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if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'haproxy') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: HAproxy
" Maintainer: Dan Reif
" Last Change: Mar 2, 2018
" Version: 0.5
" URL:
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
if version >= 600
setlocal iskeyword=_,-,a-z,A-Z,48-57
set iskeyword=_,-,a-z,A-Z,48-57
" Escaped chars
syn match hapEscape +\\\(\\\| \|n\|r\|t\|#\|x\x\x\)+
" Match whitespace at the end of a line
syn match hapNothingErr /\s\+\ze\(#.*\)\?$/ contained nextgroup=hapGreedyComment
" Match anything other than whitespace; flag as error if found. 'contained'
" because comments are valid where otherwise only hapNothing is.
syn match hapNothingErr /\s*\zs[^# \t][^#]*/ contained nextgroup=hapGreedyComment
" Comments
syn match hapComment /\(^\|\s\)#.*$/ contains=hapTodo
" `acl foo path_reg hi[#]mom` is an error because [ is unclosed. (!!!)
syn match hapGreedyComment /#.*$/ contained containedin=hapAclRemainder contains=hapTodo
syn keyword hapTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
" `daemon#hi mom` is perfectly valid. :/
syn cluster hapNothing contains=hapNothingErr,hapGreedyComment
" Case-insensitive matching
syn case ignore
" Sections
syn match hapSection /^\s*\(global\|defaults\)/
syn match hapSection /^\s*\(backend\|frontend\|listen\|ruleset\|userlist\)/ skipwhite nextgroup=hapSectLabel
syn match hapSectLabel /\S\+/ skipwhite nextgroup=hapIp1 contained
syn match hapIp1 /\(\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\)\?:\d\{1,5}/ nextgroup=hapIp2 contained
syn match hapIp2 /,\(\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\)\?:\d\{1,5}/hs=s+1 nextgroup=hapIp2 contained
" Timeouts. We try to hint towards the use of 'ms' and 's' when
" g:haproxy_guess_ms_sec is set. We consider the lack of either 'ms' or 's'
" as an error when haproxy_enforce_ms_sec is set. (HAproxy's default is 'ms',
" but that arguably leads to ambiguity in the config.)
if get(g:, 'haproxy_guess_ms_sec', 1)
" Timeouts and such specified in ms, where seconds are *allowed*, but are
" probably a mistake.
syn match hapNumberMS /\d\+m\?s/ contained transparent
syn match hapError /\d\+\zss\ze/ contained containedin=hapNumberMS
if get(g:, 'haproxy_enforce_ms_sec', 1)
syn match hapNumberMS /\d\+\(m\?s\)\?/ contained transparent
syn match hapError /\d\+\(m\?s\)\@!\(\D\|$\)/ contained containedin=hapNumberMS
syn match hapNumberMS /\d\+m\?s/ contained
syn match hapNumberMS /\d\+m\?s/ contained
if get(g:, 'haproxy_guess_ms_sec', 1)
" Timeouts generally specified in whole seconds, where we want to highlight
" errant 'm's.
syn match hapNumberSec /\d\+m\?s/ contained transparent
syn match hapError /\d\+\zsm\zes/ contained containedin=hapNumberSec
if get(g:, 'haproxy_enforce_ms_sec', 1)
syn match hapNumberSec /\d\+\(m\?s\)\?/ contained transparent
syn match hapError /\d\+\(m\?s\)\@!\(\D\|$\)/ contained containedin=hapNumberSec
syn match hapNumberSec /\d\+m\?s/ contained
syn match hapNumberSec /\d\+m\?s/ contained
" Other numbers, no 'ms'.
syn match hapNumber /[0-9]\+/ contained
" Timeout types
syn keyword hapTimeoutType connect client server contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumberMS
" URIs
syn match hapAbsURI /\/\S*/ contained
syn match hapURI /\S*/ contained
" File paths (always absolute, and never just '/' unless you're insane)
syn match hapFilePath /\/\S\+/ contained
" SSL configuration keywords
syn match hapSSLCiphersAll /\s\+\zs.*/ contained transparent
syn match hapSSLCiphersError /.\+/ contained containedin=hapSSLCiphersAll
syn match hapSSLCiphers /\([-+!]\?[A-Z0-9-]\+[:+]\)*[-+!]\?[A-Z0-9-]\+/ contained containedin=hapSSLCiphersAll
" ACLs
" This comes first, lest it gobble up everything else.
