This commit is contained in:
@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ syn keyword cAnsiFunction wcstombs mbstowcs wctomb
syn keyword cAnsiFunction mbtowc mblen lldiv
syn keyword cAnsiFunction ldiv div llabs
syn keyword cAnsiFunction labs abs qsort
syn keyword cAnsiFunction bsearch system getenv
"syn keyword cAnsiFunction bsearch system getenv
syn keyword cAnsiFunction bsearch getenv
syn keyword cAnsiFunction exit atexit abort
syn keyword cAnsiFunction realloc malloc free
syn keyword cAnsiFunction calloc srand rand
@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional binary_negate
syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional bit_and
syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional bit_not
syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional bit_or
syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional bit_xor
syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional divides
syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional equal_to
syntax keyword cppSTLfunctional greater
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ syntax keyword cppSTLfunction count
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction count_if
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction c_str
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction ctime
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction data
"syntax keyword cppSTLfunction data
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction denorm_min
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction destroy
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction difftime
@ -459,7 +460,7 @@ syntax keyword cppSTLfunction swap_ranges
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction swprintf
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction swscanf
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction sync_with_stdio
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction system
"syntax keyword cppSTLfunction system
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tan
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tanh
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction tellg
@ -1053,7 +1054,7 @@ if !exists("cpp_no_cpp11")
syntax keyword cppSTLconstant FLT_EVAL_METHOD
" complex
syntax keyword cppSTLfunction proj
"syntax keyword cppSTLfunction proj
" random
syntax keyword cppSTLtype linear_congruential_engine
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
" Language: Colorful CSS Color Preview
" Author: Aristotle Pagaltzis <pagaltzis@gmx.de>
if !( has('gui_running') || &t_Co==256 ) | finish | endif
call css_color#init('hex', 'extended', 'yamlComment,yamlFlowString,yamlPlainScalar')
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.ino,*.pde set filetype=arduino
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.blade.php set filetype=blade
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.clj,*.cljs,*.edn setlocal filetype=clojure
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.clj,*.cljs,*.edn,*.cljx,*.cljc setlocal filetype=clojure
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.coffee set filetype=coffee
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *Cakefile set filetype=coffee
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.coffeekup,*.ck set filetype=coffee
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ if !exists('g:ruby_version_paths')
let g:ruby_version_paths = {}
function! s:query_path(root)
function! s:query_path(root) abort
let code = "print $:.join %q{,}"
if &shell =~# 'sh'
let prefix = 'env PATH='.shellescape($PATH).' '
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function! s:query_path(root)
function! s:build_path(path)
function! s:build_path(path) abort
let path = join(map(copy(a:path), 'v:val ==# "." ? "" : v:val'), ',')
if &g:path !~# '\v^\.%(,/%(usr|emx)/include)=,,$'
let path = substitute(&g:path,',,$',',','') . ',' . path
@ -146,7 +146,22 @@ let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl fo< inc< inex< sua< def< com< cms< path< tags< kp<"
\."| if exists('&ofu') && has('ruby') | setl ofu< | endif"
\."| if has('balloon_eval') && exists('+bexpr') | setl bexpr< | endif"
function! s:map(mode, flags, map) abort
let from = matchstr(a:map, '\S\+')
if empty(mapcheck(from, a:mode))
exe a:mode.'map' '<buffer>'.(a:0 ? a:1 : '') a:map
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|sil! '.a:mode.'unmap <buffer> '.from
cmap <buffer><script><expr> <Plug><cword> substitute(RubyCursorIdentifier(),'^$',"\022\027",'')
cmap <buffer><script><expr> <Plug><cfile> substitute(RubyCursorFile(),'^$',"\022\006",'')
let b:undo_ftplugin .= "| sil! cunmap <buffer> <Plug><cword>| sil! cunmap <buffer> <Plug><cfile>"
if !exists("g:no_plugin_maps") && !exists("g:no_ruby_maps")
nmap <buffer><script> <SID>: :<C-U>
nmap <buffer><script> <SID>c: :<C-U><C-R>=v:count ? v:count : ''<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>','rubyDefine','b','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<def\>','rubyDefine','','n')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [M :<C-U>call <SID>searchsyn('\<end\>','rubyDefine','b','n')<CR>
