This commit is contained in:
Adam Stankiewicz 2019-07-01 16:25:37 +02:00
parent d527002849
commit 140430ffb7
19 changed files with 262 additions and 170 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ endif
" Language: C++ Additions
" Maintainer: Jon Haggblad <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 1 Feb 2018
" Last Change: 29 Jun 2019
" Version: 0.6
" Changelog:
" 0.1 - initial version.
@ -964,6 +964,12 @@ if !exists("cpp_no_cpp11")
syntax keyword cppSTLtype atomic_uintmax_t
syntax keyword cppSTLconstant ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT
syntax keyword cppSTLenum memory_order
syntax keyword cppSTLtype memory_order_relaxed
syntax keyword cppSTLtype memory_order_consume
syntax keyword cppSTLtype memory_order_acquire
syntax keyword cppSTLtype memory_order_release
syntax keyword cppSTLtype memory_order_acq_rel
syntax keyword cppSTLtype memory_order_seq_cst
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction is_lock_free
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction compare_exchange_weak
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction compare_exchange_strong
@ -1983,6 +1989,9 @@ endif " C++17
if !exists("cpp_no_cpp20")
" type_traits
syntax keyword cppSTLtype remove_cvref remove_cvref_t
syntax keyword cppType char8_t
syntax keyword cppStatement co_yield co_return co_await
syntax keyword cppStorageClass consteval

View File

@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ function! go#config#VersionWarning() abort
return get(g:, 'go_version_warning', 1)
function! go#config#NullModuleWarning() abort
return get(g:, 'go_null_module_warning', 1)
function! go#config#BuildTags() abort
return get(g:, 'go_build_tags', '')
@ -279,10 +275,6 @@ function! go#config#MetalinterEnabled() abort
return get(g:, "go_metalinter_enabled", default_enabled)
function! go#config#MetalinterDisabled() abort
return get(g:, "go_metalinter_disabled", [])
function! go#config#GolintBin() abort
return get(g:, "go_golint_bin", "golint")

View File

@ -73,17 +73,27 @@ function! jsx_pretty#indent#get(js_indent)
let line = substitute(getline(lnum), '^\s*\|\s*$', '', 'g')
let current_syn = s:syn_sol(lnum)
let current_syn_eol = s:syn_eol(lnum)
let prev_syn_sol = s:syn_sol(lnum - 1)
let prev_syn_eol = s:syn_eol(lnum - 1)
let prev_line_num = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
let prev_syn_sol = s:syn_sol(prev_line_num)
let prev_syn_eol = s:syn_eol(prev_line_num)
let prev_line = s:prev_line(lnum)
let prev_ind = s:prev_indent(lnum)
if s:syn_xmlish(current_syn)
if !s:syn_xmlish(prev_syn_sol)
\ && !s:syn_jsx_escapejs(prev_syn_sol)
\ && !s:syn_jsx_escapejs(prev_syn_eol)
\ && !s:syn_js_comment(prev_syn_sol)
if line =~ '^/\s*>' || line =~ '^<\s*' . s:end_tag
return prev_ind
return prev_ind + s:sw()
" {
" <div></div>
" ##} <--
if s:syn_jsx_element(current_syn) && line =~ '}$'
elseif s:syn_jsx_element(current_syn) && line =~ '}$'
let pair_line = searchpair('{', '', '}', 'b')
return indent(pair_line)
elseif line =~ '^-->$'
@ -143,16 +153,6 @@ function! jsx_pretty#indent#get(js_indent)
return prev_ind
elseif !s:syn_xmlish(prev_syn_sol)
if prev_line =~ '^\<\(return\|default\|await\|yield\)'
if line !~ '^/\s*>' || line !~ '^<\s*' . s:end_tag
return prev_ind + s:sw()
return prev_ind
return prev_ind
return prev_ind
@ -193,9 +193,10 @@ function! jsx_pretty#indent#get(js_indent)
" Issue #68
" return (<div>
" |<div>)
if prev_line =~ '^\<return' && line =~ '^<\s*' . s:end_tag
if (line =~ '^/\s*>' || line =~ '^<\s*' . s:end_tag)
\ && !s:syn_xmlish(prev_syn_sol)
return prev_ind
" If current syntax is not a jsx syntax group
if s:syn_xmlish(prev_syn_eol) && line !~ '^[)\]}]'

