2019-03-04 09:28:35 +01:00
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'pony') != -1
2018-12-26 20:33:28 +01:00
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Pony
" Maintainer: Jak Wings
if exists('b:current_syntax')
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn case match
syn sync match ponySync grouphere NONE /\v^\s*%(actor|class|struct|primitive|trait|interface|new|be|fun|let|var|embed|use)>/
syn match ponyErrSymbol /['^!$&\`]/
hi def link ponyErrSymbol Error
syn match ponyErrNumGroup /__\+/ contained
hi def link ponyErrNumGroup Error
syn match ponyPeriodComma /,/ nextgroup=ponyEllipsis,ponyErrOperator skipwhite
syn match ponyPeriodComma /\./ nextgroup=ponyTupleIndex,ponyErrOperator skipwhite
syn match ponyPeriodComma /;/ nextgroup=ponyErrOperator skipwhite
hi def link ponyPeriodComma Operator
syn match ponyBracket /[{[()\]}]/
syn match ponyErrNormal /\v_>|<%([^_a-z]|_[^a-z])|__+/ contained
hi def link ponyErrNormal Error
syn match ponyNormal /\v_?[_a-z]\w*'*/ contains=ponyErrNormal nextgroup=ponyGeneric skipwhite
syn match ponyInteger /\v%(\d+_*)+/ contains=ponyErrNumGroup
syn match ponyErrIntDec /\v(0[xX])@<=[_.g-zG-Z]/
syn match ponyErrIntHex /[.g-zG-Z]/ contained
syn match ponyInteger /\v0[xX]%(\x+_*)+/ contains=ponyErrNumGroup nextgroup=ponyErrIntHex
syn match ponyErrIntDec /\v(0[bB])@<=[_2-9a-zA-Z]/
syn match ponyErrIntBin /[2-9.a-zA-Z]/ contained
syn match ponyInteger /\v0[bB]%([01]+_*)+/ contains=ponyErrNumGroup nextgroup=ponyErrIntBin
hi def link ponyErrIntDec Error
hi def link ponyErrIntHex Error
hi def link ponyErrIntBin Error
hi def link ponyInteger Number
syn match ponyFloat /\v%(\d+_*)+[eE][-+]?%(\d+_*)+/ contains=ponyErrNumGroup
syn match ponyFloat /\v%(\d+_*)+\.%(\d+_*)+%([eE][-+]?%(\d+_*)+)?/ contains=ponyErrNumGroup
hi def link ponyFloat Float
syn match ponyErrUserVariable /\v_>|<%([^_a-z]|_[^a-z])|__+/ contained
hi def link ponyErrUserVariable Error
syn match ponyUserVariable /\v[_a-zA-Z]\w*'*/ contained contains=ponyErrUserVariable
hi def link ponyUserVariable Identifier
syn match ponyErrUserPackage /\<[^a-z]/ contained
hi def link ponyErrUserPackage Error
syn match ponyUserPackage /\v[_a-zA-Z]\w*/ contained contains=ponyErrUserPackage
hi def link ponyUserPackage Identifier
syn match ponyErrUserType /\v_>|\a@<=_|<%([^_A-Z]|_[^A-Z])/ contained
hi def link ponyErrUserType Error
syn match ponyUserType2 /\v[_a-zA-Z]\w*/ contained contains=ponyErrUserType nextgroup=ponyTypeSuffix,ponyTypeOperator2,ponyKwOperatorT,ponyGeneric,ponyArgument skipwhite
syn match ponyUserType /\v_?[A-Z]\w*/ contains=ponyErrUserType nextgroup=ponyTypeSuffix,ponyTypeOperator2,ponyKwOperatorT,ponyGeneric,ponyArgument skipwhite
syn match ponyErrUserMethod /\v_>|<%([^_a-z]|_[^a-z])|__+/ contained
hi def link ponyErrUserMethod Error
syn match ponyUserMethod /\v[_a-zA-Z]\w*/ contained contains=ponyErrUserMethod nextgroup=ponyGeneric,ponyArgument,ponyBracketT2 skipwhite
hi def link ponyUserMethod Function
syn match ponyForeignFunction /\v[_a-zA-Z]\w*/ contained nextgroup=ponyGeneric skipwhite
hi def link ponyForeignFunction Macro
syn match ponyErrTupleIndex /\v_0+>/ contained
hi def link ponyErrTupleIndex Error
syn match ponyTupleIndex /\v_\d+\w@!/ contained contains=ponyErrTupleIndex
hi def link ponyTupleIndex Normal
syn keyword ponyBoolean true false
hi def link ponyBoolean Boolean
syn region ponyBracketT1 matchgroup=ponyBracket start=/(/ end=/)/ contained contains=@ponyComments,@ponyKeyword,@ponyType,@ponyBracketT,@ponyTypeOperator,ponySymbol,ponyPeriodComma nextgroup=ponyTypeSuffix,ponyTypeOperator2,ponyKwOperatorT,ponyArgument skipwhite
syn region ponyBracketT2 matchgroup=ponyBracket start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained contains=@ponyComments,@ponyKeyword,@ponyType,@ponyBracketT,@ponyTypeOperator,ponySymbol,ponyPeriodComma nextgroup=ponyTypeSuffix,ponyTypeOperator2,ponyKwOperatorT,ponyArgument skipwhite
