This commit is contained in:
@ -2,3 +2,8 @@
" \Cref, \cref, \cpageref, \labelcref, \labelcpageref
syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\Cref{" end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=@texRefGroup
syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\\(label\|\)c\(page\|\)ref{" end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=@texRefGroup
" adds support for listings package
syn region texZone start="\\begin{lstlisting}" end="\\end{lstlisting}\|%stopzone\>"
syn region texZone start="\\lstinputlisting" end="{\s*[a-zA-Z/.0-9_^]\+\s*}"
syn match texInputFile "\\lstinline\s*\(\[.*\]\)\={.\{-}}" contains=texStatement,texInputCurlies,texInputFileOpt
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function! clojurecomplete#Complete(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
return searchpos('\<', 'bnW', line('.'))[1] - 1
return { 'words': filter(copy(s:words), 'v:val =~ "\\V\\^' . a:base . '"') }
return { 'words': filter(copy(s:words), 'v:val =~# "\\V\\^' . a:base . '"') }
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ au BufRead,BufNewFile /etc/nginx/*,/usr/local/nginx/*,*/nginx/vhosts.d/*,nginx.c
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.proto setfiletype proto
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pp set filetype=puppet
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.rb,*.rbw,*.gemspec set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.builder,*.rxml,*.rjs set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.builder,*.rxml,*.rjs,*.ruby set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead [rR]akefile,*.rake set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead [rR]antfile,*.rant set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead .irbrc,irbrc set filetype=ruby
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jbuilder set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead Puppetfile set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead [Bb]uildfile set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead Appraisals set filetype=ruby
au BufNewFile,BufRead Podfile,*.podspec set filetype=ruby
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.rs set filetype=rust
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.sbt set filetype=sbt
fun! s:DetectScala()
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal iskeyword< define< formatoptions< comments< commentstring<'
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal iskeyword< define< formatoptions< comments< commentstring< lispwords<'
setlocal iskeyword+=?,-,*,!,+,/,=,<,>,.,:,$
@ -30,6 +30,21 @@ setlocal formatoptions-=t
setlocal comments=n:;
setlocal commentstring=;\ %s
" Specially indented symbols from clojure.core and clojure.test.
" Clojure symbols are indented in the defn style when they:
" * Define vars and anonymous functions
" * Create new lexical scopes or scopes with altered environments
" * Create conditional branches from a predicate function or value
" The arglists for these functions are generally in the form of [x & body];
" Functions that accept a flat list of forms do not treat the first argument
" specially and hence are not indented specially.
" Generated from https://github.com/guns/vim-clojure-static/blob/%%RELEASE_TAG%%/clj/src/vim_clojure_static/generate.clj
setlocal lispwords=as->,binding,bound-fn,case,catch,cond->,cond->>,condp,def,definline,definterface,defmacro,defmethod,defmulti,defn,defn-,defonce,defprotocol,defrecord,defstruct,deftest,deftest-,deftype,doall,dorun,doseq,dotimes,doto,extend,extend-protocol,extend-type,fn,for,if,if-let,if-not,let,letfn,locking,loop,ns,proxy,reify,set-test,testing,when,when-first,when-let,when-not,while,with-bindings,with-in-str,with-local-vars,with-open,with-precision,with-redefs,with-redefs-fn,with-test
" Provide insert mode completions for special forms and clojure.core. As
" 'omnifunc' is set by popular Clojure REPL client plugins, we also set
" 'completefunc' so that the user has some form of completion available when
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
" though, implementation differs.
" Plugin folklore "{{{2
if v:version < 700 || exists('b:did_csv_ftplugin')
if v:version < 700 || exists('b:did_ftplugin')
let b:did_csv_ftplugin = 1
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ function! LatexBox_GetMainTexFile()
" 3. scan current file for "\begin{document}"
if &filetype == 'tex' && search('\C\\begin\_\s*{document}', 'nw') != 0
if &filetype == 'tex' && search('\m\C\\begin\_\s*{document}', 'nw') != 0
return expand('%:p')
@ -106,13 +106,13 @@ function! LatexBox_Complete(findstart, base)
let line_start = line[:pos-1]
if line_start =~ '\C\\begin\_\s*{$'
if line_start =~ '\m\C\\begin\_\s*{$'
let s:completion_type = 'begin'
elseif line_start =~ '\C\\end\_\s*{$'
elseif line_start =~ '\m\C\\end\_\s*{$'
let s:completion_type = 'end'
elseif line_start =~ g:LatexBox_ref_pattern . '$'
elseif line_start =~ '\m' . g:LatexBox_ref_pattern . '$'
let s:completion_type = 'ref'
elseif line_start =~ g:LatexBox_cite_pattern . '$'
elseif line_start =~ '\m' . g:LatexBox_cite_pattern . '$'
let s:completion_type = 'bib'
" check for multiple citations
let pos = col('.') - 1
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ function! s:ExtractLabels()
if 0 == search( '{\w*{', 'ce', lblline )
if 0 == search( '\m{\w*{', 'ce', lblline )
let [lblline, lblbegin] = searchpos( '\\newlabel{', 'ecW' )
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ function! s:ExtractLabels()
let curnumber = strpart( getline( lblline ), numberbegin, numberend - numberbegin - 1 )
if 0 == search( '\w*{', 'ce', lblline )
if 0 == search( '\m\w*{', 'ce', lblline )
let [lblline, lblbegin] = searchpos( '\\newlabel{', 'ecW' )
@ -755,6 +755,70 @@ function! s:PromptEnvWrapSelection(...)
