx String
" Constants
syn keyword juliaBool true false nothing
hi def link juliaBool Boolean
hi def link juliaSpecialChar SpecialChar
hi def link juliaOctalEscapeChar SpecialChar
hi def link juliaHexEscapeChar SpecialChar
hi def link juliaUniCharSmall SpecialChar
hi def link juliaUniCharLarge SpecialChar
syn keyword juliaIdentifierSpecial STDOUT, STDIN, STDERR
hi def link juliaPrintfFmt SpecialChar
hi def link juliaIdentifierSpecial Identifier
if s:julia_highlight_operators
hi! def link juliaOperatorHL Operator
hi! def link juliaOperatorHL juliaNone
hi def link juliaOperator juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaRangeOperator juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaCTransOperator juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaTernaryOperator juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaCommentL Comment
hi def link juliaCommentM Comment
hi def link juliaCommentDelim Comment
hi def link juliaTodo Todo
" Macros
syn match juliaMacro display "@[_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]!]*\%(\.[_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]!]*\)*"
hi def link juliaErrorPar juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorEnd juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorElse juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorCatch juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorFinally juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorSemicol juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorPrintfFmt juliaError
hi def link juliaMacro Macro
hi def link juliaError Error
if b:julia_syntax_highlight_deprecated == 1
hi! def link juliaDeprecated Todo
hi! def link juliaDeprecated NONE
syn cluster juliaTop contains=ALLBUT,juliaComprehensionFor
" Ragel
syn include @ragel syntax/ragel.vim
syn region ragelLine start="%%" end="$" contains=@ragel
syntax sync fromstart
let b:current_syntax = "julia"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user