View File

@ -23,3 +23,71 @@ function! terraform#fmt()
call winrestview(l:curw)
function! terraform#folds()
let thisline = getline(v:lnum)
if match(thisline, '^resource') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^provider') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^module') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^variable') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^output') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^data') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^terraform') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^locals') >= 0
return '>1'
return '='
function! terraform#foldText()
let foldsize = (v:foldend-v:foldstart)
return getline(v:foldstart).' ('.foldsize.' lines)'
function! terraform#align()
let p = '^.*=[^>]*$'
if exists(':Tabularize') && getline('.') =~# '^.*=' && (getline(line('.')-1) =~# p || getline(line('.')+1) =~# p)
let column = strlen(substitute(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'[^=]','','g'))
let position = strlen(matchstr(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'.*=\s*\zs.*'))
normal! 0
call search(repeat('[^=]*=',column).'\s\{-\}'.repeat('.',position),'ce',line('.'))
function! terraform#commands(A, L, P)
return [
\ 'apply',
\ 'console',
\ 'destroy',
\ 'env',
\ 'fmt',
\ 'get',
\ 'graph',
\ 'import',
\ 'init',
\ 'output',
\ 'plan',
\ 'providers',
\ 'push',
\ 'refresh',
\ 'show',
\ 'taint',
\ 'untaint',
\ 'validate',
\ 'version',
\ 'workspace',
\ '0.12checklist',
\ 'debug',
\ 'force-unlock',
\ 'state'
\ ]

View File

@ -631,11 +631,11 @@ if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'jenkins') == -1
augroup filetypedetect
" jenkins, from Jenkinsfile.vim in martinda/Jenkinsfile-vim-syntax
" Jenkinsfile
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile Jenkinsfile set ft=Jenkinsfile
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile Jenkinsfile* setf Jenkinsfile
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.jenkinsfile set ft=Jenkinsfile
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.jenkinsfile setf Jenkinsfile
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.Jenkinsfile setf Jenkinsfile
augroup JenkinsAUGroup
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *Jenkins* set ft=Jenkinsfile
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *jenkins* set ft=Jenkinsfile
augroup END
augroup end
@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ endif
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'racket') == -1
augroup filetypedetect
" racket, from racket.vim in wlangstroth/vim-racket
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.rkt,*.rktl setf racket
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.rkt,*.rktl set filetype=racket
augroup end
@ -1348,6 +1348,8 @@ endif
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'terraform') == -1
augroup filetypedetect
" terraform, from terraform.vim in hashivim/vim-terraform
" By default, Vim associates .tf files with TinyFugue - tell it not to.
autocmd! filetypedetect BufRead,BufNewFile *.tf
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tf set filetype=terraform
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tfvars set filetype=terraform
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tfstate set filetype=json

View File

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ setlocal commentstring=//\ %s
setlocal shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab
setlocal include='^\s*import'
setlocal includeexpr='substitute(v:fname,"\\.","/","g")'
setlocal include=^\\s*import
setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'\\.','/','g')
setlocal path+=src/main/scala,src/test/scala
setlocal suffixesadd=.scala

