2019-03-04 09:28:35 +01:00
if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'vifm') != -1
2017-09-27 20:23:42 +02:00
" vifmrc filetype plugin
" Maintainer: xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>
" Last Change: July 08, 2016
" Based On: Vim file type file by Bram Moolenaar
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo-=C
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal formatoptions< comments< textwidth< commentstring<"
" Break comment lines but not other lines
setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
" Set comment character
setlocal comments=:\"
" Format comments to be up to 78 characters long
if &textwidth == 0
setlocal textwidth=78
" Comments start with a double quote
setlocal commentstring=\"%s
" Move around comments
nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]" :call search('^\(\s*".*\n\)\@<!\(\s*"\)', "W")<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]" :<C-U>exe "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('^\(\s*".*\n\)\@<!\(\s*"\)', "W")<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> [" :call search('\%(^\s*".*\n\)\%(^\s*"\)\@!', "bW")<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> [" :<C-U>exe "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('\%(^\s*".*\n\)\%(^\s*"\)\@!', "bW")<CR>
" Let the matchit plugin know what items can be matched.
if exists("loaded_matchit")
let b:match_ignorecase = 0
let b:match_words = '\<if\>:\<el\%[seif]\>:\<en\%[dif]\>'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: set tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 noexpandtab cinoptions-=(0 :