2013-09-12 17:30:48 +02:00
" A simple syntax highlighting, simply alternate colors between two
" adjacent columns
" Init {{{2
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
scriptencoding utf8
if version < 600
syn clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Helper functions "{{{2
fu! <sid>Warning(msg) "{{{3
" Don't redraw, so we are not overwriting messages from the ftplugin
" script
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg "CSV Syntax:" . a:msg
echohl Normal
fu! <sid>Esc(val, char) "{{2
return '\V'.escape(a:val, '\\'.a:char).'\m'
fu! <sid>CheckSaneSearchPattern() "{{{3
let s:del_def = ','
let s:col_def = '\%([^' . s:del_def . ']*' . s:del_def . '\|$\)'
let s:col_def_end = '\%([^' . s:del_def . ']*' . s:del_def . '\)'
" First:
" Check for filetype plugin. This syntax script relies on the filetype
" plugin, else, it won't work properly.
redir => s:a |sil filetype | redir end
let s:a=split(s:a, "\n")[0]
if match(s:a, '\cplugin:off') > 0
call <sid>Warning("No filetype support, only simple highlighting using"
\ . s:del_def . " as delimiter! See :h csv-installation")
" Check Comment setting
if !exists("g:csv_comment")
let b:csv_cmt = split(&cms, '%s')
let b:csv_cmt = split(g:csv_comment, '%s')
" Second: Check for sane defaults for the column pattern
" Not necessary to check for fixed width columns
if exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols")
" Try a simple highlighting, if the defaults from the ftplugin
" don't exist
let s:col = exists("b:col") && !empty(b:col) ? b:col
\ : s:col_def
let s:col_end = exists("b:col_end") && !empty(b:col_end) ? b:col_end
\ : s:col_def_end
let s:del = exists("b:delimiter") && !empty(b:delimiter) ? b:delimiter
\ : s:del_def
let s:cmts = exists("b:csv_cmt") ? b:csv_cmt[0] : split(&cms, '&s')[0]
let s:cmte = exists("b:csv_cmt") && len(b:csv_cmt) == 2 ? b:csv_cmt[1]
\ : ''
if line('$') > 1 && (!exists("b:col") || empty(b:col))
" check for invalid pattern, ftplugin hasn't been loaded yet
call <sid>Warning("Invalid column pattern, using default pattern " . s:col_def)
" Syntax rules {{{2
fu! <sid>DoHighlight() "{{{3
if has("conceal") && !exists("g:csv_no_conceal") &&
\ !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols")
" old val
"\ '\%(.\)\@=/ms=e,me=e contained conceal cchar=' .
" Has a problem with the last line!
exe "syn match CSVDelimiter /" . s:col_end .
\ '/ms=e,me=e contained conceal cchar=' .
\ (&enc == "utf-8" ? "│" : '|')
"exe "syn match CSVDelimiterEOL /" . s:del .
" \ '\?$/ contained conceal cchar=' .
" \ (&enc == "utf-8" ? "│" : '|')
hi def link CSVDelimiter Conceal
elseif !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols")
" The \%(.\)\@<= makes sure, the last char won't be concealed,
" if it isn't a delimiter
"exe "syn match CSVDelimiter /" . s:col . '\%(.\)\@<=/ms=e,me=e contained'
exe "syn match CSVDelimiter /" . s:col_end . '/ms=e,me=e contained'
"exe "syn match CSVDelimiterEOL /" . s:del . '\?$/ contained'
if has("conceal")
hi def link CSVDelimiter Conceal
hi def link CSVDelimiter Ignore
endif " There is no delimiter for csv fixed width columns
if !exists("b:csv_fixed_width_cols")
exe 'syn match CSVColumnEven nextgroup=CSVColumnOdd /'
\ . s:col . '/ contains=CSVDelimiter'
exe 'syn match CSVColumnOdd nextgroup=CSVColumnEven /'
\ . s:col . '/ contains=CSVDelimiter'
exe 'syn match CSVColumnHeaderEven nextgroup=CSVColumnHeaderOdd /\%1l'
\. s:col . '/ contains=CSVDelimiter'
exe 'syn match CSVColumnHeaderOdd nextgroup=CSVColumnHeaderEven /\%1l'
\. s:col . '/ contains=CSVDelimiter'
for i in range(len(b:csv_fixed_width_cols))
2014-07-29 13:03:49 +02:00
let pat = '/\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[i] . 'v.*' .
2013-09-12 17:30:48 +02:00
\ ((i == len(b:csv_fixed_width_cols)-1) ? '/' :
2014-07-29 13:03:49 +02:00
\ '\%' . b:csv_fixed_width_cols[i+1] . 'v/')
2013-09-12 17:30:48 +02:00
let group = "CSVColumn" . (i%2 ? "Odd" : "Even" )
let ngroup = "CSVColumn" . (i%2 ? "Even" : "Odd" )
exe "syn match " group pat " nextgroup=" . ngroup
" Comment regions
exe 'syn match CSVComment /'. <sid>Esc(s:cmts, '/'). '.*'.
\ (!empty(s:cmte) ? '\%('. <sid>Esc(s:cmte, '/'). '\)\?'
\: ''). '/'
hi def link CSVComment Comment
fu! <sid>DoSyntaxDefinitions() "{{{3
syn spell toplevel
" Not really needed
syn case ignore
hi def link CSVColumnHeaderOdd WarningMsg
hi def link CSVColumnHeaderEven WarningMsg
hi def link CSVColumnOdd DiffAdd
hi def link CSVColumnEven DiffChange
" Main: {{{2
" Make sure, we are using a sane, valid pattern for syntax
" highlighting
call <sid>CheckSaneSearchPattern()
" Define all necessary syntax groups
call <sid>DoSyntaxDefinitions()
" Highlight the file
call <sid>DoHighlight()
" Set the syntax variable {{{2
let b:current_syntax="csv"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save