fix: Switch erlang to oscarh/vimerl (it doesnt use plugin dir)

This commit is contained in:
Adam Stankiewicz 2013-09-17 02:02:37 +02:00
parent 78cd7e48cb
commit 0fcd056648
9 changed files with 920 additions and 488 deletions

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Optionally download one of the [releases](
- [csv]( (syntax, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [csv]( (syntax, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [cucumber]( (syntax, indent, compiler, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [cucumber]( (syntax, indent, compiler, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [elixir]( (syntax, indent, compiler, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [elixir]( (syntax, indent, compiler, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [erlang]( (syntax, indent, compiler, autoload, ftplugin) - [erlang]( (syntax, indent, compiler, autoload, ftplugin)
- [git]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [git]( (syntax, indent, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [go]( (syntax, indent, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [go]( (syntax, indent, autoload, ftplugin, ftdetect)
- [haml]( (syntax, indent, compiler, ftplugin, ftdetect) - [haml]( (syntax, indent, compiler, ftplugin, ftdetect)

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
" Vim omni completion file
" Language: Erlang
" Author: Oscar Hellström <>
" Contributors: kTT (
" Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez <>
" Eduardo Lopez (
" Zhihui Jiao (
" License: Vim license
" Version: 2012/11/26
if !exists('g:erlang_completion_cache')
let g:erlang_completion_cache = 1
" Completion program path
let s:erlang_complete_file = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/erlang_complete.erl'
" Modules cache used to speed up the completion
let s:modules_cache = {}
" File cache for persistence between Vim sessions
if filewritable(expand('<sfile>:p:h')) == 2
let s:file_cache = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/vimerl_cache'
let s:file_cache = '/tmp/vimerl_cache'
" Patterns for completions
let s:erlang_local_func_beg = '\(\<[0-9A-Za-z_-]*\|\s*\)$'
let s:erlang_external_func_beg = '\<[0-9A-Za-z_-]\+:[0-9A-Za-z_-]*$'
let s:erlang_blank_line = '^\s*\(%.*\)\?$'
" Main function for completion
function erlang_complete#Complete(findstart, base)
let lnum = line('.')
let column = col('.')
let line = strpart(getline('.'), 0, column - 1)
" 1) Check if the char to the left of us are part of a function call
" Nothing interesting is written at the char just before the cursor
" This means _anything_ could be started here
" In this case, keyword completion should probably be used,
" for now we'll only try and complete local functions.
" TODO: Examine if we can stare Identifiers end complete on them
" Is this worth it? Is /completion/ of a "blank" wanted? Can we consider
" `(' interesting and check if we are in a function call etc.?
if line[column - 2] !~ '[0-9A-Za-z:_-]'
if a:findstart
return column
return s:ErlangFindLocalFunc(a:base)
" 2) Function in external module
if line =~ s:erlang_external_func_beg
let delimiter = match(line, ':[0-9A-Za-z_-]*$') + 1
if a:findstart
return delimiter
let module = matchstr(line[:-2], '\<\k*\>$')
return s:ErlangFindExternalFunc(module, a:base)
" 3) Local function
if line =~ s:erlang_local_func_beg
let funcstart = match(line, ':\@<![0-9A-Za-z_-]*$')
if a:findstart
return funcstart
return s:ErlangFindLocalFunc(a:base)
" 4) Unhandled situation
if a:findstart
return -1
return []
" Find the next non-blank line
function s:ErlangFindNextNonBlank(lnum)
let lnum = nextnonblank(a:lnum + 1)
let line = getline(lnum)
while line =~ s:erlang_blank_line && 0 != lnum
let lnum = nextnonblank(lnum + 1)
let line = getline(lnum)
return lnum
" Find external function names
function s:ErlangFindExternalFunc(module, base)
" If the module is cached, load its functions
if has_key(s:modules_cache, a:module)
for field_cache in get(s:modules_cache, a:module)
if match(field_cache.word, a:base) == 0
call complete_add(field_cache)
return []
let functions = system(s:erlang_complete_file . ' ' . a:module)
for function_spec in split(functions, '\n')
if match(function_spec, a:base) == 0
let function_name = matchstr(function_spec, a:base . '\w*')
let field = {'word': function_name . '(', 'abbr': function_spec,
\ 'kind': 'f', 'dup': 1}
call complete_add(field)
" Populate the cache only when iterating over all the
" module functions (i.e. no prefix for the completion)
if g:erlang_completion_cache && a:base == ''
if !has_key(s:modules_cache, a:module)
let s:modules_cache[a:module] = [field]
let fields_cache = get(s:modules_cache, a:module)
let s:modules_cache[a:module] = add(fields_cache, field)
" The user entered some text, so stop the completion
if complete_check()
" The module couldn't be entirely cached
if has_key(s:modules_cache, a:module)
call remove(s:modules_cache, a:module)
call s:ErlangWriteCache(a:module)
return []
" Find local function names
function s:ErlangFindLocalFunc(base)
" Begin at line 1
let lnum = s:ErlangFindNextNonBlank(1)
if "" == a:base
let base = '\w' " Used to match against word symbol
let base = a:base
while 0 != lnum && !complete_check()
let line = getline(lnum)
let function_name = matchstr(line, '^' . base . '[0-9A-Za-z_-]\+(\@=')
if function_name != ""
call complete_add({'word': function_name, 'kind': 'f'})
let lnum = s:ErlangFindNextNonBlank(lnum)
return []
function s:ErlangLoadCache()
if filereadable(s:file_cache)
for line in readfile(s:file_cache)
let cache_entry = eval(line)
" cache_entry is a dict with just one key with the
" module name and the function list we are going to
" add to the memory cache as the value of this key
for mod_name in keys(cache_entry)
let func_list = get(cache_entry, mod_name)
let s:modules_cache[mod_name] = func_list
function s:ErlangWriteCache(module)
" Write all the module functions to the cache file
if has_key(s:modules_cache, a:module)
let func_list = get(s:modules_cache, a:module)
if len(func_list) > 0
let cache_entry = {a:module : func_list}
execute 'redir >>' . s:file_cache
silent echon cache_entry
silent echon "\n"
redir END
function s:ErlangPurgeCache(...)
