Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
" Vim syntax file
" Language: JavaScript
" Maintainer: vim-javascript community
" URL:
if !exists("main_syntax")
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let main_syntax = 'javascript'
if !exists('g:javascript_conceal')
let g:javascript_conceal = 0
"" Drop fold if it is set but VIM doesn't support it.
let b:javascript_fold='true'
if version < 600 " Don't support the old version
unlet! b:javascript_fold
"" dollar sign is permittd anywhere in an identifier
setlocal iskeyword+=$
syntax sync fromstart
syntax match jsNoise /\%(:\|,\|\;\|\.\)/
"" Program Keywords
syntax keyword jsStorageClass const var let
syntax keyword jsOperator delete instanceof typeof void new in
syntax match jsOperator /\(!\||\|&\|+\|-\|<\|>\|=\|%\|\/\|*\|\~\|\^\)/
syntax keyword jsBooleanTrue true
syntax keyword jsBooleanFalse false
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax keyword jsModules import export contained
syntax keyword jsModuleWords default from as contained
syntax keyword jsOf of contained
syntax region jsImportContainer start="^\s\?import \?" end="$" contains=jsModules,jsModuleWords,jsComment,jsStringS,jsStringD,jsTemplateString
syntax region jsExportContainer start="^\s\?export \?" end="$" contains=jsModules,jsModuleWords,jsComment,jsTemplateString,jsStringD,jsStringS,jsRegexpString,jsNumber,jsFloat,jsThis,jsOperator,jsBooleanTrue,jsBooleanFalse,jsNull,jsFunction,jsArrowFunction,jsGlobalObjects,jsExceptions,jsDomErrNo,jsDomNodeConsts,jsHtmlEvents,jsDotNotation,jsBracket,jsParen,jsFuncCall,jsUndefined,jsNan,jsKeyword,jsClass,jsStorageClass,jsPrototype,jsBuiltins,jsNoise,jsAssignmentExpr
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
"" JavaScript comments
syntax keyword jsCommentTodo TODO FIXME XXX TBD contained
syntax region jsLineComment start=+\/\/+ end=+$+ keepend contains=jsCommentTodo,@Spell
syntax region jsEnvComment start="\%^#!" end="$" display
syntax region jsLineComment start=+^\s*\/\/+ skip=+\n\s*\/\/+ end=+$+ keepend contains=jsCommentTodo,@Spell fold
syntax region jsCvsTag start="\$\cid:" end="\$" oneline contained
syntax region jsComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=jsCommentTodo,jsCvsTag,@Spell fold
"" JSDoc / JSDoc Toolkit
if !exists("javascript_ignore_javaScriptdoc")
syntax case ignore
"" syntax coloring for javadoc comments (HTML)
"syntax include @javaHtml <sfile>:p:h/html.vim
"unlet b:current_syntax
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax region jsBlockComment matchgroup=jsComment start="/\*\s*" end="\*/" contains=jsDocTags,jsCommentTodo,jsCvsTag,@jsHtml,@Spell fold
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
" tags containing a param
2015-01-23 21:09:23 +01:00
syntax match jsDocTags contained "@\(alias\|api\|augments\|borrows\|class\|constructs\|default\|defaultvalue\|emits\|exception\|exports\|extends\|file\|fires\|kind\|listens\|member\|member[oO]f\|mixes\|module\|name\|namespace\|requires\|template\|throws\|var\|variation\|version\)\>" nextgroup=jsDocParam skipwhite
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
" tags containing type and param
syntax match jsDocTags contained "@\(arg\|argument\|param\|property\)\>" nextgroup=jsDocType skipwhite
" tags containing type but no param
2014-12-09 23:09:20 +01:00
syntax match jsDocTags contained "@\(callback\|define\|enum\|external\|implements\|this\|type\|typedef\|return\|returns\)\>" nextgroup=jsDocTypeNoParam skipwhite
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
" tags containing references
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
syntax match jsDocTags contained "@\(lends\|see\|tutorial\)\>" nextgroup=jsDocSeeTag skipwhite
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