@ -189,34 +204,24 @@ if !exists("g:no_plugin_maps") && !exists("g:no_ruby_maps")
\."| sil! exe 'xunmap <buffer> iM' | sil! exe 'xunmap <buffer> aM'"
if maparg("\<C-]>",'n') == ''
cnoremap <buffer> <SID>foldopen <Bar>if &foldopen =~# 'tag'<Bar>exe 'norm! zv'<Bar>endif
nnoremap <silent> <script> <buffer> <C-]> :<C-U>exe v:count1."tag <C-R>=RubyCursorIdentifier()<CR>"<SID>foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <script> <buffer> g<C-]> :<C-U>exe "tjump <C-R>=RubyCursorIdentifier()<CR>"<SID>foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <script> <buffer> g] :<C-U>exe "tselect <C-R>=RubyCursorIdentifier()<CR>"<SID>foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <script> <buffer> <C-W>] :<C-U>exe v:count1."stag <C-R>=RubyCursorIdentifier()<CR>"<SID>foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <script> <buffer> <C-W><C-]> :<C-U>exe v:count1."stag <C-R>=RubyCursorIdentifier()<CR>"<SID>foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <script> <buffer> <C-W>g<C-]> :<C-U>exe "stjump <C-R>=RubyCursorIdentifier()<CR>"<SID>foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <script> <buffer> <C-W>g] :<C-U>exe "stselect <C-R>=RubyCursorIdentifier()<CR>"<SID>foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <script> <buffer> <C-W>} :<C-U>exe "ptag <C-R>=RubyCursorIdentifier()<CR>"<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <script> <buffer> <C-W>g} :<C-U>exe "ptjump <C-R>=RubyCursorIdentifier()<CR>"<CR>
let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
\."| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-]>'| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> g<C-]>'| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> g]'"
\."| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-W>]'| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-W><C-]>'"
\."| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-W>g<C-]>'| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-W>g]'"
\."| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-W>}'| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-W>g}'"
call s:map('c', '', '<C-R><C-W> <Plug><cword>')
call s:map('c', '', '<C-R><C-F> <Plug><cfile>')
if maparg("gf",'n') == ''
" By using findfile() rather than gf's normal behavior, we prevent
" erroneously editing a directory.
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> gf :<C-U>exe <SID>gf(v:count1,"gf",'edit')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-W>f :<C-U>exe <SID>gf(v:count1,"\<Lt>C-W>f",'split')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-W><C-F> :<C-U>exe <SID>gf(v:count1,"\<Lt>C-W>\<Lt>C-F>",'split')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-W>gf :<C-U>exe <SID>gf(v:count1,"\<Lt>C-W>gf",'tabedit')<CR>
let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
\."| sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> gf' | sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-W>f' | sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-W><C-F>' | sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> <C-W>gf'"
nmap <buffer><script><expr> <SID>tagzv &foldopen =~# 'tag' ? 'zv' : ''
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-]> <SID>c:tag <Plug><cword><CR><SID>tagzv')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', 'g<C-]> <SID>:tjump <Plug><cword><CR><SID>tagzv')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', 'g] <SID>:tselect <Plug><cword><CR><SID>tagzv')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>] <SID>c:stag <Plug><cword><CR><SID>tagzv')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W><C-]> <SID>c:stag <Plug><cword><CR><SID>tagzv')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>g<C-]> <SID>:stjump <Plug><cword><CR><SID>tagzv')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>g] <SID>:stselect <Plug><cword><CR><SID>tagzv')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>} <SID>c:ptag <Plug><cword><CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>g} <SID>:ptjump <Plug><cword><CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', 'gf <SID>c:find <Plug><cfile><CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>f <SID>c:sfind <Plug><cfile><CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W><C-F> <SID>c:sfind <Plug><cfile><CR>')
call s:map('n', '<silent>', '<C-W>gf <SID>c:tabfind <Plug><cfile><CR>')
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
@ -227,7 +232,7 @@ if exists("g:did_ruby_ftplugin_functions")
let g:did_ruby_ftplugin_functions = 1
function! RubyBalloonexpr()
function! RubyBalloonexpr() abort
if !exists('s:ri_found')
let s:ri_found = executable('ri')
@ -276,7 +281,7 @@ function! RubyBalloonexpr()
function! s:searchsyn(pattern,syn,flags,mode)
function! s:searchsyn(pattern, syn, flags, mode) abort
let cnt = v:count1
norm! m'
if a:mode ==# 'v'
@ -298,11 +303,11 @@ function! s:searchsyn(pattern,syn,flags,mode)
function! s:synname()
function! s:synname() abort
return synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),0),'name')
function! s:wrap_i(back,forward)
function! s:wrap_i(back,forward) abort
execute 'norm k'.a:forward
let line = line('.')
