Add styled-components, closes #407
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ A collection of language packs for Vim.
> One to rule them all, one to find them, one to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
- It **won't affect your startup time**, as scripts are loaded only on demand\*.
- It **installs and updates 120+ times faster** than the <!--Package Count-->142<!--/Package Count--> packages it consists of.
- It **installs and updates 120+ times faster** than the <!--Package Count-->143<!--/Package Count--> packages it consists of.
- Solid syntax and indentation support (other features skipped). Only the best language packs.
- All unnecessary files are ignored (like enormous documentation from php support).
- No support for esoteric languages, only most popular ones (modern too, like `slim`).
@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ If you need full functionality of any plugin, please use it directly with your p
- [slime]( (syntax, indent)
- [smt2]( (syntax, autoload, ftplugin)
- [solidity]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
- [styled-components]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
- [stylus]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin)
- [svg-indent]( (indent)
- [svg]( (syntax)
@ -49,3 +49,40 @@ augroup jsx_comment
augroup end
setlocal suffixesadd+=.jsx
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'styled-components') != -1
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: styled-components (js/ts)
" Maintainer: Karl Fleischmann <>
" URL:
fu! s:GetSyntaxNames(lnum, cnum)
return map(synstack(a:lnum, a:cnum), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
" re-implement SynSOL of vim-jsx
fu! s:SynSOL(lnum)
return s:GetSyntaxNames(a:lnum, 1)
"" Return whether the current line is a jsTemplateString
fu! IsStyledDefinition(lnum)
" iterate through all syntax items in the given line
for item in s:SynSOL(a:lnum)
" if syntax-item is a jsTemplateString return 1 - true
" `==#` is a match case comparison of the item
if item ==# 'styledDefinition'
return 1
" fallback to 0 - false
return 0
if exists('&ofu')
let b:prevofu=&ofu
setl omnifunc=styledcomplete#CompleteSC
@ -31,3 +31,176 @@ endfunction
let &cpo = s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'styled-components') != -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: styled-components (js/ts)
" Maintainer: Karl Fleischmann <>
" URL:
" initialize variable to check, if the indentation expression is run
" multiple times in a row, which indicates an infinite recursion
let s:is_recursion = 0
" store current indentexpr for later
let b:js_ts_indent=&indentexpr
" set indentexpr for this filetype (styled-components)
setlocal indentexpr=GetStyledIndent()
" add the following keys to trigger reindenting, when in insert mode
" - *; - Indent and insert on press of ';' key.
" - *<:> - Indent and insert on press of ':' key.
set indentkeys+=*;,*<:>,*<Return>
fu! s:GetSyntaxNames(lnum, cnum)
return map(synstack(a:lnum, a:cnum), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
" re-implement SynSOL of vim-jsx
" TODO: add dependency to the readme and remove duplicate implementation
fu! s:SynSOL(lnum)
return s:GetSyntaxNames(a:lnum, 1)
" re-implement SynEOL of vim-jsx
" TODO: add dependency to the readme and remove duplicate implementation
fu! s:SynEOL(lnum, offset)
let l:lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
let l:col = strlen(getline(l:lnum))
return s:GetSyntaxNames(l:lnum, l:col + a:offset)
"" Return whether the current line is a jsTemplateString
fu! s:IsStyledDefinition(lnum)
" iterate through all syntax items in the given line
for item in s:SynSOL(a:lnum)
" if syntax-item is a jsTemplateString return 1 - true
" `==#` is a match case comparison of the item
if item ==# 'styledDefinition'
return 1
" fallback to 0 - false
return 0
"" Count occurences of `str` at the beginning of the given `lnum` line
fu! s:CountOccurencesInSOL(lnum, str)
let l:occurence = 0
" iterate through all items in the given line
for item in s:SynSOL(a:lnum)
" if the syntax-item equals the given str increment the counter
" `==?` is a case isensitive equal operation
if item ==? a:str
let l:occurence += 1
" return the accumulated count of occurences
return l:occurence
"" Count occurences of `str` at the end of the given `lnum` line
fu! s:CountOccurencesInEOL(lnum, str, offset)
let l:occurence = 0
" iterate through all items in the given line
for item in s:SynEOL(a:lnum, a:offset)
" if the syntax-item equals the given str increment the counter
" `==?` is a case insensitive equal operation
if item == a:str
let l:occurence += 1
" return the accumulated count of occurences
return l:occurence
"" Get the indentation of the current line