" other tags (no extra syntax)
2014-12-09 23:09:20 +01:00
syntax match jsDocTags contained "@\(abstract\|access\|author\|classdesc\|constant\|const\|constructor\|copyright\|deprecated\|desc\|description\|dict\|event\|example\|file[oO]verview\|final\|function\|global\|ignore\|inheritDoc\|inner\|instance\|interface\|license\|method\|mixin\|nosideeffects\|override\|overview\|preserve\|private\|protected\|public\|readonly\|since\|static\|struct\|todo\|summary\|undocumented\|virtual\)\>"
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax region jsDocType start="{" end="}" oneline contained nextgroup=jsDocParam skipwhite
syntax match jsDocType contained "\%(#\|\"\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+" nextgroup=jsDocParam skipwhite
syntax region jsDocTypeNoParam start="{" end="}" oneline contained
syntax match jsDocTypeNoParam contained "\%(#\|\"\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+"
2015-01-23 21:09:23 +01:00
syntax match jsDocParam contained "\%(#\|\"\|{\|}\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\|\[\|]\|=\)\+"
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax region jsDocSeeTag contained matchgroup=jsDocSeeTag start="{" end="}" contains=jsDocTags
syntax case match
endif "" JSDoc end
syntax case match
"" Syntax in the JavaScript code
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax match jsFuncCall /\k\+\%(\s*(\)\@=/
syntax match jsSpecial "\v\\%(0|\\x\x\{2\}\|\\u\x\{4\}\|\c[A-Z]|.)" contained
syntax match jsTemplateVar "\${.\{-}}" contained
syntax region jsStringD start=+"+ skip=+\\\("\|$\)+ end=+"\|$+ contains=jsSpecial,@htmlPreproc,@Spell
syntax region jsStringS start=+'+ skip=+\\\('\|$\)+ end=+'\|$+ contains=jsSpecial,@htmlPreproc,@Spell
syntax region jsTemplateString start=+`+ skip=+\\\(`\|$\)+ end=+`+ contains=jsTemplateVar,jsSpecial,@htmlPreproc
syntax region jsTaggedTemplate start=/\k\+\(\(\n\|\s\)\+\)\?`/ end=+`\|$+ contains=jsTemplateString
syntax region jsRegexpCharClass start=+\[+ skip=+\\.+ end=+\]+ contained
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax match jsRegexpBoundary "\v%(\<@![\^$]|\\[bB])" contained
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax match jsRegexpBackRef "\v\\[1-9][0-9]*" contained
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax match jsRegexpQuantifier "\v\\@<!%([?*+]|\{\d+%(,|,\d+)?})\??" contained
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax match jsRegexpOr "\v\<@!\|" contained
syntax match jsRegexpMod "\v\(@<=\?[:=!>]" contained
syntax cluster jsRegexpSpecial contains=jsSpecial,jsRegexpBoundary,jsRegexpBackRef,jsRegexpQuantifier,jsRegexpOr,jsRegexpMod
syntax region jsRegexpGroup start="\\\@<!(" skip="\\.\|\[\(\\.\|[^]]\)*\]" end="\\\@<!)" contained contains=jsRegexpCharClass,@jsRegexpSpecial keepend
syntax region jsRegexpString start=+\(\(\(return\|case\)\s\+\)\@<=\|\(\([)\]"']\|\d\|\w\)\s*\)\@<!\)/\(\*\|/\)\@!+ skip=+\\.\|\[\(\\.\|[^]]\)*\]+ end=+/[gimy]\{,4}+ contains=jsRegexpCharClass,jsRegexpGroup,@jsRegexpSpecial,@htmlPreproc oneline keepend
syntax match jsNumber /\<-\=\d\+\(L\|[eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>\|\<0[xX]\x\+\>/
syntax keyword jsNumber Infinity
syntax match jsFloat /\<-\=\%(\d\+\.\d\+\|\d\+\.\|\.\d\+\)\%([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>/
syntax match jsObjectKey /\<[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*\>\(\s*:\)\@=/ contains=jsFunctionKey contained
syntax match jsFunctionKey /\<[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*\>\(\s*:\s*function\s*\)\@=/ contained
2015-01-23 21:09:23 +01:00
syntax match jsAssignmentExpr /\v%([a-zA-Z_$]\k*\.)*[a-zA-Z_$]\k*\s*\=/ contains=jsFuncAssignExpr,jsAssignExpIdent,jsPrototype,jsOperator,jsThis,jsNoise