syn match hapAclName /\S\+/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapAclCriterion
syn match hapAclCriterion /FALSE\|HTTP\|HTTP_1\.0\|HTTP_1\.1\|HTTP_CONTENT\|HTTP_URL_ABS\|HTTP_URL_SLASH\|HTTP_URL_STAR\|LOCALHOST\|METH_CONNECT\|METH_GET\|METH_HEAD\|METH_OPTIONS\|METH_POST\|METH_TRACE\|RDP_COOKIE\|REQ_CONTENT\|TRUE\|WAIT_END\|\(req_rdp_cookie\|s\?cook\|s\?hdr\|http_auth_group\|urlp\)\(_\(beg\|dir\|dom\|end\|len\|reg\|sub\|cnt\)\)\?([^)]*)\|\(req_ssl_[a-z]\+\|base\|method\|path\|req_ver\|resp_ver\|url\)\(_\(beg\|dir\|dom\|end\|len\|reg\|sub\|cnt\)\)\?/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapAclConverterOrNothing
" This one's a bit tricky. Match zero or more converters, and then *require* the
" space afterwards. Strictly speaking, deviates from the BNF, but only in
" pathological cases ('acl lolwat TRUE,upper').
syn match hapAclConverterOrNothing /\(,\(\(base64\|bool\|cpl\|debug\|even\|hex\|lower\|neg\|not\|odd\|upper\|url_dec\)\|\(add\|and\|bytes\|crc32\|da-csv-conv\|div\|djb2\|field\|http_date\|in_table\|ipmask\|json\|language\|ltime\|map\|mod\|mul\|or\|regsub\|capture-req\|capture-res\|sdbm\|sub\|table_[a-z0-9_]\+\|utime\|word\|wt6\|xor\)([^)]*)\)\)*\s\+/ contained nextgroup=hapAclFlag,hapAclFlagWithParameter,hapAclOperator
syn match hapAclFlag /-[-in]/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapAclFlag,hapAclFlagWithParameter,hapAclOperator
syn match hapAclFlagWithParameter /-[fmMu]/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapAclFlagParameter
syn match hapAclFlagParameter /\S\+/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapAclFlag,hapAclFlagWithParameter,hapAclOperator
syn match hapAclOperator /eq\|ge\|gt\|le\|lt/ contained skipwhite
syn match hapAclRemainder /.*/ contained transparent
" Generic tune.ssl
syn match hapParam /tune\.ssl\.[a-z0-9-]\+/
" tune.ssl where we know what follows
syn match hapParam /tune\.ssl\.default-dh-param/ skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumber
syn keyword hapSSLServerVerify none required contained skipwhite nextgroup=@hapNothing
" Keywords deprecated for at least a decade. Kill 'em.