fu! GetStyledIndent()
if s:IsStyledDefinition(v:lnum)
let l:baseIndent = 0
" find last non-styled line
let l:cnum = v:lnum
while s:IsStyledDefinition(l:cnum)
let l:cnum -= 1
" get indentation of the last non-styled line as base indentation
let l:baseIndent = indent(l:cnum)
" incrementally build indentation based on current indentation
" - one shiftwidth for the styled definition region
" - one shiftwidth per open nested definition region
let l:styledIndent = &sw
let l:styledIndent += min([
\ s:CountOccurencesInSOL(v:lnum, 'styledNestedRegion'),
\ s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum, 'styledNestedRegion', 0)
\ ]) * &sw
" decrease indentation by one shiftwidth, if the styled definition
" region ends on the current line
" - either directly via styled definition region, or
" - if the very last
if s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum, 'styledDefinition', 1) == 0
let l:styledIndent -= &sw
" return the base indentation
" (for nested styles inside classes/objects/etc.) plus the actual
" indentation inside the styled definition region
return l:baseIndent + l:styledIndent
elseif len(b:js_ts_indent)
let l:result = 0
let l:offset = 0
" increase indentation by one shiftwidth, if the last line ended on a
" styledXmlRegion and this line does not continue with it
" this is a fix for an incorrectly indented xml prop after a
" glamor-styled styledXmlRegion
if s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum-1, 'styledXmlRegion', 0) == 1 &&
\ s:CountOccurencesInSOL(v:lnum, 'styledXmlRegion') == 0
let l:offset = &sw
" make sure `GetStyledIndent` and `GetJsxIndent` don't infinitely
" recurse by incrementing a counter variable, before evaluating the
" stored indent expression
if s:is_recursion == 0
let s:is_recursion = 1
let l:result = eval(b:js_ts_indent)
" `is_recursion` being 0 at this point indicates, that
" `eval(b:js_ts_indent)` did itself evaluate it's stored indentexpr
" and thus it can be assumed, that the current line should be
" indented as JS
if s:is_recursion == 0
" use one of `GetJavascriptIndent` or `GetJsIndent` if existing
" fallback to cindent, if not
if exists('*GetJavascriptIndent')
let l:result = GetJavascriptIndent()
elseif exists('*GetJsIndent')
let l:result = GetJsIndent()
let l:result = cindent(v:lnum)
" reset `is_recursion` counter and return the indentation value
let s:is_recursion = 0
return l:result + l:offset
" if all else fails indent according to C-syntax
return cindent(v:lnum)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'styled-components') != -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: styled-components (js/ts)
" Maintainer: Karl Fleischmann <>
" URL:
" initialize variable to check, if the indentation expression is run
" multiple times in a row, which indicates an infinite recursion
let s:is_recursion = 0
" store current indentexpr for later
let b:js_ts_indent=&indentexpr
" set indentexpr for this filetype (styled-components)
setlocal indentexpr=GetStyledIndent()
" add the following keys to trigger reindenting, when in insert mode
" - *; - Indent and insert on press of ';' key.
" - *<:> - Indent and insert on press of ':' key.
set indentkeys+=*;,*<:>,*<Return>
fu! s:GetSyntaxNames(lnum, cnum)
return map(synstack(a:lnum, a:cnum), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
" re-implement SynSOL of vim-jsx
" TODO: add dependency to the readme and remove duplicate implementation
fu! s:SynSOL(lnum)
return s:GetSyntaxNames(a:lnum, 1)
" re-implement SynEOL of vim-jsx
" TODO: add dependency to the readme and remove duplicate implementation
fu! s:SynEOL(lnum, offset)
let l:lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
let l:col = strlen(getline(l:lnum))
return s:GetSyntaxNames(l:lnum, l:col + a:offset)
"" Return whether the current line is a jsTemplateString
fu! s:IsStyledDefinition(lnum)
" iterate through all syntax items in the given line
for item in s:SynSOL(a:lnum)
" if syntax-item is a jsTemplateString return 1 - true
" `==#` is a match case comparison of the item
if item ==# 'styledDefinition'
return 1
" fallback to 0 - false
return 0
"" Count occurences of `str` at the beginning of the given `lnum` line
fu! s:CountOccurencesInSOL(lnum, str)
let l:occurence = 0
" iterate through all items in the given line
for item in s:SynSOL(a:lnum)
" if the syntax-item equals the given str increment the counter
" `==?` is a case isensitive equal operation
if item ==? a:str
let l:occurence += 1
" return the accumulated count of occurences
return l:occurence
"" Count occurences of `str` at the end of the given `lnum` line
fu! s:CountOccurencesInEOL(lnum, str, offset)
let l:occurence = 0
" iterate through all items in the given line
for item in s:SynEOL(a:lnum, a:offset)