for mod_name in a:000
if has_key(s:modules_cache, mod_name)
call remove(s:modules_cache, mod_name)
" Delete the old cache file
call delete(s:file_cache)
" Write a new one
for mod_name in keys(s:modules_cache)
call s:ErlangWriteCache(mod_name)
" Load the file cache when this script is autoloaded
call s:ErlangLoadCache()
" Command for removing modules from the cache
command -nargs=+ ErlangPurgeCache silent call s:ErlangPurgeCache(<f-args>)

autoload/erlangcomplete.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Vim omni-completion script
" Author: Oscar Hellström
" Email:
" Version: 2010-08-10
" Contributors: kTT (
" Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez <>
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Patterns for completions {{{1
let s:erlangLocalFuncBeg = '\(\<[0-9A-Za-z_-]*\|\s*\)$'
let s:erlangExternalFuncBeg = '\<[0-9A-Za-z_-]\+:[0-9A-Za-z_-]*$'
let s:ErlangBlankLine = '^\s*\(%.*\)\?$'
let s:erlangCompletionPath = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/erlang_completion.erl'
if !exists('g:erlangCompletionGrep')
let g:erlangCompletionGrep = 'grep'
if !exists('g:erlangManSuffix')
let g:erlangManSuffix = ''
if !exists('g:erlangManPath')
let g:erlangManPath = '/usr/lib/erlang/man'
if !exists('g:erlangCompletionDisplayDoc')
let g:erlangCompletionDisplayDoc = 1
" Main function for completion {{{1
function! erlangcomplete#Complete(findstart, base)
" 0) Init {{{2
let lnum = line('.')
let column = col('.')
let line = strpart(getline('.'), 0, column - 1)
" 1) First, check if completion is impossible {{{2
if line =~ '[^~\\]%'
return -1
"echo "line[col - 1]:" . line[column - 1] . " line[col - 2]:" . line[column - 2] . "\n" . line . "\n"
" 2) Check if the char to the left of us are part of a function call {{{2
" Nothing interesting is written at the char just before the cursor
" This means _anything_ could be started here
" In this case, keyword completion should probably be used,
" for now we'll only try and complete local functions.
" TODO: Examine if we can stare Identifiers end complete on them
" Is this worth it? Is /completion/ of a "blank" wanted? Can we consider (
" interesting and check if we are in a function call etc.?
if line[column - 2] !~ '[0-9A-Za-z:_-]'
if a:findstart
return column
return s:erlangFindLocalFunc(a:base)
" 3) Function in external module {{{2
if line =~ s:erlangExternalFuncBeg
let delimiter = match(line, ':[0-9A-Za-z_-]*$') + 1
if a:findstart
return delimiter
let module = matchstr(line[:-2], '\<\k*\>$')
return s:erlangFindExternalFunc(module, a:base)
" 4) Local function {{{2
if line =~ s:erlangLocalFuncBeg
let funcstart = match(line, ':\@<![0-9A-Za-z_-]*$')
if a:findstart
return funcstart
return s:erlangFindLocalFunc(a:base)
" 5) Unhandled situation {{{2
if a:findstart
return -1
return []
" Auxiliary functions for completion {{{1
" Find the next non-blank line {{{2
function s:erlangFindNextNonBlank(lnum)
let lnum = nextnonblank(a:lnum + 1)
let line = getline(lnum)
while line =~ s:ErlangBlankLine && 0 != lnum
let lnum = nextnonblank(lnum + 1)
let line = getline(lnum)
return lnum
" vim: foldmethod=marker:
" Find external function names {{{2
function s:erlangFindExternalFunc(module, base)
" If it's a local module, try to compile it
if filereadable(a:module . '.erl') && !filereadable(a:module . '.beam')
silent execute '!erlc' a:module . '.erl' '>/dev/null' '2>/dev/null'
let functions = system(s:erlangCompletionPath . ' ' . a:module)
for element in sort(split(functions, '\n'))
if match(element, a:base) == 0
let function_name = matchstr(element, a:base . '\w\+')
let number_of_args = matchstr(element, '\d\+', len(function_name))
let number_of_comma = max([number_of_args - 1, 0])
let file_path = g:erlangManPath . '/man?/' . a:module . '\.?' . g:erlangManSuffix
" [:-2] cutting some weird characters at the end
" becouse grep doesn't support multilines, we have to filter
" first by .B and next by looking via function name
" if someone have better idea, please change it
let description = ''
" Don't look man pages if the module is present in the current directory
if g:erlangCompletionDisplayDoc != 0 && !filereadable(a:module . '.erl')
let system_command = g:erlangCompletionGrep . ' -A 1 "\.B" ' . file_path . ' | grep -EZo "\<' .
\ function_name . '\>\((\w+, ){' . number_of_comma . '}[^),]*\) -> .*"'
let description = system(system_command)
let description = description[:-2]
if description == ''
let description = element " if function doesn't have description e.g. lists:rmerge, put rmerge/2 instead
let field = {'word': function_name . '(', 'abbr': description, 'kind': 'f', 'dup': 1} " always duplicate functions
call complete_add(field)
return []
" Find local function names {{{2
function s:erlangFindLocalFunc(base)
" begin at line 1
let lnum = s:erlangFindNextNonBlank(1)
if "" == a:base
let base = '\w' " used to match against word symbol
let base = a:base
while 0 != lnum && !complete_check()
let line = getline(lnum)
let function_name = matchstr(line, '^' . base . '[0-9A-Za-z_-]\+(\@=')
if function_name != ""
call complete_add(function_name)
let lnum = s:erlangFindNextNonBlank(lnum)
return []

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ PACKS="
csv:chrisbra/csv.vim csv:chrisbra/csv.vim
cucumber:tpope/vim-cucumber cucumber:tpope/vim-cucumber
elixir:elixir-lang/vim-elixir elixir:elixir-lang/vim-elixir
erlang:jimenezrick/vimerl erlang:oscarh/vimerl
git:tpope/vim-git git:tpope/vim-git
go:jnwhiteh/vim-golang go:jnwhiteh/vim-golang
haml:tpope/vim-haml haml:tpope/vim-haml

View File

@ -1,111 +1,80 @@
" Vim compiler file " Erlang compiler file
" Language: Erlang " Language: Erlang
" Author: Pawel 'kTT' Salata <> " Maintainer: Pawel 'kTT' Salata <>
" Contributors: Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez <> " URL:
" License: Vim license
" Version: 2013/03/06
if exists("current_compiler") || v:version < 703 if exists("current_compiler")
finish finish
let current_compiler = "erlang"
endif endif
let current_compiler = "erlang"
let b:error_list = {}
let b:is_showing_msg = 0
let b:next_sign_id = 1
if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2 if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2
command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args> command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
endif endif
CompilerSet makeprg=make if !exists('g:erlangCheckFile')
CompilerSet errorformat=%f:%l:\ %tarning:\ %m,%f:%l:\ %m let g:erlangCheckFile = "~/.vim/compiler/erlang_check_file.erl"
" Only define functions and script scope variables once
if exists("*s:ShowErrors")
endif endif
if !exists("g:erlang_show_errors") if !exists('g:erlangHighlightErrors')
let g:erlang_show_errors = 1 let g:erlangHighlightErrors = 0
endif endif
let s:erlang_check_file = expand("<sfile>:p:h") . "/erlang_check.erl" let b:error_list = {}
let s:autocmds_defined = 0 let b:is_showing_msg = 0
sign define ErlangError text=>> texthl=Error function! HighlightErlangErrors()
sign define ErlangWarning text=>> texthl=Todo if match(getline(1), "#!.*escript") != -1
setlocal makeprg=escript\ -s\ %
command ErlangDisableShowErrors silent call s:DisableShowErrors() else
command ErlangEnableShowErrors silent call s:EnableShowErrors() execute "setlocal makeprg=" . g:erlangCheckFile . "\\ \%"
function s:ShowErrors() silent make!
