2015-07-18 23:05:45 +02:00
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'haxe') == -1
2014-06-08 13:22:29 +02:00
" Vim syntax file
" Language: haxe
" Derived from:
" http://tech.motion-twin.com/zip/haxe.vim
" and http://www.cactusflower.org/haxe.vim
" Please check :help haxe.vim for comments on some of the options available.
set errorformat=%f\:%l\:\ characters\ %c-%*[^\ ]\ %m,%f\:%l\:\ %m
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if !exists("main_syntax")
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let main_syntax='haxe'
if version < 508
command! -nargs=+ HaxeHiLink hi link <args>
command! -nargs=+ HaxeHiLink hi def link <args>
" some characters that cannot be in a haxe program (outside a string)
syn match haxeError "[\\@`]"
syn match haxeError "<<<\|=>\|<>\|||=\|&&=\|\*\/"
" use separate name so that it can be deleted in haxecc.vim
syn match haxeError2 "#\|=<"
HaxeHiLink haxeError2 haxeError
syn keyword haxeExternal import extern using
syn keyword haxeDefine package
syn keyword haxeConditional if else switch
syn keyword haxeRepeat while for do in
syn keyword haxeBoolean true false
syn keyword haxeConstant null
syn keyword haxeTypedef this super
syn keyword haxeOperator new cast
syn keyword haxeCoreType Void Bool Int Float Dynamic
syn keyword haxeStatement return
syn keyword haxeTypedef1 typedef
syn keyword haxeStructure var enum
syn keyword haxeScopeDecl private public
syn keyword haxeScopeDecl2 static override final dynamic
syn keyword haxeFunctionDef function
syn keyword haxeExceptions throw try catch finally untyped
syn keyword haxeAssert assert
syn keyword haxeMethodDecl synchronized throws
syn keyword haxeClassDecl extends implements interface
syn match haxeDelimiter "[;:=\.]"
syn match haxeOperator "\(\.\.\.\|\*\|+\|-\|<<\|>>\|\/\|!\|||\|&&\|%\)"
syn match haxeComparison "\(==\|<=\|>=\|<\|>\|!=\)"
syn match haxeOptionalVars contained "?[a-zA-Z_]\+"
syn match haxeFunctionRef "[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_]*("me=e-1
" We use a match here to differentiate the keyword class from MyClass.class
syn match haxeTypedef "\.\s*\<class\>"ms=s+1
syn match haxeClassDecl "^class\>"
syn match haxeClassDecl "[^.]\s*\<class\>"ms=s+1
syn keyword haxeBranch break continue nextgroup=haxeUserLabelRef skipwhite
syn match haxeUserLabelRef "\k\+" contained
syn match haxeClassDef "\(^\s*class\s*\)\@<=[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_]*" contains=haxeTypedef,haxeClassDecl
syn match haxeLangClass "\<System\>"
syn keyword haxeLangClass Array ArrayAccess Class Date DateTools EReg Enum
syn keyword haxeLangClass Hash IntHash IntIter Iterable Iterator Lambda
syn keyword haxeLangClass List Math Null Reflect Std String StringBug
syn keyword haxeLangClass StringTools Type UInt ValueType Xml XmlType
syn keyword haxeFlashTop flash
syn keyword haxeFlashInner accessibility deskdop display errors events
syn keyword haxeFlashInner external filters geom media net printing sampler
syn keyword haxeFlashInner system text ui utils xml display engine
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal BitmapData ExternalInterface BevelFilter
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal BitmapFilter BlurFilter ColorMatrixFilter ConvolutionFilter
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal DisplacementMapFilter DropShadowFilter GlowFilter GradientBevelFilter
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal GradientGlowFilter ColorTransform Matrix Point Rectangle Transform
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal FileReference FileReferenceList Capabilities IME Security StyleSheet
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal TextRenderer Accessibility Boot Button Camera Color ContextMenu
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal ContextMenuItem ExtendedKey Key Lib LoadVars
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal LocalConnection Microphone Mouse MovieClip
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal MovieClipLoader NetConnection NetStream PrintJob
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal Selection SelectionListener SharedObject Sound
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal Stage System TextField TextFormat TextSnapshot
syn keyword haxeFlashFinal Video XMLRequest XMLSocket
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final Accessibility AccessibilityImplementation
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final AccessibilityProperties Clipboard
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final ClipboardFormats ClipboardTransferMode AVM1Movie
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final ActionScriptVersion Bitmap BitmapData
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final BitmapDataChannel BlendMode CapsStyle
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final DisplayObject DisplayObjectContainer FrameLabel
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final GradientType Graphics GraphicsBitmapFill
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final GraphicsEndFill GraphicsGradientFill GraphicsPath
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final GraphicsPathCommand GraphicsPathWinding
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final GraphicsShaderFill GraphicsSolidFill