" if the syntax-item equals the given str increment the counter
" `==?` is a case insensitive equal operation
if item == a:str
let l:occurence += 1
" return the accumulated count of occurences
return l:occurence
"" Get the indentation of the current line
fu! GetStyledIndent()
if s:IsStyledDefinition(v:lnum)
let l:baseIndent = 0
" find last non-styled line
let l:cnum = v:lnum
while s:IsStyledDefinition(l:cnum)
let l:cnum -= 1
" get indentation of the last non-styled line as base indentation
let l:baseIndent = indent(l:cnum)
" incrementally build indentation based on current indentation
" - one shiftwidth for the styled definition region
" - one shiftwidth per open nested definition region
let l:styledIndent = &sw
let l:styledIndent += min([
\ s:CountOccurencesInSOL(v:lnum, 'styledNestedRegion'),
\ s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum, 'styledNestedRegion', 0)
\ ]) * &sw
" decrease indentation by one shiftwidth, if the styled definition
" region ends on the current line
" - either directly via styled definition region, or
" - if the very last
if s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum, 'styledDefinition', 1) == 0
let l:styledIndent -= &sw
" return the base indentation
" (for nested styles inside classes/objects/etc.) plus the actual
" indentation inside the styled definition region
return l:baseIndent + l:styledIndent
elseif len(b:js_ts_indent)
let l:result = 0
let l:offset = 0
" increase indentation by one shiftwidth, if the last line ended on a
" styledXmlRegion and this line does not continue with it
" this is a fix for an incorrectly indented xml prop after a
" glamor-styled styledXmlRegion
if s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum-1, 'styledXmlRegion', 0) == 1 &&
\ s:CountOccurencesInSOL(v:lnum, 'styledXmlRegion') == 0
let l:offset = &sw
" make sure `GetStyledIndent` and `GetJsxIndent` don't infinitely
" recurse by incrementing a counter variable, before evaluating the
" stored indent expression
if s:is_recursion == 0
let s:is_recursion = 1
let l:result = eval(b:js_ts_indent)
" `is_recursion` being 0 at this point indicates, that
" `eval(b:js_ts_indent)` did itself evaluate it's stored indentexpr
" and thus it can be assumed, that the current line should be
" indented as JS
if s:is_recursion == 0
" use one of `GetJavascriptIndent` or `GetJsIndent` if existing
" fallback to cindent, if not
if exists('*GetJavascriptIndent')
let l:result = GetJavascriptIndent()
elseif exists('*GetJsIndent')
let l:result = GetJsIndent()
let l:result = cindent(v:lnum)
" reset `is_recursion` counter and return the indentation value
let s:is_recursion = 0
return l:result + l:offset
" if all else fails indent according to C-syntax
return cindent(v:lnum)
@ -32,3 +32,176 @@ endfunction
let &cpo = s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'styled-components') != -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: styled-components (js/ts)
" Maintainer: Karl Fleischmann <>
" URL:
" initialize variable to check, if the indentation expression is run
" multiple times in a row, which indicates an infinite recursion
let s:is_recursion = 0
" store current indentexpr for later
let b:js_ts_indent=&indentexpr
" set indentexpr for this filetype (styled-components)
setlocal indentexpr=GetStyledIndent()
" add the following keys to trigger reindenting, when in insert mode
" - *; - Indent and insert on press of ';' key.
" - *<:> - Indent and insert on press of ':' key.
set indentkeys+=*;,*<:>,*<Return>
fu! s:GetSyntaxNames(lnum, cnum)
return map(synstack(a:lnum, a:cnum), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
" re-implement SynSOL of vim-jsx
" TODO: add dependency to the readme and remove duplicate implementation
fu! s:SynSOL(lnum)
return s:GetSyntaxNames(a:lnum, 1)
" re-implement SynEOL of vim-jsx
" TODO: add dependency to the readme and remove duplicate implementation
fu! s:SynEOL(lnum, offset)
let l:lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
let l:col = strlen(getline(l:lnum))
return s:GetSyntaxNames(l:lnum, l:col + a:offset)
"" Return whether the current line is a jsTemplateString
fu! s:IsStyledDefinition(lnum)
" iterate through all syntax items in the given line
for item in s:SynSOL(a:lnum)
" if syntax-item is a jsTemplateString return 1 - true
" `==#` is a match case comparison of the item
if item ==# 'styledDefinition'
return 1
" fallback to 0 - false
return 0
"" Count occurences of `str` at the beginning of the given `lnum` line
fu! s:CountOccurencesInSOL(lnum, str)
let l:occurence = 0
" iterate through all items in the given line
for item in s:SynSOL(a:lnum)
" if the syntax-item equals the given str increment the counter
" `==?` is a case isensitive equal operation
if item ==? a:str
let l:occurence += 1