syn keyword hapError cliexp srvexp
" Parameters
syn keyword hapParam timeout skipwhite nextgroup=hapTimeoutType
syn keyword hapParam chroot pidfile skipwhite nextgroup=hapFilePath
syn keyword hapParam clitimeout skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumberMS
syn keyword hapParam contimeout skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumberMS
syn keyword hapParam daemon debug disabled skipwhite nextgroup=@hapNothing
syn keyword hapParam enabled skipwhite nextgroup=@hapNothing
syn keyword hapParam fullconn maxconn skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumber
syn keyword hapParam gid skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumber
syn keyword hapParam group
syn keyword hapParam grace skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumberMS
syn keyword hapParam monitor-uri skipwhite nextgroup=hapAbsURI
syn keyword hapParam nbproc skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumber
syn keyword hapParam noepoll nopoll skipwhite nextgroup=@hapNothing
syn keyword hapParam quiet skipwhite nextgroup=@hapNothing
syn keyword hapParam redispatch retries skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumber
" 'add' takes exactly one string, not regexes
syn keyword hapParam reqadd reqiadd skipwhite nextgroup=hapOneStringIfUnless
syn keyword hapParam rspadd rspiadd skipwhite nextgroup=hapOneStringIfUnless
" All of these take exactly one regexp
syn match hapParam /reqi\?\(allow\|del\)/ skipwhite nextgroup=hapOneRegexpIfUnless
syn match hapParam /reqi\?\(deny\|pass\)/ skipwhite nextgroup=hapOneRegexpIfUnless
syn match hapParam /reqi\?\(tarpit\)/ skipwhite nextgroup=hapOneRegexpIfUnless
syn match hapParam /rspi\?\(del\|deny\)/ skipwhite nextgroup=hapOneRegexpIfUnless
" 'rep' is unique in taking two regexes (one search, one replace)
syn keyword hapParam reqrep reqirep skipwhite nextgroup=hapRegSearchReplIfUnless
syn keyword hapParam rsprep rspirep skipwhite nextgroup=hapRegSearchReplIfUnless
syn keyword hapParam reqsetbe reqisetbe skipwhite nextgroup=hapRegexpBE
syn keyword hapParam server source
syn keyword hapParam srvtimeout skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumberMS
syn keyword hapParam uid ulimit-n skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumber
syn keyword hapParam user
syn keyword hapParam acl skipwhite nextgroup=hapAclName
syn keyword hapParam errorloc skipwhite nextgroup=hapStatusURI
syn keyword hapParam errorloc302 errorloc303 skipwhite nextgroup=hapStatusURI
syn keyword hapParam default_backend skipwhite nextgroup=hapSectLabel
syn keyword hapParam use_backend skipwhite nextgroup=hapSectLabel
syn keyword hapParam appsession skipwhite nextgroup=hapAppSess
syn keyword hapParam bind skipwhite nextgroup=hapIp1
syn keyword hapParam balance skipwhite nextgroup=hapBalance
syn keyword hapParam cookie skipwhite nextgroup=hapCookieNam
syn keyword hapParam capture skipwhite nextgroup=hapCapture
syn keyword hapParam dispatch skipwhite nextgroup=hapIpPort
syn keyword hapParam source skipwhite nextgroup=hapIpPort
syn keyword hapParam mode skipwhite nextgroup=hapMode
syn keyword hapParam monitor-net skipwhite nextgroup=hapIPv4Mask
syn keyword hapParam option skipwhite nextgroup=hapOption
syn keyword hapParam stats skipwhite nextgroup=hapStats
syn keyword hapParam server skipwhite nextgroup=hapServerN
syn keyword hapParam source skipwhite nextgroup=hapServerEOL
syn keyword hapParam log skipwhite nextgroup=hapGLog,hapLogIp,hapFilePath
syn keyword hapParam ca-base skipwhite nextgroup=hapFilePath
syn keyword hapParam crt-base skipwhite nextgroup=hapFilePath
syn keyword hapParam ssl-default-bind-ciphers skipwhite nextgroup=hapSSLCiphersAll
syn keyword hapParam ssl-default-bind-options skipwhite nextgroup=hapGLog,hapLogIp
syn keyword hapParam ssl-server-verify skipwhite nextgroup=hapSSLServerVerify
syn keyword hapParam errorfile skipwhite nextgroup=hapStatusPath
syn keyword hapParam http-request skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpRequestVerb
" Transparent is a Vim keyword, so we need a regexp to match it
syn match hapParam /transparent/
" Options and additional parameters
syn keyword hapAppSess len timeout contained
syn keyword hapBalance roundrobin source contained
syn keyword hapLen len contained
syn keyword hapGLog global contained
syn keyword hapMode http tcp health contained
syn keyword hapOption abortonclose allbackups checkcache clitcpka dontlognull contained
syn keyword hapOption forceclose forwardfor http-server-close contained
syn keyword hapOption httpchk httpclose httplog keepalive logasap contained
syn keyword hapOption persist srvtcpka ssl-hello-chk contained
syn keyword hapOption tcplog tcpka tcpsplice contained
syn keyword hapOption except contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapIPv4Mask
" Transparent is a Vim keyword, so we need a regexp to match it
syn match hapOption /transparent/ contained
syn keyword hapStats realm auth scope enable contained
syn keyword hapStats uri contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapAbsURI
syn keyword hapStats socket contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapFilePath
syn keyword hapStats timeout contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapNumberMS
syn keyword hapLogFac kern user mail daemon auth syslog lpr news contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapLogLvl
syn keyword hapLogFac uucp cron auth2 ftp ntp audit alert cron2 contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapLogLvl