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final GraphicsStroke GraphicsTrianglePath
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final IBitmapDrawable IGraphicsData IGraphicsFill
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final IGraphicsPath IGraphicsStroke InteractiveObject
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final InterpolationMethod JointStyle
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final LineScaleMode Loader LoaderInfo MorphShape
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final MovieClip PixelSnapping SWFVersion
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final Scene Shader ShaderData ShaderInput ShaderJob ShaderParameter
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final ShaderParameterType ShaderPrecision Shape
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final SimpleButton SpreadMethod Sprite
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final Stage StageAlign StageDisplayState StageQuality
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final StageScaleMode TriangleCulling
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final EOFError Error IOError Illegal OperationError
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final InvalidSWFError MemoryError ScriptTimeoutError
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final StackOverflowError ActivityEventAsyncErrorEvent
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final ContextMenuEvent DataEvent ErrorEvent Event
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final EventDispatcher EventPhase FocusEvent
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final FullScreenEvent HTTPStatusEvent IEventDispatcher IMEEvent
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final IOErrorEvent KeyboardEvent MouseEvent
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final NetFilterEvent NetStatusEvent ProgressEvent
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final SampleDataEvent SecurityErrorEvent ShaderEvent StatusEvent
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final SyncEvent TextEvent TimerEvent WeakFunctionClosure WeakMethodClosure
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final ExternalInterface BevelFilter BitmapFilter
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final BitmapFilterQuality BitmapFilterType
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final BlurFilter ColorMatrixFilter ConvolutionFilter DisplacementMapFilter
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final DisplacementMapFilterMode DropShadowFilter
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final GlowFilter GradientBevelFilter
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final GradientGlowFilter ShaderFilter ColorTransform
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final Matrix Matrix3D Orientation3D
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final PerspectiveProjection Point Rectangle Transform
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final Utils3D Vector3D Camera ID3Info
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final Microphone Sound SoundChannel SoundCodec SoundLoaderContext SoundMixer
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final SoundTransform Video DynamicPropertyOutput FileFilter FileReference
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final FileReferenceList IDynamicPropertyOutput
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final IDynamicPropertyWriter LocalConnection
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final NetConnection NetStream NetStreamInfo NetSTreamPlayOptions
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final NetSTreamPlayTransitions ObjectEncoding Responder SharedObject
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final SharedObjectFlushStatus Socket URLLoader URLLoaderDataFormat URLRequest
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final URLRequestHeader URLRequestMethod URLStream
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final URLVariables XMLSocket PrintJob
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final PrintJobOptions PrintJobOrientation Api
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final DeleteObjectSample NewObjectSample
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final Sample StackFrame ApplicationDomain Capabilities FSCommand IME
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final IMEConversionMode JPEGLoaderContext
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final LoaderContext Security SecurityDomain
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final SecurityPanel System
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final BreakOpportunity CFFHinting ContentElement
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final DigitCase DigitWidth EastAsianJustifier ElementFormat FontDescription
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final FontLookup FontMetrics FontPosture FontWeight
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final GraphicElement GroupElement
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final JustificationStyle Kerning LIgatureLevel
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final LineJustification RenderingMode