" return the accumulated count of occurences
return l:occurence
"" Count occurences of `str` at the end of the given `lnum` line
fu! s:CountOccurencesInEOL(lnum, str, offset)
let l:occurence = 0
" iterate through all items in the given line
for item in s:SynEOL(a:lnum, a:offset)
" if the syntax-item equals the given str increment the counter
" `==?` is a case insensitive equal operation
if item == a:str
let l:occurence += 1
" return the accumulated count of occurences
return l:occurence
"" Get the indentation of the current line
fu! GetStyledIndent()
if s:IsStyledDefinition(v:lnum)
let l:baseIndent = 0
" find last non-styled line
let l:cnum = v:lnum
while s:IsStyledDefinition(l:cnum)
let l:cnum -= 1
" get indentation of the last non-styled line as base indentation
let l:baseIndent = indent(l:cnum)
" incrementally build indentation based on current indentation
" - one shiftwidth for the styled definition region
" - one shiftwidth per open nested definition region
let l:styledIndent = &sw
let l:styledIndent += min([
\ s:CountOccurencesInSOL(v:lnum, 'styledNestedRegion'),
\ s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum, 'styledNestedRegion', 0)
\ ]) * &sw
" decrease indentation by one shiftwidth, if the styled definition
" region ends on the current line
" - either directly via styled definition region, or
" - if the very last
if s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum, 'styledDefinition', 1) == 0
let l:styledIndent -= &sw
" return the base indentation
" (for nested styles inside classes/objects/etc.) plus the actual
" indentation inside the styled definition region
return l:baseIndent + l:styledIndent
elseif len(b:js_ts_indent)
let l:result = 0
let l:offset = 0
" increase indentation by one shiftwidth, if the last line ended on a
" styledXmlRegion and this line does not continue with it
" this is a fix for an incorrectly indented xml prop after a
" glamor-styled styledXmlRegion
if s:CountOccurencesInEOL(v:lnum-1, 'styledXmlRegion', 0) == 1 &&
\ s:CountOccurencesInSOL(v:lnum, 'styledXmlRegion') == 0
let l:offset = &sw
" make sure `GetStyledIndent` and `GetJsxIndent` don't infinitely
" recurse by incrementing a counter variable, before evaluating the
" stored indent expression
if s:is_recursion == 0
let s:is_recursion = 1
let l:result = eval(b:js_ts_indent)
" `is_recursion` being 0 at this point indicates, that
" `eval(b:js_ts_indent)` did itself evaluate it's stored indentexpr
" and thus it can be assumed, that the current line should be
" indented as JS
if s:is_recursion == 0
" use one of `GetJavascriptIndent` or `GetJsIndent` if existing
" fallback to cindent, if not
if exists('*GetJavascriptIndent')
let l:result = GetJavascriptIndent()
elseif exists('*GetJsIndent')
let l:result = GetJsIndent()
let l:result = cindent(v:lnum)
" reset `is_recursion` counter and return the indentation value
let s:is_recursion = 0
return l:result + l:offset
" if all else fails indent according to C-syntax
return cindent(v:lnum)
@ -62,3 +62,256 @@ let b:current_syntax = 'javascript.jsx'
let &cpo = s:jsx_cpo
unlet s:jsx_cpo
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'styled-components') != -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: styled-components (js/ts)
" Maintainer: Karl Fleischmann <>
" URL:
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:current_syntax=b:current_syntax
unlet b:current_syntax
" fix for "-" before cssPositioningProp
" - needs to be above CSS include to not match cssVendor definitions
syn region cssCustomPositioningPrefix contained
\ start='-' end='\%(\s\{-}:\)\@='
\ contains=cssPositioningProp
" introduce CSS cluster from built-in (or single third party syntax file)
syn include @CSS syntax/css.vim
" try to include CSS3 definitions from multiple files
" this is only possible on vim version above 7
if v:version >= 700
syn include @CSS3 syntax/css/*.vim
" TODO: include react-native keywords
" define custom cssAttrRegion
" - add ",", "`" and "{" to the end characters
" - add "cssPseudoClassId" to it's containing elements
" this will incorrectly highlight pseudo elements incorrectly used as
" attributes but correctly highlight actual attributes
syn region cssCustomAttrRegion contained
\ start=":" end="\ze\%(;\|)\|{\|}\|`\)"
\ contains=css.*Attr,cssColor,cssImportant,cssValue.*,cssFunction,
\ cssString.*,cssURL,cssComment,cssUnicodeEscape,cssVendor,
\ cssError,cssAttrComma,cssNoise,cssPseudoClassId,
\ jsTemplateExpression,
\ typescriptInterpolation,typescriptTemplateSubstitution
syn region cssCustomAttrRegion contained
\ start="transition\s*:" end="\ze\%(;\|)\|{\|}\|`\)"
\ contains=css.*Prop,css.*Attr,cssColor,cssImportant,cssValue.*,
\ cssFunction,cssString.*,cssURL,cssComment,cssUnicodeEscape,
\ cssVendor,cssError,cssAttrComma,cssNoise,cssPseudoClassId,