syn region ponyBracketT3 matchgroup=ponyBracket start=/{/ end=/}/ contained contains=@ponyComments,@ponyKeyword,@ponyType,@ponyBracketT,@ponyTypeOperator,ponySymbol,ponyPeriodComma nextgroup=ponyTypeSuffix,ponyTypeOperator2,ponyKwOperatorT,ponyArgument skipwhite
syn cluster ponyBracketT contains=ponyBracketT\d
syn region ponyGeneric matchgroup=ponyBracketT2 start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained contains=@ponyComments,@ponyKeyword,@ponyType,@ponyBracketT,@ponyTypeOperator,ponySymbol,ponyPeriodComma nextgroup=ponyTypeSuffix,ponyTypeOperator2,ponyKwOperatorT,ponyArgument skipwhite
syn region ponyArgument matchgroup=ponyBracket start=/(/ end=/)/ contained contains=TOP nextgroup=ponyArgument skipwhite
syn match ponyTypeSuffix /[!^]/ contained nextgroup=ponyArgument,ponyKwOperatorT skipwhite
hi def link ponyTypeSuffix StorageClass
syn match ponyTypeOperator1 /[&|]/ contained nextgroup=@ponyBracketT,@ponyKeyword,@ponyType skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponyTypeOperator1 Operator
syn match ponyTypeOperator2 /->\|<:/ contained nextgroup=@ponyBracketT,@ponyKeyword,@ponyType skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponyTypeOperator2 Operator
syn cluster ponyTypeOperator contains=ponyTypeOperator\d
syn match ponyErrOperator /[-.]>\|<:\|\%(==\|!=\|<<\|>>\|<=\|>=\|[+*/%<>]\)\~\?\|[~.,]/ contained nextgroup=ponyErrOperator skipwhite
hi def link ponyErrOperator Error
syn match ponyObjectOperator /\%(==\|!=\|<<\|>>\|<=\|>=\|[+\-*/%<>]\)\~\?\|\~\|\.>/ nextgroup=ponyErrOperator skipwhite
hi def link ponyObjectOperator Operator
syn keyword ponyKwOperatorT is contained nextgroup=@ponyBracketT,@ponyKeyword,@ponyType skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponyKwOperatorT Operator
syn keyword ponyKwOperator as nextgroup=@ponyBracketT,@ponyKeyword,@ponyType skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword ponyKwOperator and or xor not is isnt consume addressof digestof
hi def link ponyKwOperator Operator
syn match ponySymbol /=>\|[?#]/
syn match ponySymbol /@/ nextgroup=ponyForeignFunction skipwhite skipempty
syn match ponySymbol /:/ nextgroup=@ponyKeyword,@ponyType,@ponyBracketT skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponySymbol Special
syn match ponyEllipsis /\.\{3}/ contained containedin=ponyArgument
hi def link ponyEllipsis Special
syn region ponyLambda matchgroup=ponyBracketLambda start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=ponyArgument,@ponyComments,@ponyKeyword,@ponyType,@ponyTypeOperator,ponySymbol,ponyPeriodComma,ponyLambdaBody nextgroup=ponyArgument skipwhite
syn match ponyLambdaBody /=>\_.*}/me=e-1 contained contains=TOP
hi def link ponyBracketLambda Special
" $scripts/gen_id.sh $packages/builtin
syn keyword ponyBuiltinType AmbientAuth Any Array ArrayKeys ArrayPairs
\ ArrayValues AsioEvent AsioEventID
\ AsioEventNotify Bool ByteSeq ByteSeqIter
\ Comparable Compare DisposableActor
\ DoNotOptimise Env Equal Equatable F32 F64
\ Float FloatingPoint Greater HasEq I128 I16 I32
\ I64 I8 ILong ISize Int Integer Iterator Less
\ MaybePointer None Number OutStream Platform
\ Pointer ReadElement ReadSeq Real Seq Signed
\ SourceLoc StdStream Stdin StdinNotify String
\ StringBytes StringRunes Stringable U128 U16
\ U32 U64 U8 ULong USize Unsigned
\ nextgroup=ponyTypeSuffix,ponyTypeOperator2,ponyKwOperatorT,ponyGeneric,ponyArgument skipwhite
hi def link ponyBuiltinType Type
syn keyword ponyKwControl end if else do then elseif match while for in
\ repeat until ifdef try with recover return
\ break continue error compile_intrinsic
\ compile_error iftype elseiftype
hi def link ponyKwControl Keyword
syn keyword ponyCaseGuard if contained containedin=ponyMatchCase
hi def link ponyCaseGuard Keyword
