113 lines
8.0 KiB
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if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'acpiasl') != -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: ACPI ASL files
" Maintainer: Martin L Roth <gaumless@gmail.com>
" Version: 0.1
" Currently supporting ACPI 5.0 and IASL preprocessor
" http://www.acpi.info/DOWNLOADS/ACPIspec50.pdf
" https://acpica.org/sites/acpica/files/aslcompiler_8.pdf
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let b:current_syntax = "asl"
syn case ignore
syn region aslBlock start="{" end="}" transparent fold
syn keyword aslTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
syn region aslComment display start="//" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=aslTodo
syn region aslComment start="/\*" end="\*\/" contains=aslTodo
syn region aslString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
" Keywords
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword AccessAs Acquire Add Alias And Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4 Arg6 Arg6
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword BankField BreakPoint Break Buffer
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword Case ConcatenateResTemplate Concatenate Connection CondRefOf Continue CopyObject CreateBitField CreateByteField CreateDWordField CreateField CreateQWordField CreateWordField
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword DataTableRegion Debug Decrement Default DefinitionBlock DerefOf Device Divide
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword EISAID EisaId ElseIf Else Event External
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword Fatal Field FindSetLeftBit FindSetRightBit FromBCD Function
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword If Include Increment IndexField Index
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword LAnd LEqual LGreaterEqual LGreater LLessEqual LLess LNotEqual LNot LoadTable Load Local0 Local1 Local2 Local3 Local4 Local5 Local6 Local7 LOr
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword Match Method Mid Mod Multiply Mutex
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword Name NAnd NoOp NOr Notify Not
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword ObjectType Offset OperationRegion Or
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword Package PowerResource Processor
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword RawDataBuffer RefOf Release Reset ResourceTemplate Return
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword Scope ShiftLeft ShiftRight Signal SizeOf Sleep Stall Store Subtract Switch
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword ThermalZone Timer ToBCD ToBuffer ToDecimalString ToHexString ToInteger ToString ToUUID
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword Unicode Unload
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword Wait While
syn keyword aslPrimaryKeyword XOr
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword ActiveBoth ActiveHigh ActiveHigh ActiveLow ActiveLow AddressingMode10Bit AddressingMode7Bit AddressRangeACPI AddressRangeMemory AddressRangeNVS AddressRangeReserved AnyAcc AttribBlock AttribBlockProcessCall AttribByte AttribBytes AttribBytes AttribProcessCall AttribQuick AttribRawBytes AttribRawBytes AttribRawProcessBytes AttribRawProcessBytes AttribSendReceive AttribWord
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword BigEndianing BufferAcc BuffFieldObj BuffObj BusMaster ByteAcc
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword Cacheable ClockPhaseFirst ClockPhaseSecond ClockPolarityHigh ClockPolarityLow Compatibility ControllerInitiated
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword DataBitsEight DataBitsFive DataBitsNine DataBitsSeven DataBitsSix DDBHandleObj Decode10 Decode16 DenseTranslation DeviceInitiated DeviceObj DWordAcc
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword Edge EmbeddedControl EntireRange EventObj Exclusive ExclusiveAndWake
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword FFixedHW FieldUnitObj FlowControlHardware FlowControlNone FlowControlXon FourWireMode
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword GeneralPurposeIO GenericSerialBus
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword IntObj IoRestrictionInputOnly IoRestrictionNone IoRestrictionNoneAndPreserve IoRestrictionOutputOnly IPMI ISAOnlyRanges
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword Level LittleEndian Lock
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword MaxFixed MaxNotFixed MEQ MethodObj MGE MGT MinFixed MinNotFixed MLE MLT MTR MutexObj
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword NoLock NonCacheable NonISAOnlyRanges NotBusMaster NotSerialized
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword OpRegionObj
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword ParityTypeEven ParityTypeMark ParityTypeNone ParityTypeOdd ParityTypeSpace PCC PciBarTarget PCI_Config PkgObj PolarityHigh PolarityLow PosDecode PowerResObj Prefetchable Preserve ProcessorObj PullDefault PullDown PullNone PullUp
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword QWordAcc
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword ReadOnly ReadWrite RegionSpaceKeyword ResourceConsumer ResourceProducer
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword Serialized Shared SharedAndWake SMBus SparseTranslation StopBitsOne StopBitsOnePlusHalf StopBitsTwo StopBitsZero StrObj SubDecode SystemCMOS SystemIO SystemMemory
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword ThermalZoneObj ThreeWireMode Transfer16 Transfer8 Transfer8_16 TypeA TypeB TypeF TypeStatic TypeTranslation
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword UnknownObj UserDefRegionSpace
syn keyword aslParameterKeyword Width128Bit Width16Bit Width256Bit Width32Bit Width64Bit Width8Bit WordAcc WriteAsOnes WriteAsZeros WriteCombining
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword DMA DWordIO DWordMemory DWordSpace
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword EndDependentFn ExtendedIO ExtendedMemory ExtendedSpace
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword FixedDMA FixedIO
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword GpioInt GpioIO
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword I2CSerialBus Interrupt IO IRQNoFlags IRQ
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword Memory24 Memory32Fixed Memory32
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword QWordIO QWordMemory QWordSpace
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword RawDataBuffer Register
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword SPISerialBus StartDependentFnNoPri StartDependentFn
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword UARTSerialBus
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword VendorLong VendorShort
syn keyword aslResourceKeyword WordBusNumber WordIO WordSpace
" Pre-defined object names
" IASL Preprocessor: #define #elif #else #endif #error #if #ifdef #ifndef #include #line #undef
syn region aslPreProc start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(include\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend
syn region aslPreProc start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(error\|line\|define\|undef\|if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|elif\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=ALL
syn match aslPreProcMatch display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(else\|endif\)\>"
" Numeric values and Zero / One keywords
syn keyword aslZeroOne Zero One
syn match aslNumber display "\<\d\+"
syn match aslNumber display "0x\x\+"
" Set the default colors
hi def link aslTodo Todo
hi def link aslComment Comment
hi def link aslString String
hi def link aslPrimaryKeyword Keyword
hi def link aslParameterKeyword Macro
hi def link aslResourceKeyword Type
hi def link aslObjects Identifier
hi def link aslPreProc PreProc
hi def link aslPreProcMatch PreProc
hi def link aslZeroOne Number
hi def link aslNumber Number
let b:current_syntax = "asl"
syn sync minlines=200