setlocal shellpipe=> call s:clear_matches()
if match(getline(1), "#!.*escript") != -1 for error in getqflist()
setlocal makeprg=escript\ -s\ % let item = {}
else let item['lnum'] = error.lnum
execute "setlocal makeprg=" . s:erlang_check_file . "\\ \%" let item['msg'] = error.text
endif let b:error_list[error.lnum] = item
silent make! call matchadd('SpellBad', "\\%" . error.lnum . "l")
for error in getqflist() endfor
let item = {} if len(getqflist())
let item["lnum"] = error.lnum redraw!
let item["text"] = error.text endif
let b:error_list[error.lnum] = item call s:show_msg()
let type = error.type == "W" ? "ErlangWarning" : "ErlangError" setlocal makeprg=erlc\ %
execute "sign place" b:next_sign_id "line=" . item.lnum "name=" . type "file=" . expand("%:p")
let b:next_sign_id += 1
setlocal shellpipe&
setlocal makeprg=make
endfunction endfunction
function s:ShowErrorMsg() function! s:show_msg()
let pos = getpos(".") let pos = getpos(".")
if has_key(b:error_list, pos[1]) if has_key(b:error_list, pos[1])
let item = get(b:error_list, pos[1]) let item = get(b:error_list, pos[1])
echo item.text echo item.msg
let b:is_showing_msg = 1 let b:is_showing_msg = 1
else else
if b:is_showing_msg if exists("b:is_showing_msg") && b:is_showing_msg == 1
echo echo
let b:is_showing_msg = 0 let b:is_showing_msg = 0
endif endif
endif endif
endf endf
function s:ClearErrors() function! s:clear_matches()
sign unplace * call clearmatches()
let b:error_list = {} let b:error_list = {}
let b:next_sign_id = 1 if exists("b:is_showing_msg") && b:is_showing_msg == 1
if b:is_showing_msg echo
echo let b:is_showing_msg = 0
let b:is_showing_msg = 0 endif
endfunction endfunction
function s:EnableShowErrors() CompilerSet makeprg=erlc\ %
if !s:autocmds_defined CompilerSet errorformat=%f:%l:\ %tarning:\ %m,%E%f:%l:\ %m
augroup vimerl
autocmd BufWritePre *.erl call s:ClearErrors()
autocmd BufWritePost *.erl call s:ShowErrors()
autocmd CursorHold *.erl call s:ShowErrorMsg()
autocmd CursorMoved *.erl call s:ShowErrorMsg()
augroup END
let s:autocmds_defined = 1
function s:DisableShowErrors() if g:erlangHighlightErrors
sign unplace * autocmd BufLeave *.erl call s:clear_matches()
augroup vimerl autocmd BufEnter *.erl call s:clear_matches()
autocmd! autocmd BufWritePost *.erl call HighlightErlangErrors()
augroup END autocmd CursorHold *.erl call s:show_msg()
let s:autocmds_defined = 0 autocmd CursorMoved *.erl call s:show_msg()
if g:erlang_show_errors
call s:EnableShowErrors()
endif endif

View File

@ -1,85 +1,151 @@
" Vim ftplugin file " Vim ftplugin file
" Language: Erlang " Language: Erlang
" Author: Oscar Hellström <> " Maintainer: Oscar Hellström <>
" Contributors: Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez <> " URL:
" Eduardo Lopez ( " Contributor: Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez <>
" License: Vim license " Version: 2010-09-03
" Version: 2012/11/25 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Usage:
if exists('b:did_ftplugin') "
" To enable folding put in your vimrc:
" set foldenable
" Folding will make only one fold for a complete function, even though it has
" more than one function head and body.