" }}}
" List Labels with Prompt {{{
function! s:PromptLabelList(...)
" Check if window already exists
let winnr = bufwinnr(bufnr('LaTeX Labels'))
if winnr >= 0
if a:0 == 0
silent execute winnr . 'wincmd w'
" Supplying an argument to this function causes toggling instead
" of jumping to the labels window
if g:LatexBox_split_resize
silent exe "set columns-=" . g:LatexBox_split_width
silent execute 'bwipeout' . bufnr('LaTeX Labels')
" Get label suggestions
let regexp = input('filter labels with regexp: ', '')
let labels = s:CompleteLabels(regexp)
let calling_buf = bufnr('%')
" Create labels window and set local settings
if g:LatexBox_split_resize
silent exe "set columns+=" . g:LatexBox_split_width
silent exe g:LatexBox_split_side g:LatexBox_split_width . 'vnew LaTeX\ Labels'
let b:toc = []
let b:toc_numbers = 1
let b:calling_win = bufwinnr(calling_buf)
setlocal filetype=latextoc
" Add label entries and jump to the closest section
for entry in labels
let number = matchstr(entry['menu'], '^\s*(\zs[^)]\+\ze)')
let page = matchstr(entry['menu'], '^[^)]*)\s*\[\zs[^]]\+\ze\]')
let e = {'file': bufname(calling_buf),
\ 'level': 'label',
\ 'number': number,
\ 'text': entry['abbr'],
\ 'page': page}
call add(b:toc, e)
if b:toc_numbers
call append('$', e['number'] . "\t" . e['text'])
call append('$', e['text'])
if !g:LatexBox_toc_hidehelp
call append('$', "")
call append('$', "<Esc>/q: close")
call append('$', "<Space>: jump")
call append('$', "<Enter>: jump and close")
call append('$', "s: hide numbering")
0delete _
" Lock buffer
setlocal nomodifiable
" }}}
" Change Environment {{{
function! s:ChangeEnvPrompt()
@ -858,4 +922,8 @@ nnoremap <silent> <Plug>LatexChangeEnv :call <SID>ChangeEnvPrompt()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>LatexToggleStarEnv :call <SID>LatexToggleStarEnv()<CR>
" }}}
" Commands {{{
command! LatexLabels call <SID>PromptLabelList()
" }}}
" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ map <buffer> <LocalLeader>lv :LatexView<CR>
map <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>lt :LatexTOC<CR>
" }}}
" List of labels {{{
map <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>lj :LatexLabels<CR>
" }}}
" Jump to match {{{
if !exists('g:LatexBox_loaded_matchparen')
nmap <buffer> % <Plug>LatexBox_JumpToMatch
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ if exists("loaded_matchit") && !exists("b:match_words")
let b:match_skip =
\ "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),0),'name') =~ '" .
\ "\\<ruby\\%(String\\|StringDelimiter\\|ASCIICode\\|Escape\\|" .
\ "Regexp\\|RegexpDelimiter\\|" .
\ "Interpolation\\|NoInterpolation\\|Comment\\|Documentation\\|" .
\ "ConditionalModifier\\|RepeatModifier\\|OptionalDo\\|" .
\ "Function\\|BlockArgument\\|KeywordAsMethod\\|ClassVariable\\|" .
