" Author: Nate Kane " Homepage: http://github.com/nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides " " Toggles the indent guides on and off. " function! indent_guides#toggle() call indent_guides#init_matches() if empty(w:indent_guides_matches) call indent_guides#enable() else call indent_guides#disable() endif endfunction " " Called from autocmds, keeps indent guides enabled or disabled when entering " other buffers and windows. " function! indent_guides#process_autocmds() if g:indent_guides_autocmds_enabled call indent_guides#enable() else call indent_guides#disable() end endfunction " " Enables the indent guides for the current buffer and any other buffer upon " entering it. " function! indent_guides#enable() let g:indent_guides_autocmds_enabled = 1 call indent_guides#init_script_vars() call indent_guides#highlight_colors() call indent_guides#clear_matches() " loop through each indent level and define a highlight pattern " will automagically figure out whether to use tabs or spaces for l:level in range(s:start_level, s:indent_levels) let l:group = 'IndentGuides' . ((l:level % 2 == 0) ? 'Even' : 'Odd') let l:pattern = '^\s*\%' . ((l:level - 1) * s:indent_size + 1) . 'v\zs' let l:pattern .= '\s*\%' . (((l:level - 1) * s:indent_size + 1) + s:guide_size) . 'v' let l:pattern .= '\ze' " define the higlight pattern and add to list call add(w:indent_guides_matches, matchadd(l:group, l:pattern)) endfor endfunction " " Disables the indent guides for the current buffer and any other buffer upon " entering it. " function! indent_guides#disable() let g:indent_guides_autocmds_enabled = 0 call indent_guides#clear_matches() endfunction " " Clear all highlight matches for the current window. " function! indent_guides#clear_matches() call indent_guides#init_matches() if !empty(w:indent_guides_matches) let l:index = 0 for l:match_id in w:indent_guides_matches call matchdelete(l:match_id) call remove(w:indent_guides_matches, l:index) let l:index += l:index endfor endif endfunction " " Automagically calculates and defines the indent highlight colors. " function! indent_guides#highlight_colors() if s:auto_colors if has('gui_running') call indent_guides#gui_highlight_colors() else call indent_guides#basic_highlight_colors() endif endif endfunction " " Defines some basic indent highlight colors that work for Terminal Vim and " gVim when colors can't be automatically calculated. " function! indent_guides#basic_highlight_colors() let l:cterm_colors = (&g:background == 'dark') ? ['darkgrey', 'black'] : ['lightgrey', 'white'] let l:gui_colors = (&g:background == 'dark') ? ['grey15', 'grey30'] : ['grey70', 'grey85'] exe 'hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=' . l:gui_colors[0] . ' ctermbg=' . l:cterm_colors[0] exe 'hi IndentGuidesOdd guibg=' . l:gui_colors[1] . ' ctermbg=' . l:cterm_colors[1] endfunction " " Automagically calculates and defines the indent highlight colors for gui " vim. " function! indent_guides#gui_highlight_colors() let l:hi_normal_guibg = '' " capture the backgroud color from the normal highlight if s:hi_normal =~ s:color_hex_bg_pat " hex color code is being used, eg. '#FFFFFF' let l:hi_normal_guibg = matchstr(s:hi_normal, s:color_hex_bg_pat) elseif s:hi_normal =~ s:color_name_bg_pat " color name is being used, eg. 'white' let l:color_name = matchstr(s:hi_normal, s:color_name_bg_pat) let l:hi_normal_guibg = color_helper#color_name_to_hex(l:color_name) else " background color could not be detected, default to basic colors call indent_guides#basic_highlight_colors() endif if l:hi_normal_guibg =~ s:color_hex_pat " calculate the highlight background colors let l:hi_odd_bg = indent_guides#lighten_or_darken_color(l:hi_normal_guibg) let l:hi_even_bg = indent_guides#lighten_or_darken_color(l:hi_odd_bg) " define the new highlights exe 'hi IndentGuidesOdd guibg=' . l:hi_odd_bg exe 'hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=' . l:hi_even_bg end endfunction " " Takes a color and darkens or lightens it depending on whether a dark or light " colorscheme is being used. " function! indent_guides#lighten_or_darken_color(color) let l:new_color = '' if (&g:background == 'dark') let l:new_color = color_helper#hex_color_lighten(a:color, s:change_percent) else let l:new_color = color_helper#hex_color_darken (a:color, s:change_percent) endif return l:new_color endfunction " " Define default highlights. " function! indent_guides#define_default_highlights() hi default clear IndentGuidesOdd hi default clear IndentGuidesEven endfunction " " Init the w:indent_guides_matches variable. " function! indent_guides#init_matches() let w:indent_guides_matches = exists('w:indent_guides_matches') ? w:indent_guides_matches : [] endfunction " " We need to initialize these vars every time a buffer is entered while the " plugin is enabled. " function! indent_guides#init_script_vars() let s:indent_size = indent_guides#get_indent_size() let s:guide_size = indent_guides#calculate_guide_size() let s:hi_normal = indent_guides#capture_highlight('Normal') " remove 'font=' from the s:hi_normal string (only seems to happen on Vim startup in Windows) let s:hi_normal = substitute(s:hi_normal, ' font=[A-Za-z0-9:]\+', "", "") " shortcuts to the global variables - this makes the code easier to read let s:debug = g:indent_guides_debug let s:indent_levels = g:indent_guides_indent_levels let s:auto_colors = g:indent_guides_auto_colors let s:change_percent = g:indent_guides_color_change_percent / str2float("100.0") let s:color_hex_pat = g:indent_guides_color_hex_pattern let s:color_hex_bg_pat = g:indent_guides_color_hex_guibg_pattern let s:color_name_bg_pat = g:indent_guides_color_name_guibg_pattern let s:start_level = g:indent_guides_start_level if s:debug echo 's:indent_size = ' . s:indent_size echo 's:guide_size = ' . s:guide_size echo 's:hi_normal = ' . s:hi_normal echo 's:indent_levels = ' . s:indent_levels echo 's:auto_colors = ' . s:auto_colors echo 's:change_percent = ' . string(s:change_percent) echo 's:color_hex_pat = ' . s:color_hex_pat echo 's:color_hex_bg_pat = ' . s:color_hex_bg_pat echo 's:color_name_bg_pat = ' . s:color_name_bg_pat echo 's:start_level = ' . s:start_level endif endfunction " " Calculate the indent guide size. Ensures the guide size is less than or " equal to the actual indent size, otherwise some weird things can occur. " " NOTE: Currently, this only works when soft-tabs are being used. " function! indent_guides#calculate_guide_size() let l:guide_size = g:indent_guides_guide_size if &expandtab == 0 && &tabstop == s:indent_size let l:guide_size = s:indent_size else if s:indent_size > 1 && l:guide_size >= 1 if l:guide_size > s:indent_size let l:guide_size = s:indent_size end else let l:guide_size = s:indent_size endif endif return l:guide_size endfunction " " Gets the indent size, which depends on whether soft-tabs or hard-tabs are " being used. " function! indent_guides#get_indent_size() return &l:shiftwidth endfunction " " Captures and returns the output of highlight group definitions. " " Example: indent_guides#capture_highlight('normal') " Returns: 'Normal xxx guifg=#323232 guibg=#ffffff " function! indent_guides#capture_highlight(group_name) redir => l:output exe "silent hi " . a:group_name redir END let l:output = substitute(l:output, "\n", "", "") return l:output endfunction