execute 'norm '.a:back
@ -312,7 +317,7 @@ function! s:wrap_i(back,forward)
execute 'norm jV'.a:forward.'k'
function! s:wrap_a(back,forward)
function! s:wrap_a(back,forward) abort
execute 'norm '.a:forward
if line('.') < line('$') && getline(line('.')+1) ==# ''
let after = 1
@ -330,37 +335,55 @@ function! s:wrap_a(back,forward)
function! RubyCursorIdentifier()
function! RubyCursorIdentifier() abort
let asciicode = '\%(\w\|[]})\"'."'".']\)\@<!\%(?\%(\\M-\\C-\|\\C-\\M-\|\\M-\\c\|\\c\\M-\|\\c\|\\C-\|\\M-\)\=\%(\\\o\{1,3}\|\\x\x\{1,2}\|\\\=\S\)\)'
let number = '\%(\%(\w\|[]})\"'."'".']\s*\)\@<!-\)\=\%(\<[[:digit:]_]\+\%(\.[[:digit:]_]\+\)\=\%([Ee][[:digit:]_]\+\)\=\>\|\<0[xXbBoOdD][[:xdigit:]_]\+\>\)\|'.asciicode
let operator = '\%(\[\]\|<<\|<=>\|[!<>]=\=\|===\=\|[!=]\~\|>>\|\*\*\|\.\.\.\=\|=>\|[~^&|*/%+-]\)'
let method = '\%(\<[_a-zA-Z]\w*\>\%([?!]\|\s*=>\@!\)\=\)'
let method = '\%(\.[_a-zA-Z]\w*\s*=>\@!\|\<[_a-zA-Z]\w*\>[?!]\=\)'
let global = '$\%([!$&"'."'".'*+,./:;<=>?@\`~]\|-\=\w\+\>\)'
let symbolizable = '\%(\%(@@\=\)\w\+\>\|'.global.'\|'.method.'\|'.operator.'\)'
let pattern = '\C\s*\%('.number.'\|\%(:\@<!:\)\='.symbolizable.'\)'
let [lnum, col] = searchpos(pattern,'bcn',line('.'))
let raw = matchstr(getline('.')[col-1 : ],pattern)
let stripped = substitute(substitute(raw,'\s\+=$','=',''),'^\s*:\=','','')
let stripped = substitute(substitute(raw,'\s\+=$','=',''),'^\s*[:.]\=','','')
return stripped == '' ? expand("<cword>") : stripped
function! s:gf(count,map,edit) abort
if getline('.') =~# '^\s*require_relative\s*\(["'']\).*\1\s*$'
let target = matchstr(getline('.'),'\(["'']\)\zs.\{-\}\ze\1')
return a:edit.' %:h/'.target.'.rb'
elseif getline('.') =~# '^\s*\%(require[( ]\|load[( ]\|autoload[( ]:\w\+,\)\s*\s*\%(::\)\=File\.expand_path(\(["'']\)\.\./.*\1,\s*__FILE__)\s*$'
let target = matchstr(getline('.'),'\(["'']\)\.\./\zs.\{-\}\ze\1')
return a:edit.' %:h/'.target.'.rb'
function! RubyCursorFile() abort
let isfname = &isfname
set isfname+=:
let cfile = expand('<cfile>')
let isfname = &isfname
let pre = matchstr(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.')-1), '.*\f\@<!')