@ -168,3 +168,27 @@ let g:tagbar_type_scala = {
\ 'case class' : 'r'
\ }
\ }
function! s:CreateOrExpression(keywords)
return '('.join(a:keywords, '|').')'
function! s:NextSection(backwards)
if a:backwards
let dir = '?'
let dir = '/'
let keywords = [ 'def', 'class', 'trait', 'object' ]
let keywordsOrExpression = s:CreateOrExpression(keywords)
let modifiers = [ 'public', 'private', 'private\[\w*\]', 'protected', 'abstract', 'case', 'override', 'implicit', 'final', 'sealed']
let modifierOrExpression = s:CreateOrExpression(modifiers)
let regex = '^ *('.modifierOrExpression.' )* *'.keywordsOrExpression."\r"
execute 'silent normal! ' . dir . '\v'.regex
noremap <script> <buffer> <silent> ]] :call <SID>NextSection(0)<cr>
noremap <script> <buffer> <silent> [[ :call <SID>NextSection(1)<cr>
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let b:did_indent = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal autoindent< smartindent< lispwords< expandtab< softtabstop< shiftwidth< indentexpr< indentkeys<'
let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal autoindent< smartindent< expandtab< softtabstop< shiftwidth< indentexpr< indentkeys<'
setlocal noautoindent nosmartindent
setlocal softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
function! s:IsParen()
return s:CurrentChar() =~ '\v[\(\)\[\]\{\}]' &&
return s:CurrentChar() =~# '\v[\(\)\[\]\{\}]' &&
\ s:SynIdName() !~? '\vstring|regex|comment|character'
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
\ ? a:patterns
\ : map(split(a:patterns, ','), '"^" . v:val . "$"')
for pat in list
if a:string =~ pat | return 1 | endif
if a:string =~# pat | return 1 | endif
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
call search('\S', 'W')
let w = s:StripNamespaceAndMacroChars(s:CurrentWord())
if g:clojure_special_indent_words =~ '\<' . w . '\>'
if g:clojure_special_indent_words =~# '\V\<' . w . '\>'
return 1
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
" e.g. clojure.core/defn and #'defn should both indent like defn.
let ww = s:StripNamespaceAndMacroChars(w)
if &lispwords =~ '\V\<' . ww . '\>'
if &lispwords =~# '\V\<' . ww . '\>'
return paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1
@ -312,85 +312,6 @@ else
" Specially indented symbols from clojure.core and clojure.test.
" Clojure symbols are indented in the defn style when they:
" * Define vars and anonymous functions
" * Create new lexical scopes or scopes with altered environments
" * Create conditional branches from a predicate function or value
" The arglists for these functions are generally in the form of [x & body];
" Functions that accept a flat list of forms do not treat the first argument
" specially and hence are not indented specially.
" Definitions
setlocal lispwords=
setlocal lispwords+=bound-fn
setlocal lispwords+=def
setlocal lispwords+=definline
setlocal lispwords+=definterface
setlocal lispwords+=defmacro
setlocal lispwords+=defmethod
setlocal lispwords+=defmulti
setlocal lispwords+=defn
setlocal lispwords+=defn-
setlocal lispwords+=defonce
setlocal lispwords+=defprotocol
setlocal lispwords+=defrecord
setlocal lispwords+=defstruct
setlocal lispwords+=deftest " clojure.test
setlocal lispwords+=deftest- " clojure.test
setlocal lispwords+=deftype
setlocal lispwords+=extend
setlocal lispwords+=extend-protocol
setlocal lispwords+=extend-type
setlocal lispwords+=fn
setlocal lispwords+=ns
setlocal lispwords+=proxy
setlocal lispwords+=reify
setlocal lispwords+=set-test " clojure.test
" Binding forms
setlocal lispwords+=as->
setlocal lispwords+=binding
setlocal lispwords+=doall
setlocal lispwords+=dorun
setlocal lispwords+=doseq
setlocal lispwords+=dotimes
setlocal lispwords+=doto
setlocal lispwords+=for
setlocal lispwords+=if-let
setlocal lispwords+=let
setlocal lispwords+=letfn
setlocal lispwords+=locking
setlocal lispwords+=loop
setlocal lispwords+=testing " clojure.test
setlocal lispwords+=when-first
setlocal lispwords+=when-let
setlocal lispwords+=with-bindings
setlocal lispwords+=with-in-str
setlocal lispwords+=with-local-vars
setlocal lispwords+=with-open
setlocal lispwords+=with-precision
setlocal lispwords+=with-redefs
setlocal lispwords+=with-redefs-fn
setlocal lispwords+=with-test " clojure.test
" Conditional branching
setlocal lispwords+=case
setlocal lispwords+=cond->
setlocal lispwords+=cond->>
setlocal lispwords+=condp
setlocal lispwords+=if
setlocal lispwords+=if-not
setlocal lispwords+=when
setlocal lispwords+=when-not
setlocal lispwords+=while
" Exception handling