\ jsTemplateExpression,
\ typescriptInterpolation,typescriptTemplateSubstitution
" define custom css elements to not utilize cssDefinition
syn region cssCustomMediaBlock contained fold transparent matchgroup=cssBraces
\ start="{" end="}"
\ contains=css.*Attr,css.*Prop,cssComment,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssURL,
\ cssImportant,cssError,cssStringQ,cssStringQQ,cssFunction,
\ cssUnicodeEscape,cssVendor,cssTagName,cssClassName,
\ cssIdentifier,cssPseudoClass,cssSelectorOp,cssSelectorOp2,
\ cssAttributeSelector
syn region cssCustomPageWrap contained transparent matchgroup=cssBraces
\ start="{" end="}"
\ contains=cssPageMargin,cssPageProp,cssCustomAttrRegion,css.*Prop,
\ cssComment,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssURL,cssImportant,cssError,
\ cssStringQ,cssStringQQ,cssFunction,cssUnicodeEscape,cssVendor,
\ cssHacks
syn match cssCustomPageMargin contained skipwhite skipnl
\ "@\%(\%(top\|left\|right\|bottom\)-\%(left\|center\|right\|middle\|bottom\)\)\%(-corner\)\="
syn match cssCustomKeyFrameSelector "\%(\d*%\|\<from\>\|\<to\>\)" contained
\ skipwhite skipnl
" define css include customly to overwrite nextgroup
syn region cssInclude start="@media\>" end="\ze{" skipwhite skipnl
\ contains=cssMediaProp,cssValueLength,cssMediaKeyword,cssValueInteger,
\ cssMediaMediaAttr,cssVencor,cssMediaType,cssIncludeKeyword,
\ cssMediaComma,cssComment
\ nextgroup=cssCustomMediaBlock
" define all non-contained css definitions
syn cluster CSSTop
\ contains=cssTagName,cssSelectorOp,cssAttributeSelector,cssClassName,
\ cssBraces,cssIdentifier,cssIncludeKeyword,cssPage,cssKeyFrame,
\ cssFontDescriptor,cssAttrComma,cssPseudoClass,cssUnicodeEscape
" custom highlights for styled components
" - "&" inside top level
" - cssTagName inside of jsStrings inside of styledPrefix regions
" TODO: override highlighting of cssTagName with more subtle one
syn match styledAmpersand contained "&"
syn region styledTagNameString matchgroup=jsString contained
\ start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\%(\'\|$\)+
\ contains=cssTagName
syn region styledTagNameString matchgroup=jsString contained
\ start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\%(\"\|$\)+
\ contains=cssTagName
syn region styledTagNameString matchgroup=jsString contained
\ start=+`+ end=+`+ skip=+\\\%(\`\|$\)+
\ contains=cssTagName
" define custom API sections that trigger the styledDefinition highlighting
syn match styledPrefix "\<styled\>\.\k\+"
\ transparent fold
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,javascriptTagRef
\ containedin=jsFuncBlock
syn match styledPrefix "\.\<attrs\>\s*(\%(\n\|\s\|.\)\{-})"
\ transparent fold extend
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=jsObject,jsParen
\ containedin=jsFuncBlock
syn match styledPrefix "\.\<extend\>"
\ transparent fold
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ containedin=jsFuncBlock
" define custom API section, that contains typescript annotations
" this is structurally similar to `jsFuncCall`, but allows type
" annotations (delimited by brackets (e.g. "<>")) between `styled` and
" the function call parenthesis
syn match styledTypescriptPrefix
\ "\<styled\><\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|\k\+\))"
\ transparent fold
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,
\ typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
syn match styledTypescriptPrefix
\ "\<styled\>\%((\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|\k\+\))\|\.\k\+\)<\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>"
\ transparent fold
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,
\ typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
syn match styledTypescriptPrefix "\.\<attrs\>\s*(\%(\n\|\s\|.\)\{-})<\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>"
\ transparent fold extend
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,
\ typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
syn match styledTypescriptPrefix "\.\<extend\><\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>"
\ transparent fold extend
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,
\ typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
" define emotion css prop
" to bypass problems from top-level defined xml/js definitions, this
" plugin re-defines keywords/noise for highlighting inside of the custom
" xmlAttrib definition
syn keyword styledXmlRegionKeyword css contained
syn match styledXmlRegionNoise "\%(=\|{\|}\)" contained
" only include styledDefinitions inside of xmlAttribs, that are wrapped
" in `css={}` regions, `keepend` is necessary to correctly break on the
" higher-level xmlAttrib region end
syn region styledXmlRegion
\ start="\<css\>={" end="}"