syntax match jsAssignExpIdent /\v[a-zA-Z_$]\k*\ze%(\s*\=)/ contained
syntax match jsFuncAssignExpr /\v%(%([a-zA-Z_$]\k*\.)*[a-zA-Z_$]\k*\s*\=\s*){-1,}\ze%(function\s*\*?\s*\()/ contains=jsFuncAssignObjChain,jsFuncAssignIdent,jsFunction,jsPrototype,jsOperator,jsThis contained
syntax match jsFuncAssignObjChain /\v%([a-zA-Z_$]\k*\.)+/ contains=jsPrototype,jsNoise contained
syntax match jsFuncAssignIdent /\v[a-zA-Z_$]\k*\ze%(\s*\=)/ contained
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
2014-12-09 23:09:20 +01:00
exe 'syntax keyword jsNull null '.(exists('g:javascript_conceal_null') ? 'conceal cchar='.g:javascript_conceal_null : '')
exe 'syntax keyword jsReturn return '.(exists('g:javascript_conceal_return') ? 'conceal cchar='.g:javascript_conceal_return : '')
exe 'syntax keyword jsUndefined undefined '.(exists('g:javascript_conceal_undefined') ? 'conceal cchar='.g:javascript_conceal_undefined : '')
exe 'syntax keyword jsNan NaN '.(exists('g:javascript_conceal_NaN') ? 'conceal cchar='.g:javascript_conceal_NaN : '')
exe 'syntax keyword jsPrototype prototype '.(exists('g:javascript_conceal_prototype') ? 'conceal cchar='.g:javascript_conceal_prototype : '')
exe 'syntax keyword jsThis this '.(exists('g:javascript_conceal_this') ? 'conceal cchar='.g:javascript_conceal_this : '')
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
exe 'syntax keyword jsStatic static '.(exists('g:javascript_conceal_static') ? 'conceal cchar='.g:javascript_conceal_static : '')
exe 'syntax keyword jsSuper super '.(exists('g:javascript_conceal_super') ? 'conceal cchar='.g:javascript_conceal_super : '')
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
"" Statement Keywords
syntax keyword jsStatement break continue with
syntax keyword jsConditional if else switch
syntax keyword jsRepeat do while for
syntax keyword jsLabel case default
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax keyword jsKeyword yield
syntax keyword jsClass extends class
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax keyword jsException try catch throw finally
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax keyword jsGlobalObjects Array Boolean Date Function Iterator Number Object Symbol Map WeakMap Set RegExp String Proxy Promise ParallelArray ArrayBuffer DataView Float32Array Float64Array Int16Array Int32Array Int8Array Uint16Array Uint32Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Intl JSON Math console document window
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax match jsGlobalObjects /\%(Intl\.\)\@<=\(Collator\|DateTimeFormat\|NumberFormat\)/
syntax keyword jsExceptions Error EvalError InternalError RangeError ReferenceError StopIteration SyntaxError TypeError URIError
syntax keyword jsBuiltins decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent eval isFinite isNaN parseFloat parseInt uneval
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax keyword jsFutureKeys abstract enum int short boolean interface byte long char final native synchronized float package throws goto private transient debugger implements protected volatile double public
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
"" DOM/HTML/CSS specified things
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
" DOM2 Objects
syntax keyword jsGlobalObjects DOMImplementation DocumentFragment Document Node NodeList NamedNodeMap CharacterData Attr Element Text Comment CDATASection DocumentType Notation Entity EntityReference ProcessingInstruction
syntax keyword jsExceptions DOMException
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
" HTML events and internal variables
syntax case ignore
syntax keyword jsHtmlEvents onblur onclick oncontextmenu ondblclick onfocus onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onresize