setlocal lispwords+=catch
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet! s:save_cpo
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ function! GetScalaIndent()
let prevCurlyCount = scala#CountCurlies(prevline)
if prevCurlyCount == 0 && prevline =~ '^.*=>\s*$' && prevline !~ '^\s*this\s*:.*=>\s*$' && curline !~ '^\s*\<case\>'
if prevCurlyCount == 0 && prevline =~ '^.*\%(=>\|⇒\)\s*$' && prevline !~ '^\s*this\s*:.*\%(=>\|⇒\)\s*$' && curline !~ '^\s*\<case\>'
call scala#ConditionalConfirm("16")
let ind = ind + &shiftwidth
@ -121,9 +121,12 @@ syntax keyword clojureCommentTodo contained FIXME XXX TODO FIXME: XXX: TODO:
syntax match clojureComment ";.*$" contains=clojureCommentTodo,@Spell
syntax match clojureComment "#!.*$"
syntax region clojureSexp matchgroup=clojureParen start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen end=")" contains=TOP,@Spell fold
syntax region clojureVector matchgroup=clojureParen start="\[" matchgroup=clojureParen end="]" contains=TOP,@Spell fold
syntax region clojureMap matchgroup=clojureParen start="{" matchgroup=clojureParen end="}" contains=TOP,@Spell fold
" Generated from https://github.com/guns/vim-clojure-static/blob/%%RELEASE_TAG%%/clj/src/vim_clojure_static/generate.clj
syntax cluster clojureTop contains=@Spell,clojureAnonArg,clojureBoolean,clojureCharacter,clojureComment,clojureCond,clojureConstant,clojureDefine,clojureDeref,clojureDispatch,clojureError,clojureException,clojureFunc,clojureKeyword,clojureMacro,clojureMap,clojureMeta,clojureNumber,clojureQuote,clojureRegexp,clojureRepeat,clojureSexp,clojureSpecial,clojureString,clojureSymbol,clojureUnquote,clojureVarArg,clojureVariable,clojureVector
syntax region clojureSexp matchgroup=clojureParen start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen end=")" contains=@clojureTop fold
syntax region clojureVector matchgroup=clojureParen start="\[" matchgroup=clojureParen end="]" contains=@clojureTop fold
syntax region clojureMap matchgroup=clojureParen start="{" matchgroup=clojureParen end="}" contains=@clojureTop fold
" Highlight superfluous closing parens, brackets and braces.
syntax match clojureError "]\|}\|)"
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ syn keyword elixirOperator and not or when xor in
syn match elixirOperator '%=\|\*=\|\*\*=\|+=\|-=\|\^=\|||='
syn match elixirOperator "\%(<=>\|<\%(<\|=\)\@!\|>\%(<\|=\|>\)\@!\|<=\|>=\|===\|==\|=\~\|!=\|!\~\|\s?[ \t]\@=\)"
syn match elixirOperator "!+[ \t]\@=\|&&\|||\|\^\|\*\|+\|-\|/"
syn match elixirOperator "|\|++\|--\|\*\*\|\/\/\|<-\|<>\|<<\|>>\|=\|\.\|::"
syn match elixirOperator "|\|++\|--\|\*\*\|\/\/\|\\\\\|<-\|<>\|<<\|>>\|=\|\.\|::"
syn match elixirSymbol '\(:\)\@<!:\%([a-zA-Z_]\w*\%([?!]\|=[>=]\@!\)\?\|<>\|===\?\|>=\?\|<=\?\)'
syn match elixirSymbol '\(:\)\@<!:\%(<=>\|&&\?\|%\(()\|\[\]\|{}\)\|++\?\|--\?\|||\?\|!\|//\|[%&`/|]\)'
@ -74,26 +74,26 @@ syn match elixirString "\(\w\)\@<!?\%(\\\(x\d{1,2}\|\h{1,2}\h\@!\>\|
syn region elixirBlock matchgroup=elixirKeyword start="\<do\>\(:\)\@!" end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@elixirNotTop fold
syn region elixirAnonymousFunction matchgroup=elixirKeyword start="\<fn\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@elixirNotTop fold
syn region elixirArguments start="(" end=")" contained contains=elixirOperator,elixirSymbol,elixirPseudoVariable,elixirName,elixirBoolean,elixirVariable,elixirUnusedVariable,elixirNumber,elixirDocString,elixirSymbolInterpolated,elixirRegex,elixirRegexEscape,elixirRegexEscapePunctuation,elixirRegexCharClass,elixirRegexQuantifier,elixirSpecial,elixirString,elixirDelimiter
syn region elixirArguments start="(" end=")" contained contains=elixirOperator,elixirSymbol,elixirPseudoVariable,elixirName,elixirBoolean,elixirVariable,elixirUnusedVariable,elixirNumber,elixirDocString,elixirSymbolInterpolated,elixirRegex,elixirString,elixirDelimiter
syn match elixirDelimEscape "\\[(<{\[)>}\]]" transparent display contained contains=NONE