\ keepend fold
\ containedin=xmlAttrib
\ contains=styledXmlRegionKeyword,styledXmlRegionNoise,styledDefinition
" define nested region for indenting
syn region styledNestedRegion contained transparent
\ matchgroup=cssBraces
\ start="{" end="}"
" re-define cssError to be highlighted correctly in styledNestedRegion
syn match cssError contained "{@<>"
" extend javascript matches to trigger styledDefinition highlighting
syn match jsTaggedTemplate extend
\ "\<css\>\|\<keyframes\>\|\<injectGlobal\>\|\<fontFace\>\|\<createGlobalStyle\>"
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
syn match jsFuncCall "\<styled\>\s*(.\+)" transparent
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
syn match jsFuncCall "\<styled\>\s*(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|`\k\+`\))"
\ contains=styledTagNameString
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
syn match jsFuncCall "\<styled\>\s*(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|`\k\+`\))<\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>"
\ contains=typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
syn match jsFuncCall "\.\<withComponent\>\s*(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|`\k\+`\))"
\ contains=styledTagNameString
syn match jsFuncCall "\<dc\>\s*(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|`\k\+`\))\%((\)\@="
\ contains=styledTagNameString
\ nextgroup=styledDefinitionArgument
" inject css highlighting into custom jsTemplateString region
" - use `extend` to not end all nested jsTemplateExpression on the first
" closing one
syn region styledDefinition contained transparent fold extend
\ start="`" end="`" skip="\\\%(`\|$\)"
\ contains=@CSSTop,
\ css.*Prop,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssUrl,cssImportant,cssError,
\ cssStringQ,cssStringQQ,cssFunction,cssUnicodeEscape,cssVendor,
\ cssHacks,
\ cssCustom.*,
\ jsComment,jsTemplateExpression,
\ typescriptInterpolation,typescriptTemplateSubstitution,
\ styledAmpersand,styledNestedRegion
syn region styledDefinitionArgument contained transparent start=+(+ end=+)+
\ contains=styledDefinition
syn cluster typescriptValue add=styledPrefix,jsFuncCall,styledTypescriptPrefix
""" yajs specific extensions
" define template tag keywords, that trigger styledDefinitions again to be
" contained in and also do contain the `javascriptTagRef` region
syn match javascriptTagRefStyledPrefix transparent fold
\ "\<css\>\|\<keyframes\>\|\<injectGlobal\>\|\<fontFace\>\|\<createGlobalStyle\>"
\ containedin=javascriptTagRef
\ contains=javascriptTagRef
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
" extend the yajs clusters to include the previously and extraneously defined
" styled-related matches
syn cluster javascriptExpression
\ add=styledPrefix,jsFuncCall,javascriptTagRefStyledPrefix
syn cluster javascriptAfterIdentifier add=styledPrefix,jsFuncCall
""" yats specific extensions
" extend typescriptIdentifierName to allow styledDefinitions in their
" tagged templates
syn match typescriptIdentifierName extend
\ "\<css\>\|\<keyframes\>\|\<injectGlobal\>\|\<fontFace\>\|\<createGlobalStyle\>"
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
" color the custom highlight elements
hi def link cssCustomKeyFrameSelector Constant
hi def link cssCustomPositioningPrefix StorageClass
hi def link styledAmpersand Special
hi def link styledXmlRegionKeyword Type
hi def link styledXmlRegionNoise Noise
hi def link styledXmlRegion String
if exists("s:current_syntax")
let b:current_syntax=s:current_syntax
@ -48,3 +48,256 @@ let b:current_syntax = 'typescript.tsx'
let &cpo = s:jsx_cpo
unlet s:jsx_cpo
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'styled-components') != -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: styled-components (js/ts)
" Maintainer: Karl Fleischmann <>
" URL:
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:current_syntax=b:current_syntax
unlet b:current_syntax
" fix for "-" before cssPositioningProp
" - needs to be above CSS include to not match cssVendor definitions
syn region cssCustomPositioningPrefix contained
\ start='-' end='\%(\s\{-}:\)\@='
\ contains=cssPositioningProp
" introduce CSS cluster from built-in (or single third party syntax file)
syn include @CSS syntax/css.vim
" try to include CSS3 definitions from multiple files
" this is only possible on vim version above 7
if v:version >= 700
syn include @CSS3 syntax/css/*.vim
" TODO: include react-native keywords
" define custom cssAttrRegion
" - add ",", "`" and "{" to the end characters
" - add "cssPseudoClassId" to it's containing elements
" this will incorrectly highlight pseudo elements incorrectly used as
" attributes but correctly highlight actual attributes
syn region cssCustomAttrRegion contained
