2010-12-07 22:36:35 +10:00
" Author: Nate Kane <nathanaelkane AT gmail DOT com>
" Homepage: http://github.com/nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
" Regex pattern for a hex color.
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
" Example matches:
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
" - '#123ABC'
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
" - '#ffffff'
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
" - '#000000'
let s:hex_color_pattern = '#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}'
" Return hex string equivalent to given decimal string or number.
" Example: color_helper#dec_to_hex(255, 2)
" Returns: 'FF'
" Example: color_helper#dec_to_hex(255, 5)
" Returns: '000FF'
function! color_helper#dec_to_hex(arg, padding)
return toupper(printf('%0' . a:padding . 'x', a:arg + 0))
" Return number equivalent to given hex string ('0x' is optional).
" Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('FF')
" Returns: 255
" Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('88')
" Returns: 136
" Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('00')
" Returns: 0
function! color_helper#hex_to_dec(arg)
return (a:arg =~? '^0x') ? a:arg + 0 : ('0x'.a:arg) + 0
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
" Converts a given hex color string into an rgb list (eg. [red, green, blue]).
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
" Example: color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb('#0088FF')
" Returns: [0, 136, 255]
function! color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(hex_color)
let l:rgb = []
2010-12-07 22:36:35 +10:00
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
if matchstr(a:hex_color, s:hex_color_pattern) == a:hex_color
let l:red = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 1, 2))
let l:green = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 3, 2))
let l:blue = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 5, 2))
let l:rgb = [l:red, l:green, l:blue]
2010-12-07 22:36:35 +10:00
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
return l:rgb
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
" Converts a given rgb list (eg. [red, green, blue]) into a hex color string.
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
" Example: color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex([0, 136, 255])
" Returns: '#0088FF'
function! color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(rgb_color)
let l:hex_color = '#'
let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[0], 2) " red
let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[1], 2) " green
let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[2], 2) " blue
2010-12-07 22:36:35 +10:00
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
return l:hex_color
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
" Returns a ligtened color using the given color and the percent to lighten it
" by.
" Example: color_helper#hex_color_lighten('#000000', 0.10)
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
" Returns: '#191919'
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
function! color_helper#hex_color_lighten(color, percent)
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
let l:rgb = color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(a:color)
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
let l:rgb_lightened = []
2010-12-07 22:36:35 +10:00
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
for decimal in l:rgb
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
call add(l:rgb_lightened, float2nr(decimal * (a:percent + 1)))
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
2010-12-07 22:36:35 +10:00
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
return color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(l:rgb_lightened)
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
2010-12-07 22:51:31 +10:00
" Returns a darkened color using the given color and the percent to darken it
" by.
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
" Example: color_helper#hex_color_darken('#FFFFFF', 0.10)
" Returns: '#E5E5E5'
function! color_helper#hex_color_darken(color, percent)
let l:rgb = color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(a:color)
let l:rgb_darkened = []
2010-12-07 22:36:35 +10:00
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
for decimal in l:rgb
call add(l:rgb_darkened, float2nr(decimal * (1 - a:percent)))
2010-12-07 22:36:35 +10:00
2010-12-07 19:41:05 +10:00
return color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(l:rgb_darkened)