" To change this behaviour put in your vimrc file:
" let g:erlangFoldSplitFunction=1
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Plugin init
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
finish finish
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
endif endif
if exists('s:did_function_definitions') " Don't load any other
let b:did_ftplugin=1
if exists('s:doneFunctionDefinitions')
call s:SetErlangOptions() call s:SetErlangOptions()
finish finish
let s:did_function_definitions = 1
endif endif
if !exists('g:erlang_keywordprg') let s:doneFunctionDefinitions=1
let g:erlang_keywordprg = 'erl -man'
if !exists('g:erlang_folding')
let g:erlang_folding = 0
let s:erlang_fun_begin = '^\(\a\w*\|[''][^'']*['']\)(.*$'
let s:erlang_fun_end = '^[^%]*\.\s*\(%.*\)\?$'
" Local settings
function s:SetErlangOptions() function s:SetErlangOptions()
compiler erlang compiler erlang
if version >= 700 if version >= 700
setlocal omnifunc=erlang_complete#Complete setlocal omnifunc=erlangcomplete#Complete
endif endif
if g:erlang_folding setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldmethod=expr setlocal foldexpr=GetErlangFold(v:lnum)
setlocal foldexpr=GetErlangFold(v:lnum) setlocal foldtext=ErlangFoldText()
setlocal foldtext=ErlangFoldText()
setlocal comments=:%%%,:%%,:%
setlocal commentstring=%%s
setlocal formatoptions+=ro
setlocal suffixesadd=.erl
let libs = substitute(system('which erl'), '/bin/erl', '/lib/erlang/lib/**/src/', '')
execute 'setlocal path+=' . libs
let &l:keywordprg = g:erlang_keywordprg
endfunction endfunction
function GetErlangFold(lnum) " Define folding functions
let lnum = a:lnum if !exists("*GetErlangFold")
let line = getline(lnum) " Folding params
let s:ErlangFunBegin = '^\a\w*(.*$'
let s:ErlangFunEnd = '^[^%]*\.\s*\(%.*\)\?$'
let s:ErlangBlankLine = '^\s*\(%.*\)\?$'
if line =~ s:erlang_fun_end " Auxiliary fold functions
return '<1' function s:GetNextNonBlank(lnum)
endif let lnum = nextnonblank(a:lnum + 1)
let line = getline(lnum)
while line =~ s:ErlangBlankLine && 0 != lnum
let lnum = nextnonblank(lnum + 1)
let line = getline(lnum)
return lnum
if line =~ s:erlang_fun_begin && foldlevel(lnum - 1) == 1 function s:GetFunName(str)
return '1' return matchstr(a:str, '^\a\w*(\@=')
endif endfunction
if line =~ s:erlang_fun_begin function s:GetFunArgs(str, lnum)
return '>1' let str = a:str
endif let lnum = a:lnum
while str !~ '->\s*\(%.*\)\?$'
let lnum = s:GetNextNonBlank(lnum)
if 0 == lnum " EOF
return ""
let str .= getline(lnum)
return matchstr(str,
\ '\(^(\s*\)\@<=.*\(\s*)\(\s\+when\s\+.*\)\?\s\+->\s*\(%.*\)\?$\)\@=')
return '=' function s:CountFunArgs(arguments)
endfunction let pos = 0
let ac = 0 " arg count
let arguments = a:arguments
" Change list / tuples into just one A(rgument)
let erlangTuple = '{\([A-Za-z_,|=\-\[\]]\|\s\)*}'
let erlangList = '\[\([A-Za-z_,|=\-{}]\|\s\)*\]'
function ErlangFoldText() " FIXME: Use searchpair?
let line = getline(v:foldstart) while arguments =~ erlangTuple
let foldlen = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1 let arguments = substitute(arguments, erlangTuple, "A", "g")
let lines = ' ' . foldlen . ' lines: ' . substitute(line, "[ \t]*", '', '') endwhile
if foldlen < 10 " FIXME: Use searchpair?
let lines = ' ' . lines while arguments =~ erlangList
endif let arguments = substitute(arguments, erlangList, "A", "g")
let retval = '+' . v:folddashes . lines endwhile
let len = strlen(arguments)
while pos < len && pos > -1
let ac += 1
let pos = matchend(arguments, ',\s*', pos)
return ac
return retval " Main fold function
endfunction function GetErlangFold(lnum)
let lnum = a:lnum
let line = getline(lnum)
if line =~ s:ErlangFunEnd
return '<1'
if line =~ s:ErlangFunBegin && foldlevel(lnum - 1) == 1
if exists("g:erlangFoldSplitFunction") && g:erlangFoldSplitFunction
return '>1'
return '1'
if line =~ s:ErlangFunBegin
return '>1'
return '='
" Erlang fold description (foldtext function)
function ErlangFoldText()
let foldlen = v:foldend - v:foldstart
if 1 < foldlen
let lines = "lines"
let lines = "line"
let line = getline(v:foldstart)
let name = s:GetFunName(line)
let arguments = s:GetFunArgs(strpart(line, strlen(name)), v:foldstart)
let argcount = s:CountFunArgs(arguments)
let retval = "+" . v:folddashes . " " . name . "/" . argcount
let retval .= " (" . foldlen . " " . lines . ")"
return retval
call s:SetErlangOptions() call s:SetErlangOptions()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
" Erlang refactor file
" Language: Erlang
" Maintainer: Pawel 'kTT' Salata <>
" URL:
if exists("b:did_ftplugin_erlang")
" Don't load any other
let b:did_ftplugin_erlang=1
if !exists('g:erlangRefactoring') || g:erlangRefactoring == 0
if !exists('g:erlangWranglerPath')
let g:erlangWranglerPath = '/usr/share/wrangler/'
if glob(g:erlangWranglerPath) == ""
call confirm("Wrong path to wrangler dir")
autocmd VimLeavePre * call StopWranglerServer()
let s:erlangServerName = "wrangler_vim"
" Starting background erlang session with wrangler on
function! StartWranglerServer()
let wranglerEbinDir = g:erlangWranglerPath . "/ebin"
let command = "erl_call -s -sname " . s:erlangServerName . " -x 'erl -pa " . wranglerEbinDir . "'"
call system(command)
call s:send_rpc('application', 'start', '[wrangler_app]')
" Stopping erlang session
function! StopWranglerServer()
echo s:send_rpc('erlang', 'halt', '')
" Sending rpc call to erlang session
function! s:send_rpc(module, fun, args)
let command = "erl_call -sname " . s:erlangServerName . " -a '" . a:module . " " . a:fun . " " . a:args . "'"
let result = system(command)
if match(result, 'erl_call: failed to connect to node .*') != -1
call StartWranglerServer()
return system(command)
return result
function! ErlangUndo()
echo s:send_rpc("wrangler_undo_server", "undo", "[]")
function! s:trim(text)
return substitute(a:text, "^\\s\\+\\|\\s\\+$", "", "g")
function! s:get_msg(result, tuple_start)
let msg_begin = '{' . a:tuple_start . ','
let matching_start = match(a:result, msg_begin)
if matching_start != -1
return s:trim(matchstr(a:result, '[^}]*', matching_start + strlen(msg_begin)))
return ""
" Check if there is an error in result
function! s:check_for_error(result)
let msg = s:get_msg(a:result, 'ok')
if msg != ""
return [0, msg]
let msg = s:get_msg(a:result, 'warning')
if msg != ""
return [1, msg]
let msg = s:get_msg(a:result, 'error')
if msg != ""
return [2, msg]
return [-1, ""]
" Sending apply changes to file
function! s:send_confirm()
let choice = confirm("What do you want?", "&Preview\n&Confirm\nCa&ncel", 0)
if choice == 1
echo "TODO: Display preview :)"
elseif choice == 2
let module = 'wrangler_preview_server'
let fun = 'commit'
let args = '[]'
return s:send_rpc(module, fun, args)
let module = 'wrangler_preview_server'
let fun = 'abort'
let args = '[]'
return s:send_rpc(module, fun, args)
echo "Canceled"
" Manually send confirm, for testing purpose only
function! SendConfirm()
echo s:send_confirm()
" Format and send function extracton call
function! s:call_extract(start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col, name)
let file = expand("%:p")
let module = 'wrangler'
let fun = 'fun_extraction'
let args = '["' . file . '", {' . a:start_line . ', ' . a:start_col . '}, {' . a:end_line . ', ' . a:end_col . '}, "' . a:name . '", ' . &sw . ']'
let result = s:send_rpc(module, fun, args)
let [error_code, msg] = s:check_for_error(result)
if error_code != 0
call confirm(msg)
return 0
echo "This files will be changed: " . matchstr(msg, "[^]]*", 1)
echo s:send_confirm()
return 1
function! ErlangExtractFunction(mode) range
silent w!
