83 lines
2.7 KiB
83 lines
2.7 KiB
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'idris') != -1
" This script allows for unicode concealing of certain characters
" For instance -> goes to →
" It needs vim >= 7.3, set nocompatible, set enc=utf-8
" If you want to turn this on, let g:idris_conceal = 1
if !exists('g:idris_conceal') || !has('conceal') || &enc != 'utf-8'
" vim: set fenc=utf-8:
syntax match idrNiceOperator "\\\ze[[:alpha:][:space:]_([]" conceal cchar=λ
syntax match idrNiceOperator "<-" conceal cchar=←
syntax match idrNiceOperator "->" conceal cchar=→
syntax match idrNiceOperator "\<sum\>" conceal cchar=∑
syntax match idrNiceOperator "\<product\>" conceal cchar=∏
syntax match idrNiceOperator "\<sqrt\>" conceal cchar=√
syntax match idrNiceOperator "\<pi\>" conceal cchar=π
syntax match idrNiceOperator "==" conceal cchar=≡
syntax match idrNiceOperator "\/=" conceal cchar=≠
let s:extraConceal = 1
let s:doubleArrow = 1
" Set this to 0 to use the more technically correct arrow from bar
" Some windows font don't support some of the characters,
" so if they are the main font, we don't load them :)
if has("win32")
let s:incompleteFont = [ 'Consolas'
\ , 'Lucida Console'
\ , 'Courier New'
\ ]
let s:mainfont = substitute( &guifont, '^\([^:,]\+\).*', '\1', '')
for s:fontName in s:incompleteFont
if s:mainfont ==? s:fontName
let s:extraConceal = 0
if s:extraConceal
syntax match idrNiceOperator "Void" conceal cchar=⊥
" Match greater than and lower than w/o messing with Kleisli composition
syntax match idrNiceOperator "<=\ze[^<]" conceal cchar=≤
syntax match idrNiceOperator ">=\ze[^>]" conceal cchar=≥
if s:doubleArrow
syntax match idrNiceOperator "=>" conceal cchar=⇒
syntax match idrNiceOperator "=>" conceal cchar=↦
syntax match idrNiceOperator "=\zs<<" conceal cchar=«
syntax match idrNiceOperator "++" conceal cchar=⧺
syntax match idrNiceOperator "::" conceal cchar=∷
syntax match idrNiceOperator "-<" conceal cchar=↢
syntax match idrNiceOperator ">-" conceal cchar=↣
syntax match idrNiceOperator "-<<" conceal cchar=⤛
syntax match idrNiceOperator ">>-" conceal cchar=⤜
" Only replace the dot, avoid taking spaces around.
syntax match idrNiceOperator /\s\.\s/ms=s+1,me=e-1 conceal cchar=∘
syntax match idrNiceOperator "\.\." conceal cchar=‥
syntax match idrNiceOperator "`elem`" conceal cchar=∈
syntax match idrNiceOperator "`notElem`" conceal cchar=∉
hi link idrNiceOperator Operator
hi! link Conceal Operator
setlocal conceallevel=2