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final SpaceJustifier TabAlignment TabStop TextBaseline TextBlock TextElement
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final TextJustifier TextLine TextLineCreationResult TextLineMirrorRegion
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final TextLineValidity TextRotation TypographicCase
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final AntiAliasType CSMSettings Font
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final FontStyle FontType GridFitType StaticText StyleSheet TextColorType
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final TextDisplayMode TextExtent TextField
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final TextFieldAutoSize TextFieldType TextFormat
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final TextFormatAlign TextFormatDisplay TextLineMetrics TextRenderer TextRun
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final TextSnapshot Trace ContextMenu ContextMenuBuiltInItems
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final ContextMenuClipboardItems ContextMenuItem KeyLocation Keyboard Mouse
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final MouseCursor ByteArray Dictionary Endian
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final IDataInput IDataOutput IExternalizable
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final Namespace ObjectInput ObjectOutput Proxy QName SetIntervalTimer Timer
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final TypedDictionary XML XMLDocument XMLList XMLNode
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final XMLNodeType XMLParser XMLTag
syn keyword haxeFlash9Final Boot Lib Memory Vector
HaxeHiLink haxeLangObject haxeConstant
syn cluster haxeTop add=haxeLangObject,haxeLangClass
syn cluster haxeClasses add=haxeLangClass,haxeFlashClass
if filereadable(expand("<sfile>:p:h")."/haxeid.vim")
source <sfile>:p:h/haxeid.vim
if !exists("haxe_no_trail_space_error")
syn match haxeSpaceError "\s\+$"
if !exists("haxe_no_tab_space_error")
syn match haxeSpaceError " \+\t"me=e-1
syn region haxeLabelRegion transparent matchgroup=haxeLabel start="\<case\>"
\ matchgroup=NONE end=":"
\ contains=haxeNumber,haxeChr,haxeNumber2
syn match haxeUserLabel "\({\s*\|^\s*\|,\s*\)\@<=[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_]*:\s"he=e-1 contains=haxeDelimiter
\ contains=haxeLabel
syn keyword haxeLabel default never
" Everything - used in parenthases checking or something
syn cluster haxeTop add=haxeExternal,haxeError,haxeError,haxeBranch,
\ haxeLabelRegion,haxeLabel,haxeConditional,
\ haxeRepeat,haxeBoolean,haxeConstant,
\ haxeTypedef,haxeOperator,haxeType,haxeCoreType,
\ haxeStatement,haxeStorageClass,haxeAssert,
\ haxeExceptions,haxeMethodDecl,haxeClassDecl,
\ haxeClassDecl,haxeClassDecl,haxeScopeDecl,
\ haxeError,haxeError2,haxeUserLabel,
\ haxeLangObject,haxeFlashTop,haxeFlashInner,
\ haxeFlashFinal,haxeFlash9Final,haxeFunctionRef,
\ haxeComparison,haxeOptionalVars
" Comments
syn keyword haxeTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
if exists("haxe_comment_strings")
syn region haxeCmString contained start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+$+
\ end=+\*/+me=s-1,he=s-1
\ contains=haxeSpecial,haxeCmStar,haxeSpecChr,@Spell
syn region haxeCm2String contained start=+"+ end=+$\|"+
\ contains=haxeSpecial,haxeSpecChr,@Spell
syn match haxeCmCharacter contained "'\\[^']\{1,6\}'" contains=haxeSpecChr
syn match haxeCmCharacter contained "'\\''" contains=haxeSpecChr
syn match haxeCmCharacter contained "'[^\\]'"
syn cluster haxeCmSpecial add=haxeCmString,haxeCmCharacter,haxeNumber,haxeNumber2
syn cluster haxeCmSpecial2 add=haxeCm2String,haxeCmCharacter,haxeNumber,haxeNumber2
syn region haxeCm start="/\*" end="\*/"
\ contains=@haxeCmSpecial,haxeTodo,@Spell
syn match haxeCmStar contained "^\s*\*[^/]"me=e-1
syn match haxeCmStar contained "^\s*\*$"
syn match haxeLineCm "//.*" contains=@haxeCmSpecial2,haxeTodo,@Spell
HaxeHiLink haxeCmString haxeDocTags
HaxeHiLink haxeCm2String haxeString
HaxeHiLink haxeCmCharacter haxeChr
syn cluster haxeTop add=haxeCm,haxeLineCm
if exists("haxe_haxedoc") || main_syntax == 'jsp'
syntax case ignore
" syntax coloring for haxedoc comments (HTML)
" syntax include @haxeHtml <sfile>:p:h/html.vim
" unlet b:current_syntax
syn region haxeDocCm start="/\*\*" end="\*/" keepend
\ contains=haxeCmTitle,@haxeHtml,haxeDocTags,haxeTodo,@Spell,haxeProposedTags
syn region haxeCmTitle contained matchgroup=haxeDocCm start="/\*\*"
\ matchgroup=haxeCmTitle keepend end="\.$"
\ end="\.[ \t\r<]"me=e-1
\ end="[^{]@"me=s-2,he=s-1 end="\*/"me=s-1,he=s-1
\ contains=@haxeHtml,haxeCmStar,haxeTodo,@Spell,haxeDocTags,haxeProposedTags
syn region haxeDocTags contained start="{@\(link\|linkplain\|inherit[Dd]oc\|doc[rR]oot\|value\)"
\ end="}"
syn match haxeDocTags contained "@\(see\|param\|exception\|throws\|since\)\s\+\S\+"
\ contains=haxeDocParam
syn match haxeDocParam contained "\s\S\+"
syn match haxeDocTags contained "@\(version\|author\|return\|deprecated\|serial\|serialField\|serialData\)\>"
syn match haxeProposedTags contained "@\(category\|example\|tutorial\|index\|exclude\|todo\|internal\|obsolete\)\>"
syntax case match
syn match haxeCm "/\*\*/" " Edge case
" Strings and constants
syn match haxeSpecError contained "\\."