let name = inputdialog("New function name: ")
if name != ""
if a:mode == "v"
let start_pos = getpos("'<")
let start_line = start_pos[1]
let start_col = start_pos[2]
let end_pos = getpos("'>")
let end_line = end_pos[1]
let end_col = end_pos[2]
elseif a:mode == "n"
let pos = getpos(".")
let start_line = pos[1]
let start_col = pos[2]
let end_line = pos[1]
let end_col = pos[2]
echo "Mode not supported."
if s:call_extract(start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col, name)
let temp = &autoread
set autoread
if temp == 0
set noautoread
echo "Empty function name. Ignoring."
nmap <A-r>e :call ErlangExtractFunction("n")<ENTER>
vmap <A-r>e :call ErlangExtractFunction("v")<ENTER>
function! s:call_rename(mode, line, col, name, search_path)
let file = expand("%:p")
let module = 'wrangler'
let fun = 'rename_' . a:mode
let args = '["' . file .'", '
if a:mode != "mod"
let args = args . a:line . ', ' . a:col . ', '
let args = args . '"' . a:name . '", ["' . a:search_path . '"], ' . &sw . ']'
let result = s:send_rpc(module, fun, args)
let [error_code, msg] = s:check_for_error(result)
if error_code != 0
call confirm(msg)
return 0
echo "This files will be changed: " . matchstr(msg, "[^]]*", 1)
echo s:send_confirm()
return 1
function! ErlangRename(mode)
silent w!
if a:mode == "mod"
let name = inputdialog('Rename module to: ')
let name = inputdialog('Rename "' . expand("<cword>") . '" to: ')
if name != ""
let search_path = expand("%:p:h")
"let search_path = inputdialog('Search path: ', expand("%:p:h"))
let pos = getpos(".")
let line = pos[1]
let col = pos[2]
let current_filename = expand("%")
let current_filepath = expand("%:p")
let new_filename = name . '.erl'
if s:call_rename(a:mode, line, col, name, search_path)
if a:mode == "mod"
execute ':bd ' . current_filename
execute ':e ' . new_filename
silent execute '!mv ' . current_filepath . ' ' . current_filepath . '.bak'
let temp = &autoread
set autoread
if temp == 0
set noautoread
echo "Empty name. Ignoring."
function! ErlangRenameFunction()
call ErlangRename("fun")
map <A-r>f :call ErlangRenameFunction()<ENTER>
function! ErlangRenameVariable()
call ErlangRename("var")
map <A-r>v :call ErlangRenameVariable()<ENTER>
function! ErlangRenameModule()
call ErlangRename("mod")
map <A-r>m :call ErlangRenameModule()<ENTER>
function! ErlangRenameProcess()
call ErlangRename("process")
map <A-r>p :call ErlangRenameProcess()<ENTER>
function! s:call_tuple_fun_args(start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col, search_path)
let file = expand("%:p")
let module = 'wrangler'
let fun = 'tuple_funpar'
let args = '["' . file . '", {' . a:start_line . ', ' . a:start_col . '}, {' . a:end_line . ', ' . a:end_col . '}, ["' . a:search_path . '"], ' . &sw . ']'
let result = s:send_rpc(module, fun, args)
if s:check_for_error(result)
return 0
call s:send_confirm()
return 1
function! ErlangTupleFunArgs(mode)
silent w!
let search_path = expand("%:p:h")
"let search_path = inputdialog('Search path: ', expand("%:p:h"))
if a:mode == "v"
let start_pos = getpos("'<")
let start_line = start_pos[1]
let start_col = start_pos[2]
let end_pos = getpos("'>")
let end_line = end_pos[1]
let end_col = end_pos[2]
if s:call_tuple_fun_args(start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col, search_path)
let temp = &autoread
set autoread
if temp == 0
set noautoread
elseif a:mode == "n"
let pos = getpos(".")
let line = pos[1]
let col = pos[2]
if s:call_tuple_fun_args(line, col, line, col, search_path)
let temp = &autoread
set autoread
if temp == 0
set noautoread
echo "Mode not supported."
nmap <A-r>t :call ErlangTupleFunArgs("n")<ENTER>
vmap <A-r>t :call ErlangTupleFunArgs("v")<ENTER>
" vim: set foldmethod=marker:

View File

@ -1,58 +1,207 @@
" Vim indent file " Vim indent file
" Language: Erlang " Language: Erlang
" Author: Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez <> " Maintainer: Csaba Hoch <>
" License: Vim license " Contributor: Edwin Fine <efine145_nospam01 at usa dot net>
" Version: 2013/09/11 " Contributor: Pawel 'kTT' Salata <>
" Last Change: 2010 Aug 30
if !exists('g:erlang_force_use_vimerl_indent') " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
let g:erlang_force_use_vimerl_indent = 0 if exists("b:did_indent")
endif finish
if exists('b:did_indent') || (v:version >= 704 && !g:erlang_force_use_vimerl_indent)
let b:did_indent = 1
endif endif
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal indentexpr=ErlangIndent() setlocal indentexpr=ErlangIndent()
setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,=),=},=],=>>,=of,=catch,=after,=end setlocal indentkeys+==after,=end,=catch,=),=],=}
if exists('*ErlangIndent') " Only define the functions once.
finish if exists("*ErlangIndent")
endif endif
let s:erlang_indent_file = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/erlang_indent.erl' " The function go through the whole line, analyses it and sets the indentation
if filewritable(expand('<sfile>:p:h')) == 2 " (ind variable).
let s:in_fifo = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/vimerl_in_fifo.' . getpid() " l: the number of the line to be examined.
let s:out_fifo = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/vimerl_out_fifo.' . getpid() function s:ErlangIndentAfterLine(l)
else let i = 0 " the index of the current character in the line
let s:in_fifo = '/tmp/vimerl_in_fifo.' . getpid() let length = strlen(a:l) " the length of the line
let s:out_fifo = '/tmp/vimerl_out_fifo.' . getpid() let ind = 0 " how much should be the difference between the indentation of
endif " the current line and the indentation of the next line?