View File

@ -11,127 +11,44 @@ endif
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let s:cpo_save = &cpoptions
setlocal formatoptions-=t
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal formatoptions<'
" Include hyphens as keyword characters so that a keyword appearing as part of
" a longer name doesn't get partially highlighted.
setlocal iskeyword+=-
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' iskeyword<'
set cpoptions&vim
if !exists('g:terraform_align')
let g:terraform_align = 0
" j is a relatively recent addition; silence warnings when setting it.
setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
silent! setlocal formatoptions+=j
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal formatoptions<'
if !has('patch-7.4.1142')
" Include hyphens as keyword characters so that a keyword appearing as
" part of a longer name doesn't get partially highlighted.
setlocal iskeyword+=-
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' iskeyword<'
if !exists('g:terraform_remap_spacebar')
let g:terraform_remap_spacebar = 0
if !exists('g:terraform_fold_sections')
let g:terraform_fold_sections = 0
if g:terraform_align && exists(':Tabularize')
inoremap <buffer> <silent> = =<Esc>:call <SID>terraformalign()<CR>a
function! s:terraformalign()
let p = '^.*=[^>]*$'
if exists(':Tabularize') && getline('.') =~# '^.*=' && (getline(line('.')-1) =~# p || getline(line('.')+1) =~# p)
let column = strlen(substitute(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'[^=]','','g'))
let position = strlen(matchstr(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'.*=\s*\zs.*'))
normal! 0
call search(repeat('[^=]*=',column).'\s\{-\}'.repeat('.',position),'ce',line('.'))
if g:terraform_fold_sections
function! TerraformFolds()
let thisline = getline(v:lnum)
if match(thisline, '^resource') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^provider') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^module') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^variable') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^output') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^data') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^terraform') >= 0
return '>1'
elseif match(thisline, '^locals') >= 0
return '>1'
return '='
if get(g:, 'terraform_fold_sections', 0)
setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldexpr=TerraformFolds()
setlocal foldexpr=terraform#folds()
setlocal foldlevel=1
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' foldmethod< foldexpr< foldlevel<'
function! TerraformFoldText()
let foldsize = (v:foldend-v:foldstart)
return getline(v:foldstart).' ('.foldsize.' lines)'
setlocal foldtext=TerraformFoldText()
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' foldtext<'
" Re-map the space bar to fold and unfold
if get(g:, 'terraform_remap_spacebar', 1)
"inoremap <space> <C-O>za
nnoremap <space> za
onoremap <space> <C-C>za
vnoremap <space> zf
setlocal foldtext=terraform#foldText()
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' foldmethod< foldexpr< foldlevel< foldtext<'
" Set the commentstring
if exists('g:terraform_commentstring')
let &l:commentstring=g:terraform_commentstring
setlocal commentstring=#%s
let &l:commentstring = get(g:, 'terraform_commentstring', '#%s')
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' commentstring<'
if !exists('g:terraform_fmt_on_save')
let g:terraform_fmt_on_save = 0
" Re-map the space bar to fold and unfold
if get(g:, 'terraform_remap_spacebar', 0)
nnoremap <buffer> <space> za
onoremap <buffer> <space> <C-C>za
vnoremap <buffer> <space> zf
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|unmap <buffer> <space>'
function! s:commands(A, L, P)
return [
\ 'apply',
\ 'console',
\ 'destroy',
\ 'env',
\ 'fmt',
\ 'get',
\ 'graph',
\ 'import',
\ 'init',
\ 'output',
\ 'plan',
\ 'providers',
\ 'push',
\ 'refresh',
\ 'show',
\ 'taint',
\ 'untaint',
\ 'validate',
\ 'version',
\ 'workspace',
\ '0.12checklist',
\ 'debug',
\ 'force-unlock',
\ 'state'
\ ]
if get(g:, 'terraform_align', 0) && exists(':Tabularize')
inoremap <buffer> <silent> = =<Esc>:call terraform#align()<CR>a
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|iunmap <buffer> ='
let &cpoptions = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
@ -141,13 +58,14 @@ if !executable('terraform')
let s:cpo_save = &cpoptions
set cpoptions&vim
command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,s:commands -buffer Terraform execute '!terraform '.<q-args>. ' -no-color'
command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,terraform#commands -buffer Terraform execute '!terraform '.<q-args>. ' -no-color'
command! -nargs=0 -buffer TerraformFmt call terraform#fmt()
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|delcommand Terraform|delcommand TerraformFmt'
if get(g:, 'terraform_fmt_on_save', 1)
augroup terraform
if get(g:, 'terraform_fmt_on_save', 0)
augroup vim.terraform.fmt
autocmd BufWritePre *.tf call terraform#fmt()
autocmd BufWritePre *.tfvars call terraform#fmt()

indent/dune.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'ocaml') != -1
" Vim indent file
" Language: dune
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
" dune format-dune-file uses 1 space to indent
set softtabstop=1 shiftwidth=1 expandtab

