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" Vim syntax file
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
" Language: Haskell
" Author: Tristan Ravitch
" Maintainer: Tristan Ravitch
" Version: 0.0.1
if version < 600
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
syntax clear
elseif exists('b:current_syntax')
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
syn sync minlines=50 maxlines=200
" These basic lexical definitions are taken from the orignal haskell syntax
" description from vim 7.3.
syn match hsSpecialChar contained "\\\([0-9]\+\|o[0-7]\+\|x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\|[\"\\'&\\abfnrtv]\|^[A-Z^_\[\\\]]\)"
syn match hsSpecialChar contained "\\\(NUL\|SOH\|STX\|ETX\|EOT\|ENQ\|ACK\|BEL\|BS\|HT\|LF\|VT\|FF\|CR\|SO\|SI\|DLE\|DC1\|DC2\|DC3\|DC4\|NAK\|SYN\|ETB\|CAN\|EM\|SUB\|ESC\|FS\|GS\|RS\|US\|SP\|DEL\)"
syn match hsSpecialCharError contained "\\&\|'''\+"
syn region hsString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=hsSpecialChar
syn match hsCharacter "[^a-zA-Z0-9_']'\([^\\]\|\\[^']\+\|\\'\)'"lc=1 contains=hsSpecialChar,hsSpecialCharError
syn match hsCharacter "^'\([^\\]\|\\[^']\+\|\\'\)'" contains=hsSpecialChar,hsSpecialCharError
syn match hsNumber "\<[0-9]\+\>\|\<0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+\>\|\<0[oO][0-7]\+\>"
syn match hsFloat "\<[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\([eE][-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=\>"
" This case matches the names of types and constructors: names beginning with
" a capital letter. Note that this also handles the case of @M.lookup@ where
" M is a qualified import. There is a big negative lookbehind assertion here
" so that we don't highlight import and module statements oddly.
syn match hsTypeName "\(^import\s.*\|^module\s.*\)\@<!\([^a-zA-Z0-9]\)\@<=[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
" Also make unit and the empty list easy to spot - they are constructors too.
syn match hsTypeName "()"
syn match hsTypeName "\[\]"
" These are keywords that are only highlighted if they are in comments.
syn keyword hsFIXME contained FIXME TODO XXX BUG NOTE
" Comment stuff
syn region hsPragma start='{-#' end='#-}'
syn region hsBlockComment start='{-' end='-}' fold contains=hsFIXME,hsBlockComment
" FIXME: haddock block comments should be able to contain hsBlockComments, but
" it doesn't seem to work at the moment.
syn region hsHaddockComment start='{-|' end='-}' contains=hsFIXME
syn match hsLineComment "--.*$" contains=hsFIXME
" Line-based haddock comments are trickier - they continue until
" the next line that isn't part of the same block of comments.
syn region hsHaddockComment start='-- |' end='^\(\s*--\)\@!' contains=hsFIXME
syn region hsHaddockComment start='-- \$\w\+' end='^\(\s*--\)\@!' contains=hsFIXME
syn region hsHaddockComment start='-- ^' end='^\(\s*--\)\@!' contains=hsFIXME
" Haddock sections for import lists
syn match hsHaddockSection '-- \*.*$'
" Named documentation chunks (also for import lists)
syn match hsHaddockSection '-- \$.*$'
" Keywords appearing in expressions, plus a few top-level keywords
syn keyword hsKeyword do let in _ where
syn keyword hsKeyword infix infixl infixr
syn keyword hsKeyword forall foreign
syn match hsKeyword '\(^\(data\|type\)\s\+\)\@<=family\(\W\)\@='
" Vim has a special syntax category for conditionals, so here are all of the
" haskell conditionals. These are just keywords with a slightly more flexible
" coloring.
syn keyword hsConditional case of if then else
" We define a region for module NNNN (...) where so that haddock section
" headers (-- *) can be highlighted specially only within this context.
syn region hsModuleHeader start="^module\s" end="where" contains=hsHaddockSection keepend fold transparent
" Treat Module imports as the #include category; it maps reasonably well
syn keyword hsImport import qualified as hiding module
syn keyword hsTypeDecls class instance data newtype type deriving default
" FIXME: Maybe we can do something fancy for data/type families? 'family' is
" only a keyword if it follows data/type...