syn keyword hapLogFac local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7 contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapLogLvl
syn keyword hapLogLvl emerg alert crit err warning notice info debug contained
syn keyword hapCookieKey rewrite insert nocache postonly indirect prefix contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapCookieKey
syn keyword hapCapture cookie contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapNameLen
syn keyword hapCapture request response contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHeader
syn keyword hapHeader header contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapNameLen
syn keyword hapSrvKey backup cookie check inter rise fall port contained
syn keyword hapSrvKey source minconn maxconn weight usesrc contained
syn match hapStatus /\d\{3}/ contained
syn match hapStatusPath /\d\{3}/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapFilePath
syn match hapStatusURI /\d\{3}/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapURI
syn match hapIPv4Mask /\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\(\/\d\{1,2}\)\?/ contained
syn match hapLogIp /\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapLogFac
syn match hapIpPort /\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}:\d\{1,5}/ contained
syn match hapServerAd /\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\(:[+-]\?\d\{1,5}\)\?/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapSrvEOL
syn match hapNameLen /\S\+/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapLen
syn match hapCookieNam /\S\+/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapCookieKey
syn match hapServerN /\S\+/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapServerAd
syn region hapSrvEOL start=/\S/ end=/$/ contains=hapSrvKey contained
" Brutally stolen from
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "\\\%(\o\{1,3}\|x\%({\x\+}\|\x\{1,2}\)\|c.\|[^cx]\)" contained extend
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "\\." extend contained contains=NONE
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "\\\\" contained
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "\\[1-9]" contained extend
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "\\g\%(\d\+\|{\%(-\=\d\+\|\h\w*\)}\)" contained
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "\\k\%(<\h\w*>\|'\h\w*'\)" contained
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "{\d\+\%(,\%(\d\+\)\=\)\=}" contained
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "\[[]-]\=[^\[\]]*[]-]\=\]" contained extend
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "[+*()?.]" contained
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "(?[#:=!]" contained
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "(?[impsx]*\%(-[imsx]\+\)\=)" contained
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "(?\%([-+]\=\d\+\|R\))" contained
syn match hapPerlSpecialMatch "(?\%(&\|P[>=]\)\h\w*)" contained
syn region hapOneRegexpIfUnless contained start=/\S/ end=/\(\ze\s\|$\)/ skip=/\\ / contains=hapPerlSpecialMatch nextgroup=hapIfUnless,@hapNothing skipwhite
syn region hapRegSearchReplIfUnless contained start=/\S/ end=/\(\s\|$\)/ skip=/\\ / contains=hapPerlSpecialMatch nextgroup=hapRegReplIfUnless skipwhite
syn region hapRegReplIfUnless contained start=/\S/ end=/$/ contains=hapComment,hapEscape,hapPerlSpecialMatch nextgroup=hapIfUnless skipwhite
syn region hapRegexpBE contained start=/\S/ end=/\(\s\|$\)/ skip=/\\ / contains=hapPerlSpecialMatch nextgroup=hapSectLabel skipwhite
" http-request
" http-request verbs that don't allow parameters
syn keyword hapHttpRequestVerb allow tarpit silent-drop contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpIfUnless
" http-request verbs with optional parameters
syn keyword hapHttpRequestVerb auth deny contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpIfUnless,hapHttpRequestParam
" http-request verbs with required parameters
syn keyword hapHttpRequestVerb redirect add-header set-header capture contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpRequestParam
syn keyword hapHttpRequestVerb del-header set-nice set-log-level replace-header contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpRequestParam
syn keyword hapHttpRequestVerb replace-value set-method set-path set-query contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpRequestParam
syn keyword hapHttpRequestVerb set-uri set-tos set-mark contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpRequestParam
" http-request verbs with both parenthetical arguments and required parameters
syn match hapHttpRequestVerb /\(add-acl\|del-acl\|del-map\|set-map\)([^)]*)/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpRequestParam
syn match hapHttpRequestVerb /\(set-var\|unset-var\)([^)]*)/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpRequestParam
syn match hapHttpRequestVerb /\(sc-inc-gpc0\|sc-set-gpt0\)([^)]*)/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpRequestParam
" http-request verbs with parenthetical arguments, but without parameters
syn match hapHttpRequestVerb /\(unset-var\|sc-inc-gpc0\)([^)]*)/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapHttpIfUnless
" Listed first because we want to match this rather than hapHttpRequestParam,
" which can be just about anything (including these two keywords). 'keyword'
" is actually higher priority inside the highlighter, but we'll play it extra
" safe by doing this ordering trick, too.