View File

@ -85,8 +85,17 @@ function! s:is_string_comment(lnum, col)
function GetRustIndent(lnum)
if exists('*shiftwidth')
function! s:shiftwidth()
return shiftwidth()
function! s:shiftwidth()
return &shiftwidth
function GetRustIndent(lnum)
" Starting assumption: cindent (called at the end) will do it right
" normally. We just want to fix up a few cases.
@ -132,14 +141,65 @@ function GetRustIndent(lnum)
let prevline = s:get_line_trimmed(prevlinenum)
" A standalone '{', '}', or 'where'
let l:standalone_open = line =~# '\V\^\s\*{\s\*\$'
let l:standalone_close = line =~# '\V\^\s\*}\s\*\$'
let l:standalone_where = line =~# '\V\^\s\*where\s\*\$'
if l:standalone_open || l:standalone_close || l:standalone_where
" ToDo: we can search for more items than 'fn' and 'if'.
let [l:found_line, l:col, l:submatch] =
\ searchpos('\<\(fn\)\|\(if\)\>', 'bnWp')
if l:found_line !=# 0
" Now we count the number of '{' and '}' in between the match
" locations and the current line (there is probably a better
" way to compute this).
let l:i = l:found_line
let l:search_line = strpart(getline(l:i), l:col - 1)
let l:opens = 0
let l:closes = 0
while l:i < a:lnum
let l:search_line2 = substitute(l:search_line, '\V{', '', 'g')
let l:opens += strlen(l:search_line) - strlen(l:search_line2)
let l:search_line3 = substitute(l:search_line2, '\V}', '', 'g')
let l:closes += strlen(l:search_line2) - strlen(l:search_line3)
let l:i += 1
let l:search_line = getline(l:i)
if l:standalone_open || l:standalone_where
if l:opens ==# l:closes
return indent(l:found_line)
" Expect to find just one more close than an open
if l:opens ==# l:closes + 1
return indent(l:found_line)
" A standalone 'where' adds a shift.
let l:standalone_prevline_where = prevline =~# '\V\^\s\*where\s\*\$'
if l:standalone_prevline_where
return indent(prevlinenum) + 4
" Handle where clauses nicely: subsequent values should line up nicely.
if prevline[len(prevline) - 1] ==# ","
\ && prevline =~# '^\s*where\s'
return indent(prevlinenum) + 6
if prevline[len(prevline) - 1] ==# ","
\ && s:get_line_trimmed(a:lnum) !~# '^\s*[\[\]{}]'
let l:last_prevline_character = prevline[len(prevline) - 1]
" A line that ends with '.<expr>;' is probably an end of a long list
" of method operations.
if prevline =~# '\V\^\s\*.' && l:last_prevline_character ==# ';'
return indent(prevlinenum) - s:shiftwidth()
if l:last_prevline_character ==# ","
\ && s:get_line_trimmed(a:lnum) !~# '^\s*[\[\]{})]'
\ && prevline !~# '^\s*fn\s'
\ && prevline !~# '([^()]\+,$'
\ && s:get_line_trimmed(a:lnum) !~# '^\s*\S\+\s*=>'