"syn match haxeSpecChrError contained "[^']"
syn match haxeSpecChr contained "\\\([4-9]\d\|[0-3]\d\d\|[\"\\'ntbrf]\|u\x\{4\}\)"
syn match haxeEregEscape contained "\(\\\\\|\\/\)"
syn region haxeEreg start=+\~\/+ end=+\/[gims]*+ contains=haxeEregEscape
syn region haxeString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=haxeSpecChr,haxeSpecError,@Spell
syn region haxeSingleString start=+'+ end=+'+
syn match haxeChr "'[^']*'" contains=haxeSpecChr,haxeSpecChrError
syn match haxeChr "'\\''" contains=haxeSpecChr
syn match haxeChr "'[^\\]'"
syn match haxeNumber "\<\(0[0-7]*\|0[xX]\x\+\|\d\+\)[lL]\=\>" contains=haxeSpecNum
"syn match haxeNumber "\(\<\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\="
syn match haxeNumber2 "\(\<\d\+\.\d\+\)\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\=" contains=haxeSpecNum
syn match haxeNumber2 "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fFdD]\=\>" contains=haxeSpecNum
syn match haxeNumber2 "\<\d\+\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\>" contains=haxeSpecNum
syn match haxeSpecNum contained "\(0[xX]\|[\.+-]\)"
syn region haxeCondIf start="#if \+!\?" end="\(\W\|$\)" skip="([A-Za-z0-9_ |&!]\+)"
syn region haxeCondElseIf start="#elseif \+!\?" end="\(\W\|$\)" skip="([A-Za-z0-9_ |&!]\+)"
syn match haxeCondElse "#else\s*$"
syn match haxeCondEnd "#end"
syn match haxeCondError "#else .*$"
" unicode characters
syn match haxeSpecial "\\u\d\{4\}"
syn match haxeType ":[a-zA-Z_\.]\+"
\ contains=haxeDelimiter,haxeCoreType,haxeFlashTop,haxeFlashInner,haxeFlashFinal,haxeFlash9Final
syn cluster haxeTop add=haxeString,haxeChr,haxeNumber,haxeNumber2
syn cluster haxeTop add=haxeSpecial,haxeStringError,haxeDelimiter,haxeType
syn keyword haxeTraceFun trace contained
syn region haxeTrace start=+\(^\s*\)\@<=trace(+ end=+);+ contains=haxeTraceFun
if exists("haxe_highlight_functions")
if haxe_highlight_functions == "indent"
syn match haxeFuncDef "^\(\t\| \{4\}\)[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*)"
\ contains=haxeType,haxeStorageClass,@haxeClasses
syn region haxeFuncDef start=+^\(\t\| \{4\}\)[$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*,\s*+
\ end=+)+ contains=haxeType,haxeStorageClass,@haxeClasses
syn match haxeFuncDef "^ [$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*)"
\ contains=haxeType,haxeStorageClass,@haxeClasses
syn region haxeFuncDef start=+^ [$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*,\s*+
\ end=+)+
\ contains=haxeType,haxeStorageClass,@haxeClasses
" This line catches method declarations at any indentation>0, but it assumes
" two things:
" 1. class names are always capitalized (ie: Button)
" 2. method names are never capitalized (except constructors, of course)
syn region haxeFuncDef start=+\s\+\(\(void\|boolean\|char\|byte\|short\|int\|long\|float\|double\|\([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\.\)*[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\)\(\[\]\)*\s\+[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\|[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\)\s*(+
\ end=+)+
\ contains=haxeType,haxeStorageClass,haxeCm,haxeLineCm,@haxeClasses
syn match haxeBraces "[{}]"
syn cluster haxeTop add=haxeFuncDef,haxeBraces
if exists("haxe_mark_braces_in_parens_as_errors")
syn match haxeInParen contained "[{}]"
HaxeHiLink haxeInParen haxeError
syn cluster haxeTop add=haxeInParen
" catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis
syn region haxeParenT transparent matchgroup=haxeParen start="("
\ end=")" contains=@haxeTop,haxeParenT1
syn region haxeParenT1 transparent matchgroup=haxeParen1 start="("
\ end=")" contains=@haxeTop,haxeParenT2 contained
syn region haxeParenT2 transparent matchgroup=haxeParen2 start="("
\ end=")" contains=@haxeTop,haxeParenT contained
syn match haxeParenError ")"
HaxeHiLink haxeParenError haxeError
if !exists("haxe_minlines")
let haxe_minlines = 5000
exec "syn sync ccomment haxeCm minlines=" . haxe_minlines
syn sync linebreaks=30
" The default highlighting.