" e.g. +1: the indentation of the next line should be equal to
" the indentation of the current line plus one shiftwidth
let lastFun = 0 " the last token was a 'fun'
let lastReceive = 0 " the last token was a 'receive'; needed for 'after'
let lastHashMark = 0 " the last token was a 'hashmark'
execute 'silent !mkfifo' s:in_fifo " ignore type annotation lines
execute 'silent !mkfifo' s:out_fifo if a:l =~# '^\s*-type'
execute 'silent !' . s:erlang_indent_file s:out_fifo s:in_fifo '&' return 0
autocmd VimLeave * call <SID>StopIndenter() while 0<= i && i < length
function s:StopIndenter() " m: the next value of the i
call writefile([], s:out_fifo) if a:l[i] == '%'
call delete(s:in_fifo) break
call delete(s:out_fifo) elseif a:l[i] == '"'
let m = matchend(a:l,'"\%([^"\\]\|\\.\)*"',i)
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[i] == "'"
let m = matchend(a:l,"'[^']*'",i)
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[i] =~# "[a-z]"
let m = matchend(a:l,".[[:alnum:]_]*",i)
if lastFun
let ind = ind - 1
let lastFun = 0
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[(i):(m-1)] =~# '^\%(case\|if\|try\)$'
let ind = ind + 1
elseif a:l[(i):(m-1)] =~# '^receive$'
let ind = ind + 1
let lastReceive = 1
elseif a:l[(i):(m-1)] =~# '^begin$'
let ind = ind + 2
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[(i):(m-1)] =~# '^end$'
let ind = ind - 2
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[(i):(m-1)] =~# '^after$'
if lastReceive == 0
let ind = ind - 1
let ind = ind + 0
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[(i):(m-1)] =~# '^fun$'
let ind = ind + 1
let lastFun = 1
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[i] =~# "[A-Z_]"
let m = matchend(a:l,".[[:alnum:]_]*",i)
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[i] == '$'
let m = i+2
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[i] == "." && (i+1>=length || a:l[i+1]!~ "[0-9]")
let m = i+1
if lastHashMark
let lastHashMark = 0
let ind = ind - 1
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[i] == '-' && (i+1<length && a:l[i+1]=='>')
let m = i+2
let ind = ind + 1
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[i] == ';' && a:l[(i):(length)] !~# '.*->.*'
let m = i+1
let ind = ind - 1
let lastReceive = 0
elseif a:l[i] == '#'
let m = i+1
let lastHashMark = 1
elseif a:l[i] =~# '[({[]'
let m = i+1
let ind = ind + 1
let lastFun = 0
let lastReceive = 0
let lastHashMark = 0
elseif a:l[i] =~# '[)}\]]'
let m = i+1
let ind = ind - 1
let lastReceive = 0
let m = i+1
let i = m
return ind
function s:FindPrevNonBlankNonComment(lnum)
let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
let line = getline(lnum)
" continue to search above if the current line begins with a '%'
while line =~# '^\s*%.*$'
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
if 0 == lnum
return 0
let line = getline(lnum)
return lnum
endfunction endfunction
function ErlangIndent() function ErlangIndent()
if v:lnum == 1
return 0
call writefile([v:lnum] + getline(1, v:lnum), s:out_fifo)
let indent = split(readfile(s:in_fifo)[0])
if len(indent) == 1 || !&expandtab " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
return indent[0] * &shiftwidth let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
return indent[1] " Hit the start of the file, use zero indent.
endif if lnum == 0
endif return 0
let prevline = getline(lnum)
let currline = getline(v:lnum)
let ind = indent(lnum) + &sw * s:ErlangIndentAfterLine(prevline)
" special cases:
if prevline =~# '^\s*\%(after\|end\)\>'
let ind = ind + 2*&sw
if currline =~# '^\s*end\>'
let ind = ind - 2*&sw
if currline =~# '^\s*after\>'
let plnum = s:FindPrevNonBlankNonComment(v:lnum-1)
if getline(plnum) =~# '^[^%]*\<receive\>\s*\%(%.*\)\=$'
let ind = ind - 1*&sw
" If the 'receive' is not in the same line as the 'after'
let ind = ind - 2*&sw
if prevline =~# '^\s*[)}\]]'
let ind = ind + 1*&sw
if currline =~# '^\s*[)}\]]'
let ind = ind - 1*&sw
if prevline =~# '^\s*\%(catch\)\s*\%(%\|$\)'
let ind = ind + 1*&sw
if currline =~# '^\s*\%(catch\)\s*\%(%\|$\)'
let ind = ind - 1*&sw
if ind<0
let ind = 0
return ind
endfunction endfunction
" f() ->
" x("foo
" bar")
" ,
" bad_indent.