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%\z([~`!@#$%^&*_\-+|\:;"',.?/]\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[BCRW]\z([~`!@#$%^&*_\-+=|\:;"',.?/]\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[BCRW]\={" end="}" skip="\\\\\|\\}" contains=elixirDelimEscape fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[BCRW]\=<" end=">" skip="\\\\\|\\>" contains=elixirDelimEscape fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[BCRW]\=\[" end="\]" skip="\\\\\|\\\]" contains=elixirDelimEscape fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[BCRW]\=(" end=")" skip="\\\\\|\\)" contains=elixirDelimEscape fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~]\z([~`!@#$%^&*_\-+|\:;"',.?/]\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][SCRW]\z([~`!@#$%^&*_\-+=|\:;"',.?/]\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][SCRW]\={" end="}" skip="\\\\\|\\}" contains=elixirDelimEscape fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][SCRW]\=<" end=">" skip="\\\\\|\\>" contains=elixirDelimEscape fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][SCRW]\=\[" end="\]" skip="\\\\\|\\\]" contains=elixirDelimEscape fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][SCRW]\=(" end=")" skip="\\\\\|\\)" contains=elixirDelimEscape fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[bcrw]\z([~`!@#$%^&*_\-+=|\:;"',.?/]\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[bcrw]{" end="}" skip="\\\\\|\\}" fold contains=@elixirStringContained,elixirRegexEscapePunctuation
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[bcrw]<" end=">" skip="\\\\\|\\>" fold contains=@elixirStringContained,elixirRegexEscapePunctuation
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[bcrw]\[" end="\]" skip="\\\\\|\\\]" fold contains=@elixirStringContained,elixirRegexEscapePunctuation
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="%[bcrw](" end=")" skip="\\\\\|\\)" fold contains=@elixirStringContained,elixirRegexEscapePunctuation
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][scrw]\z([~`!@#$%^&*_\-+=|\:;"',.?/]\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][scrw]{" end="}" skip="\\\\\|\\}" fold contains=@elixirStringContained,elixirRegexEscapePunctuation
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][scrw]<" end=">" skip="\\\\\|\\>" fold contains=@elixirStringContained,elixirRegexEscapePunctuation
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][scrw]\[" end="\]" skip="\\\\\|\\\]" fold contains=@elixirStringContained,elixirRegexEscapePunctuation
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start="[%~][scrw](" end=")" skip="\\\\\|\\)" fold contains=@elixirStringContained,elixirRegexEscapePunctuation
" Sigils surrounded with docString
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start=+%[BCRWbcrw]\z("""\)+ end=+^\s*\zs\z1+ skip=+\\"+ fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start=+%[BCRWbcrw]\z('''\)+ end=+^\s*\zs\z1+ skip=+\\'+ fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start=+[%~][SCRWscrw]\z("""\)+ end=+^\s*\zs\z1+ skip=+\\"+ fold
syn region elixirSigil matchgroup=elixirDelimiter start=+[%~][SCRWscrw]\z('''\)+ end=+^\s*\zs\z1+ skip=+\\'+ fold
" Defines
syn keyword elixirDefine def nextgroup=elixirFunctionDeclaration skipwhite skipnl
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ syn keyword htmlTagName contained linearGradient marker mask pattern radialGradi
syn keyword htmlTagName contained missing-glyph mpath
syn keyword htmlTagName contained text textPath tref tspan vkern
" Custom Element
syn match htmlTagName contained "\<[a-z_]\+\(\-[a-z_]\+\)\+\>"
" HTML 5 arguments
@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ syn region markdownCode matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="`" end="`" keepe
syn region markdownCode matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="`` \=" end=" \=``" keepend contains=markdownLineStart
syn region markdownCode matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="^\s*```.*$" end="^\s*```\ze\s*$" keepend
syn match markdownFootnote "\[^[^\]]\]\s*$"
syn match markdownFootnoteDefinition "^\[^[^\]]\]:"
if main_syntax ==# 'markdown'
for s:type in g:markdown_fenced_languages
exe 'syn region markdownHighlight'.substitute(matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*$'),'\..*','','').' matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="^\s*```\s*'.matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*').'\>.*$" end="^\s*```\ze\s*$" keepend contains=@markdownHighlight'.substitute(matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*$'),'\.','','g')
@ -108,6 +111,9 @@ hi def link markdownListMarker htmlTagName
hi def link markdownBlockquote Comment
hi def link markdownRule PreProc
hi def link markdownFootnote Typedef
hi def link markdownFootnoteDefinition Typedef
hi def link markdownLinkText htmlLink
hi def link markdownIdDeclaration Typedef
hi def link markdownId Type
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ syntax match mustacheError '}}}\?'
