" " Regex pattern for a hex color. " " Examples: " - '#123ABC' " - '#FFFFFF' " - '#000000' " let s:hex_color_pattern = '#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}' " " Return hex string equivalent to given decimal string or number. " " Example: color_helper#dec_to_hex(255, 2) " Returns: 'FF' " " Example: color_helper#dec_to_hex(255, 5) " Returns: '000FF' " function! color_helper#dec_to_hex(arg, padding) return toupper(printf('%0' . a:padding . 'x', a:arg + 0)) endfunction " " Return number equivalent to given hex string ('0x' is optional). " " Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('FF') " Returns: 255 " " Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('88') " Returns: 136 " " Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('00') " Returns: 0 " function! color_helper#hex_to_dec(arg) return (a:arg =~? '^0x') ? a:arg + 0 : ('0x'.a:arg) + 0 endfunction " " Example: color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb('#0088FF') " Returns: [0, 136, 255] " function! color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(hex_color) let l:rgb = [] if matchstr(a:hex_color, s:hex_color_pattern) == a:hex_color let l:red = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 1, 2)) let l:green = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 3, 2)) let l:blue = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 5, 2)) let l:rgb = [l:red, l:green, l:blue] end return l:rgb endfunction " " Example: color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex([0, 136, 255]) " Returns: '#0088FF' " function! color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(rgb_color) let l:hex_color = '#' let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[0], 2) " red let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[1], 2) " green let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[2], 2) " blue return l:hex_color endfunction " " Example: color_helper#hex_color_brighten('#000000', 0.10) " Returns: '#191919' " function! color_helper#hex_color_brighten(color, percent) let l:rgb = color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(a:color) let l:rgb_brightened = [] for decimal in l:rgb call add(l:rgb_brightened, float2nr((255 - decimal) * a:percent)) endfor return color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(l:rgb_brightened) endfunction " " Example: color_helper#hex_color_darken('#FFFFFF', 0.10) " Returns: '#E5E5E5' " function! color_helper#hex_color_darken(color, percent) let l:rgb = color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(a:color) let l:rgb_darkened = [] for decimal in l:rgb call add(l:rgb_darkened, float2nr(decimal * (1 - a:percent))) endfor return color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(l:rgb_darkened) endfunction