syntax case match
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
" Follow stuff should be highligh within a special context
" While it can't be handled with context depended with Regex based highlight
" So, turn it off by default
if exists("javascript_enable_domhtmlcss")
" DOM2 things
syntax match jsDomElemAttrs contained /\%(nodeName\|nodeValue\|nodeType\|parentNode\|childNodes\|firstChild\|lastChild\|previousSibling\|nextSibling\|attributes\|ownerDocument\|namespaceURI\|prefix\|localName\|tagName\)\>/
syntax match jsDomElemFuncs contained /\%(insertBefore\|replaceChild\|removeChild\|appendChild\|hasChildNodes\|cloneNode\|normalize\|isSupported\|hasAttributes\|getAttribute\|setAttribute\|removeAttribute\|getAttributeNode\|setAttributeNode\|removeAttributeNode\|getElementsByTagName\|getAttributeNS\|setAttributeNS\|removeAttributeNS\|getAttributeNodeNS\|setAttributeNodeNS\|getElementsByTagNameNS\|hasAttribute\|hasAttributeNS\)\>/ nextgroup=jsParen skipwhite
" HTML things
syntax match jsHtmlElemAttrs contained /\%(className\|clientHeight\|clientLeft\|clientTop\|clientWidth\|dir\|id\|innerHTML\|lang\|length\|offsetHeight\|offsetLeft\|offsetParent\|offsetTop\|offsetWidth\|scrollHeight\|scrollLeft\|scrollTop\|scrollWidth\|style\|tabIndex\|title\)\>/
syntax match jsHtmlElemFuncs contained /\%(blur\|click\|focus\|scrollIntoView\|addEventListener\|dispatchEvent\|removeEventListener\|item\)\>/ nextgroup=jsParen skipwhite
" CSS Styles in JavaScript
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained color font fontFamily fontSize fontSizeAdjust fontStretch fontStyle fontVariant fontWeight letterSpacing lineBreak lineHeight quotes rubyAlign rubyOverhang rubyPosition
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained textAlign textAlignLast textAutospace textDecoration textIndent textJustify textJustifyTrim textKashidaSpace textOverflowW6 textShadow textTransform textUnderlinePosition
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained unicodeBidi whiteSpace wordBreak wordSpacing wordWrap writingMode
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained bottom height left position right top width zIndex
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained border borderBottom borderLeft borderRight borderTop borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderTopColor borderBottomStyle borderLeftStyle borderRightStyle borderTopStyle borderBottomWidth borderLeftWidth borderRightWidth borderTopWidth borderColor borderStyle borderWidth borderCollapse borderSpacing captionSide emptyCells tableLayout
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained margin marginBottom marginLeft marginRight marginTop outline outlineColor outlineStyle outlineWidth padding paddingBottom paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained listStyle listStyleImage listStylePosition listStyleType
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained background backgroundAttachment backgroundColor backgroundImage gackgroundPosition backgroundPositionX backgroundPositionY backgroundRepeat
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained clear clip clipBottom clipLeft clipRight clipTop content counterIncrement counterReset cssFloat cursor direction display filter layoutGrid layoutGridChar layoutGridLine layoutGridMode layoutGridType
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained marks maxHeight maxWidth minHeight minWidth opacity MozOpacity overflow overflowX overflowY verticalAlign visibility zoom cssText
syntax keyword jsCssStyles contained scrollbar3dLightColor scrollbarArrowColor scrollbarBaseColor scrollbarDarkShadowColor scrollbarFaceColor scrollbarHighlightColor scrollbarShadowColor scrollbarTrackColor