View File

@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ if exists("*GetScalaIndent")
let s:defMatcher = '\%(\%(private\|protected\)\%(\[[^\]]*\]\)\?\s\+\|abstract\s\+\|override\s\+\)*\<def\>'
let s:annotationMatcher = '@[A-Za-z._]\+\s\+'
let s:modifierMatcher = s:annotationMatcher . '\|\%(private\|protected\)\%(\[[^\]]*\]\)\?\s\+\|abstract\s\+\|override\s\+\|final\s\+'
let s:defMatcher = '\%(' . s:modifierMatcher . '\)*\<def\>'
let s:valMatcher = '\%(' . s:modifierMatcher . '\|lazy\s\+\)*\<va[lr]\>'
let s:funcNameMatcher = '\w\+'
let s:typeSpecMatcher = '\%(\s*\[\_[^\]]*\]\)'
let s:defArgMatcher = '\%((\_.\{-})\)'
@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ function! scala#NumberOfBraceGroups(line)
function! scala#MatchesIncompleteDefValr(line)
if a:line =~ '^\s*\%(' . s:defMatcher . '\|\<va[lr]\>\).*[=({]\s*$'
if a:line =~ '^\s*\%(' . s:defMatcher . '\|' . s:valMatcher . '\).*[=({]\s*$'
return 1
return 0
@ -435,7 +438,7 @@ function! GetScalaIndent()
" If 'val', 'var', 'def' end with =, this is a one-line block
if (prevline =~ '^\s*\<\%(\%(}\?\s*else\s\+\)\?if\|for\|while\)\>.*[)=]\s*$' && scala#NumberOfBraceGroups(prevline) <= 1)
\ || prevline =~ '^\s*' . s:defMatcher . '.*=\s*$'
\ || prevline =~ '^\s*\<va[lr]\>.*[=]\s*$'
\ || prevline =~ '^\s*' . s:valMatcher . '.*[=]\s*$'
\ || prevline =~ '^\s*\%(}\s*\)\?\<else\>\s*$'
\ || prevline =~ '=\s*$'
call scala#ConditionalConfirm("4")

View File

@ -34,24 +34,19 @@ function! TerraformIndent(lnum)
return 0
" Previous non-blank line should continue the indent level
" Usual case is to continue at the same indent as the previous non-blank line.
let prevlnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
let thisindent = indent(prevlnum)
" Previous line without comments should continue the indent level
let prevline = substitute(getline(prevlnum), '//.*$', '', '')
let previndent = indent(prevlnum)
let thisindent = previndent
" Config block starting with [ { ( should increase the indent level
if prevline =~# '[\[{\(]\s*$'
" If that previous line is a non-comment ending in [ { (, increase the
" indent level.
let prevline = getline(prevlnum)
if prevline !~# '^\s*\(#\|//\)' && prevline =~# '[\[{\(]\s*$'
let thisindent += &shiftwidth
" Current line without comments should continue the indent level
let thisline = substitute(getline(a:lnum), '//.*$', '', '')
" Config block ending with ) } ] should get the indentation
" level from the initial config block
" If the current line ends a block, decrease the indent level.
let thisline = getline(a:lnum)
if thisline =~# '^\s*[\)}\]]'
let thisindent -= &shiftwidth

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ endif
" Language: Erlang (
" Maintainer: Csaba Hoch <>
" Contributor: Adam Rutkowski <>
" Last Update: 2017-Mar-05
" Last Update: 2019-Jun-18
" License: Vim license
" URL:
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ syn keyword erlangBIF garbage_collect get get_keys group_leader contained
syn keyword erlangBIF halt hd integer_to_binary integer_to_list contained
syn keyword erlangBIF iolist_to_binary iolist_size is_alive contained
syn keyword erlangBIF is_atom is_binary is_bitstring is_boolean contained
syn keyword erlangBIF is_float is_function is_integer is_list is_map contained
syn keyword erlangBIF is_float is_function is_integer is_list is_map is_map_key contained
syn keyword erlangBIF is_number is_pid is_port is_process_alive contained
syn keyword erlangBIF is_record is_reference is_tuple length link contained
syn keyword erlangBIF list_to_atom list_to_binary contained