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_haxe_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_haxe_syn_inits = 1
HaxeHiLink haxeFunctionDef Identifier
HaxeHiLink haxeFuncDef Identifier
HaxeHiLink haxeFunctionRef Function
HaxeHiLink haxeBraces Function
HaxeHiLink haxeBranch Conditional
HaxeHiLink haxeUserLabelRef haxeUserLabel
HaxeHiLink haxeLabel Label
HaxeHiLink haxeUserLabel Label
HaxeHiLink haxeConditional Conditional
HaxeHiLink haxeRepeat Repeat
HaxeHiLink haxeExceptions Exception
HaxeHiLink haxeAssert Statement
HaxeHiLink haxeClassDef Underlined
HaxeHiLink haxeStructure Structure
HaxeHiLink haxeMethodDecl haxeStorageClass
HaxeHiLink haxeClassDecl Structure
HaxeHiLink haxeScopeDecl StorageClass
HaxeHiLink haxeScopeDecl2 Tag
HaxeHiLink haxeBoolean Boolean
HaxeHiLink haxeSpecial Special
HaxeHiLink haxeSpecError Error
HaxeHiLink haxeSpecChrError Error
HaxeHiLink haxeString String
HaxeHiLink haxeSingleString Character
HaxeHiLink haxeEreg Number
HaxeHiLink haxeEregEscape Debug
HaxeHiLink haxeChr Character
HaxeHiLink haxeSpecChr SpecialChar
HaxeHiLink haxeNumber Number
HaxeHiLink haxeNumber2 Float
HaxeHiLink haxeSpecNum Boolean
HaxeHiLink haxeError Error
HaxeHiLink haxeStringError Debug
HaxeHiLink haxeStatement Statement
HaxeHiLink haxeOperator Operator
HaxeHiLink haxeComparison Repeat
HaxeHiLink haxeTraceFun SpecialComment
HaxeHiLink haxeTrace Comment
HaxeHiLink haxeDelimiter Delimiter
HaxeHiLink haxeCm Comment
HaxeHiLink haxeDocCm Comment
HaxeHiLink haxeLineCm Comment
HaxeHiLink haxeConstant Constant
HaxeHiLink haxeTypedef Typedef
HaxeHiLink haxeTypedef1 Typedef
HaxeHiLink haxeTodo Todo
HaxeHiLink haxeLangClass Special
HaxeHiLink haxeFlashClass Keyword
HaxeHiLink haxeFunction Function
HaxeHiLink haxeCmTitle Special
HaxeHiLink haxeDocTags SpecialComment
HaxeHiLink haxeProposedTags SpecialComment
HaxeHiLink haxeCmStar Comment
HaxeHiLink haxeDocParam Function
HaxeHiLink haxeCoreType Keyword
HaxeHiLink haxeType Type
HaxeHiLink haxeExternal Include
HaxeHiLink haxeDefine Define
HaxeHiLink htmlComment Special
HaxeHiLink htmlCommentPart Special
HaxeHiLink haxeSpaceError Error
HaxeHiLink haxeCondIf PreCondit
HaxeHiLink haxeCondElseIf PreCondit
HaxeHiLink haxeCondElse PreProc
HaxeHiLink haxeCondEnd PreProc
HaxeHiLink haxeCondError Error
HaxeHiLink haxeFlashTop PreProc
HaxeHiLink haxeFlashInner Macro
HaxeHiLink haxeFlashFinal Define
HaxeHiLink haxeFlash9Final Define
HaxeHiLink haxeOptionalVars Identifier
delcommand HaxeHiLink
let b:current_syntax = "haxe"
if main_syntax == 'haxe'
unlet main_syntax
let b:spell_options="contained"
2015-07-18 23:05:45 +02:00