" Highlight ways
syntax match jsDotNotation "\." nextgroup=jsPrototype,jsDomElemAttrs,jsDomElemFuncs,jsHtmlElemAttrs,jsHtmlElemFuncs
syntax match jsDotNotation "\.style\." nextgroup=jsCssStyles
"" end DOM/HTML/CSS specified things
"" Code blocks
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax cluster jsExpression contains=jsComment,jsLineComment,jsBlockComment,jsTaggedTemplate,jsTemplateString,jsStringD,jsStringS,jsRegexpString,jsNumber,jsFloat,jsThis,jsStatic,jsSuper,jsOperator,jsBooleanTrue,jsBooleanFalse,jsNull,jsFunction,jsArrowFunction,jsGlobalObjects,jsExceptions,jsFutureKeys,jsDomErrNo,jsDomNodeConsts,jsHtmlEvents,jsDotNotation,jsBracket,jsParen,jsBlock,jsFuncCall,jsUndefined,jsNan,jsKeyword,jsStorageClass,jsPrototype,jsBuiltins,jsNoise,jsCommonJS,jsAssignmentExpr,jsImportContainer,jsExportContainer,jsClass
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax cluster jsAll contains=@jsExpression,jsLabel,jsConditional,jsRepeat,jsReturn,jsStatement,jsTernaryIf,jsException
syntax region jsBracket matchgroup=jsBrackets start="\[" end="\]" contains=@jsAll,jsParensErrB,jsParensErrC,jsBracket,jsParen,jsBlock,@htmlPreproc fold
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax region jsParen matchgroup=jsParens start="(" end=")" contains=@jsAll,jsOf,jsParensErrA,jsParensErrC,jsParen,jsBracket,jsBlock,@htmlPreproc fold
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax region jsBlock matchgroup=jsBraces start="{" end="}" contains=@jsAll,jsParensErrA,jsParensErrB,jsParen,jsBracket,jsBlock,jsObjectKey,@htmlPreproc fold
syntax region jsFuncBlock matchgroup=jsFuncBraces start="{" end="}" contains=@jsAll,jsParensErrA,jsParensErrB,jsParen,jsBracket,jsBlock,@htmlPreproc contained fold
syntax region jsTernaryIf matchgroup=jsTernaryIfOperator start=+?+ end=+:+ contains=@jsExpression,jsTernaryIf
"" catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis
syntax match jsParensError ")\|}\|\]"
syntax match jsParensErrA contained "\]"
syntax match jsParensErrB contained ")"
syntax match jsParensErrC contained "}"
if main_syntax == "javascript"
syntax sync clear
syntax sync ccomment jsComment minlines=200
syntax sync match jsHighlight grouphere jsBlock /{/
2015-01-23 21:09:23 +01:00
exe 'syntax match jsFunction /\<function\>/ nextgroup=jsGenerator,jsFuncName,jsFuncArgs skipwhite '.(exists('g:javascript_conceal_function') ? 'conceal cchar='.g:javascript_conceal_function : '')
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
2015-01-23 21:09:23 +01:00
syntax match jsGenerator contained '\*' nextgroup=jsFuncName skipwhite
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax match jsFuncName contained /\<[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*/ nextgroup=jsFuncArgs skipwhite
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
syntax region jsFuncArgs contained matchgroup=jsFuncParens start='(' end=')' contains=jsFuncArgCommas,jsFuncArgRest,jsAssignmentExpr nextgroup=jsFuncBlock keepend skipwhite skipempty
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax match jsFuncArgCommas contained ','
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
syntax match jsFuncArgRest contained /\%(\.\.\.[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*\))/
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
syntax keyword jsArgsObj arguments contained containedin=jsFuncBlock
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
syntax match jsArrowFunction /=>/
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_javascript_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_javascript_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
HiLink jsFuncArgRest Special