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ hi def link gitconfigBoolean Boolean
hi def link gitconfigNumber Number
hi def link gitconfigString String
hi def link gitconfigDelim Delimiter
hi def link gitconfigEscape Delimiter
hi def link gitconfigEscape Special
hi def link gitconfigError Error
let b:current_syntax = "gitconfig"

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ syntax match jsFloat /\c\<\%(\d\+\.\d\+\|\d\+\.\|\.\d\+\)\%(e[+-]\=
" Regular Expressions
syntax match jsSpecial contained "\v\\%(x\x\x|u%(\x{4}|\{\x{4,5}})|c\u|.)"
syntax region jsTemplateExpression contained matchgroup=jsTemplateBraces start=+${+ end=+}+ contains=@jsExpression keepend
syntax region jsRegexpCharClass contained start=+\[+ skip=+\\.+ end=+\]+ contains=jsSpecial
syntax region jsRegexpCharClass contained start=+\[+ skip=+\\.+ end=+\]+ contains=jsSpecial extend
syntax match jsRegexpBoundary contained "\v\c[$^]|\\b"
syntax match jsRegexpBackRef contained "\v\\[1-9]\d*"
syntax match jsRegexpQuantifier contained "\v[^\\]%([?*+]|\{\d+%(,\d*)?})\??"lc=1

View File

@ -94,7 +94,14 @@ execute 'syn match rstSubstitutionDefinition contained' .
\ ' /|.*|\_s\+/ nextgroup=@rstDirectives'
function! s:DefineOneInlineMarkup(name, start, middle, end, char_left, char_right)
execute 'syn match rstEscape'.a:name.' +\\\\\|\\'.a:start.'+'.' contained'
" Only escape the first char of a multichar delimiter (e.g. \* inside **)
if a:start[0] == '\'
let first = a:start[0:1]
let first = a:start[0]
execute 'syn match rstEscape'.a:name.' +\\\\\|\\'.first.'+'.' contained'
execute 'syn region rst' . a:name .
\ ' start=+' . a:char_left . '\zs' . a:start .
@ -170,7 +177,7 @@ syn match rstStandaloneHyperlink contains=@NoSpell
\ "\<\%(\%(\%(https\=\|file\|ftp\|gopher\)://\|\%(mailto\|news\):\)[^[:space:]'\"<>]\+\|www[[:alnum:]_-]*\.[[:alnum:]_-]\+\.[^[:space:]'\"<>]\+\)[[:alnum:]/]"
syn region rstCodeBlock contained matchgroup=rstDirective
\ start=+\%(sourcecode\|code\%(-block\)\=\)::\s\+.*\_s*\n\ze\z(\s\+\)+
\ start=+\%(sourcecode\|code\%(-block\)\=\)::\s*\n\%(\s*:.*:\s*.*\s*\n\)*\n\ze\z(\s\+\)+
\ skip=+^$+
\ end=+^\z1\@!+
\ contains=@NoSpell

View File

@ -153,7 +153,16 @@ syn region rustString start=+b"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=rustE
syn region rustString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=rustEscape,rustEscapeUnicode,rustEscapeError,rustStringContinuation,@Spell
syn region rustString start='b\?r\z(#*\)"' end='"\z1' contains=@Spell
syn region rustAttribute start="#!\?\[" end="\]" contains=rustString,rustDerive,rustCommentLine,rustCommentBlock,rustCommentLineDocError,rustCommentBlockDocError
" Match attributes with either arbitrary syntax or special highlighting for
" derives. We still highlight strings and comments inside of the attribute.
syn region rustAttribute start="#!\?\[" end="\]" contains=@rustAttributeContents,rustAttributeParenthesizedParens,rustAttributeParenthesizedCurly,rustAttributeParenthesizedBrackets,rustDerive
syn region rustAttributeParenthesizedParens matchgroup=rustAttribute start="\w\%(\w\)*("rs=e end=")"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedParens,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeParenthesizedCurly matchgroup=rustAttribute start="\w\%(\w\)*{"rs=e end="}"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedCurly,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeParenthesizedBrackets matchgroup=rustAttribute start="\w\%(\w\)*\["rs=e end="\]"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedBrackets,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeBalancedParens matchgroup=rustAttribute start="("rs=e end=")"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedParens,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeBalancedCurly matchgroup=rustAttribute start="{"rs=e end="}"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedCurly,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeBalancedBrackets matchgroup=rustAttribute start="\["rs=e end="\]"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedBrackets,@rustAttributeContents
syn cluster rustAttributeContents contains=rustString,rustCommentLine,rustCommentBlock,rustCommentLineDocError,rustCommentBlockDocError
syn region rustDerive start="derive(" end=")" contained contains=rustDeriveTrait
" This list comes from src/libsyntax/ext/deriving/
" Some are deprecated (Encodable, Decodable) or to be removed after a new snapshot (Show).