" fun
" init/0,
" bad_indent
" #rec
" .field,
" bad_indent

View File

@ -1,35 +1,40 @@
" Vim syntax file " Vim syntax file
" Language: Erlang " Language: Erlang
" Author: Oscar Hellström <> ( " Maintainer: Oscar Hellström <>
" Contributors: Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez <> " URL:
" License: Vim license " Version: 2010-08-09
" Version: 2012/05/07 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" {{{1
" Options:
" Erlang BIFs
" g:erlangHighlightBif - highlight erlang built in functions (default: off)
" }}}
" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if exists("b:current_syntax") " Setup {{{1
finish " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
else " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
let b:current_syntax = "erlang" if version < 600
endif syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
if !exists("g:erlang_highlight_bif") finish
let g:erlang_highlight_bif = 1
endif endif
" Erlang is case sensitive " Erlang is case sensitive
syn case match syn case match
" Match groups " Match groups {{{1
syn match erlangStringModifier /\\./ contained syn match erlangStringModifier /\\./ contained
syn match erlangStringModifier /\~\%(-\?[0-9*]\+\)\?\%(\.[0-9*]*\%(\..\?t\?\)\?\)\?\%(\~\|c\|f\|e\|g\|s\|w\|p\|W\|P\|B\|X\|#\|b\|x\|+\|n\|i\)/ contained syn match erlangStringModifier /\~\%(-\?[0-9*]\+\)\?\%(\.[0-9*]\+\..\?\)\?\%(c\|f\|e\|g\|s\|w\|p\|W\|P\|B\|X\|#\|b\|+\|n\|i\)/ contained
syn match erlangModifier /\$\\\?./ syn match erlangModifier /\$\\\?./
syn match erlangInteger /\<\%([0-9]\+#[0-9a-fA-F]\+\|[0-9]\+\)\>/ syn match erlangInteger /\<\%([0-9]\+#[0-9a-fA-F]\+\|[0-9]\+\)\>/
syn match erlangFloat /\<[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\%(e-\?[0-9]\+\)\?\>/ syn match erlangFloat /\<[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\%(e-\?[0-9]\+\)\?\>/
syn keyword erlangTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained syn keyword erlangTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
syn match erlangComment /%.*$/ contains=@Spell,erlangTodo,erlangAnnotation syn match erlangComment /%.*$/ contains=@Spell,erlangTodo
syn match erlangAnnotation /\%(%\s\)\@<=@\%(author\|clear\|copyright\|deprecated\|doc\|docfile\|end\|equiv\|headerfile\|hidden\|private\|reference\|see\|since\|spec\|throws\|title\|todo\|TODO\|type\|version\)/ contained
syn match erlangAnnotation /`[^']\+'/ contained
syn keyword erlangKeyword band bor bnot bsl bsr bxor div rem xor syn keyword erlangKeyword band bor bnot bsl bsr bxor div rem xor
syn keyword erlangKeyword try catch begin receive after cond fun let query syn keyword erlangKeyword try catch begin receive after cond fun let query
@ -42,9 +47,9 @@ syn keyword erlangBoolean true false
syn keyword erlangGuard is_list is_alive is_atom is_binary is_bitstring is_boolean is_tuple is_number is_integer is_float is_function is_constant is_pid is_port is_reference is_record is_process_alive syn keyword erlangGuard is_list is_alive is_atom is_binary is_bitstring is_boolean is_tuple is_number is_integer is_float is_function is_constant is_pid is_port is_reference is_record is_process_alive
syn match erlangOperator /\/\|*\|+\|-\|++\|--/ syn match erlangOperator /\/\|*\|+\|-\|++\|--/
syn match erlangOperator /->\|<-\|||\||\|!\|=/ syn match erlangOperator /->\|<-\|||\||\|!\|=/
syn match erlangOperator /=:=\|==\|\/=\|=\/=\|<\|>\|=<\|>=/ syn match erlangOperator /=:=\|==\|\/=\|=\/=\|<\|>\|=<\|>=/
syn keyword erlangOperator div rem syn keyword erlangOperator div rem
syn region erlangString start=/"/ end=/"/ skip=/\\/ contains=@Spell,erlangStringModifier syn region erlangString start=/"/ end=/"/ skip=/\\/ contains=@Spell,erlangStringModifier
@ -58,69 +63,75 @@ syn match erlangRecord /#\w\+/
syn match erlangTuple /{\|}/ syn match erlangTuple /{\|}/
syn match erlangList /\[\|\]/ syn match erlangList /\[\|\]/
syn match erlangAttribute /^-\%(vsn\|author\|copyright\|compile\|deprecated\|module\|export\|import\|behaviour\|behavior\|export_type\|ignore_xref\|on_load\|mode\)\s*(\@=/ syn match erlangAttribute /^-\%(vsn\|author\|copyright\|compile\|deprecated\|module\|export\|import\|behaviour\|export_type\|ignore_xref\) *(\@=/
syn match erlangInclude /^-include\%(_lib\)\?\s*(\@=/ syn match erlangInclude /^-include\%(_lib\)\?\s*(\@=/
syn match erlangRecordDef /^-record\s*(\@=/ syn match erlangRecordDef /^-record\s*(\@=/
syn match erlangDefine /^-\%(define\|undef\)\s*(\@=/ syn match erlangDefine /^-\%(define\|undef\)\s*(\@=/
syn match erlangPreCondit /^-\%(ifdef\|ifndef\|else\|endif\)\%(\s*(\@=\)\?/ syn match erlangPreCondit /^-\%(ifdef\|ifndef\|else\|endif\)\%(\s*(\@=\)\?/
syn match erlangType /^-\%(spec\|type\|opaque\|callback\)[( ]\@=/ syn match erlangType /^-\%(spec\|type\)[( ]\@=/
syn match erlangMacro /\%(-define(\)\@<=\w\+/ syn match erlangMacro /\%(-define(\)\@<=\w\+/
syn match erlangMacro /?\??\w\+/ syn match erlangMacro /?\w\+/
syn match erlangBitType /\%(\/\|-\)\@<=\%(bits\|bitstring\|binary\|integer\|float\|unit\)\>/ syn match erlangBitType /\%(\/\|-\)\@<=\%(bits\|bitstring\|binary\|integer\|float\|unit\)\>/
syn match erlangBitSize /:\@<=[0-9]\+/ syn match erlangBitSize /:\@<=[0-9]\+/
syn match erlangBinary /<<\|>>/ syn match erlangBinary /<<\|>>/