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsComment Comment
HiLink jsLineComment Comment
HiLink jsEnvComment PreProc
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
HiLink jsBlockComment Comment
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsCommentTodo Todo
HiLink jsCvsTag Function
HiLink jsDocTags Special
HiLink jsDocSeeTag Function
HiLink jsDocType Type
HiLink jsDocTypeNoParam Type
HiLink jsDocParam Label
HiLink jsStringS String
HiLink jsStringD String
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
HiLink jsTemplateString String
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
HiLink jsTaggedTemplate StorageClass
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsTernaryIfOperator Conditional
HiLink jsRegexpString String
HiLink jsRegexpBoundary SpecialChar
HiLink jsRegexpQuantifier SpecialChar
HiLink jsRegexpOr Conditional
HiLink jsRegexpMod SpecialChar
HiLink jsRegexpBackRef SpecialChar
HiLink jsRegexpGroup jsRegexpString
HiLink jsRegexpCharClass Character
HiLink jsCharacter Character
HiLink jsPrototype Special
HiLink jsConditional Conditional
HiLink jsBranch Conditional
HiLink jsLabel Label
HiLink jsReturn Statement
HiLink jsRepeat Repeat
HiLink jsStatement Statement
HiLink jsException Exception
HiLink jsKeyword Keyword
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
HiLink jsArrowFunction Type
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsFunction Type
2015-01-23 21:09:23 +01:00
HiLink jsGenerator jsFunction
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsFuncName Function
HiLink jsArgsObj Special
HiLink jsError Error
HiLink jsParensError Error
HiLink jsParensErrA Error
HiLink jsParensErrB Error
HiLink jsParensErrC Error
HiLink jsOperator Operator
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
HiLink jsOf Operator
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsStorageClass StorageClass
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
HiLink jsClass Structure
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsThis Special
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
HiLink jsStatic Special
HiLink jsSuper Special
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsNan Number
HiLink jsNull Type
HiLink jsUndefined Type
HiLink jsNumber Number
HiLink jsFloat Float
HiLink jsBooleanTrue Boolean
HiLink jsBooleanFalse Boolean
HiLink jsNoise Noise
HiLink jsBrackets Noise
HiLink jsParens Noise
HiLink jsBraces Noise
HiLink jsFuncBraces Noise
HiLink jsFuncParens Noise
HiLink jsSpecial Special
2014-03-18 01:02:54 +01:00
HiLink jsTemplateVar Special
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsGlobalObjects Special
HiLink jsExceptions Special
HiLink jsFutureKeys Special
HiLink jsBuiltins Special
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
HiLink jsModules Include
HiLink jsModuleWords Include
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
HiLink jsDomErrNo Constant
HiLink jsDomNodeConsts Constant
HiLink jsDomElemAttrs Label
HiLink jsDomElemFuncs PreProc
HiLink jsHtmlEvents Special
HiLink jsHtmlElemAttrs Label
HiLink jsHtmlElemFuncs PreProc
HiLink jsCssStyles Label
delcommand HiLink
" Define the htmlJavaScript for HTML syntax html.vim
syntax cluster htmlJavaScript contains=@jsAll,jsBracket,jsParen,jsBlock
syntax cluster javaScriptExpression contains=@jsAll,jsBracket,jsParen,jsBlock,@htmlPreproc
2015-02-11 11:27:11 -08:00
Add support for basic languages
coffee, cucumbeer, eruby, haml, haskell, javascript,
json, less, nginx, ocaml, ruby, sass, scss, slim,
stylus, textile, tmux
2013-09-12 16:17:03 +02:00
" Vim's default html.vim highlights all javascript as 'Special'
hi! def link javaScript NONE
let b:current_syntax = "javascript"
if main_syntax == 'javascript'
unlet main_syntax