syntax match mustacheInsideError '{{[{#<>=!\/]\?'
syntax region mustacheInside start=/{{/ end=/}}}\?/ keepend containedin=TOP,@htmlMustacheContainer
syntax match mustacheOperators '=\|\.\|/' contained containedin=mustacheInside,@htmlMustacheContainer
syntax region mustacheSection start='{{[#/]'lc=2 end=/}}/me=e-2 contained containedin=mustacheInside,@htmlMustacheContainer
syntax region mustacheSection start='{{[#^/]'lc=2 end=/}}/me=e-2 contained containedin=mustacheInside,@htmlMustacheContainer
syntax region mustachePartial start=/{{[<>]/lc=2 end=/}}/me=e-2 contained containedin=mustacheInside,@htmlMustacheContainer
syntax region mustacheMarkerSet start=/{{=/lc=2 end=/=}}/me=e-2 contained containedin=mustacheInside,@htmlMustacheContainer
syntax match mustacheHandlebars '{{\|}}' contained containedin=mustacheInside,@htmlMustacheContainer
@ -365,8 +365,10 @@ else
syn match perlSubAttributes "" contained nextgroup=perlSubError
syn match perlSubAttributes ":\_s*" contained nextgroup=@perlSubAttrMaybe
syn match perlSubPrototypeError "(\%(\_s*\%(\%(\\\%([$@%&*]\|\[[$@%&*]\+\]\)\|[$&*]\|[@%]\%(\_s*)\)\@=\|;\%(\_s*[)$@%&*\\]\)\@=\|_\%(\_s*[);]\)\@=\)\_s*\)*\)\@>\zs\_[^)]\+" contained
syn match perlSubPrototype +(\_[^)]*)\_s*\|+ nextgroup=perlSubAttributes,perlComment contained contains=perlSubPrototypeError
if !exists("perl_no_subprototype_error") " Set 1 if using signatures feature in perl5.19.9
syn match perlSubPrototypeError "(\%(\_s*\%(\%(\\\%([$@%&*]\|\[[$@%&*]\+\]\)\|[$&*]\|[@%]\%(\_s*)\)\@=\|;\%(\_s*[)$@%&*\\]\)\@=\|_\%(\_s*[);]\)\@=\)\_s*\)*\)\@>\zs\_[^)]\+" contained
syn match perlSubPrototype +(\_[^)]*)\_s*\|+ nextgroup=perlSubAttributes,perlComment contained contains=perlSubPrototypeError
syn match perlSubName +\%(\h\|::\|'\w\)\%(\w\|::\|'\w\)*\_s*\|+ contained nextgroup=perlSubPrototype,perlComment
syn match perlFunction +\<sub\>\_s*+ nextgroup=perlSubName
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ syn match rubySymbol "[]})\"':]\@<!:\$\%(-.\|[`~<=>_,;:!?/.'"@$*\&+0]\)"
syn match rubySymbol "[]})\"':]\@<!:\%(\$\|@@\=\)\=\%(\h\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*"
syn match rubySymbol "[]})\"':]\@<!:\%(\h\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*\%([?!=]>\@!\)\="
syn match rubySymbol "\%([{(,]\_s*\)\@<=\l\w*[!?]\=::\@!"he=e-1
syn match rubySymbol "[]})\"':]\@<!\%(\h\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*[!?]\=:\s\@="he=e-1
syn match rubySymbol "[]})\"':]\@<!\%(\h\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*[!?]\=:[[:space:],]\@="he=e-1
syn match rubySymbol "\%([{(,]\_s*\)\@<=[[:space:],{]\l\w*[!?]\=::\@!"hs=s+1,he=e-1
syn match rubySymbol "[[:space:],{(]\%(\h\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*[!?]\=:\s\@="hs=s+1,he=e-1
syn match rubySymbol "[[:space:],{(]\%(\h\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)\%(\w\|[^\x00-\x7F]\)*[!?]\=:[[:space:],]\@="hs=s+1,he=e-1
syn region rubySymbol start="[]})\"':]\@<!:'" end="'" skip="\\\\\|\\'" contains=rubyQuoteEscape fold
syn region rubySymbol start="[]})\"':]\@<!:\"" end="\"" skip="\\\\\|\\\"" contains=@rubyStringSpecial fold
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ syn region rubyString matchgroup=rubyStringDelimiter start="%[qwi]<" end="
syn region rubyString matchgroup=rubyStringDelimiter start="%[qwi]\[" end="\]" skip="\\\\\|\\\]" fold contains=rubyNestedSquareBrackets,rubyDelimEscape
syn region rubyString matchgroup=rubyStringDelimiter start="%[qwi](" end=")" skip="\\\\\|\\)" fold contains=rubyNestedParentheses,rubyDelimEscape