let post = matchstr(strpart(getline('.'), col('.')), '\f\@!.*')
let ext = getline('.') =~# '^\s*\%(require\|autoload\)\>' ? '.rb' : ''
if s:synname() ==# 'rubyConstant'
let cfile = substitute(cfile,'\.\w\+[?!=]\=$','','')
let cfile = substitute(cfile,'::','/','g')
let cfile = substitute(cfile,'\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)','\1_\2', 'g')
let cfile = substitute(cfile,'\(\l\|\d\)\(\u\)','\1_\2', 'g')
return tolower(cfile) . '.rb'
elseif getline('.') =~# '^\s*require_relative\s*\(["'']\).*\1\s*$'
let cfile = expand('%:p:h') . '/' . matchstr(getline('.'),'\(["'']\)\zs.\{-\}\ze\1') . '.rb'
elseif getline('.') =~# '^\s*\%(require[( ]\|load[( ]\|autoload[( ]:\w\+,\)\s*\%(::\)\=File\.expand_path(\(["'']\)\.\./.*\1,\s*__FILE__)\s*$'
let target = matchstr(getline('.'),'\(["'']\)\.\.\zs/.\{-\}\ze\1')
let cfile = expand('%:p:h') . target . ext
elseif getline('.') =~# '^\s*\%(require \|load \|autoload :\w\+,\)\s*\(["'']\).*\1\s*$'
let target = matchstr(getline('.'),'\(["'']\)\zs.\{-\}\ze\1')
let cfile = matchstr(getline('.'),'\(["'']\)\zs.\{-\}\ze\1') . ext
elseif pre.post =~# '\<File.expand_path[( ].*[''"]\{2\}, *__FILE__\>' && cfile =~# '^\.\.'
let cfile = expand('%:p:h') . strpart(cfile, 2)
let target = expand('<cfile>')
return substitute(cfile, '\C\v^(.*):(\d+)%(:in)=$', '+\2 \1', '')
let found = findfile(target, &path, a:count)
if found ==# ''
return 'norm! '.a:count.a:map
let cwdpat = '^\M' . substitute(getcwd(), '[\/]', '\\[\\/]', 'g').'\ze\[\/]'
let cfile = substitute(cfile, cwdpat, '.', '')
if fnameescape(cfile) !=# cfile
return '+ '.fnameescape(cfile)
return a:edit.' '.fnameescape(found)
return cfile
@ -226,7 +226,6 @@ syn keyword cssBackgroundAttr contained left center right top bottom
" background-repeat attributes
syn match cssBackgroundAttr contained "\<no-repeat\>"
syn match cssBackgroundAttr contained "\<repeat\(-[xy]\)\=\>"
syn keyword cssBackgroundAttr contained space round
" background-size attributes
syn keyword cssBackgroundAttr contained cover contain
@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ syn match cssBorderProp contained "\<box-decoration-break\>"
syn match cssBorderProp contained "\<box-shadow\>"
" border-image attributes
syn keyword cssBorderAttr contained stretch round space fill
syn keyword cssBorderAttr contained stretch round fill
" border-style attributes
syn keyword cssBorderAttr contained dotted dashed solid double groove ridge inset outset
@ -266,14 +265,18 @@ syn match cssDimensionProp contained "\<\(min\|max\)-\(width\|height\)\>"
syn keyword cssDimensionProp contained height
syn keyword cssDimensionProp contained width
" shadow and sizing are in other property groups
syn match cssFlexibleBoxProp contained "\<box-\(align\|direction\|flex\|ordinal-group\|orient\|pack\|shadow\|sizing\)\>"
syn keyword cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained start end baseline
syn keyword cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained reverse
syn keyword cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained single multiple
syn keyword cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained horizontal
syn match cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained "\<vertical\(-align\)\@!\>" "escape vertical-align
syn match cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained "\<\(inline\|block\)-axis\>"
" CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
" http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/
" CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
" http://www.w3.org/TR/css-align-3/
syn match cssFlexibleBoxProp contained "\<flex\(-\(direction\|wrap\|flow\|grow\|shrink\|basis\)\)\=\>"
syn match cssFlexibleBoxProp contained "\<\(align\|justify\)\(-\(items\|self\|content\)\)\=\>"
syn keyword cssFlexibleBoxProp contained order
syn match cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained "\<\(row\|column\|wrap\)\(-reverse\)\=\>"
syn keyword cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained nowrap stretch baseline center
syn match cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained "\<flex-\(start\|end\)\>"
syn match cssFlexibleBoxAttr contained "\<space\(-\(between\|around\)\)\=\>"
" CSS Fonts Module Level 3
" http://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/
@ -320,6 +323,10 @@ syn match cssMultiColumnAttr contained "\<avoid-\(page\|column\)\>"
" http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-break/#page-break
syn match cssMultiColumnProp contained "\<page\(-break-\(before\|after\|inside\)\)\=\>"
" http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/interact.html
syn match cssInteractProp contained "\<pointer-events\>"
syn match cssInteractAttr contained "\<\(visible\)\=\(Painted\|Fill\|Stroke\)\=\>"