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@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ syn cluster scssSelectors contains=@comment,cssSelectorOp,cssTagName,cssPseudoCl
syn match scssProperty "\([[:alnum:]-]\)\+\s*\(:\)\@=" contained contains=css.*Prop,cssVendor containedin=cssMediaBlock nextgroup=scssAttribute,scssAttributeWithNestedDefinition
syn match scssAttribute ":[^;]*\ze\(;\|}\)" contained contains=css.*Attr,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssFunction,cssString.*,cssURL,scssFunction,scssInterpolation,scssVariable
syn match scssSemicolon ";" containedin=scssDefinition,scssNestedDefinition
syn match scssAttributeWithNestedDefinition ": [^#"]*{\@=" nextgroup=scssNestedDefinition contained contains=css.*Attr,cssValue.*,scssVariable
syn region scssNestedDefinition matchgroup=cssBraces start="{" end="}" contained contains=@comment,scssProperty,scssNestedProperty
@ -218,6 +219,7 @@ hi def link scssImport Include
hi def link scssTodo Todo
hi def link scssAtRoot Keyword
hi def link scssMapParens Delimiter
hi def link scssSemicolon Delimiter
let b:current_syntax = "scss"
if main_syntax == 'scss'

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@ -48,7 +48,10 @@ syntax match svelteKeyword "#await" contained containedin=jsBlock,javascriptBloc
syntax match svelteKeyword "/await" contained containedin=jsBlock,javascriptBlock
syntax match svelteKeyword ":catch" contained containedin=jsBlock,javascriptBlock
syntax match svelteKeyword ":then" contained containedin=jsBlock,javascriptBlock
" Inline keywords.
syntax match svelteKeyword "@html" contained containedin=jsBlock,javascriptBlock
syntax match svelteKeyword "@debug" contained containedin=jsBlock,javascriptBlock
" Repeat functions.
syntax match svelteRepeat "#each" contained containedin=jsBlock,javascriptBlock

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@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ if exists('b:current_syntax')
" Identifiers are made up of alphanumeric characters, underscores, and
" hyphens.
if has('patch-7.4.1142')
syn iskeyword a-z,A-Z,48-57,_,-
syn case match
syn keyword terraSection connection output provider variable data terraform locals
@ -3732,7 +3738,7 @@ syn region terraDynamicName start=/"/ end=/"/ nextgroup=terraDynamicBlock skipwh
""" misc.
syn match terraValueDec "\<[0-9]\+\([kKmMgG]b\?\)\?\>"
syn match terraValueHexaDec "\<0x[0-9a-f]\+\([kKmMgG]b\?\)\?\>"
syn match terraBraces "[{}\[\]]"
syn match terraBraces "[\[\]]"
""" skip \" in strings.
""" we may also want to pass \\" into a function to escape quotes.
@ -3757,6 +3763,9 @@ syn keyword terraValueNull null
""" Terraform v0.12
syn keyword terraTodo contained TF-UPGRADE-TODO
" enable block folding
syn region terraBlock matchgroup=terraBraces start="{" end="}" fold transparent
hi def link terraComment Comment
hi def link terraTodo Todo
hi def link terraBrackets Operator