syn region rubyString matchgroup=rubyStringDelimiter start="%q " end=" " skip="\\\\\|\\)" fold
syn region rubySymbol matchgroup=rubySymbolDelimiter start="%s\z([~`!@#$%^&*_\-+=|\:;"',.? /]\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" fold
syn region rubySymbol matchgroup=rubySymbolDelimiter start="%s{" end="}" skip="\\\\\|\\}" fold contains=rubyNestedCurlyBraces,rubyDelimEscape
syn region rubySymbol matchgroup=rubySymbolDelimiter start="%s<" end=">" skip="\\\\\|\\>" fold contains=rubyNestedAngleBrackets,rubyDelimEscape
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ syn match rubyControl "\<\%(and\|break\|in\|next\|not\|or\|redo\|rescue
syn match rubyOperator "\<defined?" display
syn match rubyKeyword "\<\%(super\|yield\)\>[?!]\@!"
syn match rubyBoolean "\<\%(true\|false\)\>[?!]\@!"
syn match rubyPseudoVariable "\<\%(nil\|self\|__ENCODING__\|__FILE__\|__LINE__\|__callee__\|__method__\)\>[?!]\@!" " TODO: reorganise
syn match rubyPseudoVariable "\<\%(nil\|self\|__ENCODING__\|__dir__\|__FILE__\|__LINE__\|__callee__\|__method__\)\>[?!]\@!" " TODO: reorganise
syn match rubyBeginEnd "\<\%(BEGIN\|END\)\>[?!]\@!"
" Expensive Mode - match 'end' with the appropriate opening keyword for syntax
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Maintainer: Patrick Walton <pcwalton@mozilla.com>
" Maintainer: Ben Blum <bblum@cs.cmu.edu>
" Maintainer: Chris Morgan <me@chrismorgan.info>
" Last Change: 2014 Jan 4
" Last Change: 2014 Feb 14
if version < 600
syntax clear
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ syn keyword rustOperator as
syn match rustAssert "\<assert\(\w\)*!" contained
syn match rustFail "\<fail\(\w\)*!" contained
syn keyword rustKeyword break continue do extern
syn keyword rustKeyword break continue do
syn keyword rustKeyword extern nextgroup=rustExternCrate skipwhite
syn keyword rustKeyword for in if impl let
syn keyword rustKeyword loop once priv pub
syn keyword rustKeyword return
@ -31,6 +32,10 @@ syn keyword rustKeyword proc
syn keyword rustStorage mut ref static
syn keyword rustObsoleteStorage const
syn keyword rustInvalidBareKeyword crate
syn keyword rustExternCrate crate contained nextgroup=rustIdentifier skipwhite
syn match rustIdentifier contains=rustIdentifierPrime "\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*" display contained
syn match rustFuncName "\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*" display contained
@ -80,24 +85,18 @@ syn keyword rustTrait Iterator DoubleEndedIterator RandomAccessIterator Cloneabl
syn keyword rustTrait OrdIterator MutableDoubleEndedIterator ExactSize
syn keyword rustTrait Algebraic Trigonometric Exponential Hyperbolic
syn keyword rustTrait Bitwise Bounded Integer Fractional Real RealExt
syn keyword rustTrait Num NumCast CheckedAdd CheckedSub CheckedMul
syn keyword rustTrait Bitwise Bounded Fractional
syn keyword rustTrait Num NumCast CheckedAdd CheckedSub CheckedMul CheckedDiv
syn keyword rustTrait Orderable Signed Unsigned Round
syn keyword rustTrait Primitive Int Float ToStrRadix ToPrimitive FromPrimitive
syn keyword rustTrait GenericPath Path PosixPath WindowsPath
syn keyword rustTrait RawPtr
syn keyword rustTrait Buffer Writer Reader Seek
syn keyword rustTrait SendStr SendStrOwned SendStrStatic IntoSendStr
syn keyword rustTrait Str StrVector StrSlice OwnedStr
syn keyword rustTrait IterBytes
syn keyword rustTrait Str StrVector StrSlice OwnedStr IntoMaybeOwned
syn keyword rustTrait ToStr IntoStr
syn keyword rustTrait CloneableTuple ImmutableTuple
syn keyword rustTrait Tuple1 Tuple2 Tuple3 Tuple4