" TODO find following items in w3c docs.
syn keyword cssGeneratedContentProp contained quotes crop
syn match cssGeneratedContentProp contained "\<counter-\(reset\|increment\)\>"
@ -536,6 +543,7 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_css_syn_inits")
HiLink cssAttrComma Special
HiLink cssAnimationProp cssProp
HiLink cssAuralProp cssProp
HiLink cssBackgroundProp cssProp
HiLink cssBorderProp cssProp
HiLink cssBoxProp cssProp
@ -547,13 +555,17 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_css_syn_inits")
HiLink cssGeneratedContentProp cssProp
HiLink cssGridProp cssProp
HiLink cssHyerlinkProp cssProp
HiLink cssIEUIProp cssProp
HiLink cssInteractProp cssProp
HiLink cssLineboxProp cssProp
HiLink cssListProp cssProp
HiLink cssMarqueeProp cssProp
HiLink cssMobileTextProp cssProp
HiLink cssMultiColumnProp cssProp
HiLink cssPagedMediaProp cssProp
HiLink cssPositioningProp cssProp
HiLink cssPrintProp cssProp
HiLink cssRenderProp cssProp
HiLink cssRubyProp cssProp
HiLink cssSpeechProp cssProp
HiLink cssTableProp cssProp
@ -561,22 +573,22 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_css_syn_inits")
HiLink cssTransformProp cssProp
HiLink cssTransitionProp cssProp
HiLink cssUIProp cssProp
HiLink cssIEUIProp cssProp
HiLink cssAuralProp cssProp
HiLink cssRenderProp cssProp
HiLink cssMobileTextProp cssProp
HiLink cssAnimationAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssAuralAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssBackgroundAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssBorderAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssBoxAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssContentForPagedMediaAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssCommonAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssDimensionAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssFlexibleBoxAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssFontAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssGeneratedContentAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssGridAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssHyerlinkAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssIEUIAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssInteractAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssLineboxAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssListAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssMarginAttr cssAttr
@ -587,6 +599,7 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_css_syn_inits")
HiLink cssPositioningAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssGradientAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssPrintAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssRenderAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssRubyAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssSpeechAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssTableAttr cssAttr
@ -594,10 +607,6 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_css_syn_inits")
HiLink cssTransformAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssTransitionAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssUIAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssIEUIAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssAuralAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssRenderAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssCommonAttr cssAttr
HiLink cssPseudoClassId PreProc
HiLink cssPseudoClassLang Constant
@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ syn region jadeTagBlockEnd start="\s*\S" end="$" contained contains=jadeInterpo
syn region jadeTextInlineJade matchgroup=jadeInlineDelimiter start="#\[" end="]" contains=jadeTag keepend
syn region jadeJavascriptFilter matchgroup=jadeFilter start="^\z(\s*\):javascript\s*$" end="^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!" contains=@htmlJavascript
syn region jadeCoffeescriptFilter matchgroup=jadeFilter start="^\z(\s*\):coffeescript\s*$" end="^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!" contains=@htmlCoffeescript
syn region jadeMarkdownFilter matchgroup=jadeFilter start=/^\z(\s*\):markdown\s*$/ end=/^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!/ contains=@htmlMarkdown
syn region jadeMarkdownFilter matchgroup=jadeFilter start=/^\z(\s*\):\%(markdown\|marked\)\s*$/ end=/^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!/ contains=@htmlMarkdown
syn region jadeStylusFilter matchgroup=jadeFilter start="^\z(\s*\):stylus\s*$" end="^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!" contains=@htmlStylus
syn region jadePlainFilter matchgroup=jadeFilter start="^\z(\s*\):\%(sass\|less\|cdata\)\s*$" end="^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!"
