2013-09-12 11:34:37 -04:00
" Handlebars syntax
" Language: Handlebars
" Maintainer: Bruno Michel <brmichel@free.fr>
" Last Change: Mar 8th, 2013
" Version: 0.3
" URL: https://github.com/nono/vim-handlebars
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
if !exists("main_syntax")
let main_syntax = 'html'
ru! syntax/html.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
2013-10-17 09:54:18 -04:00
syn region hbsInside start=/{{/ end=/}}/ keepend
2013-09-12 11:34:37 -04:00
2013-10-17 09:54:18 -04:00
syn keyword hbsTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
2013-09-12 11:34:37 -04:00
2013-10-17 09:54:18 -04:00
syn match hbsError /}}}\?/
syn match hbsInsideError /{{[{#<>=!\/]\?/ contained containedin=@hbsInside
2013-09-12 11:34:37 -04:00
2013-10-17 09:54:18 -04:00
syn match hbsHandlebars "{{\|}}" contained containedin=hbsInside
syn match hbsUnescape "{{{\|}}}" contained containedin=hbsInside extend
syn match hbsOperators "=\|\.\|/" contained containedin=hbsInside
2013-09-12 11:34:37 -04:00
2013-10-17 09:54:18 -04:00
syn region hbsSection start="{{[#/]"lc=2 end=/}}/me=e-2 contained containedin=hbsInside
syn region hbsPartial start=/{{[<>]/lc=2 end=/}}/me=e-2 contained containedin=hbsInside
syn region hbsMarkerSet start=/{{=/lc=2 end=/=}}/me=e-2 contained containedin=hbsInside
2013-09-12 11:34:37 -04:00
2013-10-17 09:54:18 -04:00
syn region hbsComment start=/{{!/rs=s+2 end=/}}/re=e-2 contained containedin=hbsInside contains=hbsTodo,Todo
syn region hbsBlockComment start=/{{!--/rs=s+2 end=/--}}/re=e-2 contained containedin=hbsInside contains=hbsTodo,Todo extend
syn region hbsQString start=/'/ skip=/\\'/ end=/'/ contained containedin=hbsInside
syn region hbsDQString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ contained containedin=hbsInside
2013-09-12 11:34:37 -04:00
2013-10-17 09:54:18 -04:00
syn match hbsConditionals "\([/#]\(if\|unless\)\|else\)" contained containedin=hbsInside
syn match hbsHelpers "[/#]\(with\|each\)" contained containedin=hbsInside
syn cluster allHbsItems add=hbsTodo,hbsError,hbsInsideError,hbsInside,hbsHandlebars,
\ hbsUnescape,hbsOperators,hbsSection,hbsPartial,hbsMarkerSet,
\ hbsComment,hbsBlockComment,hbsQString,hbsDQString,hbsConditionals,
\ hbsHelpers,hbsPartial,hbsMarkerSet,hbsComment,hbsBlockComment,
\ hbsQString,hbsDQString,hbsConditionals,hbsHelpers
syn cluster htmlAdditional add=htmlTag,htmlEndTag,htmlTagName,htmlSpecialChar
syn region hbsScriptTemplate start=+<script [^>]*type *=[^>]*text/x-handlebars-template[^>]*>+
\ end=+</script>+me=s-1 keepend contains=@htmlHbsContainer,@allHbsItems,@htmlAdditional
2013-09-12 11:34:37 -04:00
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_lisp_syntax_inits")
if version < 508
let did_lisp_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink hbsTodo Todo
HiLink hbsError Error
HiLink hbsInsideError Error
HiLink hbsHandlebars Identifier
HiLink hbsUnescape Special
HiLink hbsOperators Operator
HiLink hbsConditionals Conditional
HiLink hbsHelpers Repeat
HiLink hbsSection Number
HiLink hbsPartial Include
HiLink hbsMarkerSet Number
HiLink hbsBlockComment Comment
HiLink hbsComment Comment
HiLink hbsQString String
HiLink hbsDQString String
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = 'handlebars'