syn keyword rustTrait Tuple5 Tuple6 Tuple7 Tuple8
syn keyword rustTrait Tuple9 Tuple10 Tuple11 Tuple12
syn keyword rustTrait ImmutableTuple1 ImmutableTuple2 ImmutableTuple3 ImmutableTuple4
syn keyword rustTrait ImmutableTuple5 ImmutableTuple6 ImmutableTuple7 ImmutableTuple8
syn keyword rustTrait ImmutableTuple9 ImmutableTuple10 ImmutableTuple11 ImmutableTuple12
syn keyword rustTrait ImmutableEqVector ImmutableTotalOrdVector ImmutableCloneableVector
syn keyword rustTrait OwnedVector OwnedCloneableVector OwnedEqVector MutableVector
syn keyword rustTrait Vector VectorVector CloneableVector ImmutableVector
@ -246,6 +245,8 @@ hi def link rustDeriving PreProc
hi def link rustStorage StorageClass
hi def link rustObsoleteStorage Error
hi def link rustLifetime Special
hi def link rustInvalidBareKeyword Error
hi def link rustExternCrate rustKeyword
" Other Suggestions:
" hi rustAttribute ctermfg=cyan
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ syn case match
syn sync minlines=200 maxlines=1000
syn keyword scalaKeyword catch do else final finally for forSome if
syn keyword scalaKeyword match return throw try while yield
syn keyword scalaKeyword match return throw try while yield macro
syn keyword scalaKeyword class trait object extends with nextgroup=scalaInstanceDeclaration skipwhite
syn keyword scalaKeyword case nextgroup=scalaKeyword,scalaCaseFollowing skipwhite
syn keyword scalaKeyword val nextgroup=scalaNameDefinition,scalaQuasiQuotes skipwhite
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ syn match slimDocTypeKeyword "^\s*\(doctype\)\s\+" nextgroup=slimDocType
syn keyword slimTodo FIXME TODO NOTE OPTIMIZE XXX contained
syn keyword htmlTagName contained script
syn match slimTag "\w\+" contained contains=htmlTagName nextgroup=@slimComponent
syn match slimTag "\w\+[><]*" contained contains=htmlTagName nextgroup=@slimComponent
syn match slimIdChar "#{\@!" contained nextgroup=slimId
syn match slimId "\%(\w\|-\)\+" contained nextgroup=@slimComponent
syn match slimClassChar "\." contained nextgroup=slimClass
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ syn match slimIEConditional "\%(^\s*/\)\@<=\[\s*if\>[^]]*]" contained containedi
hi def link slimAttrString String
hi def link slimBegin String
hi def link slimClass Type
hi def link slimAttr Type
hi def link slimClassChar Type
hi def link slimComment Comment
hi def link slimDocType Identifier
@ -317,7 +317,6 @@ endif
" Based On: Tim Pope (sass.vim)
syn case ignore
syn region cssInclude start="@import" end="\n" contains=cssComment,cssFuncVal,cssRuleProp
syn cluster stylusCssSelectors contains=cssTagName,cssSelector,cssPseudo
syn cluster stylusCssValues contains=cssValueLength,cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueAngle,cssValueTime,cssValueFrequency,cssColorVal,cssCommonVal,cssFontVal,cssListVal,cssTextVal,cssVisualVal,cssBorderVal,cssBackgroundVal,cssFuncVal,cssAdvancedVal
@ -345,6 +344,9 @@ syn match stylusFunction "\<\%(opposite-position\|image-size\|add-property\)\>(\
syn keyword stylusVariable null true false arguments
syn keyword stylusControl if else unless for in return
syn match stylusImport "@\%(import\|require\)" nextgroup=stylusImportList
syn match stylusImportList "[^;]\+" contained contains=cssString.*,cssMediaType,cssURL
syn match stylusAmpersand "&"
syn match stylusClass "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained
syn match stylusClassChar "\.[[:alnum:]_-]\@=" nextgroup=stylusClass
Reference in New Issue
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