" This is uglier than I'd like. We want to let '-' participate in operators,
" but we can't let it match '--' because that interferes with comments. Hacks
" for now - just include some common operators with '-'.
syn match hsOperator "<-\|->\|-->\|-\(-\)\@!\|[%\~\&\*/\$\^|@:+<!>=#!\?]\+"
" A bare . is an operator (but not surrounded by alnum chars)
syn match hsOperator "\s\@<=\.\s\@="
" . is also an operator if adjacent to some other operator char
syn match hsOperator "[%\~\&\*\$\^|@:+<!>=#!\?]\+\.[%\~\&\*\$\^|@:+<\.!>=#!\?]*"
syn match hsOperator "[%\~\&\*\$\^|@:+<!>=#!\?]*\.[%\~\&\*\$\^|@:+\.<!>=#!\?]\+"
" Include support for infix functions as operators
syn match hsOperator "`[a-zA-Z0-9\.]\+`"
" Highlight function/value names in type signatures. Looks ahead to find a ::
" after a name. This allows whitespace before the name so that it can match
" in a 'where,' but it won't match local type annotations on random little
" things.
syn match hsFunctionList "^\s*\([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9']*[[:space:]\n,]\+\)*[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9']*[[:space:]\n]*::" contains=hsFunction
syn match hsFunction "\s*[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9']*[[:space:]\n]*\(::\|,\)\@=" contained
" Also support the style where the first where binding is on the same line as
" the where keyword.
syn match hsFunction "\(^\s\+where\s\+\)\@<=[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9']*\(\s*::\)\@="
" FIXME Ignoring proc for now, also mdo and rec
" Give undefined a bit of special treatment
syn keyword hsScary undefined
" C Preprocessor stuff
syn match hsCPP '\(^\s*\)\@<=#\(warning\|pragma\|error\)\W\@='
syn match hsCPPCond '\(^\s*\)\@<=#\(if\|ifdef\|elif\)\W\@='
syn match hsCPPCond '\(^\s*\)\@<=#\(endif\|else\)\(\s*$\|\W\)\@='
syn match hsCPPInclude '\(^\s*\)\@<=#include\W\@='
syn match hsCPPDefine '\(^\s*\)\@<=#define\W\@='
syn match hsCPPDefined '\(^\s*.*\W\)\@<=defined(\w\+)'
if version >= 508 || !exists('did_hs_syntax_inits')
if version < 508
let did_hs_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
HiLink hsCPP PreProc
HiLink hsCPPCond PreCondit
HiLink hsCPPInclude Include
HiLink hsCPPDefine Define
HiLink hsCPPDefined PreProc
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
" Comments
HiLink hsLineComment Comment
HiLink hsBlockComment Comment
HiLink hsPragma Comment
HiLink hsHaddockComment SpecialComment
HiLink hsHaddockSection SpecialComment
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
HiLink hsKeyword Keyword
HiLink hsConditional Conditional
HiLink hsImport Include
HiLink hsTypeDecls Keyword
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
HiLink hsFIXME Todo
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
HiLink hsOperator Operator
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
HiLink hsModuleQualifier StorageClass
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
HiLink hsFunction Function
HiLink hsTypeName Type
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
" Literals
HiLink hsSpecialChar SpecialChar
HiLink hsFloat Float
HiLink hsNumber Number
HiLink hsCharacter Character
HiLink hsString String
2013-09-12 17:17:14 +02:00
HiLink hsScary Todo
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "haskell"