syn keyword hapIfUnless if unless contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapIfUnlessCond
" A little bit of fancy footwork here, because we want to match the log-format
" parameters inside of the string separately.
syn match hapHttpRequestParam /|S\+/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=hapIfUnless,hapHttpRequestParam transparent
syn match hapHttpLogFormatStr /%\[[^][]\+\]/ contained containedin=hapHttpRequestParam
syn match hapHttpLogFormatErr /%\(\[[^][]\+\]\)\@!.*/ contained containedin=hapHttpRequestParam
syn match hapHttpRequestParamLiteral /[^%]\+/ contained containedin=hapHttpRequestParam
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version < 508
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink hapError Error
HiLink hapNothingErr hapError
HiLink hapEscape SpecialChar
HiLink hapComment Comment
HiLink hapGreedyComment Comment
HiLink hapTodo Todo
HiLink hapSection Underlined
HiLink hapSectLabel Identifier
HiLink hapParam Keyword
HiLink hapSSLCiphers String
HiLink hapSSLCiphersError Error
HiLink hapTimeoutType hapParam
HiLink hapOneRegexpIfUnless String
HiLink hapTwoRegexpsIfUnless hapRegexp
HiLink hapRegReplIfUnless hapRegexp
HiLink hapRegexpBE hapRegexp
HiLink hapPerlSpecialMatch Special
HiLink hapFilePath String
HiLink hapURI String
HiLink hapAbsURI hapURI
HiLink hapIp1 Number
HiLink hapIp2 hapIp1
HiLink hapLogIp hapIp1
HiLink hapIpPort hapIp1
HiLink hapIPv4Mask hapIp1
HiLink hapServerAd hapIp1
HiLink hapStatus Number
HiLink hapStatusPath hapStatus
HiLink hapStatusURI hapStatus
HiLink hapNumber Number
HiLink hapNumberMS hapNumber
HiLink hapNumberSec hapNumber
HiLink hapAclName Identifier
HiLink hapAclCriterion String
HiLink hapAclConverterOrNothing Special
HiLink hapAclFlag Special
HiLink hapAclFlagWithParameter Special
HiLink hapAclFlagParameter String
HiLink hapAclOperator Operator
HiLink hapAclPattern String
HiLink hapHttpRequestVerb Operator
HiLink hapIfUnless Operator
HiLink hapHttpRequestParamLiteral String
HiLink hapHttpLogFormatStr Special
HiLink hapHttpLogFormatErr Error
HiLink hapOption Operator
HiLink hapAppSess hapOption
HiLink hapBalance hapOption
HiLink hapCapture hapOption
HiLink hapCookieKey hapOption
HiLink hapHeader hapOption
HiLink hapGLog hapOption
HiLink hapLogFac hapOption
HiLink hapLogLvl hapOption
HiLink hapMode hapOption
HiLink hapStats hapOption
HiLink hapLen hapOption
HiLink hapSrvKey hapOption
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "haproxy"
" vim: ts=8