@ -66,7 +65,9 @@ syn match jadeScriptStatement "^\s*\<\%(each\|for\|block\|prepend\|append\|mixi
syn region jadeScriptLoopRegion start="^\s*\(for \)" end="$" contains=jadeScriptLoopKeywords
syn keyword jadeScriptLoopKeywords for in contained
syn region jadeJavascript start="^\z(\s*\)script\%(:\w\+\)\=" end="^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!" contains=@htmlJavascript,jadeJavascriptTag keepend
syn region jadeJavascript start="^\z(\s*\)script\%(:\w\+\)\=" end="^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!" contains=@htmlJavascript,jadeJavascriptTag,jadeCoffeescriptFilter keepend
syn region jadeCoffeescriptFilter matchgroup=jadeFilter start="^\z(\s*\):coffeescript\s*$" end="^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!" contains=@htmlCoffeescript contained
syn region jadeJavascriptTag contained start="^\z(\s*\)script\%(:\w\+\)\=" end="$" contains=jadeBegin,jadeTag
syn region jadeCssBlock start="^\z(\s*\)style" nextgroup=@jadeComponent,jadeError end="^\%(\z1\s\|\s*$\)\@!" contains=@htmlCss keepend
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ if exists("javascript_enable_domhtmlcss")
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained border borderBottom borderLeft borderRight borderTop borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderTopColor borderBottomStyle borderLeftStyle borderRightStyle borderTopStyle borderBottomWidth borderLeftWidth borderRightWidth borderTopWidth borderColor borderStyle borderWidth borderCollapse borderSpacing captionSide emptyCells tableLayout
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained margin marginBottom marginLeft marginRight marginTop outline outlineColor outlineStyle outlineWidth padding paddingBottom paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained listStyle listStyleImage listStylePosition listStyleType
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained background backgroundAttachment backgroundColor backgroundImage gackgroundPosition backgroundPositionX backgroundPositionY backgroundRepeat
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained background backgroundAttachment backgroundColor backgroundImage backgroundPosition backgroundPositionX backgroundPositionY backgroundRepeat
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained clear clip clipBottom clipLeft clipRight clipTop content counterIncrement counterReset cssFloat cursor direction display filter layoutGrid layoutGridChar layoutGridLine layoutGridMode layoutGridType
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained marks maxHeight maxWidth minHeight minWidth opacity MozOpacity overflow overflowX overflowY verticalAlign visibility zoom cssText
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained scrollbar3dLightColor scrollbarArrowColor scrollbarBaseColor scrollbarDarkShadowColor scrollbarFaceColor scrollbarHighlightColor scrollbarShadowColor scrollbarTrackColor
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ if main_syntax ==# 'markdown'
unlet! s:type
syn match markdownEscape "\\[][\\`*_{}()#+.!-]"
syn match markdownEscape "\\[][\\`*_{}()<>#+.!-]"
syn match markdownError "\w\@<=_\w\@="
hi def link markdownH1 htmlH1
@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ syn match p6QuoteQ_qww display "qww[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=p6PairsQ_qww skipwhi
syn match p6QuoteQ_qq display "qq[pwx]\?[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=p6PairsQ_qq skipwhite skipempty contained
syn match p6QuoteQ_qto display "qto[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=p6StringQ_qto skipwhite skipempty contained