\ start=":" end="\ze\%(;\|)\|{\|}\|`\)"
\ contains=css.*Attr,cssColor,cssImportant,cssValue.*,cssFunction,
\ cssString.*,cssURL,cssComment,cssUnicodeEscape,cssVendor,
\ cssError,cssAttrComma,cssNoise,cssPseudoClassId,
\ jsTemplateExpression,
\ typescriptInterpolation,typescriptTemplateSubstitution
syn region cssCustomAttrRegion contained
\ start="transition\s*:" end="\ze\%(;\|)\|{\|}\|`\)"
\ contains=css.*Prop,css.*Attr,cssColor,cssImportant,cssValue.*,
\ cssFunction,cssString.*,cssURL,cssComment,cssUnicodeEscape,
\ cssVendor,cssError,cssAttrComma,cssNoise,cssPseudoClassId,
\ jsTemplateExpression,
\ typescriptInterpolation,typescriptTemplateSubstitution
" define custom css elements to not utilize cssDefinition
syn region cssCustomMediaBlock contained fold transparent matchgroup=cssBraces
\ start="{" end="}"
\ contains=css.*Attr,css.*Prop,cssComment,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssURL,
\ cssImportant,cssError,cssStringQ,cssStringQQ,cssFunction,
\ cssUnicodeEscape,cssVendor,cssTagName,cssClassName,
\ cssIdentifier,cssPseudoClass,cssSelectorOp,cssSelectorOp2,
\ cssAttributeSelector
syn region cssCustomPageWrap contained transparent matchgroup=cssBraces
\ start="{" end="}"
\ contains=cssPageMargin,cssPageProp,cssCustomAttrRegion,css.*Prop,
\ cssComment,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssURL,cssImportant,cssError,
\ cssStringQ,cssStringQQ,cssFunction,cssUnicodeEscape,cssVendor,
\ cssHacks
syn match cssCustomPageMargin contained skipwhite skipnl
\ "@\%(\%(top\|left\|right\|bottom\)-\%(left\|center\|right\|middle\|bottom\)\)\%(-corner\)\="
syn match cssCustomKeyFrameSelector "\%(\d*%\|\<from\>\|\<to\>\)" contained
\ skipwhite skipnl
" define css include customly to overwrite nextgroup
syn region cssInclude start="@media\>" end="\ze{" skipwhite skipnl
\ contains=cssMediaProp,cssValueLength,cssMediaKeyword,cssValueInteger,
\ cssMediaMediaAttr,cssVencor,cssMediaType,cssIncludeKeyword,
\ cssMediaComma,cssComment
\ nextgroup=cssCustomMediaBlock
" define all non-contained css definitions
syn cluster CSSTop
\ contains=cssTagName,cssSelectorOp,cssAttributeSelector,cssClassName,
\ cssBraces,cssIdentifier,cssIncludeKeyword,cssPage,cssKeyFrame,
\ cssFontDescriptor,cssAttrComma,cssPseudoClass,cssUnicodeEscape
" custom highlights for styled components
" - "&" inside top level
" - cssTagName inside of jsStrings inside of styledPrefix regions
" TODO: override highlighting of cssTagName with more subtle one
syn match styledAmpersand contained "&"
syn region styledTagNameString matchgroup=jsString contained
\ start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\%(\'\|$\)+
\ contains=cssTagName
syn region styledTagNameString matchgroup=jsString contained
\ start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\%(\"\|$\)+
\ contains=cssTagName
syn region styledTagNameString matchgroup=jsString contained
\ start=+`+ end=+`+ skip=+\\\%(\`\|$\)+
\ contains=cssTagName
" define custom API sections that trigger the styledDefinition highlighting
syn match styledPrefix "\<styled\>\.\k\+"
\ transparent fold
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,javascriptTagRef
\ containedin=jsFuncBlock
syn match styledPrefix "\.\<attrs\>\s*(\%(\n\|\s\|.\)\{-})"
\ transparent fold extend
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=jsObject,jsParen
\ containedin=jsFuncBlock
syn match styledPrefix "\.\<extend\>"
\ transparent fold
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ containedin=jsFuncBlock
" define custom API section, that contains typescript annotations
" this is structurally similar to `jsFuncCall`, but allows type
" annotations (delimited by brackets (e.g. "<>")) between `styled` and
" the function call parenthesis
syn match styledTypescriptPrefix
\ "\<styled\><\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|\k\+\))"
\ transparent fold
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,
\ typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
syn match styledTypescriptPrefix
\ "\<styled\>\%((\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|\k\+\))\|\.\k\+\)<\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>"
\ transparent fold
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,
\ typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
syn match styledTypescriptPrefix "\.\<attrs\>\s*(\%(\n\|\s\|.\)\{-})<\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>"
\ transparent fold extend
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,
\ typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
syn match styledTypescriptPrefix "\.\<extend\><\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>"
\ transparent fold extend
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
\ contains=cssTagName,
\ typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
" define emotion css prop
" to bypass problems from top-level defined xml/js definitions, this
" plugin re-defines keywords/noise for highlighting inside of the custom
" xmlAttrib definition
syn keyword styledXmlRegionKeyword css contained
syn match styledXmlRegionNoise "\%(=\|{\|}\)" contained
" only include styledDefinitions inside of xmlAttribs, that are wrapped
" in `css={}` regions, `keepend` is necessary to correctly break on the
" higher-level xmlAttrib region end
syn region styledXmlRegion
\ start="\<css\>={" end="}"
\ keepend fold
\ containedin=xmlAttrib
\ contains=styledXmlRegionKeyword,styledXmlRegionNoise,styledDefinition
" define nested region for indenting
syn region styledNestedRegion contained transparent
\ matchgroup=cssBraces
\ start="{" end="}"
" re-define cssError to be highlighted correctly in styledNestedRegion
syn match cssError contained "{@<>"
" extend javascript matches to trigger styledDefinition highlighting
syn match jsTaggedTemplate extend
\ "\<css\>\|\<keyframes\>\|\<injectGlobal\>\|\<fontFace\>\|\<createGlobalStyle\>"
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
syn match jsFuncCall "\<styled\>\s*(.\+)" transparent
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
syn match jsFuncCall "\<styled\>\s*(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|`\k\+`\))"
\ contains=styledTagNameString
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
syn match jsFuncCall "\<styled\>\s*(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|`\k\+`\))<\%(\[\|\]\|{\|}\||\|&\|:\|;\|,\|?\|'\|\"\|\k\|\s\|\n\)\+>"
\ contains=typescriptBraces,typescriptOpSymbols,typescriptEndColons,
\ typescriptParens,typescriptStringS,@typescriptType,
\ typescriptType,
\ styledTagNameString
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
syn match jsFuncCall "\.\<withComponent\>\s*(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|`\k\+`\))"
\ contains=styledTagNameString
syn match jsFuncCall "\<dc\>\s*(\%('\k\+'\|\"\k\+\"\|`\k\+`\))\%((\)\@="
\ contains=styledTagNameString
\ nextgroup=styledDefinitionArgument
" inject css highlighting into custom jsTemplateString region
" - use `extend` to not end all nested jsTemplateExpression on the first
" closing one
syn region styledDefinition contained transparent fold extend
\ start="`" end="`" skip="\\\%(`\|$\)"
\ contains=@CSSTop,
\ css.*Prop,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssUrl,cssImportant,cssError,
\ cssStringQ,cssStringQQ,cssFunction,cssUnicodeEscape,cssVendor,
\ cssHacks,
\ cssCustom.*,
\ jsComment,jsTemplateExpression,
\ typescriptInterpolation,typescriptTemplateSubstitution,
\ styledAmpersand,styledNestedRegion
syn region styledDefinitionArgument contained transparent start=+(+ end=+)+
\ contains=styledDefinition
syn cluster typescriptValue add=styledPrefix,jsFuncCall,styledTypescriptPrefix
""" yajs specific extensions
" define template tag keywords, that trigger styledDefinitions again to be
" contained in and also do contain the `javascriptTagRef` region
syn match javascriptTagRefStyledPrefix transparent fold
\ "\<css\>\|\<keyframes\>\|\<injectGlobal\>\|\<fontFace\>\|\<createGlobalStyle\>"
\ containedin=javascriptTagRef
\ contains=javascriptTagRef
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
" extend the yajs clusters to include the previously and extraneously defined
" styled-related matches
syn cluster javascriptExpression
\ add=styledPrefix,jsFuncCall,javascriptTagRefStyledPrefix
syn cluster javascriptAfterIdentifier add=styledPrefix,jsFuncCall
""" yats specific extensions
" extend typescriptIdentifierName to allow styledDefinitions in their
" tagged templates
syn match typescriptIdentifierName extend
\ "\<css\>\|\<keyframes\>\|\<injectGlobal\>\|\<fontFace\>\|\<createGlobalStyle\>"
\ nextgroup=styledDefinition
" color the custom highlight elements
hi def link cssCustomKeyFrameSelector Constant
hi def link cssCustomPositioningPrefix StorageClass
hi def link styledAmpersand Special
hi def link styledXmlRegionKeyword Type
hi def link styledXmlRegionNoise Noise
hi def link styledXmlRegion String
if exists("s:current_syntax")
let b:current_syntax=s:current_syntax
@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ download() {
for pack in $1; do
path="$(cut -d ':' -f 2 <<<"$pack")"
dir="tmp/$(cut -d '/' -f 2 <<<"$path")"
repo="$(awk -F\# '{print $1}' <<<"$path")"
branch="$(awk -F\# '{print $2}' <<<"$path")"
rm -rf "$dir"
(mkdir -p "$dir" && curl --silent -L "$path/tar.gz/master" | tar -zx -C "$dir" --strip 1 && printf '.') &
(mkdir -p "$dir" && curl --silent -L "$repo/tar.gz/${branch:-master}" | tar -zx -C "$dir" --strip 1 && printf '.') &
@ -268,6 +270,7 @@ PACKS="
Reference in New Issue
Block a user