syn region ponyMatchCase matchgroup=ponyKwBranchHead start=/|/ matchgroup=ponySymbol end=/=>/ contains=TOP
hi def link ponyKwBranchHead Keyword
syn keyword ponyKwAtom this nextgroup=ponyTypeOperator2 skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword ponyKwAtom object __loc
syn keyword ponyKwAtom lambda nextgroup=ponyArgument skipwhite
hi def link ponyKwAtom Keyword
syn keyword ponyKwField let var embed nextgroup=@ponyKeyword,ponyUserVariable skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponyKwField Keyword
syn keyword ponyKwUse use nextgroup=ponyString,@ponyKeyword,ponyUserPackage skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponyKwUse Include
syn keyword ponyKwWhere where
hi def link ponyKwWhere Keyword
syn keyword ponyKwTypedef type nextgroup=@ponyKeyword,@ponyType2 skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponyKwTypedef Typedef
syn match ponyKwCapability /\v#%(read|send|share|alias|any)>/ nextgroup=ponyTypeSuffix,ponyTypeOperator2,ponyKwOperatorT skipwhite
syn keyword ponyKwCapability ref val tag iso box trn nextgroup=ponyTypeSuffix,ponyTypeOperator2,ponyKwOperatorT,ponyArgument skipwhite
hi def link ponyKwCapability StorageClass
syn keyword ponyKwClass actor class struct primitive trait interface nextgroup=@ponyKeyword,@ponyType2 skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponyKwClass Structure
syn keyword ponyKwFnCapability ref val tag iso box trn contained nextgroup=@ponyKeyword,ponyUserMethod skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponyKwFnCapability StorageClass
syn keyword ponyKwFunction new be fun nextgroup=ponyKwFnCapability,@ponyKeyword,ponyUserMethod skipwhite skipempty
hi def link ponyKwFunction Keyword
syn cluster ponyKeyword contains=ponyKw.*,ponyBoolean,ponyBuiltinType remove=ponyKwOperatorT,ponyKwFnCapability,ponyKwBranchHead
syn cluster ponyType contains=ponyBuiltinType,ponyUserType,ponyNormal
syn cluster ponyType2 contains=ponyBuiltinType,ponyUserType2
syn cluster ponyComments contains=ponyNestedComment,ponyComment
syn match ponyErrEscape /\\\_.\?\_s*/ contained
hi def link ponyErrEscape Error
syn match ponyEscapeSQuote /\\'/ contained
hi def link ponyEscapeSQuote SpecialChar
syn match ponyEscapeDQuote /\\"/ contained
hi def link ponyEscapeDQuote SpecialChar
syn match ponyEscape /\\[abefnrtv\\0]/ contained
syn match ponyEscape /\v\\x\x{2}/ contained
syn match ponyEscape /\v\\u\x{4}/ contained
syn match ponyEscape /\v\\U\x{6}/ contained
hi def link ponyEscape SpecialChar
syn region ponyCharacter matchgroup=ponyCharacterX start=/\w\@<!'/ skip=/\\./ end=/'/ contains=ponyEscapeSQuote,ponyEscape,ponyErrEscape
hi def link ponyCharacter Character
syn region ponyString matchgroup=ponyStringX start=/"/ skip=/\\./ end=/"/ contains=ponyEscapeDQuote,ponyEscape,ponyErrEscape
hi def link ponyString String
syn region ponyDocumentString matchgroup=ponyDocumentStringX start=/"\ze""/ end=/"""*\zs"/
hi def link ponyDocumentString String
syn keyword ponyCommentShit XXX contained
hi def link ponyCommentShit Underlined
syn keyword ponyCommentDamn FIXME contained
hi def link ponyCommentDamn Error
syn keyword ponyCommentTodo TODO contained
hi def link ponyCommentTodo Todo
syn cluster ponyCommentNote contains=ponyCommentTodo,ponyCommentDamn,ponyCommentShit
syn match ponyComment @//.*$@ contains=@ponyCommentNote,ponyCommentX
hi def link ponyComment Comment
syn region ponyNestedComment matchgroup=ponyNestedCommentX start=@/\ze\*@ end=@\/\@<!\*\zs/@ contains=ponyNestedComment,@ponyCommentNote keepend extend fold
hi def link ponyNestedComment Comment
" for indent check
syn match ponyCommentX @/\ze/.*$@ contained transparent
hi def link ponyNestedCommentX Comment
hi def link ponyCharacterX Character
hi def link ponyStringX String
hi def link ponyDocumentStringX String
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
let b:current_syntax = 'pony'