syn match p6QuoteQ_qqto display "qqto[A-Za-z(]\@!" nextgroup=p6StringQ_qqto skipwhite skipempty contained
syn match p6QuoteQ_qto display "q\_s*\%(:\%(to\|heredoc\)[A-Za-z(]\@!\)\@=" nextgroup=p6PairsQ_qto skipwhite skipempty contained
syn match p6QuoteQ_qqto display "qq\_s*\%(:\%(to\|heredoc\)[A-Za-z(]\@!\)\@=" nextgroup=p6PairsQ_qqto skipwhite skipempty contained
syn match p6QuoteQ_qto display "q\_s*\%(\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*:\%(to\|heredoc\)\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*(\@!\)\@=" nextgroup=p6PairsQ_qto skipwhite skipempty contained
syn match p6QuoteQ_qqto display "qq\_s*\%(\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*:\%(to\|heredoc\)\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*(\@!\)\@=" nextgroup=p6PairsQ_qqto skipwhite skipempty contained
syn match p6PairsQ "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=p6StringQ
syn match p6PairsQ_q "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=p6StringQ_q
syn match p6PairsQ_qww "\%(\_s*:!\?\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\%([A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF0-9]\|[-'][A-Za-z_\xC0-\xFF]\@=\)*\)\%(([^)]*)\)\?\)*" contained transparent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=p6StringQ_qww
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ endif
" Comments and Documentation
syn match rubySharpBang "\%^#!.*" display
syn keyword rubyTodo FIXME NOTE TODO OPTIMIZE XXX todo contained
syn keyword rubyTodo FIXME NOTE TODO OPTIMIZE HACK REVIEW XXX todo contained
syn match rubyComment "#.*" contains=rubySharpBang,rubySpaceError,rubyTodo,@Spell
if !exists("ruby_no_comment_fold")
syn region rubyMultilineComment start="\%(\%(^\s*#.*\n\)\@<!\%(^\s*#.*\n\)\)\%(\(^\s*#.*\n\)\{1,}\)\@=" end="\%(^\s*#.*\n\)\@<=\%(^\s*#.*\n\)\%(^\s*#\)\@!" contains=rubyComment transparent fold keepend
@ -222,7 +222,6 @@ syn keyword tmuxOptsSet
\ update-environment
\ visual-activity
\ visual-bell
\ visual-content
\ visual-silence
\ word-separators
@ -243,7 +242,6 @@ syn keyword tmuxOptsSetw
\ mode-mouse
\ mode-style
\ monitor-activity
\ monitor-content
\ monitor-silence
\ other-pane-height
\ other-pane-width
@ -253,7 +251,6 @@ syn keyword tmuxOptsSetw
\ utf8
\ window-status-activity-style
\ window-status-bell-style
\ window-status-content-style
\ window-status-current-format
\ window-status-current-style
\ window-status-format
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ syntax keyword typescriptEventListenerMethods contained scrollIntoView addEventL
" }}}
"" Programm Keywords"{{{
syntax keyword typescriptSource import export from as
syntax keyword typescriptIdentifier arguments this let var void yield const
syntax keyword typescriptIdentifier arguments this let var void const
syntax keyword typescriptOperator delete new instanceof typeof
syntax keyword typescriptBoolean true false
syntax keyword typescriptNull null undefined
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ syntax keyword typescriptDeprecated escape unescape all applets alinkColor bgCol
"" Statement Keywords"{{{
syntax keyword typescriptConditional if else switch
syntax keyword typescriptRepeat do while for in of
syntax keyword typescriptBranch break continue
syntax keyword typescriptLabel case default
syntax keyword typescriptBranch break continue yield await
syntax keyword typescriptLabel case default async
syntax keyword typescriptStatement return with
syntax keyword typescriptGlobalObjects Array Boolean Date Function Infinity Math Number NaN Object Packages RegExp String netscape
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