syn match erlangBIF /\%([^:0-9A-Za-z_]\|\<erlang:\|^\)\@<=\%(abs\|apply\|atom_to_binary\|atom_to_list\|binary_part\|binary_to_atom\|binary_to_existing_atom\|binary_to_list\|binary_to_term\|bit_size\|bitstring_to_list\|byte_size\|check_process_code\|date\|delete_module\|demonitor\|disconnect_node\|element\|erase\|error\|exit\|float\|float_to_list\|garbage_collect\|get\|get_keys\|group_leader\|halt\|hd\|integer_to_list\|iolist_size\|iolist_to_binary\|is_alive\|is_atom\|is_binary\|is_bitstring\|is_boolean\|is_float\|is_function\|is_integer\|is_list\|is_number\|is_pid\|is_port\|is_process_alive\|is_record\|is_reference\|is_tuple\|length\|link\|list_to_atom\|list_to_binary\|list_to_bitstring\|list_to_existing_atom\|list_to_float\|list_to_integer\|list_to_pid\|list_to_tuple\|load_module\|make_ref\|max\|min\|module_loaded\|monitor\|monitor_node\|node\|nodes\|now\|open_port\|pid_to_list\|port_close\|port_command\|port_connect\|port_control\|pre_loaded\|processes\|process_flag\|process_info\|purge_module\|put\|register\|registered\|round\|self\|setelement\|size\|spawn\|spawn_link\|spawn_monitor\|spawn_opt\|split_binary\|statistics\|term_to_binary\|throw\|time\|tl\|trunc\|tuple_size\|tuple_to_list\|unlink\|unregister\|whereis\)\%((\|\/[0-9]\)\@=/ syn match erlangBIF /\%([^:0-9A-Za-z_]\|\<erlang:\)\@<=\%(abs\|apply\|atom_to_list\|binary_part\|binary_to_list\|binary_to_term\|binary_to_atom\|binary_to_existing_atom\|bitstring_to_list\|check_process_code\|concat_binary\|date\|delete_module\|disconnect_node\|element\|erase\|error\|exit\|float\|float_to_list\|garbage_collect\|get\|get_keys\|group_leader\|halt\|hd\|integer_to_list\|iolist_to_binary\|iolist_size\|length\|link\|list_to_atom\|list_to_binary\|list_to_bitstring\|list_to_existing_atom\|list_to_float\|list_to_integer\|list_to_pid\|list_to_tuple\|load_module\|make_ref\|monitor_node\|node\|nodes\|now\|open_port\|pid_to_list\|port_close\|port_command\|port_connect\|port_control\|pre_loaded\|process_flag\|process_info\|processes\|purge_module\|put\|register\|registered\|round\|self\|setelement\|size\|bit_size\|byte_size\|spawn\|spawn_link\|spawn_opt\|split_binary\|statistics\|term_to_binary\|throw\|time\|tl\|trunc\|tuple_to_list\|unlink\|unregister\|whereis\)\((\|\/[0-9]\)\@=/
syn match erlangBIF /\%(\<erlang:\)\@<=\%(append_element\|bump_reductions\|cancel_timer\|decode_packet\|display\|function_exported\|fun_info\|fun_to_list\|get_cookie\|get_stacktrace\|hash\|is_builtin\|loaded\|load_nif\|localtime\|localtime_to_universaltime\|make_tuple\|memory\|monitor_node\|phash\|port_call\|port_info\|ports\|port_to_list\|process_display\|read_timer\|ref_to_list\|resume_process\|send\|send_after\|send_nosuspend\|set_cookie\|start_timer\|suspend_process\|system_flag\|system_info\|system_monitor\|system_profile\|trace\|trace_delivered\|trace_info\|trace_pattern\|universaltime\|universaltime_to_localtime\|yield\)(\@=/ syn match erlangBIF /\<\%(erlang:\)\@<=\%(append_element\|bump_reductions\|cancel_timer\|decode_packet\|demonitor\|display\|fault\|fun_info\|fun_to_list\|function_exported\|get_cookie\|get_stacktrace\|hash\|hibernate\|info\|is_builtin\|loaded\|localtime\|localtime_to_universaltime\|localtime_to_universaltime\|make_tuple\|md5\|md5_init\|md5_update\|memory\|monitor\|monitor_node\|phash\|phash2\|port_call\|port_info\|port_to_list\|ports\|process_display\|raise\|read_timer\|ref_to_list\|resume_process\|send\|send_after\|send_nosuspend\|set_cookie\|spawn_monitor\|start_timer\|suspend_process\|system_flag\|system_info\|system_monitor\|trace\|trace_delivered\|trace_info\|trace_pattern\|universaltime\|universaltime_to_localtime\|yield\)(\@=/
syn match erlangGBIF /\<erlang\%(:\w\)\@=/ syn match erlangGBIF /erlang\(:\w\)\@=/
" }}}
" Link Erlang stuff to Vim groups " Link Erlang stuff to Vim groups {{{1
hi def link erlangTodo Todo hi link erlangTodo Todo
hi def link erlangString String hi link erlangString String
hi def link erlangNoSpellString String hi link erlangNoSpellString String
hi def link erlangModifier SpecialChar hi link erlangModifier SpecialChar
hi def link erlangStringModifier SpecialChar hi link erlangStringModifier SpecialChar
hi def link erlangComment Comment hi link erlangComment Comment
hi def link erlangAnnotation Special hi link erlangVariable Identifier
hi def link erlangVariable Identifier hi link erlangInclude Include
hi def link erlangInclude Include hi link erlangRecordDef Keyword
hi def link erlangRecordDef Keyword hi link erlangAttribute Keyword
hi def link erlangAttribute Keyword hi link erlangKeyword Keyword
hi def link erlangKeyword Keyword hi link erlangMacro Macro
hi def link erlangMacro Macro hi link erlangDefine Define
hi def link erlangDefine Define hi link erlangPreCondit PreCondit
hi def link erlangPreCondit PreCondit hi link erlangPreProc PreProc
hi def link erlangPreProc PreProc hi link erlangDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link erlangDelimiter Delimiter hi link erlangBitDelimiter Normal
hi def link erlangBitDelimiter Normal hi link erlangOperator Operator
hi def link erlangOperator Operator hi link erlangConditional Conditional
hi def link erlangConditional Conditional hi link erlangGuard Conditional
hi def link erlangGuard Conditional hi link erlangBoolean Boolean
hi def link erlangBoolean Boolean hi link erlangAtom Constant
hi def link erlangAtom Constant hi link erlangRecord Structure
hi def link erlangRecord Structure hi link erlangInteger Number
hi def link erlangInteger Number hi link erlangFloat Number
hi def link erlangFloat Number hi link erlangFloat Number
hi def link erlangFloat Number hi link erlangFloat Number
hi def link erlangFloat Number hi link erlangFloat Number
hi def link erlangFloat Number hi link erlangHex Number
hi def link erlangHex Number hi link erlangBIF Keyword
hi def link erlangFun Keyword hi link erlangFun Keyword
hi def link erlangList Delimiter hi link erlangList Delimiter
hi def link erlangTuple Delimiter hi link erlangTuple Delimiter
hi def link erlangBinary Keyword hi link erlangBinary Keyword
hi def link erlangBitVariable Identifier hi link erlangBitVariable Identifier
hi def link erlangBitType Type hi link erlangBitType Type
hi def link erlangType Type hi link erlangType Type
hi def link erlangBitSize Number hi link erlangBitSize Number
" }}}
" Optional highlighting " Optional linkings {{{1
if g:erlang_highlight_bif if exists("g:erlangHighlightBif") && g:erlangHighlightBif
hi def link erlangBIF Keyword hi link erlangGBIF Keyword
hi def link erlangGBIF Keyword
endif endif
" }}}
let b:current_syntax = "erlang"
" vim: set foldmethod=marker: